N E W S O F P E A C E Peace Lutheran Church, Steeleville, IL 2013...

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Transcript of N E W S O F P E A C E Peace Lutheran Church, Steeleville, IL 2013...


Peace Lutheran Church, Steeleville, IL


Reflections from the Pastor – Pastor S. Blake Duncan

When John heard in prison what the Messiah was doing, he sent word by his disciples and said to him, “Are you the one who is to come, or are we to wait for another?” Jesus answered them, “Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are

raised, and the poor have good news brought to them. And blessed is anyone who takes no offense at me.” St. Matthew 11:2-6

Is Jesus the one? Is Jesus the Messiah? Who is this Jesus? These are the questions that John poses to Jesus in this text. It is a fair question. Let’s face it Jesus is doing all kinds of things that just didn’t fit in with what everyone (including John it appears) thought the Messiah should be doing. The Messiah should be putting together an army, he should be all about judgment and vengeance, he should be exclusively for one group of people only, he should be all about glory and power. Right? He shouldn't be concerning himself with the poor and the hungry and the ill and those who are lost or different or foreign. But for Jesus this is exactly who the Messiah cares for and he sends back his answer and says – well, the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the poor are lifted up and cared for! Wow – what kind of a Messiah is this?

So what kind of a Messiah are you looking for? Is the Jesus of the Gospels the one you want or do you want something else? When I see the way Jesus is invoked in public and political discourse I get the distinct impression that the Jesus of the Gospels is not really what a lot of people want. We see in popular culture a Jesus that is very different than the one that we meet in the Gospels. In popular culture Jesus is all about judgment and even about hate; In popular culture Jesus is all about prosperity and success; In popular culture Jesus supports violence against “bad” people (who Jesus also hates and who are not like us); and In popular culture Jesus is all in favor of cutting food assistance and bringing intensified hunger to thousands, including children who find themselves struggling. The problem is that no matter who or how often this Jesus is invoked this is not the Jesus of the Gospels.

In fact, the Jesus of the Gospels completely rejects this power Jesus, the judgmental, hateful Jesus. What we find in the Gospels is a Jesus who loves and who loves so intensely that he completely gives of himself for others on the cross. What we find in the Gospels is a Jesus who reaches out to those who are struggling and hungry and on the fringe – the poor, the unemployed, the immigrant and so on – in order to lift them up, to assist them, to feed, to clothe to love and care for them. This is the Jesus of the Gospel. Not only that, but despite an overwhelming popular opinion to the contrary the Jesus of the Gospels is not primarily concerned with individual, personal salvation as much as he is concerned about establishing the Kingdom of God right here and now – a Kingdom where all of God’s beloved children live together in love and grace – where hunger and poverty is defeated and where violence is replaced with love and acceptance and where all are accepted and loved!

This is where it gets hard, because as disciples of Christ we are the ones who are called to continue to do the work of the Kingdom and our work is to reach out, like Jesus, to care for those in need every possible way we can. This includes giving of ourselves – time and talent and financial resources – participating and supporting various programs that seek to bring assistance. But our calling also includes working through the various federal, state and local systems that we have to insure that important programs that provide for those in need are supported and fully funded by those in power – especially programs that provide food for hungry people! There is no excuse for allowing these programs to be cut!

We are coming into the season when it is traditional for us all to reach out and do something to help others. What will you do this year? I have some suggestions: We have a number of programs right here at Peace. Please consider participating by giving your time and/or money to the food pantry, the Angel Tree, find some old coats for the coat drive, bring your old shoes to our shoe collection, get a packet of Christmas cards and send cards to those who are shut in or ill. And while you’re at it consider contacting your politicians to insist they maintain programs that help the poor and needy and hungry. And also consider giving to Lutheran Disaster Response who is currently working to bring relief in the Philippines and /or ELCA Hunger Response which addresses hunger issues here at home and abroad.

And here is another idea: Pastor Adam Hamilton serves a large Methodist congregation in Kansas City and each year he challenges the members of his congregation to give an amount equal to what they will spend on gifts for themselves and their families to various relief agencies and programs that offer assistance. I think this is a great idea, and one that I plan to participate in again this year as I have in years past. However much I will give in gifts I will give the exact same amount to the programs and agencies I have listed above. I encourage you to prayerfully consider doing the same.

I leave you with yet another quote from Jesus from the Gospel of St. Matthew:

“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will put the sheep at his right hand and the goats at the left. Then the king will say to those at his right hand, ‘Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’ … ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’ St. Matthew 25:31ff

Have a blessed Advent!

Pastor S. Blake Duncan+ prblake1@yahoo.com Pastor Duncan’s blog: Musings on the Faith: http://pastorduncansblog.blogspot.com - please feel free to visit and comment as you are led. There you will also find links to other interesting blogs.


We have begun to use a new liturgy for the times when the band plays. This liturgy

is called the “Heartland Liturgy” and is composed by Minnesota-based composer

Jonathon Rundman. We are happy to announce that Jonathon will be coming to

Peace on Wednesday, January 29. Jonathan will sing with the children of the

Wednesday All-Stars in the late afternoon and he will perform a solo concert at 6:00pm in the

Sanctuary. All are invited and encouraged to attend – confirmation students and families, youth,

members of the choirs and all members of the congregation are encouraged to come for what should be

a wonderful concert. A reception will follow.

Worship in December

Advent worship will focus on the call for us to prepare our hearts for the coming of the Savior, both the remembered coming at Christmas, but also when Christ

will come again to bring the Kingdom to its fullness. Advent worship this month will include the traditional lighting of the Advent wreath; the weekly singing of the carol “O Come, O Come Emmanuel,” and the celebration Sacrament of the Holy Communion – the Foretaste of the Feast to Come - at all services.

In addition, the Wartburg Parish is offering a series of weekday, Wednesday evening Advent services of mediation.

Wartburg Parish Advent Services

This year during the season of Advent the Wartburg Parish will offer a series of Advent services on Wednesday evenings at 7:00. This year our Advent services will focus on several of the beautiful Advent carols that are sung around this time of the year.

Wed. December 4 – “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming”– at St. Peter, Wine Hill

Wed. December 11 – “Prepare the Royal Highway” – at St. John, Post Oak

Wed. December 18 – “The Angel Gabriel From Heaven Came” – at Peace, Chester

A time of refreshments and fellowship will follow each service.

Morning prayer continues each Wednesday morning at 9:00 AM and will provide us with an opportunity to enter into prayer and supplication during this Advent season.

Finally, below you will find the Christmas schedule that will include services for Christmas Eve, Christmas day, New Year’s Eve, and the Feast of the Epiphany.

November 30/December 1 – Advent I – Our Gospel text for this weekend is St. Matthew 24:36-44: signs of the coming of the Kingdom! The adult and children’s choirs will sing on Sunday.

December 8/9 – Advent II – Prepare the way of the Lord… We will meet and hear from John the Baptist this weekend our Gospel text St. Matthew 3:1-12. We will be decorating the Sanctuary for Christmas following the Sunday morning service!

December 14/15 – Advent III – Are you the one who is to come, or are we to wait for another? We continue our focus on John the Baptist with our Gospel text from St. Matthew 11:2-11.

December 15 – Christmas Chorale - 7:00PM

December 21/22 – Advent IV – ‘Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel’, which means, ‘God is with us.’ On this 4th Sunday in the season of Advent we shift our focus to St. Joseph. Our Gospel text, St. Matthew 1:18-25, tells the story of Joseph’s dreams.

December 24th at 6:30 PM - Our Annual Christmas Pageant based on the Gospel of Luke will be presented by the children of the Sunday School. Informal Communion will be offered.

December 24th at 11:00 PM - The annual Christmas Candlelight service of Holy Communion.

December 25th at 9:00 AM - Christmas morning service of Holy Communion.

December 28/29 – Christmas I – On this weekend we hear the story of the aftermath of Jesus’ birth – the flight into Egypt and the slaughter of the Holy Innocents from St. Matthew 2:13-23.

December 31 – New Year’s Eve – 7:00pm – “Year of the Our Lord – A Service for the Turning of the Year”. With this communion service we will mark and celebrate the coming of the New Year.

Looking ahead:

January 4/5 - Christmas 2 - The Peace Praise Band will lead our service this weekend as we hear again the beautiful text from St. John 1:1-18.

January 6 – 6:00pm – We will celebrate The Feast of the Epiphany in the chapel.

Thanks to all who have responded during our stewardship program “ Fulfilling God’s Purpose.” I f you still have not sent in your pledge we ask that you please send that to the office or put it in the offering plate at church. Thank you for your support and participation in the ministry of Peace and the Wartburg parish.

Below are the contributions for the month of November.

(thru November 17th )

$5,221.17 is needed weekly to meet our budget

Date Weekly Offering Received Year Needed Year Difference Year To Date To Date To Date

2 & 3 $6,256.32 $224,951.17 $229,4731.48 -$4,780.31

9 & 10 $5,600.31 $230,551.48 $234,952.65 -$4,401.17

16 & 17 $4.025.56 $234,577.04 $240,173.82 -$5,596.78




Meat and Beverages will be provided We ask that everyone bring a dish to share

Vegetable, fruit, salad, dessert or bread

Decorate the church

We will be decorating the church on December 8th . We need all the help we can get

so why not stay after church and help.

December 15th

at 7PM

Christmas Chorale

Come and celebrate the

beginning of the Christmas

season by attending the Christmas

Chorale on Sunday evening,

December 15th

. featuring Peace Adult

Choir and the children of the

Wednesday All Stars. The adult choir

directed by Marc Kiehna and

accompanied by Donna Parker will

perform a variety of spirituals and

traditional carols. The choir will be

joined by the children of Wednesday

All-Stars who will sing and perform

with hand bells. A fellowship time

with refreshments will follow the

chorale. Come and enjoy the

beautiful Christmas music

Decorate the sanctuary for Christmas –buy a poinsettia plant in honor of or in memory of someone, or you may just make a donation. You may take it home after the 9:00 am service on

Christmas morning. The cost is $14.00. Envelopes are available in the Narthex and the church office. Deadline to order is December 22nd.


for the fellowship time following the Christmas Chorale on Sunday, December 15th, at 7:00 pm

Please leave your donations in the kitchen marked “Chorale”. Thank you very much!!

Annual Report It’s time to start thinking about the annual report. Remember that this is a financial and statistical report. Only those kinds of reports need to be turned in. These need to be in the office as soon

after the first of the year as possible. The agenda will include the approval of the 2014 budget. Thank you for your help and cooperation.

Flower Calendar The 2014 Flower Calendar will be put up the first weekend of December on the bulletin board nearest the piano in the basement . It will be the same

as last year. You let me know how you want the dedication to read, donate $25.00 to the church, and we will take care of the rest. Remember someone or something special or just share the joy of your life in Christ by supplying flowers for our chancel. Sign up soon!!!

ADULT FORUM – 10:30 AM Sunday mornings. We will continue our study of the book

“What’s the Least I can Believe and Still Be A Christian” by Pastor Martin Thielen. We will continue through the 15th, however, there will be no class on December 8th as we will be decorating the church. We will take a break on December 22nd and 29th and then start back up on January 5th.

Teachers are needed: Teachers are needed for Sunday school. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the basement by the piano. You only need to commit to one Sunday not the

whole quarter.

Gift Cards are on sale again this year. A

new list is up on the youth bulletin board in the fellowship hall. Remember each retailer gives us a percentage of the card, so it’s a

win-win purchase. The last day I can place an order to be received by Christmas is Tuesday Dec. 17th. If you have any

questions or need any help, just give Julie a call.

WELCA NEWS The joint fall gathering of Women of the ELCA and Lutheran Men in Mission was held at Mt.

Moriah Lutheran Church in Anna, IL Sunday, November 3rd. It was attended by Joan Dotson, Darlene Finley, Lil Sternberg, and Alice Sternberg. The Parish WELCA Ladies will host the Christmas Dinner Party at Peace Steeleville, December 17th at 6:30pm. All Wartburg Cluster ladies are invited. RSVP to Joan Dotson (618-317-1988) by Dec. 10th. St. Luke’s, Campbell Hill ladies are also invited. Peace will provide meat and drinks. All others are asked to bring potluck dishes.Nativity sets will be displayed. Everyone is asked to bring a set if they wish to have it displayed. Our next regular meeting will be January 21st at 1:00pm. That is also a Thankoffering month, so please remember to bring both offerings. Hostesses for January are Lesa Bockhorn and Joan Dotson. The service project will be a monetary gift to the Murray Home, which is also the home of Karen Bockhorn, who is the daughter of Willard and Lavern Bockhorn. We will not be working on tying quilts until January 2nd and January 16th from 1:00 – 3:00pm.

The Food Pantry

November was an absolutely magical month for the Pantry. I want to say a huge Thank-you to the people of Steeleville. On Oct. 14, the Village and

City Workers held a Food Drive and we received about 1500 items. We received much much more than we expected, and we were so grateful. Then the first week of November we were surprised by apprx. 3000 cans from the Steeleville High School. One week later, on the 16th, the Boy Scouts of American held their annual Scouting for Food. Again this community came through and we received almost 2700 items. It is such a pleasure to be part of a community that truly comes through when needed. In a one month period, this small town has cared enough to share 7200 items of food and sundries to help their neighbors in need. As we watch the number of people needing our help increase by the week, we can only say Thank-you to each and every one of you. Thank-you for your food, your dollars and your time spent working here.

Angel Tree Update: Weekend of November 23/24 - Angel Tree is here! Sign up for your Angel

or for items. All instructions are on the table by the tree! Weekend of December 14/15 – Angel Tree purchases are due back to the church. Call Vickie if you will not be able to bring items to church on that weekend and she will arrange to pick them up. Sunday, December 15th after church - I will need a

few volunteers to carry gifts from the parsonage. This should not take long.

Thursday, December 19th - 8:00am - 6:00pm Pick up day for the Angel gifts. I will need lots of volunteers for this day. The angel tree parents will be coming this day to pick up their child’s gifts. We will need volunteers to help hand out the gifts, to help the families wrap their gifts, and we will also be serving food. I will need volunteers for the kitchen also. The kitchen and the wrapping volunteers may overlap as needed. Please Volunteer!

We have changed the delivery process to the parents coming to the church to get the present and wrap them themselves. Everyone was amazed at the atmosphere of the day. There were smiles, laughter, joy and some tears of appreciation shed. If you do not feel comfortable purchasing gifts or may not be financially able to do so, this is a great day to volunteer. We can use the youth to help serve food, clean off tables, be our "running" legs to get stuff, etc. We can use all ages to help wrap, to help in the kitchen, etc. We can also use donations of cookies, cakes, brownies, etc for the kitchen. I have so many things to coordinate that it would be a HUGE help to me if you can call me(615-1161) and volunteer or call me (615-1161) to let me know you can bake cookies, etc. Then I won't have so many calls to make!

We are still in need of several items: Wrapping Paper, Tape, Gift Tags, Boxes, Cash - if you don’t feel comfortable shopping for an angel - we can do the shopping for you! Thank you in advance for your support. The

congregation has always embraced the Angel Tree project and made it successful year after year!!

Thank you to everyone that helped take in and sort the food from the Boy Scout Food Drive. This really is one of the special days in this congregation where all the ages are working side by side. I think the youngest working was 6

and the oldest, well..I’ll just say she’s certainly one of the hardest workers. Lots of laughter and work, followed by lots of laughter and pizza. Organized Chaos at its best!

Bible Studies – Two bible study

opportunities are available to the people of the Wartburg Parish and our community. Both of these Bible Studies will be taking a break until January.

1. A Tuesday evening Bible Study meets at 7:00PM, at St. John, Post Oak with Pastor Laura Kamprath as leader will begin on January 7. We will use the book “Real Faith for Real Life” and discuss how the 6 marks of discipleship (prayer, Bible reading, worship, service, healthy relationships, generosity) can help us shape our faith. How can these disciplines help us “exercise” our faith, just like we exercise our bodies and our minds? Members of all the Wartburg Parish congregations are welcome to attend. Sign-up sheets will be posted at the churches in December so books can be ordered. 2. A Wednesday Morning Bible study meets on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 AM in the library of Peace, Steeleville. Pastor Duncan will lead a study on the book of Acts. We will start back up on January 8th.


meeting in December. They will meet

again on Sunday, January 19th at 6:30pm. Come and enjoy pinochle, chicken-foot

dominoes, and other fun games. Invite a friend, relative or neighbor to come with you. Everyone is welcome.

Grief/Share Support Group

GriefShare, a Grief Recovery Support Group, is a faith-based program designed for those who are grieving the

loss of a loved one. The Wartburg Parish is happy to offer this program. The sessions are on Monday evenings in the St. Luke Lutheran Church basement; each session begins at 7:00 pm. Their last session will be Dec. 16th Watch for a future start up date and place in bulletins and newsletter. For more information or questions, please call Debra Rathert at 618/318-2026.

The Winter Coat Drive has begun.

There is a box for gently used but

clean coats in the hallway by the

downstairs entrance. All sizes are

needed, especially small children’s

and extra large adults sizes. Dot and Kenny

Bockhorn will continue until December 10th


give coats out. They have collected

approximately 70 coats and have given out

approximately 34 so far.


Dr. Ke ith & J ill Georger had a twins on November 5 t h. Alyssa Mae , weighed 6 lbs. 5 ozs and 19”long and Nath an William weighed 6lbs. 9ozs. and 19” long. The proud

grandparents a re Bob & Tammy Gielow.

New Members:

David Sau erw e in , 6401 Sta te Rt . 4, Steeleville, IL 62288 Bob & Sally Bockhorn

Transferred out:

Rober t & Kim Barber Sherry Wilson

Released from membership:

J ust in & Ellen Hodge a long with their ch ildren , Mae, Bet ty & Emmylou J ill Georger

Address changes:

Talin a Caraker , 108 Lawson Dr ., Yorktown, VA 23693 Vern on Can e , 408 W. South St .,

Steeleville, IL 62288 David & Debra Else a , 1034 N. A St ., LeRoy, KS 66857 Tiffan y Cath cart , 506 Almond St ., Percy, IL 62272

To the Property Committee for putting up a changing table in the Men’s Restroom in the Fellowship Hall. Thanks to Rusty Hamilton for the

new flower stands and Marvin Gielow for the standard (pole) for the processional cross. We will be dedicating these in the future so watch for details

The Sunday School Christmas program

Practices will start on Sunday, December 1 right after Sunday school until Noon. Practices will be on Sunday,

December 1, 8, 15 from11:15-noon, and 22 from 10:15-noon for 1st through 6th grade and Preschool and Kindergarten classes on the 15th and 22nd during Sunday school. This year the 1st and 2nd grades will be the nativity while the 3rd through 6th grades narrate the story and all children will be singing the hymns. I'm excited to work with the children again this year! .

Children Choir

The children’s choir is taking a break until after the Christmas Pageant. They will start back up on Jan. 5th at 11:15

and usually go for about 45 minutes. This year we will perform the musical “Through the Roof.” All children grades 1 through 6 are invited and welcome to join Children’s Choir.

Youth We would like to thank everyone for t heir support of t he Youth Group Hamburger

stand during the Ok toberfest . We had another successful year! This cont inues to be one of our biggest fundraiser. Thanks again! PLC Youth Group

Confirmation After completing their study of the 10 Commandments, the 8th

grade confirmation class has now begun a study of the Apostle’s Creed; and the 7th grade has finished the Old Testament and has started their study of the Gospels. Confirmation classes will continue as they have all fall through Wednesday, December 11. Both classes will have a break from class for December 18, 25 and January 1 and then confirmation classes will resume on January 8. But when classes meet in January the 8th grade will now go to St. Luke in Campbell Hill, and the 7th grade will meet at Peace, Steeleville in the Fellowship Hall.

Wednesday All Stars It is amazing how much fun Wednesdays are this year. I know I say it every year, and I’ll

say it again, this is the best group ever! We still are holding at 28 kids, but if you know of any other child that needs some fun on Wednesdays, please send them to us. The more the merrier. November 20th was our Family Night and we had a wonderful turn out to celebrate Thanksgiving. As always our dinner was great! I am proud to say this group of kids really are Thankful and Grateful for the wonderful things they have. Doing our Highs and Lows, sharing, praying and Blessing each other as we begin our time together really helps all to see things clearer. I know many of our families continue Faith5 at home, but if you would need information or help getting started, please let me know. It really is a wonderful working program. Family Night is Wednesday Dec. 18th where we will share a special Christmas Dinner with our Families. Please remember your entire family is invited and encouraged to attend. That always means alot to the Stars. Don’t forget to let us know how many will be joining us, we don’t want to run out of food! Our Christmas Chorale will be December 15th at 7:00pm. The Adult Choir will sing as well. This is always a wonderful program and I hope to see you all there. The kids need to be at the church by 6:15 to prepare.

First Communion We will be holding our First Communion Class on Sunday, February 2nd at 12:30PM. Any families who have children, who

are interested in taking their first communion, please contact the office at 965-3119. First Communion weekend will be April 5th & 6th. Any children who are currently in the 4th grade or older are invited to participate. We will be sending invite postcard next month with more details.

Below is a list of members of Peace who are in the Nursing Homes or who cannot get out as much as they would like. Please remember them with cards and keep them and their families in your prayers especially during the holidays.

THREE SPRINGS LODGE 161 Three Springs Rd., Chester, IL 62233

Phyllis Bockhorn Edwin Lakeman Jake Miller CHESTER REHAB CENTER 770 State St., Chester, IL 62233

Leona Ebers MANOR AT MASON WOODS 223 Illinois St., Pinckneyville, IL 62274

Viola Koch – Apt. 105 Mary Thompson – Apt. 104 GARDEN PLACE ASSISTANT LIVING 351 Lockwood Dr., Red Bud, IL 62278

Lavern Karsten Canterbury Ridge 1002 S. Staley Rd., Champaign, IL 61822

Val Eaton – Room 232 AT HOME Mr. Harold Ruehmkorff 4748 Percy Blacktop Rd. Percy, IL 62272 Mrs. Onedia Eggemeyer 6153 N. Sparta St. Steeleville, IL 62288 Mrs. Wahnitta Lakeman 902 E. Green St. Steeleville, IL 62288 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Behnken 9 Rosewood Ct. Steeleville, IL 62288

Katheryn Heires 29 Westwood Dr. Steelevile, IL 62288 Phyllis Gerlach 506D. S. James St. Steeleville, IL 62288

It is important that

wherever they are stationed,

at home or overseas, they

know that their service to

our country is appreciated and they are not

forgotten. Pray for their safety and God’s blessing

on their service and pray for their families.

Remember these members, friends and neighbors

of our congregation and community who are on

active duty:

Sgt. Robert Balmer, Jr., USAF

Lt. Col. Kurt Bergo, USAF

Trenton Brown, USMC

Christopher Burris - US Navy

Kyle Hill, US Navy

Chad Howard, USMC

Tony Kimbrough, USAF

Jared McCormick, US Army

(Son of Pastor Jim McCormick,

former intern at Peace Lutheran)

Ethan Pierce, USMC

Sgt. Jeffrey H. Roberts, USMC

The above list is the men and women we know

that are still in the military. If there is someone

that should be added to the list, please let us know

and we will put them on the list. Thank you

very much for your help of updating our list.

1 - Geoffrey Forsting Eric Froemling Jennifer Juhl Louis Reinhardt 2 - Tonia Harriss Brooke Woods 3 - Daryle Rodewald Heather Rubach Luke Waltemate 4 - David Rieckenberg Avery Roberts Candice Roberts David Rubach 5 - Wesley Haertling Betty Schnoeker 6 - Kendal Browning Lindsey Conkle Lauren Kiehna John Roberts 7 - Kenny Finley Jordan Hood Donna Woods 8 - Dave Mulholland 9 - Hailey Davis 10 - James Bockhorn 12 - Cody Mevert Martha Oakley (David) Nik Rubach 13 - Sherri Dunlap Zachary Kempfer John Tallo 14 - Gina Ernsting Steve Mevert 15 - Ed Haertling Kelli Koeneman Derreck Langwith 16 - Melinda Raby Bonita Rubach 20 - Bradley Gielow Alicia Markley Matt Mevert Ashlyn Roberts

21 - Danny Gerberding Joel Hepp Stacey Yates 22 - Jessica Cahoon Saige Wittenborn 23 - Bodo Schneider 24 - Doug Ernsting Brenda Grimes 25 - Jason McDonald 26 - LaJenna Bievenue Ken Bockhorn Evan Buch Derek Pollock 27 - Andrew Grafton Sasha Manda David Meyer Donald Schatte Alexandra Schneider 28 - Lil Haberman Julie Draper Ted Waltemate 29 - Rhonda Bixby Phyllis Gerlach Randy Mulholland 30 - Elizabeth Froemling Teona Valleroy 31 - Pat Falkenhain Brenda Gerlach Shirley Patterson

2 - Jim & Marilyn Knop Troy & Brittany Myers 6 - Edgar & Helen Wilson 7 - Myron & Lois Dudenbostel 10 - Jeremy & Carolyn Donagher 17 - John & Peggy Roberts 19 - Paul & Ruby Guebert 20 - Albert & Annabelle Mevert 25 - Nelson & Eloise Robinson 29 - Carlos & Janice Barbour