Nanotechnology and its future applications

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Transcript of Nanotechnology and its future applications






In today’s industrialized economies around the world, having energy security is of prime

importance. Breakdown in the chain of providing energy to these economies can lead to serious

economic as well as social ramifications. In the last century, the world has the main source of

supply as oil, coal and natural gas. It is unlikely that this scenario will change until the oil and

gas reserves run out. It is therefore very important that the contribution of alternatives other than

fossil fuel are utilized so as to ensure energy security. Supply of electricity is also a key factor

around the world especially in highly industrialized regions such as in Europe and North

America. In this case, nanotechnology can come in as a handy technique in order to manufacture

energy efficient systems and products. Nanotechnology products are gradually improved today

where some form of nanotechnology products such as carbon nano-tubes as well as

nanotechnology processes such as nano-patterning are used to create smaller and more efficient

all at lower cost leading to many companies and countries investing in manufacturing and

simultaneous fabrication of nano-products. Nano-technology is basically controlling matter at

dimensions between 1-100 nanometers. The process involves imaging ,measuring as well as

modeling products at nano scale. The basic steps such as the design, characterization,

manufacturing as well as application of devices are controlled by comparatively superior and

novel nano-technology processes rather than previously used conventional techniques.


During the 1973 Oil crisis, it became clear that the world economies depend heavily on non-

renewable and slowly turning primitive technologies. Despite acknowledging this scenario, U.S.

still continues to depend on cheap forign oil importing huge quantity of oil. Finally the

industrialized countries have realized that the oil reserves are running out as well as the

continuos and un-regulated usage of resources. The prospect of imminent resource shortages is

now becoming a reality and environmental concerns from manufacturing to consumer usage.

Since, global telecommunications has become a major revolution now and has led to greater

competition, it is apparent that demand for products with better efficiency as well as at the same

time maintaining its environmental impact is a necessary and desired trait among consumers.

Nanotechnologies provide vital potential to enhance efficient energy systems across all industrial

branches and provides leverage in providing economical and energy efficient fabrication

techniques at optimized costs. Nanotechnologies provide essential and lucrative options in the

development of both conventional systems such as oil and gas as well as renewable energy

sources like sun ,wind and geothermal energy. Nano coated wear resistant drills for instance

provide superior quality as defects at the nano scale can be checked and fulfill functions as

bearings and gear boxes. They also play a pivotal role in photovoltaic systems in terms of

manufacturing better and more efficient solar silicon based crystalline cells leading to higher

yield. Apart from these primitive solar cells, polymer as well as dye solar cells are also subjected

to higher potential especially in portable electronic devices at optimized costs. In further plans to

use the nanotechnology involves utilizing nanostructures like quantum dots and wires could lead

to solar cell efficiency over 60 %.

The basic blocks of processes require conversion of primary energy resources into

electricity ,heat and kinetic energy. Higher plant efficiencies can be achieved through

introducing nano technology so as to provide corrosion resistant and heat resistant products

which can be operated under higher operating temperatures leading to better functioning.

Lightweight construction materials such as titanium aluminides are an ideal example in such

cases. Other ideas that can be instrumental in the energy industry is the separation and climate

neutral storage of carbon di oxide for power production which is a much more environmental

friendly technique in the long run. Other techniques such as thermoelectric energy conversion is

also a very lucrative field. Nano structured semiconductors with appropriate boundary layer

design contributes to less wastage and increase in utilization of waste heat as a valuable source of



The significance far outweighs the disadvantages of nano technology in terms energy usage ,

storage as well as distribution

Energy usage

Energy sustainability is achieved through parallel development of optimized energy resources.

This is the very principle followed by Nanotechnologies which provide a multitude of

approaches to energy saving. This principle has led to many lucrative nano-composites as

construction materials used in for instance reduction in fuel consumption through lightweight

materials leading to less wear ,optimization in fuel consumption as well as nano-particles used

for making optimized wear resistant lighter engine components and nano-particular fuel

additives. Other options include using tribological layers for components in machines. In general

the control of parameters such as light and heat flux by nano technological components is a

promising approach to reduction in energy consumption.

Energy Storage

Nano-technology is utilized for the energy sources such as electricity for batteries and capacitors

and is a highly promising field for the future. By addressing certain factors such as its superior

power density and high cell voltage the lithium ion technology can be regarded as the most

promising variant of electrical energy storage.

Energy Distribution

The reduction in energy losses in current processes including power production and transmission

can be achieved via extraordinary electric conductivity of nano materials like carbon nano tubes

which can be used as electric cables and long transmission power lines. Furthermore, there are

nano-technological approaches for the optimization of superconductive materials for lossless

current conduction. In the long run ,options for wireless energy transfer through various waves

with altering wavelengths such as laser, microwaves as well as electromagnetic waves.

Nano-technology will provide superior power distribution providing dynamic load and demand

driven energy supply with prior applied failure mechanisms through a number of de-centralized

renewable energy sources. Nano-technologies also contribute to the vision realization through its

various nano-sensory devices able to cope with sophisticated power production nano based

systems and simultaneously controlling and monitoring such grids and plants


Basic properties

Due to nanometer size majority of mechanical properties are thereby modified from the bulk

materials including elastic modulus ,fracture toughness, scratch resistance and fracture strength.

An enhancement in nano material properties can result in modification resulting from the

perfection of materials in terms of structure. The size reduction in nano materials renders them

free of dislocations at surface and line level along with even the point level. The imperfections

that exist are highly energetic and tend to move to less active places on the surfaces under

annealing and purifying the material and leaving perfect structures inside the nano-materials. The

mechanical properties of nano-materials might have applications in sensors as well as mass

resonantors and probe tips as well as light weight high strength materials. Some super hard nano

composites will have promising potential in providing high strength coatings. For instance some

defect free Silicon nano-spheres have diameters from 20 to 50 nm upto 50 GPa which is four

times the bulk silicon. For instance carbon nanotubes have excellent mechanical properties and

increases graphitization along the fiber axis. They are formd using grapheme layers and are

representative of the ideal carbon fiber and have the best material properties.

Just like the basic mechanical properties of nano-tubes thermal properties have also advanced

which enables routine production of a variety of nanon materials at nano scale. Atomic force

microscope has been used to measure the thermal transport of nano-structures with nanometer

scale high spatial resolution providing promising techniques to measure thermal properties .

Also, Fourier’s law along with calculation based on computational analysis on Boltzman

transport equation are also effective techniques to calculate thermal properties. Some other

properties associated and considered popular in the industry related to nano technology is-

Mechanical properties- large grain boundaries in nano bulk materials allows extension

of the grain boundaries sliding leading to high plasticity

Catalytic properties- The large surface on nano particles made of thermal element

oxides exhibit interesting catalytic properties. In many cases, catalysis maybe enhanced

and more specifically by decorating these particles with gold and platinum clusters.

Magnetic properties- energy pertaining to magnetic anisotropy may be very small as the

vector of magnetization fluctuates thermally which is known as super-magnetism.

Material exhibiting super-magnetism is free of coercive. Combining particles with high

energy of anisotropy with super-magnetic ones leads to a new class of permanent

magnetic materials

Optical properties- distributions of non-agglomerated nano-particles in a polymer are

used to tune the index of refreaction. Additionally ,such a process may be able to produce

materials with non linear optical properties. Gold as will as Cadmium nano-particles as

well as semi-conducting nano-particles exhibit fluroscence showing blue shift decreasing

particle size.

Electrical properties- bulk materials have their electrical conductivity based on their

electronic band structures and the mean free path between two collisions with the lattice.

The collective motion of electrons in a bulk metal obeys Ohm’s law, V = RI, where V is

the applied voltage, R is the resistance of the material and I is the current. As the

electronic band structure changes into discrete energy levels, Ohm’s law is no longer

valid. If one electron is transferred to a small particle, the Coulomb energy of the latter

increases by EC = e2/2 C, where C is the capacitance of the particle. If the temperature is

low such that kT < e2/2 C, single electron tunneling processes are observed.* * Thermal

motion of the atoms in the particle can initiate a change in the charge and the Coulomb

energy so that further electrons may tunnel uncontrolled Hence, the I-V characteristic of a

quantum dot is not linear, but staircase-like. No current flows up to VC = ± e/2 C. If this

value is reached, an electron can be transferred. Following this, an electron tunnelling

process occurs if the Coulomb energy of the particle is compensated by an external

voltage of V = ±ne/2 C. This behaviour is called Coulomb blockade. The charging energy

increases with decreasing the size of the quantum.

High aspect ratio- carbon nano tubes enjot a high aspect ratio as well as represents the

same for high aspect ratio conductive additive for all plastics. Their high aspect ratio

means that a lower loading of CNTs is needed compared to other conductive additives to

achieve the same electrical conductivity. The low loading leads to preservation of

polymer resin toughness especially at low temperatures as well as maintaining other key

performance properties of the matrix resin. There is evidence that carbon nano tubes

have excellent additives in order to impart electrical conductivity in plastics. Their high

aspect ratio, about 1000:1 imparts electrical conductivity at lower loadings, compared to

conventional additive materials such as carbon black, chopped carbon fiber, or stainless

steel fiber.

Strength and elasticity- the carbon atoms in a single sheet of a material for instance

graphite and thus forms a honeycomb lattice in which each atom is joined via strong

bonds to three adjacent atoms. Carbon nano tubes are believed to have high strength

fibers and single walled nanotubes are in some cases stiffer than steel. Pressing on the tip

of a nano tube leads to bending and but no permanent damaging. When the force is

removed the normal shape is retained since nano tubes exhibit high elasticity. This

property can have multiple applications such as high resolution scanning probe

microscopy. Using atomic force microscopy, the ends of a nano-tube can be pushed out

of their equilibrium position, and thus the force required to push the nano-tube for very

high resolution scanning. Young’s modulus value of single walled nano-tubes is about 1

tera pascal. However, working with different multi walled nano-tubes modulus

measurements of multi walled nano-tubes use Atomic force microscopy do not depend

much on diameter. Instead the modulus of the multi walled nano-tubes correlates to the

disorder in nano-tube walls and when multi walled nano-tubes break the outermost layers

are the first to break.

Highly Absorbent- carbon nano tubes exhibit high surface area and high absorbency and

make them ideal for use in air, gas and filtration of water. A lot of research is done in

order to replace the charcoal with ultra high purity with carbon nano tubes

Magnetic properties

Metals such as gold and platinum are not magnetic but at nano level they do exhibit some sort of

magnetism. Surface atoms can be modified with certain chemical processes. This occurrence of

non-magnetic substance exhibiting ferro-magnetism is possible in Pd, Pt as well as Silver.

Gold nano-particles become ferro-magnetic when capped with certain molecules and the

localized charge at the particle surface gives rise to ferromagnetic like behavior.

Au nano-partices and the surface atoms show ferromagnetic and paramagnetic character as the

anisotropy can be achieved with a large orbit with adequate spin of these noble metals at high

ordering temperature. Bulk Au has an extremely low density of states and becomes diamagnetic.

This property can lead to enormous applications for nano particles especially in case of sensors

and transducers as well as man as well as man chemical ,ph chemical ,physical and mechanical

applications and hence are regarded as materials of exceptional formability

Specific Objectives and areas of application

Nano-technology today has applications in multiple fields such as photo-voltaics, Hydrogen

production where hydrogen is used as an active source of fuel as well as fuel cells and an an

energy source for producing electricity. We will take a brief look into each topic-


The diagram below shows the amount of sun light available to the earth on average. In the

1950’s the the idea that solar radiation from the sun can be trapped and electricity can be

produced out of it. Later solar panels came into being where each panel has a fixed number

of solar cells made out of primarily Silicon and doped with n-type semiconductor in order to

permit the transfer of electrons due to difference in the energy levels of both the groups of

materials. The n-type semiconductors have metals such as phosphorus which have 5

electrons in the outermost shells and thus encourage transfer of photons. The present

technology is though widespread but very expensive

The new technology also known as Dye-sensitized but flexible, inexpensive to manufacture

but new and less proven. In conventional solar photovoltaics there is huge loss by hot carriers

which are produced when solar photons with energy significantly higher than the band gap of

the semiconductor is absorbed. Excess energy leads to lattice vibrations and thus affects the

overall efficiency of the etire systems. The solution to this problem can be addressed via

nano-technology such as use of Silicon nano-crystals with different band gap values to

capture the full solar spectrum as well as use of quantum confined multi-excition generation.

Other solutions for SPV’s are as follows-

1. Organic dye sensitized solar cells

2. Charge carrier recombination problem can be addressed by using nano-particles

3. Carrier collection efficiency can be improved by using one dimensional

nanostructures such as nano-wires and nano-tubes

4. Nano-technology may provide routes for cost reduction by using thin fims.

Solar photo-catalysis or solar fuels.

1. Hydrogen from solar water splitting

2. Photo reduction of carbon-di-oxide with water to form hydrocarbons with Carbon-di-

oxide is used as a raw material to produce hydrocarbon fuels just by using sun light

Nano-materials in solar photo catalysis

1. Titanium-di-oxide used in water splitting.

2. Oxynitride of Titanium-di-oxide is also used as a better water splitting agent

3. Nano-sized TiO2Nx

The dye synthesized solar cell is composed of a porous layer of titanium dioxide nano particles

which is covered with molecular dye which absorbs light just like Chlorophyll. The titanium

dioxide is immersed under the solution of an electrolyte with a platinum based catalyst which is

similar to a conventional alkaline battery. Dye sensitized solar cells has the function on

providing Silicon in a traditional cell design. Normally the Silicon acts as the source of photo-

electrons as well as providing the electric field to separate the charges and current is created. In

the semiconductor, the bulk is solely for charge transportation with photoelectrons provided as

separate photo sensitive dye. The molecules in the dye are nano sized and in order to capture

light need to be fairly thick. To address this, a nano material is used as a scaffold to hold large

numbers of the dye molecules in a matrix increasing the molecules amount.

1. The photo-sensitizer can trap initial photon and absorbed on the TiO2 surface.

2. The photo-sensitizer are excited from the ground to the excite stage and then electrons are

injected to the conduction

S + hν → S∗ (1)S∗ → S+ + e− (TiO2) (2)

3. The injected electron in the conduction band of TiO2 is transported between TiO2 nano-

particles with diffusion towards the back contact and the raising electrons finally reach

the electrode through the circuit

4. The photo-sensitizer accepts electrons from a catalyst and raising toward the counter

electrode and raising from the ground level.

S+ + e− → S (3)

5. The mediator diffuses toward the counter electrode and is then reduced


I3− + 2 e− → 3 I− (4)

SearchLock™. "Dye-sensitized+solar+cells." Dye-sensitized+solar+cells. N.p., n.d. Web. 25

Nov. 2016.

Fuel Cells

Fuel cell technology is very effective when it comes to removing bottlenecks from nano-

technology and replacing Platinum catalysts with cheaper material in lower fuel cells. But there

are some apprehensions in the fuel cell technology such as High cost, Durability cost as well as

operational issues. Catalysts are used in fuels such as Hydrogen as well as methanol in order to

produce Hydrogen ions. Platinum which is also very expensive is the catalyst typically used in

the process. Nano technology using nano particles such as Platinum which is an expensive

material can be minimized in terms of usage.

The main manufacturing process is as follows-

The current fuel cell technology used nano-technology in a number of lucrative ways. For

instance ,in one of the innovative ways, a thin polymer membrane is embedded with a metal

catalyst and is sandwiched between the two carbon layers and two electrodes making a total of

five layers and is assembled by hot pressing techniques. Though earlier membranes used to die

down with time but now techniques developed at UMaine produces with a stronger technique

and makes the membrane thicker and able to withstand high pressure and eliminates hot pressing

by reducing the layers from 5 to 3.

To generate electricity ,the membrane based fuel cells depend on two chemical compartments

with the membrane in between. Another new method of interlocking method has many bond

types in hydrocarbon membranes that have been used in many applications in fuel cells. Apart

from introducing membranes, there is also active research to produce edge-halogenated nano-

platelets made of graphene by processes such as ball milling.

The halogenated nano-particles act as perfect replacements for platinum catalyst materials in fuel

cells. The products manufactured using non-platinum catalysts also use metal hydrides as well as

carbon nano-tubes as other nano-sized parts in fuel cell technology.

Hydrogen production

The hydrogen gas is neither characterized as renewable or a non-renewable source. The exhaust

produced is only the pure water exhaust gas. Hydrogen is mainly produced using electrolysis of

water and nano-technology has shown very photo-catalytic properties of various nano-materials.

Mostly, nano-particles are mostly applied to self-cleaning surfaces but there is still need to

investigate and collect empirical data pertaining to other photo catalytic properties. Recently

titanium-di-oxide nanotubes have been for good photo catalytic activity and is expected to

increase the surface area over nano-particles. Nano technology has the key to many solutions and

can solve two biggest problems such as safe storage and distribution. With the help of nano-

technology used in photo catalytic production of hydrogen using new nano materials could be

revolutionary and allows to run the solar energy. Although solar to electric energy conversion is

a conventional technology and costly process with Si, CdTe and GaAs being unstable in aqueous


Semiconductors such as Titanium di oxide and Zinc Oxide are cheaper and more stable. The

nano structures of these less costlier exhibit novel and better properties which can make the

hydrogen process much more lucrative. Titanium di oxide with an energy band gap of 3-3.2

e.Volts absorbs U.V. region and is used as an effective photo-catalyst or photo anode for splitting

because it is environmentally friendly and saves capital. The band gap of titanium di oxide can

be minimized using nano sized particles of the same material and will capture much more light.

Scanning electron microscope shows nano-tubular array of Titanium-di-oxide.

The nano structures of these nano particles can be modified using array of modified nano-tubes

with the anodization of titanium sheets at temperatures close to room temperature and annealing.

Titanium di oxide nano tubes arrays can be anodized on both sides with length as large as 1 mm.

Certain problems associated this technology such as short diffusion lengths can be addressed

by depositing Iron Oxide films onto Zinc Oxide nano wires as well as Titanium Oxide nano-

tubes by filtered arc deposition. This can actually enhance water splitting process as well as

photo degradation of industrial waste.

Thermo-electric devices

These devices produce electricity directly from heat. The thermoelectric materials based on

nano-structures for instance Bismuth Telluride is a perfect epitome with regards to the role of the

nano technology. The usage of nano-structured materials are super lattice and the usage of nano-

structures as they are smaller than the light wavelengths enhances photon scattering and

simultaneously lowers the thermal conductivity A good thermoelectric material will thus have

very poor thermal conductivity, but a very good electrical conductivity. Carbon nano-tubes and

Graphene as thermoelectric materials exhibit improved thermoelectric properties. Further

applications of nano-structuring can help improve scaling and optimization of thermoelectric

devices that can be used to decrease carbon dioxide emissions and improve energy efficiency..

Preparation of nano-materials

There are numerous ways to produce macro as well as nano particles. They can also be arranged

based on processes working on the principle of equilibrium and thermodynamics related

processes. Synthesized materials are aaranged into useful shapes and materials can be applied to

their specific applications.

Material Grinding

This type of manufacturing technique is a top down method when the cluster assembly prepares

in the synthesis of nano-materials. Nano-materials structurally has coarser grained structure

which result in severe plastic deformation.

The major advantages associated with the tonnage of materials for some applications are-

Contamination from milling media and/or atmosphere

To consolidate the powder product without coarsening the nano-crystalline


In fact, the contamination problem is often given as a reason to dismiss the method, at least for

some materials. Here we will review the mechanisms presently believed responsible for

formation of nano-crystalline structures by mechanical attrition of single phase powders,

mechanical alloying of dissimilar powders, and mechanical crystallisation of amorphous

materials. The two important problems of contamination and powder consolidation will be

briefly considered. This process is restrictive in the production of non-oxide materials since the

milling that takes place in inert atmosphere and powdered particles in this case can be handed in

vacuum. The mechanical milling process provides adequate energy to the powders and

homogeneous alloy is formed.

Wet chemical synthesis of nano-materials

The principle of wet chemical synthesis can be divided into two categories-

1. The top down method is when single crystals are etched in aqueous solution for making

nano-materials. For instance, the formation of porous Silicon by electrochemical etching.

2. The bottom down method is when the sol-gel as well as precipitation method are

processes where materials are mixed in a regulated process to form a colloidal solution.

The sol gel process below can be characterized as follows-

Formation of the stable solutions including solvated and alkoxide solutions

Oxide or alcohol bridged gelation network by a poly-condensation reaction.

The sol-gel process in the diagram above leads to the formation of colloidal suspension also

known as Sol and the gelation of the Sol forms liquid phase which is called gel. The material

is processed to form oxides and forms a sol in contact. Removal of liquid from the sol leads

to formation f gel and this combination controls the particle size and shape.

Gas Phase synthesis of nano-materials

The process in this case allows ways to control process parameters in order to produce accurate

and precise nano-structures with desired shape, size and chemical composition. Chemical vapor

deposition allows products to be allowed to react homogenously where particles in the gas phase

are formed and diffuse towards a cold surface and nano powders are formed and deposited on the

substrate and forms films. Along with thihs, solid is formed heterogeneously on the surface of

the substrate and a dense film is formed. The furnace is the simplest way o producing nano

particles where raw material or a large ingot is rolled into the furnace where it is headted at high

temperature of the order of 2000 degree celcius. These materials decompose into condensable

material and loses its solid nature. The atoms rise up and lose energy by reacting with atoms of

the cold inert gases and small clusters are formed. These cluster sizes can be controlled by

removing them from their supersaturated state.

Chemical Vapor Condensation

In this process, the evaporative source used in GPC is replaced by a hot wall reactor in the

Chemical Vapor Condensation or the CVC process. Depending on the processing parameters

nucleation of nano particles is observed during chemical vapor deposition (CVC) of thin films

and poses a major problem in obtaining good film qualities. The original idea of the novel CVC

process was intended to adjust the parameter field during the synthesis in order to suppress film

formation and enhance homogeneous nucleation of particles in the gas flow. The formation of

single phase nano-particles by chemical vapor condensation and henceforth allows synthesis of –

Nano particle mixtures with two or more phases

Zinc oxide and Aluminum oxide i.e. coated nano particles in which the nano-particles

have been coated by heterogeneous nucleation.

New Oppurtunities

Nano-technology has numerous applications in the many existing as well as future products


Cement industry is the most widely used material in the housing industry as well as

is the basic material in building cities and infrastructure growth with total production

being 3400 million tones. Cement industry is significant in producing 5-6% of the

total carbon di oxide emissions. Nano technology plays a significant role in the

cement industry introducing smart properties and avoids mishaps such as crack

resistance , low tensile strength ,high water absorption and low ductility. Nano

materials such as Si02 ,ZnO2 and Al2O3 are some materials which can be very

useful in nano form. Nano silica is used as a replacement of micro silica as its

reactivity and ultra fine nature is better. Also, there is reduction of 40% resulting in

low carbon emissions as the incorporation of nano silica in cement slurry gives better

mechanical properties and lowers the porosity as well as permeability. Nano-

alumina is used in cement mortar to increase the elastic modulus of cement. The

resulting material has high compressive strength, good washing resistance and

thermal shock resistance.. Calcium carbonate too is a nano modifying agent for

reducing cement hydration rates resulting in improvement in barrier properties.

Environment is often placed an emphasis on in nano technology in multiple areas of

concentration such as

Recycling batteries and making the whole process economically attractive.

Batteries such as lead ,cadmium , mercury as well as Zinc oxide can be

treated and useful stuff can be extracted from it. For instance, pure Zinc

Oxide nano-particles can be effectively extracted from Zn-MnO2 batteries .

Cleaning up water is possible using nano technology in which titanate nano-

fibers are used as absorbents for removing radioactive ions from water.

Structural properties of titanate nano fibers make them superior for removing

iodine as well as cesium ions.

Nano-technology can also be used to check oil spills where conventional

methods are not adequate and thus in recent years. For instance, the raw

cotton waste woven on a nano scale can absorb oil. Also, a scientist by the

name Brian Keller discovered glycerol dioleate as well as glycerol

dimyristate to check and remediate oil spills. The lipids and vesicles in the

solution absorb and disperse contents into a suspension.

Medicine is a phenomenon which can also accommodate nano-technology and can be

improved in terms of production volume and effectiveness and controlling of

composition at nano-scale. For instance, Researchers are discovering nano-particles

for the deliverance of vaccine at MIT. The nano-particles allow the vaccine to trigger

a stronger immune response in lab experiments. Similarly, Silicon nano-particles can

degrade inside a tumor, releasing polymer strands that form a nano-particle

containing the drug to be delivered. This polymer nano-particle dissolves inside the

cancer cell, delivering the drug to the cancer cell.

Food science has major applications for nano-technology. The clay nano particles

would provide an impermeable barrier to gases like oxygen and carbon di oxide in

lightweight bottles. Also silver nano-particles kill bacteria when packed in storage

bins. Zinc oxide nano-particles can be incorporated into plastic packaging so as to

block UV rays and provide anti bacterial protection and improving strength and

stability of plastic film.

Space applications in terms of nano technology are numerous. Carbon nano tubes

make cables needed for space elevators and could reuce the overall cost substantially

and reduce weights as well. Solar sails are produced via nano technology which can

use pressure of light from the sun and can be used to have sufficient light in the

spacecraft and get rid of batteries used for producing electricity and carry extra fuel

to cover the vast expanses of space. Nano-sensors also have a strong application in

terms of tracing chemicals in spacecraft to monitor life support system performances.


Nano-technology would bring our society for better living conditions for all man kind. With the break through in health the human life span can be extended up-to 150 years/ The improved technology in agriculture could eventually eliminate famine. There are other products that will revolutionize our society

Dust size computers are now possible with nano technology which will have much more powerful impact than current computrs.

Needle tip size robots can perform surgeries inside human body as good as removing cancer cells

Robots with artificial intelligence can do complex functions which are beyond man. Unliited supply of clean and renewable energy for all man kind Application in space which can increase the area of expanse and reach of spacecrafts.

There are possible negative impacts such as technology is more capable now of producing deadly inventory for weapons of mass destruction in terms of biological as well as chemical and even nuclear consequences. Human cloning is another unethical application as well as excessive modernization in the field of robots can take away plenty of jobs in the manufacturing sector which cant be afforded at this point in such a fragile economic system.


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