Music Video Analysis - AlunaGeorge 'Attracting Flies'

Post on 20-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Music Video Analysis - AlunaGeorge 'Attracting Flies'

Product AnalysisAmy Brackenridge

Music Video Analysis: AlunaGeorge ‘Attracting Flies’

The music video for AlunaGeorge's 2012 single 'Attracting Flies' is a highly conceptual video with some elements of performance included throughout. The video's main focus is fairytales (Little red riding hood, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty etc...), as determined by the lyrics shown at the beginning, 'Little grey fairytales, little white lies'. However, each classical fairytale is portrayed with a contemporary twist, which gives the video a very unique theme and sets it apart from other music videos. The video has a highly unconventional narrative, as there is no real storyline and we are simply being shown fragments of a much longer narrative. In terms of Todorov’s theory of the 5 narrative stages, this video would fit into stage 2, as there is clearly some disruption to the equilibrium. However, the audience is encouraged to engage with the video due to its elliptical narrative, therefore conforming to Roland Barthe's theory of the 'active audience'.

In terms of characters, the duo's female vocalist Aluna plays a range of different characters, such as Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel and Sleeping Beauty, which can be seen below. This is fairly unusual for music videos, as we would expect her to play just one character. Propp's character theory could be applied to this video due to the theme of fairy tales, as there are heroes and villains included. For example, at the end of the video the male character acts as the prince running up the tower to awaken the princess, in this case Sleeping Beauty. Therefore it could be suggested that the characterization in this music video is stereotypical. The video breaks away from the conventions of fairy tales through it’s provocative and sexual representation on women. Each ‘princess’ has a far more modern style, which can be seen in the screenshots below, and the costumes worn by the female characters are often quite revealing. This is most likely to appeal to a wider audience.

The setting of this music video is in keeping with the contemporary twist on fairy tales, with the majority of the video set on a run down, council estate. A block of flats acts as a tower, where in each room a different fairy tale is playing out. For example, Rapunzel is shown to be at the top of the flats, with her hair dangling off one of the balconies, as shown below. The idea that each room contains a different fairy tale adds to the mystery and elliptical style of the video, which helps keep the audience interested.

Product AnalysisAmy Brackenridge

In terms of the cinematography of this music video, a high frequency of slow motion shots are included throughout, in order to add to the dramatic effect. These types of shots are fairly common in music videos, therefore conforming to narrative conventions. Also, the lighting and visual effects added in post-production are all very vibrant, with yellows and reds being used repeatedly, something we would expect from the more mainstream, pop genre.

Iconography is present throughout the music video and is used repeatedly to reinforce the theme of fairy tales. This is particularly evident in one of the opening shots as there is an extreme close up of a basket, and it is then revealed that this is Red Riding Hood. The use of the basket and red costume help make clear to the audience which fairy tale is being presented.

To conclude, whilst this video does follow conventions to a certain extent, particular in terms of its overly sexual representation of women, the video does break narrative conventions due to it’s unique theme. The modern take on classic fairy tales would be highly appealing to a contemporary audience, as it is something different.