NANCY JO KEPPLE Curriculum Vitae May 1, · 1...

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Curriculum Vitae May 1, 2019

NAME Kepple, Nancy J (Maiden Name: Williams, Nancy J)


PhD Social Welfare University of California, Los Angeles 2015

MSW Child Welfare University of California, Los Angeles 2007

BA Psychology and English Stanford University 2003



University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS

Assistant Professor, Social Welfare, August 2015 - Present

University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA

Adjunct Lecturer, School of Social Work

Virtual Academic Center (VAC), June-December 2012

University Park Campus, January-May 2013


Prevention Research Center, PIRE, Oakland, CA

Research Consultant for NIAAA P60-AA06282, Maladaptive Parenting, Activity Spaces, and the

Substance Use Environment Research Component (PI: Bridget Freisthler), 2017

University of California - Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA

Research Consultant for NIDA R01-DA032715, Evaluating the Geography of Medical Cannabis

Facilities on Crime, Price, and Use (PI: Bridget Freisthler), 2016

Prevention Research Center, PIRE, Oakland, CA

Research Associate, 2009-2012, 2014-2015

Downtown Women's Center, Los Angeles, CA

Clinical Health Services Counselor, 2011-2013

Program Grants, Evaluation & Quality Assurance, 2011-2013

LA Department of Children and Family Services, South Los Angeles and Watts, CA

Children's Social Worker II - Emergency Response, 2007-2009

Peace Over Violence, Los Angeles, CA

MSW Intern - Counselor, 2006-2007

LA Department of Children and Family Services, South Los Angeles and Watts, CA

Child Sexual Abuse Program (CSAP), Long Beach, CA

MSW Intern - Children's Social Worker/Counselor, 2005-2006

EMQ Children and Family Services, Campbell, CA

Outcomes and Evaluation Researcher, 2003-2006

Kepple, N.J.



A. List of Courses Taught

Course Number & Title Sem/Year # Enrolled % Taught

SW 710-24963, Social Work Practice I Fall 2015 11 100%

SW 711-54258, Social Work Practice II Spring 2016 11 100%

SW 869-62302, Social Work with Clients Spring 2016 18 100%

with Alcohol & Drug-Related Problems

SW 710-22992, Social Work Practice I Fall 2016 13 100%

SW 869-22423, Alcohol & Drug Fall 2016 12 100%

SW 711-53955, Social Work Practice II Spring 2017 13 100%

SW 220-53940, Social Work, Spring 2017 46 100%

Social Welfare, and U.S. Society

SW 710-21458, Social Work Practice II Fall 2017 10 100%

SW 220-13930, Social Work, Fall 2017 55 100%

Social Welfare, and U.S. Society

SW 711-53638, Social Work Practice II Spring 2018 9 100%

SW 220-13598, Social Work, Fall 2018 68 100%

Social Welfare, and U.S. Society

SW 983-78242, Adv Quant Methods II Spring 2019 4 100%

B. Undergraduate Advising Record

Haskell-KU Bridge

Sumer Al-Ahdali 2016 - 2019

McNair Scholar

Olivia Borland 2018

BSW Multicultural Scholars Program – Primary Faculty Advisor

Emma Ramirez 2016-2017

Ja’Juan Smith 2016-2017

Haley Jacobs 2016-2018

Nena Kaushal 2016-2018

Danya Moten 2016-2018

Tim Thongone 2016-2018

Christian Espinosa 2017-2019

Olivia Borland 2018-2019

Yuliana Negrete 2018-2019

Viviana Patino 2018-2020

Samantha Mitra 2018-2020

Zyrie Berry-Hendricks 2018-2020

C. Graduate and Postgraduate Advising Record

Committee Chair: Doctoral

PhD Dissertation

Patricia Sattler 2019-Present

Amittia Parker 2019-Present

PhD Qualifying Paper

Amittia Parker 2018-2019

Patricia Sattler 2018

Kepple, N.J.


Other graduate committee service

PhD Dissertation – Methodologist

Whitney Grube 2018-Present

PhD Dissertation – Committee Member

Aaron Conrad 2019-Present

Carolina Bejarano 2019-Present (Dept: Clinical Child Psychology)

PhD Qualifying Paper – Committee Member

Whitney Grube 2018

Euijin Jung 2018-Present

PhD Graduate Research Assistant

Amittia Parker 2017-2018

Eunji Nam 2016-2017

D. Honors and Awards for Teaching

Diversity Scholars Program, KU Center for Teaching and Excellence, 2017-2018


A. Research Publications

Major Publications (Reviewed/Refereed)

1. Kepple, N. J. & Freisthler, B. (accepted). All drugs aren’t created equal: Exploring the

general and specific effects of psychoactive substances to understand child maltreatment risk

by drug type. Handbook of Social Work in the Addictions. (Edited)

Principal Author: Kepple, N. J.

Contribution: Responsible for paper conceptualization and manuscript development. Shared

responsibility for writing sections with co-author. (90%)

2. Freisthler, B. & Kepple, N. J. (accepted). Using spatial analysis to better integrate context

into our understanding of addictive behaviors. Handbook of Social Work in the Addictions.


Principal Author: Freisthler, B.

Contribution: Contributing to writing and provided critical revisions to all drafts. (10%)

3. Freisthler, B. & Kepple, N.J. (accepted). Types of substance use and punitive

parenting: A preliminary exploration. Journal of Social Work Practice in Addictions.


Principal Co-authors: Freisthler, B. & Kepple, N.J.

Contribution: Wrote introduction and results; wrote portions of methods and conclusion;

co-conducted analyses; and provided critical revisions to all versions of the draft. (50%)

4. Wolf, J.P., Kepple, N.J., & Freisthler, B. (accepted). Weighing the evidence: Understanding

the role of parental substance use in child welfare substantiation decisions. Journal of Social

Work Practice in Addictions. (Peer-reviewed)

Principal Author: Wolf, J.P.

Contribution: Responsible for writing of the introduction, quantitative data analysis, writing

of the quantitative results and tables, and critical revision of the other sections. (40%)

Kepple, N.J.


5. Kepple, N.J. & Freisthler, B. (2018). Who is buying what and where? Examining venue- and

individual-level correlates of discrete purchase behaviors at medical marijuana dispensaries

in Los Angeles, California. Journal of Primary Prevention, 39(6), 571-589.

doi:10.1007/s10935-018-0528-5 (Peer-reviewed)

Principal Author: Kepple, N.J.

Contribution: Responsible for paper conceptualization, data analysis, development and

writing of all portions of the manuscript, and manuscript submission and revisions. (90%)

6. Kobulsky, J. M., Kepple, N.J., & Jedwab, M. (2018). Abuse characteristics and the

concordance of child protective services determinations and adolescent self-reports of

abuse. Child Maltreatment, 23(3), 269-280. doi:10.1177/1077559518771743 (Peer-reviewed)

Principal Author: Kobulsky, J.M.

Contribution: Responsible for writing the introduction, providing consultation on analysis and

methods, and providing critical edits to the rest of the manuscript. (30%)

7. Subica, A., Douglas, J.A., Kepple, N.J., Villanueva, S, & Grills, C.T. (2018). The geography

of crime and violence surrounding tobacco shops, medical marijuana dispensaries, and

off-sale alcohol outlets in a large, urban low-income community of color. Preventive

Medicine, 108, 8-16. doi:10.1016/j.ypmed.2017.12.020 (Peer-reviewed)

Principal Author: Subica, A.

Contribution: Consulted on methods for geospatial analyses, created maps, and provided

critical feedback for all versions. (10%)

8. Kepple, N.J. (2018). Does parental substance use always engender risk for children?

Comparing incidence rate ratios of abusive and neglectful behaviors across substance use

behavior patterns. Child Abuse & Neglect, 76, 44-55. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2017.09.015


9. Freisthler, B., Kepple, N.J., Wolf, J.P., Curry, S.R., & Gregoire, T. (2017). Substance use

behaviors by parents and the decision to substantiate child physical abuse and neglect by

caseworkers. Child & Youth Services Review, 79, 576-583.

doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2017.07.014 (Peer-reviewed)

Principal Author: Freisthler, B.

Contribution: Wrote introduction and portions of the conclusion; assisted in conceptualizing

and constructing of vignette study; and provided critical revisions to all versions of the draft


10. Freisthler, B., Wiegmann, W., Price Wolf, J., & Kepple, N.J.. (2017). Drug use, the drug

environment, and child physical abuse and neglect. Child Maltreatment, 22(3), 245-255.

doi:10.1177/1077559517711042 (Peer-reviewed)

Principal Author: Freisthler, B.

Contribution: Wrote portions of the introduction, methods, and conclusions; assisted in

conceptualizing and constructing drug market variables; and provided critical revisions to all

versions of the draft (10%).

11. Kepple, N.J. & Freisthler, B. (2017). Place over traits? Purchasing edibles from

medical marijuana dispensaries in Los Angeles, CA. Addictive Behaviors, 73, 1-3.

doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2017.03.007 (Peer-reviewed)

Principal Author: Kepple, N.J.

Kepple, N.J.


Contribution: Responsible for paper conceptualization, data analysis, development and

writing of all portions of the manuscript, and manuscript submission and revisions. (90%)

12. Lloyd, M. & Kepple, N.J. (2017). Unpacking the Parallel Effects of Parental Alcohol Misuse

and Low Income on Risk of Supervisory Neglect. Child Abuse & Neglect, 69, 72-84.

doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2017.03.007 (Peer-reviewed)

Principal Co-authors: Lloyd, M. & Kepple, N.J.

Contribution: Contributed to conceptual framing, variable construction, and data

interpretation; wrote methods and contributed to introduction and conclusions; and provided

critical revisions to all versions of the draft (50%).

13. Dennis, M.K., Kepple, N.J., & Brewer, J.P. (2017). Grandparents of the community: Lakota

elders’ view of intergenerational care. Grandfamilies, 4(1), 115-142. (Peer-reviewed)

Principal Author: Dennis, M.K.

Contributions: Responsible for writing the introduction and portions of the conclusion and

provided critical edits to all versions of the draft. (40%)

14. Kepple, N.J. (2017). The complex nature of parental substance use: Examining past year and

prior use patterns as correlates of child maltreatment frequency. Substance Use & Misuse,

52(6), 811-821. doi:10.1080/10826084.2016.1253747 (Peer-reviewed)

15. Kobulsky, J., Kepple, N.J., Holmes, M., & Hussey, D. (2017). Concordance of parent and

child reported physical abuse among children investigated by the child welfare system. Child

Maltreatment, 22(1), 24-33. doi:10.1177/1077559516673156 (Peer-reviewed)

Principal Author: Kobulsky, J.

Contribution: Participated in study development, conducted data analysis, wrote portions of

methods and results, and provided critical revisions to all versions of the draft. (40%)

16. Wolf, J.P., Freisthler, B., Kepple, N. J., & Chavez, R. (2017). The Places Parents Go:

Understanding the Breadth, Scope, and Experiences of Activity Spaces for Parents.

Geojournal, 82, 355-369. doi:10.1007/s10708-015-9690-y (Peer-reviewed)

Principal Author: Price Wolf, J.

Contribution: Responsible for geocoding and map creation; assisted in write-up of

introduction, methods, and conclusions; and provided critical revisions. (40%)

17. Friedline, T. & Kepple, N.J. (2017). Does community access to alternative financial services

relate to individual use of these services? Beyond individual explanations. Journal of

Consumer Policy,40(1), 51-79. doi:10.1007/s10603-016-9331-y (Peer-reviewed)

Principal Author: Friedline, T.

Contribution: Participated in study development, conducted data analysis, wrote portions of

methods and results, and provided critical revisions to all versions of the draft (40%).

18. Kepple, N.J., Mulholland, E., Freisthler, B., & Schaper, E. (2016). Correlates of amount

spent on medical marijuana during a discrete purchase: Results from a pilot study. Journal of

Psychoactive Drugs, 48(1), 50-55. doi:10.1080/02791072.2015.1116719 (Peer-reviewed)

Principal Author: Kepple, N.J.

Contribution: Participated in study development and responsible for data analysis, writing of

all portions of the manuscript, and manuscript submission and revisions. (85%)

Kepple, N.J.


19. Wolf, J.P. & Kepple, N.J. (2016). Individual and county-level religious participation,

corporal punishment, and physical abuse of children: An exploratory study. Journal of

Interpersonal Violence. doi:10.1177/0886260516674197 (Peer-reviewed)

Principal Author: Price Wolf, J.

Contribution: Wrote portions of the introduction and conclusions; provided critical revisions

to all versions of the draft (15%).

20. Wolf, J.P., Ponicki, B., Kepple, N.J., & Gaidus, A. (2016). Are community level prescription

drug overdoses associated with child harm? A spatial analysis of California zip codes,

2001-2011. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 166, 202-208. doi:

10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2016.07.014 (Peer-reviewed)

Principal Author: Price Wolf, J.

Contribution: Assisted in study conceptualization and provided critical revisions. (5%)

21. Kepple, N.J., Freisthler, B., & Johnson-Motoyama, M. (2014). Bias in child maltreatment

self-reports using interactive voice response (IVR). Child Abuse & Neglect, 38(10),

1694-1705. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2014.04.001 (Peer-reviewed)

Principal Author: Kepple, N.J.

Contribution: Responsible for idea generation, study design, data analysis, development and

writing of all portions of the manuscript, and manuscript submission and revisions. (90%)

22. Freisthler, B., Johnson-Motoyama, M., & Kepple, N.J. (2014). Inadequate child supervision:

The role of alcohol outlet density, parent drinking behaviors, and social support. Children &

Youth Services Review, 43, 75-84. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2014.05.002 (Peer-reviewed)

Principal Author: Freisthler, B.

Contribution: Assisted in development and writing of introduction, geocoding, and variable

creation; provided critical revisions to all drafts. (15%)

23. Freisthler, B., Kepple, N.J., Simms, R., & Martin, S. (2013). Evaluating Medical Marijuana

Dispensary Policies: Spatial Methods for the Study of Environmentally-Based Interventions.

American Journal of Community Psychology, 51(1-2), 278-288.

doi:10.1007/s10464-012-9542-6 (Peer-reviewed)

Principal Author: Freisthler, B.

Contribution: Responsible for development and writing of all policy-focused discussions and

tables, data collection, and data coding/geocoding. (35%)

24. Kepple, N.J., & Freisthler, B. (2012). Exploring the ecological association between medical

marijuana dispensaries and crime. Journal of Studies on alcohol and Drugs, 73(4), 523-530.

PMID: 22630790 (Peer-reviewed)

Principal Author: Kepple, N.J.

Contribution: Responsible for idea generation, study design, data collection and analysis,

development and writing of all portions of the manuscript as well as manuscript submission

and revisions. (95%)

25. Freisthler, B., Kepple, N.J., & Holmes, M. (2012). The geography of drug market activities

and child maltreatment. Child Maltreatment, 17(2), 144-152.

doi:10.1177/1077559512443124 (Peer-reviewed)

Principal Author: Freisthler, B.

Contribution: Assisted with data collection and coding and writing of the introduction and

methods; provided critical revisions to all drafts. (25%)

Kepple, N.J.


Minor Publications (Non-Reviewed/Refereed)

1. Kepple, N.J. & Parker, A.P. (2018, September). Moving Towards a More Responsive

Substance Use Disorder Continuum of Care: A Comprehensive Community Needs

Assessment for the Kansas City Metropolitan Area. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas.

Contribution: Conceptualized study and drafted full report.

2. Freisthler, B., & Williams, N.J. (2010, November). Geography of drug markets and child

maltreatment: How practice informs research. NASW California News, 37(3), 9. (Invited)

Principal Author: Freisthler, B.

Contribution: Created and wrote case examples and provided critical revisions to all drafts.

Works Submitted or Ready for Submission

1. Kepple, N. J., Parker, A. P., Whitmore, S., & Comtois, M. (revising to resubmit). Nowhere

to go? Examining Facility Acceptance Levels for Serving Clients Using Medications for

Opioid Use Disorder. Submitted to Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment.

Principal Author: Kepple, N. J.

Contribution: Responsible for paper conceptualization, data analysis, and shared writing

responsibilities of the manuscript with student and community partners. (80%)

2. Akin, B.A., Kepple, N.J., Johnson-Motoyama, M. (revising to resubmit). Intergenerational

Transmission of Maltreatment. Oxford Bibliographies.

Principal Author: Akin, B.A.

Contribution: Vetted quality of citations, provided feedback into the organization of topics

and articles, and provided critical edits. (10%)

3. Freisthler, B., Kepple, N. J., Wolf, J. P., & Carson, L. (under review). Activity Spaces:

Assessing Differences in Alcohol Exposures and Alcohol Use for Parents. GeoJournal.

Principal Author: Freisthler, B.

Contribution: Assisted in coding for and development of data analysis, wrote portions of the

introduction, and provided critical edits to all portions of the manuscript. (20%)

4. Kepple, N. J. (in preparation). The many sides of social support: Understanding how

perceived social support interacts with substance use patterns in the case of child neglect.

5. Kepple, N. J., Nam, E., Bloch, L., & Ah-Ahdali, S. (in preparation). What’s at the root of

alcohol-related aggression? A systematic review of emotion regulation and inhibition, alcohol

use, and relational aggression. (60%)

Principal Author: Kepple, N. J.

Contribution: Responsible for paper conceptualization, data analysis, and manuscript

development. Shared responsibility for writing sections with student team. (60%)

6. Kepple, N. J. (in preparation). Examining the moderating effect of alcohol use in the

relationship between parenting aggression and emotion control or impulsivity.

Kepple, N.J.


B. Scholarly Presentations

Major Presentations (National/International)

1. Kepple, N.J., Parker, A.P., & Whitmore, S. (2019, January). Using Knowledge to Build a

More Responsive System for Individuals on Medication Assisted Treatment. 23rd Annual

Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, San Francisco, CA.

Principal Author: Kepple, N. J.

Contribution: Responsible for conceptualization, data analysis, and creation of presentation.

2. Kepple, N.J., Johnson-Motoyama, M., & Akin, B. (2019, January). Resilient Parenting

Project: Exploring the Role of OB/GYN Clinics in the Prevention of the Intergenerational

Transmission of Child Maltreatment. 23rd Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work

and Research, San Francisco, CA.

Principal Author: Kepple, N. J.

Contribution: Responsible for conceptualization, data analysis, and creation of presentation.

3. Parker, A. & Kepple, N.J. (2019, January). Understanding the Community Context of

Housing Services for Individuals in Recovery from Substance Use Disorder By Facility

Spiritual-Orientation. Poster, 23rd Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and

Research, San Francisco, CA.

Principal Author: Parker, A.

Contribution: Responsible for conceptualization, data analysis, and creation of presentation.

4. Kepple, N.J. (2018, September 11). Does parental substance use always engender risk of

children? Comparing incidence rate ratios of abusive and neglectful behaviors across

substance use behavior patterns. Webinar presentation for Practice & Research Together

(PART), Toronto, ON. (Invited)

5. Kepple, N.J., Nam, E., & Al-Ahdali, S. (2018, January). What’s at the Root of

Alcohol-related Aggression? A Systematic Review of Emotion Regulation, Alcohol Use, and

Aggressive Behavior. Poster, 22nd Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and

Research, Washington, D.C.

Principal Author: Kepple, N.J.

Contribution: Responsible for conceptualization, data analysis, and creation of poster.

6. Al-Ahdali, S. & Kepple, N.J. (2018, January). Resilience within Indigenous Transition Age

Foster Youth. Poster, 22nd Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research,

Washington, D.C.

Principal Author: Al-Ahdali, S.

Contribution: Responsible for data analysis & results.

7. Kobulsky, J.M. & Kepple, N.J. (2018, January). Physical and Psychological Abuse

Characteristics and the Concordance of Child Protective Services Allegations and

Adolescent Self-Report. 22nd Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and

Research, Washington, D.C.

Principal Author: Kobulsky, J.M.

Contribution: Responsible for study framing & interpretation of data analysis.

Kepple, N.J.


8. Kepple, N.J. & Freisthler, B. (2017, June). Place over Traits: Edible Purchasing Behaviors

from Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Los Angeles, CA. Poster, 25th Annual Meeting of

the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, D.C.

Principal Author: Kepple, N.J.

Contribution: Responsible for conceptualization, data analysis, and creation of poster.

9. Subica, A.M., Douglas, J.A., Kepple, N.J., Grills, C.T., & Villanueva, S. (2017, January). Do

Legal Drug Outlets Specializing in Selling Tobacco, Medical Marijuana, and Alcohol

Endanger the Public Health of Residents in a Low-income Community of Color? Poster, 21st

Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.

Principle Author: Subica, A.M.

Contribution: Assisted with methods development and created maps for presentation.

10. Freisthler, B., Wolf, J.P., Kepple, N.J., Curry, S.R. (2017, January). Does Legal vs. Illegal

Drug Use Affect the Decision to Substantiate Child Abuse or Neglect among Social Work

Professionals? 21st Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, New

Orleans, LA.

Principle Author: Freisthler, B.

Contribution: Assisted with conceptualization and methods development and contributed to

background development for presentation.

11. Kobulsky, J., Kepple, N.J., Holmes, M., & Hussey, D. (2016, July). Concordance of Child

and Parent Reported Physical Maltreatment in a Child Welfare Sample. International Family

Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference, Portsmouth, NH.

Principle Author: Kobulsky, J.

Contribution: Assisted with conceptual and methods development for presentation.

12. Kepple, N. J. (2016, January). Does Parental Substance Use Always Engender Risk for

Children? Decomposing Substance Use by Behavior Patterns. 20th Annual Conference

Anniversary Celebration of the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, D.C.

13. Kepple, N. J. (2016, January). The Complex Reality of Social Connections: Examining the

Moderating Role of Social Companionship on Parent Substance Use and Neglect

Frequencies. 20th Annual Conference Anniversary Celebration of the Society for Social

Work and Research, Washington, D.C.

14. Lloyd, M., & Kepple, N. J. (2016, January). Pathways from Parental Alcohol Use to

Supervisory Neglect: Understanding the Roles of Poverty, Depression and Low Social

Support. 20th Annual Conference Anniversary Celebration of the Society for Social Work

and Research, Washington, D.C.

Principle Author: Lloyd, M.

Contribution: Assisted with conceptual and methods development for presentation.

15. Price Wolf, J., & Kepple, N. J. (2016, January). A Space-Time Bayesian Analysis of

Non-Medical Prescription Drug Overdoses and Child Harm in California: 2001-2011. 20th

Annual Conference Anniversary Celebration of the Society for Social Work and Research,

Washington, D.C.

Principle Author: Price Wolf, J.

Contribution: Assisted in study conceptualization and provided critical revisions to all

versions of the poster presentation.

Kepple, N.J.


16. Kepple, N. J., Freisthler, B., & Price Wolf, J. (2015, January). Bias in Survey Completion by

Alcohol and Drug Users when Using Interactive Voice Response. 19th Annual Conference

for the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.

Principal Author: Kepple, N.J.

Contribution: Responsible for conceptualization, data analysis, and creation of presentation.

17. Kepple, N. J. (2015, January). Exploring the Effects of Neighborhood Economic Clustering

on Child Maltreatment Rates. 19th Annual Conference for the Society for Social Work and

Research, New Orleans, LA.

18. Williams, N. J., Freisthler, B., & Johnson, M. A. (2011, September). Rethinking local

neighborhood indicators of child maltreatment: Ethnic Heterogeneity and Economic

Isolation. Poster, 16th International Conference on Violence, Abuse & Trauma. San Diego,


Principal Author: Williams, N.J. (now Kepple, N.J.)

Contribution: Responsible for conceptualization, data analysis, development and creation of


19. Freisthler, B., & Williams, N. J. (2011, July). The geography of drug market activities and

child maltreatment. Poster, 19th Annual APSAC Colloquium, Philadelphia, PA.

Principal Author: Freisthler, B.

Contribution: Assisted with conceptual development, data collection, and coding.

20. Williams, N. J., & Freisthler, B. (2011, May). A study of the ecological relationship between

medical cannabis dispensaries and crime activities. Presentation, in B. Freisthler (Chair),

Drug Market Activities and Social Problems: Emerging Topics and Avenues for Prevention,

Symposium at the meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, DC.

Principal Author: Williams, N.J. (now Kepple, N.J.)

Contribution: Responsible for conceptualization, data analysis, development and creation of


Minor Presentations (Local/State/Regional)

1. Kepple, N.J. (2019, June 25). Changing Marijuana Attitudes and Policies: Lessons Learned

from Other States and Its Implications for Kansas. Douglas County BH Prevention Summit,

Lawrence, KS. (Invited)

2. Kepple, N.J. (2019, June 25). Leveraging Strengths of the SUD Recovery Process for

Parents as an Opportunity for Child Maltreatment Prevention. Douglas County BH

Prevention Summit, Lawrence, KS. (Invited)

3. Kepple, N.J., Parker, A., Whitmore, S. & Comtois, M. (2018, November 15). Nowhere to go:

Examining facility tolerance levels for clients using medication assisted treatment.

Presentation, 2nd Annual Kansas Opioid Conference, Topeka, KS. (Peer-reviewed)

4. Kepple, N.J. & Parker, A. (2018, October 3). Using knowledge as prevention for the opioid

epidemic: A comprehensive community needs assessment of the substance use disorder

continuum of care in the greater Kansas City metropolitan area. First Call Alcohol/Drug

Prevention Symposium, Kansas City, MO. (Invited)

Kepple, N.J.


5. Kepple, N.J. & Parker, A. (2018, September 5). Moving Towards a More Responsive

Substance Use Disorder Continuum of Care: A Comprehensive Needs Assessment of the

Kansas City Metropolitan Area. University of Kansas School of Social Welfare, Overland

Park, KS. (Hosted)

6. Kepple, N.J. (2018, July 25). Working with substance-using parents within a child welfare

context: Evidence-based insights for CASA volunteers. CASA of Johnson and Wyandotte

Counties, Mission, KS. (Invited)

7. Kepple, N.J. & Parker, A. (2018, April 27). Moving towards a more responsive addiction

continuum of care. KUSSW Center for Children & Families Research Impact Talk,

University of Kansas, Overland Park, KS. (Invited)

8. Kepple, N. J. (2016, April 8). Rethinking Risk: Applying Complexity Theory to Child

Maltreatment Prevention. KUSSW Social Work Day, University of Kansas, Lawrence.


9. Kepple, N. J. (2016, February 5). Thoughts on Innovation in Social Work Practice. KUSSW

Research Conversations Over Lunch, University of Kansas. (Invited)

10. Kepple, N. J. (2015, October 2). The many sides of social support: Understanding how the

protective role of social support for child maltreatment can differ by parent substance use.

Workshop presented at the Margaret Schutz Gordon Lecture, University of Kansas. (Invited)

11. Williams, N. J., Hansen, J., & McLean, A. (2005, June). Establishing Family and

Community Connections for Youth Living in Out of Home Placements. CWLA 2005 Western

Region Training Conference, Pasadena, CA. (Accepted)

Principal Author: Williams, N.J. (now Kepple, N.J.)

12. Williams, N. J., McLean, A., & Hart, R. (2005, May). Taking Initiative: Moving Towards

Culturally Competent Practices and Standards. Meeting of the California Mental Health

Advocates for Children and Youth, Monterey, CA. (Accepted)

Principal Author: Williams, N.J. (now Kepple, N.J.)

C. Grants and/or other Funded Projects

External Funding

Funded Proposals

1. Mendenhall, A. (PI), Kepple, N.J. (Co-PI), & Akin, B. (Co-PI). Kansas SED Waiver

Assessment & Evaluation Services. KS Dept for Aging and Disability Service $89,826

(September 1, 2018 – August 31, 2019).

2. Kepple, N. J. (PI) & Mendenhall, A. (Co-PI). First Call Needs Assessment: Assessing

Capacity for Substance Use Disorder Treatment Capacity in the Greater Kansas City Area.

Agreement No. 19645, First Call Alcohol/Drug Prevention & Recovery $36,200 (May 15,

2017 - May 14, 2018).

Kepple, N.J.


Proposals Under Review

1. Parker, A. (PI) & Kepple, N.J. (Co-PI). Doctoral Dissertation Research: A Story of People

and Places: How Black Mothers with Young Children Access Supports that Enhance their

Mental Health and Well-being. National Association of Social Welfare Foundation, Social

Work HEALS/Jane B. Aron Doctoral Fellowship $15,635 (Submitted: March 5, 2019).

2. Sattler, T. (PI) & Kepple, N.J. (Co-PI). Doctoral Dissertation Research: Macro-level

influences on police decision-making and engagement with victims of serious violent crime:

A narrative case study of two states. National Science Foundation $18,191 (Submitted:

January 30, 2019).

Other Proposals Submitted, Not Funded

1. Kepple, N.J. (PI), Becci Akin (Co-PI), & Michelle Johnson-Motoyama (Co-PI). Exploring

Pathways to Intergenerational Maltreatment from Prenatal to 18 Months. Gerber Foundation

$350,000 (Concept Paper Submitted: November 15, 2018).

2. Kepple, N.J. (PI). Pilot for Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Changing Unwanted

Habits. Society of Addiction Psychology Early Career Program (ECP) Grant $4,887

(Submitted: September 2017).

Internal Funding

1. Kepple, N. J. (PI). Parenting in the Context of Addiction Recovery. New Faculty Research

Grant Fund, University of Kansas $8,000 (June 1, 2017 – May 31, 2019).

D. Patents

Not Applicable

E. Honors and Awards for Research

Summer Research Institute (SRI) Scholar, National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect

(NDACAN). (June 13-17, 2016)

Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Pre-Doctoral Grant in Addiction Sciences, National Institute on Drug

Abuse (NIDA). (September 2011- June 2013)

NIH Training Center Grant NIDA 5T32-DA-727219

Eugene V. Cota-Robles Fellowship, Regents of University of California, Los Angeles.

(September 2009- June 2013)

Graduate Research Mentorship Award, Regents of University of California, Los Angeles. (2011)

Summer Graduate Research Mentorship Award, Regents of University of California, Los

Angeles. (2010)

Kepple, N.J.



A. University of Kansas Service

School of Social Welfare

Curriculum Innovation Workgroup – Elected Co-Chair Fall 2018-Present

Faculty Executive Committee – Elected Member Fall 2018-Present

MSW Curriculum Committee – Clinical Chair Fall 2015-Present

Search Committee – Elected Member Fall 2016-Spring 2019

SW DEI Work Group – Elected Member Spring 2017

Mission Ad Hoc Committee – Elected Member Fall 2016-Spring 2017

ORSJ Student Support Task Force – Member Spring 2016-Spring 2017

Leadership Ad Hoc Committee – Member Spring 2016


Multicultural Scholars Program – SSW Co-director Fall 2016-Present

Faculty Senate

Member (Elected) Fall 2018-Present

Executive Committee (Elected) Fall 2018-Present

University Senate

Member (Elected) Fall 2018-Present

Executive Committee (Elected) Fall 2018-Present

Academic Policies & Procedures (Appointed) Fall 2016-Spring 2019

University Senate Board/Commission (Appointed Panel) Fall 2018-Present

B. Professional Service outside the University

Local and State

Kansas Citizens Committee on Alcohol and Drug Abuse 2018-Present

Chairperson-elect (Elected) 2019-2020

Recorder (Elected) 2018-2019

Kansas City Opioid Task Force - Member 2017-2018

Kansas State Quality Committee 2018

Combat Jackson County - Grant Referee 2017


CSWE Substance Use Curricular Guide – Contributor 2019

Reviewer, Ad Hoc

Addictive Behaviors (2016-2017)

Child Abuse & Neglect (2012-2019)

Child Maltreatment (2011-2013, 2016-2017)

Child Welfare (2017)

Children & Youth Services Review (2016, 2018)

Drug & Alcohol Dependence (2018)

Journal of Family Violence (2013)

Journal of Primary Prevention (2014)

Journal of Psychoactive Drugs (2016)

Justice Quarterly (2016)

Police Quarterly (2018)

Social Work Research (2016)

Substance Use & Misuse (2019)

Kepple, N.J.


Editorial Board, Student Member

Child Maltreatment (2011-2013)


Guest Academic Editor

PLOS One (2018)

Reviewer, Ad Hoc

Addiction (2016-2017)

C. Honors and Awards for Service

Richard N Spano Award for Meritorious Contribution to the School of Social Welfare,

University of Kansas School of Social Welfare. (2016-2017 Academic Year)