My Sweet Apocalypse: Wk 4

Post on 24-Jan-2017

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Transcript of My Sweet Apocalypse: Wk 4

Easy recap: Angel is still trying to lift Oceanography and Hopelessness in my Apocalypse Challenge- an Extreme, Adult Start version.

Using the Apoc-Borg rules-

With the Handicaps & Advantages-

Woot ~ Onward… =D

Monday is the day.

Angel has her needed skills and friends, plus a promise of promotion from Networking- have the network promotions always worked? Anyway, it’s off to work for the last promotion to L10 in Oceanography. O.O

I had no doubt you’d pull it off~ Woot!

“Yay, Me! I never doubted myself.” -Angel

“Look! I can make water come up out of the ground now-Awesome!” –Angel

Pfft- fill in that hole. I really want a treasure map, they look good on the walls.

“Not as good as my Treasure .” –Angel


There’s nothing to do but greet all the walkbys and wait for Tuesday.

“Come on, you have to kick it back.” –Angel

“I thought it was the trashcan’s turn.” – Sinjin

This is my Advantage aspiration choice but she couldn’t get it until she lifted

the Oceanography restriction though… and there’s only one; when it’s gone, it’s gone.

But this is the most important aspiration object that Oceanography lifted. I wasn’t going to try for Oceanography but this will make it work it… she now has the days needed to raise

her kids. XD

“I feel rejuvenated!” –Angel

You look the same- Adorable. XD

She might as well drink it all… I was going to wait but, pfft- drink it.

“Can I have some more?” –Angel

There’s no need right now.

”Hi, King Titan. I know this is sudden but I have to quit. I might as well do it now instead of in a few days. Wish me happiness and Love ya, Kingy.” -Angel

It’s nice of you to be able to just quit.

She was sleeping away, dreaming of things, when I saw a little shadow slinking around

my yard.

WAKE UP! He’s here.

“Frozen Llamas- this better be important.” -Angel

“Kobe! You came back. Now you can stay.” –Angel

Only for a little while.

“There you go- a treat to seal the adoption.” -Angel

They both had a nice meal to celebrate.

“I needed to see if he’d eat the old food.” –Angel

We’re lucky he did but we have 7 dishes of pet food on the rooftop, waiting. =)

These are the commands he already knew.

Isn’t that fabulous! You can command him to do stuff, like use the potty. XD

“It sure is. He’s a wonderful cat. He needs to live here forever.” –Angel

“Sweety, you’ve got to come over. I’ve got fabulous news.” –Angel

“I’m so happy you weren’t at work.” –Angel

“Wha…?” –Clarence

Aww- cute greeting. XD

Got to make sure he’s in a good mood…

“Too slow… too slow…. Too slow!” –Angel

She keeps winning. XD

Clarence moved in!

I was hoping she’d have a want to get engaged… she didn’t.

Maybe Clarence will have a want to get engaged…

He doesn’t~ Freaking Family Sim should… He brought 1k and nothing in his inventory. =[

His new job- Education. Military never showed up; Maybe it will tomorrow. =]

“I wonder if she thinks I’m a college grad?” –Clarence thinks

“I need a job. Money, promotions…” –Angel thinks.

She fixed the meal just a little too early and it went bad. It’s okay… they’re fine.

“Good kitty, Kobe. Yes, you are.”

“I had to do it!” –Angel

“Hahahaa- next time I get to goose you.” –Clarence

I was hoping they’d get wants to get married, engaged, something. =[

Kobe has a job in Showbiz and he actually worked today (Tuesday).

No promotion. He doesn’t need any skills right now but she’s working on them anyway.

“You have to roll over. Roll off the plate, Kobe…” –Angel

“Meow?” -Kobe

Clarence wants to be fit- that standard wish for all new moved in Sims (it seems). Since he doesn’t need any skills for a promotion and this is a good aspiration boost-he gets his wish.

“What’s another word of Fabulous?” -Angel

Angel works on her first book... It’s not a romance. XD

“Good night, sweetie.” –Angel

“Let’s cuddle.” –Clarence

Maybe tomorrow they’ll have some wants for woo-hoo or engaged or marriage. XD

And they don’t. No engagement wants from a Family Sim. Oh, well… =[

“Roll over, Kobe. That’s a good boy.” –Angel

“Bye my Angel, I’m off to work.” –Clarence

After Kobe went to work but before Angel’s carpool, it was time to move the bed.

I forgot to move the mirror and curtains out first. XD

“Are you sure this is a good idea? I’m not that hungry.” –Angel

“Holy Cheese, look what happened!” –Angel

Don’t worry about it and run out to the carpool… I’ll take care of it. XD

The door is locked so no one can get in. =]

“Oh, stop your honking, driver! There’s nothing wrong with glowing walls.” -Angel

Now that was easy. XD

“I’m so cool! Say I’m cool…” –Clarence

No… cause you still don’t have a want to get engaged; and send her home. You can’t call her for a friendship that I’m sure you’ll want.

“Let’s have a water balloon fight!” –Clarence


“Hahahaa- you’re so fun!” –Annoying pregnant bin lady

You know your promotions don’t matter anymore, right?

“I’m still Awesome.” –Angel

Since your hygiene is in the dumps, why don’t you go clean up the mess?

“I’m too dirty. I want a shower first.” –Angel

Nope, sorry; Clarence needed it more this morning.

The sign that the neighborhood is a bfbvfs but I’ve always seen it when they’re cleaning up after a fire. At least I hope that it’s normal… *fingers crossed* C:

“This is terrible. I thought you took care of it?” –Angel

I did, I watched it burn. O.O

They played after doing a lot of grooming.

It’s not many Appreciate/groom actions, really; 4 and they’re nice and green.

“*Giggle* Stop!” –Angel

I had the want for them to get Engaged- so now they’re engaged. Hopefully that’ll Kick in the family wants.

“Sweetie, you know I love you… and since I asked you to share the hardships with me,I thought it only right I propose.” –Angel

“Of course I will. Now give me a hug.” –Clarence

“Squee…” -Angel

The first floor… so far. Still have some flooring to add. The free ceiling looks funny. XD

It’s morning. =[

Dang you two; not a single want to get married or even have your first woo-hoo… =[

Hi Mailman. What do you think of my new mailbox?

“Mehhh….It’s a mailbox.” –Silly mailman

Promotion on Wednesday; Level 2

Now send her home. :C

“I don’t have to, she’s a new friend.” –Clarence

“And she’s so cute.” –Clarence

Noooo! XP

Kobe, got a promotion, too. Level 2, an understudy.

You earned a full bowl of food today.

“Damn, my nautical senses are gone.” –Angel

Yay-she brought a friend home from work. Marylena is in the Science field. Good to know.

“Look, she’s feeding Kobe. Can’t she stay now?” –Clarence

She can stay until she’s done feeding Kobe.

I couldn’t believe Kobe begged for food. O.O

“So Angel, when are you two going to get married so you can start having a huge family?” -Marylena

“I never thought he’d want a lot of kids. We can’t feed a lot of kids.” -Angel

“Clarence… Sweetie? I finally want to get married.” –Angel

“*suckingteethnoises* Hmm? What was that, Angel?” –Clarence

Some cheesy and sweet words were exchanged along with the rings. I was too distracted and giggling at Kobe presiding over their wedding to hear. XD

And then back to the mundane grooming. XD

“What are they doing to you with those tests? You’ve got weird globs on your clothes.” -Clarence

Angel’s job is keeping Kobe happy while Clarence skilled. It was a quiet Apocalypse evening.

“Clarence, honey? Do you want an old hotdog?” –Angel

“No, Angel. I’m good. You can have them all.” –Clarence


Still looking for Military or Intelligence jobs – when I can remember.

It’s Friday and Clarence got a promotion- Level 3. Woot XD

Hey Family Sim, do you have a want for a child yet?

“No but I want to talk and play with a family member.” –Clarence

That’s Angel… your only family. XD

“Clarence, do you want to go to bed early?” –Angel

“I’ve got a few skills I want to earn early. You go ahead.” –Clarence

Yeah, neither have a want for a child… I thought: Sure, I’ll wait until he’s got a few more promotions.

Then I thought: I’m bored. I need toddlers to watch.

Wake up you two!

“Is it a burglar?” –Clarence

Wake up… please.

“Angel, how about we start a family?” –Clarence

“You read my mind.” –Angel

No, he didn’t. Neither of you have the want for kids. I can finally lock wants and you

both give me little wants. ;.;

“Meooow?” -Kobe

Shhhh. Your Sims are busy trying for a baby. Just close your eyes and ears. XD

830am Saturday, week 4- baby chimes were heard by me. XD

“What? Don’t look at me like that, cat.” –Clarence

“Meew.” –Kobe

“Where’s the beautiful mailbox? This one is too pretentious.” –Melissa Fancey


Who’s the best cat ever? You are, yes you are.

Kobe earns a promotion to Level 3!

“What a cute cat.” –Danielle (?)

Moonshine… O.O

Kobe pretends not to like Moonshine- who proceeds to play anyway. Awww~ XD

“Today is a special day. I feel we need to celebrate with lunch meat sandwiches.” –Angel

“The sandwiches are great. They’re almost as good as a hot meal.” –Clarence

“Thanks, Sweety.” -Angel

I forgot to show Clarence’s stats- Family with a no can do LTW.

As you see, he still wants to be besties with the bin Sim. Maybe she’ll visit after work.

“Rrrawwh!” –Kobe

I think you scared him changing into your maternity clothes when he wasn’t looking. XD

Sleep and food: that’s her life right now. O.O

“I’m here…” –Virgil

Oh, no you don’t. You called her all the time and then don’t show up until a week after her job lift? You’re not the chosen, buh bye.

“Okay. Your mailbox is ordinary now.” –Virgil =P

The end of week 4. See those wants? She hasn’t finished a novel but wants to read one.

1st Lift= Oceanography + Hopelessness =Wants locking and Elixir right now.

I hope you liked it; Thanks so much for reading! ~Rflong7 =D