My occupational identity

Post on 11-Aug-2015

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Transcript of My occupational identity

My Occupational

Identity Katie jones- Practical task one

Volunteer worker

Volunteering has only been a small occupation that I have engaged in but I think is a big part of my occupational identity as I want to help children that have had a hard up bringing to read, play and enjoy life. I have been taught to help out whenever I can to make everyday life a little bit easier. This occupation was all about helping feed the younger children, keep the children entertained during the day, help do everyday chores such as washing and cleaning. I belonged to the little community that they had within the orphanage, by helping out with everyday tasks. I also took up this opportunity as I want to do this again in the future in bigger places and help more little communities around the world.

Sports playerPlaying sports has been a major occupation for as long as I can remember, my life has revolved around sport, whether im watching, playing, training or teaching it has always be apart of my life. I also belong to many different sports groups and communities around Taranaki, which I value a lot as I get to interact and enjoy sports with people who are like minded.

Rearing calves

Rearing calves has been apart of my occupational identity as I was raised on a farm and went to rural schools we would have the opportunity to rear a calve and show what I have raised to the community. It is apart of my identity as it took up a lot of my time and energy growing up.


Being a student has been a occupation that I have grown to like over the last couple of years, I think it has had a impact on my occupational identity at this time of my life as it takes up a lot of time. I have gained a huge amount of knowledge and skills through out all my years as a student that will help set me up for my future as a occupational therapist.

Dairy farmer

Being a dairy farmer is a occupation that I have always engaged in through out my life and is something that I value a lot. From growing up on the farm to working as a relief milkier in the summer holidays has given me a lot of team work skills that will help me in my future career.

Pet owner

All my life I have growing up around many different animals and pets. Looking after the family pets by taking them for walks or feeding and cleaning them has been a occupation that I have done my whole life.


Travelling is something I have always done with my family. It is a occupation I want to continue to do more as I get older with friends and family. I like learning about new and different cultures and seeing new places.

Family member

Being a family member is a occupation that is very important for my occupational identity, I believe that being a family member within such a big family has given me the teaching and learning skills I will need in my career as a occupational therapist.


Flatting has become a huge part of my occupational identity this year as it is my first year flatting and has brought upon many new roles and responsibilities.

Hanging out with friends

Hanging with friends has always been apart of my occupational identity. I value my friendship very much and like to spend as much time with my friends as possible.