Multi-State Outbreak of Fungal Meningitis and Other ... 4-2 Fung...Multi-State Outbreak of Fungal...

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Multi-State Outbreak of Fungal Meningitis and Other Infections Associated with Contaminated

Methylprednisolone Acetate, 2012–2013

National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Division of Foodborne, Waterborne, and Environmental Diseases

Multistate Outbreak of Fungal Meningitis and Other Infections

q  Largest healthcare-associated infection outbreak reported in the United States

q  Massive undertaking §  Response was a joint effort at CDC

•  Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion •  Mycotic Diseases Branch

§  Over 300 staff at CDC HQ §  Likely more than 1000 staff nationally

•  State and local health departments •  Clinicians, nurses, administrative staff

q  Collaborations §  State HDs, FDA, CMS, clinicians

For more information please contact Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30333 Telephone: 1-800-CDC-INFO (232-4636)/TTY: 1-888-232-6348 E-mail: Web: The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

State Health Departments: California Connecticut Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Maryland Michigan Minnesota North Carolina

New Hampshire New Jersey Nevada New York Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia

Local Health Departments State boards of pharmacy Public health laboratories FDA CMS Professional Organizations Clinical community


Early epidemiologic investigation

SEPTEMBER 2012 OCTOBER 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4

q  Tennessee Department of Health (TNDOH) contacted CDC about a hospitalized patient with culture-confirmed Aspergillus meningitis §  Patient was immunocompetent (unusual for

Aspergillus infection) §  Received epidural steroid injection (ESI) at Clinic

A in TN on July 30, 2012

Early epidemiologic investigation

SEPTEMBER 2012 OCTOBER 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4

q  TNDOH identified seven additional patients with meningitis from Clinic A

Initial eight patients q  Recent onset of meningitis with marked elevation of

white blood cells in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

q  Four (50%) had a posterior circulation stroke §  Unusual site in brain for stroke

q  CSF cultures from seven patients were negative

Commonalities among initial eight patients

q  Injection at Clinic A with one of three lots (lot 5, 6, or 8) of methylprednisolone acetate (MPA), a steroid, from the New England Compounding Center (NECC)

q  Contrast material, povidone-iodine, lidocaine,

spinal needles, epidural tray kits

Early epidemiologic investigation q  NECC notified of the initial investigation and potential

involvement of three lots of MPA (lot 5, 6, and 8) associated with initial patients

q  NECC stated they received no reports of adverse events, and results of routine sterility testing were negative


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Drug recall and outreach q  NECC voluntarily recalled lots 5, 6, and 8 of MPA,

though its contribution to patient illnesses remained unconfirmed; provided customer list to CDC

q  CDC continued to investigate other products

q  CDC initiated outreach to states to evaluate scope of problem


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Early epidemiologic investigation

SEPTEMBER 2012 OCTOBER 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4

q  North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services reported another patient with meningitis §  Received ESI with MPA from NECC at North Carolina clinic §  Posterior circulation stroke §  CSF specimen also culture-negative

q  Exposure not limited to TN Clinic A

Notification of patients q  CDC recommended states begin notification of

patients that received injection of lots 5, 6, or 8 of MPA from NECC


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Contaminated MPA q  FDA announced that unopened vials of MPA were

contaminated with fungi


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Compounding pharmacies q  Prepare customized medications that are not

commercially available for individual patients with specialized medical needs §  Prescription required for compounded product

q  Regulated by state boards of pharmacy

q  Exempt from good manufacturing practice regulations that ensure quality of FDA-approved products

q  Compounded products not evaluated for clinical safety and efficacy

Products prepared at compounding pharmacies

q  Non-sterile §  Oral §  Inhaled §  Nasal §  Topical §  Transdermal

q  Sterile §  Ophthalmic solutions §  Irrigation solutions §  Cardioplegia solutions §  Dialysis solutions §  Injectables

•  Anesthesia •  Antibiotics •  Electrolytes •  Flushes •  Intraoculars •  Parenteral nutrition •  Steroids

Scope of problem with compounding pharmacies

Compounding pharmacies intended to provide customized medication on small scale

Production en masse without regulatory oversight for good manufacturing practices might result in compromised quality assurance

Methylprednisolone acetate (MPA) q  Anti-inflammatory glucocorticoid

q  Available with or without preservative §  Preservative extends shelf life and inhibits bacterial/fungal growth

q  MPA with preservative is approved by FDA §  Indicated for intramuscular, intra-articular, soft tissue, or

intralesional injection §  Preservative has toxicity in central nervous system tissue

q  Physicians prefer to use preservative-free MPA for ESI

Preservative-free MPA q  Not approved by FDA

q  Prepared at compounding pharmacy and used for ESI

q  Lots 5, 6, and 8 of MPA recalled by NECC were preservative-free

Epidural steroid injections (ESI) q  Steroids injected into epidural space around spinal

cord to relieve inflammation and pain §  Spinal stenosis or disc herniation §  Chronic neck or back pain

q  Efficacy is unproven1

q  Over 2 million among Medicare beneficiaries in 20082

§  Median injections was 2 per patient

1Bart Staal J., et al., Injection Therapy for Subacute and Chronic Low-back Pain. Cochrane Database Sys. Rev. 2008; (3) 2Manchikanti L., et al., Growth of Spinal Interventional Pain Management Techniques: Analysis of Utilization Trends and Medicare Expenditures 2000 to 2008. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2013; 38(2):157-68.

Intra-articular steroid injections q  MPA used in intra-articular (joint) injections for relief

of pain and inflammation from osteoarthritis

q  Peripheral joints §  Knees, shoulders, wrists

q  Sacroiliac joint §  Proximal to spine

Outbreaks of post-procedural fungal meningitis

q  Exophiala dermatitidis meningitis-2002 §  Contaminated MPA from compounding pharmacy §  Four cases; one death

q  Aspergillus fumigatus meningitis-2005 §  Inadequate storage of syringes used for spinal anesthesia §  Six cases; three deaths


Case definitions q  Probable: illness in person who received injection

with MPA from NECC and developed any of the following: §  Meningitis §  Parameningeal infection §  Peripheral joint infection §  Posterior circulation stroke in absence of a normal CSF profile

q  Confirmed: probable case with laboratory evidence

of fungi from a clinical specimen

Case-patient information q  Standardized case report form completed for each

patient meeting the case definition by §  State health departments §  Local health departments §  Clinicians treating patients §  EISOs on Epi-Aids

MPA distribution

States received MPA States did not receive MPA

q  NECC provided a list of facilities that received MPA

q  17,675 vials q  76 facilities q  23 states

Notification of exposed persons q  High morbidity and mortality among initial patients

§  Early notification and diagnosis might result in better outcomes §  Notified of exposure to contaminated medication and informed of

symptoms requiring medical attention

q  Injection facilities identified potentially exposed patients §  MPA lot numbers not consistently recorded §  Facilities often established a period of risk when MPA was in use §  All patients who received MPA were potentially exposed

Notification of exposed persons q  Injection facilities, state and local health departments

and CDC contacted patients by telephone, letter and/or home visit

q  CDC opened call center to supplement efforts

Case Finding Information Flow

Surveillance Team

Desk Manager

Desk 1 8 states Clinics and Hospitals

Desk 2 9 states Clinics and Hospitals

Desk 3 8 states Clinics and Hospitals

Desk 4 9 states Clinics and Hospitals

Desk 5 8 states Clinics and Hospitals

Desk 6 9 states Clinics and Hospitals

Desk 7 1 state Clinics and Hospitals

Attack rate calculation q  State-specific attack rate* = no. of cases in state X 100% no. of exposed persons in state

q  Case definition-specific attack rate = no. of cases meeting case definition X 100%

no. of persons receiving relevant injection

*calculated for persons with meningitis, parameningeal infection, or stroke who received ESI

Incubation period calculation 2012   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31  





Injection #1 Injection #2

Meningitis diagnosed by lumbar puncture

Incubation period calculation 2012   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31  





Injection #1 Injection #2

Meningitis diagnosed by lumbar puncture

Incubation period calculation 2012   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31  





Injection #1 Injection #2

Parameningeal infection diagnosed by MRI

Incubation period calculation 2012   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31  





Injection #1 Injection #2

Parameningeal infection diagnosed by MRI

Microbiologic methods q  Specimens

§  Fungal isolates from unopened vials of MPA §  Clinical specimens (CSF, tissue, aspirate fluid) or fungal isolates

from case-patients

q  Identification methods

§  PCR and sequencing of ribosomal DNA ITS-2 regions §  Histopathology, including polyfungal immunohistochemistry, used

to detect fungal elements


Exposed persons notified

q  13,534 persons potentially exposed §  12,069 (89%) by epidural, spinal, or paraspinal injection §  1,648 (12%) by peripheral joint or other injection

Case-patients by April 1, 2013 (n=730)

q  584 met a single case definition §  308 had parameningeal infection §  236 had meningitis §  33 had peripheral joint infection §  7 had stroke

q  146 met multiple case definitions §  144 had parameningeal infection and meningitis §  2 had parameningeal infection and peripheral joint infection

Case-patient characteristics (n=696)

Characteristic n % Median age, years (range) 62 (16-97) Female (%) 410 (59) Median no. injections (range) 1 (1-6) MPA lot exposure known Lot 5 68 (10) Lot 6 414 (59) Lot 8 88 (13)

Incubation period

Case definition

Median (days)


Overall (n=675) 44 (0 - 190) Parameningeal infection (n=403) 49 (7 - 182) Meningitis (n=231) 36 (0 - 146) Peripheral joint (n=34) 62 (22 - 190) Stroke (n=7) 24 (3 - 157)

Attack rates (n=730)

Case definition Cases Exposed AR (%) Parameningeal* 452 12,069 3.7 Meningitis* 380 12,069 3.1 Peripheral joint* 35 1,648 2.1

*Per case definition, with or without multiple infections

Distribution of cases by case definition (n=730)


(42%) 236 (32%)

144 (20%)

33 (5%) 7

(1%) 2

(0.3%) 0

50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Spinal Infection

Meningitis Meningitis + Spinal Infection

Peripheral Joint


Stroke Spinal Infection + Peripheral

Joint Infection


es (n


Case Definition

Case-fatality rates

*all cause mortality among case-patients

Case Definition



CFR (%)

All case-patients 730 53 7.3 Meningitis 236 26 11.0 Meningitis + parameningeal

144 11 7.6

Stroke 7 7 100 Parameningeal 308 9 2.9 Peripheral joint 33 0 0.0

Exserohilum isolated from unopened MPA vials

q  Exserohilum rostratum (lots 5, 6, and 8) §  Predominant organism from

clinical specimens and vials of MPA

§  Environmental mold §  Rare cases of clinical illness §  No reported cases of

infection of central nervous system

Exserohilum rostratum

Other organisms isolated from unopened MPA vials

q  Other organisms identified §  Cladosporium cladosporioides §  Paecilomyces formosus §  Rhodotorula laryngis §  Rhizopus stolonifer §  Bacillus subtilis and B. pumilus

q  Aspergillus not found in MPA vials

NECC q  NECC recalled more than 2,000 products in addition

to MPA and ceased operations in October 2012 §  Filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in December 2012

q  Multitude of bacterial and fungal organisms were isolated from NECC products labeled as sterile §  No outbreaks associated with other NECC products

q  Highlighted regulatory questions for compounding


Fungi Confirmed in Patients

q  Exserohilum rostratum q  Aspergillus fumigatus identified in 1 patient q  Variety of other fungi of unclear clinical significance

identified in 11 patients

Other fungi detected in case-patient specimens

q  Aspergillus q  Bipolaris q  Coelomycete q  Stachybotrys q  Alternaria

q  Epioccum q  Paecilomyces q  Penicillium q  Scopulariopsis q  Chaetomium

Multistate Outbreak of Fungal Meningitis and Other Infections

Laboratory Support

q  Fungal diagnostics for cerebrospinal fluid (testing for meningitis) do not exist

q  Novel PCR test developed in 2 days q  >1,000 specimens processed during outbreak

L Gade, et al., Eukaryotic Cell, 1 March 2013 Detection of fungal DNA in human body fluids and tissues during a multistate outbreak of fungal meningitis and other infections

Epidemic Curve as of March 4, 2013


Patient notification challenges q  Relied on injection facilities to identify persons

exposed §  Required human resources for rapid and accurate identification

and patient notification §  Some injection facilities did not record MPA lot number

q  State and local health departments ensured each exposed person was contacted and sufficiently notified §  In some cases, numbers of exposed persons exceeded capacity

q  Activation of CDC Emergency Operations Center necessary to ensure rapid patient notification

Exposed Persons Contacted

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90





Percent Contacted

Clinical challenges q  Patient notification resulted in thousands of patients

seeking care

q  Many physicians had never seen or treated fungal meningitis

q  Often difficult for patients to distinguish new symptoms from baseline symptoms

q  Diagnostic tests not without risk

Multistate Outbreak of Fungal Meningitis and Other Infections

Health Communication •  Health communication strategy

relied on –  Risk communication principles –  Websites –  Traditional and social media –  Targeted outreach to

clinicians, patients, partners

•  Communication Metrics 10/4 – 11/7 •  1M web page views •  430K total news stories •  290K social media views

0 5,000

10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000











0 10



2 10



4 10


Internet (Google News)

Print (Top 25 US cities)

News Media Stories

Clinical guidance q  Engaged clinicians with experience in fungal


q  Established best practices for diagnosis, treatment and management

q  Resulted in real-time development, dissemination of

guidelines for patient care §  Evolved with the constantly changing outbreak

Communication strategies q  Direct patient communication q  Electronic communication dissemination

§  Epi-X posting §  Emerging Infections Network §  ClinMicroNet §  Blast emails to professional societies and listservs §  Dedicated CDC website

q  Health Alert Network q  Clinical Outreach Communication Activity (COCA)

calls q  Media press releases

Outbreak Summary (April 8, 2013)

q  Exserohilum rostratum predominant fungus identified in patients §  Also isolated from unopened vials of MPA from NECC

q  733 infections in 20 states, 53 deaths* §  Meningitis §  Localized spinal or paraspinal infections (e.g., epidural abscess,

phlegmon, arachnoiditis) §  Peripheral joint infections

q  Treatment §  Adequate duration of antifungal treatment is unknown §  Minimum of 3 months with more severe disease likely needing 6

months to 1 year.

*Deaths reported are from all causes among persons who meet the case definition and may not be directly attributed to a fungal Infection

Unprecedented outbreak q  Largest outbreak of healthcare-associated infections

in US

q  Severity and complexity of clinical disease

q  Large number of exposed persons required rapid patient identification and notification

Remaining questions q  Why did attack rates vary between states?

§  Injection techniques between injection facilities §  Age of MPA vials shipped to injection facilities §  Degree of contamination among vials

q  What is the upper limit for incubation? §  Longest incubation period is 190 days

q  How do we capture case-patients going forward? §  Patient dispersal §  Waning awareness of risk


What happened? q  September 18: TN DOH notified by physician treating patient with

Aspergillus meningitis who had recent epidural injection at ambulatory surgical center (ASC)

q  TN DOH contacts CDC to determine if similar cases had been reported to CDC

q  Local investigation identifies additional cases of meningitis, of unknown etiology, in patients who had received epidural injections at the same ASC

q  All had undergone epidural steroid injection with Methylprednisolone acetate (MPA) from New England Compounding Center (NECC) and had other common exposures

q  FDA notified about investigation and there was joint call with NECC to discuss the investigation

q  NECC issues voluntary recall of 3 lots of MPA used by the TN ASC and provides list of all 76 facilities in 23 states that these 3 lots to CDC

q  CDC uses list to initiate case-finding in other states while also pursuing other possible sources of the outbreak

q  NC DOH identifies patient with meningitis of unknown etiology following ESI at NC clinic; suggests exposure may not be limited to TN ASC

What happened next?

q  Widespread notification through various networks and listservs, notification of patients exposed to recalled MPA initiated by health departments in collaboration with clinics

q  Exposure still not confirmed; Pathogen not identified except index case q  VA’s Public Health laboratory identifies the fungal species Exserohilum in an

unexplained death and relays a verbal report from the medical examiner that the neuropathology on the patient was consistent with stroke.

q  October 4: FDA announces that unopened vials of MPA were contaminated with fungus

q  CDC activates Emergency Operations Center and ongoing urgent efforts to directly notify ~14,000 exposed persons

q  October 6: CDC identifies Exserohilium rostratum in a patient sample and confirms VA finding by microscopy. All NECC products compounded at and distributed from its Framingham, MA facility are recalled.

q  October 18: Exserohilum rostratum recovered from unopened vials of methylprednisolone acetate

Multistate Outbreak of Fungal Meningitis and

Other Infections Development of Clinical Guidance

q  Engaged clinical expert mycologists with experience

in fungal infections §  Best practices for diagnosis, treatment, and management §  Based on little to no data, but likely theoretical benefit

q  Resulted in real-time development, dissemination of recommendations for patient care §  Able to evolve with the rapidly changing outbreak

q  CMS §  CDC guidance used as the basis for modifying indications for

diagnostic testing and treatment and eligibility for reimbursement q  Clinical course unknown

§  Recruited group of ID specialist volunteers to provide ongoing consultation to treating physicians

CDC  Health  Alert  Network  (HAN):        Update:  No+ce  to  Clinicians:  Con+nued  Vigilance  Urged  for  Fungal  Infec+ons  

Among  Pa+ents  Who  Received  Contaminated  Steroid  Injec+ons,  March  4,  2013    Update:  Mul+state  Outbreak  of  Fungal  Infec+ons  among  Persons  Who  Received  

Injec+ons  with  Contaminated  Medica+on,  December  20,  2012    Update:  Addi+onal  Contamina+on  Iden+fied  in  Medical  Products  from  New  England  

Compounding  Center,  December  3,  2012    Update:  Mul+state  Outbreak  of  Fungal  Meningi+s  and  Other  Infec+ons  Associated  

with  Contaminated  Steroid  Medica+on  ,  November  20,  2012    Contamina+on  Iden+fied  in  Addi+onal  Medical  Products  from  New  England  

Compounding  Center,  November  1,  2012    Voluntary  Recall  of  All  Ameridose  Medical  Products,  November  1,  2012    Issuance  of  Guidance  on  Management  of  Asymptoma+c  Pa+ents  Who  Received  

Epidural  or  Paraspinal  Injec+ons  with  Contaminated  Steroid  Products,  October  23,  2012    Update:  Mul+state  Outbreak  of  Fungal  Meningi+s  and  Joint  Infec+ons  Associated  

with  Contaminated  Steroid  Medica+ons,  October  17,  2012    Mul+state  Outbreak  of  Meningi+s  and  Stroke  Associated  with  Poten+ally  

Contaminated  Steroid  Medica+on,  October  8,  2012    Meningi+s  and  Stroke  Associated  with  Poten+ally  Contaminated  Product,  October  

4,  2012  

Summary q  Contaminated medication was administered in

normally sterile sites to thousands of people q  An outbreak of fungal meningitis and other

syndromes of unprecedented scope and magnitude resulted

q  Demonstrated public health impact of healthcare associated infections

q  Effective response required §  Clinician §  Healthcare setting (clinic, hospital) §  Local and state health departments §  Federal agencies

Attack rate calculation q  State-specific attack rate = no. of cases in state no. of exposed persons in state

q  State-specific attack rate with ESI =no. of meningitis, stroke and parameningeal cases in state

no. exposed persons receiving ESI in state

Case-finding results

q  Case-patients initially presented with single-site infections

q  As outbreak progressed, many patients developed infection at an additional sterile site §  Patients met multiple case definitions

Clinical characteristics at initial presentation (n=696)

Clinical characteristic n (%) Median white blood cell count in CSF (cells/mL)

21 (range: 0-15,400)

Headache 419 (62) Back pain 195 (30) Fever 139 (21) Neck pain or stiffness 104 (15) Photophobia 97 (14)

Limitations q  Data pertaining to symptom onset are subject to

recall bias and might be complicated by underlying morbidities

q  Data for analyses are collated from multiple databases and may not be available for all cases reported

q  Longitudinal or follow-up data have not been collected

StateTotal  Case  Count

Meningitis  Only

Meningitis  +  

Paraspinal/Spinal  Infection

Stroke  w/out  Lumbar  Puncture  Only

Paraspinal/Spinal  Infection  only

Peripheral  Joint  

Infection  Only


Infection  +  Peripheral  

Joint  Infection


Florida  (FL) 25 22 1 1 1 3Georgia  (GA) 1 1Idaho  (ID) 1 1Illinois  (IL) 2 2Indiana  (IN) 84 31 16 1 36 11Maryland  (MD) 26 25 1 3Michigan  (MI) 258 22 43 2 164 25 2 14Minnesota  (MN) 12 10 2 1North  Carolina  (NC) 17 2 2 13 1New  Hampshire  (NH) 14 9 5New  Jersey  (NJ) 49 31 10 7 1New  York  (NY) 1 1Ohio  (OH) 20 12 3 5 1Pennsylvania  (PA) 1 1Rhode  Island  (RI) 3 1 1 1South  Carolina  (SC) 3 1 1 1Tennessee  (TN) 150 21 58 3 66 2 14Texas  (TX) 2 2Virginia  (VA) 53 44 5 4 2West  Virginia  (WV) 5 1 4GRAND  TOTAL 727 238 140 7 306 34 2 50

Multi-State Case Finding Approach q  23 states received contaminated MPA, but cases may

reside in states other than where injection received

q  Case “belonged” to state where patient received injection, not where patient resided

q  All state, Puerto Rico, and Washington DC health departments, were assigned a contact number at an EOC desk to report cases efficiently §  Prevented case reporting from clinics/physicians §  Created a directional flow of information to CDC

Case Finding q  Public health analysts and EISO manned EOC desks

for seven day shifts

q  All case reporting funneled through EOC desks where CDC Unique ID was assigned for each case

q  CDC Unique ID required for CDC laboratory testing and case discussion with clinical team §  Allowed separate databases to be linked with CDC Unique ID §  Prevented duplication of case reporting §  Ensured consistent communication and accurate case counts

Surveillance Team Objectives

q  Accurately identify case-patients

q  Communicate outbreak information to state partners §  Epidemiologic §  Clinical §  Laboratory §  FDA investigation

q  Communicate surveillance information to incident

command leadership and teams

Lot # Cases ever exposed

Volume administered


AR (per 1,000 mL

administered) A 67 11,622 5.8 B 410 10,665 38.4 C 88 4,304 20.4

1179 persons were missing data on lot exposure and not included in this analysis

Lot-specific Attack Rates (n=505)1