Music Video Questionnaire Results

Post on 13-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Music Video Questionnaire Results



When giving out my ‘Music Video Questionnaire’ I wanted to give it to both genders (male and female),which gave the main reason for the first question. As you can see I gave the questionnaire to twenty different individuals, in which the ages ranged from 15-30. By giving to nine males and eleven females, it may have made the research quite unfair, however I was extremely interested to find out what individuals would say and whether there was similarities between both genders.





For my second question I wanted to go into more in-depth, in which I asked the respondents age. The reason why I did this was, to see if there was any noticeable similarities between the older respondents having similar answers and younger respondents having similar answers.

13 -> Were aged 15-165 -> Were aged 17-192 -> Were other (The ages were over 20)





‘When watching a music video, do you like it to be...’ is a crucial question, as it identifies whether respondents would chose the limited answers or whether they would chose ‘Other’ and put there own answers.

As you can see majority of people said ‘Other’ in which the main answers were that they like the music video to be narrative or a music video that has a storyline to it. Others liked the music video to be a live performance (whether it being a concert) and some liked a music video that was featured in a club.


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Everybody likes different music video styles. For question four, I asked ‘What sort of music video do you prefer?’ in which the choices were ‘Abstract’, ‘One with loads of dance routines’, ‘One with a storyline’, Random and ‘Other’.

Less people chose ‘Other’ in this question, however more people chose ‘One with a storyline’, with ‘One with loads of dance routines’ coming in second. From looking at the results, there are varied answers as it seems that music videos with a narrative storyline and dance routines are appealing a lot more to the target audiences in today’s society.




The results for the fifth question is quite interesting, as it shows that a large majority of the respondents chose ‘Sometimes’ as there answer to the question. It was also interesting to know that a few people said ‘Yes’ (that they liked animation and special effects in music videos) to the question, however only two people said ‘No’ (that they didn’t like animations and special effects in music videos).

This clearly shows that the styles and themes of music videos have matured over time, as it seems that today’s audience now like less animations and special effects in music videos.



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As I was certain to do a ‘Pop’ music video for my A2 Media Task, I wanted to find out and see what people usually expected to see when watching a ‘Pop’ music video.

The results showed that a lot of people expect to see ‘A performance’ in a music video (whether it being massive choreography or an iconic dance routine). Coming under that was ‘A narrative storyline’, followed by ‘People dancing in a club’, then ‘Something calm and chilled’ and last but not least ‘Other’ (with zero).With ‘A performance’ being the most popular, it provides evidence that audiences in today’s society mainly expect to see a performance, when watching a ‘Pop’ music video as a form of entertainment.





Question 7 gives the ultimate identification on the speed and motion of a music video. ‘Slow’, ‘Fast’, ‘Mid-Tempo’ and ‘Other’ generates the different styles of music (genres) whether it being a party anthem or an emotional ballad. As shown above, majority of people preferred ‘Fast’(party anthems) music videos while some others preferred ‘Slow’(ballads) music videos. This may be specific on the type of genres people enjoy or how music videos make them feel depending on the pace of the music video.

For example a slow music video, may make the viewer feel calm or sad (depending on what the video is about) while a fast music video, may make the viewer feel happy, excited or even the need to dance along with the music.




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This is an absolute crucial question, as it shows which music genres are popular and which aren’t. Also, by seeing which music genres are the most popular, can give me the idea on whether I should keep the genre of ‘Pop’ (for my music video) or change it to a different ‘genre’.

So the music genre with the most votes was ‘Pop’ in which ‘R&B’ came in second. These types of genres were identifiable from the previous answers as both ‘Pop’ and ‘R&B’ can be quite similar in some cases, but a lot different in most cases. Both ‘Pop’ and ‘R&B’ music videos can have a slow pace (depending on the song), however when it comes to up-tempo songs ‘Pop’ music videos are a lot more fast. Up-tempo ‘R&B’ music videos aren’t as fast as ‘Pop’ music videos, as they have more of a mid-tempo frame.

From looking at the results of the ‘Music Video Questionnaire’ I can say that majority of the popular results were from the younger teenagers, in which the older teenagers were second. A lot of the younger teenagers had similar answers on a lot of the questions, however in some cases, there would be a few teens that would break the similar answers by giving there own. This was really interesting and incredibly diverse, when it came to the final results.

Although there may have been two adults answering the questionnaire, both adults gave different answers in the questions. This was a surprise to me, as I thought both adults would have similar tastes, but it seems as though they both showed there individual likes to music and to music videos, which I was pleased about.

Throughout the questionnaire, it showed that both genders had there own individuality as they gave similar answers in some questions, but turned the tables around when giving different answers.

Overall, the results from the questionnaire were great and were incredibly interesting and it just shows that underestimating a gender group or an age group, can prove you ultimately wrong in the end.