Mv assignment 02 2015 proforma v2

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Transcript of Mv assignment 02 2015 proforma v2



GUIDANCE This template PowerPoint presentation includes all the relevant elements you need to cover in your Music Video Assignment 02

It is suggested you save this PP in a different name and share it with your group so you always have a copy – some sections require you to delete the information on the slide and replace with your own work

Add more pages to each section where necessary [you should be doing this!]

Add visuals as you see necessary This document will be added to as you progress through the pre-production phase.

TASK 1 Idea Generation and Research

RESEARCH & IDEA GENERATION Select a song/track that you like [or don’t like!] Generate three ideas for music videos employing styles, techniques and conventions that we have looked at in previous sessions. Explore how you could interpret the song differently using different methods

You can add any extra info you think is relevant, images, mind maps, etc

For quick mind maps you could use to generate these

RESEARCH Watch a selection of videos to get your ideas started, make note of a minimum of 5 – add extra slides, screenshot the video and in bullet point note down info in terms of camera, editing, art design, performance, etc and how this might link to your production

VIDEO 1• Beyoncé – Countdown• Camera is facing

straight for a majority of the video.

• Variety of close ups, medium shots and long shots.

• Use of collage is used frequently. I enjoy this style a it is more interesting to the viewers eye.

• A lot of the video is captured on a solid coloured background.

• Performance is very choreographed. There is a lot of dancing etc.

VIDEO 2• Rihanna - We Found

Love ft. Calvin Harris• This music video

contains a storyline.• Love story between

two people. • Camera shots are a

variety of long, medium and close up shots.

• The use of light is used carefully, reflections include colours to reflect the mood.

• The editing is both cut to the beat of the and also cut freely to the story.

• Performance is acted in the storyline. A lot of dramatic scenes such as break ups. Areas of the song are featured in a run down house/ room.

• A lot of the settings/ locations in the music video reflect the situation and the problems the characters are facing.

• Unlike ‘Video 1’, this video is set in real locations rather than a studio.

VIDEO 3• Lady Gaga - Born This

Way• This music video has

more abstract and unique aspects to it, as Lady Gaga is famous for.

• Costumes, makeup and setting is unique.

• Mostly set in a studio.• Lighting is used to

create a strong contrast in shadowing and highlighting.

• Green screen effects are used.

• Use of black and white overlay as well as colour.

• Performance is both acted through as small storyline in the introduction to the video, and also a lot of choreography through the dances.

• Variety of long, medium and close up camera shots.

• Has a message, teaching viewers its okay to be who you are. The artist is trying to inspire her young fans by giving the video a purpose.

VIDEO 4• Stevie Wonder - Faith

ft. Ariana Grande• Variety of long,

medium and close up shots.

• This song was written for a film, therefore includes animation of the characters from the film.

• Video includes animation incorporated within the live action.

• No choreography within the video, artists simply walk through the street and sit at a piano.

• Colour scheme includes bright and vibrant colours on the costumes and backgrounds, however also dark and spotlight effective lighting within a studio.

VIDEO 5• Highly Suspect – Lydia• This video is captured

entirely in one continuous shot.

• Filmed underwater which is something I could not do for my production without professional equipment.

• Underwater gives the impression of slow motion.

• Slow motion creates drama and intensity with this similar situation.

• Lighting is dark to create this scary and intense theme of the character being trapped and unable to escape.

• Because this is captured in one continuous shot, the camera tracks in and out to and from the character to give a variety of long, medium and close up shots.

• The character does not move large amounts through a majority of this video leaving almost all the movement to the camera.

SONGSShania Twain - Black Eyes, Blue Tears

Lady Gaga - Million ReasonsSia - Angel By The WingsGladys Knight & The Pips - If I Were Your Woman

TECHNIQUES In my music video I am going to use some techniques from some of the music videos I looked at for my research. I am going to use a variety of long, medium and close up shots throughout and I am going to use lighting to create effect.

I am going to take the technique of using collage within the video, just like Beyoncé “Countdown”, to show two different things happening at once.

I like the technique of slow motion, which I am taking from the “Lydia” video by Highly Suspect, as it creates a softer rhythm and a more dramatic effect to certain situations. I can take the technique of slow motion and expand it by reversing footage in my music video.




5 opportunities of your ideas


5 restrictions to your ideas

FINAL IDEA – ARTIST/TITLE/INFO Name of track / name of artist Brief biographical background Links to other artists Genre info

FINAL IDEA – TRACK SUMMARY Summary/analysis of track [consider meaning, content, duration, pace and style of the song]

FINAL IDEA – YOUR IDEA Your creative concept/video synopsis [describe your interpretation, use of imagery or narrative, genre conventions, etc]

TASK 2 Pre-production Assessment

GUIDANCE:PRE-PRODUCTION ASSESSMENT You need to assess the viability of your production and investigate what is required to enable you to make your music video

Much of this task is hypothetical, which means you will need to investigate standard costings for such a production and apply these to your planned production considering which equipment you would need and resources, etc

Resources to support this are in the Pre-production assessment folder on Blackboard

Delete the questions on each slide and insert your responses

GUIDANCE:BUDGET TARGET You have provisionally given an outline target of £2000 to make your music video

This target should include a 10% contingency [that means your budget should allow for £200 pounds within the budget – so realistically you aim lower than £1800]

Your budget should account for everything, except your own time and input

Consider more than one option to solve a requirement – you may be able to balance your budget later, there will have to be a compromise somewhere

GUIDANCE:TIME You will need to plan a schedule for the pre-production/production/post-production

Nominally you should work on 2 weeks pre-production, 1 week filming [2 college days – Mon./Tues first week after half term] and 2 weeks edit/post-production

Who is going to do what? How will you split the time? When can you film? What is the availability of the equipment/resources/locations/personnel?

What problems can you foresee? How will you overcome them?

TITLE OF PRODUCTION/PRODUCTION OUTLINE Summary of intended production Detail here what you are going to make and the intended outcome

Detailed breakdown of the music track chosen and your interpretation of it [remember the questions in the workbook, e.g. pace/mood/tone/structure]

Specific outline your intended technical/equipment requirements

Include any details that you think [you could use material from your pitch]

LOCATIONS York: I am not filming any specific places in york that I am going to need permission. However I do want footage of everyday people therefore I will need their consent to be on camera therefore this is a limitation as some people might not give consent. When it comes to filming outside in the city there is no knowing what the weather will be like. It could be sunny and warm or it could be wet and gloomy. Going into york is not far away therefore wouldn’t be a hassle, however money for parking will be needed and parking in the city centre is not cheap. It would be difficult to plan a recce as on the day of production there is no knowing who will be in town and what there will be for me to film, however to make sure I do plan a recce I can travel into york before production and select several location I like and want to film at.

EQUIPMENT Camera:Canon EOS 5D MkIII – to hire/ rent this camera costs £64.00 per day. I want to rent this equipment for 2 days. This will result in a charge of £128.00 for the camera. Canon EOS C300 – to hire/ rent this cameras day rate is £110. If I am filming for two days the cost for this camera is going to be £220. A basic Manfrotto Fluid Tripod has a day rate of only £8.00. A tripod will be needed for camera stability. Prices for both cameras and tripod were found on:

FACILITIES Studio: York Photography Studio -

A half day in the studio costs £60.00. This includes lighting, backdrops such as green screen and plain white etc. and all other facilities. Editorial Suite: Digital Snowball Editorial Suite is based in London. The day rate for this suite is £180. After two days of filming I will need four days of editing resulting in the cost being £720. For this I receive two desktop computers contains Adobe Creative Cloud with Final Cut Pro 7 and Final Cut Pro X.

PERSONNEL My project is going to be very independent and my video will be produced almost entirely by myself however I am going to require one member of cast to travel to the hired studio and control one of the cameras in use. To make sure that my extra crew member and I are available on the same day production will most likely take place on a weekend where college study will not become something to get in the way. I need to take into consideration whether I am going to pay my crew member or if I am going to pay for her travel and food for on the day.

I am not going to have any HIRED cast in my music video, however I want footage of regular people on the streets of york. When shooting this I am going to need consent from whom I am filming that they are okay with being on camera. This will not effect my budget.

PROPS/COSTUME/ETC I am going to need a wig, makeup and female clothes for my music video. I am going to have to buy the wig and the clothes as I have a specific look I am going to want for the video so it all fits in.

A basic wig from an online store such as eBay or Amazon is going to cost around £20 - £60 depending of aspects such as style, colour and texture.


Rates TV

Rates all media

Research local production spaces for edit and post production costs

Local equipment hire companies have costs for camera, lenses and kit [tripod, dolly, steadicam rigs, etc]

Travel by vehicle can be nominally charged at 40p per mile – so you need to know how far you location is from where you are!

CODES OF PRACTICE AND REGULATIONS Do you need clearance for copyrighted materials? [you will need to contact Mechanical Copyright Protection Society-Performing Rights Society Alliance (MCPS-PRS)]

Do you have performers external to your group performing? They will need release forms that declare you can use footage of them in the production. This needs to be planned for.

Do you have any actors under the age of 18? You will need parental permission forms.

Are you filming on private property? You will need written consent PRIOR to filming. Plan in advance. This needs to be considered.

Consider where you may need specific risk assessments and health and safety documentation

CODES OF PRACTICE AND REGULATIONIf you have anyone under the age of 18 starring in your music video you must get parental consent for them to be in the video as it is a professional production. When wanting to work on location you need a location release so they are aware where you are filming, what you are filming and what time you are filming.

FINANCE/PRODUCTION COSTS Using industry rates cards and researched costs of equipment [cameras], cast, crew, props and facilities [locations, edit rooms, etc] calculate the likely cost of your production

Outline details of financial considerations of project, this could be cost of props/costume/travel/food/etc

Explain what your overall budget is [if applicable] and how this is to be met

How will you deal with any extra costs? Contingency fund? What percentage of your budget should this be? [hint: add 10% on to the final cost, this should cover it!]

Do you foresee any problems? How will you manage this/over come them?

OPTION 1My Budget - £2000. Areas I am going to spend my budget:1. Costume: £02. Studio - £603. Editorial Suite - £1804. Equipment (Camera) - £605. Equipment (Tripod) - £15 6. Location - £0

7. Cast and Crew - £08. Cast and Crew (Food) - £20

OPTION 2My Budget - £2000. Areas I am going to spend my budget:1. Costume: £02. Studio - £603. Editorial Suite - £7704. Equipment (Camera) -

£2205. Equipment (Tripod) - £8 6. Location - £0

7. Cast and Crew - £10 per person

8. Cast and Crew (Food) - £30

FINAL BUDGET BREAKDOWNProduct CostCostumes £0Studio £60Editorial Suite £770Camera £220 per dayTripod £8 per dayLocation £0Cast and Crew £10 per personCast and Crew (Food) £30

BUDGET EXPLANATION AND JUSTIFICATION I will not need to pay any money for my costumes or location. This is because the cast can where their own casual clothes for the video and I have chosen to go into the city of York where I do not need to pay to film, I only need permission. My most expensive products in my budget are the Editorial suite an the Camera. This is because I want the best quality resources as possible to make my music video successful. FINISH

TASK 3.1 Visual Planning

PRE-PRODUCTION: VISUAL PLANNING This section is concerned with the visual planning of your music video

You should use this section to develop the sequencing or your video, establish the relationship between the visuals and the track itself and create a structure for you to follow when filming

It is important that you ‘pre-visualise’ the video before you make it; it will make filming and production a more streamlined process

The following tasks are part of your visual planning Pre-visualisation and concept boards Storyboarding Shot list

PRE-VISUALISATION/CONCEPT BOARDS Tool for exploring the direction and visuals Provides inspiration and information for the “look & feel” Presents key moments in your video A means to sketch/plan ideas Information on colour/lighting Defining the “mise-en-scene” Include as much here as you like, but keep it relevant to the production, the following slides have been left blank for you to approach in your own way, add more as you need to

Extension suggestion: edit a short sequence of clips that have inspired or influenced your video [similar to this:]

In my mood board I have contained images that represent what I want either in my music video or what I want my music video to look like. As you can see there are both black and white and coloured images. In my music video I am going to have, in a way, two storylines being presented at once. One about a girl who does not want to be feminine but she wants to be more masculine, and one about a boy who is transforming himself into becoming feminine. This represents ‘gender stereotypes’ and how they can effect people. The girls storyline is going to be in black and white as she is being held back, this is going to include many shots of her in her bedroom, the photos I have chosen are very artistic. The lighting I want for the girls storyline is very dark and gloomy, words representing her stereotype will be projected on her face. However the images I have chosen for the boys storyline are very colourful, glamorous and show a positive and healthy image on the subject area of gender. I am also going to contain shots both male and female interests such as shoes and hobbies etc. I have shown the locations I am going to collect footage from, these locations are York city and in a photography studio. The colour schemes I have chosen represent each storyline, the coloured colour scheme contains pinks and reds to show the positivity and the femininity of the boys storyline. However the black and white colour scheme shows the dull emotions of the girls storyline.

RIP-O-MATIC You should also construct a 15-20second Rip-o-matic test reel using existing footage to convey the type of video you want to make

STRUCTURAL BREAKDOWN Breakdown your track into it basic sections [e.g. intro, verse, chorus, verse, etc] and apply broad visual ideas to each section

You can use this as the master template for your production, then add more shots to each section when you develop your full visual plan

You should create a slide showing all the sections of the song, then add a slide for each section with timings, lyrics, what happens and details on specific shots

You could storyboard and shot list each section as you go, to break up the process.


Oh so, your wounds they show. I know you have never felt so alone. But hold on, head up, be strong. Oh hold on, hold on until you hear them come. Here

they come, oh.

0:00 – 0:55

Take an angel by the wings. Beg her now for anything. Beg her now for one more day. Take an angel by the wings. Time to tell her everything. Ask her for

the strength to stay.

0:56 – 1:12


Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.1:14 – 1:49

You can, you can do anything, anything. You can do anything. You can, you can do anything, anything. You can do anything. You can, you can do anything,

anything. You can do anything. You can, you can do anything, anything. You can do anything.

1:50 – 2:27

Verse 2

Look up, call to the sky Oh, look up and don't ask why, oh. Just take an angel by the wings. Beg her now for anything. Beg her now for one more day. Take an

angel by the wings. Time to tell her everything. Ask her for the strength to stay. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.

2:28 – 3:40

You can, you can do anything, anything. You can do anything. You can, you can do anything, anything. You can do anything. You can, you can do anything,

anything. You can do anything. You can, you can do anything, anything. You can do anything.

3:41 – 4:00

STORYBOARDING Your storyboard should bring your idea to life Provide an idea of the sequencing of you video Provides a basis for production Suggested online storyboard creators are: [very complicated] [allows you to insert your own images]

Alternatively, hand draw or photograph your storyboard and scan or copy to insert it onto your slides

There are lots of tips collected together on Blackboard!

SHOT LIST Your shot list should contain the sequential breakdown of what you need to shoot for your video

It should work in partnership with your storyboard It will be your working document when you film It should contain the shot number, scene number, shot description, framing and action you will see

It should also have information on performers in the scene and other props, etc

Shot list template is on Blackboard in the pre-production folder.

Shot No.

Shot Type

Time Code

Description/notes (e.g. camera movement, specific directions for performers, etc)

1 Close Up 0:00 – 0:05 Close up of first (male) character wearing a face of makeup. This sets the theme of gender stereotyping as the first thing seen is a man with makeup on.

2 Medium Long shot

0:00 – 0:10 Shot of the second (female) character sat in an empty room. This shot is in black and white and shadow cast of a window is cast across her face. This shot shows emotion.

3 Medium Shot

0:10 – 0:20 Shot of the male character doing makeup. This shot is to be edited in slow motion and reversed so it gives the illusion the makeup is being removed instead of applied.

4 Close Up 0:20 – 0:30 Female character is painting her nails. This shot is a close up of her hands. The black and white effect will be used on this shot and will be in slow motion. However the speed will be faster than the previous shot.

5 Medium Shot

0:30 – 0:40 This shot cuts back to the male character doing makeup continuing from when shot 3 left. This shot is still in slow motion and reversed.

6 Long Shot 0:40 – 0:50 The female character is destroying all the feminine aspects in her bedroom as she doesn’t want to be a feminine girl. This shot will be in black and white and in slow motion.

7 Long Shot 0:50 – 1:00 This shot continues from shot 6 however it isn’t in slow motion.

Shot No.

Shot Type

Time Code

Description/notes (e.g. camera movement, specific directions for performers, etc)

8 Long Shot 1:00 – 0: This shot is of the female character sat on her bed in a piles of mess and broken things emotional as she isn’t who she wants to be. This shot will be in black and white.

9 Close Up This shot is a close up of two pairs of shoes. One pair is a pair of men’s trainers and a pair of woman’s high heels. This shot is to contrast between the two genders and how they are supposed to look. This shot is also in lack and white.

10 Extreme Close Up

Extreme close up of the female characters face. She is crying. This shot is in black and white however this shot is in normal speed.

11 Medium Shot

Shot of male character doing makeup. Shot is still in slow motion and in reverse.

12 Medium Shot

Shot of male character doing makeup. Shot is still in slow motion and in reverse.

13 Long Shot Shot of the female character’s trashed bedroom. In this shot the frame transforms from black and white to colour as she has decided to become who she wants to be.

14 Medium Close Up

The female character turns away from her girly bedroom and smiles to herself as she is leaving. This shot is in colour and normal speed.

Shot No.

Shot Type

Time Code

Description/notes (e.g. camera movement, specific directions for performers, etc)

15 Long Shot The female character runs away from her home and from where she is trapped. She wears football boots and her boy clothes and is happy. This shot is in slow motion.

16 Close Up Slow motion close up of the female character running and smiling.

17 Close Up Close up slow motion shot of her feet as she drops a football and plays football happily.

18 Medium Shot

Shot of male character doing makeup. Shot is still in slow motion and in reverse.

19 Medium Shot

Shot of male character doing makeup. Shot is still in slow motion and in reverse.

20 Medium Shot

4:00 The final shot is of both the boy and the girl sat together in the studio. The girl being her authentic self and the boy being his authentic self. This delivers the message of gender stereotyping is something not to be used. The two characters are happy.This shot fades out into black while the final few seconds of the song plays.

TASK 3.2 Organisational Planning

PRODUCTION GROUP INFO Include names, contact info, and defined roles at difference stages of production, using a table is suggested

LOCATION INFORMATION Information and images of your location[s] for filming You should have address details, clearance/premissions for filming, recce photos and floorplans [including camera, equipment and cast/crew layouts]

Where possible, have a plan B fallback location option Assess each location for any issues and suggest solutions


RISK ASSESSMENT Risk Assess each separate filming location using the table in the camera H&S PP on Bb as a staring point

Completing a generic filming assessment would be a start, then you can add specialist/site specific risks as you progress your production

Remember, a Risk Assessment is an ongoing document, you should evaluate if anything changes in production and when you put control measures in place

You should add the table to each call sheet for each location


CONTINGENCY PLANNING Things go wrong Your contingency plan is there to give you a backup or to minimise the effect on production

You should consider the following areas: Technical, Location, Personnel and Organisational areas [about 5 potential issues for each]

Use the form in pre-production folder on Blackboard


PRODUCTION SCHEDULE Provide an outline of what you will do on which days during production

You should broadly plan to the following structure: - 2 weeks pre-production - 1 week filming [plan for up to 2 days] - 2 weeks editing [essentially 2 days for every day you filmed]


CLEARANCE AND PERMISSIONS Any place you film and anyone you use in the filming of your video must have a completed form

Blank forms are on Blackboard for you to complete and insert here


TASK 4.1 Production Record/Log

PRODUCTION RECORD/LOG Keep track your filming and production work with the camera here

You could add stills of your work with annotations You should include any specific details about how your filming went and what you did on set to enable you to complete the work

You should include Call Sheets and relevant production documents here


This links with your schedule Complete a call sheet for each production activity Forms are on Blackboard Insert into Powerpoint here

TASK 4.2 Footage log

EDIT DECISIONS LIST/FOOTAGE LOG Templates on BB to insert here Log which shots you chose to use and which ones you did not, explain why