My Sweet Apocalypse: Wk 5

Post on 24-Jan-2017

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Transcript of My Sweet Apocalypse: Wk 5

Angel has made it through what felt like the worse of the Extreme Adult Start, but she’s still got weeks of life left…Small recap: Angel Sweet lifted Oceanography and Hopelessness and married Clarence Philippine, a Social Sim. To fulfill my want- they got married and she’s pregnant… Generation 2 is on it’s way!

Using the Apoc-Borg rules-

With the Handicaps & Advantages-

This week was full of fun....

“Woo-hoo!” –Clarence

That was your fun, not mine.

Kobe is at level 3 in Showbiz and seems to have agreed to let Clarence hitch a ride to work;Which is the only way a school teacher gets such a good carpool ride.

The first kicker of the week was when Angel got food poisoning while pregnant.

“This hotdog tastes the same as others on the roof.” –Angel

…there she Blows! O.O

“Blurrrrg…” -Angel

Showbiz Pets restrict is lifted which, which my Advantage, lets me lift two pet restrictions.

The Showbiz lift- now kids and teens can learn to do homework and skill in non-fun ways.The second lift will be Service- which I can now control Elder Sims. Those are the two hardest pet restrictions, if not the hardest restrictions in the game, for me. XD

Kobe is the Bomb!

Which she celebrated by playing with him and giving him just a little more attention.

“You’re the best cat ever, yes you are.” –Angel


Because as soon as Clarence came home (without a promotion), he gave Kobeaway to the first Sim who walked by.

“You look like a responsible kid. How would you like to be the proud owner of theWorld’s most famous cat?” -Clarence

And so Kobe, our little hero, is gone from the family… *sniff*

“You know, Benjamin. If you’d have told me a week ago I would have taken you up on it.” -Clarence

Pffft… So many matchmakers around town. XD

“Ugh, I’ll groom you a little but I’ve got this rumbling in my stomach.” –Angel

The poor toilet never gets a break.

“Freaking …Ugh!” –Clarence

You can fix it; Angel’s a little busy now.

“Blurrrgh!” –Angel

At least it was clean first. Poor sick Sim. It was awful. =[

“Point 1: Eating old hotdogs are a risk. Don’t do it unless you’re very hungry.” –Angel

You were very hungry… and once you were sick you had another old hotdog. XD

Not long now, you’ll be healthy again. Isn’t that great?

“Blurgah!” –Angel

I thought so too. =D

Angel is healthy again while sleeping… and then it was baby time! XD

“Oooooh, at least I’m not going to throw up again!” -Angel

Babette Sweet is born; a little girl- how sweet. XD

Babette has her daddies brown eyes and her mother’s black hair. =]

Baby Spam! XD

Lots to do…

“I feel better able to understand what babies need.” –Angel

I wish I had that book! XD

Isn’t that nice! I saved the BF want so now you’re happy.

“Thanks but now I want to go talk and play with my family.” –Clarence

That’s good because you’re a father today!

Fresh hotdogs for Angel and some daddy time for little Babette.

“I wonder if Marisa is going to visit any time soon.” –Angel

Probably not because you just called her.

Tuesday phone call day, she got to call a few friends.

“Really?” –Clarence

Yes. Don’t we like them to have the kids spaced close together the first few generations?

No chimes for baby…

I was admiring their feet- I just love the CC feet I finally use. XD

Yay! Second time is the charm here…

“Wooohooo!” – muffled yells?

It’s baby care, bad food, and pregnancy time: Lovely. XD

“Ugh. I really don’t want to eat this…” –Angel

If you don’t eat it you’ll die… and there will be no more woohoo…

“Hmm…woohoo …” –Angel

“Urph… give me a minute.” –Angel

Clarence was waiting to groom Angel. He gets the shower and she gets to be groomed.

Yay! Lots for us to do… XD

I don’t know if the swings are allowed but since I have them, I used them.

*I have a way to make Sims get dressed without the dresser or shower- I click onthe Sim and choose, ‘Walk to lot’ then cancel it after they change into their clothes. She’ll do it before Clarence leaves; and I don’t have to look at pjs or workout clothes. XD

Babette’s first bath! Isn’t she just adorable? XD

“Mommies’ little girl. No changing table but you get a mini-bath” –Angel

Clarence got a promotion to level 5. Good work! =D

“Can’t stop yet... I have to practice my family call at the mailbox.” –Clarence

“Daddy’s here to feed and cuddle you while mommy gets a nap.” –Clarence

“Oh, my Goodness!....” –Angel

LOl!~ 1st bump. XD

Baby Babette sleeping. … ^3^

“Waaaaaah….” –Babette

“Mommy’s sweet baby.” -Angel

Hi, Babette! XD

“Wweee *giggles*!” –Babetter

She’s a Capricorn… a neat, outgoing, lazy, and very nice Sim. Cool =D

Aww- big hugs!

Angel isn’t in the best of moods now that she’s home all day and not out making money.

Daddy Clarence has to give Babette her bottle of special formula.

“Here you, Babette; Drink it all.” –Clarence

Clarence actually wants to teach Babette to walk- Wonders of wonders. XD

“I scared, daddy.” -Babetter

“It’s okay, Babie. Daddy will stand right here.” –Clarence

“Time to wake up, Babie dear.” –Mommie Angel

Picture Spam! XD

2nd bump!

Mommy helps teach Babette to walk- not all the way, just enough so daddy gets the aspirations from finishing the work. =D

“Look at me, daddy!” –Babette

“Let’s walk, Babette.” –Clarence

“Ewww.” –Angel

Friday afternoon Clarence gets a Chance Card… and earns a Promotion- Woot!

Level 6… and no work on the weekend- skilling time for him. XD

“I’m getting tired of this!” –Angel

The lovely job of a stay at home apocalypse mom. =]

My, my- you’re starting to pull your weight. =D

“It’s a good day!” –Clarence

Doesn’t he look happy?

“Good job on those gaming skills… is that your wife or is she free?” –Gamer dude

“You can leave now.” –Clarence

Babette works on her charisma skill… XD

“Angel, wake up. I’m bored and need some family interaction.” –Clarence

“Sure, Hon. We can talk and play a game.” –Angel

“Daddy wants to talk to you, yes he does.” –Clarence

“Do you feel okay, Sweety?” –Angel

“Just…ach… gagging a little on the fly wings.” –Clarence

Yay! I was getting nervous that she’d have twins. Just a single birth makes me happy. =D

Bairn is born!

“A boy!” –Clarence

Don’t pass out… O.o

“Daddy’s little Sim.” –Clarence

Bairn has both his daddy’s eyes and his color hair.

Oh, no. Two kids are all you two are having… medical isn’t lifted so no way. XD

Baby Spam! (Okay, they look almost the same)

“Daaaadddy!” –Babette

Yes, I put the crib in the bathroom. There wasn’t much choice. XP

And it was the potty dance time. I just queued up playing with the bunny and she’d

go back and forth… then she’d need her diaper changed. Not much screaming.

“We should make mommy pick up the diaper, huh Babette? –Clarence

“Mommy’s bathing Bairn. You do it.” –Angel

Aw, sharing the parenting chores. XD

“Mommy’s just going to let you drip dry for a bit and then put your diaper back on.” -Angel


It’s Sunday; one last diaper change to increase hygiene….

…One last bottle.

…And it’s Babette’s birthday! She’s got the base game hair style I’ll soon hate, I’m sure. XD

“I’m all grown up!” –Babette

That’s what we always think. XD

“I love this book about food. Maybe I can read it to you, Bairn?” –Babette

“Gurgle, pffffft…mmmm.” –Bairn

“Okay. This is the chapter of Appetizers.” –Babette

The upstairs isn’t done yet. There’s one bedroom and the bathroom/baby room enclosed.

I bought the new refrigerator once they could afford it. XD

End of week 5 ~ Thanks so much for reading and Commenting! Rflong7 =]