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Topic: ________________________

Name: Date: Block:

Subject: Honors English 10

Directions: Travel around the room and scan the QR codes to discover information about archetypes. Record your findings in the appropriate spaces below. When finished, answer the concluding question at the end of the packet.



What is an archetype?

Jung and Archetypes

Character Archetypes

What are the characteristics of the hero?


Woman Figures

Other Character Archetypes

Plot / Theme Archetypes

Other Archetypes







What is the difference between a symbol and an archetype?

How do I know if the author meant the archetypal meaning or just happened to write it that way?

A ______________that appears in literature across cultures and is repeated through the ages. An archetype can be a _______________, a __________________, and/or ______________________________.

Archetype is the Greek word meaning ____________________________________________________

He believed archetypes reside within the ______________________ unconscious of people worldwide

________ primary types that represent basic human motivations

The Hero:


characterized by ______________, ___________, and __________

endures hardship for the good of the people

sets the standard for ________________________ in society

leaves the familiar to enter an unfamiliar and challenging world

2 important types of heroes:

TRAGIC HERO (Ex. ____________) and EPIC HERO (Ex. _______________)

The Mentor:

older, wiser ____________ to the initiates or students

serves as a ___________________ or mother figure

gives the hero _______________

serves as the heros _________________________

Examples>>___________________, _____________________

The Woman Figure:

*___________________ (innocent)- vulnerable, must be rescued by hero, often used to trap the unsuspecting hero. Example>> _________________

*the temptress _____________________- sensuous beauty, protagonist is physically attracted to her, brings about heros downfall, could be a ___________ or _______________

*star-crossed lovers- two characters engaged in a love affair fated to end ___________________ for one or both due to the disapproval of society, friends, _________________ or some ____________________

*the ________________________ (caregiver)

The Outcast: _______________ from social group for some ________________ or imagined crime against his fellow man, destined to wander from ____________________________

The __________________ (innocent): animal or (usually) a _____________ whose ______________ in a public ceremony expiates or cleanses some taint or sin of a community. More powerful in _____________ than in life.

The faithful companion (everyman or jester)

The Christ-like (Savior) figure (innocent)

The ___________________re: evil incarnate (embodied)

The Evil figure with _______________________: a devil figure with the potential to be _____________. Usually saved by the ________ of the hero.

The Trickster

Example>> ____________________

The Mad Scientist

Examples>> ____________________ and _____________________

These are ____________________ that repeat over and over again in various cultures and time periods.

good vs. evil

the quest for identity

quest for _______________

quest for better city/land

misfit in society

dead returning to life or advising the living

Death/ ____________________


Flood/ punishment

Nature vs. mechanical world

Rite of passage


______________-the time of planting and growth, related to youth, hope, courtship and love, rebirth

Summer- a time of ripening maturing of relations, comradeship and community, _____________________ and passion, life

Fall- the time of harvest, reflecting and declining vigor death/dying

_____________- earth seems sterile, death and emptiness without life


Water- birth-death-resurrection, source of life, __________________________, fertility and growth, beginning and end of all, eternity, _________, ___________

Flood- drowning and dissolving death (_______________________ when it overflows)

Sea/ocean- the _________________ of all life, spiritual mastery, death and/or rebirth, timelessness and eternity

__________________- _________________________, the flowing of time into eternity, transitional phases of the life cycle


Sun- ______________ energy, thinking, enlightenment, wisdom, spiritual _________________________

____________ sun- birth, creation, enlightenment

____________ sun- death


___________- blood, sacrifice, passion, disorder, violence, love, hell, danger

Green- growth, hope, fertility

Blue- highly ______________, secure, tranquil, spiritual _________________, reflection [contemporary-truth, fidelity)

Black- darkness, _______________, the unknown, death, wisdom, ___________, mourning, lack of consciousness

White- light, ________________, innocence, timelessness, truth, transformation [negative- death, terror, ________________________]

_______________- enlightenment wisdom, intuition


_________- light, spiritual awareness, unity (Holy Trinity)

4- associated with the circle, life cycle, _____________________, female principle, earth, ___________, elements

7- the most _____________ of all symbolic numbers, signifying the union of three and four, completion of a _________________, __________________ order, ____________ number, religious symbol

Garden- paradise (Eden), innocence and unspoiled beauty, fertility

Tree- growth, proliferation, ___________, phallic symbol

Desert-spiritual __________________, death, ____________________

Serpent- (___________, ____________) energy and pure force, evil, corruption, ___________________, destruction and wisdom

Light vs. darkness

Water vs. desert

An archetype is ________________ symbolic, but a symbol is NOT ALWAYS an archetype. Sometimes an author has a symbol specific to that piece that cannot be applied to other literature.

An author may use the color red, but not intend for the reader to interpret is as an archetypal use of the color. (Perhaps he simply liked the color red) If the color were to carry the archetypal meaning of ___________, the author would have additional __________________ or words to help the reader make that inference. Perhaps a warrior would carry a red shield and wear clothing dyed red with a red helmet. The fact that the warrior is a WARRIOR supports the ________________ that red is used in its ____________________ meaning here.

Explain this quotes relevance to archetypes:

There are only two or three human stories, and they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they had never happened before. ~Willa Cather


