Mule for each scope headerc ollection

Post on 19-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Mule for each scope headerc ollection

Mule For Each Scope – Header Collection

• In this slide deck we will see how Foreach processes a collection in message header

Message Header Collection Let us write a Mule flow which listens on HTTP Listener and let

us test the flow with below url having a list of query params


The value of the query parmater “names” is a list of comma separated values.

We want to process this list using Foreach scope

• Mule HTTP Listener converts query parameters into a Map. We can access these query parameters using the key ‘http.query.params’

• In our case the query parameter is a comma seperated values

• We need to convert the comma seperated values to a List, then we can apply Foreach scope. For this purpose we nee to write a Java component

The Java component which converts comma seperated values to a List

We use this Java component in our flow to convert query parameters to a List


We used Java component ‘QueryParamsToList’ immediately after HTTP Listener to convert query parmas to a List.
