Nano Satellite Separation Experiment Using a P-POD Deployment Mechanism

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Transcript of Nano Satellite Separation Experiment Using a P-POD Deployment Mechanism

Nanosatellite Separation Experiment Using a P-POD Deployment Mechanism

Department of Aerospace Engineering The University of Texas at Austin

210 E. 24th Street, W.R. Woolrich Laboratories 1 University Station C0600

Austin, TX, 78712-1085 Team Members: John Sangree Team Leader, Flyer Senior, ASE Jillian Marsh Flyer Senior, ASE Karl McDonald Flyer Soph., ASE Joseph Gauthier Flyer Fresh., ASE Stephanie Jones Alternate Soph., ASE Jeffrey Mikeska Alternate Senior, ASE

Team Contact: John Sangree 713-732-8251

Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Glenn Lightsey ________________________________ 512-471-5322



1. PREFERRED FLIGHT WEEK 1 2. ADVISOR / MENTOR REQUEST 1 3. ABSTRACT 2 4. INTRODUCTION 3 5. TEST OBJECTIVES 5 6. TEST DESCRIPTION 7 6.1 Expected Results for Ground Based Experiments 7 6.2 What We Expect to Learn as a Result of the Experiment 7 6.3 How the Test Will Be Conducted 8 6.4 Data Acquisition & Analysis 11 6.5 Effects of Reduced Gravity on the Experiment 13 7. REFERENCES 14 8. SAFETY EVALUATION 15 8.1 What We Are Bringing to Houston 15 8.2 What We Need On the Ground 15 8.3. What We Need In the Aircraft 15 8.4. Flight Manifest 15 8.5. Experimental Description / Background 15 8.6. Structural design 16 8.7. Electrical System 18 8.8. Pressure / Vacuum System 18 8.9. Laser System 18 8.10. Crew Assistance Requirements 18 8.11. Institutional Review Board (IRB) 18 8.12. Hazard Analysis 19 8.13. Tool Requirements 20 8.14. Ground Support Requirements 20 8.15. Hazardous Materials 20 8.16. Procedures 20 9. OUTREACH PLAN 23 9.1. General Audiences 23 9.2. External Outreach Plans 26 9.3. Media Outreach 28 10. APPENDIX I - OUTREACH CORRESPONDENCE 30 11. APPENDIX II- ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 32 11.1. Institution’s Letter of Endorsement 32 11.2. Statement of Supervising Faculty 32 12. FUNDING / BUDGET STATEMENT 33 12.1. Funding Chart 33



Nanosatellite Separation Proposal

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1. PREFERRED FLIGHT WEEK The team preferences for flight dates are listed below:

Choice # 1: April 17 - 26, 2008 Choice # 2: June 19 - 28, 2008 Choice # 3: July 10 -19, 2008

2. ADVISOR / MENTOR REQUEST Our team has been in contact with JSC advisor, Sara Malloy, which we request to continue.

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Nanosatellites are becoming increasingly common in the aerospace industry due to their reduced

size, small mass, and economical cost. These small satellites will often operate in groups rather

than as single satellites, and once they are clear of the carrier, separate from one another. One

topic of immense interest is the characterization of the separation dynamics of such satellites.

Our team’s experiment involves testing a separation method that has never been performed

before. Our proposal is to observe and characterize the separation of two satellites by ejecting a

3-unit CubeSat (picosatellite) from the Mk II Poly Picosatellite Orbital Deployer (P-POD). This

separation is unique because it will occur orthogonal to the axis of motion. A larger satellite,

termed the “Chaser”, will have a P-POD mounted to it, while a smaller satellite, termed the

“Target”, will be initially located inside of the P-POD, and will be ejected from the Mk II. One

practical use of this separation system in space would be to deploy the Target from the Chaser

and then perform autonomous rendezvous by using a propulsion system on the Chaser. The

objective of our experiment is to obtain data related to the dynamics of this separation, which

includes rotations, accelerations, and translations of both the Target and Chaser satellites during

and shortly after the separation event. This data will then be examined in order to determine the

validity of this separation system.

A microgravity environment is required since motion in six degrees of freedom (translation and

rotation) are necessary for the experiment to most nearly approximate the conditions that the

satellites will be subject to while in orbit. Our experiment will provide direct observation of the

separation dynamics through the use of accelerometers, inertial measurement units, and visual

representation through cameras. We will also have immediate access to the data analysis through

our wireless data acquisition systems.

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Nanosatellites are a developing technology that will play a key role in the satellite industry.

They are smaller, easier to launch, and more affordable compared to traditional satellites, which

usually weigh more than 100 kg. Unfortunately, many operations that will be conducted by

nanosatellites require more hardware than can be easily hosted on a single nanosatellite. To

realize the advantages of these small satellites, they must be able to maneuver, dock, separate,

and operate autonomously. Technological hurdles include communication between multiple

spacecraft and the mobility to perform rendezvous operations autonomously. Our experiment

focuses on one aspect of the problem: free-fall separation dynamics and the resulting linear and

angular motions of the separating satellites without the influence of gravity.

Previous studies have investigated separation dynamics where the separation takes place along

the direction of flight. FASTRAC is an excellent example of a mission using separation in

direction of motion, which results in an evolving along-track separation of the satellites.

However, nanosatellite missions will not be limited to along-track separations, especially as

limited fuel reserves force mission designers to consider an out-of-plane separation. Our team

will examine the effect of separation of two vehicles out-of-plane. This involves not only

changes in translational motion, but also in rotational motion [1].

Data feedback from an IMU and accelerometers will be available to the flight team in real-time

via Bluetooth capabilities. This will allow us to monitor the quality of the experiment as well as

employ any necessary changes. We will also implement the use of a flash drive as a backup for

data storage, in the event of any wireless failures. The sensor hardware will provide

measurements of dynamic acceleration, position and attitude, as well as a visual representation of

the trajectory of both satellites using mounted webcams.

This data will be valuable to the entire small satellite community, which includes CubeSat

designers all over the world. CubeSats are becoming a very popular satellite design choice for

industry and student projects due to their relatively low cost and standardized features such as

the P-POD separation device [2]. The data will also be useful to many members of the aerospace

industry as well as the scientific research community. Separation systems similar to the one we

propose to test will be necessary for a variety of nanosatellites. Our data will help engineers

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predict the resulting separation motion of these systems. This is crucial for the interaction of

multiple nanosatellites in a system designed to accomplish a single goal. For example, Texas 2-

STEP, a nanosatellite project at The University of Texas as part of the University Nanosatellite

Program, can use this data to access what trajectory adjustments are needed to stabilize the 2-

STEP satellite after separation [3]. Our experiment will propel the nanosatellite industry forward

as it revolutionizes satellite design.

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The objective of this experiment is to separate two small satellites using an Mk II Poly

Picosatellite Orbital Deployer (P-POD) while recording data and making observations regarding

the resulting separation dynamics. The purpose of this experiment, however, is to share our

separation data with the scientific community and small satellite designers, as well as to educate

children, students, and the general community about space science and exploration. The

University of Texas at Austin will also be able to use the data from our experiment for a

University of Texas project, Texas 2-STEP, that will launch two satellites into Earth’s orbit in

conjunction with NASA and the Air Force Research Laboratory, separate them, and guide the

larger “Chaser” satellite back to the smaller “Target” satellite through GPS relative navigation

and a cold-gas propulsion system.

This experiment is submitted as a new Microgravity University experiment. The reader may

recall an experiment performed in the spring of 2004 by a University of Texas at Austin team

named “Nanosatellite Separation and Initial Condition Analysis in Six Degrees of Freedom.”

Upon first glance, it might seem like this proposed experiment is a re-flight of the former

separation experiment; however, it is actually quite different. The key differences are discussed


The 2004 separation experiment was performed in support of the FASTRAC nanosatellite, which

used a Lightband separation system designed by Planetary Systems Corporation. The two

satellites separated along the same axis. Dissimilarly, our experiment uses a completely different

satellite and a different separation system, consisting of a P-POD. Furthermore, the satellites will

separate along axes perpendicular to each other. Although the experiments were both designed to

characterize satellite separation events, the separation maneuvers and satellites are very different,

as shown in Fig. 1. No re-flight of the FASTRAC separation experiment was performed or is

planned to be performed because the data collected was sufficient to meet the experiment

objectives [6].

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Figure 1. Comparison of Separation Methods Our hypothesis is that a P-POD affixed to the Chaser satellite can be used to separate the Target

satellite without creating excessive rotation or acceleration of either satellite. Excessive linear

and/or angular accelerations during separation would introduce subsequent relative guidance,

navigation and control problems. Referring to Fig. 2 for the experiment reference frame, we

expect the P-POD/Chaser combination to accelerate in a negative x-direction and a negative y-

direction if we assume the target to separate in the positive x-direction. Any movement in the z-

direction should be comparatively small.

Figure 2. Experiment Reference Frame

In-Plane Separation (FASTRAC experiment)

Out-of-Plane Separation (This Experiment)




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6. TEST DESCRIPTION 6.1 Expected Results for Ground Based Experiments

All mechanisms present in the experiment will be tested on the ground for system reliability, but

not for comparison to flight results. The reason for this is because ground based separation

experiments would be limited in their freedom of movement, while the satellites will have six

degrees of freedom when in space. The ground based tests will confirm that our equipment

works properly before we conduct our experiment in the microgravity environment. All

experiment equipment will undergo testing. As part of testing, the experiment team will verify

the functionality of the mechanical separation devices. Once these devices are confirmed as

working properly, the data will then be transmitted to a laptop and analyzed in LabView.

In order to have a better understanding of what might happen while aboard the C-9, we will

conduct satellite separation tests with multiple suspension harnesses. These harnesses will allow

the satellites to move more freely even though they will still be partially restricted in their


The expected results for the ground based experiments are of two types, functionality and

expected results. Concerning functionality, multiple tests will be conducted in order to ensure

that the dynamics-related data is indeed being collected and processed by LabView before,

during, and after the separation. The expected results tests, on the other hand, will allow us to

formulate an idea of what dynamics will actually occur while onboard the aircraft, though they,

again, will not be compared directly to those results from the aircraft.

6.2 What We Expect to Learn as a Result of the Experiment

Principally, we aim to acquire information that will allow us to determine whether or not a

satellite separation orthogonal to a nanosatellite’s axis of symmetry is a viable option.

Historically, the majority of satellite separations have taken place in-plane, resulting in miniscule

rotation rates. As stated earlier, we are proposing to test a new approach for separation systems

for nanosatellites. Texas 2-STEP is an example of the many nanosatellite projects that could

benefit from this experiment. Since Texas 2-STEP plans on pioneering the use of a P-POD

separation system with a nanosatellite, the results of this test will have bearing on the final

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satellite design. A separation such as this one will impart accelerations and rotational motion on

each satellite that is not normally observed in these maneuvers. The results gathered from this

test will allow us to determine these accelerations and rotations as well as the relative velocity

between the Target and Chaser after separation. Although the experiment will last at most 25

seconds while aboard the C-9, the data collected can be used to determine the position of the

satellites over a much longer timeframe. This information will aid the 2-STEP design team in

determining the parameters necessary to complete the rendezvous.

One parameter to be calculated based on experimental data is the amount of time the chaser

satellite will require in order to re-stabilize and begin rendezvous operations. For the purposes of

our experiment, however, the chaser will not be equipped with a control system. By studying the

initial conditions following separation of the two satellites, the experiment team will be able to

determine whether an out-of-plane rendezvous is a viable option for nanosatellites in general and

correspondingly, refine the current design for Texas 2-STEP.

6.3 How the Test Will Be Conducted

In this experiment, a test apparatus consisting of a Target satellite attached to a Chaser satellite

will float in the microgravity environment of the C-9 cabin. The experiment satellites will be

designed to possess the approximate mass properties of standard satellites by placing weights in

key locations inside of the satellites. During the ejection of the Target from the P-POD, the

system will be subject to forces which will impart rotational and translation motion upon the


The Target satellite is a standard three unit CubeSat measuring 10 cm x 10 cm x 30 cm, which

will be placed inside the Mk II P-POD launcher prior to the experiment [4]. A picture of the P-

POD after ejection is shown in Fig. 3. The Chaser is a hexagonal aluminum lattice structure

similar to other nanosatellites used in past experiments, most notably the FASTRAC satellite

(Fig. 2).

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Figure 3. P-POD after ejection [5]

The Mk II P-POD will be attached to the top of the Chaser satellite, which will allow the door to

swing open fully to 260 degrees. The door is opened by a Starsys Qwknut 3K. This system offers

several advantages, including the elimination of pyrotechnic safety concern, a millisecond

release, and the ability to test hardware multiple times prior to and during flight. Once the door is

open, the launcher will eject the Target satellite with the force of one main spring supplemented

by four spring plungers. Although the exit velocity of the target satellite from the Mk II depends

on its mass, it is expected to be traveling at 1.6 m/s according to P-POD data sheets supplied by

CalPoly [5]. Since this is too fast for our experiment, the P-POD launcher will be modified to

reduce the force imparted upon the target. To prevent the satellites from separating past the

approximate 60” x 60” x 60” work area allocated for the experiment while on board the C-9, the

target satellite will be tethered to the chaser by a 3’ Vectran cord. Vectran was chosen because it

has negligible mass and ample strength. After the experiment has been performed, the CubeSat

will be reinserted into the P-POD launcher and the door locking mechanism will be reset. Once

the satellites are placed back in their original configuration, another trial may be performed.

During the flight, multiple trials will be conducted in order to ensure the accuracy of the data.

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A LabVIEW software module installed on an onboard laptop computer will be used to analyze

the data during the experiment. The experimental procedure will follow the form on the

LabVIEW Front Panel as seen in Fig. 4. The first button on the bottom left entitled ‘Start Data

Transfer’ will be pushed to begin data acquisition. Once data acquisition has been verified, the

target will be released using the ‘Qwknut Release’ button. This button will also start the timer for

the trial and add one to the trial number counter. Once separation has been completed and the

necessary data collected, the flight team member will push the stop button. The timer and data

acquisition will then stop, and the student flyers will be able to reset the experiment. The ‘Reset’

button will be pressed to create new data file for the next trial and to reset the timer as well as the

‘Start’, ‘Release’, and ‘Stop’ buttons. These buttons will also be mapped to four corresponding

buttons on the laptop computer’s keyboard to minimize error and maximize the ease of pushing

each button.

Figure 4. A Mock-up LabVIEW Front Panel

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6.4 Data Acquisition & Analysis

The test apparatus will be outfitted with multiple devices to measure the separation dynamics

between the Target and Chaser satellites, as gathering data is pertinent in determining the

validity of this separation system. A MotionPak II inertial measurement unit (IMU), as shown in

Fig. 5, will be placed inside the chaser at its geometric center to measure its dynamics upon

separation. The IMU employs the use of internal gyroscopes and multiple accelerometers to

measure its attitude and motion in six degrees. This device will allow us to determine the

position, as well as the translational and rotational velocity and acceleration of the chaser.

Figure 5. MotionPak II Inertial Measurement Unit. [6] Figure 6. USB Accelerometer.

For the target, the dynamics will be measured by multiple accelerometers placed inside of the

satellite, an example of which is pictured in Fig.6. These devices will also allow us to determine

the translational and rotational velocity and acceleration of the target.

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Figure 7. AVRmini Microprocessor. [6] An AVRmini microprocessor, seen above in Fig.7, will be incorporated into the target module to

allow for the release of the P-POD hatch. The P-POD must receive a signal from the main

vehicle to release the latch and allow separation. This microprocessor has been flight tested for

separation application by the FASTRAC separation experiment from this university, and has

been proven to be a reliable system for this application.

Data collection will be facilitated by Bluetooth wireless devices, as shown in Figure 8, which

will be located inside both the Chaser and Target satellites.

Figure 8. Eb506 Bluetooth chip Data will be transmitted in real-time to a nearby laptop computer. Bluetooth was chosen over

other wireless technologies for several reasons. First, there are less interference problems due to

other frequencies present in the environment. Second, Bluetooth transceivers are small and

lightweight, reliable, and readily available. The Bluetooth device runs on a 2.4 megahertz

frequency which will be sufficient for the amount of data we plan on transferring. In case the

Bluetooth connection is interrupted or fails at any time, flash memory devices aboard both

satellites will store all of the data collected until the experiment is completed.

Data will be directly acquired by a laptop computer aboard the aircraft. Since Bluetooth

technology will be implemented to transfer the data, no data acquisition card will be required to

allow for compatibility between the measuring devices and the computer.

National Instruments program, LabVIEW, will be used to acquire and process all data, as well as

to conduct the experiment. A front panel created in LabVIEW, as shown in Fig 4., will allow us

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to examine the data as it is collected and to perform the experiment actions through buttons built

into the front panel. We will also include counters of the trail time and trial number purely for

review of how efficient we were conducting our trials. The only human interaction with the

experiment apparatus should be resetting the P-POD door and resetting the apparatus’ position

aboard the C-9 for the next trial.

There is a long heritage of using LabVIEW at The University of Texas at Austin. We have many

connections with National Instruments given our close proximity to the company. Currently,

many of our student projects use this program, as well as many more which have in the past,

including past microgravity experiments such as FASTRAC, FLOAT, ISIS, and EGADS. There

are numerous sources in the Aerospace Engineering Department who can provide us the

knowledge required to build our own LabVIEW module to conduct this experiment.

6.5 Effects of Reduced Gravity on the Experiment

The goal of the experiment is to understand the separation dynamics exhibited by the satellites in

an environment that is most similar to the actual environment that they will be operating in. If the

experiment were performed in an environment that was subject to the effects of gravity, the

amount of valid data would be very limited. In fact, this experiment is not possible in a 1-g

environment because it requires rotation about all three axes and movement in six degrees of

freedom. By performing this experiment, we will acquire the information required to predict the

performance of the satellites in an orbital environment.

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[1] Mazzoleni, AP. "Flexibility effects on non-planar spin-up dynamics of artificial-gravity-generating tethered satellite system." Advances in astronautical sciences. 114(2003):1695-1712. <>

[2] Toorian, Armen, et al. "CubeSats As Responsive Satellites." Paper presented at Space 2005

in Long Beach, California, on Aug.30-31, 2005. AIAA. 29 Oct. 2007 < content.cfm?pageid=413>.

[3] “ARTEMIS.” Aerospace Engineering Department, The University of Texas at Austin. 29

Oct. 2007 <>

[4] Barza, Radu, Yohko Aoki, and Klaus Schilling. "CubeSat UWE-1-TechnologyTests and In Orbit Results." Paper presented at 57th International Astronautical Congress, in Valencia, Spain, on Oct. 2-6, 2006. AIAA. 30 Oct. 2007 < content.cfm?pageid=406&workset=2&startrow=26&sort=score,Desc>.

[5] Lan, W. “Poly Picosatellite Orbital Deployer Mk III ICD.” The CubeSat Program. California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA. 8 Aug. 2007. <>. 29 Oct. 2007.

[6] Diaz, Orlando, Kevin Litton, and Amber Newport. Final Report: Nanosatellite Separation and

Initial Condition Analysis in Six Degrees of Freedom. Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, the University of Texas at Austin. 2004.

[7] "Qwknut 3K." California Polytechnical Institute, Starsys Research. 21 Oct. 2007

<>. [8] Lan, Wenschel, et al. "CubeSat Development in Education and into Industry."

Paper presented at Space 2006, in San Jose, California, on Sep. 19-21, 2006. AIAA. 29 Oct. 2007 <>.

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8.1. What We Are Bringing to Houston

The experiment team will bring the satellite prototypes, an Mk II P-POD separation system, a

computer system, and ground tools to Houston.

8.2. What We Need On the Ground

During ground operations, the team will require electrical power to charge and test equipment.

8.3. What We Need In the Aircraft

A mounting location to attach a laptop computer to the floor of the aircraft will be required.

Power to all experiment and computer hardware will be supplied by battery, and thus an external

power source is not required. The flight team also requires a method to secure the satellites when

not performing the free-floating experiment.

8.4. Flight Manifest

The fight team will consist of the following members:

John Sangree

Jillian Marsh

Karl McDonald

Joseph Gauthier

8.5. Experimental Description / Background

Our team is researching the characterization of the separation dynamics that will result from the

separation of two satellites via a Poly Picosatellite Orbital Deployer (P-POD). We seek to

determine if the two satellites can successfully operate after orthogonal separation in


The means for accomplishing our objective is as follows:

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8.5.1. Control Satellite Separation

Ideally, the Target satellite will successfully eject out of the P-POD via spring plungers, while

the Chaser satellite accelerates orthogonally, due to the momentum caused by the release of the

spring plungers located in the P-POD. We plan to accomplish this separation by executing

several ground tests to verify that the P-POD can successfully eject our target out of its door

without any mechanical problems due to the door or spring, or any unforeseen problem.

8.5.2. Repeatable Procedure

The Chaser satellite and Target satellite will be tethered to each other with a Vectran cord so

that motion will be controlled after a period of motion. This will allow us to control their

subsequent positions, and reload them into their initial arrangement in preparation for the

successive parabolic maneuver. The Mk II P-POD we will be using is very easily reloaded so

that we can repeat our experiment on every parabola.

8.6. Structural design

The experiment shall be housed in two frames. The chaser satellite will utilize the aluminum

prototype frame built for the 2-STEP satellite project, as seen in Fig.9. The frame is made of

6061 Aluminimum and consists of six isogrid sidepanels between two bulkheads. The sidepanels

are 0.275 inches thick, while the bulkheads have a thickness of 0.625 inches. Experiment

hardware will be fastened to side panels using #8 screws, and to the bulkheads using #10 screws.

The 2-STEP structure is a heritage design based on the 3 Corner Sat nanosatellite structure, and a

thorough analysis has been performed to verify its strength.

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Figure 9. Experiment Structure The target satellite shall be housed within a Poly Picosatellite Orbital Deployer (P-POD) Mk II,

shown in Fig.10. The P-POD is a standard deployment system for cube satellites, designed by

Cal Poly and Stanford University. It is flight qualified and has been used to separate cube

satellites from launch vehicles since July of 2006. The P-POD is manufactured from high-

strength Aluminum 7075-T73 and is coated with Teflon-impregnated anodization.

Figure 10. Mk II P-POD

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8.7. Electrical System

The electrical components used for the experiment consist primarily of sensors, data acquisition

devices, and their power systems. An IMU and accelerometers will be installed on the satellites

for data measurements. Each satellite will also utilize a microprocessor and wireless system to

transmit data to the laptop computer data acquisition software. All satellite systems will be

powered using rechargeable batteries and a voltage regulation system. Actual voltages,

frequencies and electrical currents and will be decided on during the detailed design of the

experiment. All values and an electrical system schematic shall be included in the TEDP.

Standard 120 V power will be required during ground operations, however during flight, no

power will be required since all experiment equipment will operate on batteries.

8.8. Pressure / Vacuum System

No pressure/vacuum systems will be utilized in this experiment.

8.9. Laser System

No laser systems will be utilized in this experiment.

8.10. Crew Assistance Requirements

During the experiment, both student flyers will be fully involved in the experiment, and will be

unable to record imagery. We request assistance of the Flight Crew to record digital video and

still images of the separation events. This data would be very useful as a comparison to sensor

data. In addition, the student flyers may require assistance inserting the target satellite into the

separation device during the 2-g pullout, due to the increased satellite weight.

8.11. Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Our experiment will not involve human test subjects, animal test subjects, or biological


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8.12. Hazard Analysis

The following hazard analysis scenarios are purely hypothetical at the time of the proposal


Possible scenario Repercussions Actions to prevent or alleviate

Free-floating Satellites escape control of student

flyers and flight crew

Satellites have the potential to strike the aircraft or personnel

aboard the aircraft.

• One student flyer assigned to monitor the position of the satellites at all times. • The satellites shall be attached by a tether to prevent them from moving too far apart. • All corners and sharp edges of the satellites shall be covered by foam padding.

Failure to re-insert the chaser satellite into the separation


The satellites will already be separated when free-fall begins.

• Postpone the separation experiment until the next free-fall segment. • Both student flyers will monitor and control the satellites, attempting to insert the chaser satellite into the separation system.

An electronic short occurs in the satellite circuitry. Electric shock and/or fire.

• Electrical currents shall be minimized to meet safety and experiment requirements. • Care shall be taken to ensure that all wires are insulated properly.

A kill switch will also be integrated into the satellites so that the flight team may immediately

turn off all electronics if they should encounter a hazardous situation.

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8.13. Tool Requirements

At the proposal stage of the design process, our team plans to use the following tools on the


Tool Quantity

Computer 1 Digital Camera 2 Power adaptor 1 Torque wrench 2

Multimeter 1

The following tools will be used during flight:

Tool Quantity

Computer 1 Digital Camera 2

Digital Video Camera 1

A comprehensive tool list will be included in the TEDP once the proposal has been accepted.

8.14. Ground Support Requirements

The experiment team requests that 120 V AC power be provided by the Reduced Gravity Office

during ground operations.

8.15. Hazardous Materials

Our team will not be using any hazardous materials in the experiment.

8.16. Procedures

While at Ellington Field, the team will perform the following operations during specified program phases.

8.16.1. Ground Operations

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The satellites and other experiment hardware shall be assembled before arrival to Ellington Field.

Ground operations to set up the experiment shall consist of placing the satellites and laptop in the

testing area and attaching power connections.

Testing shall be performed to verify that all systems are performing nominally including the

separation system, data acquisition system, sensors, wireless communication system, and

cameras. As part of testing, visible wire connections and insulation will be inspected.

Experiment simulations will be performed with the satellites already separated and placed on

roller carts. The team will attempt to make the test as similar to actual flight conditions as

possible. The separation mechanism will be actuated wirelessly, the satellites will be

maneuvered, and sensor data shall be collected using the data acquisition software. The team

will then troubleshoot any anomalies found. Finally, the team will perform safety checks and

fully charge all experiment batteries.

8.16.2. Pre-Flight

Before flight, the satellites shall be loaded into the C-9 aircraft. They will be secured to the floor

of the aircraft using straps. The team will also rigidly attach the laptop computer to the floor of

the aircraft. The experiment team requests that the flight crew assist us in performing the pre-

flight procedures.

8.16.3. In-Flight

Prior to the first parabola, the experiment team flyers will power on both satellites and the laptop,

and detach the satellite pair from the floor of the aircraft. One team member, Flyer 1, will handle

the satellite pair while the other, Flyer 2, initiates data acquisition and separation using the laptop

computer. When free-fall begins, Flyer 1 will release the satellite pair so that they will not hit the

sides of the cabin. Flyer 2 will then begin data acquisition and send the separation signal. After

the satellites have separated, Flyer 1 will monitor the satellites’ positions, while Flyer 2 monitors

incoming data. When the free-fall period nears its termination, Flyer 2 shall end data acquisition,

while Flyer 1 regains control of the satellites and positions them on the floor of the aircraft. In

the time between the free-fall, the two team members will insert the target satellite into the P-

POD, possibly with the help of a flight crew member. Next, the separation system, data

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acquisition system, and sensors will be reset or initialized in preparation for the next segment of


8.16.4. Post-Flight

After the reduced gravity parabolas have been completed, all electronic equipment will be

powered off and stowed in the same fashion as it was prior to free-fall. Once the aircraft has

landed, the satellites and experiment equipment shall be transferred to the aircraft hanger, and the

data will be analyzed in preparation for the next flight.

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Our team seeks to make our experiment relevant not only to the aerospace industry, but to a vast

array of audiences as well. Besides sharing our data with other research groups, our goal is to

reach out to other people, especially those who are not scientists or engineers, to raise interest

and support in science and engineering. To accomplish this, we plan to make many visits to

various audiences to present our experiment, answer questions, and explain the relevance of this

experiment not only to the scientific community, but to them as well.

9.1. General Audiences

To reach as many people as possible, our team plans to present at many different events to a

variety of individuals. We plan to coordinate with organizations at The University of Texas to

reach current and prospective students. We also plan to go out to schools to reach students who

are just discovering their interests. Additionally, we plan to go to museums and publish in local

media to raise interest and support in the general public for aerospace research at The University

of Texas.

9.1.1. The University Of Texas at Austin Outreach Plans

As part of our outreach, we plan to coordinate with many different organizations at The

University of Texas to raise awareness of aerospace research with both engineering and non-

engineering students and interest prospective students in science and engineering. These

outreach events divide into two categories: events specifically related to the Cockrell School of

Engineering and events held throughout the entire university.

9.1.2. Engineering Specific Events

There are many opportunities around campus to reach not only current engineering students, but

potential engineering students as well. Our team has already presented our experiment to three

Austin High School students. These students chose to visit UT for their career day on October

30, 2007. Two of our team members explained our project and answered questions, as pictured

in Fig. 11. This presentation was valuable because we were able to interact one-on-one with the


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Figure 11. Outreach event with Austin High School students Our team has already planned many other outreach events to reach potential engineering

students. We have already contacted the Society of Women Engineers to become involved in

Encounter with Engineering on February 9, 2008, which we plan to register for at the end of the

semester. We have also contacted the Women in Engineering Program at UT, which plans Girl

Day on February 23, 2008. They are very interested in having us present at Girl Day, and we

plan to register for that event in November. We will also contact the Student Engineering

Council about presenting at National Engineer’s Day at the Mall. Additionally, we will contact

societies such as AIAA to see if we can present our experiment at the end of their meetings.

Also, we will contact the Physics department to see if we can present at the end of Physics

classes to not only get current students interested in science , but to also show these students how

the concepts they learn in class can be used in real life.

Our team plans to make our presentations informative and exciting. To accomplish this, we plan

to include a hands-on activity in our presentations, demonstrating Newton’s First and Third Laws

of Motion. For Newton’s First Law, we will use objects on an air table, shown in Fig. 12, to

show that an object without external net force has constant motion. For the third law we plan to

let the students collide objects on the air table to demonstrate reaction forces. We then will

explain how all these laws, especially Newton’s Third Law, relate to our experiment. We will

also have a PowerPoint presentation describing our experiment, and photos of the experiment’s


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Figure 12. Air Table to Demonstrate Newton’s Laws of Motion Objective: These presentations will enable us to reach students already interested in science and

engineering. Not only will we be able to inform students about the objectives and goals of our

particular experiment, but we will be able to raise interest specifically in Aerospace Engineering

and microgravity experiments as well, increasing the possibility of other students developing

microgravity projects.

9.1.3. Campus Wide Outreach

There are many opportunities around campus to reach students of all majors. As part of this, we

plan to contact the College of Natural Sciences to become involved in Science Day. We also

plan to participate in Explore UT (a campus-wide open house on March 1, 2008), and will

register for this event through the Women in Engineering Program. We plan to publish our

experiment progress in the Vector and the Daily Texan, UT’s student newspapers (for more

information see media outreach).

For these presentations, we will set up a booth with information about the experiment as well as

photos demonstrating our experiment’s progress. As with the engineering activities, we plan to

include the hands-on demonstrations illustrating Newton’s Laws of Motion. For Newton’s First

Law, we will use objects on an air table to show that an object without external net force has

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constant motion. For Newton’s Third Law we plan to let the students collide objects on the air

table to demonstrate reaction forces. We then will explain how all of these laws, especially

Newton’s Third Law, relate to our experiment. In addition, at least three team members will be

available to answer questions.

Objective: These presentations will raise interest and support for current aerospace research as

well as microgravity experiment opportunities at UT. These presentations will educate fellow

students and help gather support from the university administration.

9.2. External Outreach Plans

Our team plans to extend the influence of this experiment beyond the walls of The University of

Texas. One of the ways we intend to accomplish this is by visiting local schools and museums.

Through these activities, we will reach a much larger and more general audience in Austin and

make more of an impact with our experiment.

9.2.1. School Visits

As an integral part of our outreach, we plan to visit many schools to get younger students

interested not only in engineering, but in math and science as well. We plan to contact schools

such as Pflugerville ISD, Maplewood Elementary, and the Math Science Academies to plan trips.

Our team hopes to visit most of the schools in the local area, and we plan to work through SEEK

(Student Engineers Educating Kids) to visit middle schools in the local area. While we plan to

contact many additional schools, these schools have already expressed interest in the past in

similar presentations. We plan to contact the schools to see if we can set up a booth at their

science fairs with displays and an interactive activity. We also plan to contact the regional

science fair to see if we can present there, too. If this is not possible, we will contact the local

science teachers to see if any of them will allow us to present our experiment in their class.

Although we hope to reach a variety of students, we plan to focus on physics classes and science

fairs so that we will be able to explain more details about our project as well as reach these

students as they begin to think about their future careers.

For these presentations, our emphasis will be on informing the students about our experiment,

and raising their interest in science and engineering. These presentations will be geared more

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towards exciting the students through entertainment. To accomplish this, we will get the

students engaged in activities illustrating Newton’s Laws of Motion. Volunteers will

demonstrate Newton’s First and Third Laws with objects on the air table. For school visits, we

will also illustrate Newton’s Second Law by asking for volunteers and showing how it is more

difficult to move a team member holding textbooks in a chair than just a team member in a chair.

We will then explain how all these laws relate to our experiment. We will also have a

PowerPoint presentation describing our experiment and photos of the experiment’s development,

and will conclude with a question and answer session where the students can ask us not only

about our experiment, but also about college, science, and engineering in general.

Objective: Our main objective is to get younger students interested in science and engineering,

and demonstrate the aspects of science and engineering that they might not have seen in class.

We hope to fight against the stereotypes of engineers and scientists as “nerds” by showing

students how fun science and engineering can be.

9.2.2. Museums

To reach a more general audience besides grade students, we will present at museums as well,

including The Austin Children’s Museum and The Texas Memorial Museum. We will contact

these museums to see if we can set up a booth about our experiment. For these presentations, we

plan to set up a booth that we will run throughout the day. This booth will contain information

about the experiment as well as photos demonstrating our experiment’s progress. At least three

team members will be available to answer questions as well as help with the demonstrations. We

will include the hands-on demonstrations with the air tables illustrating Newton’s First and Third

Laws of Motion. Museum visitors will be able to perform collisions themselves as we explain

these laws and how they affect our experiment. We will also run a continuous PowerPoint

presentation on a laptop.

Objective: These presentations will allow us to reach a much wider audience, since people of all

types and ages visit museums. Besides raising interest in science and engineering, we hope to

raise interest and support for aerospace research as well as for The University of Texas.

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9.3. Media Outreach

Our team wants to reach more people than is possible with the aforementioned visits. We plan to

use local news media to raise interest and support of our experiment to the general public as well

as keep them updated with the progress of our experiment. We will use various types of media

from local newspapers and news shows to the internet to accomplish this.

9.3.1. News Publications

To reach an even more general audience, we plan to contact several local media outlets such as

the Vector (UT’s engineering newsletter), the Daily Texan (UT’s student newspaper), the

Austin-American Statesman, and local news networks to see if they will report on our

experiment. We plan to provide reports before and after we perform our experiment so that the

public has increased interest about aerospace research, as well as access to our results.

Objective: These publications will likely reach the largest number of people in Austin to

inform them about our experiment. They will not only raise awareness about Aerospace

research, but also would be an example of the projects conducted at The University of Texas and

how UT is contributing to the scientific community. It is hoped that our efforts will increase

appreciation for the university as well as increase also public support and funding for more

equipment and research.

9.3.2. Team Website

The Nanosatellite Separation Experiment Using a P-POD Deployment Mechanism team has a

webpage at:

We will regularly update the status of our experiment on this webpage, including photos and

progress reports. This will allow the general public to follow our journey as we build and

execute this experiment, allowing them to be involved with the experiment and also gain insight

into the scientific process.

Objective: The purpose of the webpage is to publish the journey we take conducting our

experiment to a large public audience. This publication will have a global reach, since people

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anywhere can follow the experiment and view the outcome. This will be the most easily

accessible means for people to become interested and support our experiment. We hope our

experiment can inspire the public to continue to support other scientific endeavors in the future.

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Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 12:29:02 -0500 From: Judy <>

To: "" <>

Subject: Re: Encounter w/ Engineering

Stephanie, I would love to incorporate your group into EWE. I won't actually start recruiting volunteers until the end of the semester. I just need the names and e-mails of everyone who wants to participate so I can e-mail everyone the information they need once the time comes. I was wondering what it was you wanted to do. Did you want to actually use your experiment as one of the activities, or were you wanting to be involved as a group leader or activity leader? If you can incorporate your experiment, that would be great. I'm always in need of activity ideas. Could you let me know what major that would pertain to? Thanks, Judy Chang

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Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 07:52:56 -0500 From: Tricia Berry <>


Cc: Tricia Berry <>

Subject: RE: Aerospace outreach Stephanie, Are you kidding?! I NEVER pass up volunteers for Girl Day and Explore UT. I'd love to have you involved in both!!! I'll be sending info out about Explore UT this week so watch your email. Girl Day requests will come later in November. Mark your calendars for Feb. 23rd from 1 - 5:30 (event time 2 - 5) and March 1 from 10-5 (event time 11 - 4:40). THANKS for reaching out to me! Glad to have you on board! Tricia Berry, Director Women in Engineering Program The University of Texas at Austin Email: Phone: 512-471-5650 Fax: 512-232-1885 Address: 1 University Station C2100, ECJ 2.108, Austin, TX 78712 Web:

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11.1. Institution’s Letter of Endorsement

This is included in the Appendix of the hard copy of the proposal.

11.2. Statement of Supervising Faculty

This is also included in the Appendix of the hard copy of the proposal.

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12.1. Funding Chart

The following is an estimation of the cost of our experiment and the expenses accrued during the

experiment flight week:

Experiment Equipment

Frame and Body Aluminum Frame $0.00 (in-department) P-Pod $0.00 (borrowed from Cal Poly University) Subsystem Boxes $100.00 Electrical Equipment

Batteries $50.00 Wiring $30.00 Voltage Regulators $20.00

Equipment Inertial Measurement Unit $0.00 (in-department) Accelerometers (6) $450.00 AVRmini $0.00 (in-department) Bluetooth unit $50.00 Flash Memory $20.00 Laptop Computer $0.00 (in-department) Wireless Webcam $200.00 Miscellaneous Van Rental $650.00 Gas $200.00 Lodging $2,000.00 Food $600.00 Flight Medical Exams $300.00 TOTAL: $4670.00

12.2. Proposed Funding

The team has obtained funding from several sources. The Texas Space Grant Consortium has

pledged $2,000 toward the project, and the team is expected to be awarded a $1,000

undergraduate research grant. The Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering

Mechanics will cover the balance of expenditures.

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Animal care and use is not applicable to our experiment.


Since all of our team members are above the age of 18, this section is not applicable to our
