MT hw.docx

Post on 07-Aug-2018

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Transcript of MT hw.docx

  • 8/20/2019 MT hw.docx


  • 8/20/2019 MT hw.docx


    *n order o build he ideal charac er o& a eacher, he &ollo)ing a$ ec $ 'u$ be ob ained/

    The eacher 'u$ be able o $)i ch o di&&eren language$ 5in )hich he $he i$ &luen in a onceand e3 re$$ he $a'e hough

    The eacher 'u$ able o u ilize he a ro ria e i$ual aid$ o $i' li&y and illu$ ra e he le$$on.

    The eacher 'u$ be o$$e$$ he righ a'oun o& $ on anei y by gi ing $ide $ orie$ and o here3a' le$ o $u or he conce being di$cu$$ed bu no $ raying a)ay &ro' i .

    Mastery of educational psychology

    This instructional competency serves as a guide in teaching through making the teachers aware of thedifferent factors for facilitating learning such as learning by doing, reinforcement, discipline, how to deal with individual differences, etc. ith these in mind, the teacher has now a vision of the direction one willtake in the teaching process, founded by these principles.

    *n order o build he ideal charac er o& a eacher, he &ollo)ing a$ ec $ 'u$ be ob ained/

    The eacher 'u$ be a)are o& he cla$$roo' $e ing and 'u$ be &a'iliar )i h ho) he cla$$ beha e$ and ho) a $ uden con en ionally reac $ o cer ain re uire'en $.The eacher 'u$ be able o e3e' li&y )ha one i$ eaching and gi e rue o li&e e3a' le$ orconcre e e3a' le$.The eacher 'u$ be able o rela e he reading 'a erial$ and $u le'en ary e3 $ e&&icien ly o he

    o ic being di$cu$$edThe eacher 'u$ rea he $ uden $ )i h &airne$$ and be rea$onable in gi ing re uire'en $ andcon$idera ion$.The eacher 'u$ a oid gi ing nega i e conno a ion$ and uni$h'en $ regarding he ou u $ o be$ub'i ed in cla$$. 8ein&orce'en 'u$ be e' ha$ized, and no uni$h'en .

    Mastery of the techniques of motivation

    This instructional competency becomes the fuel or gasoline to the vehicle towards learning. ! studentwho is stimulated and engaged to learn will possess the willingness to understand, go further and applywhat has been taught to him"her. This may also contribute to a longer attention span and a greatercapacity to absorb information.

    *n order o build he ideal charac er o& a eacher, he &ollo)ing a$ ec $ 'u$ be ob ained/

    The eacher 'u$ gi e incen i e$ u on acco' li$hing a ery di&&icul a$( or $coring a good gradein an e3a'. Thi$ re)ard 'o i a e$ he $ uden $ and gi e$ hen he dri e o $ ri e &or 'ore a$ hey cancon inue doing be er.

    The eacher 'u$ no d)ell on uni$hing he $ uden $. *n$ ead, rein&orce he ro er 'en ali y inlearning.

  • 8/20/2019 MT hw.docx


    The eacher 'u$ a(e i'e o e alua e and (no) he $ uden $ in ere$ . * i$ hrough hi$ ha one i$able o incor ora e he in ere$ $ and )ha e er ea$ily ca che$ heir a en ion in o he le$$on ro er inorder o 'a(e he le$$on in ere$ ing a heir end.

    o e ha he eacher $hould ha e a goal o& 'a(ing he $ uden $ realize ha he ul i'a e re)ard i$o learn and u$e ha (no)ledge o gro) a$ a er$on and do one $ role in $er ing $ocie y and no u$

    &or he $a(e o& a aining high grade$.

    Mastery of the art of questioning.

    This instructional competency emphasi#es the more important type of $uestioning which is asking$uestions that will develop critical and analytical thinking.

    *n order o build he ideal charac er o& a eacher, he &ollo)ing a$ ec $ 'u$ be ob ained/

    The eacher 'u$ (ee in 'ind ha )hen a $ uden an$)er$ a :)ha ; ue$ ion, i doe$n 'ean o

    $ay ha he $ uden i$ already ca able o& e3 laining he )hy o& hing$ or ho) ha an$)er ca'e o be. The eacher 'u$ be uic( enough o co'e u )i h &ollo)-u ue$ ion$ o u he $ uden $ onheir &ee and hin( on he $ o .

    The eacher 'u$ be able o 'a(e he $ uden $ hin( ou o& he bo3 by allo)ing he' o a lyob ec i e ue$ ion$ in o cer ain ca$e-$cenario$ and heir daily li&e.

    %lber Ein$ ein once $aid, %It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge&.