My life as a game

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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My Life as a Game - DIT Ludology - C12752869

Transcript of My life as a game

My Life as a Game

The Official Walkthrough by Matthew Thomas Byrne

1: Quick Train Event!

Stage 1 (a): Navigate the train station car park following the on-screen prompts to avoid various commuter and commercial vehicles. Note: The vehicles are randomly generated and approach from all sides.

1: Quick Train Event!

Stage 1 (b): Proceed up the iron staircase to reach the bridge to platform 1. Follow on-screen prompts to avoid slipping on puddles or unknown liquid deposits.

1: Quick Train Event!

Stage 1 (c): Upon reaching the ticket office, you will notice that it is unattended. Access the CONTEXT MENU to issue a polite cough/guttural noise/ expletive as necessary to attract attendant’s attention.

2: Must Avoid Chuggers!

Stage 2 (a): You have now reached the city and find yourself close to the bank. Unfortunately, charity workers are patrolling nearby and stealth is necessary avoid detection. Observe their patrol pattern from the corner of the bank and plan your route accordingly.

2: Must Avoid Chuggers!

Stage 2 (b): While remaining undetected, allow NPC pedestrians to approach charity workers and activate Alert Mode.

2: Must Avoid Chuggers!

Stage 2 (c): Once Charity worker has entered Concern and Special Interest Mode, rush past and make your escape!

3: Botulism Time

Stage 3 (a): Your character may now be feeling the effects of the Slump and require ‘sustenance’. Proceed to the local ‘DeSpar’ and enter First-Person Mode at the delicatessen counter. You should order a wrap.

3: Botulism Time

Stage 3 (b): Engage the deli staff member in quick mini-game. They will attempt to direct you towards spoiled fillings on display. Utilise the HACCP radar to detect edible fillings while avoiding potential food poisoning.

3: Botulism Time

Stage 3 (c): If successful, you should receive an edible wrap.

4: Stage Frighter

Stage 4 (a): You must now attend drama rehearsal. The director will issue a series of complex command prompts from his script book.

4: Stage Frighter

Stage 4 (b): You must then repeat them exactly, performing the necessary blocking and achieving the required emotional beats.

4: Stage Frighter

Stage 4 (c): Complete the command input and execute a Super Special Dramatic Finish Combo and silence your critics!

Congratulations! You have now unlocked the secret stage, ‘Yet Another Day’!

‘Yet Another Year’ DLC will be released soon!