Naga Pushpam - The Miracle Flower

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Hi Ya All [GRIN] I wrote this when I was 11 year old . A kind of a magic story that involves travelling seven hills and seven mountains to get a miracle flower . Am sure many of the lines and usage of words sounds kiddish to you now ; even if it might ; the then is there with yeah [GRIN] ( Well I myself laughed aloud when I read it ) but now then ; do remember ; this was written when I was just 11 years old. The Flying Violet Bird Physics [GRIN].Do give me your feed back and thanks a ton to this scribd thing . This internet thing gives you freedom to expose what ever you feel and it does sounds good when i think that what i wrote when i was 11 years old will be viewed by everyone across world .

Transcript of Naga Pushpam - The Miracle Flower