Mundusnovus English 24

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Official Newsletter of the Interamerican Scout Region, MundusNovus # 24

Transcript of Mundusnovus English 24

No. 24


Special Edition

The Interamerican Scout Conference is more than the highest assembly of the Interamerican Scout Organization. It is not just a space in which the authorities in charge of the Interamerican Region account for their actions in the past three years. It is not just a meeting of leaders of the 34 National Scout Organizations that constitute the Interamerican Region to elect its governing body : The Interamerican Scout Committee. It is not only a place, in a corner of the Americas, where visitors are greeted by members of the local association who are filled with excitement when opening the doors of their homes.

An Interamerican Scout Conference is much more than all of the above.

It is, as was said by Gerardo Mattei, President of Scouts of Argentina, a crossroad. Roads that NSOs are walking and decide to cross with others to move forward together.

It is also the feast of Scouting in the Americas. Partly because it is full of joy, the joy of reunion and also of the first meeting. The feast of knowing that all are part of a region struggling against adversity, a region eagerly looking better every day, a region that prides itself on being the first to have been constituted as such in the world, and to have written, and continue to write, glorious pages in our Movement, thanks to the dedication and passion of many men and women who have contributed with their talent, their time and their resources for the benefit of youth.

It is also the space of brotherhood, the transmission and discussion of ideas, learning from the experiences of others and coexistence that serve to identify us as brethren. Though separated by distance or language, we are part of a large family and enjoyed the moments, at the Conference to meet again and greet with our left hands.

The Conference in Buenos Aires was this and more. Scouts of Argentina succeeded in infecting us with their zest for life, their passion for service and their unconditional devotion. The presence of more than 300 people from 29 of our National Scout Organizations, together with guests from other regions, members of the World Scout Committee and the World Scout Bureau - Central Office made this Interamerican Scout Conference an interesting mosaic of nationalities, cultures and languages where the Scout Spirit was alive.

We all took away a bit of Argentina in our hearts. During those days we enjoyed its cuisine, enjoyed the Tango, learned a bit of Slang and appreciated, even a little, the beautiful city of Buenos Aires.

With new challenges now, we have to walk the path that will lead us to the next Interamerican Scout Conference. It will be in 2016 when we shall meet again, in the North, in the City of Houston in the United States of America. I’m sure there will be even more stories to tell, but above all with more results especially in the interest of our youth.

Be prepared to serve

Raúl Sánchez VacaRegional Director

Raúl Sánchez VacaDirector Regional

Oficina Scout MundialRegión Interamericana


Between 19 and 21 September, the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, was the venue for the meeting of the highest governing body of the Interamerican Scout Region, the Regional Conference.

This event was attended by 29 of the 34 NSOs that make up the Region along with the Interamerican Scout Committee and the World Scout Bureau - Interamerican Region . During the plenary sessions the two mentioned entities were held accountable for the management of the triennium 2010-2013.

During that period the regional bodies made visits to the NSOs to provide support in different processes and technical assistance in the strategic areas of Youth Programme, Adults in Scouting and Institutional Development, and delivered 29 courses and workshops, just to mention two areas in which they carried out intense activities.

As is custonary, political authorities of the Region renewed itself and elected five new members to the Steering Committee. On its part, the Interamerican Scout Committee then formed its Steering Committee , with a new Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Second Vice-Chairman.

The Regional Conference was historic for the Interamerican Region in many ways, as it definitively closed the cycle concerning the mobilization of the Regional Office to Panama, the selection of the new staff and their call to duty, but mainly by approval of four major new regional policies, relating to each of the strategic areas: Youth Programme, Adults in Scouting, Institutional Development, and the Youth Participation Policy, which highlights its transversal character with regard to other policies and therefore the impact and usefulness in the field.

Other areas of high strategic value considered by the Regional Conference and approved by a large majority, were the aims and objectives of the new Regional Plan which will be called “Combining Efforts, Multiplying Results”. These objectives are already being developed by regional bodies to complete the plan, with which the whole region is committed to staying the course of growth and development and increasing the rate of progress.

The Regional Conference also selected the venues for the regional events of the next three years: the XV Interamerican Jamboree and II Interamerican Camporee, 2017, which will be held in Guayaquil, Ecuador; the III Interamerican Moot, 2018, to be held in Cusco, Peru and the XXVI Interamerican Scout Conference that will be held in the city of Houston in the United States of America, in 2016.

Notably the Regional Conference was preceded by the IV Interamerican Youth Forum, during which the new representatives of the Interamerican Youth Network were chosen from among their peers. The meetings of the Regional Networks, Youth Programme, Adults in Scouting, Institutional Development, Communications and Environment Development and Peace were also held, These are technical bodies which together with the Regional Office are working to develop studies, instruments and documents to provide assistance to NSOs in the region . These events began on Monday 16 September and ran for four days leading into the plenary sessions of the Conference.

The events leading up to the Regional Conference and the Conference itself were honored to have the presence and participation of members of the World Scout Committee, headed by its Chairman, Simon Rhee and the Secretary General of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, Scott Teare .

The President of the Republic of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, who was the beneficiary of the Scout Programme and a Scout Leader, attended the official opening ceremony of the Regional Conference. President Correa delivered a really moving speech which highlighted the values that Scouting brings to a society by having young people involved in it and how effectively they can be a factor of social change. “We need more scouts in the world and a more scout world “.



On the16 and 17 of September in Buenos Aires, Argentina we held the 4th Interamerican Scout Youth Forum. This provides a place to receive, discuss and share relevant information on various topics that promote the participation of young people in the different areas of their life, both within and outside the Movement.

The forum embodied the thrill of sharing two days of hard work and enthusiasm and the joy of brotherhood that characterizes us as Scouts. We began our forum with a welcome from the outgoing Coordinator: Fernanda Vogt of Brazil followed by a presentation on the recently elaborated Youth Participation Policy of the World Scout Bureau – Interamerican Region. At the end of the day there was a traditional Argentinian festival, in order to give impetus to the second day when the recommendations presented at the XXV Interamerican Scout Conference were voted upon.

But another event was comming; the election of the next Coordination Team. To everyone’s surprise and for the first time at a forum, five youths were proposed for the position of Communicator and seven for Coordinator, showing the great interest and commitment of young people, offering their best skills and abilities to Scouting.

The votes were counted and the tellers gave the results. For this new period Iliene Corsen (Curaçao ) and Lacerda Tiago (Brazil), were elected Interamerican Youth Network Communicator and Deputy Communicator respectively. The positions of Interamerican Youth Network Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator went to Aomori Matsumoto (Mexico) and Matías Rodríguez (Argentina), respectively.

The spirit that prevailed throughout the democratic process was one of support and companionship, making it clear, once again, that the Scouts transcend language barriers, cultural differences and different ways of working towards the fulfillment of our mission, “Creating a better World”.

Aomori Matsumoto - Interamerican Youth Network Coordinator



“Given previous experience in World Symposia, my expectations were very high, but have been exceeded.” Jose Antonio Warletta - Spain

“It helped me to know how different religions Work with Scouting. I Wish that in future events had more time to discuss some issues in more depth.” Jairo Maduro (Fr) - Aruba

“A beautiful and extremely fruitful experience. Two days of personal and group enrichment. “Maria Gabriela Benitez – Argentina

“We learned to initiate dialogue with other faiths.” Morrison Laporte (Fr) – Curaçao

“I was not sure what to expect. I knew there would speakers ‘first class’ and that’s what happened. I knew they were going to build networks and that’s what happened. “Joseph Weber (Rev) – ICC

“I was very happy and surprised at the existence of the Symposium and also the way it turned out. The Argentine example is good to share. Examples always make things more concrete and easier to discuss. “Inka Hopsu – Finland

“We started something good and important.” Stephen Salvador (Rev) – USA

“It was the most interesting Scout Interreligious Symposium I have ever attended.” Jacques Gagey (Rev) - France - World Catholic Chaplain

From 16 to 17 September was held the I Scout Interreligious Symposium of our region with the slogan “Interreligious dialogue, a path to peace.” The same took place in Buenos Aires as part of the XXV Interamerican Scout Conference. Attended by 41 representatives of Scout Associations of Argentina, Aruba, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Curacao, United States, Uruguay and Trinidad & Tobago. The event also attracted interest outside the region and that there were also participants from Spain, Finland and France.

One of its main objectives was to provide a space to be concrete, strengthens and from which you promote, at national Scout Associations, dialogue between brothers and sisters who profess different religions and share the values that are part of the educational Scouting. Among those attending were Scouts Buddhists, Catholics, Orthodox Christians of Antioch, Jewish, Latter-day Saints, Muslims and members of various Christian evangelicals and Protestants.

During both days were made presentations on the creation and operation of the World Scout Inter-religious Forum, which gave rise to the 4 scouts global intereligious symposia, history of inter-American symposium. Also discussed the origin and objectives of the conferences and forums denominational membership status with consultants World Scout Bureau. Also initiated contacts and agreements for the establishment of the Interamerican Scout Interreligious Forum.

Were presented and discussed different tools and experiences that have some Scout associations in the region to support the achievement of the objectives of growth area: Spirituality.

They were concrete examples of pastoral commissions and national teams of different religions working together in a coordinated manner Scouts of Argentina, in order to provide support in the areas of Youth Programme and Adults in Scouting.

During the event could enjoy a joyful camaraderie of sincere brotherhood and deep respect, which she experienced throughout both days but especially during times of prayer and reflection interfaith where each brother and sister Scout who participated, could do according to the rites and customs of his own confession.

In the working sessions in small groups formed with representatives from different countries and religions, they arrived together some recommendations that were presented earlier in the week to the Interamerican Scout Conference held in Buenos Aires. Among them, all teams unanimously requested the Interamerican Scout Conference, the Interamerican Scout Committee and all National Scout Organizations in the region, which positively and work towards concrete defend and reaffirm “The duty to God” as a fundamental and essential part of Scouting.

A post-symposium team with volunteers from all NSOs represented at the symposium will continue working with the organizing committee in the preparation of the final documents and after this successful experience can be replicated in 2016 from the previous events next regional conference in Houston, Texas.

Edgardo Roig – Symposium Director


Last September 19, the Opening Ceremony of the XXV Interamerican Scout Conference was held in the “Usina del Arte” in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The last Interamerican Conference held in this country was in 1988.

The Opening Ceremony of the XXV Interamerican Scout Conference was attended by Members of the World Scout Committee, Members of the Interamerican Scout Committee, the Secretary General, the Director of the World Scout Bureau, Interamerican Region, as well as Government Officials of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

It’s important to note and recognize the involvement of the President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, who was scout as a boy, a scout leader and now an enthusiastic supporter of Scouting. This opening was also adorned with

fine artistic performances of couples of professional tango dancers who are winners of international awards and are also Scouts.

From the next day, September 20, more than 300 scout leaders from 29 countries of the Interamerican Region, that are recognized National Scout Organizations, met in the San José Building, Catholic University Argentina (UCA) in Puerto Madero, to begin the plenary sessions, vote, debate and analyse many aspects of Scouting in the Region, as well as the election of five new members of the Interamerican Scout Committee. It is noteworthy the presentation of the Secretary General of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, who gave an interesting explanation of the major challenges facing Scouting in the world today.

During the Conference the recomendations from the Youth Forum, the Interrreligious Symposium and Regional Networks meetings held days before were discussed. It is important to mention that the 1st. Scout Interreligious Symposium had the special participation of Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Monsignor Mario Poli. The Symposium generated an agreement between Scouts of Argentina and the Orthodox Church, which thus became the seventh

religious entity with which the Association is associated. Similar agreements are held with the Catholic Church, the Jewish Religion, Islam, Evangelical Groups, the Buddhist and Mormon Church.

Saturday, September 21, after an arduous final plenary session that concluded with the reading of the resolutions adopted, the “ Youth of the America “ award was presented to prominent scout leaders in the region, in recognition of their contributions to scouting. There was also an emotional presentation of purple scarves to the new members of the Committee. As a final act there was an artistic presentation and closing ceremony with a very comprehensive presentation of photographs of many events that confirmed the success of the XXV Interamerican Scout Conference.


EXPO MESSENGERS OF PEACEJosé Gerardo González - Coordinator of Messengers of Peace Guatemala

On Wednesday September 19 the Messengers of Peace Project Fair was held within the framework of the XXV Interamerican Scout Conference. In it some of the NSOs in the region unveiled the projects they had done with their volunteers to contribute to building a better world. Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, Panama, Costa Rica and Guatemala participated; providing a space that allowed the exchange of ideas and experiences among the participating organizations and attendees of the conference. In closong this special exhibitions ceremony of the contest “ Scouts + Action” was held. The contest was held in order to motivate and reward the best projects of the Interamerican Region. The awards were presented by Cynthia Marquez ,Global Coordinator of the Network of Messengers of Peace and Raul Sanchez Vaca, Director of the World Scout Bureau - Interamerican Region.

Ten projects were awarded the most votes in the virtual platform Messengers of Peace and recognized 6 scouts who had the best project in the following categories: Environment, Social ( Helps Seniors, Homeless ) , Disaster Relief , Children and Youth, Health and Peacebuilding. The selection of the winning projects took into account the evaluation of the Global Network of Messengers, conducted through social networking and the content evaluation of each project by the Global Team of Messengers of Peace.

The winners in the respective categories are:

Peacebuilders: Peace Parade Scout Groups - Guatemala

Environment: Recycling Lissy Gabriela Cabrera and Rhodes - Guatemala

Disaster Relief: Earthquake San Marcos Clan Scout Group 60 San Marcos - Guatemala

Health: Dreaming Daily Gabriela Bonilla - Costa Rica

Children and Youth: Sharing Joy Esther Bazualdo - Bolivia

Social : Hundred years, hundred houses, Hundred Dreams Felipe Garavito - Colombia

Participating Projects:

Category Country Theme

Peace Mexico If you want peace work

Medio Ambiente Bolivia Spreading knowledge

Medio Ambiente México Animal Rescue

Medio Ambiente Perú My Green Roof

Ninos y Juventud Costa Rica Bullying

Ninos y Juventud Nicaragua Dining Room for Children

Social Argentina Sharing from the Heart

Social Mexico Driving APAC


Agustina Santa Coloma, Scout Group N°106“El Niño de Belén”, Cistrict 4 - Zone 6,Gran Buenos Aires Sur


Agustina’s experience as Staff Volunteer at theXXV INTERAMERICAN SCOUT CONFERENCE.

Volunteering for the event began approximately three months ago, when by chance looking at the website of my scout association I saw the Registration Form to be a volunteer for the Interamerican Scout Conference in Buenos Aires. Without hesitation I filled it out and sent it in. There was something that told me that I could not stay out of this great experience, although I did not know then what it was.

Upon acceptance of my registration training began. It was over a weekend when we got all the information, learning about where we were going to live, what were our task objectives, but mostly putting together a super team, the team of volunteers that would work side by side preparing for the conference.

After a period of waiting, it was time to live and practice our motto “Be Prepared”. Be prepared to help, be prepared to go, be prepared to solve problems, be prepared for whatever was needed.

Our work started two days before that crazy week. We moved to a hostel which became our home for ten days. We left our regular clothes to wear the scout uniform every day. We prepared every location and were assigned delegations that we had to assist.

Because that was our main task - to be assistants to a delegation.

But not only were we attendees of delegation, we were tour guides, porters, water carriers, room attendants, receptionists, cadets, solvers of problem that none of us knew we could fix and they included everything that can happen. But most of all we were Scouts living our Law and Promise, doing our daily good turn.

Our work was exhausting though it seemed simple, sleeping 3 hours per day, to be neat, clean and smiling, but more importantly, I was having this enjoyable, memorable and wonderful experience.

It gives a sense of pride to know that you were the visible face of your association. Our job ended when each delegation returned home. It was at this time that we realized that our work was completed.

But above all it was when each member of that delegation left with a smile on his face and a thank you spoken freely from his mouth.




Our Regional Constitution states that the Interamerican Scout Committee directs and manages the Interamerican Scout Organization based on the objectives, policies and action plans established by the Interamerican Scout Conference.

The members should take into account the interests of Scouting as a whole and the Interamerican Region in particular and should not be regarded or considered as representatives of any member organization.

During the 25th Interamerican Scout Conference held in Buenos Aires, five new members were elected to the Interamerican Scout Committee who will serve a period of 6 years in this important body. They are:

Lorena Gudiño, Zaida Joaquin, Rosario Mayorga, Luis Silvestri and Ricardo Stuber.

They joined the five members elected at the 24th. Interamerican Scout Conference held in Panama in 2010:

Rafe Lucado, Leonardo Morales, Humphrey Schurman, Kent Clayburn and Steve Kent.

They all form the new Interamerican Scout Committee.

The Steering Executive Committee elected by the same members of Interamerican Scout Committee are:

Leonardo Morales as Chairman.

Steve Kent as First Vice Chairman

Ricardo Stuber as Second Vice Chairman

We wish them great success for the benefit of our Interamerican Scout Region.



The last Friday, September 20th, as the sun set in Buenos Aires and after a hard day of session at the XVV Interamerican Scout Conference, delegations were invited to the event prepared for them, to be held that evening, the Festival of the Americas.

All this was on the Frigate Museum Ship “Presidente Sarmiento”. Its name is in tribute to President Domingo Faustino Sarmiento who had, as young seafarers do, the desire to tour the world. Currently moored at Dock III of Puerto Madero in Buenos Aires City, the lower deck was converted into a museum. As a point of interest, Mass is celebrated on board on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month.

Some of the National Scout Organizations present organised cultural and culinary shows to share with each of their brother and sister Scouts a little taste of their countries; dishes, clothing, dances and an atmosphere of scout brotherhood that cheerful night. Argentina presented folklore and tango dancers who stole the show and equally the band, the band that brought the party to the ears of those present, and made most persons dance until they

were fatigued. In turn the brothers scouts of Mexico, Curaçao, Costa Rica and Brazil presented samples of their dances.

What we experienced that night just made us appreciate how we are so different yet equal. Those who were present that night lived as “La Fragrata” and left totally enveloped by the joys and rhythms of the Americas, which not only filled with joy our fellow scout attendees, but all and sundry in the outskirts of the port who stopped to enjoy, at a distance, that magical night, confirming the words spoken by Captain “… was an amazing night, emotional and never before seen by La Fragata. Thanks for making this night the night of “La Fragata” de las Américas”. Although many came from far away, that night we all felt at home and proud to share with our brothers a little of what belongs to our country and even more, to know that we all shared a purpose to make this a better world.


YOUTH PROGRAMME NETWORK MEETINGMauricio Veayra - Youth Programme Director

Within the framework of the XXV Interamerican Scout Conference held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, was held on 18th and 19th September 2013 the face-to-face meeting of the Youth Programme Network (YPN), as a continuation of regular meetings (face-to-face and on-line meetings) of this network.

The auditoriums of the Catholic University of Argentina were the headquarters of the work of this meeting, which was attended by 42 participants, representing 15 National Scout Organizations (NSOs) of the Interamerican Region, in addition to a guest from France. Luiz Cesar de Simas Horn and Mauricio Veayra, members of the Coordinator Core of the network, coordinated the meeting.

The topics discussed during the two days of work were: • Presentation of the Interamerican Youth Programme

Policy.• Presentation of the Interamerican Youth Involvement

Policy.• Review of advances in the design of the World

Programme Policy in charge of Johnson Cansario, representative of the Interamerican Scout Region to the World Office task group for the elaboration of the policy referred.

• Joint session with the Interamerican Network on Environment, Development and Peace for the presentation of the Sustainable Development Programme.

• Analysis of the results about the assessments of the levels of Youth Programme implementation and the self-sufficiency of the Youth Programme national teams.

• Presentation of the Messengers of Peace programme, carried out by Cynthia Márquez, Coordinator of the Messengers of Peace Global Network of.

• Innovation in the design of Youth Programme coordinated by Hector Carrer from Scouts of Argentina.

The presentation of successful experiences of the OSN in the implementation of Youth Programme had special importance. Associations that shared their advances on the subject were: Brazil, Mexico, Guatemala, Chile.

During the sessions three teams were formed to develop or revise various assessment tools on issues related to the Youth Programme.

As conclusion of the works of the meeting of the YPN were carried out the following recommendations:

• The adoption, by the Interamerican Scout Conference of Interamerican Youth Programme Policy “One mission, many adventures”.

• Approval of the Interamerican Youth Involvement Policy “On the road towards the empowerment of young people”.

• Invite the NSOS to implement the provisions of the Interamerican Youth Programme Policy.

• Ask the NSOs to adopt the Interamerican Youth Involvement Policy.

A complement to the YPN meeting, attendees participated actively in workshops led by the World Scout Bureau - Central Office on the issues of Youth For Change and 21st Century Leadership.


The Interamerican Network of Institutional Development met in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 18 and 19 September with 44 representatives from 17 NSOs in the Interamerican Region.

For two days , we had the opportunity to:

• Analyze the proposal of the Regional Institutional Development Policy

• Analyze the challenges in implementing the Route to Excellence

• Share successful experiences from the National Scout Organizations in the Region

• Identify needs in the area of Institutional Development of the National Scout Organizations in the Region

• Review the new model of the structure of the World Scout Bureau

• Analyze the proposed objectives for the new Regional Plan 2014-2016.

The Institutional Development Network discussed the importance of having a clear strategy of External Relations and the need to pursue this issue, both from the institutional and international perspective and in the Youth Programme.

One of the important issues the Institutional Development Network discussed was the process for the formulation of the Regional Plan. It recommended that the Interamerican Scout Committee and the World Scout Bureau - Interamerican Region review the process and methodology for the next Regional Plan and that it be conducted in a democratic and participatory manner, among all National Scout Organizations .

The participants of the network proposed Emanuel Porcelli, from Argentina Scouts, as a volunteer representative, to be the Core Coordinator of the Institutional Development Network.

INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT NETWORK MEETINGJosé Gabriel Criollo - Institutional Development Director



During the 18th and 19th of September the Adults in Scouting Network met, with the participation of 37 persons, representing 16 countries.

The meeting started with the presentation of the proposed Interamerican Adults in Scouting Policy named “The Adults we need”, which was formulated jointly by all National Scout Organizations of the Interamerican Region and with the collaborative work of them, during 2012 and 2013. Its approval was unanimously recommended to the Conference.

Subsequently, the report of the objectives, actions and results in the area of Adults in Scouting of the triennium 2011-2013, was presented, as well as the objectives -general and specific- for the next three years (2014-2016) and their approval was also unanimously recommended to the Conference.

With the intend of a clear collaborative work, each National Scout Organization presented their needs, as well as their best practices and supports they can share with other National Scout Organizations. They also identified the needs that have to be developed in the network in the coming years.

During the meeting there was also opportunity for the presentation of Messengers for Peace and the opportunities that can be derived form this program for the work of the National Scout Organizations.

As a final point, it was unanimously proposed that temporarily Daniel Vazquez be the representative of those responsible of the area of Adults in the National Scout Organizations in the Coordination Core of the Adults Network, being designated in property once the policy was approved during the Conference.

The meeting finished with the recommendation of the Network to the Interamerican Scout Committee to encourage these type of participatory processes continue being developed in this area and publicly congratulate the Interamerican Scout Committee, the World Scout Bureau - Interamerican Region, the National Scout Organizations, and the participants of the network that have carried out this excellent work.


In the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, was held the 2nd meeting of the Interamerican Network on Environment, Development and Peace (INEDP) in the context of the works of the XXV Interamerican Scout Conference. It featured the participation of 21 representatives of Scout associations of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curacao, Chile, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname and Uruguay.

The meeting was facilitated by Lorena Gudino, a volunteer member of network Central Coordination, counting with the presence of Leonardo Morales, Interamerican Scout Committee member and Ronald Richardson, executive for the Caribbean World Scout Bureau - Interamerican Region.

The Interamerican Network on Environment, Development and Peace arises from decisions of the Interamerican Scout Conferences held in Ecuador in 2007 and Panama in 2010. As a result of these decisions was carried out, in 2012, the 1st meeting of the Interamerican Environment Network in Mexico, generating as main result the Sustainable Development Regional Plan. This Regional Plan has three strategic programs: Community Development, Peace and Environment, which are implemented by four lines of action: Awareness and Education (Youth Program), Training (Training), Participation (Networking and Initiatives) and management (Institutional Linkage).

The main result of the 2nd meeting of the RIMADP was to generate a base document with the proposed educational objectives for each strategic program and for each of the units. These objectives were analyzed and discussed in sub groups and then, in plenary discussion were agreed by the Network.

It also emphasizes that was a joint session with the Youth Programme Network, where was presented the Sustainable Development Regional Plan, considering the need to establish a joint strategy to ensure the mainstreaming of the Plan.

Subsequent to this, there was the experience sharing session that aimed to present the successful actions, challenges and opportunities that each country to adopt them as background and baselines for the Sustainable Development Regional Plan.

During the RIMADP meeting were generated the following recommendations:

Urge the Interamerican Scout Region to adopt the Sustainable Development Plan, taking into account the

importance of being consistent with the policies and resolutions established in this area, seeking to neutralize the environmental impact of events and activities and actively promote the defense of the human rights and the fight against discrimination in our Region.

It is requested to the World Scout Bureau - Interamerican Region provide the necessary tools for the Interamerican Network on Environment, Development and Peace to develop, communicate and connect with other experiences within the scope of Scouting.

Urges to the World Scout Bureau - Interamerican Region and the Interamerican Scout Committee to consolidate partnerships with international cooperation agencies and organizations specialized on issues of Peace, Development and Environment, seeking opportunities to promote local and regional development.

Urge National Scout Organizations (NSOs), in conjunction with the Interamerican Network on Environment, Development and Peace, to implement the Sustainable Development Plan.

It is requested to be designated an responsible of each NSO to bond with the INEDP.



SEE YOU IN 2016!in Houston, United States.



You can be part of the Official Newsletter of Interamerican Region. Send us your stories about any activity that has taken placein your National Scout Organization so the world will know it.

Tell us at:

• Luis Francisco Bethancourt•Ramón Guerra•Agustina Santa Coloma•Aomori Mats• Emanuel Porcelli

• Lorena Gudiño•Mauricio Veayra•Ralf Dillmann• José Gabriel Criollo• Edgardo Roig

This newsletter was made by the contribution and the effort of: