My Exceptional Life Blueprint · • Launched our proprietary NG platform • Redone and refined...

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Transcript of My Exceptional Life Blueprint · • Launched our proprietary NG platform • Redone and refined...

My Exceptional Life Blueprint

Living Life On My Own Terms Is Amazing!

By John Assaraf

Living Life On My Own Terms Is Amazing!


The Story of My Life I am so happy and grateful that my life has turned out to be a masterpiece. I feel so happy, grateful and proud. I am blessed to live my life’s purpose and to contribute my knowledge, skills and passion with millions, in ways that inspires and positively impacts their lives. By building NeuroGym into the #1 Ai driven, science based personal growth company in the world, I now earn enough personal income to be in the top 0.1% of all $$$ earners in the world. I am now free of all bad debt and have hundreds of millions in cash and investments. I am traveling the world first class and am blessed with the ability to experience an enormous amount of fun and adventure. My family and company give millions a year to the charities that help us make the world and people’s lives better.

I am loving all the fun and experiences I am able to enjoy with my family and friends.I am spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically in the best health and shape of my life and I love how I feel every day.

I engage fully with life’s opportunities and face my challenges intelligently and in total faith that everything happens for me. I surrender and play life full out and upgrade and apply my knowledge, skills and abilities daily. My relationships are built on trust, love and integrity.I focus daily on releasing whatever is not serving me and living my highest values and purpose. I am now becoming all that I am meant to become.

I now have everything I need to make all this my reality.I am more than smart and capable enough.I am more than deserving enough.I am ready. Now is my time. I am doing it.

My Core Prayer

God show me the path to fulfilling my fullest potential and provide me with the wisdom, guidance and patience to see it, hear it, feel it, understand it and intelligently act upon it daily. Show me the ways to do no harm to anyone or anything.

Guide me. Lead me. Use Me.

Living Life On My Own Terms Is Amazing!

2 MY POWER THEME: Do Less Better To Completion...At The Pro Level

My Life’s Purpose The purpose of my life is to live and authentically experience it as fully as possible and to The purpose of my life is to live and authentically experience it as fully as possible. It is to be more aware, to love deeply, to give immensely and to serve and love others to the best of my abilities. It is to use all the gifts GOD has bestowed upon me and make the biggest most positive impact on our beautiful planet and people worldwide. It is also to consistently learn, evolve, grow and become all that I can become.

My Outer Mission To help millions of people strengthen their mindset and upgrade their mental and emotional skills so they take inspired action and achieve more of their goals and potential. I help them upgrade their knowledge and skills and to remember their inherent genius, beauty and true self-worth. I show them how to release their self-doubt, limiting beliefs, fears, anxieties or lack of confidence, so they achieve their goals and dreams faster and easier than ever before.

My Inner Mission To maximize my awareness and skills and utilize my God given abilities and genius to become all that I am capable of becoming, while authentically living my highest values with passion, integrity, purpose and love. To unwaveringly know that I am using my life in many ways that I am proud of and are worthy of life itself.

My Highest Values I Live By and Make Decisions From 1. GOD

2. My Health-Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Physical

3. My Family and true friends

4. Contribution to mankind, planet earth and the universe

5. Having Fun - Creating and enjoying amazing experiences

Living Life On My Own Terms Is Amazing!

3 MY POWER THEME: Do Less Better To Completion...At The Pro Level

My Top Goals For The Year Health: • I have an abundance of physical and mental energy and I feel and look great. I am the healthiest

I have ever been. Being spiritually grounded, emotionally centered, mentally focused and totallyhealthy and happy are my highest priorities.

• I now weigh 195-198 lbs. < 12% body fat• I am consistently in a peak performance state of flow, creativity and productivity.• My blood work is perfect and I now have an abundance of energy, focus and peace of mind.• I sleep deeply and soundly and feel well-rested and energized every day.• I am reversing my aging by reducing my stress and eating the healthiest organic vegan foods. I

drink lots of water daily.• I exercise and meditate daily.• I am in the best shape of my adult life.

Financial Wealth:

Relationships: • I love and am totally enjoying my relationships with Keenan and Noah immensely. They are my

shining and loving lights. Maria is an angel and we are having the best relationship ever. Myfamily and I love each other totally and we get along great! My friendships are phenomenal, andI am totally fulfilled with them!

• My bond with GOD, my children, Maria, family and friends are amazing and as strong as theyhave ever been. They are filled with love, kindness and total support.

• I earned $_________ in Personal Income.• My net worth is now at least $___________.• I saved at least $____________ this year.• I am free of all bad debt.• I gave at least $__________ to charities and causes we love.

Living Life On My Own Terms Is Amazing!

4 MY POWER THEME: Do Less Better To Completion...At The Pro Level

Business: My relationship with our entire NeuroGym team is rock solid and built on trust, mutual respect and love. We are building a high-performance team that people love to be part of. My relationship with the people that follow my work is fun, invigorating and fulfilling.I am strategically building NeuroGym into the #1 Ai driven, science based personal growth company in the world. We specialize in helping people develop a powerful mindset by strengthening their mental and emotional fitness. People love our evidence-based brain training programs and we have raving fans and companies who recommend us to their friends, employees, clients and associates. We are now a pro-level, metrics driven, goal achieving company with world class IP, employees, and culture, in an environment that people love to work at and be about.

We Have Achieved These Milestones & Acquired: • $___________ in top line revenue and at least• $_________ in profit• Raised at least $_______ capital growth funding• Launched our proprietary NG platform• Redone and refined our WTGM, Fear, Business, Procrastination and Weight Loss programs• Attracted key, top-notch, high-performance team members needed to achieve our goals• Created marketing and sales funnels for all programs• Designed and implemented a high-performance, fun culture• Created a world-class client experience for all our products/services• Reduced our refund and bad debt rate to under 10%• Donated 1% of our gross revenues to causes we believe in• Have a world class scientific advisory board• Have a world class Board of Directors• Launched Innercise to the world and own that brand• KPIs across the entire company• Successfully launched NeuroGym Membership• Successfully entered the B2B space with 1-3 products• Developed at least 25 new audio Innercises/videos• Innercise became a New York Times Best-selling book• 10,000 new Winning the Game of Money clients• 5,000 new Mastering Financial Goal Achievement clients• 2500 new Having It All clients• 10,000 new Winning the Game of Weight Loss clients• 1000 new Business Success clients• 1,500 Winning the Game of Fear clients• 1,500 Winning the Game of Procrastination clients• 5,000 new NG coaching members

Living Life On My Own Terms Is Amazing!

5 MY POWER THEME: Do Less Better To Completion...At The Pro Level

Spiritual Growth: • Be Still. Be Calm. Be Honest. Be Mindful. Be Loving. Be True. Be Myself. Be Aware.• Be Present. Listen.• Meditate and connect to source daily,• Be grateful and find the good and positive in all people and all circumstances.• Reflect and think daily on life.• Do as much as I can and give as much as I can in balance.• Be mindful.

Charity: We are now happily giving at least $________ or more a year to the charities and causes that our family and company chooses. I feel so blessed to be able to make such a positive impact and give so much of my time and money to the people and causes I believe in.

Fun and Experiences: • Ski 3-5 times• Ice climbing• Silent retreat• Couples retreat for me and Ria (2)• Health Spa with my brother and


Contribution: • Create amazing content and programs for the world to use and

enjoy• Help tens of millions of people with my work and gifts• Start new book - The 2nd Half

Living Life On My Own Terms Is Amazing!

6 MY POWER THEME: Do Less Better To Completion...At The Pro Level

Books I will Read and Study: • Double Double - Reread• Ai Superpowers• Influence - The Psychology of Persuasion• The Power of Habits - reread• Changeology - reread• The Power of Habits - reread• The Answer and Having It All - reread and upgrade my own books• Scaling up• The Universe Solved• Storm in a Teacup• Willpower• Pre-Suasion• Enlightenment Now• Matchmaker• Optimize Your Emotions• Sleight of Mind• Blue Ocean Shift• The Distracted Mind• The Anticipatory Organization• Before You Know it• Atomic Habits• How To Change Your Mind• The Political Brain• Homo Deus

Courses I Will Complete/Study: • Mastering Habits• Mastering Emotions• Mastering Persuasion - NLP• CBT- Coursera

Living Life On My Own Terms Is Amazing!

7 MY POWER THEME: Do Less Better To Completion...At The Pro Level

Habits/Addictions I Will Release:

Habits I Will Start/Reinforce: • Read, listen or watch 15-30 minutes minimum of personal/business growth daily• Stretch, abs, flexibility, strength training daily• Work on business 30-60 minutes a day• Take time to plan my day, week, month, quarter, year for personal and business.• Focus my attention daily on completing the highest income and highest impact tasks and


My Daily Am/Pm Rituals: • Gratitude Innercise• Prayers/Affirmations• Review my Vision/Goals - Visualize and Emotionalize• Meditate• Exercise my body - stretch, abs, flex, strength and stability daily• Innercise my brain - Reinforce new beliefs, habits and emotional anchors - focus and

clarity• Review and create my plans for the day• Reflect and think on life• Consistently do the highest impact and highest income producing activities• Gratitude and appreciation to close the day

• Constant email/FB checking• Sugar• Coffee

Living Life On My Own Terms Is Amazing!

8 MY POWER THEME: Do Less Better To Completion...At The Pro Level

Places I will Travel: • Telluride - 3 times (March, June, Nov)• Montreal - 3 times• Toronto - Summer• Christmas Trip - Dubai• Costa Rica/Saint Bart’s• Surprise trip XXXXXXX

Future Travel Cook Islands Zambia - Victoria Falls Tibet- The Himalayas

Oceania Australia, New Zealand

Central America Belize, Costa Rica

Europe Russia, Spain, Czech, Amsterdam, Portugal, Romania, Scotland, Iceland St Tropez, Cannes, Venice and Florence.

Middle East Morocco, Dubai

Caribbean Anguilla, Aruba, St Bart’s

USA New York, Big Sur, New Orleans, Yosemite, Alaska, Spa Trip- 3 or 7 day, The South - Savannah

Canada Toronto, Vancouver, Banff

South America Peru, Chile, Brazil, Antarctica

Asia Japan, India, Tibet, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Maldives, India, Bhutan, Burma

Living Life On My Own Terms Is Amazing!

9 MY POWER THEME: Do Less Better To Completion...At The Pro Level

Fun and Experiences

SkiEurope- France, Switzerland, Austria, ItalySouth America-Chile, ArgentinaHeli ski- TellurideLearn powder skiing- Harald Harb

Dive Belize, Bali, Shark Cage

Airplane- weightless, Travel to the moon Star Gazing and course Race car driving Silent retreat Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks Northern Lights and Blue Lagoon, Iceland Everest base camp The South Pole-Antarctica North Pole

Book Projects and New Book I will write: • Revise The Answer, HIA and The Vision Board Kit

• The 2nd Half Book

Financial Future: • $__________ or more in personal income• $__________ or more in net worth• Zero bad debt• $__________ to charities

Living Life On My Own Terms Is Amazing!

10MY POWER THEME: Do Less Better To Completion...At The Pro Level

The Key Questions to Ask in Order to Achieve My Goals

1-What Must I learn? When?2-What Must I Do? When?3-What Must I Start? When?4-What Must I Stop? When?5-What Emotions Must I Engage? When?6-What Must I Release? When?7-Whose Help Must I Seek Out? When?8-Am I interested or Am I committed To Doing Whatever It Takes?

Living Life On My Own Terms Is Amazing!


Living Life On My Own Terms Is Amazing!


Living Life On My Own Terms Is Amazing!

My body and all its organs were created by the infinite intelligence in my subconscious mind.

It knows how to heal me. It's wisdom created all my organs, tissues,

bones and muscles. This infinite healing presence within me is now

transforming every atom of my being making me whole and perfect.

I give thanks for the healing I know is taking place now.

Wonderful are the works of the creative intelligence within me!

I am now perfectly healthy.


Living Life On My Own Terms Is Amazing!


Living Life On My Own Terms Is Amazing!


Living Life On My Own Terms Is Amazing!


Living Life On My Own Terms Is Amazing!


Living Life On My Own Terms Is Amazing!