n m u p z m p t g n p z m 80.&/ /% .&/ i v t g r m l v u p g ...Lektor na angliski jazik: Milan...

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Transcript of n m u p z m p t g n p z m 80.&/ /% .&/ i v t g r m l v u p g ...Lektor na angliski jazik: Milan...

  • Skopje, Скопје,

    Република МакедонијаДржавен завод за статистикаRepublic of MacedoniaState Statistical Office



  • Republika MakedonijaDr`aven zavod za statistika

    Republic of MacedoniaState Statistical Office

    @enite i ma`ite voRepublika Makedonija, 2010

    Women and men in theRepublic of Macedonia, 2010

    Skopje, 2010Skopje, 2010

  • 2

    Pri koristewe na podatocite da se navede izvorot :"@enite i ma`ite vo Republika Makedonija"

    When using data please cite the source as follows :"Women and Men in Macedonia"

    Izdava~ :DR@AVEN ZAVOD ZA STATISTIKA, Skopje, "Dame Gruev" 4

    Publisher :THE STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Skopje , Dame Gruev 4

    Za izdava~ot :M-r Blagica Novkovska, direktor

    For the publisher :Blagica Novkovska, M.Sc

    Broj na stranici : 141 Number of pages : 141

    Pe~ateno vo Printed by the

    Tira` : 200 primerociNumber of copies printed : 200

    Lektor na makedonski jazik: Jasmina \or|ievaMacedonian language editor: Jasmina Gjorgieva

    Lektor na angliski jazik: Milan VasilevEnglish language editor: Milan Vasilev

    CIP - Каталогизација во публикацијаНационална и универзитетска библиотека “Св. Климент Охридски”, Скопје31:314.117-055.1/.2(497.7)314.117-055.1/.2(497.7)ЖЕНИТЕ и мажите во Република Македонија, 2010 = Women and men in the Republic of Macedonia, 2010. - Скопје : Државен завод за статистика на Република Македонија = Skopje : State statistical office of the Republic of Macedonia, 2010. - 141 стр. : табели ; 29 смТекст напоредно на мак. и англ. јазикISBN 978-608-227-011-1а) Население - Полова структура - Македонија - СтатистикаCOBISS.MK-ID 86059274

  • 3




    Кратенки ........................................................................................................................... 4Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................... 4

    Предговор ......................................................................................................................... 5Preface .............................................................................................................................. 5

    Вовед ................................................................................................................................ 6Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 8

    Население ...................................................................................................................... 10Population........................................................................................................................ 10

    Образование и комуникации ......................................................................................... 29Education and Communication........................................................................................ 29

    Пазар на труд ................................................................................................................. 69Labour Market ................................................................................................................. 69

    Социјална заштита .......................................................................................................112Social Welfare ................................................................................................................112

    Правосудство ............................................................................................................... 123Justice ........................................................................................................................... 123

    Избори .......................................................................................................................... 138Elections ........................................................................................................................ 138

  • 4


    @ = `eni W = Women

    M = ma`i M = Men

    ISCED 97 = Me|unarodna standardna klasifikacija na obrazovanieto

    ISCED 97 = International Standard Classification of Education

    ISCED 0 = Predu~ili{no obrazovanie - detski gradinki

    ISCED 0 = Pre primary education - children kindergartens

    ISCED 1 = Osnovno obrazovanie (od prvo do ~etvrto oddelenie)

    ISCED 1 = Primary and Lower Secondary education (from I to IV grade)

    ISCED 2 = Osnovno obrazovanie (od petto do osmo oddelenie)

    ISCED 2 = Primary and Lower Secondary education (from V to VIII grade)

    ISCED 3 = Sredno obrazovanie (gimnazisko i stru~no obrazovanie)

    ISCED 3 = Upper Secondary education (general and vocational education)

    ISCED 4 = Postsredno - no ne visoko obrazovanie (specijalisti~ko stru~no obrazovanie)

    ISCED 4 = Post Secondary - not tertiary education (specialist - worker’s education)

    ISCED 5 = Visoko obrazovanie i prv stepen, fakultet, magistratura i specijalizacija

    ISCED 5 = Tertiary education

    ISCED 6 = Doktorat ISCED 6 = Doctorate

    DZS = Dr`aven zavod za statistika

    SSO = State Statistical Office

    IKT = Informati~ki i komunikaciski tehnologii

    ICT = Information and communication technologies


  • 5



    Publikacijata "@enite i ma`ite vo Republika Makedonija" pretstavuva petto izdanie proizvedeno od Dr`avniot zavod za statistika vo koe se prezentirani podatoci za demografskite karakteristiki na `enite i na ma`ite vo Republika Makedonija, nivnoto u~estvo vo obrazovanieto, pravosudstvoto, kulturata, socijalnata za{tita i vo drugi oblasti.

    Publikacijata, isto taka, sodr`i pove}e indikatori za statusot na `enite i na ma`ite vo formalnata i vo neformalnata vrabotenost, no i za nivnoto u~estvo vo procesot na odlu~uvawe.

    Sodr`inata na ova izdanie e zbogatena so mnogu novi indikatori koi sigurno }e ovozmo`at dobra ocena na sostojbite so procesot na unapreduvawe na polovite vo Republika Makedonija.

    Direktor m-r Blagica Novkovska


    The booklet “Women and Men in the Republic of Macedonia” is the fifth publication on gender statistics produced by the State Statistical Office, which contains data on the demographic characteristics of women and men in the Republic of Macedonia, their participation in education, the judiciary, culture, social protection and in other areas.

    The publication also contains a number of indicators of the status of women and men in formal and informal employment, as well as for their participation in the decision-making processes.

    The content of this edition has been enriched with numerous new indicators that will provide a good overview of the situation of the gender promotion process in the Republic of Macedonia.

    Blagica Novkovska, MScDirector

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    Во ова издание се користени расположливите податоци на Државниот завод за статистика, со цел да се потенцираат состојбите од аспект на родовата еднаквост.

    Родова еднаквост

    Еднакви можности на мажите и на жените по достоинство и право значи промовирање на начелото за воведување на еднакво учество на жените и на мажите во сите области од јавниот и приватниот сектор, еднаков статус и третман во остварувањето на сите права и во развојот на нивните индивидуални потенцијали преку кои тие придонесуваат во општествениот развој, како и еднакви придобивки од резултатите произлезени од тој развој (член 4(1) од Законот за еднакви можности на жените и на мажите).

    Национален план за акција за еднакви можности на мажите и на жените (НПАЕМ)

    Планот за акција ги содржи основните начела за еднаквите можности во согласност со содржината на долгорочните програмски документи, а особено:

    - насоките и мерките за постигнување на целите во посебните области на општествениот живот, пред сè, во областа на вработувањето, социјалната сигурност и здравствената заштита, образованието, семејните односи и застапеноста на жените и на мажите во јавниот живот;

    - одговорноста за спроведувањето на мерките за постигнување на целите;

    - содржината, надлежните органи и одговорните лица за подготвување и спроведување на периодичните планови кои се во функција на спроведување на задачите од Планот за акција во посебни области на општествениот живот;

    - податоците кои се собираат и обработуваат се поврзани, сочувани, анализирани и презентирани одделно по полова структура во рамките на активностите на Државниот завод за статистика;

    - методот на следење и известување за примената на Планот за акција, и

    - потребните средства за примената на мерките од Планот за акција, изворите и начинот на обезбедување на тие средства (член 21(1) од Законот).


  • 7

    Еднакви можности

    Основните мерки за остварување на принципот на еднакви можности се нормативни мерки од различни области со кои се забранува дискриминација врз основа на пол и се предвидува обврска за субјектите утврдени со овој Закон за грижа и создавање на услови за обезбедување на еднаков третман во остварувањето и заштитата на правата и слободите и со кои се предвидуваат санкции за непочитување на барањата и прекршување на забраните.(член 5(1)од Законот).

    Статистика на полови

    За статистичките податоци да бидат корисни во процесите на одлучување, податоците мора да бидат дисагрегирани по пол и да ги рефлектираат состојбите во општеството. Сите податоци за индивидуите треба да се прибираат, анализираат и публикуваат по пол.

    Во Законот е прецизирано дека податоците се прибираат, обработуваат и презентираат според половата структура во рамките на активностите на Државниот завод за статистика (член 21(2)).

    Обврската за произведување на статистики по пол е обврзувачка и на меѓународно ниво. Декларацијата од Пекинг и Платформата за акции (усвоена на 4. Светска конференција за жените, на 15 септември 1995 година): Акции за еднаквост, развој и мир, ги задолжува владите, меѓународната заедница и граѓанското општество да преземат акции во 12 критични области. Бројните параграфи во овие документи ја наметнуваат потребата од податоци за различни области како што се здравството, образованието, работните и економските услови, насилството, моќта и одлучувањето.


  • 8


    This edition uses the data available at the State Statistical Office in order to reflect the conditions from a gender equality perspective.

    Gender equality

    Equal opportunities for men and women in terms of dignity and rights means promotion of the principle of equal participation of women and men in all areas of public and private life, equal status and treatment in realizing all rights and in the development of their individual potentials through which they contribute in societal development, as well as equal benefits from the results arisen from that develop-ment (Article 4(1) of the Law on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men).

    National Action Plan for Equal Opportunities for Men and Women (NAPEO)

    The Action Plan contains the basic principles of equal opportunities in accordance with the contents of the long-term program documents, and in particular:

    - guidelines and measures for achieving the goals in certain areas of public life, and in particular in the field of employment, social security, health care, education, family relations and representation of women and men in public life;

    - responsibility for implementing the measures for achieving the goals;

    - contents, competent bodies and persons responsible for preparing and imple-menting the periodic plans that are in function of implementing the tasks from the Action Plan in particular areas of public life;

    - the data that are collected and processed are connected, stored, analyzed and presented separately by gender structure within the activities of the State Statistical Office;

    - the method for monitoring and reporting on the enforcement of the Action Plan, and

    - necessary resources for the implementation of measures from the Action Plan, sources and manner of securing such resources (Article 21(1) of the Law).


  • 9

    Equal opportunities

    The basic measures for realization of the principle of equal opportunities are normative measures from various fields that prohibit gender-based discrimina-tion and foresee an obligation to care for and to create conditions for securing equal treatment in the realization and protection of rights and liberties, and which also foresee sanctions for the disrespect of requirements and prohibi-tions (Article 5(1) of the Law).

    Gender statistics

    For statistics to be useful in gender sensitive policy making and planning, it must be disaggregated by sex and reflect gender issues in society. All data on individu-als should be collected, analyzed and presented by sex.The Law states that data that are collected, processed and presented according to gender structure within the activities of the State Statistical Office (Article 22 (2)).The responsibility to produce gender statistics is obligatory at the international level. The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, adopted in Beijing on 15 September 1995 by the Fourth World Conference on Women: Action for Equal-ity, Development and Peace urges governments, the international community and civil society to take action in twelve critical areas of concern. The numer-ous paragraphs in these documents emphasize the need for improved statis-tics in various statistical fields, including health, education, work and economic conditions, violence, power and decision making.


  • 10


    Naselenieto vo Republika Makedonija, blagodarej}i na sé u{te pozitivniot priroden prirast, ja zadr`uva pozitivnata nasoka na porast.

    Procentualnoto u~estvo na `enite i na ma`ite vo vkupnoto naselenie e podednakvo, 50% od naselenieto se `eni, 50% se ma`i. Pogolem broj na `eni se zabele`uva vo starosnata grupa od 65 godini i pove}e.

    Vo odnos na starosnata struktura, makedonskoto naselenie sé pove}e staree.

    Vo periodot od 1999 do 2009 godina, u~estvoto na mladoto naselenie (0-14 godini) vo vkupnoto e namaleno od 22.8% na 17.7%, a u~estvoto na staroto naselenie (65 i pove}e godini) e zgolemeno od 9.8% na 11.6%.

    @enite vo Makedonija sé po~esto se odlu~uvaat da ra|aat po 1 ili 2 deca. Najzastapen tip na semejstvo e bra~en par so deca, a vo strukturata na semejstvata najzastapeni se semejstvata so dve deca.

    The population in the Republic of Macedonia, as a result of the positive natural increase, still maintains an upward trend.The percentage distribution of women and men in the total population is equal, 50% of the population are women, 50% are men. An increase in the number of women can be observed in the age group of 65 and over.Regarding the age groups, the Macedonian population is increasingly aging.In the period of 1999-2009, the participation of the young population (0-14 years) in the total population decreased from 22.8% to 17.7%, whereas the participation of the old population (age group 65 and over) increased from 9.8% to 11.6%The women in the Republic of Macedonia more often decide to give birth to one or two children.The most common type of family is married couples with children, and the family structure is dominated by families with two children.

  • 11


    Naselenie, 1999-2009

    Changes in population, 1999-2009



    @ivorodeniLive births




    `eni ma`i `eni ma`i `eni ma`i `eni ma`i `eni ma`i

    Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men

    1999 1 007 773 1 009 369 11 995 12 969 7 522 9 100 616 502 92 49

    2000 1 012 493 1 013 857 12 541 13 627 7 879 9 206 671 528 107 65

    2001 1 016 955 1 017 927 11 717 12 466 7 564 9 226 662 523 339 164

    2002 1 005 802 1 014 355 11 677 12 477 8 041 9 825 665 592 104 37

    2003 1 009 499 1 017 274 11 426 12 170 8 114 9 699 582 563 94 50

    2004 1 012 641 1 019 903 11 198 12 163 8 294 9 650 860 521 310 359

    2005 1 015 083 1 021 772 11 031 11 451 8 591 9 815 803 688 579 721

    2006 1 017 159 1 023 069 10 956 11 629 8 630 10 000 851 723 503 605

    2007 1 019 070 1 024 489 10 916 11 772 9 250 10 344 733 494 106 134

    2008 1 020 876 1 026 022 11 119 11 826 9 010 9 972 423 353 332 419

    2009 1 022 861 1 027 810 11 344 12 340 9 020 10 040 629 630 346 446

    Izvor: Vitalna statistika i statistika na migracii

    Source: Vital and migration statistics

  • 12


    Naselenie spored petgodi{ni grupi na vozrast

    Population by five-year age groups

    Izvor: Proceni na naselenieto

    Source: Population estimates

  • 13


    Naselenie spored osnovnite grupi na vozrast, 1999 i 2009

    Population by basic age groups, 1999 and 20091999 2009





    0-14 222 354 237 297 177 515 189 328

    15-64 676 004 683 434 713 588 732 576

    65+ 107 762 87 748 131 306 105 762

    Nepoznato Unknown 1 653 890 452 144

    Izvor: Proceni na naselenieto

    Source: Population estimates

  • 14


    Prose~na vozrast na naselenieto, 2007-2009

    Average age of the population, 2007-2009@eni


    Men2007 36 37

    2008 36 38

    2009 36 38

    Izvor: Vitalna statistika

    Source: Vital statistics

    Naselenie po vozrast i spord bra~nata sostojba, struktura, 2002

    Population by age and marital status, percentage distribution, 2002

    Bra~na sostojba

    Vozrast / AgeMarital status

    16-19 20-24 25-29







    Nema`ena/ne`enet 94 99 62 86 25 49 Not marriedMa`ena/`enet 6 1 37 14 73 50 MarriedVdovica/vdovec 0 0 0 0 0 0 WidowedRavedena/razveden 0 0 1 0 1 0 DivorcedVkupno 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total

    30-34 35-44 45-59

    Nema`ena/ne`enet 10 23 4 11 3 4 Not marriedMa`ena/`enet 87 76 91 87 85 93 MarriedVdovica/vdovec 1 0 2 0 9 2 WidowedRavedena/razveden 2 1 3 2 3 2 DivorcedVkupno 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total

    60-69 70-79 80+

    Nema`ena/ne`enet 2 1 1 1 1 1 Not marriedMa`ena/`enet 70 90 48 76 25 50 MarriedVdovica/vdovec 26 8 49 23 73 49 WidowedRavedena/razveden 2 1 1 1 1 0 DivorcedVkupno 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total

    Izvor: Popis na naselenieto, doma}instvata i stanovite vo Republika Makedonija, 2002 godina

    Source: Census of the Population, Households and Dwellings in the Republic of Macedonia, 2002

  • 15


    Individualni doma}instva spored brojot na ~lenovite, struktura, 2002

    Individual households by number of members, percentage distribution, 2002

    Semejstva spored tipot na semejstvoto, struktura, 2002

    Family units by type, percentage distribution, 2002

    Tip na semejstvoSemejstva

    Families Types of family units

    Bra~en par - ven~ani bez deca 25 Married couples without children

    Bra~en par - ven~ani so deca 65 Married couples with children

    Par - neven~ani bez deca 1 Cohabiting couples without children

    Par - neven~ani so deca 1 Cohabiting couples with children

    Majka so deca 7 Single mother with children

    Tatko so deca 2 Single father with children

    Izvor: Popis na naselenieto, doma}instvata i stanovite vo Republika Makedonija, 2002 godina

    Source: Census of the Population, Households and Dwellings in the Republic of Macedonia, 2002

  • 16

    Prose~na vozrast na majkata pri ra|awe na prvo dete, 1999-2009

    Average age of mother at first birth, 1999-2009

    Izvor: Vitalna statistika

    Source: Vital statistics


    Totalna stapka na fertilitet, 1999-2009

    Total fertility rate, 1999-2009

    Totalna stapka na fertilitet pretstavuva prose~en broj na deca na edna `ena

    Total fertility rate represents the average number of children per women

  • 17

    Specifi~ni stapki na fertilitet, 1995 i 2009

    Specific fertility rates, 1995 and 2009

    Izvor: Vitalna statistikaSource: Vital statistics


    Prose~na vozrast na umrenite, 2007-2009

    Average age of death, 2007-2009@eni


    Men2007 73 69

    2008 73 69

    2009 74 69

    Stapka na mortalitet, 2007-2009

    Mortality rate, 2007-2009@eni


    Men2007 9 10

    2008 9 10

    2009 9 10

    Stapkata e soodnos pome|u brojot na umrenite lica vo tekot na celata godina i prose~niot broj na naselenie (sredina na godinata, presmetana na 1000 naselenie)

    Crude mortality rate is a ratio between the number of deaths in the calendar year and the same mid-year population, per 1000 population

  • 18

    Umreni spored petgodi{ni grupi na vozrast, 2007-2009

    Deaths by five-year age groups, 2007-20092007 2008 2009







    0-4 122 141 107 144 137 183

    5-9 11 9 9 6 6 17

    10-14 8 18 4 9 7 10

    15-19 20 38 20 33 16 41

    20-24 29 74 16 60 16 57

    25-29 30 77 30 66 18 56

    30-34 25 89 35 72 31 73

    35-39 65 87 50 101 64 92

    40-44 93 185 79 159 92 167

    45-49 187 314 159 313 166 327

    50-54 310 528 306 541 243 535

    55-59 423 795 428 700 428 782

    60-64 514 857 507 855 510 865

    65-69 893 1 202 837 1 186 808 1 191

    70-74 1 465 1 774 1 367 1 605 1 313 1 527

    75-79 1 813 1 725 1 822 1 740 1 852 1 736

    80-84 1 833 1 351 1 767 1 327 1 768 1 291

    85+ 1 409 1 080 1 467 1 055 1 550 1 090


    Izvor: Vitalna statistika

    Source: Vital statistics

  • 19

    Sklu~eni brakovi spored vozrasta na nevestata i na mlado`enecot, 2007-2009

    Marriages by age of bride and groom, 2007-20092007 2008 2009







    Pod 15Under 15 - - - - - -

    15 - 19 2 485 423 2 350 377 2 160 381

    20 - 24 6 099 4 221 5 736 4 105 5 629 3 877

    25 - 29 4 320 5 901 4 100 5 516 4 452 5 537

    30 - 34 1 415 2 814 1 383 2 642 1 531 2 947

    35 - 39 560 1 067 545 997 521 1 064

    40 - 44 280 500 265 482 288 503

    45 - 49 169 242 142 265 141 249

    50 - 54 91 137 95 133 92 122

    55+ 71 185 79 178 109 243

    NepoznatoUnknown - - - - - -

    Izvor: Vitalna statistika

    Source: Vital statistics


    Prose~na vozrast pri sklu~uvawe na prv brak, 2007-2009

    Average age at first marriage, 2007-2009Godina



    Men2007 25 28

    2008 25 28

    2009 25 28

  • 20

    Sklu~eni brakovi spored porane{nata bra~na sostojba na nevestata i na mlado`enecot, 2007-2009

    Marriages by former marital status of bride and groom, 2007-2009Porane{na bra~na



    GroomFormer marital


    Ne`enet/nema`ena 14 388 14 028 Never marriedVdovec/vdovica 127 226 WidowedRazveden/razvedena 975 1 236 Divorced

    2008Ne`enet/nema`ena 13 635 13 263 Never marriedVdovec/vdovica 96 200 WidowedRazveden/razvedena 964 1 232 Divorced

    2009Ne`enet/nema`ena 13 635 13 263 Never marriedVdovec/vdovica 96 200 WidowedRazveden/razvedena 964 1 232 Divorced

    Sklu~eni brakovi spored brakot po red na nevestata i na mlado`enecot, 2007-2009

    Marriages by marriage order of bride and groom, 2007-2009

    Brak po redNevesta


    Groom Marriage order

    2007Prv 14 388 14 028 FirstVtor 1 057 1 338 SecondTret i pove}e 45 124 Third and more

    2008Prv 13 635 13 263 FirstVtor 1 011 1 285 SecondTret i pove}e 49 147 Third and more

    2009Prv 13 822 13 504 FirstVtor 1 068 1 318 SecondTret i pove}e 33 101 Third and more

    Izvor: Vitalna statistika

    Source: Vital statistics


  • 21

    Razvedeni brakovi spored vozrasta na sopru`nicite, 2007-2009

    Divorces by age of wife and husband, 2007-20092007 2008 2009







    Pod 20 Under 20 36 10 25 4 31 3

    20 - 24 240 137 230 116 220 108

    25 - 29 322 268 259 233 270 235

    30 - 34 276 284 219 224 248 236

    35 - 39 203 269 171 218 202 229

    40 - 44 137 165 130 164 128 191

    45 - 49 91 119 80 117 94 139

    50 + 112 165 95 133 94 146

    Razvedeni brakovi spored pripadnosta kon etni~ka zaednica na sopru`nicite, 2007-2009

    Divorces by ethnic affiliation of wife and husband, 2007-2009

    Pripadnost kon etni~ka


    2007 2008 2009Ethnic







    Makedonska 669 682 645 632 684 683 Macedonians

    Albanska 394 487 306 372 351 409 Albanians

    Turska 33 35 42 38 36 46 Turks

    Romska 115 107 78 77 83 82 Roma

    Vla{ka 1 - - 2 1 - Vlachs

    Srpska 17 17 11 19 23 18 Serbs

    Bo{wa~ka 13 15 7 7 15 11 Bosniaks

    Ostanato 175 74 120 62 94 38 Other

    Izvor: Vitalna statistika

    Source: Vital statistics


  • 22

    Razvedeni brakovi spored dodelenite deca po razvodot na brakot, struktura, 2007-2009

    Divorces by child custody after divorce, percentage distribution, 2007-2009

    Dodeleni deca: 2007 2008 2009 Children given to:

    na `enata 31 31 32 to the wife

    na ma`ot 8 8 8 to the husband

    na `enata i na ma`ot 2 2 3 to the wife and to the husband

    Drugi kombinacii 0 - 0 Other combination

    Bez izdr`uvani deca 60 59 58 Without supported children

    Vkupno 100 100 100 Total

    Izvor: Vitalna statistika

    Source: Vital statistics


    Stapka na vnatre{na imigracija spored osnovnite grupi na vozrast, 2009

    Internal migration rate by basic age groups, 2009@eni



    0-14 0.20 0.13

    15-29 11.61 1.54

    30-64 3.44 2.29

    65+ 1.26 1.79

    Izvor: Statistika na migracii

    Source: Migration statistics

  • 23

    Doseleni stranci spored pri~inata za doseluvawe, struktura, 2007-2009

    Immigrated foreigners by reason for immigration, percentage distribution, 2007-2009

    Pri~ina za doseluvawe@eni


    Men Reason for immigration


    Vrabotuvawe 4 38 Employment

    Profesionalna dejnost 7 25 Occupational activity

    Sklu~uvawe brak 59 14 Marriage

    Semejni pri~ini 19 7 Family reasons

    [koluvawe 2 5 Education

    Drugo 9 12 Other

    Vkupno 100 100 Total


    Vrabotuvawe 8 45 Employment

    Profesionalna dejnost 2 8 Occupational activity

    Sklu~uvawe brak 47 9 Marriage

    Semejni pri~ini 15 5 Family reasons

    [koluvawe 4 10 Education

    Drugo 25 22 Other

    Vkupno 100 100 Total


    Vrabotuvawe 7 60 Employment

    Profesionalna dejnost 1 2 Occupational activity

    Sklu~uvawe brak 68 14 Marriage

    Semejni pri~ini 17 13 Family reasons

    [koluvawe 6 11 Education

    Drugo 0 0 Other

    Vkupno 100 100 Total

    Izvor: Statistika na migracii

    Source: Migration statistics


  • 24

    O~ekuvano traewe na `ivotot, 1999-2008

    Life expectancy, 1999-2008

    Izvor: Vitalna statistika

    Source: Vital statistics


    O~ekuvanoto traewe na ̀ ivotot pri ra|aweto poka`uva kolku godini vo prosek bi ̀ iveelo edno lice, pod uslov smrtnosta na naselenieto vo tekot na celiot period na traewe na ̀ ivotot na toa lice da ostane na nivoto od periodot za koj se presmetuva ovoj indikator.Stapkata na smrtnost kaj doen~iwata go poka`uva brojot na umreni doen~iwa (pod edna godina) na 1000 `ivorodeni.Naj~esti pri~ini za smrt, i kaj ̀ enite i kaj ma`ite, se kardiovaskularnite bolesti, a ̀ enite, vo prosek, `iveat podolgo od ma`ite za 5 godini

    Life expectancy at birth shows the average number of years of life of a person, on condition that the mortality of the population during the lifespan of that person remains at the level of estimation of this indicator.Infant mortality rate shows the number of infant deaths (under 1 year of age) per 1000 live births.The most common causes of death in both men and women are cardiovascular diseases, and women outlive men by 5 years on average.

    O~ekuvana dol`ina na `ivotot na 65 godini

    Life expectancy at age 65godini years

    2007 2008

    @eni 15 15 WomenMa`i 14 14 Men

  • 25

    O~ekuvano traewe na `ivotot vo Evropa, 2008

    Life expectancy in Europe, 2008

    Izvor: Eurostat, Dr`aven zavod za statistika

    Source: Eurostat, State Statistical Office


  • 26

    Stapka na smrtnost kaj doen~iwata, 1999-2009

    Infant mortality rate, 1999-2009

    Izvor: Vitalna statistika

    Source: Vital statistics


    Stapka na smrtnost kaj doen~iwata, 1999, 2005 i 2009

    Infant mortality rate, 1999, 2005 and 2009Godina




    1999 13 19

    2005 12 14

    2009 10 13

    Stapka na smrtnost kaj doen~iwa: broj na umreni doen~iwa (pod edna godina) na 1000 `ivorodeni

    Infant mortality rate: Number of infant deaths (under 1 year of age) per 1000 live births

  • 27

    Stapki na mortalitet (na 10000 naselenie) spored pri~inata za smrt i vozrasta, 2009

    Mortality rates (per 10000 population) by causes of death and age, 2009

    Pri~ina za smrt

    0 1-14 15-44 45-64 65-74 74+ VkupnoTotalCause of


    Bolesti na cirkulatorniot sistem (I00-I99)

    `eniWomen - 0 1 21 153 765 55

    Circulatory diseases

    ma`iMen - 0 3 39 208 767 52

    Neoplazmi (C00-D48)

    `eniWomen 1 0 2 21 53 79 14


    ma`iMen - 1 2 33 103 150 22

    Endokrini, nutritivni i metaboli~ni bolesti E000-E90X

    `eniWomen - - 0 3 17 41 4

    Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseasesma`i

    Men 2 - 0 3 15 31 3

    Bolesti na respiratorniot sistem J000-J998

    `eniWomen 5 0 0 2 10 31 3

    Respiratory diseases

    ma`iMen 3 0 0 3 17 49 4

    Nasilna smrt (S00-T98)

    `eniWomen - 0 1 1 4 14 2

    Accidents, violence

    ma`iMen - 1 3 6 9 18 4

    Pri~ini za smrt spored Me|unarodnata klasifikacija na bolesti, X revizijaCauses of death according to the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision

    Izvor: Vitalna statistika

    Source: Vital statistics


  • 28

    Stapki na abortusi vo Republika Makedonija, 2007-2009

    Abortion rate in the Republic of Macedonia, 2007-2009

    Stapka na abortusi: 2007 2008 2009 Abortion rate:

    Na 100 `ivorodeni 27 26 24 per 100 live births

    Kaj `eni na vozrast pod 20 godini (na 100 rodeni)

    0 0 0 among women under 20 (per 100 births)

    Na 1000 `eni na vozrast od 15 do 49

    12 11 11 per 1000 women aged 15-49

    Kaj `eni na vozrast pod 20 godini (na 1000 `eni od 15 do 19 godini)

    0 0 0 among women under 20 (per 1000 women aged 15-19)

    Izvor: Institut za javno zdravje

    Source: Institute of Public Health


  • 29

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

    Vo osnovnoto obrazovanie, od godina vo godina se zabele`uva istata polova struktura me|u u~eni~kite i u~enicite, a vo srednoto obrazovanie se zabele`uva blag porast na u~eni~kite vo odnos na u~enicite.

    Isto taka, se zgolemuva brojot na u~eni~kite i u~enicite od osnovnoto obrazovanie koi prodol`uvaat vo sredno obrazovanie.

    Brojot na u~enici koi go prekinale obrazovanieto vo osnovno obrazovanie e nezna~itelen (i kaj u~eni~kite i kaj u~enicite) i iznesuva 0, 2%, dodeka vo srednoto obrazovanie iznesuva 1%.

    Vo osnovnoto i vo srednoto obrazovanie preovladuvaat nastavnicite od `enski pol.

    Vo srednoto obrazovanie pogolema e zainteresiranosta na u~eni~kite za gimnazisko obrazovanie, dodeka kaj u~enicite za stru~no obrazovanie.

    Neto-stapkata na zapi{ani u~enici (od dvata pola) vo osnovnoto obrazovanie stagnira, a vo srednoto obrazovanie e vo blag porast.

    Vo visokoto obrazovanie, od godina vo godina, vo polovata struktura se zabele`uva deka na fakultetite se zapi{uvaat pove}e `eni. Isto taka, pove}e `eni se zapi{uvaat na vtor i na tret ciklus na studii, kako i zavr{eni studenti na prv, vtor i tret ciklus.

    Brojot na `enite zapi{ani i zavr{eni na prv, vtor i tret ciklus glavno e pogolem vo op{testvenite, humanisti~kite i medicinskite nauki, za razlika od tehni~ko-tehnolo{kite nauki kade {to i brojot na zapi{ani i brojot na zavr{eni `eni e pomal vo odnos na ma`ite.

    Neto-stapka na zapi{uvawe vo osnovnoto obrazovanie pretstavuva soodnos me|u u~enici vo osnovnoto obrazovanie koi se na vozrast propi{ana so Zakonot za osnovno obrazovanie i populacijata na soodvetnata vozrast (od 6 do 14 godini).

    Neto-stapka na zapi{uvawe vo srednoto obrazovanie pretstavuva soodnos me|u u~enicite vo srednoto obrazovanie koi se na vozrast propi{ana so Zakonot za sredno obrazovanie i populacijata na soodvetnata vozrast (od 15 do 18 godini).

    Neto-stapka na zapi{uvawe vo visokoto obrazovanie pretstavuva soodnos me|u studentite vo visokoto obrazovanie i populacijata na soodvetnata vozrast (od 18 do 26 godini).

  • 30

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

    Over the years, the gender structure of female and male students in primary and lower secondary education has remained the same, while in upper secondary education there has been a slight increase in the number of females in comparison with males.

    Also, the number of students (females and males) who are continuing their education to upper secondary level is increasing.

    The number of students who dropped out of primary and lower secondary education is insignificant (both for females and males) and it is 0,2%, while in upper secondary education it is 1%.

    Primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education are dominated by female teachers.

    In upper secondary education the female students are more interested in gymnasium education, while the male students prefer vocational education.

    The net enrollment rate (for both sexes) in primary and lower secondary education is stagnating, while in upper secondary education it increasing slightly.

    Over the years, there has been an increase in the number of women enrolling at the faculties. Also, there are more women enrolling in the second and third cycle of studies and graduating from the first, second and third cycles.

    The number of women enrolled and graduated from the first, second and third cycle is generally higher in social sciences, humanities and medical sciences, while for technical and technological sciences the number of women is lower in comparison with male students.

    Net enrollment rate in primary and lower secondary education is the ratio between students in primary and lower secondary education who are of official primary school age, as prescribed by the Law on Primary Education, and the population of the corresponding age (6-14 years of age).

    Net enrollment rate in upper secondary education is the ratio between students in upper secondary education who are of official secondary school age, as prescribed by the Law on Secondary Education, and the population of the corresponding age (15-18 years of age).

    Net enrollment rate in tertiary education is the ratio between students in tertiary education who are of appropriate age and the population of the corresponding age (18-26 years of age).

  • 31

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication


    D 6







    i st



    D 5

    24 23 22F










    i {




    o ob
















    zadol`itelno obrazovanie




















    Specijalno obrazovanie















    D 3

    16 15 14

    Obrazovanie za vozrasni


    D 2

    13 12 11 10







    D 1

    9 8 7 6 5 4D


    i gr


    ki3 2


















    ed M











    za o



    ie (I



  • 32

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication


    D 6








    524 23 22





    n 3,


    6 ye






    l sch




    y ed






    ,3 y



    D 4c





    - wor





    complosary education






    y ed








    s se





    l ed



    Special education



    s se





    l edu








    D 3

    16 15 14

    Adults education


    D 2

    13 12 11 10







    19 8 7 6 5 4




    3 2Nu







    n sy


    in th

    e Re


    ic of



    ia a






    l Sta


    d Cl



    n of



    n (IS


  • 33

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

    Naselenie po vozrast i po {kolska podgotovka, 2002, struktura

    Population by age and educational attainment, 2002, percentage distribution

    Izvor: Popis na naselenieto, doma}instvata i stanovite vo Republika Makedonija, 2002 godina

    Source: Census of the Population, Households and Dwellings in the Republic of Macedonia, 2002


    Vozrast / Age

    Education15-19 20-24 25-29







    Bez i so nekompletno osnovno obrazovanie

    5 4 6 4 6 4Without and with incomlete primary education

    Osnovno 73 73 30 29 37 35 Primary

    Sé u{te vo proces na osnovno obrazovanie

    1 2 - - - 0Still are in the process of primary education

    Sredno 21 22 61 65 43 52 Secondary

    Vi{o i visoko 0 0 3 2 14 9 Higher and university


    Vozrast / Age

    Education30-39 40-59 60+







    Bez i so nekompletno osnovno obrazovanie 8 4 20 9 68 42

    Without and with incomlete primary education

    Osnovno 37 32 36 30 18 24 Primary

    Sé u{te vo proces na osnovno obrazovanie

    - - - - - -Still are in the process of primary education

    Sredno 41 53 31 44 10 21 Secondary

    Vi{o i visoko 14 11 13 17 4 13 Higher and university

  • 34

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

    Pismenost po pol i po vozrast, 2002

    Literacy, by sex and age, 2002


    Struktura po vozrastPercentage distribution

    Struktura po polSex distribution





    10-14 9 9 48 52

    15-49 62 63 49 51

    50-64 18 17 50 50

    65+ 11 10 50 50


    100 100


    Struktura po vozrastPercentage distribution

    Struktura po pol Sex distribution





    10-14 2 5 54 46

    15-49 20 32 66 34

    50-64 16 13 80 20

    65+ 62 49 80 20


    100 100

    Izvor: Popis na naselenieto, doma}instvata i stanovite vo Republika Makedonija, 2002

    Source: Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in the Republic of Macedonia, 2002

    Nepismeni po pol i po vozrast, 2002Iliteracy, by sex and age, 2002

  • 35

    Zapi{ani u~enici i studenti vo obrazovniot proces i neto-stapki na zapi{uvawe

    Students in the educational process, number and net enrollment rates

    Broj na u~enici Number of students

    Struktura po pol

    Sex distribution

    Neto-stapka na zapi{uvawe

    Net enrollment rate

    `enski Women

    ma{ki Men

    `enski Women

    ma{ki Men

    `enski Women

    ma{ki Men


    Osnovno obrazovanie

    111 864 119 633 48 52 91 92 Primary and lower secondary education

    Sredno obrazovanie

    45 252 50 114 47 53 66 69 Upper secondary education

    Visoko obrazovanie

    30 703 25 440 55 45 19 15 Tertiary education


    Osnovno obrazovanie

    107 755 114 604 48 52 91 91 Primary and lower secondary education

    Sredno obrazovanie

    44 352 50 193 47 53 65 69 Upper secondary education

    Visoko obrazovanie

    33 672 29 263 54 46 21 17 Tertiary education


    Osnovno obrazovanie

    104 445 111 735 48 52 91 91 Primary and lower secondary education

    Sredno obrazovanie

    44 595 49 248 48 52 67 70 Upper secondary education

    Visoko obrazovanie

    33 069 29 088 53 47 20 17 Tertiary education

    Izvor: Statistika na obrazovanie

    Source: Education statistics

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

  • 36

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

    Proodnost na u~enicite od osnovno vo sredno obrazovanie, broj i struktura

    Student flow from primary and lower secondary to upper secondary education, number and sex distribution


    Broj na u~enici Number of students

    Struktura po pol Sex distribution

    Year@ W

    M M

    @ W

    M M

    Broj na u~enici koi zavr{ile osnovno obrazovanie

    Number of students who graduated from primary and lower secondary education

    2005/2006 14 276 14 717 49 51 2005/20062006/2007 13 553 14 194 49 51 2006/20072007/2008 13 239 13 807 49 51 2007/2008

    Broj na u~enici koi se zapi{ale vo I godina sredno obrazovanie

    Number of students enrolled in I year of upper secondary education

    2006/2007 12 020 13 571 47 53 2006/20072007/2008 11 395 13 542 46 54 2007/20082008/2009 11 775 13 592 46 54 2008/2009

    Proodnost na u~enicite od sredno vo visoko obrazovanie, broj i struktura

    Student flow from upper secondary to tertiary education, number and sex distribution


    Broj na u~enici Number of students

    Struktura po pol Sex distribution

    Year@ W

    M M

    @ W

    M M

    Broj na u~enici koi zavr{ile sredno obrazovanie

    Number of students who graduated from upper secondary education

    2005/2006 11178 11547 49 51 2005/2006 2006/2007 11 220 11 751 49 51 2006/20072007/2008 10 932 11 485 49 51 2007/2008

    Broj na u~enici koi prvpat se zapi{ale vo I godina visoko obrazovanie

    Number of students enrolled for the first time in I year of tertiary education

    2006/2007 6 569 6 136 52 48 2006/20072007/2008 8 538 8 520 50 50 2007/20082008/2009 8 442 8 344 50 50 2008/2009

    Izvor: Statisti~ki istra`uvawa za sredno i visoko obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical surveys on upper secondary and tertiary education

  • 37

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

    U~enici koi go prodol`ile obrazovanieto, procenti

    Students who continued their education, percentagesBroj

    Number@ W

    M M


    Od osnovno vo sredno obrazovanie

    84 92 From primary and lower secondary to upper secondary education

    Od sredno vo visoko obrazovanie 59 53 From upper secondary to tertiary education


    Od osnovno vo sredno obrazovanie

    84 95 From primary and lower secondary to upper secondary education

    Od sredno vo visoko obrazovanie 76 72 From upper secondary to tertiary education


    Od osnovno vo sredno obrazovanie

    89 98 From primary and lower secondary to upper secondary education

    Od sredno vo visoko obrazovanie 77 73 From upper secondary to tertiary education

    Izvor: Statisti~ki istra`uvawa za sredno i visoko obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical surveys on upper secondary and tertiary education

    Lica koi rano go napu{taat obrazovanieto1)

    Early school-leavers1)

    %2007 2008 2009

    @eni 22 22 19 WomenMa`i 18 18 14 Men

    Izvor: Anketa za rabotnata sila

    Source: Labour Force Survey1) U~estvo na licata na vozrast od 18 do 24 godini koi nemaat nikakvo ili imaat najmnogu osnovno obrazovanie, vo odnos na vkupnata populacija od istata vozrasna grupa.1) Share of the population aged 18-24 with no or with at mostlower secondary education and not in futher education or training.

  • 38

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

    Broj na u~enici koi go prekinale obrazovanieto, broj i stapki

    Students who terminated their education, number and drop-out rates

    Broj na u~enici

    Number of students

    Struktura po pol

    Sex distribution

    Stapki na prekinuvawe1) Drop-out rates1)

    @ W

    M M

    u~eni-~ki girls



    u~eni-~ki girls



    Osnovno obrazovanie

    245 216 53 47 0 0 Primary and lower secondary education

    Sredno obrazovanie

    309 751 29 71 1 1 Upper secondary education


    Osnovno obrazovanie

    251 241 51 49 0 0 Primary and lower secondary education

    Sredno obrazovanie

    295 733 29 71 1 1 Upper secondary education


    Osnovno obrazovanie

    215 216 50 50 0 0 Primary and lower secondary education

    Sredno obrazovanie

    252 504 33 67 1 1 Upper secondary education

    Izvor: Statisti~ki istra`uvawa za osnovno obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical surveys on primary and lower secondary education 1) Stapkata na prekinuvawe se dobiva od vkupniot broj na deca od u~ili{nata vozrast i se sporeduva so brojot na u~enici koi {to go prekinale obrazovanieto 1) Drop aut rates are abtained from the total number of school age children and compared with the number of students who have dropped out from education

  • 39

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

    Nastavnici vo osnovnoto i vo srednoto obrazovanie, broj i struktura

    Teaching personnel in primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education, number and sex distribution

    Broj Number

    Struktura Structure

    @ W

    M M

    @ W

    M M


    Osnovno obrazovanie 9 371 5 727 62 38 Primary and lower secondary education

    Sredno obrazovanie 3 536 2 711 57 43 Upper secondary education


    Osnovno obrazovanie 9 820 5 871 63 37 Primary and lower secondary education

    Sredno obrazovanie 3 714 2 724 58 42 Upper secondary education


    Osnovno obrazovanie 10 098 5 832 63 37 Primary and lower secondary education

    Sredno obrazovanie 3 836 2 763 58 42 Upper secondary education

    Izvor: Statisti~ki istra`uvawa za osnovno i sredno obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical surveys on primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education

  • 40

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

    U~enici koi go zavr{ile redovnoto sredno obrazovanie, spored strukata, vo u~ebnata 2006/2007 godina

    Students who completed regular upper secondary education according to qualification, school year 2006/2007


    U~enici Students

    Struktura Sex distribution

    Qualificationu~eni-~ki girls



    u~eni-~ki girls


    boysGimnazisko obrazovanie

    5 174 4 079 56 44 Gymnasium education

    Jazi~na gimnazija 522 184 74 26 Philological gymnasium

    Prirodno-matemati~ka gimnazija

    1 291 1 358 49 51 Gymnasium of natural sciences and mathematics

    Op{ta gimnazija 3 361 2 537 57 43 General gymnasium

    Stru~no obrazovanie 5 693 7 732 42 58 Vocational education


    - - - - Agriculture and veterinary medicine

    Tekstilno-ko`arska - 16 - 100 Textile and leather processing

    Zemjodelska struka 230 433 35 65 Agriculture

    Veterinarna 61 120 34 66 Veterinary medicine

    Prehranbena 195 176 53 47 Food production

    Шумарска 59 42 58 42 Forestry

    Drvoprerabotuva~ka 18 114 14 86 Wood processing

    Geolo{ka 22 5 81 19 Geology

    Rudarska 12 47 20 80 Mining and extraction

    Металуршка 17 40 30 70 Metallurgy

    Ma{inska 97 1 444 6 94 Mechanical engineering

    Elektrotehni~ka 106 1 760 6 94 Electrical engineering

    Hemisko-tehnolo{ka 263 201 57 43 Chemical engineering

    Tekstilna 567 316 64 36 Textile processing

    prodol`uva / Continued

  • 41

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

    U~enici koi go zavr{ile redovnoto sredno obrazovanie, spored strukata, vo u~ebnata 2006/2007 godina

    Students who completed regular upper secondary education according to qualification, school year 2006/2007


    U~enici Students

    Struktura Sex distribution

    Qualificationu~eni-~ki girls



    u~eni-~ki girls


    boysKo`arska 25 27 48 52 Leather processing

    Grafi~ka 52 49 51 49 Graphics

    Li~ni uslugi 232 69 77 23 Personal services

    Grade`na 31 254 11 89 Architecture

    Soobra}ajna 182 256 42 58 Transport

    Trgovska 37 56 40 60 Trade


    232 530 30 70 Travel, tourism, hotel and catering services

    Ekonomska 1 648 1 018 62 38 Economics

    Pravna 213 78 73 27 Law

    Zdravstvena 1 354 587 70 30 Health

    Fizi~ka kultura 25 72 26 74 Physical education

    Proizvodno-procesna 15 22 41 59 Manufacturing and processing

    Umetni~ko obrazovanie

    103 129 44 56 Art education

    Likovno 37 25 60 40 Fine arts

    Muzi~ko 56 97 37 63 Music

    Baletsko 10 7 59 41 Ballet

    Vkupno 10 970 11 940 48 52 Total

    Izvor: Statisti~ki istra`uvawa za sredno obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical surveys on upper secondary education

  • 42

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

    U~enici koi go zavr{ile redovnoto sredno obrazovanie, spored strukata, vo u~ebnata 2007/2008 godina

    Students who completed regular upper secondary education according to qualification, school year 2007/2008


    U~enici Students

    Struktura Sex distribution

    Qualificationu~eni-~ki girls



    u~eni-~ki girls


    boysGimnazisko obrazovanie 4 966 4 188 54 46 Gymnasium education

    Jazi~na gimnazija 485 191 72 28 Philological gymnasium

    Prirodno-matemati~ka gimnazija

    1 203 1 304 48 52 Gymnasium of natural sciences and mathematics

    Op{ta gimnazija 3 278 2 693 55 45 General gymnasium

    Stru~no obrazovanie 5 636 7 118 44 56 Vocational education

    Zemjodelsko-veterinarna 130 276 32 68 Agriculture and veterinary medicine


    42 57 42 58 Forestry and wood processing

    Geolo{ko-rudarska i metalur{ka

    28 34 45 55 Geology, mining and extraction, and metallurgy

    Tekstilno-ko`arska 312 190 62 38 Textile and leather processing

    Ekonomsko-pravna i trgovska

    929 659 59 41 Economics, law and trade

    Zemjodelska struka 65 143 31 69 Agriculture

    Veterinarna 28 78 26 74 Veterinary medicine

    Prehranbena 102 149 41 59 Food production

    [umarska 15 32 32 68 Forestry

    Drvoprerabotuva~ka 3 47 6 94 Wood processing

    Geolo{ka 14 3 82 18 Geology

    Rudarska 6 39 13 87 Mining and extraction

    Ma{inska 64 1 200 5 95 Mechanical engineering

    Elektrotehni~ka 141 1 595 8 92 Electrical engineering

    prodol`uva / Continued

  • 43

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

    U~enici koi go zavr{ile redovnoto sredno obrazovanie, spored strukata, vo u~ebnata 2007/2008 godina

    Students who completed regular upper secondary education according to qualification, school year 2007/2008


    U~enici Students

    Struktura Sex distribution

    Qualificationu~eni-~ki girls



    u~eni-~ki girls


    boysHemisko-tehnolo{ka 320 197 62 38 Chemical engineering

    Tekstilna 130 98 57 43 Textile processing

    Grafi~ka 68 59 54 46 Graphics

    Li~ni uslugi 209 78 73 27 Personal services

    Geodetska 19 78 20 80 Geodesy

    Grade`na 31 140 18 82 Architecture

    Soobra}ajna 151 261 37 63 Transport

    Trgovska 53 65 45 55 Trade

    Ugostitelsko-turisti~ka 216 504 30 70 Travel, tourism, hotel and catering services

    Ekonomska 588 378 61 39 Economics

    Pravna 203 102 67 33 Law

    Zdravstvena 1 727 562 75 25 Health

    Fizi~ka kultura 21 75 22 78 Physical education

    Proizvodno-procesna 21 19 53 48 Manufacturing and processing

    Umetni~ko obrazovanie 89 116 43 57 Art education

    Likovno 26 20 57 43 Fine arts

    Muzi~ko 51 86 37 63 Music

    Baletsko 12 10 55 45 Ballet

    Vkupno 10 691 11 422 48 52 Total

    Izvor: Statisti~ki istra`uvawa za sredno obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical surveys on upper secondary education

  • 44

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

    U~enici koi go zavr{ile redovnoto sredno obrazovanie, spored strukata, vo u~ebnata 2008/2009 godina

    Students who completed regular upper secondary education according to qualification, school year 2008/2009


    U~enici Students

    Struktura Sex distribution

    Qualificationu~eni-~ki girls



    u~eni-~ki girls


    boysGimnazisko obrazovanie

    4 995 4 086 55 45 Gymnasium education

    Jazi~na gimnazija 395 154 72 28 Philological gymnasium

    Prirodno-matemati~ka gimnazija

    1 197 1 203 82 18 Gymnasium of natural sciences and mathematics

    Op{ta gimnazija 3 403 2 729 56 44 General gymnasium

    Stru~no obrazovanie 6 085 8 821 41 59 Vocational education

    Zemjodelsko-veterinarna 199 541 27 73 Agriculture and veterinary medicine


    58 144 29 71 Forestry and wood processing

    Geolo{ko-rudarska i metalur{ka

    45 75 38 62 Geology, mining and extraction, and metallurgy

    Tekstilno-ko`arska 354 309 53 47 Textile and leather processing

    Grade`no-geodetska 20 100 17 83 Architecture and geodesy

    Ekonomsko-pravna i trgovska

    779 637 55 45 Economics, law and trade

    Zemjodelska struka 30 46 39 61 Agriculture

    Veterinarna 18 41 31 69 Veterinary medicine

    Prehranbena 76 128 37 63 Food production

    Drvoprerabotuva~ka - 46 0 100 Wood processing

    Geolo{ka 2 - 100 0 Geology

    Rudarska 3 19 14 86 Mining and extraction

    Ma{inska 86 1 599 5 95 Mechanical engineering

    Elektrotehni~ka 156 1 896 76 24 Electrical engineering

    prodol`uva / Continued

  • 45

    U~enici koi go zavr{ile redovnoto sredno obrazovanie, spored strukata, vo u~ebnata 2008/2009 godina

    Students who completed regular upper secondary education according to qualification, school year 2008/2009


    U~enici Students

    Struktura Sex distribution

    Qualificationu~eni-~ki girls



    u~eni-~ki girls


    boysHemisko-tehnolo{ka 290 318 43 57 Chemical engineering

    Tekstilna 59 66 47 53 Textile processing

    Ko`arska 3 3 50 50 Leather processing

    Grafi~ka 70 64 52 48 Graphics

    Li~ni uslugi 306 107 74 26 Personal services

    Geodetska 5 23 18 82 Geodesy

    Grade`na 4 151 3 97 Architecture

    Soobra}ajna 198 413 32 68 Transport

    Trgovska 141 159 47 53 Trade

    Ugostitelsko-turisti~ka 310 608 34 66 Travel, tourism, hotel and catering services

    Ekonomska 685 549 56 44 Economics

    Pravna 272 131 67 33 Law

    Zdravstvena 1 891 556 77 23 Health

    Fizi~ka kultura 24 91 21 79 Physical education

    Proizvodno-procesna 1 1 50 50 Manufacturing and processing

    Umetni~ko obrazovanie 90 133 40 60 Art education

    Likovno 27 28 49 51 Fine arts

    Muzi~ko 53 95 36 64 Music

    Baletsko 10 10 50 50 Ballet

    Vkupno 11 170 13 040 46 54 Total

    Izvor: Statisti~ki istra`uvawa za sredno obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical surveys on upper secondary education

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

  • 46

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

    Nastavnici vo visokoto obrazovanie, broj i struktura, 2007/2008

    Teachers in tertiary education, number and sex distribution, 2007/2008Broj Struktura po pol

    Number sex distribution`eni ma`i `eni ma`i

    women men women menRedoven profesor 271 626 30 70 Professor

    Vonreden profesor 191 313 38 62 Associate professor

    Docent 225 318 41 59 Docent

    Vi{ predava~ na visoka obrazovna ustanova

    23 24 49 51 Senior lecturer at faculty

    Predava~ na visoka obrazovna ustanova

    3 2 30 40 Lecturer at faculty

    Profesor na visoka stru~na {kola

    8 13 38 62 Professor at higher vocational school

    Predava~ na visoka stru~na {kola

    9 2 82 18 Lecturer at higher vocational school

    Asistent 322 322 50 50 Assistant

    Pomlad asistent 363 255 59 41 Junior assistant

    Lektor 93 34 73 27 Lector

    Nastavnik za prakti~na rabota

    1 - 100 - Teacher for practical work

    Stru~en sorabotnik 19 18 51 49 Expert associate

    Sorabotnik 6 9 40 60 Associate

    Drugi zvawa 12 24 33 67 Other staff

    Izvor: Statisti~ki istra`uvawa za visoko obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical surveys on tertiary education

  • 47

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

    Nastavnici vo visokoto obrazovanie, 2008/2009, broj i struktura

    Teachers in tertiary education, 2008/2009, number and sex distributionBroj Struktura po pol

    Number sex distribution`eni ma`i `eni ma`i

    women men women menRedoven profesor 318 652 33 67 Professor

    Vonreden profesor 204 301 40 60 Associate professor

    Docent 223 377 37 63 Docent

    Vi{ predava~ na visoka obrazovna ustanova

    28 18 61 19 Senior lecturer at faculty

    Predava~ na visoka obrazovna ustanova

    7 5 58 42 Lecturer at faculty

    Profesor na visoka stru~na {kola

    13 16 45 55 Professor at higher vocational school

    Predava~ na visoka stru~na {kola

    12 8 60 40 Lecturer at higher vocational school

    Asistent 329 311 51 49 Assistant

    Pomlad asistent 436 308 59 41 Junior assistant

    Lektor 92 26 78 22 Lector

    Nastavnik za prakti~na rabota

    1 6 14 86 Teacher for practical work

    Stru~en sorabotnik 23 21 52 48 Expert associate

    Sorabotnik 4 1 80 20 Associate

    Drugi zvawa 42 65 39 61 Other staff

    Izvor: Statisti~ki istra`uvawa za visoko obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical surveys on tertiary education

  • 48

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

    Nastavnici vo visokoto obrazovanie, broj i struktura, 2009/2010

    Teachers in tertiary education, number and sex distribution, 2009/2010Broj Struktura po pol

    Number sex distribution`eni ma`i `eni ma`i

    women men women menRedoven profesor 300 543 36 64 Professor

    Vonreden profesor 214 299 42 58 Associate professor

    Docent 226 314 42 58 Docent

    Vi{ predava~ na visoka obrazovna ustanova

    28 11 72 28 Senior lecturer at faculty

    Predava~ na visoka obrazovna ustanova

    18 39 32 68 Lecturer at faculty

    Profesor na visoka stru~na {kola

    10 18 36 64 Professor at higher vocational school

    Predava~ na visoka stru~na {kola

    18 19 49 51 Lecturer at higher vocational school

    Asistent 340 245 58 42 Assistant

    Pomlad asistent 326 245 57 43 Junior assistant

    Lektor 81 12 87 13 Lector

    Nastavnik za prakti~na rabota

    - - - - Teacher for practical work

    Stru~en sorabotnik 20 19 51 49 Expert associate

    Sorabotnik 10 14 42 58 Associate

    Drugi zvawa 69 26 73 27 Other staff

    Izvor: Statisti~ki istra`uvawa za visoko obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical surveys on tertiary education

  • 49

    Vkupno zapi{ani i diplomirani studenti na dodiplomski studii i na visokite stru~ni {koli, broj i struktura

    Students enrolled in and graduated from undergraduate studies and higher vocational schools, number and sex distribution

    Studenti Struktura po pol

    students sex distribution

    `eni ma`i `eni ma`i

    women men women men

    Zapi{ani studenti Enrolled students

    2006/2007 31 052 25 959 54 46 2006/2007

    2007/2008 34 170 30 084 53 47 2007/2008

    2008/2009 33 593 29 844 53 47 2008/2009

    Diplomirani studenti Graduated students

    2007 5 142 3 218 62 38 2007

    2008 6 486 4 352 60 40 2008

    2009 5 911 4 321 58 42 2009

    Izvor: Statisti~ki istra`uvawa za visoko obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical surveys on tertiary education

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

  • 50

    Studenti, dr`avjani na Republika Makedonija koi zavr{ile dodiplomski studii ili visoka stru~na {kola spored nau~nata oblast, broj i struktura, 2007

    Students, citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, who have graduated from undergraduate studies and higher vocational schools, by scientific field, number and sex distribution, 2007

    Diplomirani studenti

    Struktura po pol

    Graduated students Sex distribution`eni ma`i `eni ma`i

    women men women menVkupno 5 070 3 118 62 38 Total Prirodno-matemati~ki nauki

    256 154 62 38 Natural sciences and mathematics

    Tehni~ko- tehnolo{ki nauki

    318 742 30 70 Technical and technological sciences

    Medicinski nauki 565 163 78 22 Medical sciences Biotehni~ni nauki 180 199 47 53 Biotechnical sciences Op{testveni nauki 3 157 1 557 67 33 Social sciences Humanitarni nauki 591 293 67 33 Humanities Verski nauki 3 10 23 77 Religious sciences

    Izvor: Statisti~ko istra`uvawe za visoko obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical survey on tertiary education

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

  • 51

    Izvor: Statisti~ko istra`uvawe za visoko obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical survey on tertiary education

    Studenti, dr`avjani na Republika Makedonija koi zavr{ile dodiplomski studii ili visoka stru~na {kola spored nau~nata oblast, broj i struktura, 2008

    Students, citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, who have graduated from undergraduate studies and higher vocational schools, by scientific field, number and sex distribution, 2008

    Diplomirani studenti

    Struktura po pol

    Graduated students Sex distribution`eni ma`i `eni ma`i

    women men women menVkupno 6 397 4 254 60 40 Total Prirodno-matemati~ki nauki

    330 270 55 45 Natural sciences and mathematics

    Tehni~ko- tehnolo{ki nauki

    505 878 37 63 Technical and technological sciences

    Medicinski nauki 780 338 70 30 Medical sciences Biotehni~ni nauki 148 152 49 51 Biotechnical sciences Op{testveni nauki 3 702 2 187 63 37 Social sciences Humanitarni nauki 924 408 69 31 Humanities Verski nauki 8 21 28 72 Religious sciences

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

  • 52

    Izvor: Statisti~ko istra`uvawe za visoko obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical survey on tertiary education

    Studenti, dr`avjani na Republika Makedonija koi zavr{ile dodiplomski studii ili visoka stru~na {kola spored nau~nata oblast, broj i struktura, 2009

    Students, citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, who have graduated from undergraduate studies and higher vocational schools, by scientific field, number and sex distribution, 2009

    Diplomirani studenti

    Struktura po pol

    Graduated students Sex distribution

    `eni ma`i `eni ma`i

    women men women menVkupno 5 827 4 232 58 42 Total Prirodno-matemati~ki nauki

    327 199 62 38 Natural sciences and mathematics

    Tehni~ko- tehnolo{ki nauki

    555 1170 32 68 Technical and technological sciences

    Medicinski nauki 661 214 76 24 Medical sciences Biotehni~ni nauki 187 214 47 53 Biotechnical sciences Op{testveni nauki 3 196 2 063 61 39 Social sciences Humanitarni nauki 897 365 71 29 Humanities Verski nauki 4 7 36 64 Religious sciences

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

  • 53

    Lica zapi{ani na poslediplomski studii, dr`avjani na Republika Makedonija, spored nau~nata granka na prijaveniot magisterski trud, broj i struktura1)

    Persons, citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, who have enrolled in postgraduate studies, by scientific field of the master's thesis, number and sex distribution1)

    Studenti Struktura po pol

    students sex distribution`eni ma`i `eni ma`i

    women men women men


    Vkupno 585 465 56 44 Total

    Prirodno-matemati~ki nauki

    9 5 64 35Natural sciences and mathematics

    Tehni~ko-tehnolo{ki nauki

    12 63 16 63Technical and technological sciences

    Medicinski nauki 12 10 55 45 Medical sciences

    Biotehni~ki nauki 10 7 59 41 Biotechnical sciences

    Op{testveni nauki 445 322 58 42 Social sciences

    Humanisti~ki nauki 97 58 63 37 Humanities


    Vkupno 667 548 55 45 Total

    Prirodno-matemati~ki nauki

    86 59 59 41Natural sciences and mathematics

    Tehni~ko-tehnolo{ki nauki

    68 140 33 67Technical and technological sciences

    Medicinski nauki 12 3 80 20 Medical sciences

    Biotehni~ki nauki 8 9 47 53 Biotechnical sciences

    Op{testveni nauki 386 302 56 44 Social sciences

    Humanisti~ki nauki 107 35 75 35 Humanities

    Izvor: Statisti~ko istra`uvawe za visoko obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical survey on tertiary education 1) Vidi fusnota na stranica 53

    1) See footnote an page 53

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

  • 54

    Lica zapi{ani na poslediplomski studii, dr`avjani na Republika Makedonija, spored nau~nata granka na prijaveniot magisterski trud, broj i struktura1)

    Persons, citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, who have enrolled in postgraduate studies, by scientific field of the master's thesis, number and sex distribution1)

    Studenti Struktura po pol

    students sex distribution

    `eni ma`i `eni ma`i

    women men women men


    Vkupno 1 727 1 396 55 45 Total

    Prirodno-matemati~ki nauki

    39 24 62 38 Natural sciences and mathematics

    Tehni~ko-tehnolo{ki nauki

    227 521 30 70 Technical and technological sciences

    Medicinski nauki - 1 - 100 Medical sciences

    Biotehni~ki nauki 31 29 52 48 Biotechnical sciences

    Op{testveni nauki 1 209 705 63 37 Social sciences

    Humanisti~ki nauki 221 116 66 34 Humanities

    Izvor: Statisti~ko istra`uvawe za visoko obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical survey on tertiary education 1) Akakdemskite univerzitetski studii od vtoriot ciklus traat edna do dve godini i so nivno zavr{uvawe liceto se steknuva so nau~en naziv - magister

    1) Academic University Studies in the secand Cucle last one to two years, and after their completian the person acquires the Scientific title of Master

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

  • 55

    Lica zapi{ani na poslediplomski studii, dr`avjani na Republika Makedonija, spored nau~nata granka na prijaveniot specijalisti~ki trud, broj i struktura1)

    Persons, citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, who have enrolled in postgraduate studies, by scientific field of the specialist's thesis, number and sex distribution1)

    Studenti Struktura po pol

    students sex distribution`eni ma`i `eni ma`i

    women men women men2007/2008

    Vkupno 16 6 73 27 Total

    Prirodno-matemati~ki nauki

    2 1 67 33 Natural sciences and mathematics

    Tehni~ko-tehnolo{ki nauki

    1 - 100 - Technical and technological sciences

    Medicinski nauki 1 - 100 - Medical sciences

    Biotehni~ki nauki - - - - Biotechnical sciences

    Op{testveni nauki 12 5 71 29 Social sciences

    Humanisti~ki nauki - - - - Humanities

    2008/2009Vkupno 101 69 59 41 Total

    Prirodno-matemati~ki nauki

    15 9 62 38 Natural sciences and mathematics

    Tehni~ko-tehnolo{ki nauki

    2 1 67 33 Technical and technological sciences

    Medicinski nauki 6 1 86 14 Medical sciences

    Biotehni~ki nauki 1 1 50 50 Biotechnical sciences

    Op{testveni nauki 77 57 57 43 Social sciences

    Izvor: Statisti~ko istra`uvawe za visoko obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical survey on tertiary education 1) Vidi fusnota na stranica 55

    1) See footnote an page 55

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

  • 56

    Lica zapi{ani na poslediplomski studii, dr`avjani na Republika Makedonija, spored nau~nata granka na prijaveniot specijalisti~ki trud, broj i struktura1)

    Persons, citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, who have enrolled in postgraduate studies, by scientific field of the specialist's thesis, number and sex distribution1)

    Studenti Struktura po pol

    students sex distribution

    `eni ma`i `eni ma`i

    women men women men2009/2010

    Vkupno 187 182 51 49 Total

    Prirodno-matemati~ki nauki

    5 2 71 29 Natural sciences and mathematics

    Tehni~ko-tehnolo{ki nauki

    1 6 14 86 Technical and technological sciences

    Medicinski nauki 34 10 77 23 Medical sciences

    Op{testveni nauki 121 161 43 57 Social sciences

    Humanisti~ki nauki 26 3 90 10 Humanities

    Izvor: Statisti~ko istra`uvawe za visoko obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical survey on tertiary education 1) Specijalisti~kite stru~ni studii od vtoriot ciklus na univerzitetski studii traat edna do dve godini i so nivno zavr{uvawe se steknuva zvawe - specijalist od odredena struka 1) Specialiste vocational Studies in the secand Cucle of university Studies last one to two years, and after their completian the person acquires the title of Specialist in a vocational field

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

  • 57

    Lica {to prijavile doktorska disertacija, dr`avjani na Republika Makedonija, spored nau~nata granka na prijaveniot trud, broj i struktura

    Persons, citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, who have applied for doctoral dissertation, by scientific field of the doctoral dissertation, number and sex distribution

    Studenti Struktura po pol

    students sex distribution`eni ma`i `eni ma`i

    women men women men


    Vkupno 85 74 53 47 Total

    Prirodno-matemati~ki nauki

    27 14 66 34 Natural sciences and mathematics

    Tehni~ko-tehnolo{ki nauki

    2 17 11 89 Technical and technological sciences

    Medicinski nauki 10 7 59 41 Medical sciences

    Biotehni~ki nauki - - - - Biotechnical sciences

    Op{testveni nauki 23 24 49 51 Social sciences

    Humanisti~ki nauki 23 12 66 34 Humanities


    Vkupno 118 108 52 48 Total

    Prirodno-matemati~ki nauki

    - - - - Natural sciences and mathematics

    Tehni~ko-tehnolo{ki nauki

    16 32 33 67 Technical and technological sciences

    Medicinski nauki 28 9 76 24 Medical sciences

    Biotehni~ki nauki 2 4 33 67 Biotechnical sciences

    Op{testveni nauki 45 43 51 49 Social sciences

    Humanisti~ki nauki 27 20 57 43 Humanities

    Izvor: Statisti~ko istra`uvawe za visoko obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical survey on tertiary education

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

  • 58

    Lica {to prijavile doktorska disertacija, dr`avjani na Republika Makedonija, spored nau~nata granka na prijaveniot trud, broj i struktura

    Persons, citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, who have applied for doctoral dissertation, by scientific field of the doctoral dissertation, number and sex distribution

    Studenti Struktura po pol

    students sex distribution

    `eni ma`i `eni ma`i

    women men women men


    Vkupno 150 101 60 40 Total

    Prirodno-matemati~ki nauki

    13 15 46 54 Natural sciences and mathematics

    Tehni~ko-tehnolo{ki nauki

    5 13 28 72 Technical and technological sciences

    Medicinski nauki 28 19 60 40 Medical sciences

    Biotehni~ki nauki 1 - 100 - Biotechnical sciences

    Op{testveni nauki 81 40 67 33 Social sciences

    Humanisti~ki nauki 22 14 61 39 Humanities

    Izvor: Statisti~ko istra`uvawe za visoko obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical survey on tertiary education

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

  • 59

    Magistri na nauki, dr`avjani na Republika Makedonija, spored vidot na nau~nata oblast na magisterskiot trud i polot, broj, struktura i godina na magistrirawe

    Masters of science, citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, by scientific field of the master's thesis, number, sex distribution and year of completion of master studies

    Studenti Struktura po pol

    students sex distribution`eni ma`i `eni ma`i

    women men women men


    VKUPNO 163 109 60 40 TOTAL

    Prirodno-matemati~ki nauki

    10 10 50 50 Natural sciences and mathematics

    Tehni~ko-tehnolo{ki nauki

    9 25 26 74 Technical and technological sciences

    Medicinski nauki 23 7 77 23 Medical sciences

    Biotehni~ki nauki 2 5 29 71 Biotechnical sciences

    Op{testveni nauki 81 42 66 34 Social sciences

    Humanisti~ki nauki 38 20 66 34 Humanities


    VKUPNO 138 113 55 45 TOTAL

    Prirodno-matemati~ki nauki

    12 6 67 33 Natural sciences and mathematics

    Tehni~ko-tehnolo{ki nauki

    6 32 16 84 Technical and technological sciences

    Medicinski nauki 20 6 77 23 Medical sciences

    Biotehni~ki nauki - 2 - 100 Biotechnical sciences

    Op{testveni nauki 72 49 59 41 Social sciences

    Humanisti~ki nauki 28 18 61 39 Humanities

    Izvor: Statisti~ko istra`uvawe za visoko obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical survey on tertiary education

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

  • 60

    Magistri na nauki, dr`avjani na Republika Makedonija, spored vidot na nau~nata oblast na magisterskiot trud i polot, broj, struktura i godina na magistrirawe

    Masters of science, citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, by scientific field of the master's thesis, number, sex distribution and year of completion of master studies

    Studenti Struktura po pol

    students sex distribution`eni ma`i `eni ma`i

    women men women men


    VKUPNO 233 179 57 43 TOTAL

    Prirodno-matemati~ki nauki

    28 17 62 38 Natural sciences and mathematics

    Tehni~ko-tehnolo{ki nauki

    21 55 28 72 Technical and technological sciences

    Medicinski nauki 2 - 100 - Medical sciences

    Biotehni~ki nauki 2 5 29 71 Biotechnical sciences

    Op{testveni nauki 139 78 64 36 Social sciences

    Humanisti~ki nauki 41 24 63 37 Humanities

    Izvor: Statisti~ko istra`uvawe za visoko obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical survey on tertiary education

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

  • 61

    Specijalisti na nauki, dr`avjani na Republika Makedonija, spored vidot na nau~nata oblast na specijalisti~kiot trud i polot, broj, struktura i godina na zavr{ena specijalizacija

    Specialists, citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, by scientific field of the specialist's thesis, number, sex distribution and year of completion of Specijalization

    Studenti Struktura po pol

    students sex distribution`eni ma`i `eni ma`i

    women men women men2007

    VKUPNO 5 - 100 - TOTAL

    Prirodno-matemati~ki nauki

    4 - 100 - Natural sciences and mathematics

    Tehni~ko-tehnolo{ki nauki

    - - - - Technical and technological sciences

    Medicinski nauki - - - - Medical sciences

    Biotehni~ki nauki - - - - Biotechnical sciences

    Op{testveni nauki 1 - 100 - Social sciences

    Humanisti~ki nauki - - - - Humanities


    VKUPNO 16 2 89 11 TOTAL

    Prirodno-matemati~ki nauki

    4 1 80 20 Natural sciences and mathematics

    Tehni~ko-tehnolo{ki nauki

    - 1 - 100 Technical and technological sciences

    Medicinski nauki 6 - 100 - Medical sciences

    Biotehni~ki nauki - - - - Biotechnical sciences

    Op{testveni nauki 6 - 100 - Social sciences

    Humanisti~ki nauki - - - - Humanities

    Izvor: Statisti~ko istra`uvawe za visoko obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical survey on tertiary education

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

  • 62

    Specijalisti na nauki, dr`avjani na Republika Makedonija, spored vidot na nau~nata oblast na specijalisti~kiot trud i polot, broj, struktura i godina na zavr{ena specijalizacija

    Specialists, citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, by scientific field of the specialist's thesis, number, sex distribution and year of completion of Specijalization

    Studenti Struktura po pol

    students sex distribution`eni ma`i `eni ma`i

    women men women men

    2009VKUPNO 6 7 46 54 TOTAL

    Prirodno-matemati~ki nauki

    3 2 60 40 Natural sciences and mathematics

    Tehni~ko-tehnolo{ki nauki

    - 1 - 100 Technical and technological sciences

    Medicinski nauki 2 2 50 50 Medical sciences

    Biotehni~ki nauki - - - - Biotechnical sciences

    Op{testveni nauki 1 2 33 67 Social sciences

    Humanisti~ki nauki - - - - Humanities

    Izvor: Statisti~ko istra`uvawe za visoko obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical survey on tertiary education

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

  • 63

    Doktori na nauki, dr`avjani na Republika Makedonija, spored vidot na nau~nata granka na doktorskata disertacija i polot, broj i struktura i godina na zavr{uvawe na doktorskite studii

    Doctors of science, citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, by scientific field of the doctoral dissertation, number, sex distribution and year of completion of doctoral studies

    Studenti Struktura po pol

    students sex distribution`eni ma`i `eni ma`i

    women men women men


    VKUPNO 42 38 52 48 TOTAL

    Prirodno-matemati~ki nauki

    4 3 57 53 Natural sciences and mathematics

    Tehni~ko-tehnolo{ki nauki

    3 9 25 75 Technical and technological sciences

    Medicinski nauki 10 5 67 33 Medical sciences

    Biotehni~ki nauki 4 2 67 33 Biotechnical sciences

    Op{testveni nauki 15 14 52 48 Social sciences

    Humanisti~ki nauki 6 5 55 45 Humanities


    VKUPNO 41 39 51 49 TOTAL

    Prirodno-matemati~ki nauki

    7 4 64 36 Natural sciences and mathematics

    Tehni~ko-tehnolo{ki nauki

    3 4 43 57 Technical and technological sciences

    Medicinski nauki 15 7 68 32 Medical sciences

    Biotehni~ki nauki 1 2 33 67 Biotechnical sciences

    Op{testveni nauki 6 10 38 62 Social sciences

    Humanisti~ki nauki 9 12 43 57 Humanities

    Izvor: Statisti~ko istra`uvawe za visoko obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical survey on tertiary education

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

  • 64

    Doktori na nauki, dr`avjani na Republika Makedonija, spored vidot na nau~nata granka na doktorskata disertacija i polot, broj i struktura i godina na zavr{uvawe na doktorskite studii

    Doctors of science, citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, by scientific field of the doctoral dissertation, number, sex distribution and year of completion of doctoral studies

    Studenti Struktura po pol

    students sex distribution

    `eni ma`i `eni ma`i

    women men women men


    VKUPNO 63 51 55 45 TOTAL

    Prirodno-matemati~ki nauki

    11 5 69 31 Natural sciences and mathematics

    Tehni~ko-tehnolo{ki nauki

    1 10 9 91 Technical and technological sciences

    Medicinski nauki 20 8 71 29 Medical sciences

    Biotehni~ki nauki 2 3 40 60 Biotechnical sciences

    Op{testveni nauki 13 19 41 59 Social sciences

    Humanisti~ki nauki 16 6 73 27 Humanities

    Izvor: Statisti~ko istra`uvawe za visoko obrazovanie

    Source: Statistical survey on tertiary education

    Образование и комуникацииEducation and Communication

  • 65

    Vo pogled na koristeweto kompjuter i internet, vo periodot od 2007 do 2009 godina se namaluva jazot me|u polovite vo polza na `enite.

    Vo 2007 godina, od vkupniot broj na korisnici na kompjuter (644 633), 41,2% bile `eni, a 58,8% bile ma`i. Od vkupniot broj na korisnici na internet (468 198), 39,5% bile `eni, a 60,5% ma`i.

    Vo 2008 godina, od vkupniot broj na korisnici na kompjuter (797 233), 45,4% bile `eni, a 54,6% bile ma`i. Od vkupniot broj na korisnici na internet (661 653), 43,8% bile `eni, a 56,2% ma`i.

    Vo 2009 godina, od vkupniot broj na korisnici na kompjuter (880 117), 47,5% bile `eni, a 52,5% bile ma`i. Od vkupniot broj na korisnici na internet (793 019), 47,9% bile `eni, a 52,1% ma`i.

    Regarding computer and Internet usage in the period 2007- 2009, the gender gap is reducing in favor of women.

    In 2007, of the total number of computer users (644 633), 41.2% were women, and 58.8% men. Of the total number of Internet users (468 198), 39.5% were women, and 60.5% men.

    In 2008, of the total number of computer users (797 233), 45.4% were women, and 54.6% men. Of the total number