Myp3 holes bimester 1

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Transcript of Myp3 holes bimester 1

MYP3: Bimester 1Lifelong Lessons

Unit Question: Why read a novel?

Context: Health and Social Education

Significant Concept: Life lessons taken fromliterature inform our own development.

Summative Assessment: In class essay (Crit. D:40%)

Formative Assessment: Crit. A,B,C,D: 60%

MYP3: Bimester 1 2

Identify the groups in society that you are part of: What role do you play in each, what isyour responsibility in each, and how does each meet the needs that you have within your society? Within each ring of the diagram write the answers to the above questions.

A question that deals with Social Education: What is the appropriate way to manage juvenile delinquency in society?

MYP3: Bimester 1 4

Why do people commit crimes? Why do children commit crimes?

How does society deal with adults

that commit crimes? How does society deal with

children that commit crimes?

How should society differentiate the treatment given to/punishments

assigned to children and adults

for crimes committed?

Give ideas as how to properly deal

with child criminals. How can

we prevent children from

becoming delinquents.

Discuss the assignedquestion and cometo consensus with yourgroup on an opinionabout the issue ofdealing with crime

in society.


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0 Watch clips from the documentary film about youth in the justice system. After watching, answer the visual interpretation questions.

MYP3: Bimester 1 5

Criterion B: Visual Interpretation Questions: Young Kids Hard Times

0 1. Name one thing that the children in the video all have in common? Give at least two examples to support your answer.

0 2. This genre of video is called “documentary.” From observing the format and techniques of the video, write three characteristics that you infer that all documentary films possess.

0 3. What attitudes and opinions do you think the realizer has toward the U.S. juvenile justice system?

0 4. Express your opinion about the Mexican justice system. Compare similarities and difference of the Mexican justice system with that of the United States.

MYP3: Bimester 1 6

Now watch a short documentary that proposes a creative


MYP3: Bimester 1 7

Speaking Activity: Criterion A

0 In groups, discuss another creative idea to prevent crimes in youth. Present your idea to the class taking into account the following questions:

0 1. What is your group’s hypothesis about why young people commit crimes?

0 2. How can juvenile delinquency be prevented?

0 3. Do you think the youth program in the video is successful, to what degree, and why or why not?

0 4. Present your group’s idea for a prevention program. Explain why you think your program would be successful.

MYP3: Bimester 1 8

Who is Louis Sachar?Fill in the blanks with a word that fits.

When Louis Sachar was a kid his family moved from East Meadow, New York toOrange County, California. At the time, Orange County was mostly orange groves. Sachar cut through the orange groves on the way to school, and had orange fights onthe way home.In college, after taking more than a year of Russian classes, Sachar realized it wasstill Greek to him. He tried to figure out what he should study instead. As he wandered across the campus, he saw elementary school student handing out piecesof paper that read: "Help. We need teachers' aides at our school. Earn three units of credit." He had no interest whatsoever in kids, but he signed up. It turned out to be not only his favorite class, but also the most important class he took.Around that time, Sachar read a book of short stories about different characters in a town called, In Our Town by Damon Runyon. It gave him the idea for Sideways Storiesfrom Wayside School, which is a book of short stories about different kids in a school. All the Wayside kids are named after students Sachar knew at the school where he worked.Sideways Stories from Wayside School was published just as Louis began law school. For years he struggled to decide between being an author and being a lawyer. He finally decided to devote his time to writing books for kids. Sachar has written more Wayside School books, the Marvin Redpost series, and the 1999 Newbery winner, Holes. MYP3: Bimester 1 9

Fiction0 Fiction is the form of any work that deals, in part or in

whole, with information or events that are not factual, but rather imaginary and theoretical- that is, invented by the author.

Write a sentence that expresses the above definition in your own words.

MYP3: Bimester 1 10

and its elements

PLOT: Sequence of events in a narrative workMYP3: Bimester 1 12




TIME PLACE MAIN Secondary Incidental




MYP3: Bimester 1 13

Analyzing the novel using the elements of fiction

Copy the chart above. As you read the novel, fill in the chart with only the most essential information from the novel.

MYP3: Bimester 1 14

0 Exposition: An author’s introduction of the characters, setting, and situation at the beginning of a story, novel and play.

0 Setting: Describes the TIME and place in which the events of a literary work occur. Setting includes not only the physicalsurroundings but also the ideas, customs, values and beliefsof a particular time and place.

0 Characters: An individual in a literary work

0 Primary

0 Secondary

0 Round

0 Flat

0 Stock

0 Dynamic

0 Static





HW: Bring recyclable materialsfrom home that you consider willbe useful for making a model of thesetting of the novel.

MYP3: Bimester 1 15









Chapters 1-6: Exposition0 1. Describe Camp Green Lake.0 2. Why do campers on occasion try to be bitten

by rattle snakes or scorpions?0 3. What does the author imply when he says, “If

you get bitten by a yellow-spotte lizard, youmight as well go into the shade of the oak tres and lie in the haammock.”?

0 4. Who is the warden? What can we assumeabout Camp Green Lake based on the fact thatthere is a warden there?

0 5. Who is Stanley Yelnats? Based on what theauthor says about his family, what conclusionscould you draw about Stanley?

0 6. Describe Mr. Sir. and Mr. Pendanski. Based ontheir words and actions, what kind of people do you think they are?

0 7. How do you predict that Stanley will be able toadapt to the people and circumstances at Camp Green lake.

0 Vocabulary: warden (pg 3) rubber (pg 9), perseverance (pg 8) , canteen (pg. 19), cot (pgs23) MYP3: Bimester 1 16

Activity: ExpositionInstant Challenge: Using the recclable materials that you brought from home, build a model of the setting of Holes. Your team has only 20 minutes to complete the task. Work together efficiently in order to finish within the time allotted. Your grade will depend on how well you were able to finish the task as a team.

HW: Write a summary of theExposition of the novel. MYP3: Bimester 1 17






Part of a plot in a narrative workwhere complications tothe conflict develop and increase interest.

Conflict: The strugglebetween opposingforces in a storyor drama

MYP3: Bimester 1 18

Rising Action: Questions/Vocabulary

Chapter 7,8,9

1. Write a short summary of the two stories that are related in chapterseven.2. Explain why you think the author included the story of Stanley’sgreat-great- grandfather in chapter 7. 3. Predict why yellow-spotted lizards are relevant to the novel.4. What is Stanley’s nickname at Camp Green Lake? How does he realize that his tent-mates have given him that name?

Vocabulary: lukewarm (pg 26), mound (pg. 27), blister (pg. 28), wasteland (pg.32) upholstery (pg.44)

MYP3: Bimester 1 19

Parallel Plot: The writer weaves two or more

dramatic plots that are usually linked by a common character and a similar theme.

0 Luis Sachar writes this novel telling the story of several of Stanley’s ancestors. Draw the family tree of Stanley, and fill in the relatives that have been introduced so far. Write a two or three sentence summary of what the author has revealed about each so far in the novel.

MYP3: Bimester 1 20

ConflictThe struggle between opposing forces in a story or


MYP3: Bimester 1 21

Practice: Conflict (Crit. C, D, A)0 Think of a conflict that the author has introduced in

the rising action of the novel.

0 Write a one paragraph summary of the events and character traits that have been present to create the conflict. Be sure to include the character’s reaction or response to the conflict (include main ideas only).

0 Write another paragraph explaining the type of conflict that can be perceived when analyzing these factors in the story. Justify your answer with well-thought out reasons and examples.

0 Prepare your oral presentation, and share your analysis with the class.

MYP3: Bimester 1 23

Outlines: Written Summary and Oral Presentation of a conflict

Written Summary Oral Presentation

I. Summary of the conflict.A. Introductory sentenceB. Main ideas of the events contributing to the conflict.C. Concluding sentence.

II. Conflict AnalysisA. Introductory sentenceB. Type of ConflictC. justification Conflict/eventsD. Conluding sentence

I. IntroductionA. Definition of a conflictB. Short summary of the events contributing to the conflict

II. Exemplification of conflictC. Type of conflicted presented in the news

storyD. Explanation of type of conflict based on examples/events in the news storyE. Conclusion

MYP3: Bimester 1 24

Rising Action: Questions/Vocabulary

0 Chapter 10,11,12

0 1. What consequences did Stanley suffer from his firstexperience with hole digging? What were some of thethings he did the second day to compensate for thissuffering?

0 2. What request did X-Ray make of Stanley? What logic didhe use to justify his request? Why did Stanley agree?

0 3. Mr. Pendanski invites Stanley to join the circle when he finally finishes digging his hole. Explain what occurs in thiscircle, and the purpose of this activity.

0 Vocabulary: barren (pg. 49), remarkable (pg. 54), worthless(pg. 58)

MYP3: Bimester 1 25

Rising Action: Questions and Vocabulary0 Chapter 16, 17, 180 1. How does the author describe X-Ray at the beginning of the

chapter? Why is he in such high spirits?0 2. Why does Stanley consider going out at night to dig?0 3. How does Stanley’s upbringing and home life differ from that of

his mates at Camp Green Lake?0 4. Why does the Warden tell Mr. Pendanski that he has been giving

the boys too much water? How has the Warden’s behavior variedfrom the time that they find the gold tube until the present?

0 5. How was Stanley injured? What was Mr. Sir’s reaction to thisincident? What was Zigzag’s reaction?

0 6. “His muscles and hands weren’t the only parts of his body that hadtoughened over the past several weeks. His heart had hardened as well.” Explain what the author refers to in the quote.

0 Vocabulary: wheelbarrow (pg. 73), nursery rhyme (pg. 76), jab (pg. 78), throbbing (pg. 80), callused (pg. 80),

MYP3: Bimester 1 26

Theme(Life Lessons)

0 After watching the video, in groups of four, discuss a life lesson that Luis Sachar is conveying to his audience through plot, conflict, character, or setting. Communicate the example that your group finds to the class.

MYP3: Bimester 1 27

Rising Action: Questions and Vocabulary

0 Chapter 19,20,21

0 1. Explain why Stanley could say once again that he was in thewrong place at the wrong time?

0 2. Who was actually guilty for stealing the sunflower seeds? Magnet says, “My fingers are like Little magnets.” Explain thesignificance of his words.

0 3. In what ways was being in trouble a relief to Stanley?0 4. What was the warden’s reaction to Mr. Sir’s accusations?0 5. Why was Stanley worried that Mr. Sir could die?0 6. Explain the meaning of the following quote: “He’s not going to

die,” the Warden said. “unfortunately for you.”0 7. Who dug Stanley’s hole while he was with the Warden? Why

do you think he did that, and what could be said about hischaracter based on these actions?

0 Vocabulary: exhaust (pg. 84), magnet (pg. 85), dread (pg. 88), venom (pg. 90) hearth (pg 91)MYP3: Bimester 1 28

Rising Action: Questions and Vocabulary

0 Chapter 22

0 1. What does Stanley do in appreciation for Zero’s help with digging his hole?

0 2. Zero is very intelligent and has great aptitude for learning. Write details tosupport the statement above.

0 3. Why do you think that Stanley suspects that X-Ray will be angry that Zero willbe digging part of Stanley’s hole in exchange for learning to read?

0 4.What do you think will be the significance of the lipstick tube, the initials KB, and Kate Barlow?

0 Chapter 23, 24, 25

0 1. Describe Kate Barlow.

0 2. Describe Trout Walker. What consequences do you think Kate Barlow will facefor rejecting him? Why?

0 3. How does Mr. Sir take revenge on Stanley for his incident with the warden?

0 4. Explain how Katherine Barlow fell in love with Sam? Why will “God punish(her)”?

0 Vocabulary: bushel (pg. 101), bloom (pg. 101), afflict (pg. 102), remedy (pg. 108), quivering (pg. 111)

MYP3: Bimester 1 29

Rising Action: Questions and Vocabulary0 Chapter 26, 27,28

0 1. How and why did Kate Barlow become one of the most fearedoutlaws in the West?

0 2. “Same old story, ain’t it, Armpit?” X-ray had said. “The White boy sits around while the black boy does all the work. Ain’t thatright Caveman?” Explain your interpretation of the quote.

0 3. What do you think Mr. Sir did with Stanley’s canteen when he got into the cab of the truck? How did Stanley react to this?

0 4. Explain how and why Kate Barlow died? How does the authoruse irony when telling about Kate Barlow’s last moments alive?

0 5. What can you infer about life at Camp Green Lake that isconnected to Kate Barlow’s story?

0 Vocabulary: stare (pg. 113), roar (pg. 115), mock (pg. 117), swelling (pg. 118) loot (pg. 122)

MYP3: Bimester 1 30

CLIMAX:The point of greatestemotional intensity, interestor suspense in a narrative. Usually the climax comes at the turning point in a story ordrama.

MYP3: Bimester 1 31

Climax: Questions and Vocabulary0 Climax: Chapter 29-32

0 1. The author uses foreshadowing when he says, “I found refugeon God’s thumb.” Based on the information in the chapter, whatdo you think that the author is trying to clue his audience in onthat will be happening later in the novel?

0 2. Write a summary explaining how Zero disappeared fromCamp Green Lake.

0 3. The author uses sarcasm in chapter 30. Write one example.

0 4. Explain why they called Hector Zeroni Zero.

0 5. Why did Stanley try to escape in Mr. Sir’s truck? What do youthink will happen to him?

0 Vocabulary: deprive (pg. 131), hesistate (pg. 133), spigot (pg. 142), refuge (pg. 142), twitch (pg. 146)

MYP3: Bimester 1 32

0 Part of the plot in a narrative workwhere the conflict begins to be solved






MYP3: Bimester 1 33

Falling action: Questions and Vocabulary0 Falling Action

0 Chapters 33,34,35

0 1. What are Stanley’s plans as he runs away from thetruck? Why does he think he will have to return to camp eventually?

0 2. What do you think is under the boat, and how do youthink it got there?

0 3. What is sploosh? Where do you think the sploosh camefrom? Why is sploosh so important to this story?

0 4. Why does Zero refuse to go back to camp with Stanley despite their desperate circumstances.

0 Vocabulary: beg (pg. 150), mound (pg. 150), pointless (pg. 152), fist(pg. 153), sheepishly (pg. 155), mushy (pg. 157)

MYP3: Bimester 1 34

Falling Action: Questions/Vocabulary

0 Chapter 36-38

0 1. Explain Stanley’s philosophy about death.

0 2. Write a short summary narrating the boy’s journeyto Big Thumb.

0 3. What human values and/or attributes do Zero and Stanley demonstrate in these chapters? Choose onefor each character and support your answer withexamples from the novel.

0 Vocabulary: moan (pg. 162), shaft (pg. 165), ledge(pg. 165), wrist (pg. 166), steep (pg. 167), patches (pg. 168), foul (pg. 170), soggy (pg. 171), gully (pg. 171),

MYP3: Bimester 1 35

Speaking Activity

(Criterion A)With your partner, choose a speaking cue . Read the cue, and start speaking with your partner about the topic. Your conversation should flow and be relevant to the topic you chose. Try to use correct grammar, varied sophisticated vocabulary, and correct pronunciation. Try to introduce complex and profound ideas. You must speak for at least two minutes to pass the task successfully. Good Luck!

MYP3: Bimester 1 36

Falling Action: Questions/Vocabulary

0 Chapter 39-41

0 1. What confession did Zero make to Stanley? How isthis significant to the novel?

0 2. Explain the connection between the onions thatSam sold in his cart with Stanley, Zero, and theirsituation.

0 Vocabulary: meadow (pg. 173), lapped (pg. 174), delirious (pg. 175), contritely (pg. 179), sneakers (pg. 184)

MYP3: Bimester 1 37

Falling Action: Questions/Vocabulary0 Chapter 42-440 1. Why do you think Stanley is happy even though he knows he

has no reason to be?0 2. Explain why Stanley believes that “destiny has struck him?”0 3. Evaluate Stanley’s plan to be a fugitive for the rest of his life?

How do you think the novel will end. 0 4. How did Zero become a “Ward of the state?” What do you

think happened to his mother?0 5. Why is the hole where Stanley found the gold tube important?

Do you think that what they dig out of the hole is valuable? 0 6. What do you think the Warden means when she says to the

boys, “Thank you…. You boys have been a big help”(pg.203)?

0 Vocabulary: sundial (pg. 185), fluttering (pg. 187), hint (pg. 190), stubborn (pg. 193), cluster (pg. 196), pebble (pg. 200), pry(pg. 202)

MYP3: Bimester 1 38

Falling Action: Questions/Vocabulary0 Chapter 45-470 1. Summarize the events of chapter 45. 0 2. What does the Warden imply when she says, “ We wait,… It won’t be

long”(pg. 206)?0 3. Who do they refer to when they say “that woman”? Why does Mr.

Pendanski ask the Warden, “Why would he run away if he knew he wasgetting released today?” (pg. 208). Explain what has happened at Camp Green Lake since Stanley escaped.

0 4. What does the conversation between the authorities in chapter 46 tell youabout their attitudes toward the children in the reform center and theirsituations?

0 5. Why do you think the Lizards don’t bite Stanley and Zero?0 5. Who arrived for Stanley to Camp Green Lake? What irregularities do they

accuse the Warden of, and what is her excuse for not complying with therelease order the day before?

0 6. Explain why you think the suitcase has Stanley’s name on it?

0 Vocabulary: commotion (pg. 205), scurried (pg. 207), claws (pg. 208), etched (pg. 209), perched (pg. 210), stark (pg. 211)

MYP3: Bimester 1 39

0Part of the plot in a narrativework where the conflict issolved, and the story gets toits end.






MYP3: Bimester 1 40

0 Chapters 48-500 1. What do you think the suitcase has in it? Why?0 2. Explain how and why Stanley’s lawyer was able to take

Zero from Camp Green Lake. 0 3. Sam tells his clients, “Just remember… It’s very

important you drink a bottle tonight. You got to get it intoyour bloodstream. The lizards don’t like onion blood.” Explain the significance of this quote to Stanley and Zero’sstory.

0 4. Why do you think that after over a hundred years itfinally started raining on Green Lake.?

0 5. Describe the boys at the end of the novel?0 Stanley:0 Zero:

MYP3: Bimester 1 41

Final Conclusions: Life Lessons

Life Lesson 1: Life Lesson 2:

MYP3: Bimester 1 42

0 Element of Fiction:

0 Summary of the conflict:

0 Applicable in the real world:

0 Universal Theme:

0 Element of Fiction:

0 Summary of the conflict:

0 Applicable in the real world:

0 Universal Theme: