Murad PR Pitch

Post on 13-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Murad PR Pitch


Murad Where beautiful skin starts from within!


Today, social media has the biggest influence on


+ Why Social Media?

Almost four out of five (78 perfect) of brands now use Twitter, and 65 percent of small business owners said that social media has helped them stay engaged with

their customers. Internet users spend more time on social media than

ever before It is habit forming! ( you tend to check facebook, instagram, twitter every hour, daily or month right?)

It influences life offline It helps businesses GROW

+ Untapped Opportunity

Popular social media makeup artists, fashionistas and bloggers that have a

HUGE following Their insight creates a higher reach of consumers whom haven't used or heard

of Murad

+ Affiliate ProgramYou refer, we work, you get paid and every body wins!

Great way to get our products out there to many untapped markets and consumers.

% off a purchase will encourage buying Influencers with high following will make money without pressure


@MyPaleSkinBlog*Perfect Influencer for our ACNE brand of products*Isn’t afraid to show before and after pictures


@NikkieTutorials*Perfect Influencer for Pore Reform or Redness Therapy Regimen*Isn't afraid to show before and after pictures*Beautiful idol for plus sized women!

+@DressYourFace &@ChristenDominiqu

e* Perfect Influencers for our ethic consumers (untapped market) *One can represent Environmental Shield brand while the other Anti Aging Acne.


*Perfect influencer for Pore Reform or Age Reform (someone who has good skin and wants to maintain) *She strives for perfection in every way. *She never posts about skincare products- only makeup (great untapped influence)

+ Sales, Marketing, PR These influencers will result in:

1.) Creating a buzz for Murad, with more word of mouth 2.) Initiate sales from first time buyers

3.) Less money spent on marketing since the influencers have a larger REACH

4.) Generate higher profits/revenue5.) Easy way to track result of affiliate program through viral

marketing & use of promo code 6.) Keep consumers wanting more especially if they see that

the influencer is using the product to a daily basis and getting results!

7.) More engagement with consumers. Influencers will give honest opinions to help consumers

8.) Create more brand awareness, brand equity, brand recognition

+With these influencers, we can

reach over 7 MILLION people!!!!

We can employ brand

ambassadors & new

“real” faces of Murad


Thank you for taking the time to review my pitch. Hope you liked it

-Ninjer Rochette