Post on 05-Dec-2014

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ITS493 Information Organization and RetrievalSUBMIT TO DR. Dr.Choochart Haruechaiyasak



By Tanakom Muangsakul 5122790124 Thesis Denchartphan 5122790306 Chayut Bhamornsuwan 5122790645

SUBMIT TO DR. Dr.Choochart Haruechaiyasak


Abstract Background and Motivation

Nowadays, Internet is like the home that people can search any information that they required. We

are focus on lyrics searching and assessment of rates analysis. Some users are listening to the music from radio and there are many people that know the lyrics of song but they don’t know the name. Our idea is to provide them to find the song title from a little of lyrics content. And there are a tons of song that contain the strong words and not suitable for children. So another idea of our project is to give some advises on that music.

The aim of this project is to search the song title from some phase of the lyrics and to rate the song by detect the strong word in the lyric. This will help people who hate from hearing strong language or avoid from children. Domain and Data Sets Our source of information is the journal from International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR). This work compares some of the feature types most commonly used in related text classification tasks. Approaches or tools

• First, we create the web application that contains the lyrics data collection. • Then we provide searching for the song from some of lyric’s phase. • And we tag the strong words such as “fucking, fuck”, “ass, ass hole” . • We recommend or rate the lyric that contain strong word.

From the following topics that list above, we will use “Dreamweaver’s” to design the interface and coding search engine algorithm. Another important part is server simulation, we prefer “Appserv”.



This diagram is show how the system works. The top layer is provides the source of information, middle layer is provide how the system thinks and the bottom layer is show the result from search. First user will ask to input some information like song name or some part of lyrics. After that the search engine will collect the result that has matched information as input from the database and find the strong word by using “Strong Word Detection Algorithm” then combine them to show as the result

User Inter Face


Database Search Algorithm

Strong Word Detection Algorithm

Result with Advice


Program Operation This program is use as music search engine and strong language using advisor. The concept of this search engine is to help the user to find the song name, lyrics and artist name from using some phrase of lyrics or the name of the song. The user will asked to input the song name or some part of lyrics to let the search engine start work. For example, If the user willing to find “In The End”. He can directly input the name of the song or input some phrase of the song in case of he doesn’t know the song name. The result will show as this picture that contain Artist, Song name, Lyrics and strong language comment at the bottom.




Idea of Program The main property of this search engine is divided in to 2 parts. First, search part that will use the keywords that user input to find the result. Second, strong word detection part that will compare the lyrics in the database with the set of strong word (shit, fuck, bitch, fuckn all of these rely on php code) and show the advice. We use php language to build this site and Dreamweaver to monitor the interface before getting connect with the database. In database view we use “phpMyAdmin” which is contained in Appserv package to build and control the database. We use php because this kind of language is widely use in the world and there are many of example that we can use to improve our site and it is easy to develop in nearly future. Our site is provide friendly interface which is contain an icon that easy for user to get access to any part of website.

Idea of Algorithm The main property of this search engine is divided in to 2 parts. First, search part that will use the keywords that user input to find the result. Second, strong word detection part that will compare the lyrics in the database with the set of strong word (shit, fuck, bitch, fuckn all of these rely on php code) and show the advice. First part After we build the database, the easiest way that we have to call data from the data base is apply the sql code in php page. We provide a box for user to input the keyword and program will collect this key word as variation.

From picture, we can see that the keyword is collect as variation in type of “$_GET[‘’txtKeyword”]” and ready to use.

After we have the keyword, we use the key word to compare with the database. We also provide sql to search this information from the database, too.

From the picture, we can see that sql will match the key word with song and lyrics field that why we can find the information from both lyrics phrase and song name. The program will collect the information in “$strSQL” variable and able to use for another part.

After we have information from the database we will see how the program shows the result.

From this line of code, the program will collect “$strSQL” in “$objQuery”. In case of there is nothing matched with “$strSQL” the result will now show.

From this picture, the program is using highlighted code and we can see that “$objResult” variable is using to show the result of artist, song name and lyrics.

Second Part This part is use for matching the strong word and shows the advice. We will show how the code work.

From picture, we define all of matching algorithm in to “$strgstrong” variable. After that result of “$strstrong” will collected in “$result” for checking that does it has strong language or not.

From picture, after we have “$result” variable. We will use it to check that does it has contained some strong language or not by using this loop. If there are strong word The result will show as “There are some Strong Language Provide In This Song !!!! ”. If not the result will show “No Strong Language Found !!!” Problems and Limitation of Program

-­‐ Because of some technical problem of php, we can’t use some special elements like ‘ , “ . If we use it the result may not come out or wrong.

-­‐ Other language is not able to use in this program because of technical problem of UTF 8 encoding.