My Intial Days at Kolkata

Post on 24-Oct-2015

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Transcript of My Intial Days at Kolkata

My initial days at Kolkata….

It was about 07.30 h on 22 Jun13, when I woke up lying on the lower berth of Rajdhani Exp. Train stopped at Asansol, started feeling the touch of West Bengal. Aman, my younger son asked, “How much more time to reach Kolkata”. May be 2 to 3 hrs more, without checking the train schedule, I replied and started looking outside the window as train started moving. I could not help but remember the day, when I missed my train to Chennai in 1991, while traveling from Calcutta airport to Howrah Railway station. Best of the efforts of the taxi driver could not take me to Howrah railway station from Airport in 5 hrs. Thanks to traffic congestion of Kolkata . Coming after 22 years, my thoughts were inclined to visualize present Kolkata with better roads & infrastructure, better traffic management and drainage disposal system.

Looking through window, time passed and train passed Dum Dum station. Punam, my wife was carrying enough of pre knowledge about the city, since at Jalandhar (my last duty station) was briefed by her friends of shopping places, a bit of geography and likely areas, where availability of govt house is possible. She immediately warned us to get ready, we are almost there. At Sealdah station my office staff was waiting to take us to guest room at Balleygunj. Travelling in car from station, my son was taking pictures with his mobile camera of ancient buildings, tram and gen outlook of the town and sending to my elder son, working at Delhi. I was trying to figure out what has changed since 1991. With mixed feelings, we reached guest room. It was Saturday, and I was to join duty on Monday. Aman forced us to move out from guest room and explore Kolkata city, he was determined to experience feel good factor of Kolkata, since he was to stay here for short period of his college semester break.


Quickly activated ‘Map my India’ in the car and aimlessly started from balleygunj. In half a day, went around Fort William, Vidhya sagar setu bridge and Eden garden area and finally landed at Park Street. All of us by this time were hungry and trying to find some place to park our car. Next 30 mins or so kept driving looking for place to park. Confusing one ways, led us somewhere behind New market, from where someone guided us route to park street again. I was determined to park at the earliest and walk, but my wife would not agree. Finally, got a place on Park Street to park and we started hunting eating joints. Went inside Barbeque, long waiting was a big discouraging factor to look for some other place, noticed another joint nearby named Peter cat, people waiting outside the restaurant was a sight. Meanwhile, it started pouring, quick to react, my wife directed us, to go back to guest room. One glaring fact was clear that, eating out and enjoying club life is one of the trait of Kolkata.

Sunday, a planned affair to see Howrah bridge and railway station, the place, where I missed my train in 1991. Tech savy, Aman took us using Google Map on his mobile, once again, we were stuck in traffic of so many yellow taxis, old fashioned local buses, tram and to add to the problem even carts and rickshaws. Worried that some yellow alien may hit my skoda, I maintained my cool. Being party to the decision, could not even shout at Aman, but was thinking, never again in my car towards this side of city. An experience, can’t be wiped out from mind, as an engineer kept thinking, what Kolkata has done in past so many years. Evening was spent with friends sharing this experience and was rightly advised that in Kolkata, you must have Nano Car with local driver. How true!!!

First week of my stay at Balleygunj passed and decision was taken to move out of this congestion and look for a house in a better part of Kolkata.


Now was the turn to talk to agents for house hunting. Couple of agents could not understand my requirement, language problem, though my wife understands a bit, if spoken slowly. Agents speaking at the speed of Rajdhani exp was going over our heads. The only thing I could feel and understand was the sweetness of language and commission, agent was looking for. One of my office staff came to my rescue, introduced me to an english speaking agent. Luck was in favour, we reached New Town. What a relief it was, lush green open area with ample of oxygen to breathe and relatively close to my office. Salt lake area and city centre in close proximity were yet more of the reasons to decide the locality to stay. Landed in Greenwood Sonata and then Elements. Airy layout, swimming pool, gym, secure society made us finalise the deal with our agent to stay on Greenwood Elements.

Soon, traits of society were visible, maintenance of society by facility staff, security staff and bonhomie amongst people was amazing. What amuses me the most is loud “Good Morning, Sir” from security staff early morning, when I come out for a walk. Indeed to mention, very right decision taken to come out of Balleygunj. After few days of stay, my younger son left for his college and now two of us feeling lonely were looking out for socializing. This is the first time I am staying outside our cantonments, so missing the social network and evening games, especially Golf. Then came, message to participate in Independence Day celebration. First question, I asked was that, “ Is this function being organized here, in Greenwood Elements”? I had never seen such an initiative by citizens of our great country in any other part of country. Celebrations are common at public places, schools, govt buildings etc, but never seen this spirit in residential areas. I have been fortunate to have been to all states of the country, being an Army Officer; amazing spirit of people of Bengal was felt. My kudos to all the residents. The day was great, witnessed, senior citizens, being respected, children being encouraged to participate, young ladies voluntarily singing


songs and above all opportunity for both of us to meet and make friends. A memorable day……

Under pressure from the calls from friends from Jalandhar, my wife was forcing me to take her to some good saree shop. I was in for a big trouble, since, by now, I knew all the famous shops are in main Kolkata and driving there would be tough job for me. Took help of my office driver and finally landed at Adidakeshwari, Gariahat. A big saree shop, well stocked with enough of variety to choose. Body language of wife was hinting me that my purse is going to be drained out today. Thanks to the salesmen of the shop, totally disinterested to attract customer, conveniently avoiding opening bundles of sarees, to allow customer to choose and overall lethargic environment of the shop, I could have some respite.

At office, I am getting used to the work culture and listen to sweet Bengali language. One day I asked one of my supervisors to teach me Bangla. He was very happy to get this assignment, but day to start is yet to come, probably waiting for Durga Pooja celebrations to be over. Soon, I will get him to teach me ……. I am looking forward to eat typical Bengali food. Friends did guide me few places (Aaheli, Oh! Calcutta, 6 Balleyganj etc) known for Bengali food, but not convinced that food I had was typical Bengali and had significant commercial touch in it.

I noticed that in general people are very humble, clean hearted, beautiful ladies and believe in the famous saying, “Slow and steady, wins the race” and I keep wondering, how… when all around things are so dynamic.

Col S S Kapoor 6B4, Aria II