Muslim Judicial Council Halaal Trust

Post on 02-Feb-2022

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Transcript of Muslim Judicial Council Halaal Trust

M uharram is one of the four sacred months

in Islām, which embodies various historical,

religious, spiritual, social, cultural, political,

and economic significances. Each year it

heralds the start of the Islāmic New Year,

according to the Lunar Calendar. During this

auspicious period of Muharram, we are

reminded rightfully about our religious

obligations, spiritual enrichments, and socio-

economic responsibilities. We must equally

capitalize on the opportunity, reflect deeply,

and take stock carefully of ourselves.

Muharram 1442 is unique to previous

Muharram contemplations because we are

afforded golden opportune times for in-

depth reflective stocktaking of our positions,

work, challenges, and the situation in life,

especially pre-and-post Covid-19. In

contemporary times, this way of having an

evaluative combination of our spiritual

connectivity with Almighty Allāh and our

worldly affairs yields a constructive Way

Forward and fruitful opportunities for us.

I have selected the following Qurānic verses

as Guidelines for our In-Depth Reflective

Stocktaking. May Almighty Allāh guide our

hearts and minds to accept, so that we

implement them ardently.

“Whatever you are given (on earth), is only (a

passing) comfort, enjoyment and provision of

this worldly life.”

“And that which is with Allāh (i.e. Paradise) is

better and more lasting for those who believe

and put their trust in their Lord.”

“And those who avoid and shun the greater

sins and indecencies, and whenever they are

angry, even then they forgive.”

“And those who (i) respond to their Lord [in

obedience to Him], and (ii) establish regular

prayer, and who (iii) conduct their affairs by

mutual consultation among themselves, and

(iv) who spend (in the Path of Allāh) out of

what We have bestowed (i.e. the rizq) upon

them. And those who, when great wrong

and oppression afflict them, help and defend

themselves.” (Ash-Shura: Q42: 36-39)

Shaykh Achmat Sedick

Director, MJC Halaal Trust

Since the news broke of a deadly virus that

originated in Wuhan, China in December

2019 and rapidly spread across the globe,

raging havoc and forcing entire nations to

change their social relations, reduce

global trade, suspend travel and

resultantly devastating economies, the

most vulnerable members of our

communities have fallen victim to this

deadly virus.

Amid the panic and fear of contracting

the virus, a paradigm shift towards

strengthening our immune system and

building a healthy body by consuming

healthy and pure food that contains the

least amount of pathogens (virus,

bacteria) has increased in popularity.

This raised consciousness for healthy

lifestyle has increased the demand for the

purest, cleanest, and healthiest foods – the

halāl certified foods. Halāl slaughter

regulations has strict requirements that

ensures that the meat is bled of impurities

herefore making it the purest and cleanest


Accordingly, an article in the Jakarta Post,

[May 11, 2020], reported that “Halāl food

rising in popularity amid COVID-19

pandemic as people’s awareness of

eating clean and hygienic food has been

heightened’’. The conditions at the wet

market in Wuhan was unhygienic in

comparison to standards and regulations

required for halāl food.

For Muslims and anyone who wishes to

consume halāl food, the general rule

would be that food should be certified

halāl and in addition to this that is must be

tayyib (pure and good).

The choice therefore would be to first

ensure that food is halāl and secondly to

ensure that the healthiest, natural option

of food with the preservatives, enzymes,

hormones, flavour enhancers, MSG’s are

selected. For example, some junk food

would qualify as halāl, but we must

consider whether it is tayyib (pure and


Does it nourish us, maintain good health

and wellness, and keep us fit and alert so

that we can have a good quality of life -

Of course not.

In contrast, the emphasis on organic and

natural foods is a step in the right direction

and one that is in line with Islamic

recommendations of consuming that

which is clean, good, and natural. With

fewer or no antibiotics, hormones,

preservatives, and other chemicals,

organic foods offer us a way to consume

our food in line with principles of halāl and


Therefore, let’s take the good out of our

current COVID-19 situation by make a

lifelong choice of consuming halāl

(permissible) and tayyib (pure and good)


Let’s make this Muharram 1442, a time of

change towards that which is best,

towards obeying the guidance which

Allah has given us and by following the

sunnah of our Beloved Prophet

Muhammad, Peace and Blessings Be

Upon Him, who said: “No human ever filled

a vessel worse than the stomach. Sufficient

for any son of Adam are some morsels to

keep the back straight. But it must be, one

third for food, one third for his drink, and

one third for his breath.” (Ahmad, At-

Tirmidhi An-Nasaai Ibn Maiah).

Health Benefits of Halāl Lifestyle during Covid-19

In The Name of Allāh, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful

Muslim Judicial Council

Halaal Trust “Your Halāl Symbol of Trust and Integrity”

Newsletter Muh arram 1442 / September 2020

D i r e c t o r ’s M e s s a g e

Newsletter Muharram 1442 / September 2020

D i r e c t o r ’s M e s s a g e

Muslim Judicial Council Halaal Trust (MJCHT)

20 Cashel Avenue, Athlone, 7764, Cape Town

Tel: +27 21 684 4600 Email: Url: Twitter: @HalalMjc