My girlfriend likes another guy, how to make her love me again?

Post on 08-Apr-2016

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Transcript of My girlfriend likes another guy, how to make her love me again?

My Girlfriend Likes Another Guy, How to Make Her Love Me Again?

So, your girlfriend left you, you tried to know why she had left you, you asked her friends, family and work buddies

No one answered you, you discovered that your ex girlfriend is seeing

another guy right now.

What makes things even worse is that this new guy is handsome, earns more

and has a great sense of humor.

If any competition happened between you and him, you would lose with a

huge difference.

What if I said to you that you can beat that guy and get your ex girlfriend back

in no time if you had the right knowledge and some useful tricks?

The first thing you have to do is convince yourself that your ex did not

leave you because this new guy is handsome.

had more money or works in a well paying career...

do not think about these things, just concentrate on the real deal.

The real deal is: most women leave because they did not get enough

appreciation for their boyfriends or husbands.

Remember those early days of your relationship; when your emotions were high and you get over excited from any small thing that happened

between you?

Now remember the days before the break up happened, don't you feel that those unstoppable love feelings were been replaced with a routine thing?

And there is no excitment in your life, you took your ex for granted, that's

why she had left you. The thing that women crave for more than sex,

money or physical attraction is to feel the admiration and appreciation from their loved


Appreciation does not mean only talking about their looks and attraction, some phrases like

"Ilove you in those bikinis" and "You are so hot"

There is another kind of appreciation, every woman has her own skills.

If you want to show appreciaiton you do not want to stick to those common lines everyone

says, try something genuine and distinct.

"I like the way you get the kids organised in the morning", "I like your interest in books" or "Your face looks pretty when you are concentrating."

These things show a real unique kind of appreciaiton, that she will not find anywhere


Now you have discovered that this part of you is stronger than this new guy, because of your history with her you know more about her.

So you have an edge over him.

If this new guy has an advantage, it is more likely that it's because he knows how to

appreciate a woman.

If you looked at all the womanizers through history, you will find a common denominator in

all of them.

They all know how to give women what they really want, we agreed that all women crave for

self appreciaiton.

But you have to be genuine and honest, do not just say it without meaning it, talk to her in a

confident and honest tone.

There is a difference between appreciating a woman and being a doormat for her.

No one likes the desperate and needy person.

This is only one step in your way to get her back from that new guy she likes, but this is by far

the most important step.

Now go to:

And download the FREE VIDEO COURSE & E-BOOK which tells you: how to get back with your partner quickly

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