My Husband, My Enemy

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Transcript of My Husband, My Enemy


    Bianca # 31

    Copyright: Rachel Lindsay

    Original title: "Unwanted wife"

    Originally published in 1960 (1978)

    Scanning / Revision: m_nolasco73

    Tanya m was praying in her husband's house pretending to be

    her maid! What terrible secret made her suffer so much


  • Summary: Tanya married at eighteen with Adrian, a rich man,

    strong, disturbing blue eyes. The moon-of-honey was a sweet madness,

    full of love and pa ixo. But after Adrian abando nou! Years later,

    Tanya went looking for the l. New delusion! He despised saying she

    was engaged to another woman! But Tanya was not going to give up;

    although humiliated, he decided to fight for her husband. Soon realized

    that he wanted, m the she wanted more than that: he wanted love, much


    This book is part of a nonprofit project.

    Its distribution is free and marketing strictly prohibited.


  • Adrian Chesterto n took the pen, leaned forward and eats ou to sign

    the final letter. The lamplight emphasized the brightness of his dark hair

    and gave his skin, usually pale, a darker shade.

    - Ready. - Smiling, he closed the folder and handed the secre tary.

    - You can not complain that I leave the service delay.

    - You work too much. I do not know how he would get if there

    were no burners.

    - I would have to get another secretary, good as you. If that is

    possible - he said, standing up and walking to the door.

    Adrian was a tall, thin man in his early thirties, with a posture that

    reminded her an tepassados military. Your Feico noble es showed that

    the rumors about the very close relationship of a prince of Scandinavia

    with a Chesterton could well be true. A keen observer would notice that

    her physical beautiful was full of contrasts. The arched eyebrows, so

    well-made that looked carved, contrasted with the sensitive mouth; the

    thick cl ios decreased the cold blue eyes and square jaw of a man of

    action was opposed to broad forehead of a thinker.

    When he reached the drawing room, he found his mother waiting for

    him to take the usual appetizer before dinner. Mrs.. Ches terton, a

    woman grisal hos hair and stately air, was sen tada in a comfortable

    chair, watching the wedding announcements in The Times. Just looked

    up quand oo son handed him the glass of sherry and.

  • - Nigel Lockheed will marry the daughter of Bruce Cardley. This

    explains why he was partner Cardley bank last year.

    Adrian crossed the room to turn on the radio. As soon as he began to

    hear the news, his mother said impatiently:

    - Turn it off. Need to talk to you,

    - It will not tell me about Diana again, are you? - Impatient, he

    lowered the radio but not switched off.

    - I do not know what's wrong with you d ois. They are engaged four

    ses me and not yet marked the wedding date.

    - We have no hurry.

    - Anyone di would you not want to marry.

    - This is silly. Of course I want.

    - You can prove this by checking the date. Or is Diana who are


    - None of us is hesitating - he said calmly. - It turns out that we are

    not in a hurry.

    His mother frowned at forehead.

    - You are already living together?

    For a moment, the child remained silent. Then he smiled forced.

    - No, Mom, we're not. But even if we were, it would not make

    unnecessary marriage.

  • - But explain the lack of hurry. - His silence did not challenge

    nimou Mrs. Chesterton. - You're single for so long, that will end up

    becoming a monk. J will is time to get married and start a family.

    - We will mark the date, after the election. But it will not be a lavish

    wedding, Mom. After all, is not my first marriage.

    - But it is the first of Diana, and she has a right to expect something

    special. As for his other marriage. .. Well, you know what I think of it.

    A done deal to measures escon with a foreigner who ...

    - Mom!

    - Sorry, Adrian, but every time I think of the way she acted ...

    - Tanya had no choice. - Still with glass in hand, he walked to the

    door. - I have a few more things to do. I see her at dinner.

    Quickly, Adrian returned to the library, a large rectangular place,

    with movable s mahogany. It was the place where he felt ter. Standing

    in front of the window, he looked to the pair manicured lawn, thinking

    of the huge fields and pastures that lay beyond. It was all his and he

    loved every centimeter of it. Also loved the people who worked there

    and for which he was responsible. On one thing your mother was right:

    needed a woman to share everything; children needed to grow feeling

    the same thing as him, and to continue his work, when he was too old for


    The image of Tanya, a tall, slender girl with whom he had been

    married eight years Ago, came to mind. N that time, Tanya was

  • eighteen, was shy and nervous, with honey-colored hair, golden skin and

    violet eyes. Adrian never thought anyone could have eyes that color,

    and when he saw them for the first time, found that reflected the color of

    her dress. Then he realized it was not so, for whatever the color of their

    clothes, her eyes still with that violet-dark tone, so rare.

    As everything was far! Those eight years seemed a lifetime. When

    she remembered the boy who was at that time, I seemed to be pens walk

    into a stranger. But without d vida, that boy had a right without

    elhana with serious man and ma hard now, that had resigned from his

    job at the Foreign Ministry to take charge of his father's land. The man

    who would soon marry the daughter of Lord Biddell.

    Adrian tried to turn their thoughts entirely to the present, but could

    not. The image of Tanya, as he had seen for the first time, took over his


    He worked n the Embassy of England in Rov nia, and that beautiful

    summer day attended by prim threshing floor instead of a ROV niano

    festival. Along with some friends went to the city center observe the

    Carnival of Roses, a party so old that no one remembered its meaning.

    Not that anyone cared about that. To the youth of Rovnia, any excuse to

    have fun was good.

    The people danced in the streets, toasting with v assi, a sweet and

    light wine of the region, and excitedly cheering the floats passing by car

    r egados of roses of all colors and types.

  • It was only after the tenth car passed Adrian saw the tall, slender girl

    with a bunch of kids on the other side of the square. She was the

    traditional costume Rovnia, a skirt and a blouse embroidered in bright

    colors. I was not singing and waving to everyone, as her friends.

    Thoughtful, watched the passing cars. If the girl was closer, he would

    have gone there to find out why she was so sad when all around were so

    happy. But the moment that thought crossed-l h and the head, the crowd

    shifted and the girl disappeared from view.

    Later, after he and his friends ate and drank to von tade, Adrian did

    not want to join the people dancing in the street and decided to return

    home. The streets were supe rlotadas and frequent mind the people

    stopped trying to convince you to have fun with them. It was after he

    refused the fifth call and was paving the way towards the road leading to

    the embassy, he saw the blonde girl again. She was with a group of

    young and seemed to diver tir enough. Soon after, they started dancing

    in an increasingly lively and Adrian so realized she was finding it hard

    to keep up with others, and tried in vain to get out of the wheel. On

    impulse, Adrian reached out and grabbed her waist, when the el passed

    him by removing it from the wheel d.

    - Are you okay? - he asked, showing once was estran ger, by the

    way spoke rovniano.

    - Yes I am, thank you. He was very kind to me taking the wheel.

  • He made a move to leave, and he stepped forward, barring his way.

    Adrian was surprised by his gesture because it was not an impulsive boy.

    But there was something in that girl who had made her will know her


    - I know a quiet restaurant nearby. Let's go have a snack? - He

    noticed her hesitation and said: - My name is Adrian Chesterton and

    work at the Embassy of England.

    - I'm Tanya Kov acs.

    He reached out timidly and he shook smiling.

    - Now that introduce ourselves - Adrian continued - hopefully to

    agree to take a chocolate ice cream with me.

    That was the beginning of a friendship that soon turned into a deeper

    feeling. Intelligent and well-educated, Tanya was not released as the

    other girls. His parents were already middle-aged when she was born,

    and the girl had a different way of thinking of the friends, which

    sometimes It made her feel strange among them.

    - But I would not change anything in my life - Tanya confessed. -

    My father is a historian and I learned more from him than anyone else.

    For him, op roast is as real as the pre feels. Sometimes I find it even

    more real, and I fear for him.

    Adrian did not need to ask what she meant by those words because

    he knew what was Rovnia policy. Those who remembered the past, full

  • of liber ity, could not help but compare l with the present, where even

    thoughts were controlled.

    But those hot summer days, the Rovnia political situation was not the

    most important thing n the head of Adrian. It only con was still thinking

    about one thing: making his wife Tanya. To his surprise, the

    ambassador did not try to force him to change his mind, and the

    government of Rovnia made no objection to the marriage of a girl there

    with a foreigner. Of course, the fact Tanya's father was a famous

    historian worldwide had a lot to do with it. But for Adrian, he could be

    a peasant, that would not make any difference. Tanya was that he loved.

    It was with Tanya that he wanted to spend the rest of his life.

    When they were on honeymoon honeymoon, the political situation in

    the country worsened. There was a coup, the prime minister was ousted

    a dictator and took over the government. Adrian was called back to

    England and ten days after his marriage, Tanya strips if IUD him at the


    - Soon we'll be together, dear - she whispered. - My saporte

    country will be ready in a week.

    - I will be counting the hours. - Adrian hugged her tightly. None of

    them could imagine that they would never see.

    At first, Tanya did not go to England because his father was arrested

    and she did not want to leave her mother alone. Adrian begged to let

    him Rovnia while he still could. He spoke to her twice by phone, but

  • Tanya became increasingly reticent and he had to accept his silence.

    Soon after she wrote to him, telling he had asked permission to take his

    mother to England. But the boy's joy was short-lived; permission was

    denied, and even worse, Tanya canceled.

    Several times he went to embaix ada in London but always con

    followed the same information: they were delivering his letters to Tanya,

    and she did not answer was because they did not want. Adrian refused

    to believe it and continued to fight for the liberation of the wife, even

    without receiving a word of it. So the day before with pletarem two

    years of marriage, the government of Rovnia announced that all its

    citizens married to es reigners had asked anu tion of their marriages.

    - I do not think my wife ten ha done it free and ESPON neous will -

    Adrian exploded with the official of the Embassy of Rovnia: - She is

    being forced.

    Adrian continued to tease the embassy staff, and only when his boss

    at the Foreign Ministry warned that he could be hurting Tanya with his

    attitude, fo that i realized that maybe esti vesse putting her life in danger.

    It was not easy for the boy to accept that their marriage was over, and

    over time he began to wonder if her silence, that first year, is to

    deliberate. Perhaps Tanya did not want to leave Rov nia. If he wanted,

    he would have given a way out. Gradually Adria n convinced of this

    and his love by Tanya began to fade.

  • When his father died, he resigned from his job and returned home,

    forgetting his broken marriage. Gradually, the boy settled as a farmer,

    rediscovering peace and tranqili ity he thought he had lost forever.

    Years passed and six months ago he decided he not only had to take

    care of their heritage, but also preserve it for the future. So he asked

    Diana Biddell in marriage. She was a girl with dark hair and cold and

    elegant manners. Adrian knew from childhood; they g ostavam each

    other and their home ment would be based on the interests of both


    Soon after, the representative district in Daqu he mor Parliament

    curred, and asked Adrian to apply for the place. As I was very interested

    in the farms of r egion accepted. I knew I'd have to fight hard to

    overcome his opponent, Roger Poulton, a red-haired boy, whose family

    lived in the village for generations. Poulton had worked to be able to

    study, and now a professor in the university district.

    - I will not be a member of Parliament only in his spare time -

    Poulton used to say, implying that Adrian was very concerned about

    their own problems as a farmer, to worry about the others.

    Adrian tried to disprove, but Poulton always repeated the attack.

    While thinking this, they knocked on the door. A strong guy and tie

    racado entered.

    - I'm teasing you, Adrian?

    - No way. Come have a drink. How is everybody?

  • Dick Tufton, who was his brother and farm manager, tou sen on a

    chair, with your legs extended.

    - Grant is complaining about the telhad again. Already we will send

    it twice arrum this year. I think that every night the old man up on it, to

    make holes.

    Adrian laughed.

    - It is better to have put away again.

    - You are too soft - Dic k said. - That man is a p this.

    - Eighty years old, he has the right to up to two pests! Any more


    - No. - He grimaced. - And now his sister gave Recla sea that

    nothing happens here.

    - She must be bored. Why not take her out to dinner tonight?

    - I'm too tired. And Betty would be too if I worked all day.

    Adrian said nothing. He knew that Dick did not like living with his

    wife's family, but thought this was something they had to solve alone.

    - Let's take an appetizer - Adrian co nvidou, to change the subject.

    D ick accompanied him to the door.

    - Diana come here tonight?

    - You must be here.

    Adrian opened the door of the living room. Diana and her mother

    were sitting on the couch and smiling girl looked at him and he leaned

  • over to kiss her on the cheek. As Diana was beautiful, that dress blue-

    marin ho so simple! - He thought.

    - How about a car back after dinner? - he murmured, excited with

    the scent of the perfume she wore.

    - Would be great. If you. .. - Diana broke off when the steward

    came and stood next to Adrian.

    - Excuse me, sir. Chesterton, but have a girl there, wanting to talk to


    - At this time of night! - His mother complained.

    - Who is Hamford? - Adrian asked.

    - She did not say the name. Just said he needs to see you.

    - Well, you better send l in. - The butler came out and he said to the

    bride: - Must be some voter.

    The door opened and a woman, wearing a black coat desele gante

    entered. His tousled hair was covered by a bandanna blue and wore

    shoes without heels. I n one hand, carried a lsa awkward bo and the

    other a bag already well worn, which landed on the mat.

    For a moment, the three people who were in the room stared at the

    unknown. Then Adrian stepped forward.

    - You want to talk to me? - He asked courteously.

    The woman looked at him and the soft light of a lamp fell on his thin,

    angular features. Co r gray of his face showed it was due to lack of

    power, not a physical type. It was hard to guess his age, but Adrian

  • realized that with good nutrition and some care, she could get a look

    much younger.

    - Adrian! - His name came out of her lips, with a clear sound q ue

    cut through the air like a laser beam.

    He furrowed his forehead.

    - I think not. .. - The horrible suspicion that has seeped into his

    mind made him interrupt. He continued looking mind fixed to the girl,

    as if he expected the intensity of his gaze made her disappear. But that

    cr lean iatura of mined indeter age, using humble black clothes, not

    disappeared. What most impres you onou were her hands, calloused and

    red from working so hard, with broken nails, moving the fingers of a

    seizure order. He sees those fingers was awakened in him a sense of


    - Tanya! - he murmured. - No ... It can not be you, Tanya!

    Hearing him say her name, the woman let out a harsh sob and threw

    herself into his arms. Awkwardly, Adrian began to pat on her shoulders,

    looking p or over your head to Diana and her mother, who fixated

    horrified. But nothing could compare to the horror that he himself felt.

    - It's mine. .. Tanya is - He said loudly. - She must have escaped ..

    and came straight here..

    - Oh, my poor Adri an! - The voice of his mother stood. - What are

    we going to do?

  • Chapter II

    As much as he lived, Tanya never forget about eria the first time she

    was alone with Adrian, in his house.

    After the horror of his mother asks, Adrian took the girl to a smaller

    room and more intimate that somehow restored his confidence. But that

    confidence declined quickly when he pulled back and you indicated a

    chair, sitting some distance away.

    - You should have warned me of your arrival - he said. - It was a

    shock ... ve r you. - He paused, as if unsure how to proceed, then said: -

    He came directly from Rovnia?

    - Vim. Not warned him, because I had no time. It was all so fast!

    - He was lucky to escape. - His voice was expressionless. - Few

    people have achieved.

    - Many want to leave. You know my people, Adrian. You know

    how they hate that government.

    - But they live with this government eight years ago!

    - Eight years of struggle. There is still much resistance.

    - I read about it. But You never know if it's true or not.

    - It's all true! - she said vehemently. - I was part of the resistance.

    - Tanya stopped, wondering why they were talking about it when they

  • had so many other issues to discuss. Adrian was with her husband, the

    man she loved with all my heart. His eyes searched his face, seeing how

    the weather had changed. The boy said goodbye at the airport it was a

    man now. The challenge of air had been replaced by an air of command

    and the soft voice was steady. But basically remained the same.

    However, it was obvious that he did not think the smo to her. Adrian

    looked as s and he had never seen before.

    - When he left Rovnia?

    - Three days ago. But even dep ois I crossed the border, I had to be

    careful. I was hidden twenty-four hours, and then put me on a train.

    - What are your plans?

    - My plans? - She looked at him blankly. - Plans that I should

    have? I came to find him. You are my husband.

    - IM not anymore. You divorced me six years ago.

    - What? - Tanya stood to his feet. - Not true! You are lying!

    - I'm not. Six years ago, his government warned that all rovnianos

    married to foreigners had divorced.

    - You should know that I would never do such a thing.

    - How would I know? - And he wobbled and a wave of pie ity

    caused him to come and help her sit down again gently. - Do not blame

    her, T anya. I know you had no choice...

    - I do not know anything. All I knew is that you n unca answered

    my letters. .. ee u could never get in con tact with you, try as he might.

  • It was as if dead. Nobody told me anything about the divorce. All the

    time we were apart, only lived for the moment when I would see him. ..

    They would meet again. ..

    Tanya burst into sobs and Ad rian started hitting her bro om,


    - Do not Cry. Now you are safe in England. I'm sorry if I got in a

    way kind of cold, but it was a shock to see you again.

    A shock. If Adrian was not the faland of it, Tanya would have

    laughed. Not only was a stranger in a strange country, as well as the

    man she loved did not want more. And even worse, for six years he

    thought she did not want more.

    Carefully examined his face, trying to figure out what he was

    thinking. But Adrian did not show anything, and she felt as if looking at

    a stranger. However, he was not a estra mance. He was still the man

    she had married the man who wore the ring.

    - Of course you will stay here, to decide what to do. If u and can

    help with anything. ..

    - I want nothing from you! - she exploded. - Nothing!

    - You're just saying that because you're bored. I still feel responsible

    and want to take care of you.

    - I do not want to take care of me - exclaimed. - I want love.

    - I think none of us can talk about love. Eight years ago we do not

    see us, and changed a lot in that time.

  • - I do not - Tanya said bitterly. - I'm the same. Youre already

    forgotten the past? See me again do not you remember what you felt for


    - No, it does not - he said, turning his back. - Six years ago you

    divorced me and it changed my feelings. Sorry, Tanya, but there is no

    reason for me to hide the truth.

    Tanya tried to remain indifferent to pa mines him, but they hit the

    ram d and a painful and devastating way.

    - You mean you do not love me anymore?

    - I am saying that we are two different people the boy and girl who

    were married for eight years. We did not separate us, but it happened

    and. .. and now we can not turn back time ago.

    For a while she was silent, turning the ring on her finger.

    - That's why I stopped being beautiful that you do not love me


    - My God! - The words were forced. - This has nothing to do with

    your appearance!

    - It does. Now I'm a stranger to you. I know. - Tanya stood up

    again and looked in the mirror that stood on the marble fireplace. -

    When I look at myself, I see the face of an old woman. I was old before

    their time. - He walked to the door. - No need to say more. I am


    - Where?

  • - To London. I'm afraid to go to the Embassy of Rovnia, but there

    must be a pension. ..

    - What nonsense! We will stay here until we think of something. I

    know it's not what you expected, but. .. but let's be sensible.

    - Sensible - she repeated. - You too repeats the word. Well,

    Adrian, what is the wise thing to want me to do?

    - Now I want to go to bed. It is looking exhausted.

    - I have not slept since I left Rovnia.

    - Then I. .. my mother will show you a room. After a good night's

    sleep, everything will be different. Let's postpone our conversation


    - Very wise. - Tanya spoke calmly, and Adrian per ceived irony, not


    - I'll have to take your dinner to the room.

    - I'm not hungry, thank you.

    - It may be that you feel like eating something, then to take a shower

    and get some rest.

    Without answering, Tanya accompanied him to the ha ll. He could

    not get into the living room again and stood in the doorway, while

    Adrian was talking to the mother. They were too far away to hear what

    was said, but Tanya noticed a woman's anxiety when she got up and

    walked to the door.

  • - I think Adrian's right, wanting to go to bed. You must be very

    tired after traveling so much.

    Tanya nodded and went up the beautiful staircase, behind the mother.

    But the woman who walked so straight in front was no longer her

    mother in law, she was not the wife of Adrian. It was a stranger in a

    strange house. I was not wanted and he knew it. The sooner get out of

    there, the better.

    The morning sun lit up the room and propped on pillows, Tanya

    scanned the room. A bright green carpet covered the floor, res skipping

    flowery curtains, which stood out cheerfully against the cream-colored

    walls. Upon a esinha m rosewood side of c to love, it was a tray with the

    remains of dinner Adrian l he had sent the night before.

    Adrian. .. I could not think seriously that man the night before as the

    same man she had married. He never forgot him, duran you the long

    years of their separation, but the past ceased to exist when it came face

    to face with reality.

    Was it because I expected him to continue the same mem ho who had

    fired? No, she was prepared to find it changed, older and more serious.

    What is not expected is that Adrian today do the eight years ago seem a

    strange plete with.

  • That coolly Adrian looked at her! The horror had been disguised

    quickly, but not disbelief. And the indi ference with which he held his

    shoulders, with no sign of love!

    Tanya jumped out of bed and examine u in the mirror of teadeira

    pen, seeing a thin face, huge eyes. The skin had no color and her hair

    was so opaque that seemed gray. Adrian could not blame for not having

    recognized her. Sometimes she herself barely recognized. Sighing, she

    began to dress.

    I was leaving the bathroom when a maid entered with the breakfast.

    - Good morning, Miss. - Col ocou the tray on the mesi nha next to

    the bed. - You sleep well?

    - I slept, yes. Thank you. - Tanya looked at coffee and boli bours -.

    P mean to have breakfast downstairs.

    - Mr. Chesterton asked me to bring him here. Also he said he

    would like to see her in bi blioteca as soon as you can come down.

    - I will now. - Tanya began to walk, but the girl gestured with his


    - No need to rush. Take your coffee first. It will do you good.

    Tanya hesitated, but recognizing that the girl was right, sat on the

    edge of the bed and began to serve. Everything was delicious, but she

    could not eat with appetite, thinking about the conversation he'd had

    with Adrian. I'd already been all resolved. He forced himself to take

  • another cup of coffee, then walked to the dresser and without attention,

    ran a comb through his hair.

    Only in that elegant atmosphere is that Tanya noticed how his clothes

    were old and out of fashion. Black denim skirt came almost to her

    ankles, and her blouse washed out so many times that the embroidery

    bright colors desbot ara. But there was nothing that pu do to improve

    them and then to hold the hair in a low bun at the nape, he went to the


    Adrian stood up when she entered.

    - You sleep well? - he asked politely.

    - Thank you. - He sat down without waiting for his invitation. - I

    think we have a lot to discuss. The sooner I leave, the better.

    - The matter is not that simple. J will received a call from a person

    of the village, asking if you got well.

    - How?

    - You asked several people as he could get here. It turns out that one

    of them is the gossip of the village. .. And has an elephant's memory.

    She l embrou that was Casad with a foreign girl and. ..

    - He guessed that I was your wife? - Tanya interrupted, with bated


    - Not that. But if we do anything suspicious, she might as well put

    two and two together. At the moment, this woman ac ha you came here.

    .. For. .. - He stopped, as if finding it hard to say what he wanted. Then

  • I said: - I have to see gonha she married you, Tanya. I want to believe


    - If you say. ..

    - I mean, yes. - For the first time, there was emotion in his voice. -

    I loved her very much and wish things had been different.

    - Thank you. Glad heard it.

    For several seconds they stared after Adrian blinked, as if trying to

    ward off the past.

    - Pre ciso tell you one more thing - he went on. - I am running for

    Parliament, and spread out there who have a wife and a bride at the same

    time, it can be a disaster for me.

    - Why? After all, I'm not your wife.

    - I'm not sure of that. Our divorce was given by his government and

    not signif ica that is valid in that country. .. Mainly because we ca Samos

    in the English Embassy.

    - I'm sure it will achieve arrange things the most convenient way for

    you, Adrian.

    He agreed without comment on the irony of it.

    - There will be no enhum problem. I intend to fix the thud, so to end


    - I still can not understand why my coming can pre Judica it. My

    father was imprisoned and murdered, why not concor gave to the

    regime. And I had to leave the country in secret, for the same reason.

  • - Smart people know this, but not all are inte ligentes and informed.

    - That's the only reason I have to hide my identity? I can not speak

    your language very well, but I'm not retarded. And last night I realized

    that was not the only reason he was so abor recido with my arrival.

    - If I'm hiding something - he said quickly - it is not to hurt her.

    - I'm used to being hurt. You can speak.

    - Do you remember the girl who was sitting on the couch with my

    mother? - he said, after a pause.

    - A dark-haired? I thought it was his sister.

    - No, my sister did not have to scido. The girl you saw was. .. It is

    my bride.

    Tanya swallowed.

    - As you can be engaged if just tells me that er are not sure if estam


    - I told you, it's just a question of legalizing the situation.

    - Too bad you did not do it for six years! Today I will not be


    - You do not bother me. It has been my wife and I have a duty to

    look after you.

    - I prefer to leave. I'm used to defend myself. My mother was sick

    many years after my father died, and authorities have created many diffi

    culties for me. Even ami gos were afraid to help us and had to learn to

    survive alone.

  • - Why did not try to escape before?

    - I could not help my mother there, alone.

    Adrian flushed.

    - Sorry. I should know. But now that it's here, I would like to stay

    up. ..

    - To end election?

    - It is. Everyone in the village knows you're here, and if you leave,

    will wonder why he left so quickly.

    - Tell them that I was a new set and do not serve to the place. - He

    flushed and she looked at him sternly. - That's what .. you want me to

    pretend to be.?

    - No, not that. I want you to pretend to be the nanny of my nephews

    s. My mother suggested and ssa output. You can stay here until I

    Washers her sea A more appropriate thing.

    - I'll stay, but only because I want to not hurt his career. I do not want

    anything from you.

    - Let's talk about that later. - He avoided her eyes. - Being very

    understanding, Tanya.

    - Do not thank me. Who is in my situation can not be chosen. And I

    can not esco lher even in pro prio my husband's house.

    - Do not say that!

    Ignoring the anguish he had in his voice, for his was much larger,

    Tanya fled away.

  • Alone in the hal l , she looked around, then pushed the door that was

    in front of him and entered the room where he had been the night before.

    There was the same understated elegance of the rest of the house. Huge

    vases of flowers perfumed the air and the French windows, wide open,

    gave onto a terrace with stone floors. She cami has emphasized there and

    only stopped when he reached the bottom of the stairs leading to the

    garden. It was exactly as imagined an English garden should be: well-

    tended, full of flowers and green. Later, Tanya saw a pond, surrounded

    by folhage ns silver. His eyes en cheram tears in front of such beauty,

    but she dominated. I could not give in to sentimentality and self-pity. I

    had to think that everything would be different from the past. I could not

    have the love of Adrian, but at least had their freedom.

    The branch of a tree brushed her hair and she lifted her head, dazzled

    by the beauty of s cherry blossom. Not con followed prevent an

    exclamation of joy and, pulling a branch down, put his face in the


    - They are wonderful, are not they?

    Tanya turned and saw a nice girl, with brown hair, about your age.

    - You must be Tanya. I am Betty Tufton, the sister of Adrian.

    - Adrian has told me about you - Tanya said. - I think I'll take care of

    her children.

    - It's just to avoid gossip - Betty explained quickly. - Although, for

    me, I just tell the truth.

  • - The truth can hurt Adrian.

    - I do not agree. Unfortunately, here nobody cares about me.

    Betty did not seem upset by this and Tanya had the impression that

    she was not disturbed by anything.

    - I guess we can not blame Adrian for not wanting anything to

    diminish their chances in the election - Betty continued - but also think it

    is too much to want you to take care of my children.

    - I'll take care of your children - Tanya said ism way. - This is what

    Adrian wants.

    - You always did what he wanted? - Betty asked, then laughed,

    embarrassed. - No need to answer.

    - His brother and I were not together that long, so I can answer that


    - I forgot that when Adrian came though, you this vam almost moon-

    of-honey. The separation must have been horrible.

    - The last eight years of my life were not even very nice. I think the

    better we do not speak them.

    It's good to put these things out.

    - Sometimes it is safer not to mention them.

    - You mean less dangerous, right? - Betty Tufton looked at length. -

    When you smiled at me, just now, I saw the girl with whom Adrian

    married. During the first year, after his return from Rovnia, he just knew

    how to talk about how you were beautiful.

  • - This eventually. Today I'm ugly. - Tanya looked at her dowdy

    clothes and hands deformed by work. - It's hard for me to accept that I

    am no longer his wife. I do not you nha idea of divorce.

    Betty was surprised.

    - You must have felt a shock when Adrian told him.

    - I felt the same. But that too is over and now I am the only care of

    their children.

    - If I estives s es in place I think I would make a good kick in Adrian.

    - If you were in my shoes, I would have learned how much is im

    portant hide their true feelings, Betty.

    Silently, they continued to walk through the garden toward the house.

    - You know, you're still beautiful - the English girl said suddenly. -

    Just need to put on weight a bit and buy some decent clothes.

    - I do not mind co m those things.

    - As it should. You are free now, and there is no reason to continue

    walking around as if he had escaped from a concentration camp.

    - But I ran away.

    - One more reason to forget that. We are more or less the same size

    and will arrange something decent for you to use.

    - I can not accept your charity.

    - There is no love among minted. Even Adrian legalize divorce, that's

    what we are. P ortanto can stop arguing.

    Smiling slightly, Tanya shrugged in agreement.

  • - You do not have a house yours? - Tanya asked.

    - No. I live here. When I got married, Adrian was still working at the

    Foreign Ministry and Mom could not stay here alone. Dick and I moved

    here temporarily and ended up staying until today.

    - Not want to live in your own home, with your children and your


    - J will not think about it anymore. Al m to be nice not having to

    baked nhar.

    - Is your mother cooking?

    Betty laughed.

    - Mom does not even know har Chef Cook an egg. We have a nheira

    baked. But come on, Tanya, let's get your transformation.

    And that's exactly what Betty did. With a good shampoo, he returned

    to opaque hair golden and bright tone. Then he cuts a few strands in

    front, weaving the rest of the hair around the head Tanya.

    - Do you have something against makeup? - Betty asked, and

    without waiting for an answer, began to make up Tanya.

    She was very skillful and when Tanya looked in the mirror, he could

    hardly be recognized. Betty's dress and disguise their thinness, drawing

    attention to the soft curve of her breasts, while hiding the base of the

    neck, very slim. The skirt concealed his bony hips, highlighting the

    slender waist. But the face is that more had changed. It was almost the

  • same look of yesteryear! And Tanya realized that he could again become

    beautiful again, if given a chance.

    The face cheekbones were highlighted with a light touch of rouge,

    and dark circles disguised with lighter base. The eyes were not painted,

    but the past mascara on lashes s meant that you shine without as large

    violets growing on the hills of their homeland.

    - His appearance will improve in May's still after you engor give a

    little. Already a thousand times better than last night. Adrian will not

    recognize it.

    The pleasure of Tanya disappeared. In compa friendly pany Betty, she

    had forgotten their true position. Could not control the tears and cho

    preamble, she fled to her room, jo gando on the bed.

    How could I live with this family and pretend that Adrian, the owner

    of the house, was a stranger to her? How could I forget those few weeks

    of love, which had enjoyed together?

    But ava precision forget, because if he did, would end the life of


    - My God, give me strength to stay - she murmured, her hands

    together in an imploring gesture. - And then, give me the strength to I

    get out of here.

  • Chapter III

    Over the days, the effect s of good nutrition and des tire began to

    appear in Tanya. I did not need more than r ouge coloring her cheeks

    and her body began to regain the rounded contours of old.

    After the first difficulties began to integrate into the home

    environment. She and the children of Betty hit it off from the beginning.

    His favorite was being Emma, a little girl of five years old, with blond

    curls and a solemn face, that made Tanya remember herself at that age.

    Tim, three years, was quite different. Alive and very intelligent, he wore

    and ssas qualities to get what he wanted, and it was very difficult to

    handle. But Tan ya liked the work that Tim gave him because prevented

    think of their own problems and surrender to sadness.

    The family treated her very well, and although she want to eat meals

    with the children, Adrian not allowed.

    - But I prefer to stay with children - she protested.

    - And I prefer you to eat with us.

    In the end, they came to an agreement: Tanya agreed to eat with them

    when The drian was there. When he was away, she would eat with the

    cri dren.

    Tanya liked meals that made the children. In adults the dining room,

    are ava always aware of polide z cold Mrs. Chesterton and Adrian's

  • efforts to pretend they were friends, trying to forget that one day had

    been much more than that.

    Betty and Dick were always naturai if teri am happy to take it with

    them, q hen went to the local cinema or visit the amig. Tany but never

    accepted, it would be very strange they leave with his alleged nanny.

    The two eventually agreed with her and left her in peace. Gradually, the

    other did the same.

    To Adrian, busy with his election campaign, not insisted ma is for her

    dinner with the FAMILY, when he was home. They just were in the

    Sunday lunch, which children also participate.

    Time passed and a summer night, after putting the kids to sleep,

    Tanya went for a walk in the garden, breathing the fresh, fragrant air

    soon. He sat on the edge of the pond, which was his favorite place, and

    dipped his fingers in the water. He leaned forward and his face reflected

    on the smooth surface.

    - Did not recognize her when I saw her reach - Adrian said after her.

    Startled, she turned and saw him walking toward her.

    - You are different - he continued, covering his eyes the body

    wrapped in a Thread dress the pink cream, bron legs zeadas and wearing

    red sandals.

    - I changed that much?

    - Changed. It is different from the girl I met in Rovnia and woman

    who came here.

  • - You also changed.

    Adrian did not answer and she looked back at the lake, seeing his

    reflection in the clear water: one figur the tall and slender. Suddenly,

    Tanya winced and turned away from him.

    - I need to go see the children. They are restless, with this heat.

    - No need to take their work so seriously. You are one care for the

    stranger s. For the family you still are. ..

    He stopped, embarrassed. Tanya Will not had any desire to aju give

    it, and stared at him, he was increasingly embarrassed.

    - You know what I mean - Adrian continued.

    Tanya agreed.

    - But I'm not interested in how his fam ily me con siders.

    - Just the way I think?

    - It is. Ma s'm not angry ith you for it. I en having to my arrival made

    things very difficult for you. Had I known that, I would have continued

    in Rovnia. Unfortunately, I can not go back there.

    - I mean you would, if you could? I thought you hated his


    - And hate. But at least in Rovnia I would be with my people. Here, I

    am a stranger.

    - You will soon f aking friends. She is young and beautiful and is

    getting married again.

    Tanya stepped back abruptly.

  • - My future is none of your business.

    - Yes it is.

    - You think that because you're a bad conscience.

    - It can be. - He bit his lower lip. - I found Mrs. Parks. .. the mu lher

    taking mail account. .. and she me per guntou the new nanny Betty. I

    wonder if v ou was a friend of my wife.

    - The people of the town think happened to your wife?

    - They know that she divorced me.

    - So you need not worry.

    - You make things look so simple! And do not believe that I have


    - Consciousness? What happened to her when I was in Rovnia?

    - Damn! I tried to get you there, but it was impossible. You can not

    imagine what I went through - he continued. - I know it's hard for you,

    but if you could see things from my point of view. .. We both mature,

    that's eight years. We saw dif ferent things, live different lives en the

    move away from one another. Quan's your embassy notified you'd div

    orciado me, I decided to forget l. I told myself that it was useless to think

    in the past when there was so much to be done in the future. I obliga gay

    to put aside the love and. ..

    - How can you say that when you're engaged to another woman? -

    She exclaimed. - Or are you telling me that does not love her too?

  • - The way I feel about Diana is different from what I felt for you. She

    understands policy and will be a great wife to me.

    - But you love her? You want it?

    Adrian was silent for so long that Tanya gave up hearing his answer.

    Suddenly he said:

    - Diana and I have much in common. It is not a demanding woman

    and has many interests.

    - If this is the kind of wedding that will make him happy - Tanya said

    bitterly - you made a blunder by marrying me. It was good of you to the

    Left Inner loving me, Adrian. See, agor to which we would never be

    happy together.

    - If you had come to England with me, everything would be

    different. But one can not live on memories, and when we try to rebuild

    their lives, automatically takes a different path from the first. Even if we

    do not want to, it happens. I know it's hard for you, Tanya, but we need

    to get the best out of the situation.

    - These feelings are very British to me. I can not get the best out of a

    sit uation I hate. I do not want to con tinue here, Adria n. I want to leave

    your home. .. I want to build another life for me, a place where you need

    not see you.

    - As soon as it is safe for you to leave, I. ..

    - Safe for me! - she interrupted. - You do not mean safe for you?

    You're just thinking of a person, Adrian. Yourself!

  • A wave of blood invaded his face, causing it to stop cease younger.

    - I'm thinking of people who want me ger it to Parliament. If not for

    them, I would never have asked her to stay. But since you can not stand

    to stay here, I will take it to London and leave it in a hotel. As I l he said,

    you are still my respon sibility, wherever you are.

    - You are making my trip impossible. If I get out of here and you

    lose the election, I feel guilty.

    - You could not know what was going on, when you came here. But

    if Roger Poulton descob laugh who are you going to use this p ara harm


    - Why? I hate the dictatorship of Rovnia. Why you can not tell them


    - And my engagement to Diana? What do you think the newspapers

    will say? A man with a wife and a bride! That would make me really

    well, pear nte my constituency!

    - Maybe if you talk to mr. Pou LTON and explain the situation ...

    - He would do anything to tarnish my name.

    - He's so evil as well?

    - This has nothing to do with ma ldade. We are disputing a el eio

    and he will use everything you can to defeat me.

    - You do the same thing?

    - Nope. But I'm not as fanatical about politics and Poul ton is.

    - So you want both win?

  • - Because I gave my word.

    Tanya's eyes filled with tears and she remembered again, he had

    given his word: when they stood side by side at the Embassy of England

    ra and exchanged ment House votes.

    - I wish things p udessem be different - Ad rian said hoarsely. - I

    never wanted to hurt l, Tanya. Please believe that.

    Tanya went to the house without co nseguir answer. From then dian

    you took great care pa ra not find Adrian again. There was nothing they

    could say to one another r. Es needed to quecer the man she had married

    and enc plow it as a tranho es.

    Now, everyone in the village to accept as a nanny of the children of

    Mrs. Tufton. Even Mrs. Parkins, the gossip that had forced Tanya to get

    there, accepted it and said that if she wanted to get a job highest paid,

    power would help l. But I knew that if he got out of Adrian's house,

    would not be more in touch with the people there.

    One afternoon, Tanya left the children with Betty and took the

    opportunity to be alone. It was the first time that the sun was shining,

    after nearly a week of bad weather, and she r esolveu do a little exercise.

    Automatically headed for the woods, as if her somberly matched your


    From now on, I would think in a more positive way. The fact that his

    English has improved greatly increased her self-confidence. Shy refugee

  • rovniana had disappeared, to make room for a slim and charming

    woman who did not arouse pity in anyone else.

    He turned and was about coming back, he saw a man walking toward

    him. Her red hair brilhav the sun and his very blue eyes stood out in thin


    - What a beautiful day, huh? - Diss him and gently.

    Tanya greeted smiling and was leaving when he stopped her.

    - You are not from this country, is not it? You are vacationing here?

    - I live in Park Gates. I am the nanny Mrs. Tufton.

    - Oh, I know. I've heard of you. I'm Roger Poulton.

    - My name is Tanya Kovacs. - He started walking and he accom

    panhou. - You're the opponent Adrian Chesterton, in the election, right?

    - Yes I am. So, ever heard of me?

    - In fact, since I arrived only I hear about in this election.

    - I do not doubt. And who do you think will win?

    Tanya pens or a bit before answering.

    - I think it will be a tough match.

    - Will even. But I think that elections here are very calm, compared

    to their country.

    In my country there are more elections - she said bitterly. - But one

    day we will still be free.

    - I'm sure they will. - His tone was sympathetic. - How did you

    escape? Chesterton helped?

  • - I packed me alone - she answered evasively.

    - And why he decided to come to England?

    - Because in England people do not ask questions.

    - I deserved that answer - Roge r replied smiling. - But not only

    curiosity. I'm really interested. Please excuse me.

    - Is excused - he said, seriously. - But now, excuse me, I need to go


    Tanya walked on thoughtfully. In the future, would no longer walk in

    the woods. It was the only way to not meet with Roger Poulton.

    However, a few days later, Tanya and the kids were looking at the

    window of a pastry shop, discussing the qualities of different types of

    bullets, when they heard his voice behind them.

    - If I were you, I'd buy the bullets toffee - he advised: - last longer.

    Tanya could not help but laugh.

    - You hear that, kids? It is best to do as Mr. Poul ton says.

    - I want candy toffee and jelly beans - Emma said.

    - We have no money to buy both.

    - But I want, I want both! - Tim screamed.

    Roger intervened quickly:

    - I have a much better idea. Why do not buy bullets toffee and then

    go with me ice cream?

    Tim stopped crying instantly.

    - Now - he demanded.

  • - Now - Roger nodded and looked at Tanya. - Shall we?

    - How can I refuse without causing a revolution? They bought the

    bullets and then went to the ice cream parlor, where sen Taram at a small

    table, tasting the ice cream.

    - You understand even children - Tanya said.

    - Of course! I Have Feelings Too the four sisters and three brothers!

    - And you all live together?

    - I have two married sisters, who have left home.

    - Are you married?

    - I did not have fol ga for it. The policy takes up all my time.

    - Your family must be very proud of you.

    - I like to think that they have m. What if I win this election ...

    - Tany it! - Tim shouted suddenly. - I want another ice cream.

    - One is enough, dear. In addition, I promised his mother to buy

    some stamps.

    Roger Poulton went with them to the post office and there Emma said

    she would stay with him while Tanya went to buy stamps.

    - You do not care? - Tanya asked.

    - Be seen with children is good for my public image. - He smiled and

    ruffled the hair of Emma while Tim and Tanya challenge looked inside

    the building. Then he said to the girl: - You are a spoiled Miss for

    pampering, but it is so beautiful, it makes you forget that.

  • - I'm not spoiled by pampering. Tanya said that I am very nice. She

    never gets angry with me.

    - Well, what a good, huh?

    - But sometimes she cries - Emma said. - Not because we are led. I

    think Tanya feels mother miss her.

    - So you should be very good ones for her.

    - We are, but to no avail. She cries anyway.

    Roger was about to comment when Tanya vol tou, with Tim carrying

    a Standing Envelope seals that immediate Emma mind tried to take it.

    Again Roger intervened, although this time take a few minutes to restore


    - I feel guilty because we are imposing on you - Tanya said.

    - Do not worry. J will it dis: it's good for my image PU Republic. Ask

    Adrian and will see how it agrees with me.

    - I do not talk to mr. Chesterton on the election.

    Roger raised his eyebrows, but u do not comment anything. Soon

    they departed.

    - I hope you agree with me ice cream, one of these days again -

    Roger said.

    - Will leave us spoiled - Tanya protested.

    Quickly, she took the two children away. He saw the confused ex

    pressure Roger, who observed them until they disappear into the path

    leading to the magnificent home of Adrian Chesterton.

  • Chapter IV

    Since the night of his arrival, Tanya had only seen from afar the bride

    of Adrian. She would like to know if the girl was doing it by choice or

    because Adrian asked. Tanya knew they were always together, because

    the bride was helping him in his campaign. But Diana never dined with

    them and his name was rarely mentioned.

    So Tanya was surprised when he entered the living room one

    afternoon and found Diana sitting in an armchair near the j longs.

    - Des. .. sorry - Tanya gagu ejou and started to withdraw. - I have not


    - No need to go away - the other replied. - Esto u waiting for Adrian,

    but le and will still take a while. Will not you sit and talk to me?

    - I think we have nothing to say to each other.

    - I do not know why. Even if we can not be friends, we can not be


    Tanya was confused. As the English es were strangers! How stared m

    things practical and cool mode!

  • - It's hard for me to be friendly with you - answer. I was so nervous, I

    could hardly speak English. - You are engaged to Adrian and me. .. I'm

    married to him.

    - The way you say, it looks horrible!

    - How else can I say? What I said is true clears.

    - I know, but not quite. You and Adrian are divorced, and. .. and you

    were so young when they married!

    - But we got married - Tanya said harshly - and we really loved

    - I'm sure you - Diana said gently. - And I know that you are in an

    awkward position. But it's bad for me too. You know that, right?

    - I think you have no heart.

    - I have no heart?

    - If you loved even Adrian, conse Guiria not be kind to me. You hate


    - But I have no reason to hate her.

    That calm response was much worse for Tanya's self-esteem than an

    angry response would be. Diana was right when it felt safe r. After all,

    she knew Adrian now; and Adrian now could never love a woman like


    - I do not want to be rude - Diana continued - but I think it is foolish

    of us not encararm the facts as they realmen you are.

  • - You're right - the Tany said with difficulty. - You have no reason

    to be jealous of me. But even so, I think if you were in love with mine. ..

    Adrian, feel jealous.

    - I love Adrian - Diana said coldly - and I understand why he did not

    sent her away. If there was a scandal now would be the end of his career.

    He stopped because Adrian was coming.

    - Sorry I'm late, Diana - he started, but stopped abruptly mind when

    he saw Tanya. He blushed a little. - Hi, Tanya. I did not know you were


    - I'm leaving.

    - N will need to leave by our ca uses. Diana and I have let's go.

    Tanya shrugged and walked over to a small table, which picked up a

    magazine and pretended to be interested in reading. He heard them

    saying goodbye, but did not look up until they leave. Then do not co ns

    eguiu avoid going to the window, watching the two walked to the exit.

    As they were cool with each other, he thought. Do they always greeted

    with a casual "Excuse my delay"? Will not the English couples should

    be all the way. So the Tany remembered how Ad rian was in love when

    they were together. He could not have changed so much! There must be

    a reason for this his attitude.

    As if he had realized that Tanya watched, Diana suddenly grabbed

    Adrian's arm and leaned nel and. In view of the two close together,

    Tanya felt such a jealousy which was quas and as a physical pain. To

  • escape this vision, she turned around and covered his face with his

    hands. How I was wrong, thinking she had supe rado her love for him!

    Now, I loved him more than ever.

    Knowing that it would be alone crying, she ran to the nursery. Betty

    had just bathe in them and sat on the carpet, ready to read a story.

    - Also came to hear Peter Pan? - Betty asked smiling.

    - I always liked that story. I know by heart.

    - These monsters too, but insist that I read to them.

    - Children enjoy the security that repetition gives them.

    - Adults too - Betty said. Then, realizing the sad expression of Tanya,

    she continued: - You look like you could use some animation.

    - That's why I came to hear the story of Peter Pan.

    At that moment they knocked on the door. It was a maid, who had

    gone to warn that they were calling Tanya on the phone.

    - Are you sure it's for me? - Tanya asked admired. - I do not know

    anyone here!

    - He is a man, but he did not name.

    Confused, Tanya went downstairs. Was it someone in lowland

    Rovnia, trying to force her to go back there? But his parents were dead

    and there was May's nothing that the oppressors could do to make her

    return r. Even knowing this, his hands were wet with nervous when she

    lifted the handset.

    - Hello.

  • - Hello, Tanya - Roger Poulton said. - I was beginning to think you

    would not answer.

    - I was with the kids.

    - How about going out with me for dinner? I know I'm warning you at

    the last minute, but only knew he was free tonight, now. I can get it

    within an hour.

    - One hour? - she repeated, not knowing what to say.

    - It is. We can go to the Dragon Alegre. The food is good and is

    allowed to dance. You can dance, right?

    Tanya hesitated. Was it right to leave it in October ro man, quan was

    still the wife of Adrian? But in a rush, he answered yes. Combined time

    and they said goodbye.

    - Think is right? - Be tty asked when was sa Bendo. - After all,

    Roger is the political rival of Adrian.

    - But that does not make them enemies.

    - Of course not. As children, they used to play together. But that the

    presidential election is no joke and. .. well, Adrian might not like.

    - Adrian has done many things I do not like - Tanya said and realized

    by Betty of expression, that the conversation was over.

    As she changed, Tanya thought better of. if he knew where to find

    Roger, I would have called him to say that changed his mind.

  • Nervous, down the stairs and went to the hall, eager to see Roger get.

    Thereby could prevent you from pressing the doorbell and, with any

    luck, keep the family to see who was coming.

    But after all, what did it matter that Adrian noticing it? He did not

    care about the fact that she does not like him to leave with Diana. But

    Tanya knew that the two things were not equal and already had pangs of

    conscience when the dark car stopped in the gravel path outside the

    house. Down the stairs to greet the boy.

    Roger had a strange appearance, with a dark suit and slicked back

    hair, and Tanya felt a little embarrassed. This man was a stranger. Ice

    cream with it, accom panied children, it was one thing, but spending the

    night with their pany could even be dangerous. But the final, everything

    was going dif close than she expected. He sighed and acomodou- better

    in the car.

    - Sorry the invitation at the last minute - he said, giving him a quick

    look. - I am very happy you came.

    - I do not have a full schedule of commitments.

    - I'm sure it could have if I wanted to. You're a beautiful girl.

    Tanya could not help but be pleased with his accomplishment.

    - I improved a lot in recent months.

    - You can not improve what is perfect.

    - All women improve with beautiful clothes and make up on the right


  • - Are you telling me that it was not in Rovnia?

    - There are many things we have in Rovnia. But what we lack is


    - That's why so many rovnianos have fled there. There is a legion of

    you in London, you know?

    - No, I did not know. But I think. .. I would not want to get in touch

    with them.

    - Why not?

    Tanya was silent, sorry for what he had said. It was very likely that

    some of his countrymen knew who was the daughter of Professor

    Kovacs and to remember that it was married to an English diplo kills.

    Hence, it was easy to remember his name, especially if it were splashed

    across newspapers. But she did not dare say it to Roger and sought a

    way to end your curiosity.

    - Not good for a refuge of getting along with others giados refu. If we

    do not turn off pletely with the past, not con follows build a new life.

    - This happens even though you have hated life in your country?

    - I do not hate my country - she said with dignity. - Only the current


    - Of course. I said nonsense. Excuse me.

    - I was nothing.

    Roger slowed, when they reached a shamrock, and took the road

    leading to London. Soon saw the Dragon Alegre. It was a modern

  • building and restaurant, although still early, there were many cars parked


    Tanya hoped to find a place for garish decor with loud music and was

    surprised by the sober and elegant decoration, and people dressed he saw

    as they entered the restaurant.

    - How about we take an aperitif in the bar, before we eat? - Roger


    - I do not AGU then heavy drinking. With a glass of vassi, I get high

    already - she apologized.

    They were led to a table isolated enough so they could talk freely

    without having to yell, but where po diam watching couples dance vam.

    Frightened by the huge lanai darity dishes, Tanya asked Roger to pick a

    pr act, which he did, after l wonder if he liked to fish.

    - But you are going to choose the dessert - Roger said, quan of the

    waiter walked away with your request.

    - I'm no longer satisfied, I will choose something with cream.

    - He is talking exactly like Emma.

    - Sometimes, I feel even a child - he admitted - but other times. ..

    - No! - He leaned over and took her hand. It was the second time he

    did it that night, and Tanya felt strangely comforted.

    - No what? - he asked.

    - Do not look so sad expression. Gives always to know when you are

    thinking about the past. Now, should only think about the future.

  • - The future can be very sad too.

    - Your will not be. It is very young and can do whatever you want.

    - This is not always possible. - She looked at him curiously. - What

    about you? V there that do lose the election?

    - I will not lose.

    Tanya was amazed with his safety.

    - Adrian is also a hom in very smart. It can give you route.

    - I doubt it. - He examined it carefully. - You always call him by his

    first name?

    - Of course not. Why you asking? - I was scared.

    - Because you said the name of le so naturally, I was wondering ...

    - You do not need to imagine anything - she interrupted. - Children

    speak it perience with FREQU and I'm used to hearing his n ame.

    Tanya was relieved when he saw the waiter approx imando with the

    first course, and changed the subject with determination. But when and

    stavam eating juicy filet Quality and Roger asked, he referred to Adrian

    again, so naturali ity, she had no reason pa ra suspect anything.

    - Even when we were child diseases, we were always on opposite

    sides - told Roger. - And I always knew it would be like, q hen we

    became adults I LUT walk for the poor and oppressed, he by big


    - He also fights for the poor. He cares about Farmer eiros and rural

    workers, as much as you.

  • - You speak as if Adrian was making speeches for you.

    - He's a busy man, to worry about ab ab sister.

    - God, he must be really snobby.

    - The cho I'm giving you the wrong impression. What I meant and

    that. .. is that, for him, I'm just another person in the house.

    - As a doormat.

    - Why are you so dislike for him?

    - And why do you stand for? Already knew before coming here?

    - What a silly question! How could?

    - There s will. It was something that Emma told me.

    - Emma? Ing been trying to get a child's information? - Tanya was

    so angry that he could not Deix air to raise his voice, and Roger ol hou

    in surprise.

    - Of course not. But when I est ava waiting for you outside the post

    office, she said something that gave me the impres are that you already

    knew m before. And he lived in Rovnia for some time.

    - That was many years ago. - T anya realized that his Labi the

    shaking and squeezed them tightly.

    - It was not that long ago. Eight or nine years.

    - I was a girl this time. I was eighteen.

    - So little ?! You're so serious, I'm always thinking q ue is older.

    - That's not a compliment.

  • - Yes, yes - Roger spoke quickly, then made a sticks as if looking for

    the right word. After all, still u: - You are serene. I can not imagine her

    as an adolescent and turbulent.

    - I've never been turbulent - she admitted. - I grew up in a very

    serious people from home.

    - So it is time to stop being so serious. It is a new s Wonderland and

    must learn to be more cheerful. - Cadeir pushed her back. - And let's

    start now.

    - Here? - Tanya asked, startled.

    - Dancing a little.

    - J will forget how to dance. So long since i last dance!

    - I teach.

    Confident, because of the wine that was not used, she felt a sudden

    despreocup ada and was abandoned music in Roger's arms. He danced

    very well and soon their footsteps tor nated more complicated.

    - You're doing very well - he said.

    - It's because of you. - He bowed his head and laughed. But laughter

    mor curred in her throat when she saw Adrian and Diana seated at a

    nearby table.

    The girl greeted her with a slight nod, but Adrian looked at her


    - What it was? - Roger asked.

    - Adrian is here. C om Diana.

  • - So what? There is no law that prevents us from coming here. -

    Despite his carefree tone, Roger also seemed to be paler. But this could

    be just a light effect.

    Mutual agreement, returned to his place. The waiters had taken the

    table and asked Roger to bring the dessert cart. Afraid that Roger was

    referring to Adrian, Tanya told pri meira Deal sa that crossed his mind.

    - Diana knows Biddell, too?

    - I know, yes. We used to play together as children. Ever heard of the

    little Lord Fauntleroy?

    - J will - replied, confused - but what does this have to do co m ...

    - Well, Diana was the little Lady Fauntleroy. Sometimes CONSEG

    uia escape his housekeeper and went to my house. God, i sso should be

    the same as going to a slum for it!

    - You are no longer friends?

    - No. For many years, we see the most. I went to university with a

    scholarship, and she went to one of those guys and scolas. - Roger

    crumpled napkin. - When will they get married?

    - I do not know. Roger. .. I would like to go home. .. I have a


    - You do not have to go because of those two - he said c om


    - It is not because of them. My headache is real.

  • At the same time Roger asked for the check. After holding the light of

    her arm, she took her to the exit. On the way, they passed by the board

    of Adrian, who made a move to get up. Tanya was surprised and startled

    by the deep antipathy of look D iana l he launched.

    - Diana did not like to see us together - murmured, when they were in

    the car.

    - Can be q ue not right find an FREQU nanny entar the same places


    - I think it's not that, no.

    - Maybe she's jealous of Adrian, because of you.

    - Do not say that. - Tanya turned violently to it.

    - Why not? Youre is beautiful and Adrian is a man. ..

    - Who is engaged to Diana.

    - You're right. You always have. Forget what I said.

    Tanya agreed, but remained tense until he stopped the car in front of

    Adrian's house. Roger ignored her comment that did not need to leave

    the car, got out and opened the door for her. Then, he escorted her to the

    front door.

    - You want to go out again, Tanya?

    - Only if you do not talk about. ..

    - Adrian? - he undermined. - I give you my word of honor that I will

    not talk.

    - Then we can meet again.

  • Tanya rushed in and stood in the hall, waiting Roger go. Then he

    went to the garden. I was too tense to sleep and went to his favorite

    place, the pond. The moon reflected on the water surface and illuminated

    white lilies, torn walk them silver. Like that l ugar was beautiful! And so

    peaceful! If only your v going to continue the same! By mui to time she

    stopped to fi ed l ado water, Thoughtful va. Then he returned home to

    slow mind, thinking that would never have peace if you do not leave the

    house quela.

    Only when it entered the hal l is that saw the light shining underneath

    the ioteca bible door, and realized that Adrian was back. Tion with the

    heart pounding and trying to pi light of sar, ran to the stairs. But when

    was the p irst step, the door yuck librarian is ab laughed and he called.

    Slowly, Tanya turned. Adrian was on the threshold of po rta, with

    well-arranged air if mpre. However, when el and stepped forward, the el

    realized that his hair was combed des, as if he had spent his fingers

    through them vari time. He looked troubled. The muscles of the mouth l

    ado Were Sleeping am tense, giving it a more aggressive look.

    - Enter here, p or favor. I need to talk to you.

    Nervously, Tanya went through el ee entered the library. Adri an shut

    the door and appro ximou it, examining it in Sile ncio for such a long

    time it seemed to her endless. But the mo AGU a firm entou and he

    returned his ol har, d ecidida not to speak in the first l stead.

    - How long have you known Roger Poulton? - Ask Me tou he finally.

  • - There is a fortnight.

    - Out with and le before?

    - I have already met co m Roger a few times when I Were Sleeping

    with children, m the day was the first time I went out with el and alone.

    - Did you forget who he is?

    - No.

    - So why the hell u out with him? You know very well that el and is

    my competitor.

    His anger was such that for a moment felt Tanya Happy z. But then

    remembered that he was angry because Roger was whether political

    enemy, which had nothing to do with their s feelings for her.

    - And why should I not go out with him? I'm living aquatic

    babysitting her sister and you have nothing to do with what I do in my

    spare time.

    - Have you been my wife - he said briefly. - Cool mind is still. If this

    means nothing to you, then. ..

    - For me? - Tanya exclaimed, surprised and angry. - I came to

    England behind you. You do not want me and me ma Ndou away.

    - I have not sent away.

    - Not being honest. If not for its sacred election, would they sent me

    away immediately. But instead, you begged me to stay. He never

    stopped to think about how I was ntia. All he cared about was his

    precious career.

  • - I never thought I stay in my house was so hard for you is, Tanya -

    he said quietly.

    - Then you are a fool.

    Desperate, Tanya ran to the door, knowing that if he was to read one

    more minute going to say things that they later regret. The M when his

    fingers touched the doorknob, Adrian held her by the shoulders, causing

    it to back facing him.

    - You can not go out like that. I did not want to hurt her. I Never

    Wanted. But not enhum of us to blame what happened.

    - I do not blame the past. - Tears streamed down r osto Tanya. - Just

    the way you are behaving now. I really want out of your life and rebuild


    He could not continue. Tears flowed faster, and she covered her eyes

    with her hands. Adrian went wild with this childish gesture and hugged

    her, stroking her hair.

    - Do not cry, Tanya. Please, do not cry.

    His voice was the same small voice that she remembered in her

    dreams. The same voice that whispered words of love, when they lay

    together, and had vowed never to kiss her, never touch, never belong to

    anyone else. Tanya knew she should get away from him, to stay there

    was warm in a fire that could destroy your soul. But I had not the

    strength to do so. He was being embraced by the man she loved and this

    would be a new and precious keepsake.

  • - I wish things had been different - Adrian said hoarsely. - I tried to

    forget the past. .. was ori the way to go on living. .. But since you came

    back ...

    Trembling, she began to kiss her lightly, brushing his lips on her face.

    Lips moist, warm, when touched it seems ram melt and merge with

    them. There was nothing strange in the arms that held in his or her voice

    smell repeated his name, between kisses. The years of separation

    disappeared, as if they never existed, and answered each other with

    increasing passion.

    His hands went down by co hese Tanya, approaching Mai's his stiff


    - Tanya ... as I wish. I want you now, Tanya, now ...

    Those words touched and she put her hands on his neck Services,

    tangling his fingers in silky dark hair. Her lips parted and the language

    of Adrian, sweet and soft, explored her the boc, becoming bolder when

    he realized she was enlouque lished by the same passion. It was as if

    they had made love every night, so great was instant and mutual need.

    The mouth of Adrian knew how to arouse her, his hands stroking knew

    and apesa r try to suppress it, a sensual languor invaded your body.

    Since om omentum where it Adrian said goodbye at the airport eight

    years ago, Tanya never allowed another man to touch her. Night after

    night, lain in his bed, remembering the brief paradise outside your

    marriage, know ing that continue Sozi nha as not to meet with the man

  • she loved. At the medid the years passed, he began to imagine what their

    reaction when they finally met again. I was afraid that the Desert jo,

    dormant for so long, no matter to awaken.

    But the moment he felt his body against his adored, she wished

    madly, feeling that she was without Adrian a clock without hands, a lake

    without water, without a sea beach!

    Suddenly Tanya fell in reality: Adrian belonged to another woman

    and let it continue to ab race it was the same as stealing what belonged

    to Diana. The memory of having been rejected by him over to your

    desire, giving her the strength to push him away.

    - How can treat me like this - Tanya screamed. - I'm not a doll, you

    can grab and kiss whenever you feel like. I am a woman, Adrian, and I

    love. .. not just desire. If you are so desperate to fulfill your desire, look

    for Diana.

    - Tanya, me. ..

    Without waiting to hear what he meant, Tanya fled away. Only when

    he reached the top of the stairs is that he stopped and looked back. But, it

    was expected that Adrian followed her, was disappointed because the

    hall was dark and the door closed library. He had taken his words to

    heart. And it was great that he could not hear what the heart of Tanya

    screamed because it was the way it had to be, and pretend that reality

    could be different was foolish.

  • Capi TITLE V

    Adrian stayed where he was, completely apathetic, long after Tanya

    was gone. But gradually, her emotions back. Not the desire that had

    made him to lose self-control, but a deep shame for acting as he did.

    No wonder that Tanya would be angry. But her anger was nothing

    compared to what he felt for himself. Pen'm going after her and

    apologize, but then decided not to. Both were still very excited for him

    to risk reawaken the passion that consumed such a dangerous way.

    Adrian came around the desk and sat down in the chair. For the first

    time in many years, he had uncontrolled and was not at all conten you

    with that. But there were many other things he did not like in that

    situation. And that is that it was the "x" of the matter. After all, it was

    your own behavior that did not like.

    However, when asked Tanya to stay there, he had seen nothing wrong

    in that request. Only now, looking at the situation for her, that he

    realized what had been the height of cruelty to want a woman who loved

    him, which crossed half of Europe behind it, stay in your home, knowing

    he was going to marry another.

    Was it as ambitious as well, the point of stepping on the feelings of

    others? I had never done that before. The boy who married Tanya

  • business would never in front of the personal feelings of personal

    satisfaction. But after he left Rovnia, Adrian never managed to feel

    satisfied. In the last six months is that experienced some peace. A peace

    that the arrival of Tanya had destroyed, and he knew he would not

    recover, even after she was gone.

    As unpleasant as it was, that was the truth and to learn to face it head

    on. Even after Tanya left, I could not forget l. Dropping an angry

    exclamation, he pushed back his chair and walked to the window. The

    pratea moonlight bathed the garden and the beauty of the scenery was so

    great that aju give to decrease some of the pain that their thoughts

    caused him. If only I could do the v oltar time! But back to where? For

    the time when Tanya arrive u in England, or the day the cognitiv was? I

    did like that would never have betrayed Ever Meet? Remembering her

    gentleness, the young, hot and sweet body, which responded as burning

    so his touch, an Adri knew what the answer to that question.

    With a closed fist, he gave a mu rro the window. The noise espan tou

    birds were nest n vines covering the pa external networks of the house,

    and they piaram quietly, almost with challenges ordeal. With a sigh,

    Adrian walked away from there. The n will in fact be at peace not give

    you the right to disturb the peace of other creates tures. Reflecting on the

    ironies of life, he turned out the light and went pa ra your room.

    But there also failed to quiet, it was easy imaginary Tanya air a few

    metro his, Dormin's with her hair loose and espal hados around his face,

  • with a golden web. How would you like to involve your body in them,

    apri if sionando physically, as a day imprisoned Tanya. That hollow p,

    both had been prisionei ros his love, not realizing that they could still

    want to escape this time.

    In fact, Adrian sa bia that Tanya had never wanted this, and qu and

    had continued to love him through the long years of their separation. It

    was this knowledge that made c om that hated for having decep tioned

    his wife.

    However, that night, he felt jealous of Tanya, instead of being happy

    for her, to be making new friends. How I could feel r jealous of a woman

    when she was engaged to another? Was it a man so possessive, he

    wanted to always keep the qu and had been his? This was a disturbing

    thought, but that had to be faced. Tanya tried to analyze objectively, ma

    s failed. The girl of the past and the present mixed to form a single


    Restless, Adrian lit the lamp. It was better read than r tries to sleep,

    without sleep, or stay steel rdado in the dark, thinking of things that was

    best forgotten. Would face a political struggle dur to and needed to save

    all his energy. Later, when the Victory was his, he would have time to

    think about his private life. Victory ... That empty word! With another

    sigh, he firmly focused on the book he had before him.

    Tanya and Adrian did their best to be avoided during the rest of the

    week. She continued to take s wo meals with the children, and only went

  • to the dining room for lunch on Sundays. No re fe rence Roger was

    made, and this issue was not mentioned when Ta nya met Diana, one


    - J will do time I'm trying to talk to you - Diana said, crossing the hal

    l toward Tanya. - It's about Roger Poulton.

    - D o not want to talk about it - Tanya said. - He's my friend and I

    intend to continue to see it. And I do not believe Roger go undermine


    - Of course he will not do it. But not in Adrian I'm thinking. It's in


    - In me?

    - It is. Roger can hurt her. He has only one concern in life: to achieve

    your goal as quickly as possible. Not interested in anything.

    - As Adrian.

    - Roger is not like Adrian. Ex ISTE a huge difference between them.

    If you can not see this then we better stop here.

    Beating the heels with RCA fo the wooden floor, Diana entered the b

    library atheist the door, leaving Tanya alone in the hall. C the nfusa, the

    girl went to her room. Diana had no reason p ara like her, much less to

    care about the fact Roger f eri it or not. So why I was so worried about

    the friendship they d?

  • This question has haunted the rest of the afternoon and just when he

    was looking for children, at tea time, were you able to get her away from

    her head.

    - I thought you told her to take the rest of the day off - B etty spoke

    when Tanya entered the room of the small.

    - I like being with children. Thus, I have to do.

    - I am also annoyed if I do nothing.

    - You should air're taking care of your own home. - Tanya covered

    her mouth with his hand, annoyed at his frankness. - Sorry, I should not

    have said that.

    - True, you're right.

    - But you do not like to take care of home.

    - Why do you say that? Just because I do not take care of this house?

    Mom t eria an attack if I did that anything here.

    - Then change here. Build your own home.

    - That's what Dick says. But I have settled here and let things go. You

    should be teasing me pa ra do this. Then, who knows ...

    - Not like the idea of staying teasing you.

    - Why not? You're the closest thing to a sister q ue have and. .. -

    Betty stopped when he saw Tanya's eyes filled tears. - Oh, God did not

    make you cry.

  • - I'm not crying sadness. - Tanya looked for the handkerchief and

    wiped her eyes. - That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me, since

    I came to England.

    Betty hugged Tanya, glancing at Emma and Tim, q ue looked on


    - Let's go to my room a little, Tanya. Children can stay m kidding


    Tanya followed Betty and sat in an armchair while ra out if touched

    the bed, watching her.

    - You were not crying because of what I said. U get upset about

    something, right?

    - In a way, yes. It is silly of me, but ...

    - It has something to do with Roger Poulton?

    Tanya agreed with a nod.

    - Everyone says it's wrong I continue to see the l.

    - I did not say that.

    - But agrees with them, right?

    - No. You never tell Roger something pudess and harm Adrian,

    Roger not expect this from you. Personally, I think you should go out

    with him every night, if that's what you want. Do not let my family

    dominate her, Tanya. They are well capaze's do this, if you let it.