Napoleon/C of V 18.4 Objective: We will examine the impact Napoleon had on Western Civilization and...

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Transcript of Napoleon/C of V 18.4 Objective: We will examine the impact Napoleon had on Western Civilization and...

Napoleon/C of V18.4

Objective: We will examine the impact Napoleon had on Western Civilization and the French Revolution to determine his role on shaping European history.

Napoleon in the Revolution

Background: Corsican (colony) of modest

means Received military training in

France, disliked Revolution allows rise in

rank. Why? given position by COPS

where he takes parts of Italy.

Military Success Leads men on the front

lines, courageous in battle

Shares war booty with men equally, everyone gets a part of the victory.

Steals from Austria and Italy. Italian soldiers join with him and make him stronger.

Soldiers love him

Egyptian Campaignp.592 Attempt at England/Glory. Successful at

first, however loses at the Battle of the Nile to Horatio Nelson.

Sends/brings back treasures for France. Has news of his loss kept out of papers.

Returns a hero, “The General” Convinced to overthrow the Directory by

Abbe Sieyes. November 9, 1799 Napoleon begins his coup d’Etat.

Rosetta Stone

The Consulate18 Brumaire Which Revolutionary government is in

power in 1799? Napoleon comes back with the idea that

he will take over with the help of powerful politicians as “the enforcer” w/ his army. Consulate is new gov’t.

Quickly becomes only powerful leader (first consul).

Utilized Plebiscite, or the popular vote, for support.

His Domestic Rule New constitution gave power

to Nap. Platform: Revolutionary

ideas that helped him gain power/popularity such as: Economy (nat. bank, taxes

etc.) Napoleonic Code, ended

corruption, promotion by merit , new noble class created, etc.

Made peace with the Pope (concordat of 1801), pleased people.


"My policy is to govern men as the greatest number wish to be governed. . . . I carried on the war of Vendee by becoming a Catholic; I established myself in Egypt by becoming a Mussulman… If I governed Jews I should reestablish the temple of Solomon. . . . It is thus, I think, that the sovereignty of the people should be understood."

Another Contradiction

Secret police in conquered areas, and FRANCE

Shut down newspapers, censored mail, arbitrary legal actions.

Enlightened ideas? Who/What does this remind you of in earlier eras?

The Empire Crowned by himself in1804 Wanted control of all Europe Louisiana Purchase: “The sale assures

forever the power of the U.S., and I have given England a rival who, sooner or later, will humble her pride.”

Started to move into the rest of Europe with his huge army.

Annexed, {incorporated into empire} large amounts of territory

Expanding The Empire

Switzerland had puppet gov’t., and Netherlands/parts of Italy annexed.

3rd coalition against France=Britain, Russia, Austria, Sweden. Results=more power. Austerlitz 1805. LARGEST EURO. EMPIRE SINCE ROME


By 1807 he was master of Europe. 3 kinds of control:

1). Direct (French Empire) 2). Controlled by Nap (Dependent Nations) 3). Allies (under threat) What might this do to the countries under

his control? Nationalism!


England had escaped Napoleon’s wrath b/c of their navy

Napoleon tries to wipe out their navy but loses at Trafalgar (1805).

Nelson defeats Napoleon again, although is killed. Three outcomes: 1). UK’s navy superior to all 2). Nap. Has no control over UK 3). Leads to decisions of desperation

The Demise of the Empire

Divorce to Josephine, married Marie Louise from? Showed?

Napoleon made three HUGE mistakes that weakened his empire.

1). Continental System: blockade between Britain and Europe. Aimed at destroying U.K./strengthening Europe. Not tight enough, hurt France’s economy.


2). Peninsular War with Spain cost 300,000 men with guerilla warfare / sense of nationalism Drastically hurts army, loses

money and prestige.

Third of May, 1808 by Goya


3). Invades Russia June 1812. Why? Borodino (Sep. 7)

led to Moscow Stays in Moscow 5

weeks waiting Scorched-Earth “Great Retreat” AWOL and deaths

Fourth Coalition

All enemies (former “allies”) gang up on France and surround Paris (1814).

Napoleon gives up after people suffer.

March 1814 he surrenders and is exiled to Elba


Is given rule over the island (emperor).

Bourbon’s restored to French throne (Louis XVIII)

Napoleon asked by some to return. Begins the 100 Days Campaign.

100 Days campaign and Downfall

March to Paris gaining troops (“I have enough”) to Louis XVIII

Gathers army together takes offensive.


Blucher and Wellington Aftermath of Waterloo

Second Exile

Sent to St. Helena off of Africa to make sure he wouldn’t come back.

Dies (1821) of stomach cancer trying to maintain legacy.

Causes:NapoleonThreats to absolutism/monarchsEnlightenmentGrowing power of colonies

Effect:Representatives from England, Austria, Prussia,

& Russia met in Vienna (Austria)

Quadruple Alliance {Rus. Prus. Aus. G.B.} what did they want to accomplish?

Objective:Create balance of power (no country

able to threaten other) (Collusion) Protect the monarchies from losing

control/restore monarchies (legitimacy) France (XVIII), Spain & N. Italy Haps., etc.

Surround France with powerful countries

Result: France lost all land gained by Napoleon Louis XVIII was named King of France

Challenged briefly by Napoleon Maintained control after Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo

Prussia & Austria took control of the German states Prussia, Austria, & German states form a German

Confederation Britain controlled the seas Concert of Europe – Powers agree to meet PRINCIPLE OF INTERVENTION!


Significant border change, however a move back to Conservatism. Is it possible to shove revolutionary ideas

back into the box? For how long?


1). What could Napoleon have done differently when organizing his Empire (historical examples)?

2). What could Napoleon have done differently with the Continental System, Invasion of Russia, and Peninsular Campaign, if anything? What was the MAIN problem with holding his Empire together?