Myths and Nymphs

Post on 08-Jan-2016

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Myths and Nymphs. D ionysus. Elyse. Summary and Watercolor of the Myth: Dionysus. Nature Myth and Mask The Jumps. How Hills Came To Be By: Elyse Kratchman - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Myths and Nymphs

Myths and Nymphs



Summary and Watercolor of the



The description of the Greek god Dionysus can be very different

depending on the artist. One artist’s drawing has a greenish brownish branch wrapped around his head with all different leaves on it. He has tan skin, black hair, black beard, a goatee and a mustache. He is also chubby. Many people think he is a happy person.

Dionysus is the Greek god of wine and alcohol in general. Amongest the Orphists Dionysus is considered a savior. He invented wine and spred the art of tending grapes. Dionysus is the son of Zeus and Semele. He is the only god to have a mortal parent. He had a small number of lovers. Some of them are

Aphrodite, the goddess of love, lust and beauty Ariadne, goddess of Crete Nyx, goddess of the night Althaea

Nature Myth and MaskThe Jumps

How Hills Came To BeBy: Elyse Kratchman Bump! Thud! “ What was that!’’ Zeus said “I felt that too” Hermes said in confusion. Zeus looked out the window and saw hills forming in the distance. At this point Zeus was bewildered how was he the only one feeling this thud?! What could be making these thuds on a beautiful day like this? Is it a Cyclopes walking a mini earthquake? Well to find that out he sent Hermes the messenger god out to scan mount “O” to see what it was. Hermes glided through the sky looking for something that could be making that thud Zeus talked about. As Hermes glided through the air he realized that Zeus wasn’t the only one seeing hills he saw them too. Spring!!! A black little bug flew out of the ground! “What was that!” exclaimed Hermes “ “Don’t say it was A…. it was it’s the jumps” Hermes could not wait to tell Zeus. The jumps are little bugs that come once every 2 years , but they hadn’t come in 10 Hermes flew back to Zeus and told him the news. Zeus stomped out looking for them he didn’t feel anything for a while so he supposed they where gone! “At last” Zeus was interrupted by a thud! He saw another hill form. Zeus got his hand and pow! A lightning bolt hit the ground where the last hill was going be. A sign of relief fell out of them.