Music video treatment

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Music video treatment

Danny, Connor ,Billy


Hall Of Fame Music Video


• Our task was to create a music video for a song that we had to pick.

• As all the members of the group have different music taste, We had to try and come up with a music song that fits all genres.

• This PowerPoint presentation will tell you what we decided to do, and talk about our final decision and what we intend to do for this task.

Target AudienceThe Target Audience is the main point of the music video so without the target audience the music video will be a failure, so it’s vital to have a solid target audience in order to make the video a success.

Picking our target audience was a difficult one because in the actual Music song there are two different types of singers, firstly you got ‘the script’ who are a indie type band, whereas you got who’s more a R’n’B type singer, So we as a group had to look at the lyrics carefully and look at the video that we going to make and see what the best target audience would be.

The target audience we decided to go for is the age 15-21, the reason being is because of the age of us the group, so we can appeal to younger people, as well we think that the storyline in the video can link to a large group of people.

Song ChoiceAs all the members of the group have different music taste, We had to try and come up with a music song that fits all genres.

After looking at a large amounts of songs including ED Sheeran, Pro Green and linkin Park, we finally decided to go for The Script-’Hall Of fame’ . We picked this song because it appeals to all members of the group in different ways, also where it’s a recent released song, it’s very popular and it will make it easier to learn the lyrics.

Furthermore, the song, we feel goes with the narrative that we want to go for, as its an upbeat fighting song as well comes across as sort of serious song which we want our narrative to be.

So after looking at various songs we felt this song would be the most appropriate to the firstly us, narrative and the target audience.

Music Video IdeaFor our music video idea, we decided to do a narrative that would sort of fit in to the genre of the song, as the original music video for this song was about a boxer and a dancer wanted to become famous.

So we decided to do a boy who recently lost his girlfriend to a much popular boy, however the boy is still determined to make something of himself and get his girl back and get out of the situation of him being a so called victim for his life.

We feel this would be effective because the song ‘Hall Of fame’ this emphasis that They want to more and become something of themselves so this links in to our music video, as well we think this may be effective because it may appeal to young people who are having a difficult time with maybe bullying, or recently broken up with a girl.

LocationWe decided that it would be best to use more than one location as it will keep the audience interested as well we think that we need to have more than just one location.The locations that we are planning to use include Park, Classroom, a car park and a bedroom.

Park:The park we are using for is to showing the running scene, we think this would be the best location for this because you have the river going through the park with the leafs from the tree’s falling down as his running through the park so we think this would be very effective.

Classroom:We think that the classroom scene is needed because we have to show him in a different way and how it stills affecting him even though his in a different environment. So the classroom location will be effective because it’s a place where bullying can occur.

Car Park:The car Park location is vital to our music video as this location will be key to our purpose of our music video, this where the main features will happen as the beginning with start at the car park and the ending will happen in the car park, we think this location will fit best at night time, by having this location at night time we think it will be more effective.

Bedroom:The bedroom scene will only be used once in our music video this will show the emotion of the boy after the first scene of the music video has happened, this will be effective because it will show that his problems is following him and affecting him even when his at home.

PropsThe props that we are going to need to make our music video the best it can Be will include:• Phone- This will be used to show the messages of the girl in the beginning

scenes• Paper- Paper will be used to show the bullying that is taking place, with

paper throwing• Boxing gloves- This will used to show how his trying to get stronger and

trying to fight away his troubles• Boxing bag- Likewise with the boxing gloves, this will be used to show how

his trying to get stronger and fitter and trying to get courage. • Microphone- This will be key as this will be used to show the performance

side of the music video.• Guitar-This will be key as this will be used to show the performance side of

the music video.• Piano-This will be key as this will be used to show the performance

side of the music video.

Props and Costumes


Danny will be wearing all different types of clothing in this music video,They will include casual clothing- Jeans-shirt and hoodie. The other clothing that Danny will have to wear will be training clothing this will include shorts, t-shirt and a hoodie and lastly the other clothing will be school wear so this would be a shirt, trousers and a tie.


Connor will have to wear clothing that shows his power so this will have again include casual clothing but he will need to have a hoodie, again will need to wear school clothes however Connor will be wearing his school clothes differently to what Danny will be wearing his.

The two main characters in the narrative-