My Speech

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Transcript of My Speech

Term 2

Speech Competition!

Target Mark Comment

Write with appropriate structure and organization.

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I think I did very well with the organizations my speech. Because I wrote my speech in the correct order.

Use quality openings

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I thought my opening was all right but I think I could have done better.

Use paragraphs effectively

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Sometimes I am a bit confused with the paragraphs. Because I sometimes I put it in the wrong place.

Write with detail 1 2 3 4 5

My detail writing is good. But sometimes I’m not good like the other detail writing I do.

Set out arguments and draw them to a conclusion effectively

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For my moon bear speech I thought of some good arguments. But Some were not that good.

1. In what way(s) do you think you could have improved the delivery of your speech?

I think I could have practice I bit than I did and speak more clearly.

2. After watching everyone’s speech, what were some things that stood out in your mind? The things that stood out to me was, lots of mess up so I didn’t have to be that worried if I messed up. In my speech.

3. How did you prepare for the speech? I toke a deep breath and said out loud. When other people said there speech I said my speech in my head.

4. What were two things that you think were ‘fantastic’ about your speech? I think the info was really interesting and I thought I did really good.

5. How do you feel about giving speeches?I not that confident in giving a speech out because, I don’t

talk in front of a audience.