Multigenre Jamaican Experience

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Multigenre Jamaican Experience

A Look Into My


Experience. By: Alexandra Bakeeff

Early one summer morning in July 2009 I board a flight. We fly over beautiful crystal blue water. When we land the air is warm. There is a light breeze that caries the smell of the

salt water. The sun is bright as everything is colorful.

No one moves quickly but they get where they need to go. Everyone is laid back. As we wait for our buses we eat Wendy’s. Who would have thought Wendy’s would be here? I tastes a little different but that is okay because everything here is different.

We board the buses. We have a 3-hour drive ahead of us. The drive is beautiful. We see

houses. They do not look like houses I am used to seeing. They are small and made up of whatever they can scrounge up. As we wined up the mountain I see children playing on the side of the road. Drivers here fly! This worries me.

We drive down into a valley full of sugar cane. I have never seen sugar cane before. It smells sweet.

We see the most beautiful sunset. It sets slowly and the colors are vivid. Pinks, oranges, reds and yellows. I do not know if they are just this beautiful because I am in a new place or if they always look this way.

My Jamaican Experience

We arrive. Everyone is so welcoming. They feed us and house us. They are excited to here about

our journey. They are so thankful we are there.

We worship with them. It is amazing. I have never experienced something so powerful. They praise

God in their own way.

Over the next 5 days we work hard. We paint, clean, plant, and build. In the morning we have

Vacation Bible School with the children. In the afternoon we move cement blocks, make mordor,

and lay cement floors. It is hard work but it is made fun because the villagers are so entertaining.

They do things differently but that is okay.

Each night we eat with the villagers. They cook for us and we clean up for them. After dinner we

go out to a field and with the sun setting we do a devotional. I am so blessed to be able to

experience this.

As the week comes to an end, we say goodbye to the new friends we have made. To the

experiences that we’ve had and the love that we share for this place. This beautiful and amazing


In July 2009 I said hello and goodbye to Jamaica in one short week. I say hello and goodbye to

the place that changed my life.

I would encourage anyone who has the chance to help others in need. It is a great feeling to be

able to give back. It does not have to be in another country, there are plenty of opportunities to

give back in our community around us.












When I went to Jamaica I was nervous it was far away.

Image from google maps

When I went to Jamaica I boarded a plan at 6am.

When I went to Jamaica there was a 5-hour flight.

When I went to Jamaica the air was warm and

smelled of salt.











When I went to Jamaica we had to drive up the

mountain on a skinny mountain road.

When I went to Jamaica the people were poor and

the houses were small.

When I went to Jamaica the children were sweet

and were eager to learn.

When I went to Jamaica the people were poor

but they were happy.

When I went to Jamaica we worked hard but we had


When I went to Jamaica we were different but we

believed in the same God.

When I went to Jamaica I left my heart.

I am forever thankful for my Jamaican experience. I will never forget the friendships

and the memories I made. Even though my first trip to Jamaica was over four years ago I still remember how I felt before, during and after we left. I bonded with the others that went on this mission trip with me. When I go to church and see these individuals those memories feel fresh.

One of the individuals I went to Jamaica with was Michael Tabor-Gray. I have known him for as long as I can remember. His family used to babysit me when I was young. He is only a ten days older than me. Michael struggled throughout high school with a drug

addiction. No matter what anyone said or whatever happened he could not give up his addiction. I could not understand how someone with such life and such and amazing personality could ruin their life.

Michael has and amazing family and support system. He had our entire church behind him. He not only struggled with his addiction he struggled with his faith. His mother is one of the most lovely and Godly women I know. She has been a role model in my life and I could never understand how he could not follow her. She showed so many unconditional love including her son Michael.

While in Jamaica I saw Michael undergo a change in his way of thinking. Things began to click for him. The children of the village loved him. He played with them for hours. Michael has such and amazing effect on people. He loves to help and will always brighten your mood. While in Jamaica I loved to spend time with him and just see him make everyone laugh.

When we got back, Michael checked into a rehab facility in Tennessee. He was in and out of this facility for a couple of years. He met a women who he fell in love with.

They ended up having twins. A beautiful baby girl named Mary Grace and a handsome son Aiden.

Michael loved these kids unconditionally. They brought him and everyone around him joy. Michael got his life together he decided to move home to Mooresville to be closer to his family. While being home he fell back into his old ways. His wife stayed strong for him and their children.

Once again I began to wonder how could someone with so much to live for let his life fall apart? Michael went back to rehab, but this time closer in Asheville, NC. While being their for almost a year, Michael made new friends and stronger relationships with the ones he already had.

Having been there for almost a year, he was aloud to come home for visits with his family and his children. You could tell he was doing better. He had put on the weight he had lost and just looked happy. Everyone could see the old Michael was back. We were excited for him to getting back on a more solid foundation. He was being joy to all those

around him.This was short lived. Once again Michael sought out his old ways or they sought him

out. It is still unclear how the drugs entered his system, but on July 28, 2013 James Michael Tabor-Gray overdosed on heroin. He was found early Sunday morning before church. The events leading up to his death are still unknown.

I was heart broken to hear about Michael’s untimely death. He was so young being only twenty-two. I was beside myself that a friend I had known all my life, close family

friends and someone who had experienced the same thing I did in Jamaica could be taken so soon.

I am thankful for the time I got to spend with Michael in Jamaica. I am thankful for all the memories that we and our friends got to make. Michael will forever hold a special place in my heart and when I think of Jamaica I will think of Michael.

He will be missed very dearly by his family, friends and the friends we made in Manderville, Jamaica.

James Michael Tabor-Gray

March 18, 1991-July 28, 2013

Aiden and Mary Grace

Dear Ionda,

Thank you for allowing us to come into your home. You and the deaf community

have had such an impact on my life. This is an experience I will hold with me for the

rest of my life. You have shown me that no matter your disabilities you still have faith

that you will make it by. The faith that you have demonstrated I hope that I can have

this same faith in my life. When I am feeling like it is not all possible, I like to think about

you and your family and the things you over come. If you can over come being deaf

in a country that views this as a handicap, I can get through my though times.

The unconditional love that you have shown myself and the members of my

church is amazing. You took us in and treated us as equals. You showed us Gods love

through your actions everyday. You are truly someone that changes lives. You love

everyone equally and show them God loves them too.

You and your community showed me how much I love to give back and to help

those in need. You have inspired me to teach to those that need it most. I would love

to be able to teach in a less fortunate country that truly needs teachers. These are

the most loving children and all they want to do is learn. These are the most inspiring

children and show you what love truly is. Even if I do not get the opportunity to teach

in another country I would love to teach in a less fortunate area or school.

Thank you for all that you have shown me and taught me about myself and

God. I will be forever grateful for our friendship and the memories I have with you and

the deaf community. I hope to come back and visit.



Ionda Campbell

The air is warm and the sun is low in the sky

There is a light breeze that blows my hair all around

The view is beautiful

I see green everywhere and I see for miles

I hear laugher from children near by

They play without a worry in the world

I see the ladies in the kitchen working hard to make dinner

The men walk to the dinning hall

As I sit I think about how peaceful it is here

Time goes by slow no one is in a hurry

We have no technology or connection to the outside world

I do not worry about anything other than bettering my sign language

The sun begins to set

What a beautiful sight to see

I have never seen such bright colors in the sky

Oranges, reds, yellows, pinks and purples.

After the sun has set all you can see are the stars

I have never seen so many stars

The lights dot the surrounding mountains

You can see small towns as far as the eye can see

Peace wraps around me like a blanket

I am content

This is a moment I will never forget or want to leave

I could not imagine being anywhere but here

My name is Alex Bakeeff.

I am from Mooresville,

NC. I have lived there all

my life. I have always

wanted to be an

elementary school

teacher. I am twenty-

two years-old and will

graduate from UNC

Charlotte in December

2014. After I went on my

mission trip to Jamaica in

2009, I began to think I

would like to use my

future education to help

those in need. Since

then I have been back

to Jamaica one other

time. It confirmed my

desire to teach in a less

fortunate country or

area in the US. I hope

you enjoyed and have

some insight to me!