Music mag analysis

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Music mag analysis

Emotive language in Puff to allow audience to buy the biggest music magazine in UK and make themselves sound good.

Large masthead in the left corner to allow people to be aware of what magazine it is.

Colour scheme is common in music magazine and indicates sexy

Cover line shows that people already know Cheryl cole so doesn’t need an intorduction. The ROCKS in red is a oxymoron, as Cheryl cole is a Pop singer instead of a rock singer.

Imagine imitates sexy and red lips match the colour scheme. Sexy is indicated with the water running down her face and her tongue sticking out.

These show different genre of artists and also blend in with the colour scheme, they are similar to the coverline but are less important.

Main image is three artists from different genres showing this magazine isn’t for one type of genre only

Shows others that are being features, in capital letter and in an orange text box which makes it stand out

Colour scheme of orange black and red, use of orange colour here shows dominance of exciting people and is vibrant and stands out

Main cover line are in capital letters and orange to make them stand out and let people know the three main acts in the industry at the moment and also giving those an idea of who the people on the cover are

Lady gaga is wearing eye catching revealing clothes, to draw attention from the males to her.