Museum explanation

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Museum explanation

What we learnt at the

Museum on Monday

Step 1 : ) twist the string up twice around the drill part.

Step 2 : ) put your knee on the piece of wood to hold it down.

Step 3 : ) then you put a little piece of wood that is sort of a hexagon.

Step 4 : ) hold the hexagon shaped wood with one hand and pull the wood attached to the string

The Egyptian drills & how you use them

The Egyptian drills & how you use them

This is us using the Egyptian drill

By Phoebe and Baden

on the museum trip we went in a classroom we had to our group had to do pottery

when we did rebuilding the pottery it was hard at the start but once we put the small pieces in it was easy

we did't manage to finish all of it we had a little bit missing

and then we had to present it to the class

We worked really well and hard together but sometimes I was really difficult because we couldn't find all of the pieces and put them together.

Rebuilding pottery by Joe and louis

The ancient roman toilet seat

Alex and Charlotte

Sieve making


• First we had to put the bamboo on the ground tie them together.

• Next we stood the bamboo up.• Then we tied the seive to the bamboo and

made sure it stayed• Lastly we tied the left over rope in a knot

so it wasn't hanging down• We had to work as a team to finish this



Thanks for watchingthe slideshow of our learning at the
