Nadine and Sophie's MV Pitch

Post on 12-May-2015

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Transcript of Nadine and Sophie's MV Pitch

  • 1.The Pitch Proposal

2. Introduction to Production Company
Name:Barnwin Productions
Strengths as a team:
Sophie: Textiles, Filming and Editing
Nadine: Photography and Editing
We have been a production company since September, but have worked on previous videos as other production companies. This shows we work well in as groups.
3. Oh So Many Years- Laura Cantrell
Genre: Country
Artist: Laura Cantrell has been in this career since 2000. She has developed her own style of country music but keeping with the music being played on an acoustic guitar.
Audience: 25-60 years old because she is on radio 2 that has listeners in this age bracket.
4. Outline of Narrative
Our music video is focused towards the artists relationship with the death of her partner. This will consists of flashbacks (with her partner) and the present time (without her partner).
5. Mise-en-scene
Scarf around neck?
Cowboy hat
High waisted shorts
Floaty dress
6. Locations
Country Lanes
Back garden
Main location of filming is going to be Chrishall, Saffron Waldon and some in Nadines bedroom in Cambridge.
Pictures of all these
7. Casting
Name: Georgia Bennett (artist)
James Humphries (partner)
We chose both of theses people to be in it as they are together in real life so wont be uncomfortable with being filmed together plus they are both confident people and both have acting experience
8. Any Special Effects
Super imposition to create a dream like setting and atmosphere of the artist over the top of the locations that we pick that consists in country music videos, where the artist is surrounded by fields.
Also have cross fades through that will show the narrative progression as the artist is reflecting on her relationship.
This will support the intended audience of 25-60 by seeing the visuals that connect to the narrative of the song and to make it more interesting than just plain cuts.
Freeze frames to add impact and for making people disappear for example in the song there is a moment when the artist is walking down a pathway she is dreaming about seeing him.
9. Goodwins Analysis
10. Voyeurism: Mise en scene of the artist (showing parts of her flesh). Also part of the song where she is alone in her bedroom (private space).
Lyrics to Music: Cutting and putting special effects with the beat of the song.
Genre: Country Mise en scene (denim, cowboy hat, bandana and neckerchief etc) and location of fields (open spaces).
11. Close Ups of the Artist: The artists facial expressions as she sings (quick cutting).
5. Inter textual Reference:
6. Star Iconography: Baggy shirts and tight fitted trousers and shorts (typical country woman).
12. Thinking about CD cover and advert
While filming we will take a number of still images of the artist performing on location so that the CD Cover, advert and music video will have a connection. This is also less time consuming for us to do while the filming is taking place instead of having to go back to the location again.
13. Key Success Factors
Having the location of the fields surrounding Chrishall, Saffron Waldon
Mise-en-scene of the artist and turning up on the day of filming.
Taking a still image and video camera (preferably 2 video cameras to get different angles) on the day of filming. This enables us to have a load of footage to edit together
14. Summary
15. Any Questions?