Mutations Lesson 3: The Engineer...Mutations Lesson 3: The Engineer Student Handout With genetic...

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Transcript of Mutations Lesson 3: The Engineer...Mutations Lesson 3: The Engineer Student Handout With genetic...

Mutations Lesson 3: The Engineer Student Handout 

With genetic engineering, scientists can take genes from one organism and insert them into another. Think about the possibilities! This means we can give fish the ability to glow, we can “bring back” animals from extinction, and we can help cure diseases! But just because we can move genes doesn’t mean we should. There’s a great debate about how much humans should be involved in changing the genes of organisms.   Today, you’re going to be doing just that!   Your Challenge: Genetically change an organism using CRISPR technology to engineer a solution to a problem. 

Directions: Today you will:  

1. Select a “gene of interest”.  

2. Research the gene. Identify its properties and how the gene could be used to solve a problem.  

3. Use CRISPR to solve a problem: use a known gene to solve a problem in another organism.  

4. Present your engineered solution at the Genetic Engineering World Conference. 



Let’s Review:  

Sketch and label how CRISPR technology may be used to insert a gene of interest into a “host” organism. Include notes below each step. Refer to the Asian Elephant example:   


    Explain how this CRISPR mutation could benefit the Asian Elephant:     

In your opinion, is it right to insert genes from one organism into another organism’s DNA?       




Review the list of “genes of interest” located in Appendix A. Choose one gene of interest below to further study. Write your chosen gene of interest in the space below. 



↓ Research: 

Research your gene of interest by using links provided in Appendix A below:  

What organism(s) have this gene? 


Explain the function of the gene of interest. 


Is this gene currently being used in research? If so, explain how. 


How else could this gene be used? Brainstorm problems this gene could solve.  




Design Your CRISPR Gene Editing Actions  

From your brainstorm list, select one problem you are engineering a solution for. 


From which organism will you extract and copy your gene of interest? 


Which organism will you put this gene into? (Which organism will “host” this new gene?) 


Sketch and label how CRISPR technology may be used to insert a gene of interest into a “host” organism.    


What would be the result from this genetic editing? How will gene editing resolve the problem?    


Prepare Your Presentation: 

How will you present your CRISPR gene editing design to explain how this technology works in a way that is easy to understand?   

Circle One  

PowerPoint Stop Animation Poster Brochure  

What materials will you need to create your presentation? 


With the above plan in mind, sketch a visual draft of your presentation below. Be sure to use the checklist below to guide your work. 



Prepare your final presentation 


Assessment: Final Presentation  You designed genetically engineered organism using CRISPR, a gene editing tool to solve a problem of interest . Next, using a PPT, poster or brochure, to capture your solution ideas, prepare to pitch your findings at the Genetic Engineering World Conference.  Use the Checklist and Science & Engineering Practices Rubric to ensure you have addressed all aspects of The Engineer with quality work.  Mutations Engineer Checklist: Content Concepts and Practices Challenge: Use CRISPR technology to genetically modify an organism in order to solve a problem.  Project Completion: 

❏ Completion of all aspects of Engineer Planning Guide ❏ Presentation is well-organized, neat, and if on paper, in color 

❏ Successfully follows one of the following formats: PPT, Stop Animation, poster or brochure  

❏ Includes the following requirements: ❏ Researched information on “gene of interest” as well as organism that naturally 

possesses gene ❏ Presents problem that “gene of interest” could solve  ❏ Displays how CRISPR can be used to genetically engineer an organism to 

introduce “gene of interest” to new host organism ❏ Explains how problem is resolved as a result of genetic engineering process 

DCI Standards Checklist: ❏ Focus problem relates to genes and traits ❏ Displays understanding of “gene of interest” and function within organisms ❏ Accurately depicts how CRISPR technology works to create a genetically modified organism, 

with artificially selected traits ❏ Visual representation accurately shows how an inserted gene can create a mutation 

which can lead to a change in trait  ❏ Describe how genetically modified organism provides a solution to the identified 


Science & Engineering Practices Assessed 

  Emerging (1)  Developing (2)  Proficient (3)  Advanced (4) 

Designing Solutions 

Applies no scientific principles and/or data to design, construct, and/or test a design of an object, tool, process, or system. 

Applies minimal scientific principles and/or data to design, construct, and/or test a design of an object, tool, process, or system. 

Applies adequate scientific principles and/or data to design, construct, and/or test a design of an object, tool, process, or system. 

Applies complete scientific principles and/or data to design, construct, and/or test a design of an object, tool, process, or system. 

Communicating Findings/Design (Oral Presentation) 

Findings/design are incompletely and inaccurately communicated. Or no evidence of using appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, or clear pronunciation. 

Findings/design are completely communicated with some misconceptions. Or Uses minimal eye contact, inappropriate volume, or inconsistent pronunciation. 

Findings/design are completely communicated but lacking depth and complexity. Or often uses eye contact and engaging and appropriate volume and pronunciation, but is inconsistent. 

Findings/design are completely communicated with depth and complexity. Or mostly uses eye contact and engaging and appropriate volume and pronunciation. 


Appendix A: CRISPR Library of “Genes of Interest”  Gene of Interest  Resource Article 

Insensitivity to Pain Gene  

Anti-Malaria Gene 

Glow Gene  

Bone Strengthening Gene   



Organ Compatibility Gene  

Antibiotic Sensitivity Gene  

Muscle Increase Gene 

Cancer Deactivator Gene  

 Drought/Disease Resistance Gene  

Silk Production Gene





Anti-Aging Gene  

Regeneration Gene