MTV's Teen Wolf and AT&T Sponsorship Recap

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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Transcript of MTV's Teen Wolf and AT&T Sponsorship Recap

1. AT&T | MTV | PARTNERSHIP OVERVIEW TEEN WOLF SEASON 4 2. 1 2 ON-AIR SPONSORSHIP ELEMENTS PARTNERSHIP OVERVIEW TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 DIGITAL SPONSORSHIP ELEMENTS 4 AFTER SHOW SPONSORSHIP ELEMENTS 5 AFTER-AFTER SHOW SPONSORSHIP ELEMENTS 3. AT&T AND MTV PARTNERSHIP OVERVIEW GAVE FANS AN EXCLUSIVE SNEAK PEEK OF THE NEXT NEW EPISODE OF TEEN WOLF IN THE WOLF WATCH AFTER SHOW. DEVELOPED IN- SHOW INTEGRATIONS THAT WOVE AT&TS NETWORK AND DEVICES INTO STORYLINE. GRANTED FAN WISHES SURROUNDING TEEN WOLF IN A CUSTOM SEGMENT ON THE AFTER AFTER SHOW. RESULT: REACHED MTVS MILLENNIAL ACROSS ON ALL OF MTVS PLATFORMS. 4. TEEN WOLF | ACTIVE & PASSIVE INTEGRATIONS AT&T was featured in (3) MAIN MOMENTS and various PASSIVE INTEGRATIONS where TEEN WOLF stars used the brands devices in situations vital to the storyline. Sponsorship Deal Points: Main Moment Active Visuals 3 Guaranteed Passive Visuals 4 Guaranteed Passive and active visuals throughout the season featured characters making/receiving calls, sending/receiving text messages, and using various functions unique to the phones throughout the season. 5. TEEN WOLF | MAIN MOMENT 1 6. TEEN WOLF | PASSIVE INTEGRATION 7. MTV APP | SECOND SCREEN EXPERIENCE The MTV App allows fans to explore MTV content, chat with other fans, and watch full episodes of their favorite shows. AT&T sponsors the Teen Wolf section within the MTV App. AT&T receives: Exclusive sponsorship of the Teen Wolf weekly sneak peeks Exclusive sponsorship of the Teen Wolf page. 8. MTV.COM | NATIVE ADS Overview: AT&T is the first advertiser to have Native Ad Units on Native add units are found on the Teen Wolf homepage within and the MTV app Why is this important/beneficial for AT&T? Higher user interaction rate Doesnt look like a traditional ad Utilizes show content to draw audiences What is a native advertising? A digital advertising method where an advertiser gains attention by providing content in the context of the user's experience and blends seamlessly with surrounding content. 9. SAMPLE NATIVE AD PLACEMENT ON MTV.COM 10. Each week, the Wolf Watch after show gives fans a sneak peek of the next weeks new episode of Teen Wolf. Within each episode (12x episodes) AT&T receives: One (1) AT&T verbal mention per episode reminding fans to stay tuned for the sneak peek One (1) :03 lower-third presented by AT&T graphic at the start of the sneak peek At the end of the show, the host directs fans to tune in to the AFTER AFTER SHOW on or the MTV app. WOLF WATCH | VERBAL AND LOGO INTEGRATIONS 11. THE AFTER SHOWS | VERBAL INTEGRATION 12. Each week, fans tweeted their TEEN WOLF related wishes for a chance to be the featured fan in the AT&T Fan Wishes Granted segment. Following the show, MTVs TEEN WOLF Twitter account (@MTVTeenWolf) tweets out to the Fan Wishes Granted winner with an @ATT mention. Within each episode (12x episodes) AT&T receives: Exclusive ownership of the Fan Wishes Granted segment One (1) AT&T verbal mention per episode One (1) AT&T graphic logo placement in the Fan Wishes Granted segment AFTER AFTER SHOW | FANS WISHES GRANTED 13. THANK YOU!