Music Video Analysis: Billie Jean

Post on 21-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Music Video Analysis: Billie Jean

Music Video Analysis

Elliot Stahlmann (5214)

“Billie Jean” by Michael Jackson


The use of stylised choreography, bright clothing, fast beat and lighting is evocative of mainstream pop. Similarly, as Goodwin highlights, conventionally music videos will have a narrative; here the paparazzi are chasing them for photos.

VISUALS AND SOUND• In the first instance, there is

a clear connection between the music and the images as he steps on the pavement lighting up following a beat. Furthermore, each cut between shots is on the beat which creates a flow of rhythm to the music. Narratively, as Jackson exits the music ends, physically demonstrating the end.


Similarly parallels can be drawn between the lyrics. When the line “I’m not the one” is sang, Jackson is not seen in the bed, signifying his absence and therefore how he is not the father.

Moreover, set on a movie set, the line “beauty queen from a movie scene” is connected. This demonstrates how visuals conventionally related to sound in music videos.


Conventionally, music videos tend to sell the artist as their own brand. Here, Michael Jackson is showcased to sell as a product. Making the artist a focus for the video puts them at the forefront of the audience’s mind and so they pay most attention to them. Likewise, being the first and last image on screen makes the artist the first and last impression. Moreover, close up and freeze frames centralise the artist to the music video


Arguably this video is voyeuristic as the audience is permitted to watch as Jackson dances, as though watching him perform live. Moreover, the billboards are seen looking down on him, further evoking a sense of ‘watching’ and ‘looking’

INTERTEXTUAL REFERENCES• As a historical video there is very little to inter-textualise

with this video. Arguably, there are links to the media/film industry as he uses a film set or his location and perhaps Jackson is critical of the paparazzi looking for stories where there are none.


The narrative is consistent throughout, as Michael Jackson tries to persuade everyone that he is not the father. Followed by the paparazzi Jackson tries to flee. This is Jackson commenting on a past story where a girl claimed he got her pregnant. The claim was proven to be false.