Music Magazine - Genres and Audiences

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Music Magazine - Genres and Audiences

Music Magazine - Genres and Audiences

By Ben Harris


This is my Research into looking at the different genres of magazines and their typical audience. I

have been looking into all of the codes and conventions of a rock magazine because that will be the one I am producing. Therefore I will note

down the colour scheme and research their target audience so that it will help me when I

come to design my own.


Many R&B Magazines vary with their colour pallets, It will either range from being really dark or go to bright, it is as if there is no set graphics for it. They will mainly use a large

main image which will cover the whole front page. Therefore I believe that the main audience for an R&B

magazine are based around mostly teenagers judging from the language used and the fact that they have included the most latest R&B singers on the front, simply because this is

what the younger generation listens to.


Pop magazines tend to have very bright and colourful graphics which happen to attract their readers. But me

personally I don not like these bright colours. Pop magazines are usually pink and purples which is aimed

towards attracting teenage girls. The main image is usually a recent pop singer who the majority of teenage girls listen



Classical magazines are pretty straightforward, the front covers are not normally cramped and using the language

for example. We immediately start to understand that they are for the older generations. The graphics are very subtle as there are mainly blacks, reds and whites. They are not

really loud colours like POP or R&B. Usually Classical magazines have the main image underneath masthead,

but this does vary.


Rock magazines are dark and gloomy as it compliments the music style, being Rock/Heavy Metal. For rock, I believe

that they have the widest range of audiences compared to other genres as Rock is not only favourite by teenagers, it covers a vast majority of the public. Most rock magazines

seems to have a really busy front cover using mainly images, cover-lines and large titles.