My sporty grandfather

Post on 10-Jan-2017

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Transcript of My sporty grandfather


Vladimir Kalistratovich Maximov. He devoted to sport all his life.

At school Volodya was the best football player, skier and runner.

After school the young man entered the pedagogical college. He took part in competitions and always was the winner.



Sverdlovsk Barnaul



My grandpa is proud of them!

Bazhenova Irina, Bazhenova Olga are masters of skiing sport

Utchanev Alexander is master of biathlon

In 1974 Vladimir Kalistratovich began to work as a coach. He trained village children and they showed nice results.

Kostitsyn Ilya is master of running

In 2002 my Grandfather continued his work in orphan house. His students won a lot of medals, cups, certificates.

Now my grandfather is a pensioner. He often shows me his medals for sport and work. I’d like to continue my grandpa’s

career. I adore my grandfather!!!