My space angles!

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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Transcript of My space angles!

Based on your reading of three of the above readings on issues related to finding authentic information

within a socially networked world, identify two essential take-home messages that you believe will

inform your work as an information professional.


: the state of being alone : the state of being away from other people

: the state of being away from public attention


: belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc

Is there a contradiction in the terms privacy and trust when internet users are putting themselves in the public domain?

Is it hurting anyone?

Is it offending anyone?

Are users trying to be deceptive?

Users who post Space angle photographs are conforming to a social trend at the expense of their individuality…

Is the ‘selfie ‘ genre new?

Do Space angles make the used to make unattractive people appear attractive?

Grandparents had photos tinted wearing Sunday best?

What about apps where users can enlarge, and beautify themselves?

Artists embellished ‘selfie’ portraits!

Models are photo shopped!

SNS communities that have been violated through taking MySpace Angle photos!

Really? This argument reflects society perception rather than fraudulent internet activity.

So what is the argument?

I don’t care about looks, unless you I don’t like yours?

Hmmm Space Angles!

It’s all the rage!