
Post on 11-Dec-2015

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Transcript of nache

“And on the rumor you’re dating the heartbreaker bachelor, Chace Crawford,

is that true??”

“Well, we’ve been through so many times together, just like you guys know.

We’ve been really, really, good friends. He’s incredible, he’s sweet, and such a

gentleman, but dating?? I don’t really think we need to go that far. Just being best

friends is already exhilarating for me, you know?”

“How exhilarating??”

“He’s not gonna stop makes me laughing until I die laughing, but sometimes

he’s not gonna stop makes me fed up until I die fed up. So many pressures. But

that’s why I love being his friend, and also all my besties you guys already know, he

gives colors in my day. So I won’t have a grey and flat day as long as he’s around…”

“Okay, I think that’s pretty much it. I think I’ve done my duty and I got all I

ever wanted on your answers. Thank you so much for coming here!”

“You’re welcome. I had been really excited about this day, too. I had a nice

day so far in here…”

“Okay. Now, let me show you your beautiful pieces for the photo shoot!”

“Alright, it’s gonna be exciting!”

We’re about to wrap up the photo shoot and interview today for the Teen

Vogue Magazine. Just one more thing to do. A camera is settled already and I’m

about to say the wrap up of the event today to the camera

“Nurul! Set in one… two... three!”

“Alright, I’m Nurul, and we just wrapped up the photo shoot today, here, for

the Teen Vogue magazine. So, you guys got all the inside scoop, the celebrities, the

interviews, the make up, the photo shoots, and the amazing people all around here, I

wish you guys enjoyed it. Once again I wish happy 20th anniversary for Teen Vogue!

Wish you all the best, keep in style, keep in success. Don’t forget to get yourself one

of these and you’ll see hundred of your favorite celebrities, in style. So, thanks for

watching this behind the scene special. Bye!”

“…And, cut!” the cameraman shouts “That’s a wrap people! Awesome work!”

He shouts to all the people here and everyone’s cheering up. And I finally can leave

the place. I’m going straight up to the dressing room to get change my cloth back.


My cell phone’s just beeping. I check my chat

chacecrawf: done your teen vogue’s??

nuruldk: yeep. What’s up??

chacecrawf: I’ll meet you outside


nuruldk: youv bee waiting for me?

How long??

chacecrawf: nah. Just arrived ‘round 5 minutes ago

nuruldk: ooh -.-

okay I’ll see you in 5!

I close the chat and going to my dressing room faster. Can’t wait to hit the

road with Chace

Actually, this is what makes the rumors start around. Everyone starts seeing

me hang out with Chace a lot and they’re assuming that we’re secretly dating. Well, I

knew one of these would ever happen. Chace and I started really often to go out

alone lately. But I just don’t see what’s wrong with that. He’s my friend. So it’s just a

proper thing hanging out with my friend, isn’t it?

I finish exchange my cloth and walk back to the entrance. I walk out of the

place and trying to look for Chace. And there I see him, leans himself on his car while

texting with his BlackBerry. I run toward him


“Ha!” Chace seemed shocked because he’s been straight his attention to his

cell phone. I just laugh. Chace frowns his mouth

“You gotta get out of your cell a little while if you wanna go out with me!”

“Fine…” He says. Then he opens up the door for me and I get into his car.

Chace walks in too and he starts the engine “So, tell me about your photo shoot

today…” He says as the car moves leaving the place. Taking us somewhere I haven’t

even known yet.

After several minutes in his car, we’re finally arrived on one side of Melrose

Place. We get off the car and start stroll the Melrose Place. But it only has been a few

seconds, a bunch of paparazzi suddenly crowding around us while taking our picture.

This is really not included in a picture of the fun-day-out-with-Chace I’ve been

imagining. Chace hugs me over my shoulder and helps me walk through those crazy


“Chace! Nurul! Are you guys really dating now??” one of them shouts his

answer. I don’t really wanna open my mouth, while Chace just keep quite and don’t

say a word. In the time that I really hope he would say something to them. I can’t

stand it, these people keep shouting us the same question. I know they won’t stop

until they got the answer from us

“No, we’re just friends. We’re really good friends…” I say that while we still

keep walking trying to get off from those flashing lights. Chace looks regret I just said

that even know it could help us a little. Some of those paparazzi are leaving while the

others still keep throwing questions to us

“Is it true you’re gonna play on a movie next summer with Joe Jonas and

Emma Roberts?”

“Yes, it’s true…” I say quite shouting. Chace still zips his mouth.

“What about you, Chace? Who’s the next girl you gonna break the heart?? Is it

her??” one of them asks “Come on, Chace. We need to hear a word from you and

we’ll leave!” I’m pretty sure that question must be really offending for him. I can see

his eyes showing a fed up feeling for these crazy paparazzi

“Okay, I’ll give you some words. Leave now, have a life, don’t disturb us.

Thank you!” He says. He sounded a little bit angry. I can see some of those paparazzi

are looked scared now. Some of them looked like just found the right main title for

the Chace’s cover story. Then he brings me inside a restaurant and leaving those

paparazzi outside. He pulls me to the second floor of the restaurant, which I just

realized this is The Bazaar Restaurant. We sit and Chace finally talks to me

“Those people just won’t stop…”

“I know” I say “It’s okay. They’re paparazzi. That’s, what they do”

“You make it sounded proper.”

“Well, it is.” I say. Chace frowns his forehead

“Okay, you’re right…” He says “I’m sorry involved you into this. This just

should’ve been my business only, they don’t need to throw such a question in front of


“Hey, it’s okay. Don’t sweat it. We’re friends, so we help each other…” I smile

“I should help you through this”

There’s a little smile on his face “Thank you…” He says. Then he holds my

hand and stares at me. I’m so familiar with that kind of look.

“Stop doing that.”

“Doing what?” He says while still giving me the same look.

“You know exactly what you’re doing!” I say “You give that look to make girls

falling over you.”

“You really though that way??” He says. Still giving his deadly smile “Why??”

“Just from your reputation,” I say. He frowns his forehead “You’re the

Heartbreaker. I’ve seen thousands of that look from thousands heartbreaker like


“You meant, you’ve got thousands flirting tries from other heartbreakers??”

“Which also meant, you weren’t the first.” I say “I’m getting used to that…”

He giggles “Oh-ow, really??” Chace says “Who are they??”

“Nah, you’ll just let yourself down to know them…”

“No, I won’t! Come on, tell me!”

“You really wanna know??”

“…Yea?” He looks pretty unsure now

“I got that from Justin Bieber, I was doing an appearance in his music video,

Robert Pattinson when we were on the same movie last summer, Mark Salling, on his

singing scene in Glee, he actually winked at me, and even sometimes Joe.”


“Yea. But it never looked really like trying to flirt. It just looked friendly…”

“Oh, okay…” He says. Not long after that the dishes come and we enjoy our


We had so much fun. After had lunch in the Bazaar, we did a little shop around

this fabulous Melrose Place. We visited Barney’s New York, Urban Outfitters, Forever

21, and many other stores. I love shopping with Chace because he really aware about

fashion, after Joe. I admit no guy would be more aware to fashion than Joe. But still, it

was awesome shopping with Chace. Well maybe not that fun with several paparazzi

showing up in several places. But that’s not really a huge problem. After shopping,

we found a little market across. We went there for a while and got some cool stuff!

Like unique hats and sun glasses. This market’s amazing. After that, we went to El

Capitan Cinema to watch some movies. We did a movie marathon, 3 movies in a row.

There’s no tired if I’m going out with Chace. It has been an amazing day with him.

It’s 9PM. We decided to go home, after dinner. We drove to Rodeo Drive to

find some restaurant. Finally we ended up at Italian Ama. Once we arrived we took a

seat and ordered up

“Hey!” Chace says “Look what I got at the market! This is really cool!” He

pulls something out of his shopping bag. It’s a pineapple-shaped glasses. He wears it

and puts on his silly face with it. We both laugh

“Haha, nice one! I have one, too…” I pull out my glasses. Mine is a big round

dartboard-shaped glasses with holes on the centers “How cute, huh??”

“Hahah. That’s silly!” He laughs “Where did you get one of those??”

“Silly? You should check out yours!” I say. We both keep laughing.

“It’s really fun got to hang out with you…” He says “Before I met you I never

really had a blasting day out with anyone”

“What do you mean? You have a wonderful life even before you met me…”

“Yea, of course. That’s what people say. But, the truth is, believe me, I can

barely having fun with it”


“Everybody wants a piece of Chace Crawford! They would do anything just to

get my attention. They started playing nice with me, give me all the attention, and at

the first time, of course I like it. Being in the center of attention, everybody loves me,

like, being with me is really something that they should be proud of. But in the end,

they always want something from me. ‘Hey, Chace! I know you’re on your family

vacation, but can you please attend my party??’ ‘Hey, Chace! I need to look good to

be with you. Barney’s would be fine!’ ‘Hey, Chace! Please go shopping with me and

swipe all your credit cards for me!’”

What kind of person that dares to ask Chace frontally pays for their


“They really said those things?”

“Not really like that, of course! But that’s the point. They made up, some

sentences to make it sounded… polite??”

“I don’t know is it the people now losing their good manners or polite has a

new lower standard!”

“Yea…” Chace giggles “Tell me ‘bout it…”

“Then how does it all changed with my appearance??” I ask. He smiles and


“I do have a lot of friends. But I never sure about all of them. I never knew

were they wanna befriended with me because they really wanted to, or because of

the money, and fame, and all those superficial matters. And sometimes, one of them

that I call friend, would knock me down, too. I never sure who’s my friend really is…”

He smiles to me “But now, I’m sure…”

I’m happy to see him happy about me

“I bet that heartbreaker citing was given by one of your ‘friends’ too, huh??”

“Actually, not a friend…” He’s thinking “Well, she used to be a friend. Until I

dated her, then we broke up, she’s not happy.”

“Why did you break up??”

“Um…” he tries to remember “Oh, yea, she was mad at me because I can’t

attend her birthday party. I had to take care of my mom, she was hospitalized. She

got angry and kept complaining to me. I can’t stand it so we broke up. At the first

time, she begged me to get back, but instead that, she decided to throw a sad story

about out breakup to the media”

“Throw a sad story?? You said that just like she was telling a fake sad breakup

story to the media…”

“She was” He says “She said I broke her up because I fell for another girl.

That’s fake, right?”

“What?? Didn’t you fight back or did something??”

“Why I should? So many anger, so little time. It was just one spoiled girl, I’d

rather move on with a little heartbreaker citing than have to fight with her for the

rest of my life…” He says flatly. From that story, I realize something.

“So, you were saying, you weren’t what people saying about you?”

“Saying about what??”

“The heartbreaker,” I say “You never meant to hurt that girl, didn’t you??”

“Of course. I never meant to hurt any girl. But I don’t think people would

believe that now…”

“I believe you…” I say. He slights his eye


“Yea. You convinced me. I’m sure you’re not a jerk like that” He seems happy.

He smiles to me.

“Hey,” He holds my hands “Thanks. I will never forget that. Means so much for

me…” He smiles

“No probs…”

Not long after that, the dishes finally coming. We eat our dinner while talking

about the coming up Teen Vogue’s anniversary party. He asked me to go together

with me. Of course I’d love to come with him. I don’t really care too much about

those gossips spread around about Chace and I are dating. I think he’s not really that

bad to be my couple

I have a meeting for the movie today with Emma, Joe, and turns out, Chelsea

joins the movie, too! I’m so excited. I’m going to Blue Ribbon Brasserie where the

meeting took place in.

“Hey, guys!”

“Nurul!” Chelsea exclaims as I enter the room “Morning, sweety!”

“Morning. Hey, Joe! Emma!” I greet them

“Hey, Nurul!” They say back. And then Joe slurps his hot mocha latte.

“What you guys doing?”

“Oh, just reading some articles about Chace Crawford. He’s such a hottie…”

Emma says while keep reading the Seventeen Magazine she’s holding.

“Yeep. Too bad he’s a hottie heartbreaker…” Chelsea adds and Emma agrees

with it. Joe joins them and reads the articles, too.

“Hey” I say “He’s not that bad…”

“Not that bad??” Joe suddenly says “He has no relationship that last longer

than 3 months—“

“His single times are always within 2 months!” Emma cuts

“And one more thing…” Joe adds while trying to read what he’s going to say

“Chace broke most of those girls through phone calls! That’s mean!” Joe says. I never

knew about that before. Chace didn’t tell me about that before. After they said that I

felt my trustiness to Chace fades a little bit. But I wanna sure he’s not a jerk. We’re

all stare at Joe with cynical look. I think Joe gets it.

“Fine. But I only did it once with Taylor. And never happened again!” Joe

defends himself. We’re just giggling.

“Fine, sure. Whatever…” I say

Not long after that, our producer, Mr. John Bruckheimer and also the movie

director, Chris Columbus, finally come and we started our meeting. We’re pretty

much talking about the shooting location, the characters, and they give us the movie

script. This script book is super thick. And they tell us we’re gonna meet the rest of

the cast sooner. We’ll work also with Miranda Cosgrove, Gemma Artenton, Sam

Worthington, Logan Lerman, and many more.

After around two and a half hours we finished our meeting. John Bruckheimer,

Chris Columbus, with Chelsea and Emma are leaving the café already. Me and Joe

still wanna hanging here for a while. We start chattering and laughing only in a few

seconds after they were leaving the place. Joe always got something to say, and to

laugh about

“Hey” Joe says while stir his Iced Chocolate “Were you going out with


“Actually, yea…” I say “We’ve been pretty close since we were playing in the

same movie. He’s, pretty cool…”

“Pretty cool? Okay, he is pretty cool. Nothing’s bad about his clear blue eyes.

But, you gotta face I’m better, huh?” Joe starts his brag. We laugh.

“Yea, sure, whatever…”

“What did you guys do?”

“Yea, we were having so much fun, we lunched, and did a little shopping, and

got some cool stuff at the beach little market, and also we had a movie marathon, we

dined, then he drove me home. He’s super kind and friendly. No wonder girls are

chasing after him…” Once I said that, Joe frowns his mouth

“Okay, you too…” I say. Then he smiles again “I can’t go two seconds without

saying compliments to you, can I?”

“I don’t see any chance…” Then he smiles teasingly. The next second, we

stop talking about Chace and move on to another topic. He throws joke and we both


After having some times laughing out loud at the café, I decided to go back

home. I’m going home together with Joe. He says he got nothing to do so he wanted

to come over to my place.

Not long after that, we’re arrived back to my crib. When I enter my front yard,

someone’s car is being parked there. It’s a cool ride, a red cherry Ferrari.

“Nice car. Is that yours?” Joe asks. I never saw that car before

“No, it’s not…” I say then I park my car and we’re walking inside my home.

When we enter the house, I don’t see anybody there.

“Looks like no one’s here…” Joe says. I agree with him.

“Hey, let’s watch some movies!” I suggest “I got tons of new movies in my

cinema room!”

“That’ll be great!” Then we’re walking toward a little elevator. This elevator is

the only way to get to my cinema room. And then I press the button, but the door

won’t open. I remember, I locked the elevator when I left for the meeting earlier.

“What happened??” Joe asks

“Wait a second, Joe. I gotta unlock this elevator. I locked it before I left for the


“Oh, okay! I’ll wait here!” Joe says. Then I leave him and going to my living

room. I put the lock remote for the elevator on a cupboard there. There are a lot of

things in there and I kinda struggle to find the remote. It took me pretty long there.

Finally after around 5 minutes, I got the remote. I walk back to the elevator and I

hear the piano there is being played. When I got there, I see Joe’s playing my piano

there. He’s playing a song. He seemed doesn’t know that I’m here and too busy

playing a song on the piano. I walk toward him. I get closer and he’s still not aware of

my coming.

“Hey” I say. Joe looks surprised

“Hey! You’re here! Let’s watch the movie now!”

“Wait, wait!” I hold him back “What did you play?”

“Um… A song…”

“I know! I meant, what song? I never heard it before…”

“Oh, yea, I just made it last night”

“Ooh…” I say “Play it again. It sounded great!”

“No, I’m still working on it. I haven’t finished it yet—“

“It’s okay. Come on! I wanna hear it!”

He gasps and sits back on the piano chair “…Fine…”

Baby, its over, we both know, lets go forward.

I love you, but in a different way, I love you, forever.

Now that we've come to the end of a story-y and I know that it's gonna be hard for


Might hurt some, not too much, but I gotta let it wait.

As the world turns around and we go different places, new things, new dreams, new


Wanna shake up, when we break up, but we keep our memories.

'coz I know you can't stay, so I won't be waiting, anticipating for the fall.

We had our time, baby, so I won't be waiting, anticipating for the call.

Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say "we're moving on and we'll be okay".

Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say "we're moving on and we'll be okay".

Baby, it's better, and I want you, to be happy.

Sometimes people find that it's so hard just to say goodbye.

Then easy the more and the more you try.

So there'll be cheating, better saving, but not me and my girl

We understand that we're friends and it just ain't working, no point in the constant


So when we go nuts, for a minute, and admit that we're just not in it.

I know you can't stay, so I won't be waiting, anticipating for the fall.

We had our time, baby, so I won't be waiting, anticipating for the call.

Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say "we're moving on and we'll be okay".

Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say "we're moving on and we'll be okay".

Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say "we're moving on and we'll be okay".

Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say "we're moving on and we'll be okay"

“…I know, it hasn’t done yet, but—“

“No, no! That was awesome!” I clap for him “Super! You made it?”


“Who inspires you??” I ask. He doesn’t say a word like he’s trying to thinking

what he’s going to say “Come on! Tell me! Is it a girl??” I try to tease him. He giggles.

“Actually… it’s—“

“Nurul!” Someone suddenly shouts, cuts what Joe was going to say. I turn

back “…Um, I’m not a party kinda people, but I’m sure that party won’t allow flip flop

joins in it…” He says

“Chace? What are you doing here??”

“I’m here to pick you, I thought we talked about that couple days ago…”

“Ha??” I don’t understand “Where??”

“The Teen Vogue’s party?”

“It’s today??”

“Yea! I gave you the invitation!”

“I thought it’s on August 15th!”

“No! It’s August 1st! It’s today!” Chace says. I’m rushing to get my invitation

and read it


II 6 to 68th Street, The Plaza Hotel II

II 8/1/15 II

8/1/15. One thing I’ve learned. Never read an invitation only in a slight in your

sleepiest condition.

“Oh, no!” I say

“You. There is a mistake always happened to you when it comes to

parties!” Joe says. He’s telling the truth. I’ll always have unimportant matters

when it comes to parties.

“Tell me ‘bout it!” Chace and Joe laughs. And then they’re doing their fist

shake. Not really helping right now.

“Well, you better hurry! People are there already!” Chace says while

checking his BlackBerry.

“Fine! Fine!” I say “I’ll go upstairs! I’ll be back, okay”

“I’m here waiting!” Chace says. Then I rush to my bedroom upstairs.

“You look great…” Chace says


We’re on the party now. Just when we arrived at the front door, the

paparazzi are crowding us already. We decided to ignore them and rush to the

party immediately.

While we’re walking inside, I remember one thing. Joe was going to say

something to me and we were about to watch a movie until Chace showed up

and took me to this party. I feel terrible just leaving Joe suddenly with no excuse.

I have to make it up later.

We’re having party in the hotel penthouse, and it’s crowded by famous

people. There are Justin Bieber, Lea Michele, Mark Salling, Dakota Fanning and

her sister Elle, Ashley Tisdale, Zanessa, Leighton Meester, Taylor Momsen, Sara

Paxton, and even some Los Angeles’ designers like Yonom Solomon, Michael

Kors, and many more. I got star struck in every step in this party. Hot people


“Nurul!” Someone shouts. I turn back

“Emma!” I walk toward her “You’re invited too??”

“Yea!” She says happily and then she turns her eye to Chace “You’re

going here with him??”

“Oh, yea…” Chace comes to us “Chace, you know Emma Robert. She’s

playing in the same movie with me next summer. Emma, Chace!” I introduce

them to each other. Chace smiles to her and greets her hand.

“Hey. Great to see you…”

“Ahah. Yea, you too.” Emma smiles. Her face’s blushing “Hey, Nurul,

would you go with me for a while, please??”

“Oh, yea. Of course!” I say “I’ll be back, Chace”

“Okay, see you around!” Chace says. Then he leaves and I see bunch of

famous-people-likely coming straight to him. Emma takes me to a corner next to

the pool and sat me there

“You’ve been going out with Chace??” Emma asks suddenly

“Yea,” I say “But not like dating, you know, just kinda—“

“Why don’t you tell me??” She seems really curious about these whole

Chace things

“Why I should?? I mean, you don’t really like him, do you? You said he was

a heartbreaker”

“Fine, I knew I said that. But I admit, he was dazzling! I catch his eyes and

I got star struck!” Her face starts blushing again

“Yea, he has amazingly beautiful eyes…” I say flatly

“Why did you want to going out with him??”

“Why not?? He’s really friendly and kind, and very nice to be hung out


“It could just meant, he spreads his charms on you…”

“No, he’s not gonna do that. We’re best friends!”

“Not in a slight anymore. You’ll soon be a Chace’s heart-broken ex…”


“What? That’s what always happened!”

“Trust me I know him better than you,” I say “He’s not that mean…”

“And you believe him??”

“Why can’t I??”

“He’s a heartbreaker! It’s his citing! People with that kinda citing can

barely say the truth!”

“Emma!” I say “You’re so full of it!”

She seemed gives up “Fine!” She says “If you don’t want to believe me. As

a friend I can only say, be careful. I’m sure he’ll has the moment to get you

tonight, on the dance”

“What dance??”

Suddenly the slow music played and everyone starts to find their couple

and they begin to dance to the music

“That dance…” Emma says. Just when Emma said that, someone nudges

me from the back

“Hey, Nurul!” He says. I turn back.

“Justin??” I’m stunned to see Jieber there

“Justin!” Emma says just as surprised as I do “You’re here, too!”

“Hey, Emma, Nurul! Yea, I’m invited. I never though you guys would be

here!” He says. We giggle “You girls are looking good tonight” He says as we still


“Hey, um, by the way…” He’s giving me that look. He starts to spread his

charm now “Nurul, wanna dance with me??”

I’m about to say of course I’d love to! Until someone cuts the moment


“Move it, little heartbreaker…” He says “She’s mine” He smiles to Justin

and takes me out of the place. Justin stunned and stood still there.

“Hey! Why don’t you dance with me??” Emma says to Justin just to lighten

the situation. I’m pretty sure Justin was offended. Now we’re in the middle of the

crowd and we start to dance

“What were you thinking, Chace?” I say “He was asking me first. You can’t

just say ‘move it little heartbreaker’ and then take me away…”

He smiles “Yes, I can” he holds my hand while the other one rounds

around my hips “You don’t wanna stuck with him anyway, huh??”


“Come on! Don’t try to deny. I know you can’t stand his tempting…”

“Okay, a bit. I just don’t like him when he starts to spread the charms.

Beside that he’s awesome…”

“Really?” He says “Even more awesome than me?” He smiles. He’s giving

me his charming look again

“You’re doing it again!”

“Doing what??”

“That look,” I say “You’re giving me that look, again…”

“Really?” He won’t stop doing that “Have you ever though that maybe I

really meant this? Not just spreading the charms around…” He smiles. We’re still

dancing and suddenly I’m blushing. Maybe Emma was right. He would have the

moment at this dance. I can’t find the difference now, does he really meant that

or just joking around? I just smile

“You wanna know how do I think about you?” He asks


“I think… You’re amazing…” He smiles to me

“Really?” I’m blushing. He nods his head

“Well, I think you’re amazing, too…” He doesn’t say anything and just

giggles. He’s still giving me the same look. I don’t know how long this is gonna

last because I’m sure he won’t stop and I’m getting nervous on his hands now.

But somewhere deep inside, I’m flattered.

The rumored couple Chace Crawford and his co-star Nurul were once

again spotted together on the Teen Vogue’s Anniversary Party. A source told us

that she was also with her friend and co-star Emma Roberts and Justin Bieber.

Justin was talking to her until Chace cut them up and took her away to danced in

the middle of the crowd. They were leaving the place immediately after knowing

a paparazzi busted them there—

“This is stupid…” Chace grunts to himself hearing that news on Kiis Fm

while driving out the place. I know he must be really fed up right now. He can’t

stand those paparazzi. They just won’t stop posting every steps of Chace. We

had an amazing time until suddenly a blitz light flashed to us and we knew that

there was a paparazzi that sneaked into the party. Chace pulled me and we were

leaving immediately.

“Chace, I’m sorry…” I don’t know what am I apologize for

“It’s not your fault, it’s okay…” Chace says trying to look calm. But I know

he’s still furious inside. If I’m watching his face now hard to believe that he could

put on a charming look to me earlier at the party “What about that? I don’t think

it was proper at all..”

“Yea… I think so…” I’m a bit afraid to talk to him now. He sounded angry.

“I should never go out with you tonight. Look what happened now…”

Chace says, still angrily. I’m hurt. Like one second ago he just said that he meant

all his charmed look, and the next second he tells me that go out with me was a


“Yea, you’re right. You should never…” I say. I think this is why he called

as a heartbreaker. He just broke my heart. I was believe and flattered with him,

not anymore now.

“No, no, no, that’s not what I meant! I meant what I said at the party!


“If that’s what you really mean, why are you being this angry when

paparazzi caught us?”

“It don’t related in anything about us!”

“How so?!” I try to hold my tears “The only reason they were there was

only for us!”

“Why are you so angry?! I was just being thoughtful!!”

“Being thoughtful?!" I shout him back “You regret went out with me

tonight, you don’t wanna be seen in public with me, you yelled at me for

something that’s not even my fault, you broke my heart, and it all was just you

being thoughtful?!” I say to him “One second you told me that I’m amazing, and

the next second you regret you ever being with me!”

He zips his mouth, looking realize that all I said was true

“Look, answer this. Maybe yesterday, I’m your guilty pleasure. But you

had your public appearance with me and it’s time for you to hold me off. You

don’t wanna be seen in public with me for the second time. If I were someone

else beside me you’ll rush down the street make sure paparazzi got your picture!

Is that honestly what you were thinking?” I say to him. He still looks depressed

and regret.

“No, no, Nurul, I—“

“Chace, watch out!” I shout warning him to pay attention on the street.

We were really mad on each other and I realize it distracts Chace’s attention on

driving. A wine container almost crashed our car, we survived because he made

a fast turn to the side of the road and braked the car suddenly, really suddenly

like I almost jumped off the car. For some seconds we try to calm ourselves down

on the side road. We’re taking a breath and I’m feeling a little thankful inside god

still let me alive.

“This has been a really hard night, so I want you to listen to me…” Chace

starts the talk “Every girl that had times with me, they were all the same. They

want every of their steps being with me are published to the public. They were so

proud being with me and they even told on twitters, facebooks, blogs, vlogs,

everything in between ‘party at chace’s house tonight’ blah blah blah so just they

could invite bunch of paparazzi to published us in public. I got tired of that. You

were the only girl that being really honest with me and never trying to make me

attracted to you. I could just be myself when I’m with you. That’s why I like you

and I won’t let the same thing happened to us. I don’t want paparazzi finds out

anything about us, I don’t want them being once again obsessed with me and my

life and ruin everything. They just won’t stop doing this and then they’ll turn it

into something ugly…”

“They don’t have to, you already did…” I say “That’s a well-rehearsed

story, I enjoyed it. I have to go now.” I say to Chace. I’m about to open the door,

but Chace holds my hand

“No, wait!” He says. I don’t turn back my face “I don’t wanna say good

bye like this…” One second I thought I should just let go from his hand and walk

out the car, but I got something to say. I turn back my face to him

“What about this? We forgot tonight was ever happened, even better if we

could forgot we ever known each other. So no one of us needs to feel the pain

tonight!” I shout to him. Then I’m off of his hand and trying to get out of the car,

but once again he holds me

“No! I won’t! I never will!” Chace says

“I’m sure you will. You just regretted you were going out with me!”

“That’s not what I meant!”

“Then what you really mean??” I yell at him “For the first time in your life,

please, just tell me the truth! No more charms! No more stories!”

“I love you! And I wanna convinced you that I could be the guy that will

hold his feeling for you without any kind of publicities things!!” He shouts to me.

He looks really serious. His blue eyes are staring deep into me and somehow I

know, he tells me the truth. I can see it in his eyes. Now my mouth zipped.

“I told you everything already, didn’t I??” He says “I never meant to break

a heart, even for those who give me this citing, and you… I wanna protect you

from any kind of that…” He says deeply. He stares into my eyes and right about

that second, I believe him. My feet and hands felt so heavy to leave. Every inch

of my fiber tell me to stay here, hear what he’s gonna say next and trying to

make everything’s better

“Please, give me a chance to show you I could be the guy you’ve always

been wanted…” He says and after that long I just realized he holds my hand

really tight. I can’t hide that I’m falling for that. In a weird way, he just made me

falling over him after all the star struck, the unsure-making-stories, the charm-

spreading, and the fight right here tonight. And it all even ended so much

weirder. He got his grip tighter on my hand, he moves closer to me, and he

kisses me. This is one unforgettable night, I don’t know in a positive way or not.

7 in the morning, I woke up already and I walk downstairs to get my

breakfast. I take it with me to the living room and I sit on the couch. I’m about to

eat my first scoop, when my phone’s suddenly beeping


Who’s already text me this early?? I thought the meeting will start at 12

noon. I open the message, turned out it’s from Emma

From: EmRoberts

Watch E!News !! Now!! Explain what happened later at the meeting!!

Why Emma forces me to watch a gossip and news about celebrities in the

morning?? That doesn’t felt nice, but I turn my tv anyway trying to figure out

what’s Emma talking about. I turn my channel to E!, there is Giulianna Rancic

there with Ryan Seacrest hosting the program as usual

“This rumored couple was seen to start a fight… and hook up after it.

Welcome back to E! News! We’re your host, I’m Ryan Seacrest…”

“And I’m Giulianna Rancic. This, is E! News…”

Oh. The show just started, great. I don’t think I miss a thing. The intro begins with

lots of stars shoots and catchy tunes for a few seconds. And finally the show’s


“Welcome to E!News, we’ll bring you the hottest celebrity news and the

best entertainment for the next 60 minutes. We got so many big scandals today,

isn’t that right, Giulianna??”

“Well, yea, don’t call it scandals. We’re serving entertainment here, not

preparing for celebrities rages!”

“Okay, I play along, let’s just start with the news, shall we??”

“Of course. For today, we got you a special summer beauty guide with

Ashlan Gorse from celebrity stylist, Renee April. Plus, Logan Lerman finally gets

his turn to be on the hot seat with Jason Kennedy! It’s an exclusive interview~”

“Yea! Jason got him questions, some are shocking. He made Logan laugh

‘til he choked! And also about his upcoming movie this summer, he’s gonna tell

you guys a huge surprise! Wait for it to know it…”

“But first, let’s talk about the sightings! We got many shocking, and…

okay, maybe a little scandalous for some.”

“I told you! There are many dramas we found on the Hollywood street,


“Lindsay Lohan seems like gets to once again raveled with polices,”

“And, an empty finger of Katy Perry. Could it be Katy and Russel is the

next couple to get to the court??”

“And also, Chace Crawford, made a… pretty scandalous show-up…”

“Let’s check out, the sightings…”

Wait. Did she say Chace Crawford?? What makes him got to be appeared on the

sightings?? I have a feeling this is not gonna be a good sighting.

Lindsay Lohan, once again spotted in Los Angeles Police Department office

yesterday at 11. The party-girl was still wearing her drunk-detector on her feet

and walking into the office with a wrecked car, messy hair, and looked not well.

From a source that told us she was once again seen partying with old friend,

Samantha Ronson, in a night club in Malibu

Katy Perry spotted shopping around the Melrose Place alone and when we

checked the finger… no ring. She didn’t wear her wedding ring. A source told us

that Katy and Russel weren’t often to go out together anymore and hasn’t seen

them together in a while. From the news spread all over the internet, they were

rumored to get divorced.

Recognize this ride?? This ride seemed about to get splat by a wine

container. But the good news is, there are no death reports today on the show. It

turned to the side of the road fastly and braked suddenly. When the paparazzi

got closer to saw who’s inside the car, we found Chace Crawford, and his co-star

who has been rumored together with him, Nurul. On the first shots, they seemed

like they had a fight. She tried to get out of the car but Chace held her back, but

in the end, it was ended by a kiss. Seems like they can’t defend every talking

about they’re dating now..

I’m stunned and shocked. I can’t possibly go out now. Paparazzi will

crowding me wherever I go and start throwing me such questions, I’m panic,

scared, shocked, stunned, but a little proud, and happy, I don’t know should I just

face it or not. This is not good. Definitely not good. I grab my cell and text to


To: EmRoberts

I’m not even sure I could get to the meeting. I’ll get splat by paparazzi.

11.30. I should drive to the meeting right now or I’ll be late. I open the

curtain and look down to my front road. There are a plenty of paparazzi outside

the gate. I can’t even drive my car out of my house. I’m a prisoner in my own

house, this is not good. But I have to go out anyway. I try to get all my courage to

face those paparazzi, maybe it’s time.

I’m ready with my shades as I walk out of my house and walking toward

my car. Before I got to reach my car those paparazzi saw me first and running to

me. The exact thing I imagined. They throwing me questions

“Tell me everything about you and Chace!!” One of them shouts and the

other are following. I try my hardest to walk through them

“I’m sorry I have to go now…” I say desperately. Those paparazzi won’t

just give up and keep torturing me with such questions. This is terrible. Just when

I thought I could stuck here forever, a car suddenly brake into us and the

paparazzi suddenly move out from me. Finally, a little space to breath.

“Hey! Watch your road!!” the paparazzi are grumbling to the rider now. I

know that car. I run out from those paparazzi while I got this little space to

runaway from them. They even got madder to see me runaway from them. The

guy in the car rolls his window down and see me

“I know you’re gonna need my help…” He smiles “Quick! Walk in!” He

says as I quickly get into his car. He shows opens his window and gets his head

out. The paparazzi surprised to see him

“Whatever you asked her, the answer is, yes, we’re dating! We have a

wonderful time already without you guys!!” He shouts to the paparazzi as he

drives his car out of my front yard.

“It’s Chace Crawford!! Chase them!!” One of them tells to the other. Too

late. We’re leaving them far behind already. He drives his red cherry Ferrari

really fast, makes those paparazzi look like a group of ants just in a few seconds.

“Sorry I’m late…” He says “You got a meeting at twelve, right?” He smiles

“Chace!” I say “You… Saved me.”

“Of course I did. You’re my girlfriend, right??”


“Boyfriend instinct…” He smiles “Guess I just proved you that I’m not

playing heart with you, right??”

I have no idea how red my face right now. I’m blushing like a tomato. He

really flatters me.

He just made a half an hour road into a half minute road. He drives really

fast and I’m arrived in the place before I knew it. I don’t even have time to

breath, I gasp as I arrived.

“Okay…” I say “Thanks for the ride, Chace…”

“No problem.” He says. And then he turns his eye to me. Once again those

blue eyes make me shaking “So when should I pick you??” He puts on his deadly


“You don’t have to,” I say “I can take a cab.”

“No, if we’ll go out together.”

“You asked me… For--”

“For a date? Yes, I am” He smiles. Once again he flatters me.

“Do you have any idea how curious are those paparazzi?? They’re gonna

cover all our way out!”

“Don’t worry, I got it covered…” He once again smiles.

“Okay…” I say “Do I need to wear an undercover??”


“Do you?”


“Promise you won’t drive me crazy like that again??”

He chuckles “Yes” He says “In fact, you’re driving me crazy…”

“Fine. I believe you now. Save your flatter for later, okay?”

“Fine” He gasps “Have a nice day, sweetheart!” Instead of opening my

door and let me go, he suddenly kisses me. I’m stunned.

“See you tonight…” He smiles. He opens the door lock and I walk out from

the car. I rush to the place before any paparazzi realize my appearance here.

I walk into the Toluca Café, where the meeting shall be started. Joe,

Chelsea, Emma, and now also with Logan are there already. When they see me

walking in, Emma rushes to me. Thank god the café’s not really crowded now.

“Nurul!” Emma exclaims “Come with me!” She pulls me harshly and sits

me there on the seat next to Joe. Logan greets me friendly when I got my seat.

“What’s happening with you and Chace?!” Emma asks. I tell all of them

every detail.

“So… let me straight this up…” Logan takes the talk “So, you are now

dating?? With Chace Crawford?? That heartbreaker dude??”

“No, he’s not that bad after all. In fact, he’s really sweet…”

“But, Joe and Emma have been telling me—“

“How could you got charmed by him?!!” Emma cuts Logan up. She throws

question to me just like she’s the only one that being with me now. Logan giggles

and seemed gives up to asking me more question.

“Yea, we warned you, aren’t we??” Joe adds

I gasp “…Please, he’s not that bad. It’s, um, complicated, but that citing

was given by a spoiled girl that couldn’t make Chace fall for her. She was angry

and she told some stories to blame him in the media. Believe me, he’s been

throwing charms, flirts, pick-up lines, and deadly stares, I never get away with it

until… that night he showed me one thing, that I know I could believe in him…”

“Really?? He’s making a new pick-up line just for you??” Chelsea asks

“No…” I say “Actually, it was… a pretty huge fight. It almost killed me,

literally… But it was ended really nice after all…” I smile and I think my face’s

blushing again.

“Oh! You meant the fight spotted on E! News this morning??” Emma


“On E! News?? What?? How??” Chelsea now seems excited and then

Emma starts telling what she saw on E! News this morning. Suddenly they’re

really serious in their own conversation with Emma. They seem to totally forget

about me. That’s better, I don’t have to explain anymore to them. Let them enjoy

their unbeknownst while they can.

3.47 PM, I’m finished the meeting. All of them are going straight to their

home. But not me, I don’t think I can. A bunch of paparazzi are waiting already in

front of the care. They’re finally found me. I wish Chace shows up just like this

morning he helped me.

“Hey!” Joe calls “You’re not going home yet??”

“…I’m afraid I can’t…” I say. I point at 4 parked vans rounded by men and

women with cameras and microphones.

“Oh,” Joe says “I think I can help you out…”


“I know a back way in this café…” He smiles “Come on!”

“Where is it??”

He pulls my hand and smiles “We’re going through the kitchen…”

Did he say kitchen??

I think he did

Joe pulls me entering toward a door. A waiter girl standing nearby and she

greets Joe

“Hey, Joe!”

“Hey, Khloe!” Joe greets back

“I guess you need a way back now, right? Those paparazzi have been

waiting front there for like, this past 2 hours…”

“Yes, please…”

She smiles to me “You’re a lucky girl got stuck with him…” She says. And

then she opens the door and we can see the kitchen inside.

“Thanks, Khloe…” Joe smiles. Khloe raises her thumb. And we’re walking


“Wait,” I say while we’re walking “How do you know her??”

“She’s been helping me out. I’m often get stuck here with those paparazzi.

She usually gives me a back way out…” Joe explains

“Joe,” I say “Thanks”

“You’re welcome” He smiles. We keep walking through this kitchen. All the

people there are watching us walking. Finally we meet the back door and we get

out on another side of Hollywood boulevard.

“So, are you going with a cab, or what??” Joe asks

“No, um, actually, Chace’s gonna pick me up here…”

“Oh,” he looks like saying to himself of course he will he’s her boyfriend

“Why don’t you get him on the phone or something??”

“Oh! Yea! Sure!” I call Chace to pick me up at the across side of the

Hollywood boulevard and he’s coming right away.

“How is it?”

“He’s gonna come right away here, only in few minutes.” I say “Hey, once

again, thank you so much. I don’t know how could I get out of this place without

your help”

“Hey, no problem. I’ll always ready to help you…” He smiles

“Oooh” I’m flattered “I’ll try my best to be your best friend, too”

“I appreciate that…” He smiles. I can help it so I just hug him with saying

tons of thanks. The moment’s suddenly over when I see a red cherry Ferrari

coming here. I get off his hug

“Hey! Chace’s here!” I say to Joe. Chace stops his car right in front of us

“Hey, honey…” Chace says to me “Sorry, I’m late”

“No, you’re not!” I say

“Hey, Chace…” Joe says

“Oh, hey, Joe!” Chace greets back friendly “What’s up??”

“Hey, you guys might don’t want to pass that road… Too many

paparazzi…” Joe warns him

“Absolutely!” I agree with him “I won’t get out of this place if it wasn’t

because of him, you know?”

“Really?” Chace smiles again, but not really friendly like earlier “Thanks,


“You’re welcome” Joe says “So, I guess you gotta go now”

“Yeep” I say “See you around, Joe. Bye!” I wave to him as I walk into

Chace’s car. He smiles and waves back at me. And then Chace turns around to

find another way to avoid those paparazzi.

“He was really kind to you, wasn’t he??” Chace says. He doesn’t seem

friendly now even smile’s still put on his face.

“Um, yea, of course…” I say “We’ve been best friends like, 4 years…”

“Sure..” He says

“What’s with you??”

He gasps “I-I’m sorry… I was just a little bit, jealous…”

I laugh “Hahah, jealous?? You’re jealous of Joe.”

“Yea. Because he could always help you whenever you need it. I’m your

boyfriend but I’m not sure I could be there whenever you need it…”

“Oooh,” I say “That’s so sweet. It’s okay, I’m not gonna sweat it on you. As

long as you try the best to protect me, it’ll be fine…” I say. Then he holds my

hand and kisses my hand while the other’s holding the steer.

“Then I will…” He smiles.

It’s been a beautiful times being together with Chace. Paparazzi still

chasing us all this long, but it’s not as bad as before because Chace always got

something to knock them down and not bothering us. I couldn’t careless about

the paparazzi attack whenever he’s around. He’s not showing any heartbreaker

attitude to me. I think I make the right decision to believe in him. He’s sweet,

grounded, caring, full of surprises, and, well, sometimes a little disgusting with all

his charms and pick-up lines. But I like it, that’s what makes him funny instead of

romantic. My friends not really worry about me going out with Chace anymore,

Chace finally could convince them that he’s not a heartbreaker like people know

and he’ll keep me safe.

Today I’m gonna start my second week of shooting. It takes place at JF

Kennedy Airport far away in New York. I’m gonna be there for a week to wrapped

up the New York scenes. I’m going to the LAX with Chace driving me. After one

hour road to LAX, we’re finally arrived and it’s time for Chace to let me go, for

the rest of the week. He helps me with my travel bag.

“Hey,” He says “Take care, okay?”

“Okay, Chace, I get it! I’m only leaving for a week, not forever!” We both

giggle because we realize how many Chace just said to me to take care of myself

and be careful and blah blah blah. Pretty annoying, but I’m flattered he really

worries so much about me.

“Call me. Or, just text me, and I’ll call you”


“It’s gonna be a lonely week without you”

“I know”

“Make sure your friends protecting you from paparazzi”

“We’re a squad of movie stars, all the people there gonna crowding us”

“What??” He sounded panic

“...We’ll protect each other…”

“Oh… Good” He says “I’m gonna miss you so much”

“Yea, me too” I smile “Anything else?”

Chace realizes he’s been talking a lot. He looks embarrassed to me “…


“Can I have my travel bag now??”

He giggles because shame “…Sure…” He gives me my travel bag.

“Thank you.” I smile to him “See you next week, wish me luck, okay?”

“Of course…” He smiles and he kisses me. After that, I finally set to go to

New York. I wave at him as I walk into the passenger line. I felt pretty awful, he’s

too kind to be left. Only a few steps after I passed the passenger line, my chat

notification alerts


I open the chat to see the chat entries


Busy – hard goodbye at LAX :’(


>Be careful

>Don’t forget to turn off the phone

>I love you :*




>love you too

I’m gushing as I close the chat. He’ll never stop worrying about me.

I walk into the plane parking lot to find the jet we got to ride. Miranda calls me

and she says we’re all set to go and she tells me the plane position. I walk toward the

place and I see all the movie casts there, together with Mr. Bruckheimer and Mr.

Columbus. They greet me friendly as I join them there and we get into the plane. I

have so much fun meeting the rest of the cast, Miranda Cosgrove, Sterling Knight,

and even the seniors, Gemma Artenton, Sam Worthington and Matthew Morrison.

And this is not all. Some of the cast were there already, while some stay in L.A.

After 2 hours road, we finally arrived at JF Kennedy Airport. We hoped off the

plane and walking straight into the airport. We’re walking to this corner where the

cameras, make-up tools, space sign, everything for the movie is already settled. I see

Jeanette McCurdy, Amy Adams, Hugh Dancy, and Patrick Dempsey are being polished

while they’re practicing their line. After their turn, I’m gonna start my shoot with Joe

and Chelsea. It felt pretty weird to have a shoot in a public airport with so many

people scattered around and they will like hey, look! There’s a movie being shot! And

start to stare at us. Sometimes it makes me nervous. But only remember we’ll have

lunch at the Provence later, I can bring myself to fight back my fears.

We have so much fun in New York. We met fans, we explored every corner of

the city, we shot in many beautiful corner and sights of New York, and there are so

many great experiences I’ve been through in New York, especially through it with my

best friends, Emma, Joe, and Chelsea.

Before I knew it, 6 days passed already. We’ll leave to Los Angeles later at

night. This is the last day of New York shoot. Today we shot in the grand hall of The

Plaza Hotel. The scene is Joe gonna sing a song on a white piano. And also in other

sides of The Plaza Hotel. I’m gonna have a scene in the lobby, swimming pool, the

penthouse, and then the hall where I’m gonna found Joe’s singing there.

The shoot today ran really well. We finished our shoot at around 3 PM. While

all the crews are wrapping up the tools, me and Joe are still hanging out at the Hall.

We’re just chattering and laughing talking about everything came through in our


“Hey,” I say “I remember!”

“Remember what??”

“You know, when you were in my house and you played a song. It wasn’t

finished yet?”

“Oh, right, I—“

“Play it now!”


“Come on! It’s alright!!” I say excitedly “Let me hear it!”

“Nah, let me just put it in my next album if you want it so bad…”


He gasps “Let’s just go downstairs, shall we??”

“No!” I hold him “Not before you play me the song!”

“It’s not good, you’re not gonna interested…”

“It can’t be bad!” I say “I’m sure it’s gonna be good!” Joe just keeps ignoring

to play. After some hard-tries begging him to play, he finally wants to play it.

“Fine,” He says “But I want to show you something new”

“What about the previous song??”

“…Let just say, it screwed…”

“By what??”

“You don’t wanna know…”

“Okay…” I say “Go ahead, then!”

I knew where I was going when you left the room

You’re the kind of girl that makes me wanna

Follow through you

I’ve been trying to leave you for the longest time

The second that I saw you I just knew I found my right girl

I like it, I like it, I like it

I like it, I like it, I like it

I wanna crash, I wanna fall

I wanna be somewhere in the middle

Somewhere in the middle


It’s better than nothing

I just need a little, I just need a little cuz

I don’t wanna be nowhere

Something’s makin’ me go there

Somewhere in the middle with you

I like it, I like it, I like it

I like it, I like it, I like it

Losing my direction

That’s the way it should be

Feeling a connection

When you’re standing next to me

I wanna be rolling

I just wanna be rolling with you

All of the things you say

Taking me far away

I wanna crash, I wanna fall

I wanna be somewhere in the middle

Somewhere in the middle


It’s better than nothing

I just need a little, I just need a little cuz

I don’t wanna be nowhere

Something’s makin’ me go there

Somewhere in the middle with you

Baby, you take me

You wanna take me from this crazy


Cuz I just need a little, I just need a little

Somewhere in the middle with you


I wanna fall

I wanna be somewhere in the middle

Somewhere in the middle


It’s better than nothing

I just need a little, I just need a little cuz

I don’t wanna be nowhere

Something’s makin’ me go there

Somewhere in the middle with you



I like it, I like it

Somewhere in the middle with you

I clap my hand “Oh my god! That was amazing!!” I say excitedly. He just

smiles. He looks adorable.

“Thanks, glad you like it…” But he doesn’t seem happy

“Hey, it was brilliant!! Why are you looked unhappy??”

“No, it’s just… It’s okay. I’m happy you like the song, that’s all…” He smiles.

But still, it doesn’t look happy. It just looks forced. I decided just to forget it.

“Was that song about someone in particular?? In your real experience??” I

ask. I sit next to him on the piano chair. He gasps, and then he turns his face to me.

“Actually, yea. Just recently happened…” He smiles, but it seemed sad.

“Oh, wow…” I say “I felt sorry for you. You were right, this girl maybe lost her

direction without you! You’re an amazing person!”

“Haha, thanks…”

“Wanna tell me who’s this girl could be??”

“You really wanna know??” Joe asks. I nod my head.

“This song… was inspired by you…”

I’m shocked “Me???” He nods his head “In what way??”

“Hey, it’s not important,” Joe gets up from the chair “Let’s go now, shall we?”

“Wait, Joe! Tell me about this first!” I beg him “I know I’ve been really

annoying this past 10 minutes but I really wanna know!”

Joe stops his walk. He walks back to me “You’re not annoying…” He smiles.

And then he holds my hand and stares at me “…This song was inspired by you

because… You’re dating Chace, meanwhile I’m still in love with you, I have been,


I’m stunned, shocked, surprised, stiffed, everything in between and not in a

good way. My tongue felt like just got burned. I can’t talk.

“W-well, oh god, what should I say??” I talk to myself. Joe still put on the same

expression “I, uh… I like you, too! Really! Yo-you don’t need to... Uh, you know,

chasing me. I’ll always… Run to you when Chace’s not around for me…”

When I said that, Joe looks confused. I know he should be. I am confused too

by what I just said “You know what?? This is awkward, we should go now!” I run

toward the door. I don’t care Joe’s following me or not I just wanna get out of this. But

someone stops my step. His face shows a huge angriness and disappointment.

Usually, if I met him I would just take him and ask him what’s going on, and he would

be just happy to see me. But I don’t think so now.

“I knew it’s gonna ended like this…” He says. Then he throws a bucket of rose

to the floor and leaving. I chase him.

“Chace! Wait!”

He just walks, but he walks really fast. I can barely catch him “Chace! Chace,

wait!” I can finally grab his arm

“Don’t touch me!!” He gets away his arm off me, but he stops walking finally

“How much did you hear??”

“Something about you like him, and he doesn’t have to chase you because

you’ll run to him when I’m not around??”

“Really?? I said that??”

“Don’t act fool!!”

“Believe me, Chace! Joe was confessing that he’s been in love with me while

I’m dating you! I tried to make some words to say to him that won’t make him hurt!”

“Nice, you made a pretty story in the very moment already” He says “Yea. It

wasn’t hurt him! It was hurting me!”

“Really, Chace! I have no idea what I was talking about! Really!”

“Stop that! Stop it just about, right now!!”

“Stop what??”

“Trying to convince me you’re all innocent!!” He shouts at me. I’m shaking. I

never seen him this angry before “I know what you’re trying to do!”

“What are you talking about?!”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about!!” He snaps me “I though you were

different, you just the same with all those girls!! You wanna be Chace Crawford’s

girlfriend, not me! You just want people notice you because of that! I’m so used of

people like you, you know??”

“No!! I’m different!!”

“Then what was Joe doing there??” He shouts “You knew this day will come so

you set another guy just in case I broke you up! Great for Joe, he got you now…”

“Chace, what do you mean??”

“I meant, we’re through. I’m breaking up with you…”

I’m stunned. I feel so loose, I feel like all the happiness just gone. I try to hold

my tears but I know it’s not gonna held any longer. And then I remember something

“So this is how it works…”

“What works??”

“How you break the girls’ hearts…” I say “You just broke mine…”

He stares deep to me. But not the kind of stare that he usually gives to me to

makes me calm and happy. I can see he’s really furious right now.

“People always claim I’m the heartbreaker one. The fact is, you’re the one

that broke my heart. Always like that, it’s always those girls who broke my heart but

they always accused me that I broke their heart…”

“Why did you come here, anyway??”

“It’s not important, not anymore…” He says “Save your stories for those

paparazzi. They’ll happy to expose it” He says. Then he leaves me. I’m standing

there all alone. First drop of my tears come down as he walks further. I don’t want to

end it, I love him way too much.

The break up news is already all over the internet. The squads of Paparazzi

are once again crowding me again. But now, no one comes to help me. I have to get

out from them by myself. No more Chace. It feels like thousand daggers stabbing me

right on the heart every time I remember him. I remember him in everything I do. He

used to call me before sleep, saves me from paparazzi, buys me hot chocolate from

Toluca when I’m down and makes me laugh, he often picks me to and from my movie

sets, everything he did makes me just felt really thankful that I could have him. Now

that he’s gone, I feel miserable.

It’s late already, it’s ten past midnight when I leave my movie set back at Los

Angeles. I’ve been feeling sick since morning and I just got weaker now. I walk out

from the set to reach my car on the parking lot across the street. I remember I just

had one step out of the door when suddenly thousands lights flashing to me, followed

by a crowd sounds. I can’t even hear what are they saying, I’m too weak.

“Nurul! Tell me about your break up!!”

“How did he break your heart?? He said he has another girl?!”

“Is it true Chace is now on vacation alone with Lauren Conrad in Bahamas??”

“Nurul! Wait!! Don’t go!!”

They shouting questions at once. I got a serious headache right now.

“I’m sorry, I’m sick. I need to get home now…” I say weakly. But they seemed

they couldn’t careless about that. I’m stuck here and I can walk across the street, I

wish I could shout them out and chase them away. But no, I’m too weak. I wanna

faint just right now if I can. Now everything seems blurry in my eyes already.

“Hey, hey, stop that guys, she’s sick!!” Suddenly someone pushing in through

them and catch me. I realize I was about to fall down

“You’re alright? I’ll help you go home…”

“Thanks, Joe…” Joe holds me walking. I realize I can walk faster to the parking

lot with Joe there. He’s pushing through them easily. But I still can hear paparazzi still

throwing questions. And Joe defends me all the way

“It’s enough! Leave her alone!!” Joe shouts to them. The next second,

suddenly dark. I can’t see anything, I can feel Joe catches me and he shout

something like “…Please, let us through! She faints, we need to get to the hospital!”

before I can finally feel nothing.

“Nurul?? Nurul??” Someone’s calling me. I open my eyes slowly. It’s blurry at

first, but few seconds later I can see her clearly

“U-uh,” I try to talk “Ch-chels…” I sounded really weak

“Ssh! It’s okay, you need to rest…” She says softly “How do you feel??”

“Dizzy…” I say “Where am I??”

“You’re in the hospital, sweety. You’ve been unconscious in two days,”

“Two days??” I ask shockedly “Oh my god, the movie! I supposed to shoot


“Hey, hey, sit back!” She pushes my shoulder and leans me back softly “It’s

okay. We got it covered. We told Mr. Columbus you were hospitalized. Joe and you

both got permission to take a rest…”

“Oh, right, Joe! Where is him?? He was taking me to the hospital, wasn’t he??”

“Sssh! Not too loud…” Chelsea warns me “He’s there. He never leaves you.

He’s been here all along…” Chelsea points right at Joe. He falls asleep there in a

couch. He must’ve been really tired. I’m flattered how caring he’s been to me this


“Really?? He never leaves??” I say to Chelsea half whispering

“Yea. He missed the shoot for you… Isn’t that really sweet??”

“Yea…” I say. Suddenly someone’s open the door and walks in with a doctor

following her

“Hey, Nurul,” She smiles friendly “How do you feel??”

“Hey, Miranda. A little dizzy. But I’m feeling better…”

“Great. Get well soon, okay. We miss you on the set”

“Thanks, Miranda”

“Girls, would you excuse me? Nurul needs to get her treatment now, I need

you two to wait outside…” the doctor says break our talk

“Right, thanks, doctor” Miranda says to the doctor “I’ll wait outside with

Chelsea, okay??”

“Okay” I say to Miranda. Miranda smiles to me and she walks outside with

Chelsea leaving the room. The doctor starts to checks my infusion and injects a

medicine inside it

“Do you feel any fever?”


“Burned eyes?”




“So, only headache??”

“Yea, it’s pretty bad, actually…”

“Okay. I think you can leave by tomorrow morning. I’ll give you prescriptions

you have to manage.”

“Okay, thanks, doctor…”

“Hey, just so you know,” The doctor continues “He’s been worrying about you

a lot. At the day you were hospitalized he was really panic. He cares so much about

you, he asks me everyday about your health. He never leaves the place. You should

thank him for that” He says talking about Joe.

I’m surprised “Absolutely. Of course I will” I say. Then I look at Joe once again.

He looks adorable when he falls asleep. I wonder what does he dreamt about right

now. But before I got to realize that, I close my eyes and fall asleep.

The next morning, I’m feeling much better already and I left the hospital with

Joe. After that, we continued our usual day shooting for the movie. Everything seems

back to normal, normal life minus Chace. I’ve never been felt happier than when I

was with Chace. He forced me to forget him. But I can’t. I don’t think I never will.

One day, I got a call to attend the Jimmy Kimmel Show. But because of my

previous condition, I gotta go to the hospital first to do a daily check-up. Joe

accompanies me there. We’re in the hospital now waiting for the doctor to brings us

the health result. We’re talking.

“How do you feel?” Joe asks

“I’m feeling much better, Joe…”

“That’s great.” He smiles “You have to be in your best condition tonight…” I’m

touched by caring he is to me

“Hey, Joe… Thanks”

“No problem, I’ll always be there for you.”

“You never leave when I was hospitalized, you were worrying me so much,

and you always help me in everything, I’m touched. Why are you doing this??”

“I just love to help you,” He says “And, well, you know, I kinda crushing on

you, just like you knew before so I don’t want to see you hurt” He smiles. Oh, right,

he’s crushing on me. He said that back at New York, Chace caught us and he got

angry. He though I set Joe up as an ‘extra guy’ just in case he broke me up. Yea, it’s

not a really good thing to remember.

“Hey, you want me to bring you there?? Paparazzi just might crowding you


“No, I’m fine, Joe. Thank you…”

“Hey, by the way… I’m sorry about your break up with Chace…” He says. I

don’t like if someone pulls up that topic again. I hate to talk about it. But ever since

it’s Joe, I’m trying to hold myself not to get angry

“Um, why are you sorry?? It’s okay, I’ll get over it...” I say. Oh god, I’m so not.

I know I look not convincing. Joe stares at me for a while. And then he gasps

“I know, you won’t pick me even after your break up with Chace…” He says

”You still love him, huh??”

I just wanna get out and slam the door. I don’t like talking about this thing.

This is torturing “Can we just get over it, Joe? I don’t really like talking about this…”

“You know I can love you better, but why you still stick with him??”

“Give me one reason why should I tell you.”

“I just trying to help you”

I gasp. Honestly, I don’t even know what to answer. I just keep remember the

day we were together, and how Chace loved me. I can’t get over him “I just—I just

love him too much already. I can’t get over him, okay. Even though he seemed like

he tries so much to makes me hate him, but I just can’t…”

8 PM. It’s half an hour before the show and I’m backstage already getting

ready for the show. I meet Justin Bieber there. He’s gonna perform on the show. We

chat there.

“Hey, do you know the other guest that coming here??”

“Eh, you mean Diana Agron??”

“No, the other one.”

“There’s another guest??”

“Yea,” He says. And then he looks around trying to make sure that there’s

nobody gonna hear him “…I accidentally heard one of the crews said something

about the third guest. They said something about additional surprise guest. Come up

after you, before me…” He half whispers

“Really??” I say “I though it’s supposed to be only Diana, me, and then you


“I don’t know. That’s what I heard…” He says. I have no idea about this

surprise guest. But I hope that person won’t make any chaos.

The show’s started. I’ve been here with Diana and Jimmy for almost half of the

show. I had a strong feeling that he would asking me about my break up because it’s

like the hottest news right now. But until now, we just chatted about other things with

Diana. Nothing about the break up. Right just when I though I’ll go home pretty

happy because he doesn’t talk about my break up on the national television, he asks

“Okay, do you realize that I’ve been missing the biggest question that I

should’ve asked you??”

“Um, no, I’m feeling just fine…”

“You know what?? I’m gonna ask it to you just in a few seconds, but you’re not

gonna answer this alone! We have a last minute addition before the show…”

“What addition??”

“Guest, guest addition…” He says “Give it up for our special guest!”

I look back at the back stage door trying to find out who’s that special guest.

When he comes out, the audiences are looked surprised, some of them yelling crazy,

some of them exclaiming, bottom line everyone’s shocked to see him entering the

room. Yea, so do I. He has a cold, cold, stare. He smiles but he looks cold. Like

something’s furious inside him. I’m stunned. Jimmy comes over to him and greets


“Hey, great to see you!” Jimmy says

“Great to see you, too…”

“Give it up for Chace Crawford, everybody!” Jimmy shouts to the audience. I

can hear most of the girl turn crazed when Chace gives them a smile. Diana scotch

over and Chace sits next to me.

“Hey, Chace, say hello to her! You’re making her nervous!” Jimmy says to

Chace. Chace looks at me with his cold smile and he talks to me

“Hey, how you doing??”

“U-uh, yea, fine…”

“Great to know it…” He says. I can’t see any friendliness in his smile. I’m

stiffed and stoned.

“Time for me to ask, you first, Nurul, what did you think about Chace the first

time you saw him??”

“I, uh…” I’m nervous “Oh my god, this is really awkward… I, uh, I think he was

just, um, you know, friendly and nice, and kind, he’s really caring, and he’s funny…”

“Really?? Then what about you Chace?? What did you think of her??”

“…She was definitely something. She was just, striking, and the kind of girl

that would blinded my attention all the time. She also funny, when she laughed, she

sprayed it. And I liked her smile…” I can hear everyone’s gasping when Chace

explains that. I never though about that myself. If he hates me so much, why he

would tell such things??

“That sounded really sweet, Chace!” Jimmy says “It was all on the first


“No, not all, of course. On the first sight, I realize she has a beautiful smile,

beautiful eyes. On the first impression, she never tried to attract me. That’s why I

was impressed…”

“Tell me more about it…” Jimmy forces

“She was just natural. Not like any other girl I’ve met that always do

anything on their first meet with me to flatter me. She was doing nothing. I got

interested in her, so I started to going out with her, and find out sine more about


“Then what did you figure out in her??”

“…First thing I knew, she was really funny. She was never ashamed to be

herself. She was honest and really true about everything she said. I can’t believe

anybody like I believe her. When I’m with her, I felt free to be myself again. I felt

like I could just leave all my worries behind and laughing out loud with her.”

“That’s really flattering. Does he usually being this flattering, Nurul??”

“Well, um…. I remember, he used to be really flattering. He threw charms,

and made-up pick up lines just to impress me, sometimes I get flew with that, but

then I remember what people said about him. He’s a heartbreaker…”

“Do you really believe he’s a heartbreaker??”

“Well, I never sure he was really that bad. So I decided to figure it out

myself. Then he told me everything about his pasts, and how he came up with

that citing. From the way he said that, I knew he was being true. He didn’t lie. He

was trying to explain that he’s not really like that, something happened to him

and he could just face it. And, I start to like him ever since. He was really friendly

to me, so I like him…”

“What united you guys together??”

“Actually, it was a fight…” Chace says “I was doing a mistake and I let her

down. She was disappointed of me meanwhile I got so furious about everything

around. I kept telling her things that hurt her, but I didn’t realize. I just wanted to

stop talking right about that time, but I knew it wouldn’t make things better…”

“Interesting. How was that fight united you guys together??”

“…He convinced me what he really meant was. He never meant to hurt

me that night, he was just… being thoughtful. He never wanted to see me hurt,

and, uh… He wanted to prove to me, that he could be the guy that I had always

been wanted. Not the heartbreaker Chace Crawford. Ever since that, everything

just turned out fine…”

“Really, Chace??”

“Yea. That’s what I said to her, exactly…” He’s smiling cold. I’m

supposedly melted by the time he said those things. But I’m just not. I’m


“And, I’m sure all American would love to hear this! What made you guys

break up and how was it happen?? Because the things you guys were saying

were beautifully flattering, you know??” Jimmy asks. The audience laughs. I don’t

want to talk about this. I don’t want to say Chace though I had an affair with Joe

then he broke me up. I’m afraid Chace will tell them what was really happened,

too. For some seconds, none of us talking. We’re just like

“Um… Well, uh…”

“Come on, you guys got us really curious!” Jimmy forces

“Okay…” Chace takes the talk “…Let say… I’ve done a huge mistake. I let

her down. I’ve done things that I wasn’t supposedly did. She was disappointed of

me and we broke up. I really hoped everything between us would keep cool. I’m

sorry, but I don’t want to expose the real matters on the show, this is personal


I’m stunned to hear him telling that. I’ve done a huge mistake??? The last

thing I remembered was Chace caught me with Joe, and he though I was

cheating on him, and he didn’t believe me when I told him I had nothing with Joe.

He was so angry, he never speaks to me, not directly, ever since, and he seems

like he hates me so much. But now he’s protecting me?? He didn’t tell them the

true story and he blamed himself. I bet he knew if he told the real story in this

show, he’ll happy because he revenge has paid. But, he wasn’t. I had a little hope

in me, but a part of my common sense in me says ‘it’s impossible he still wants


“That’s the real story, Nurul??”

I don’t know what should I say “U-uh, it’s—“

Chace nudges me like signing just say yes! “U-uh, yea! That’s what really


I don’t understand why he’s doing this.

The show’s now over. Right after the show was over, Chace ran away to

the backstage and gone. I chased him right away and find him. The backstage

was pretty crowded, it difficult me to found him. Luckily, I found him right before

he went out from the studio.

“Chace, wait!” I hold his arm. I’m a bit shaking, I though he’ll throw my

hand away. But he turns back and keeps my hand on him instead.

“What’s matter?” He says. He doesn’t smile like he used to do to me.

Something inside me tells me that I should just say sorry, wrong person, I’m

looking for Jimmy Kimmel for an autograph. But I hold it and dare myself to talk

to him

“I need to know something,” I say “Why don’t you tell the true story on

the show??”

“Which part? I think we’ve done pretty honest”

“You told the wrong story about out break up!” I look around. Too many

people here “Let’s go…” I take him outside the studio to avoid the crowd

“Why did you tell it was all your fault??” I ask. He takes a breath and

closes his eyes like he’s suffering from something. And then he gets off my hand

“Don’t think I did that because I was protecting you…” He says coldly.


“I told them the wrong story because I don’t want people thinks I’m the

heartbreaker one. I did it only to protect myself.” He says. I feel broken apart and

falling into pieces “You can hate me if you want to…”

“Why would I?”

He takes a breath again “Because I’m already hate you…”

I feel really hurt. Like thousands swords pushing through my stomach. Too

hurt to think about. I can barely talk anymore

“And one more thing,” He says “…Don’t you dare to hold my arm, or touch

me, ever again…” Then he leaves me standing alone there, with my heart broken

into million pieces. Tears come down through my cheek slowly.

I swear to myself, it was the last time I’ve ever dare to talk to him. Maybe

the next time I see him, he’ll kill me. I know I’m supposedly could just hate him.

But I can’t. I can’t hate him. It was really hurt but I never could bring myself to

hate him, ever. But, what can I do?? Even know I don’t hate him, he never

wanted to know about that. Maybe he’ll squash me like a bug if I ever dare to

talk to him.

Another day of the movie shot. This is the last day of the shoot. I’m

definitely gonna miss the whole cast after today. Actually, we’re gonna have a

plan together right after the show. We’ll attend on the Daily 10 to talk about our


We just wrapped up the shot. My friends are all tidying up their stuff really

rush because we have to catch the Daily 10 show tonight. I’m the only one that

done. I sit by myself waiting for them. Thinking about nothing. But suddenly

Chace bops in my head. And about that night, too. I started to feel loose.

“Hey,” Someone says “Are you okay??”

“Joe…” I scotch over and let him sits next to me “Do I look unwell??”

“Pretty much. I though you supposed to be happy…”


“I saw you on Jimmy Kimmel, and Chace was like, blaming himself on the

show about your break up…”

“He wasn’t blaming himself. He was telling the wrong story…”

“Still! I mean, I though he was protecting you there.”

“And that’s totally not…” I say. I tell Joe what happened back stage after

the show, when Chace said to me that he hates me.

“…Woe..” He says “I’m so sorry…”

“It’s okay, Joe…” I try to smile. And then none of us talking.

“Hey,” Joe suddenly says “You still love him, don’t you??”

“I don’t—okay. I think I do…”

“Nobody can’t turns you into something that you’re not. Even Chace. If

you can’t and don’t hate him, he can’t forces you to hate him. That kinda feeling

can’t be from other people’s forces…”

“So what should I do??”

“Convince him,” Joe says “Make he realizes that he can’t turns you into

something you’re not, which is hating him.”

“How?? He said I can’t even touch him no more. He hates me too much


“Hate can’t be forced, so does love. But you can convince him to love you.

If you can convince him directly, try the indirectly way…” He smiles

“What do you mean indirectly??”

He gets up and he smiles to me “I think Daily 10 will have one more

special announcement…” And then he leaves

Announcement?? Oh god, this can’t be good.

We’re on the show now. We’re co-hosting Ashlan Gorse and also talking

about our movie. Our conversation runs pretty well so far, until Joe cuts us

“Hey, guys! Nurul have an important announcement to tell on the show!”

“Oh, really??” Ashlan says “Come on! Say it out loud, girl! America’s

listening you!”

America’s better not listening to me. But I decided to keep that thought

for myself. Everyone’s pushing me to start talking. I finally get to talk.

“…As you guys know. Chace has told the happening about our break up on

Jimmy Kimmel show. He said he was the one that had done the mistake. The

truth is, he was telling lies. He never did a mistake. He was perfect. He was the

one that hurt. He was just, already got used by his usual ending, with girls

dumping him, cheating on him, and blaming him as the heartbreaker one… He

though I did all those things… In fact, I never even dare to hurt him, in anyway. I

wanna be the girl that can proves him, that still there in the world an honest girl

that would love him as who he is. Because deep down inside him, I can see that

he’s sick being played by girls. I wanna prove to him, I can be the different one

that will never do such thing. I love him for who he really is…” I stop talking. I

know I’m not done yet, but I can’t help the embarrass feeling.

“And she wants to tell you this…” Joe takes the talk “…Hate can’t be

forced, so does love. But you can convince them love you. She doesn’t and she

could never hate Chace, and no one in this world can turn her into something

she’s not…” He smiles to me. And I smile back to him and mouthing Thank you.

He winks an eye for me signing you made it great.’

The exact thing I though before happened. Right after my ‘big

announcement’ the whole town’s buzzing about me. Paparazzi squads are once

again crowding me. I can’t help them, they’re going even crazier about me. Right

now, I can’t go out from my house.

“Nurul! Nurul! Wait! Please explain us about your announcement on the

Daily 10!!”

“Are you getting back with Chace??”

“What does Chace says about that??”

They throwing questions and getting on my way. I’m tired of this. But

suddenly a huge black Chevrolet brake in and chase the paparazzi away. Some of

them are grunting to the car.

“Hey! Watch it, dude!!” Shout one of the paparazzi.

De Javu. I think I know this has happened before. I run out from them and

the guy in the car open the door for me and I quickly get in. Right after I get into

the car, he drives really fast leaving those paparazzi behind, in shock.

“It’s… It’s Chace!! It’s Chace Crawford!!!” One of the paparazzi shouts.

Let alone, the paparazzi. I’m really, really shocked that Chace came to

help me out again.


“Save it,” He says while keep his eyes on the road “Let’s hear it later…”

He says. We’re going really fast in this ride. I don’t know where he takes me.

In short 10 minutes later, we stopped and we arrived in a white big

building crowded with limos and high-class people. The Plaza Hotel.

He takes me inside and we ended in a wide terrace upstairs. I know this

place really well. This is the place we danced and he told me that he loved me.

“Why are you taking me here??” I ask. He walks closer to me. His eyes still

staring cold

“You’ll never forget me, won’t you??” He asks

“…Yea…” I say “That’s the truth, Chace…”

“Why can’t you just hate me?”

“…Because you’re the only man that opened my heart, that’s not all kind

of people like us live happily. I like being with you and make you believe once

again that still there is people that would love you for who you really are…”

“You’re not miserable at all??”

“Sometimes… But I can’t stop loving you…”

He holds my hands “I can’t stop loving you, too…” He says “But I’m too

afraid of what will happen if I keep together with you. I don’t want once again got

hurt by another girl. I wanna get over you. I though this would be easy… turned

out it’s not…”

I look upon his face. He smiles. Not another cold smile, now he’s giving me

back his friendly smile “I’ve been thinking, would you be together with me


I nod my head. I’m blushing and I’m so happy. And then he puts an iPod

out of his pocket. He puts the other headset on me, and the other one on him. He

plays the song that we danced to when he said to me that he loved me for the

first time. And I’m dancing in his arm. I feel warm

“So glad to have you back in my arm…” He smiles

“So glad to finally back in your arm…” I say to him. We both keep dancing

under the moonlight and he kisses me, finally I can have it back. I hope this will

last forever