ms - Twin Falls Public...

Post on 26-Mar-2018

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Transcript of ms - Twin Falls Public...

ri r o, . V O lto E '0 ,.? v ’UM»tfR 27(1.^’

: i llii ;Trial Opens' This Momins iin..Miuty Old Wor Acad>, emy: No People Allowed

, J IVrnriSc^nei-LuawijorfUj ■ • Commanding Figure '. |i,mi

■ i MUNICJtt Febv Sfi.-Jn »l« s’loomy , T , cbimben .of Ibo old war BtaUeniy In*

■11'.«ntnneei *10 wlilcli were pro- ■tedetf by Urb«a wlro bdi) arme<l ,

•' foldlorr, OtDtml LoilgAndorir, hli " > .■ lUpion, Uementnl Kelnt - I’ernct,

' and Adolplt Hlllot' nild M«raJ fof. I " l i t r «m y otflccfi nnd ilocinrt-«m J"

. 't r i td .io d tr fo r lr«uofl. tfii hond ' •. hlld proudly iirtct. «• ffilllwry qnd !'*"

eofflmindliiK . (Ixurt ileiplte \ i1j< looM ‘cUlllto. clOljlM. LudtDdOTfi ‘ ,,,1

'lU lk td at..ths hesd 'of'ibB ll(il», • JrrMeiilon ot prl.onen d> tboy L''“

. wtrs^niBrchcd Iplo }bV <lock. ... ' ,Von K«hr, .'dUtator' of liavarli «lsii

•ad Lmiow. rwlKned Itst . week, prn , ‘ The d ifm o wilt lu la i lie ticived la T:.. •• tne pUni.-ltowever. . . e»n' ' Tb«',irl%l b«/(an after tlie'Judxca

htd filed , lolimnlr Inlo’ibo cbam- » » ' ber. . Tbe lltt of accuied. « ■ called >l><o

'. . En«t pMdnef wlm Itad. btca (ll* P*"!

Uflnned llial lie -waa well enough . to pnjeeid,, Dletrlcl Allonjey Sten-

. . • ■ • «1«1B. read (ho .liidtctment whk-h - w u ■ lo D itb y Tftctlal of. o tcd ii .of t . that faUl beer cellar, nlcht. b„„. Of (brprlioner. onl>; i^demlorff

. -Taraalai normal .In heallh.The crime wllh whlchMbo, priion- >

«n ll charted [* ot plotUnit analnil Ibe itaie In that (hey led Iho.ridic* 'TH

■uloui beer parlor,' punch ’ thal ..i failed 10' c^tnpletelr'^oxembcr C,

. 1»M. . . . w i'- . ' Tho triit ,openo<rnt *:J0 li. •«.

Tho complete Hit of prlnoaen lii- ,|„' eluded: ’ - u t

’ Oeaoral liUdonitorff.-Adolpb >111- a rliI t r . i lo lu ,r«m6i. Ernit- I’oedner. “ • .Dr.'Wllbelm Prick.-nr. Vrodirtck

. Weben CajiUln/'RpO nochoi, Ueu* D ittn in i Wllbalm tfmeckner, Ueuien, P .Robert' Wacaer. Colonel' Ilar* ^ *

• Y I':Tb« itreaU ifonodHie-War aead* . I taK w » rii::d « id fo elrlllaM. and * aiembly of more thah-. iwo ptraona Ib Iba-nelkbborbood-wai forbidden.

Before Ibe trb l bad lUHed a f o r final a«ire|i;,wu. nado ot .the coutl*

-.M lw aa undentoodtlie'ditenie w u ^. lo have denied mucb of tbo clfarxe :

■ ln»ol»lnK'UdMdorf(., . . .

■ A »K 8^T iio ilU A T I(i^ • '• ■ WASIirNOTOS, Pol). « .-T b e Cbt- Z j

ci^,..nooli.laUn(l .& I’acUlc rail* trare way loday aiktd the Interilite com- ehoi' -neret-CbnnX*"!"^ tor Mllforlutlan ,n.ii

. lo Inuo I1.MO.OOO of nold.nTortMR ■.1. bondi aad |1.000.0II» fln t retundlni . Bortiace bondi. ' Dotli are "4 per n . i l

.. « « lliuei . - • • . IMO.I

. ’ r i | A w s m ’i i . T y J J n e ' :D m E n;-B tb . ;6-^pi£#din« Kuiiti . .-pi

to chirset.o(SinlefJ)y U 'ill» a l.o ? (laiie •nilon. J, R .^ ll»on. formerly t th« promlacnl;dniMUllnUwrwce.K»n- so m

. s s „ w ; i s ; i ' ? „ a r j ' ■ 'stentlkry by.iudxe Morlei: bero today I

■ •ifOTi’rO CHAXKK W.AflK.; pMi . JNDrANiipiilB:--Feb. -Sll-Altor. (janal

nay)i;Xor aonnor.MfcCny today, asv "ilc .. ji9uaccd Ihkl bli.'Indleimoni by ihi •from

¥iey?ed with.L6.ND0k’F«ii.iifr^ouiii ibedatb inr::.

penalty bo Bbollabnl! 'Swede;W lth-tbridt*nt of tbo labor cor*,la wh

ennent the otd'eontroYorcy-bu been Itully rt»l»ed:lo\S9t<|UJ(I,-;wlUj-r»cnow«d.’aoUt#, rlior. - ■ IM yei

*0aTli< M.' P.; under awretary rjo : yej ftr bome nUaln. baa praralied lhal h i yti la the nMr’ifulnra.Ibe aubiect.wdl noliiie

-- \flUe»tloh’«nc*'Jiidffd**»?l iT fa r m Iw Ui.i ttu lind laM obtmel-'TbeJiomaiK- S '" #

• - rfUryhM )l;ifM )r*r of repriere’tnd *iV,7L nany..;botde»iel ibo (fUct hare, fell laoil p o t^ g y '. the.'ibrrlblo TO-

. ipOMlblllty'/Df.'^O’dcclilon .aa to > rii.< wbeflier..fti(trn^. abould. be burIM Union:

' Uio titra lty ’or.nou ^ '• mon,.- ;io ' order ,11 nnrK]e. Inll -opport no* bavo. a

llr for tta ' couBlry lo Mpreta’ - Ju that « »Iewi,on-lhe-miftur,> bill wlll-be Malpe,

' iiflrodaci^ tB pirllameBt'Apni'd pro* Hampi .vidtnc for Iba.abolition er the dpalb Hon; ' pniliy , ^c«pl for.tnllltarr offenaei: eralfaui

' .The Howard Luciia rot-Pesal-Jto* ateiuii■ form b u i m 'one of iba no il aeUr* alty li

I on ian lu t|on i;uU u t ihiraacrlHcInK Pnul:

s: fftlM. ' .1 . caplial

. rollo«|nrn>Uou hara ' deR* ibMSI - nlifly ab6lbibed_eflptla1-.'pnntihA»t!' aboKUc

AUfirli, UollkBd. Italy, HbmK- Nor* nonboi

M lCoolidge Se Com m ittee:DAUGHERTY CASE "

President in D oubt A i to '>>" N ext 0 )rre c l 'S te p ' J

to T ake.

•'tvAHTiivnTns t.V1. 2.*,foothlsc today aiked, hUi cahtim to Hrh hM|> lUiii ck-cld«twlial lo .dn about

Thu prnhlciil placi-.! .I.cfnrp a meet- - r Inx of bll kdvlRdn<th»e allematltvni, reipccllBR (ho atiorney pcnrral:' i..-

1, That hp fie pcnnliird to rrmain Inn In (b(> cahlnrl |>o.illns n im l c bear-

dcr nilfldcr»loo<l (fMl lUUKbcny. wnuld plaro >„ , hll-rcilsnallon In '.the preildcnt'i handA al ohcct to lio acccpivd In' tue ]■.! icnalo Inquiry waa ended. It the urn- ' I tf "ackul«cd" blm. DaURbcrly ihcn , euiild rciUn wltboui *<|iiliiini!'’ undrr f ii tiro.' ir ll “convlctcd" him hc trould \ hate 10 rcilKB. ' . ' U '

Thal,l>aushi-rty tjP a*k«l lo»-rr. - ilsn al once. Thla would put llir Wfaldcni Id dlnxt oppoiitlnn lo John . r;.Adami,-fhalrnian of (ho rt'puljll- a n national cornihlttce ami other po- ■ Iilcal leaders bul would fjnd him In isfwinpni with irnarorlal Ifsdeni n !lko IM ic. I’cppor and llorah. Ba

necauto'ot ^he bcdlef ibal nTome nc- :lon recardlnR DiiiRheriy wai Im-ii lendlne at lb.. WI.H.; llouie ncnaton. JBcklnc the Wbralor rriolullon for nvrttleallon nf.ibo depariiiirnt, of ' N liiitlcft liidlcaivd'thpy miFhl tiol at- ful «mpt (0 |ia^i the mmiire today. - ' clal The atioroey'afnorql fn a letter to ||di

icnator Wlllla'ailmltli-d he bail ipcx* cou iltticd In Sinclair oil iiocka. He nun

. .Tconllhucd o»~Pai;e 3 . ^ '

TllOlin.K 'Kl'HOIW l’JIKV.lLi;ST ' ATlIi;N8,'Kel.. :c-:-Kumor« (itm u-

do.'ln nulsarla and (hal Klnc Ilorl* ' ,P rai alKiui lo Iw ovcribrown • bavn «i«hiHl Alben* pcrililontly wlthlrf I’'*! he paat few dayt Tbry have I»»on a peMlBtentlr denM l>y^lhe -B»l. , J T m . n 'i. i t e l»,i.oiia.>. ; ■ ■ “ !]

.. nam

'orm er A ttorney - G eneral ‘®* M entioned ift B ig ' ' . ' x<

‘.-■ -C o n tro v e rty .-

NHW yoiiK.' Keb. :o.-Tho name' f former Ailorney Oeneral A. i„.o lliejietl. Palnior. hna been. bro«ht Itu the'naral oil lenae reiervo con- mV. ■oreray by Oorernor Olftord Pin- tha, hot' ot I'enniylrnnla. PInchot. [leiklnR betoro (be Surrey AhmI- * S” tea. Inc., bera laat-' nlnkl .i«ld i l , 111 “tn im: Atlnrnoy.. Oeneral "S. atmer wllhout a fight turned orar «,1. ioo,000,ooa o f . oil landa trom our . . . i abllc domain lo tfio'Southern Ta- , , , .1. ne railroad. ^."Palinei' refuied lo appeal lo.lho Mei nlltd Stalea nupratne court. Itom ,h ,t le declilou of a lower federal '" l r )url taro;ablfl.(a Ula Southern • t i ; icltic,". be inld; ■ .Pormer Heerelary f tll. clilct flfi- ■t In Ih T ^ I leoaO inroitlftatlun. 5m IR nlnn Iniolvetl .lli the Inat'and „..i» Oil (UiiBerrtua atlack on Iba aa- S >nal foraili, Plnchut inld.'"lie. lr(od U> lal.UiamUfautorred . iiii nm the, department. b f aRrJcUlture "I Iba.depann'iant of.lhe Interior ao „

al be could .'Rlra ibem ^woy lo \ . gi iKie; Interd U . ;a i. lie dld_(he;oll ‘

■ ' “ “7 ^ ’•■■ST.

amshmeiitS^ i s f i ^ o r Sy.'.rorlueai,’ iiumanla," Eitbonla,’’eden, .Utbuanla.. Otber countrlea 1 '*^ , which Ibo dMib.pebalir la nom- * lily relained bul la practically ob*'Dtl«lam,;no MociiUoB for { S ' t ycan: Dennuirk,‘no execution for :ye tn ; PtAlud.‘nd ezKUtlon'for f r S l yeara ejictpi dnrlns ono yenr of

lltleal iro u b it, ^ 'Aa.lo.wbelbsr’lho alwiitton bf the - . '- I llh aanienct operalaa lowatd an In* - «a« or,diminution of ' bonlclde," mmdi ria aald,' "iba ihilb. I Iblnk. la wet IiLm' iitrated, by-tho^ auia of aftUra.ln larlca. *.v. . • , i* hotna' 'li.6n£itaka*lbb'alx aiateirof tbe dar.n Ion: tli Which*munler la laut'com- tar o,' a,.:ona flUUJthal tArao.'of'lhm Netao'

ilb^edt UkaiaebuMtli,' deailt: pra-

lB;tll.»(htta" ataW : tlSa^hsalelda } la .l«aa lhan40Br.perlM,(JOO of OrMo' population.; T he,nla ia;ibd'lov> b inol d fa lt ln UaUe.->blch’ abolUhod la*.' ,- lial pua ltbm enn(ln 'm i.'rtb lnk il)n»d

f fab^,of-murtIom'»‘ '

, 1 . 1 . 8TWIN FALLS, IDAHC

eek’s Cabine i Reads ImpcGEORGE RANDOLPH H


vi-«-vniii.- P..h _doliih Ch'itrr, knnwn lo lliUHmndi an Ihf auilior i)t.“Ort-lllcli-qulck Wal- llncford." died al lili ajrarliiii-iU Yivro " today. • Cl

L'hrnt-r dlrd al 5 a .m. Ilhi «|I« wllll htiii.'

. .No pri'i'arntlon* tinvii tircii mad* . fur Ihe tunpral. nrnih »'m nitrUiul* r;l 10 brarl.jIlxMir. .

r-lt-W Hn<Hrt(«lr-hoi«Pv«r,—(baL — drtiiK wAii.iuUdcn, I’libllihora »aid bii

SMnd*tlwMw*wa>'\i” R«^^^ nf'C lti'flrr croaicd • "Qcl-Illcti-Oulck lmWalllni;ronl’''.Bnd tbo scnlal 'awlnd, itiIfr'a companion. "Dlacklc l)aw,“ In tn1908. Hie Walllna/ord atorlm wCrc teMl l>nt known wmka. (bn only nnr« ■ thai'lirouphl him any parllrnlar fame.Two playa,' which niratcr pro<luced 1.,tn-collatiAmllon with Ultlun (nicatrr „ / w«e Cqrdella. UtCiWW, In UH.^andJ’ay,- In loia . . _ J ,

SfilflHERN GlRL !;T O i i E A R i p E :

' ' i~.

B anker' D eclares B etter '1' ' H a l f l s o n i le g i t i - - . re<

m ate BiAh. ' . i

' NKW YOllK, Peb. 26.-A beaull-11'* ful dauKhler. ot the louililanit. clatinlnc deicendency from'.a 'lonR V. lloe ot.'auytbern, b«ui. wonl Inio'.h, court lodaf lo defend. her sood; . , namo aRalnil liar-huiband'a chnrRiI , , Ihat Ibe waa ot lllexlltmato'klrll)^ and had commuted mtacunducl oti > a 'nature unpardonable aouth of iho . . . •>li)»on,.nnd Ulflw-'Ilo*.'V.,. Coijniel for.iE lilne '.U e Hnrriij coi wile ot Uarerly D. llarrli. former ihe preitdtnl ot tho Jiatlooal City bank,' |nt< wlll o|>eii Ihelr brKfa loday. got

H arrli'. aued fob annullment nt c (belr ' marrlBge, clIfrsInK. mlirapre- aec ■eniallon before the. ceremony. Mu. ml llar/la onee iron ine cu# .throutUi'Wa datanlt bul bor hHibaBd-a allot- ,|io) nayi tiad the antt r«P«nod on lb«- pc« iround ihd i'lt'w u:im p«ulb lo r«r Tbi tbam.tO'ba. praaanL Tba.dafiul* Haj ul^Ultoraeyi-fnililad thar. wlibad clal I irUl' lhaf .abo mljbl^dekr her.jder

' llarHi. blnialf. vaa In cnt(rL Ho »aa repreionted hy Carrutliera. Bw. ' ls( -ot MemphU, . and Hoberl B. ' i, (InR. Memphli. . ion

Xddreiilt\ic Uie luton. Ewjns ^ u lald.tha.plalnllff .waa. aoln*.for. y* nitment onMhe xround tha t'h la ygi, rife'a namo had been £lla Lea and | bal Harrla. bad been “defraudad , ,, n(o ';bU marriauo hy .'iho delend: lOl and ,her aiioclalei. harlnir no dea of. hll wlte'a trup orldn and rharacler until Ions, atler he had ^ , leparatedi trim her." —•.fleorke.Oordon Ilatlle. repreiienl- w nc Mra, Harrla. nueilloaed ,:e«h M altoman aa to whelbar. hb -bad ' ter- been on a police fofc*. ilrtnx n InllnaUon of the cKaracler o( etllmony'tn’lM) heard, which. II li ’ hdenlood. will Inrolro. atorlea by , lemphli policeman-lo the effeci bai they found Nn. Harrla In n

“Tha” defendanl not appear tn ?* Kbrt unlll ntler tha Jury had been cceptad by,both aldia/ When,abo . « j Id appear, abortly blfora 11 , clock, aho allracled Immedlalo al- lallon.In a'atrlklnRly pretty .tu r ^ Mt two-ptnk.roaea'at b ir hreait. .lltla'*reVlialli»riied up In .front I abow a whllo unrterbrlm.^^ Her " J m kar Illd iha'.waa.SS. -HarrU , 01. • • —

•r-^ rX D O O -^A T T A C ^nr-^ "T .R f 'ST. V0U18,iUa, p,h,i8.-fleBatof IIJJ

iiBny.~today-dlueied,'-cavVlUiani v _ . Ibb* >|tcAd(j0,-.who la oppoalnR'tta, ''

X - m ? ^ t h S ^ b r t n l-or-hla* tack. . I ’• "■ '

. T0TK8 ox.rnoposxis .8T. LOWS, Tab. J&-Ulwourl TOW , ' ,

natltuUoul warantlbo after two ' ara work. »:arly reporU waro that ■ e n io would ba Htbl and that tbaoiwaed chaniaa atood HIUk chanea ,^ “ adopid. W epolla w m b e , . ea IJ houra today..',.:

. .-.TimEK nKiD - • ‘ ,STEtlLlN(i. c6lo,\rab7::Sj^Thit5raona ara dead, Ihrea ara dj1n».aad ” r ,h l" ra IU,cf'bolHllam..tA raault KEL ' liatlof -pollened uttaiM at tto io( a ma;of Tony Nourlo, Ju lian , W* Uuaie j;.i^UhW.-rte"d«d.Br«.Toay. No- u lh<

e t r t . i o d j £ ^ v V ^ . :M T'llO!fA,nilB CAN1)IDA?B { iwoTi

L w i - ' r t o ^ dalaalad% r .-"Jiii


et’s Advice; Of taut DatamessaS are-GiipRDSAl^S tartling ',. 'New Evic^ncc

Disclosed During 0 . T o d a / i W ork. J

huiidrM .telejinmii leni 10 (ornivr ^Jfcrttnry,.,nf,-liitl(cl3t_>'alli nml fl 0H. -.MCLean; publUber ct tho; liiKton I'oit, durtpR Ihelr Ufccmtxr \ Iluy In Palm . U ^ti..w rre in-Fseiitvil rrii tn the lenata Taapot l)uiue commll ill ,le .today,. , isr" .f l . ' T. Tiff,'Rtnoral Hupetli'iiend. 'ai. enl'of’the Weiiarn Iiuinn of u'n«h- l"'t InRtnn, Rare tha commlllee a bundle nf rei'orda from IfllM ot hln tftf.Ito “f and .the*-comMlltce immedlntel}' went Into aeeret'aeiton.' ■’i''

The. leleRrami f cro called tor Ui „ Iho- cnmmlltee'a .<iforfa to Uarn llu' aourca ot lUipMUd "leaka- to per- inna’inrulred IB the oil ic.miUl;. Tnft proieilod. aHlmi lubmlitlni; the lelcRrBma d)i iho .sround itiai they were contldratlal communica- tInni and thal' hll company hnd nn " “ rlRht to maVe tlicm.'publlc wllhnut roniont of the penona who eenl (hem. th e commlitfc. howerer. do- ' ^ elded. unanlmonaty to ru Into all recordi and Taff aRt'eed undcV pro- tffl. ' f,*'"

In oiecutlta-'aaiilnn (he commit- lee then beRkn petuial'Gr tlie piiii- cRM'Ift ditaralBo If any RO»enJ- .,.7 tncnl oftfclala;hajl idrlied rail- nr Mi'Unn'aa to What coune- they ™ ibnbki punuo. ' • i>‘‘''llefore H a ' 'commlllee went (nto Jbr

eiecutlre'leiilon,* Chairman Un- “ tonfmada Iha 'followlnR italement;

"Tha chair'.will atnla ihnl the ’ renion the tommliiee la iioln'R Intn » eiecudro lertlon jli lo-' enable ih ' '"3 coniiaUlft 'to-.,'doWmlne which ot - (heie lel<Rrami are ralalrd (i> (hn r ” Intormailon wanleil ar>d which ato not.” j

0 . a .W ablbn it, fomer prlrain G : aectetary (0 Ilarry Sinclair, will he . aubpoeriiad, sccorftlnR' to Seiialnr 't( v^iih. . Wahlburt will be quoi- llonbd about rati'raneea'.ha nado .In ptarloai.Uitlmdby'la k.Mr. Jlayex. T b a .^ n l lT M m ' ll".tbaV4Na' Mr. A

Clair oftl(» bnt backuaa ot-r«cani dyn iteralnpmenta they wlahed (0 make reti certain of hli 'lilinUty.,. • , -'p

• ■ ltOUI,T) (10 TO WOOX. ' 10"! ’ LODI, CaU Peb.':i^-OeatR0 W(l> ion wanta to-ko (0 the noon. Wit- . K tqu road (Kal Proteuor IL H. Oo<t* nf 1 Urd,. deplrtibaai: ol'..phyald, Clarl; thaunUeralty, Worceaitr,. W ur. clalmi fcenilo hara Inrenleil a. torpedo which by In .> aerlea‘of .NptMloni-wlll pnna Ui- nla. I'ond tbo coiilrol' of the I'arili'a . 0(rarity, and enter that ot the |<uhnoon.. Now he wanta to become iliaI puienjier, on the torpedo. . . othi


61IICAGO, Feb. ':(.-InTaillRBtlon brhlnto the myaierlotta. kllllPR’ df tir . wenmd - Mra. ’ John Duffy, ‘underworld manharaclan. alowed up today -peodlnR Mi ba «rr»it oflrrlnRiZollIn In Colum*' ihirui, 0 , -Zollln, lomoUmai.known aa fy’a,lollar^,'li lald'lo hara lured May. New.^tla' Eatay.DuIfy fro sf 'h an homa retuit >N*orfolk.;0. Ha b u a.^pollco Preilecord In aereral Oblo citlei; auttior* tlie'l

Zollln.can.'ba arrailed wlihin a Raniw houra by Cdumbna police; Ilar* DuttId Ler'Ii aailitant afala'a ailorney, recoall-'Pnfty.:and»'bU ',nnwly wtd prU(

W U l l A I

'^lioV iaK l'ftiiiM ll U Manthan, atmna opoMd'.ona' day trtnaconUnanul. fllnbt a oM iUM rtan'i-fttit-alinBpt-UBa-No.-l V t.aod boary llna aBowr^remalndar o( ELLY FIELD, T au F e b . ' t h a ' . h t and aklUJiare.afon-.Llealcnanl not'o laietl L Uauiban wprid*wlda fame luck.' lh« array’s Brtallqa a a . ■.• • • • ' • larlali

WD olhor 4 n U lliea^n la ‘le n ee u d ‘ if*«DBfldeBca, are exp«6lad ,)o wla Mat iBRban- .and - Afterican v arlalloi tL 'Sa sh hOBo'ra wltbln <"te*-aiffltba..»' in^ tl j^ r Uaosbaa dHpllo'hU falluro.^ eikttanpls tdyny.Tnm NawiYtirfc MILl Saa Fraulaeo bet»»aa.davB'('Ud S o O ik,latBo»,tettlBKr«adr for BlUrd tba'fl uk ai.lhhi TMord.;-Tl)e am)* air pIHiy ?lea juii'RoU)orU(4.Uiusbaa‘. t i b a v . »dal Ua a l t a l f a Jona.'-r-'v >' pUoni

rinaii pUaaa l«.&U':cr«dll4a-.tbe M i watvJs Sf.irtrk ta plaBi.'./or-* tgren *ili^-)obUatiifl«r4tuni i&Md M Irtp'k te UiSt.>tBav(h«.'flI|lil.*&)lor''d*;. st9ppi ir« .-?O nei lbs plate'rella ow of «*um



O utcom e . nf ' Injunction Suits Eagerly A w aited;

' Crim inal Aelion Expccted

of Presen t T im e .'', -

WA.'JIIINOTO.S',. I'd). ;.;-Tla' -kov- rrnmvnt'fi wai- torii'aiicllsUim «f-iU' f ) •III tifliT'i‘gralitnfliy tnriii.r'Si'in- r lary of Ilii' lnli-rl»r l-'illi ami tii i'n- « laiy ot 1«(5 Nnvy Ufiiby tn i:<l I,. I) . lirny-nnd Ilnrr) t<lnrla|r will Hr- I iiiatly Mlllll <ir tall (>>- Um oiiirnnii' t Df luJuHHlon nulln,Atiiirtir li> I"' IV- • kIIIuiihI III (al^ nlihilrAHil i>t nil tniai ilif,ri-n'rv(n, . . • ‘ .

IliTaiinc of Ihls Atlrn I’omm nn anrl W Ownn J.-U(ib..rin. i|>'kIbI. rrnlil.-iillBl " cuiinni't tn whnir liunili ,Mr. <'iin|[ili:i- . hnn |.lnc.'il |.ro».<tiilnn of (hr cairn, an- inktni: -'rirrptioniil paliin" It wnn biatwl. to'lir'rcn'dy lo fIshi <iui itic ,, major 1mi»-'» of ihr cue nt an rarly • ntnjfe of llip bnllli'. Tbln. ll wan nald . ,f ' nt tlHi oHiVi-i, wltt h'l'.Hayi'.l In tak -|"« Inc dcfliiiij action. • . ‘' . ' nnl' An riiun ai .(I’mpnrar); Injiinciidnii nri' nnkH, tlir minni-l aullclpatr (lint 'f Sinclair oml Iinhmy will nrrk ih..-„„ cuurin fur Iniiiiiillatr lii'arlnsn <»i ,,,i maklni; the', liijunciliiiis pi'rmaiii'Ui. ' " lorcliiK the ^nti-rnmi'iit Into itm U|n'ii.., •

I Thin nndli'ii iinly lo cltll oiOin. \ , r r g ;Whal«'VPr criminal nctlon may hu cnu- , tt-mplnlr<l' will li<- Inkni Inler wltli‘in,n lliv convrnlne <it a npcrlal m nd Jury, 'dai The talk of I’niiim'nr'and Hotirrii'.'uifiII wan 'vx|>1 nn l twlay, li dilflcult of || mrinnialnn^ docuiArnia and ti-iii*'of moiiy 10 l>c' MBinlnNl on tliii one hand • ,n.i and the uiiatallal'llliy of W b ot ll ' mn foJrin'on tlm other. }•• 1 » jTvTtlT’iilj: V«lniantn,iiticy aroTiolrt-'„l,, inn dally rontiTenrcii glllini: tbu l’vl-,|,i„

. jthc.

Greek; Auembly Votes I to End-Ruling H ouse;' m King George Is Sick ot»

' ' ------•- • ■ •' . 'and'ATIIE.NS. Peb. M.-Tlie Creek ai-

'aembly ~rot»d'-tonlthl-lo.‘cnd--iho-<Uai dynaaty of tbe Oluickbursh (preient relcuinc houi«>. . ' . Tl•' Pfchiler Cafantar,li promptly r«- f f ” alROeil nnd M. Itoniioi undgrtook lo form a. CabliieL ‘ “ *

. 'k Io r GeorRe; head of the Home « > of Uluckiburth, wblCti hai. occupied. IVI tbo Oroek iliroiie (or yenn. wai re- 1(1 benily ex|>cltell anil li- leriauiiy 111 In Iiucharol with double pneumo- nlR. • . , . '

Oreecd wlll priilMbly hecnmo a* re. puhlle alihnuRh. ll. li poiilhle, fnr Ihe tcslklBtora lo dciltoata aome .. other relknlaK liouie. ; ,


hrhlo, recently o t ' Uulirllle, Ky., Cllifwere ihot to dealh tn ibelr apart- fumnanl horo lail Tliumday. < : . , Ohk

Mr. and Mra. Orlindo Horton, who llul ihired the apartment- with Ibo.Dut- M<ty’a, were taken Into cuilody In Ansis‘ew Orleana yeilerday and will ba Ilro>'eturned 10 Clilcnxo. .Mr. and Mn. dIda'^ d Church wero abio arrealid wlih marhr'llorionn.' Uncrrtaln whether tho Wilt>uHy'ii-were inuidefcd by boolleR- rcjirlera or a Jcaloua aultor ot. >lra.' kinlutty iiollce aro delrloR Into Ihi Ado<'ecordi' uf .'the rlctlmS aod Uio Ttirliontra. , ' a ni

A l N l i 'D A I i i D U S

ly.arlator (rijiht), and map of bla It aeroaa America. Uae No. . 1 I0.- I ahawa-Mau|ban‘i-attogi}-«l*— — o( the roula'be,plana lo;corer-

t'^bannr and)yoii hop e'tf.libereli < It-tnuch you can do uM pt.Iniil to- f ck. .It‘a uaeltu lo worry a ^ t ma- ‘ '>

VU?JgtXSXT:!^r-1Mtnsban learea for ilcCook fteld .T .'jSaylon,. 0.. shortly to baith t<«t* - - i t tbe CurtUa puraliinilaBB a#M«Ill - • e.lB’.thB fliibt. Thia-new pU ne.. - IL U reiB -bun 'S U laoKlnittllid, ‘ 'V

MjUm, ,Bt Join>tt.-Jlfc. tad Cbey* • ae,-,W><».-Uutta4ot'foarafopa,ia. UiBod;oa tba:pr«Tlra fliib t:...,;- - A .^ lbw ^ reed. plW f o ^ : ’»lau«h.,-'. .• .4 I,down;ai BL Joaiph oa.hlT ,f irs t. ' f tartpv JulT'P.. TaB.aays-lIl»r:iia‘. ' - . . ’i rer«a;iS»« Dllai-et the ttlO-.jnis4.‘>. ip'kbetd ot Kbednle-^Bt-bk -^vu.'-v'-.

\ms. ' I N L lM E L l^ g ' '

' . iiAimv >r

p i o H H ' iFATALLY BEATEN l i

. ___ . . ' Ll- I

W oman, Aged 70, Is.’Dcnd ' From Injuries in - v.m

' . fllctcd Today. '

i.NDlAN'A'rin.i.s.. r.K '.:r..-(:iad)ii nlfni:ith, vc, ntl liiiiKiIr I>r Ih.' Imlhimi „t„.,Wiiii.-in’n 1‘tiiin.i iK'ir,. iiirly )<xlny 'mtKlrniiKl.'il mill Mix. .I.iiiili<i< Itu-h- i„;,rnnl«, -70. iiiniiini,. II. (Iciili nii-l i.i- iim. (-aiird.troiti llll- prhnii.' 'J-|ii' Ktrl wancuiitliiHl'lti III,' 0-11 (»r |iii'i>irlKllil<i>, <-iin ami. .\lr». llU lial.b. m tliii-.' iw MiUil-till" uiutiiiil, <xTii|ili'il lIx' uiljolnliii: ion-riHilii. A ifflrlc iiukliiK Ihu rouudn j„nifoiiinl Mr>. ItldprilK ilnnl in l|iT licil. ,.v,-t nfrniiKli'd nnd tiinii'ii iivir Ihir hi.-iil-A can wan'lii li<'r iiiMilh nml kIk- wan jiclioiiml band ami fwu ulih nrl|>ii of 'luncliiibliii: Mid to I'l' imri ot thr iniln xlm]Rlrl'ii (Iri'sn. ,,.H,

Il waH, tn'lluvnl Ihnl Ihr Imur il<>tir mernf tht' Vrll wnn IWi’ unlmknl lanl :jii|l niKhl. 'Uhc cKI Airfcd.dii' Iik-Ii otf uHire raRC dcor ouinldr. lhi< <-<>11 mill „„rcItlll Kll«W.IlCllil££lE».10 .1I1U..JUUIII SStl.wherv tin' at;rd uiairnn lay nli-i'plni;. ,ii,u IIIoim] Mullln nliuiil llll! ronm tiidicak-Oilio matron liad iirucstcd liard tii turu . ..u, ihc N*an ovcr|inwrnil.,

.'lAY STAItr.NKlV lIHItKIIMUNia:. Ind., M '. :(i.-A incctlnp , ,

10 conililcr hicakinR away from llii’urMcnt KU‘ Kui XiBn nrcaiilutlon o>iotnd 111# formation of a aew order, waa doeiinnounced today. vKfanainen tron) In- baa.Uaoa«iI)*ls*n.flbl04D4tillw-al4le» ,1>U‘' f r a s a w . K f e ir:ipeeoVhu beeb'aupp'itiiti^nd olher of rJahlk have been ;akeif away by load- waa .'ra of Ibo prcaenl orsanlutlon. . of.i

m’a d o oS e sA S C A N D M -

• ____ . • ' ' • , ' CI.. 1andidwy Is Announced

- by T«legf«ph From mrei ' Los Angeles.

COLUm'oUS, 0., Keb: 2(.—William tuck'3ll.fia' McAdoo,. Callforhbi, ■ ioday Nebr'umially Illed ai a candidate In Califrtilo tor Iho dcuiDcrallc pruaUen- , lul Domination.McAdoo leleRraphtd -from Lo* oy

Inielei to* Secretary ut Slate quaiirowu declarloR hlmaelf-na n can* itaUlldato tn tho'Oblo preferoiillaj pri* tbe.nary. He iMxnated Wllhur 0. amo:Vllkin, Clercliad ottorPDy, aa hla openoiireienlitire '.ami' aijllincKlnR Wll- harela tu alRn ibe dNlarnllun ot )Ic- dntlridn<i‘a canipaliin:jar deleiiatei. ‘ orlleiTho Itlnrain wlU bo followed by bundm^l/cpntlrmBiiJa?....... . , ■. ot at

B tF L lG H T r

........ ... . .V 1 S

T . ID AH O .W E A T H IBk Vulr tniilijlil and ll'ed.■ . ur>ita’j , rirep l l>h>bably■ r»ln- nonllicB«l .p,orllen.

. • OIJ) V OL X I1I. n o . C.'i '

iiir ■nsi:- y i p E N E .Lending Writer for Nation’s. Business Finds Conditions Gfiie/olly Hopeful-and on .ness ip Som; Branch .. .’\<'a.>-'iiinIit().n; r . i ” ' :»!-iiiiilnrii

;iK :i hIiiiU diirliiK th<' laft ihlrly, dayi .'(ptilliiil.Hl in-'.n>T|cn(V (h«'‘chcrrlul ' iiiiK-'uiilili liiriiiii.' nrnund Ihe i.isiiiiiliiji III till' j.'iir, wrltcn .Krank iti.i'iif' in IiM iiKiiiiliiy fturvi'ji’ nf hui- lll<' :l iniiilirMK in 7'lir Nalliin’n'Uui- - . in.Mi I.ln»inl (iKlay. "In mont llnn-; •'Ll- nnjN.‘"<|l>lllK't |>roi;riKi<'Iian liri'n >liouiL hiK thiK |iiii>( ^aken w(th llll' nn.Tiiiiiiin lltal (tiiTe ate enotigh iiiinaiiiilaiinr)' (>ulutt'n vlnlttle (n prc- vi'iiCiiii' Miiiiiiiarlirtiii; uf the'nltitallon 11' l iillnly favnraliU-."' ’■"1( n Imud vii'w ll lo he taken,".

h:i) Mr. rir<'<'m',*"li may Ijk aald tbat lliinn.lal llnrn’ ha»i' l.ern Senerally KiKvi'rut. iiiuniy ban.hern In abund- '.Iiii .r.ii|iiily ami i-any,- mmI accurlly iiiiirki in hitVK k i ’n neilvr. Tlie forelsn iliiulton, lu»„lian ni-rmrd to have be,-

........ iiinN- din'ttiil: ftiiropian vi?-i iiriili-s hnv.- nllHi-nrd In prici-: t-i- .. hlinRi- lun niUnnci'd trom ibe very • • ion- Irti'ln iir'iiild-Janiiary and our i'x> . jioit iraiti' hnn rnltiiiEi-il. mainly, how- -

"lirri' It huiHi'-lt inay bu lald that ‘ ' llic i;uiiAirti(;ilun trndcn, Imp, i|erl. iiurduur.', au»imoti|l.-i,‘iielrolcuni, all xlmln of hiilliUui: malcrlal nnd lo u '.'iiain iiK'iit turniuire, hare either iiicri'ai> oiili'iil or lUffeiicd pclci-a.. . :iu|ldiiie cnRXruciloi) aided by a |i._ . iiin-n wliitiT h n Rono on tu an eiteni . miroiiiiiion al- Ihln rvasoa and srrui ■ tS ttem ilsM jtfi^ i^da to tbs yeara. iniii;r.iiS nn a «tiolc on lUll line.

"Ull’ Ihe oilier band wbat may be I ..til'd the ^ppaicl tradei. coitou». . ,

((■•oniliiucd on i'aso 3.1.

' .NOHK’ OI'tlUTKI} OX. •' tog ANQi:L13.'-Peb. :S .-D tu u ia . ' ono haa. oBt'a' nOae cut dowa t t ' , . doean't 'aoctiiartly follow,'Ual: I t . , ' • baa been duao,to “ipllo Iha face."'

to near frienda a wdrkad-war.'OOM'.. ' of whlch'abe-fa .rary.,proud; rit- waa tha hump ibat waa the . b a a . , life.” abojaald. • . _ ■ _

■ , L - o u M x t m s ' ' 1DA^U&,Peb. M .-T em .ablni«t^,'- •

f.1 loday In .a record low .ttmporalure, ror Ihll tlmo of yrar.':^ IllRbt tnow -. ind aleet iiutm accompanied tbo me^.' . :ury ilfup. — u..,.- • '.

A‘.UKS tiirE S OLT' ' r ' CLi:Vi:UND, Peb.,. M-8enalor 7rank 11. Wlllbi, Ohio;. Abnoui»edM. . lere loday Ibo idmea of alx (im tort-^ ..

Jeneral DauRheny.-.Tbgr. M«„S«o*. ‘ or* Borah. Idaho;. Waaley J b a » of - ■ iVublniiQn; nicbard Erast. Kea-'; -- ucky; Lcrt Pcmald. HoUrt HowWI.', ■ <ebruka, aad Samuel flbortrtd|e,.or;' :allfornla. ' :. ,

. HBAUUlIAnTBM: Ol'ESBD. ' v OAKUNO, CaU. Feb.: »>*ncail* '.

luartera • from wbloh ‘.faderal 'kod ^ < Italo aRricnllural' otneea will dlreit | ‘ he.war on boot and noulh 'dU au*.;!. .* imonx tatUe lii ia ilfo ra la ; « a n , . ‘ . jpenod bero. loday.;-pU. coOBflefc.i lare been placed nntiir direct :aBei..^ intlno-aodiall llrcatocli lias‘W ; ' . ' irllercd liolaiod.; SUBfblar of’nav,«> laodnnla-wlll be ordered; SMpatotS^^^ .•’,:i It aprlnR lamba wlll.De aarioualy af.‘ . . . t eclad but the aupplr of‘maal'(B.-fliii^''.--C

)(A r ESDonHB'-niaiBis,? sV':” >iiALiiiatf. N. c,^L-;rBh., sfr-The-;'. -

idone formtr 8ecreuirof;lbs Nary i,r n'

R\GK TWO' ; ’

: > SOeiETY AND; . / /c p t i - M m.-II . !■:.

JIbiIm I |lrp«rlmi'nl~Tlii' itiii.ic ;il -------ilrparlinrnl »( Mu- Twi'niklli iVntiiiy club met Momli}' Bftrrmxni al ilii-•}i(imo-c)t Mm. K W. ...... kl'. Alnr(lio’bujilnrtii M'ltalun ,Mn>. i'. P. I^l- loss looli ctisrKC uf Did ]ir<icrai». j Mr*. J. A. Pj’Kfft hf4d ciTi imimiinir . J Brllclo cmbrtelDB rlslit <jf ilic tnixl.Tii J

• ccimpoiicrav .Mri. II. C. Maculrn »vo f j an iceount of ili« Bclili'vciiifnt In thi' « (Iflll of 0|Kra-of name nl (lur AiiiiTl- '

• r to n[irr« wrlioriL llliutrallunn (IIIIU •• Iho ©Mrti “Ntiiiim-: Btiil •'Itolili; ___

WBjr Illilc IU Uurl)' br 0«8o<Kl miil "Dawn I.IeIiI

BOll Sons Dlrd" bf Alrf K[ii'bIiii hit<' '.nunR br .Mn. Miculru. Mn<. N. J.Kwffr wmg .A Ilcml o( llrwrV'.nml “Klu Mr.” Tho'iinxiram rliMH allll i

...... Ih<> BlnRlns Of •.•A-l.llll« Dulili Car>■ tfrii,” l r Mr< Otrn Hluitllviwl. _ ~

t t ; CBjor «ofi«l. llDnr-.Momiw . Bine lUfl bu»lnr»» •Bnil iinjffMloiial •

Vomen'inrl'In llirlr I'lub'ruoinn ao'l ;, ' Mprni' Ibn.time oorlallr, .Mrf. II. J.

• YouM».'»hQ bajf 'jiul .n'liirnnl iLrrb inonltii vlill.'In Calllni'nlfi. ...■ KBVs nn iDtfrrsjlng nccflunl uf Iut ’ III ‘ ' . w ^ /

.TiiB Adil!«nn,AVfnup ftxial fliiti ' will m n l Wrdnctilay, lVliriiar>’-:T ' ' wllh Mr^ Krank Siiillli In' |>lacc iil i m

• Mr»il rlckerlnB. ’ \ • . •' | ■■ . -Y" • , <n..»: ' ' ' Pfliluty HlBlM. ' '- "{ I '

• . .“Thee will n» r« ,t1»I\ ii* «CTln.'‘ j j „■ Hid ihB Hdfrlr QimVw tn\lIif’»1»ltlnE •Jftting' nan' who bad long'm»cr«tayfU l l« t;

• hla wi-ItoBi. ."Oil, Ilr. J|0*. can yon •a r IhktT Of count 1 will tIiU ymi

' "N®.' a r rouns brother, I frir ■theftwlltneTWTHltMkwln.* "Buu" *

' ' Btld tha reaBi mtn, ‘*iilia( mikri you _ ’,tb|nk ! will BWnr.tWt yw a»lnr... W

. MVill,- r*plle«l 'Ui« Quaker, -If tb«j '

. wfll n#T«f {0/ btnr tia tiie* *rer «m« ‘“i p l l s r lVh>B

------ :------------- --- lltr. . £anatf«'« Pulp and Papir. >■ Canidian «zporli of pawr. wood pwlp.nml RUlp ww«} for lha miinllr ol wh»n Uar. m - were Tilocd al 112.031,KH. . >ltr Bn. l«er«M of mUMlO -ai .conipa'irrt

....-wlUiUar.lOSSllA wbleti inoDth’almllar ■: MTorti Wtilod 10501.117); an Jncr*a»#

of CpSTSMS oTrr ttia-Aprfl..lta.. Br . i , m at I10,04T,W8.. Krito.rlf nt P»t»T

•U V lX 'r* r* * t;M u tS M D X fl,”m l 1 ' . pulp l i <3,MS,1U and palp WKirl Bl ■

, .; . r ■CBppai 'N'upait ,«f ThNi Toki. . . D

' X maaalfa natlTO-copptr nunti, Iko. ■...lanrH t p a n netil;Chufik fonnd, ' m

BBd wtlgblat-mer* thia-Ui(«« toBi. f r' )iak>f«ftolTnM,loS«aUI», W uh;on - | -


.A UikiTwiitnUtvuftuirii.'- . ' •

, ' 'Th*y'r«.WhBl»ln(h«Ml'ddlt.'." ITIb - U ow a n yon (Ullnjc alODg at , ■

‘ bon* wUla ymrwlfa'a’awar)’ B. JlB -P lM l T r t rtachri thBl.»ljlii ■

ot •ffleltBcy. 1 can put 4n my tocka ■«ltb*r-•nd.-Lon'>«o ' ' m

tvtn, . . WfXILK nei'OUT voil ' L

•• ‘ JlOKTn OK FKtlltUAKV ^

, Thp'foll()wlni:'l»'lhn inllk rrport • ^for Ibn Kc'bniary.fllnl wllh K j

■ lb» cliy rominlulon nl lln inrfllai; ffSo t u t ' mnl nc : . ■ 'I M

• flpKlfIc Or«Y,.„;........ . ■ • • MV• : ----- • Y ' K

• Dae., Count----------- . 'C ! . .- . l y•Tincklnck i.oJir a.T J:.9 F nfib«rman' l.nwg u ia,9 Jin.ooit n nIL U O ra • S.3. n.7. fi.0Ofl M

' 'Arrlnston - J.D»8 9.7 i;.o-li9.Dvo B G Jonta ; • I'.oUl- 3.9' 13.1 R,nun ^ H rf

. Oolt hQOt-~4.i i!.s i: ,m . ' n' .Schrltia^r 'TifiJ28 CO li.4 ■ . V V. Younc 1.0130 3.9. 13.1. fi.xnii H S

bkbw . ' ],m ; iI ' f z u < 7.HIKI B AJohniloB ' 1.0.1U .-I.M3.3 0 ( 1 ■ VKayler '1.M37 C.7 ID.I f..WO

•y V o iti' i.osio I s II.: c.s'Ki j f :y T b o r p . -J.IJJB S.O. I t s P!I.(HIU i t s■ JHirlcrlkM l.OMS f3 U S. lO.iKW

. ' . . . • WrllliW bea ¥00 (Mwalef th« f„irhy)

food.valite you oet ftom ins a lr• SHRHDDBD^THEAT,>« ‘ ---------

Ral2ae how uoExlievablv J Monomkal^ it k Six cDcab!b e v tr f package—and ihe ^poclc*geDevefcoii*ovcfl5e. .

B m tiy it as a wbol*’ wheat muih? _

D CLUBS; v SCisN, I’lioiiu'SlW I ■ , p

, ,^ G lo ria'In thfi Paramount Picture » " '«

•The HumminJ B ird ' - ASUMyplcpuProdudtioa' '

■ ; • • that 14IER EMOAflEliltKT niKQ ;

• (rtr« lo »<»m UBeoajeWtnnui Iiif.«1»ne.t cllB« ;Ih# lunB OB wrtrt t t -/ ' ■ Mjulv*

r tiM at* tMl* of BltdnMH, ' Iravr<aa |i«r pulMf •II>(, ., uul. Inl a *r*bcl,«( Ih. iuiur^ ' Thntl.r .a m tB ta l rlB(l • ^

• vhl'trnm ol'lli tp.rkU

Id tbt n t m )IUI« nuihri aa a crhit lb* tuBlwBnirfllBa ' unrM.B ifcrr b0Y.r Ui.f. upon l t - _ ,„„,j ll.r . . . . f .m m l r l« r - . , ■ . ,

• tha ra'inllru Jer* •wajlloc ' “ll’,''' «t1h> iwiri lUri wlBK I'llll* Kpb b Und <r iold (Bt-U w<ar wlU> inllll. lltr 4ncB<tB)«Bt riail ' jjr

■ —Dtlrbll N.awii tainB I r — - r ~ . ■ 'llnirlti

Model Killed ' '

. * * lhal MlIlla maxailnn corer girl l> tlrail. Icnilon■ Main Kiwldaril, nrtUt lo hart(•l,-wa«-i!iiifii-in'ii-I.oi:u\nMl»r —-Schiiianbllo ncrldQni. Ik r fauo diiirlcird ncHrrii ol tniuailne coTnra. cauw v

. —----------------------------- In n JnMuch Meri. . M

rlilnc h BiKHl IriLVM nnr« kin-■ri>()tilri'* n«iinufli irinitslii.a» writ. j,”„ ,a Ifiirr III llir ni'iviiiaiH'ta. commu;


: i 8 S

' , Twr


AUOjRIOM.ii|irrinlriidrnl .llllrhrll )lakr« Clrar (BU»" fi>r InrrrB»rd Lriyi Jllibrt Klirorc» Analjiifd .111 Hh«w -.That Tlirr Jla-fd on Jll«ap|irrhtn.•.luni I'olnl That IS I'm (rnt .1 T .. r.»»f flir »lBlnlrnan^n and ■ hiiiiuort wiiuiii lie r u r o / n r v o P rr<> Should Turn llii)>n l'ni|ii>;^I- )W r, -

1-allaclia' phT (i.ifti by niiiicinnilii nl I'rrhmil K '^r-u In ailvvr*irinrnlii wcrr iihnwn up lahl rvrnlns a.blR-manx tiirrllni: In llir Jilsh

boul audflvrJiim laal'nUhi: Th^ Ilnr

■ry"7n"to'clalwr4llph,o( the- iHaKv , ,:ni hrailinl ''J-'arl# lli-eardlnc Tax ;»y In.ilir Time* ynilrrda^ and ht / '• I'vlnuR arilr|M, iiaiiirl)', ihii iliivrc- ’ ■ I »’sl 10 allow llir ta« IfkT'Ki renyihf lant y ra fb r sranilnK,111* rcntfoil lbo achool Insnl would mran b cul aoini) (SS.IiOu from 4hc IIM.OOO

Linl liy. the Ktnrral fund lax. and .It thla. would- badfr cripplo lbo liooli. , .I’rrhaps Iho moaMrtllnc alnsle ar- , ■ ' mcnl BloiiK Ihll Ilnr waa, madr by , • | I a. KBlhrrlno’Trovoiil,'who polnlcd i lhat a'eul at lhal parlleular poloi . luld nii^n tho elimination ot ibo ulralrnl o( DD leachera' aalarlm and ivr ICW clilldrrn more or ina wllh- • t. Inilrucilofurhr nicfllna waa ralird lo ordrr hr Mldfni C. i : McClain ot Ihe achoni *- aril, wbo InlroducM Silptrlnlwid- I M. C. Mllchcll to rxplaln-lb/all- „ Ilnn. Mr. Mlli'ficll read ih(i/iBlr- P " ,« ' 'nt of mate /liiperlniendMl n i l» ' “salni III Iluaauiix from laal nUhl'a Tlmra ' • a clear Mjioilllpn nf thr law In. llm J*" IP. Und6r Ihe old law. ilia.|«ard illd 'lery 10 mllli and thf mate “ ird Rlre an rxitniloii ot flrr mllle: der .Ihr nrw laK Iho lery 1. cIkIiI lla which may b(i cilvudcd flro ,IIIHr. .Mllchrir allowed ?hcre money. l ,i^ Ij nB Irom aod wlirrr It went and lla |n,ni(! .irlhuilon amons llie aereral tundi. .nHiif,I alalrment wai'rery thorough. Jle i,, Id (com tho repori of the atale dr- rttMnt'Wi'doailoBNo «h{iw Ihllra waa ailionR iho vciy lowcal In ,,„ i nII o^Bll Iho IllRh achool* of the .to and the lowrai In Ihla dlntrlcUorKo ll. Smlib Inicrrupled 10 iak . j 5J(k Ihere were not t'ome'ot Ihriv _

loola which had mni'e couriei lhan ra’and-wM lold lhal tbli w u Irur. t tvnn thftih. wlib.ihe..nmo num- , , 1 n • coil moro prr pupil, • •

Unla for niihee rctiiio1 J. Klncb wanted the tirnon who which I Ibe IWO column adrerilinncill In year, I t Tlmra headed "Vole.Ko‘ ''lo c*. mllli., Jn, There wa* ao reiponw ‘alia underainod. ibat .Mr.>b«o did 10 and aald ihat 11 .'waa rardfy toi a man to publlth an k of lhal aon on lbo fvo oC d e c * TIib n unlea* prepared la.proro lili ba* « lemnpui. Ulabro replied ihat Iio aaldf: uld aniwer by bla vote oivTui^day for all rmmn. Ke’ aald lhal hi* alate- fromli nla wcru.ime. Klnch.laW that i,Ibm bad alatrd that ihci acbool* i . - , l uld ■ run, Ko a«»umcd Ihat- Ihl* anr ibat lliey would run a* well V at prrarnl wlilmul Ihp fund* rtrrm- _ ■ nrcesaary. which were iho’aame aa ,£ year. To rtay lli»t Ihry mJchf I In AnniP way wa* an eraalon nf I liaue. Ifl* ehlldren werr'aHrml- • :'lilRb.acli(>oIand1io did nol want .■ rUWrncy ol Iho Msli achoni aer-' . alf Impaired. William Bclllry a)iokR . ns pio aamo line. - Ilolh aald lhal •■y would vole aealnat allowlns the lOoI board lo havo lbo name lory laalT'car, provided lhal It eould ahown lbal they rould Rd aloi^s well wliboul II.'lllabmidld nql iwer Ihfl (iur»lloD».B!bnR'ihl* Ilnr. anld lhal aomp Irachcra had told

ldre;i thkt ihn achoola wuuld hv '*eil Vllhnul Ibe lery. - - In lh(t blackboard jKwBfl »| nwn rr« Ihc other ir rn l ajjil a (juarter • erred in by IIUtiM yHlerday wrro

''{ d ^ M d 'fo r^ n iV ru tn i* r Ttrnnni S akn lira

n. Tbtpiia* made a plea for. vol- • li« boii(tii,.'ITa aald lhal niibte .

l-ctinfuied.ibcdlffcreniJe.ini.' *Jf la truB that the'aphools could iilalnlalnrd wllhoul iho rxtra lory ■Iberc.would be.nolblna'lrll for ■ . ' 'real and.nlnklnir lund. H'aeemi 'I Mr. Iilibee la correct in hi* eon- ilon in that eztenl, bul li« aeenvi lare torfoiicn abdut payiardebla.Schoort«m '»re"IiU btrili“ tblarlcl lhan In older dlilrlrli br­io wo have'liulldrd ao minybulld- i > auch a Ihon limp. I can aee ■ ftrKiiment kRalnal volli^R for ibli r, Bl It aerina 10 mo lhal any pri- wbn expecia to make hb homp

(. who haa Ihe Inlpretia of Ihe wiinlly al bran, and »rho b 100 ' '

’ HOW t Uco:


. \ l ; * e a t t v i ^ 1 ^ 9 .

/ I N ' f a l l s ; D A I L Y T I M I

Duiiin ih L ■. (la liirihh .^

r« « i. • Y ' ’ ■ . •Iheyre il'-l' liiifl 'Iliilr jT

■ lliiirku ■ •tihiiiil Ihf A \-jtrUiilllli o f / \

halhiiiii .

at IIUU Jtidgt from )/>« oc<-»m.

paiiiiiiii} p t e l u r i ~

- M w - /a r f t r r

i7rE>/R' . 'the olPclal. onct' bii 'he ,'

■police ‘min> whose.

firi'tioM d . '

' cent AiAerlcaa coiild' not. vole llml II.'' • . ; ■ ' A r

Tranifrr llol I,rcar . iMt* ,nmea a Whelan denied tbat Ihe ^ onl muM 60 nw effJclenUy wltli- Ihrflj; mllU levy even II'aa auR-

ted by Mr. Ttioma* ihe clly aliQUld Ipct-for'tho Inlereal-alnklOK fund pluc»- I iraniporlatlon. and thry repudl- .

Ibeie oblicallODi. tor Ibe rtaaon "I tbe money raided Tor Hieie apr- I pnrpoini could'noi tro leually >•“ nilirrtd lo Ibe nerieral tund lo be illed fon.malntcMnee aud auppoTL Is 1 iirsed eoneenirailon on lbo polnl. a ci

Ich he eoairaded .w u the main la- o i .. In' lad , ibB iole Iiiu6t namely,.t Iheaehool.muld no;t>« ru.n-wliti

it*el'y, lhaf Iber^ave at preHnl'lt "i'l,,, .000 ot Ibe railed by taxesmalnlenaoco'aBrt Bup'port ahoultf

w l i b d r a w B . ', - .' . . . , n elulae, rrealftst & j:..MeClaln .*' ” i lhal no w arrula would ho liaucd 1 hbul fund* and It Ine voleiliibould ,, ilio, to allow-tbt^lpry , a*kp4:;f.or,Ich would leaVB'il iho u m o ^ Taai

card. • pock

■ p.). N>t fjid iiUri..niB pope doea norii*reB*Bliry I'OI 1 B ,c*naln ammint ot nnaiy aet df.frwa Ibe reirnuea of Ihe ebureb /on* i l l Me,'and r?<jfllrea contrtbailon* deiic

mlvarloni omanlulloM. Tbla tnnd | kflejffl aa “I’eleita renea' and I* cHIt k S derotfd by the pope to’wotki JuV chirlly. . i .1

j ' l t a t O i d F a s h i o n e d

' '1 ,, , ' I ^ y p r .iTbero’a po te m t Bbout limt KooJ. loIdljmolfti^ofSc'ulIy'BSkooInim ’.Sxrup — it’l naturc'f pure cano ■n(f tnspla iugiir tluil doet it— nothing taken away^nolhinit a dded (0 { t P u re — wholcaomo SD dabny* a n i c t i u n ^ ^ a t’a why

' ev ^ ry ^ wys —“irt Dully."I /•t/r'i/tki.'M lftttlfJtnfw I. ■ fr t l r e i l t t .


. S a m P i c k s a G o o i

WLL-ttW-' 'v .0 M 1.ET ) hVONtTO / JJw oii5i> W i y ■ f<paiw ^' ^

MES . . ■ ; : ' ■ ■

- ' ' b S ;■ ■: 7

k . ■ ’ J g . iiun.


' ''

Toneftie Railway Tli.A railway In Indln rrrrtilly madi Itl <)l B np«- type .flf eoiicrru n il.. . ly Ik. (tmHrocleil nf Iwn r«mprt'ie K )rtii Julnrd Iiy b lie bar, ralla l*1ng | t laclird in aprrlBlly .in^led iruod 1 jce-iet.ln ihg cunctrie. J

-Mah-Jong^l '» •ni'kIilfCfbB-Cii'Biilry..b7 ,l)lQra I I complde let In brlRlit colon, l i^ jJ lM ,'11$ .counier*. S racka ,IWO dice, book o f rnlei C J - x md Inathidlnua;. any one an le a m Iho R a m e -In-len I nlnuiei. iCa very (aidnaS '. ■'OR, All In aliracliro'box. I I „ ent prepaid on'recelpt ol ^ . 11.04 (Canada SSe extra).

TABLE COVERS i !'ery Altncllrn tJlae^'Saleen Mali- ronK Tatiifl Cover, wlih, .col-.

Xlab1X“ anrX 'S n I*rd lablo; 1*. ebimter - ^lockeii; kirlklBK colored A , - - lllehed edgea. Bxlraord--' f f j . | C miry »alu«. f.peclal p r l n ^ C?0MDINAT1»N OCK IIA We .will end prepaid'dne ewTplde-Nahr ronK...iei and table corer 'Ba 1 Iwrlbed abore ,un. r«e|pt ol j • .

iilNA-AMERia IMWIRTIW;' CO. I linre^l Mlh HI.' , yew Yerii'l

d' , \ ;

K»l. V- . SJm, •, • ■ . «

«’<■ ' , m o ,, . 1h y ' _ • ■'


R U P. . ■ • ■■ ■ S j

)od Word

,HRU£ o«L'r'\ w o li POO o « E , n o f l e ) W -

•« . -T-tnvSi)

S C I E J V C E ' MT O l D I N ' T A B L O I D n .


All mlcrobea are not Injurloua lo diicw in. flome nw neceissrr to hit e*. frag

tlie-addition , of our n .Buy at the most (:•

liori..; . “

Stpre N0/ 7 S 134 Shostone N; 2

■ v J / S U G /8 lb . s a c k t e e t

1 0 0 lb. sack beet

LA R D 1N o , K T R e j r . " ' , E

. L a r d - . ' . . . . ; ........$ 1 .3 9 .

HAMS andEastern sugar curec Eastern sugar c u rd

Pineapple >L a r g e c a n s ' S l i c e d ' C

; 3 . f o r - . , . „ . .......: . . 8 4 c

CO RN R9 }b. sack white 0)'iaki!if:PBwi8f- ■ Ifj

■1 P 6 u n d “ L i

C a l u m e t ' . , ........... 2 9 c 1

T O IL E T F6 roUs toilet pap

-M nM F .V > - .- — ..............

SKAGGSimrEIS A V I N G ■, Fiviuir.vKV sr. im i ;;-; >

trnfr. .There are ■’«m w of vrge-' iblc iialurn not only In 4llu aca. by }untli.ii<i iiillhona, bul In-lbo aoll -of 10 enrih.TIH3,rruon new iU jm n aVWr'Ia ' . . L'canne aoiiie accldeniaj lacior'aud-

Tbr common cold, ,which-medical '


•________ ■ ■

new store. V ■■ ' (lonvenientlbca-;:

Store No. 1:47 241 Main East .

A R 7 7t sugar 79c t sugar- $9.87-

TO B A C C OR ^ f a r Size «•


M med bam lb/23 c idbacon lb. 19c

- S o ^' C r y s t a l ' W l i i t s , ' ,

l O b a r e . . ' . . ..........3 9 c ^

Me a l :or yellow, 34c ,

Van faDip's miiiiiny.'' 'L a r g e c ik n s , ' , .

■2 f o r . ; ......., . , ; . . . . ' . 2 5 c :


£0“ s m ^, STORES'

By Sw an

■ '

l a '




F as t G am es'Loom on Sport ;. . H p riiq n the .Day Ap*

proicK es for .’ O pening of '. ■■SLlffDUliia T w m e » t-H o f- — f

lis te r Team -W i^dr& w s. ' i

. RfluiM Thnwdw I’. 'J I. ‘ li‘ Tnlo 'Fall* thUubL . '. ■ Fljrr t l . KImbtrlr. U»U{IU » b . :C.-Tlie drakliiir ta«i , . f

• nlglil l l Ihe Kolol lluhl (or tho liub- \.'dlitrlei ba(ik«(ball lourBumem'' t t- ■■ .■«ulle<l a i fol(b«: ' ,

. . Twin F»lli M. rjuhl: Kimberly.VI.Pller.'rUuhl wbi. ilrata, iiumber'.l,

’ Twlninilli. aumber S;'n ier, nuaibtr Thc3;'aiA Kinib«rlr, number 4. ’ ihorli

Thai t in l xunu will be .playM (he I• TliuMyy. ■#H*rnoan--b«itlnnlnK «1 'tMul; 2:30. i^he wlaoert cf the i^tiornbon Jrntlc

' t'oDlct*. will piur etch Ollicr la KIic th'« er«i;lnR antl'iha loiarii will %lio 'ira»gi tancU; 'Tlie double eURilnallon »*■ tnvlll lem 'la -belax inv<I. Ihli prayldlai! :Iub

. tllll eteh Irani muit lio ilDrealHl mvnli lwlc«..tQ be iiui oul o( Ills lourai* -r In ii'ienl. . • • *lop,

HiOtliler h«f .wllhdrawn (roni (ha touraiment, IcaflnR (uur auliiieli lo

. n e tt It cm. TAree ol llia memlw™ T oMIollUter^ leam are Uek. Ihli ' H (aci BKMiliallD|t-T»t»lra*al. I. ThV Rlrli' tu'uroAme'nl >iaa' beta t =

-AflAcelled.'. Klmborlr" wm unablo lo obiala*a3«uiie' ptaellce;"ll‘ I i ' un '

: cleMtood. wblla Twla' Rilli wai wllllits » Cill Iho- leaion' doic<)

' Ona loaai after aaatiier'droppcd uul '- u n l l l - I t ^ w a i daen>ed ad ilM h lo IQ

c a n th# M ea t o(( aa n u h l .w a a tho ‘ only ■ « « « « . a t ' t h o la i t . ' • • j{ om «r , |ludd lH on will . a c t ai

r ^ i « « (o r ,t1l th e xamc*. th iA In- , aurliuc la u U lM i'c td c la iln K . Uulil l i • '

' .m ak ln x e ilo n ilv o p la n t (or ilio tour- ' orX'• ntmoni and il l» a aonrefl of -miich ■

regril Ilut lha are um to hi•-•-rafen ,In action.. . — -i- /■"‘"h

‘ Aihpla (aeilitlai tor .aistlds tht rP>cli lournar aro poneaied by Uuhl.. All

- nm u : I*, auptrbiy adaptfiL-i<rTournanienl fo'><d

plax. Tha aT8iilnit«8mtt.»lll.l«gln W ""' . . a t - ^ h r o - c l o c k ^ ^ , ■ ■

"'F"'. .tir poq:

, .A reformM'wrciUer han knocked !out .JJ llnl* In a row. A wrestler — :who. can r«(onn li capiblo of any- The

, • ■ ___ _ , ■ ihowe' Joo' Jackaon {» mtln. experlendnf >,nr mlha aeniatlon o{ the.hamcrun hlllei ,

. . wh{>.wa*.ealled-oui'for ool louclilns mU ti>. ' ‘ " " K , _ _____■ . MlM

A ralnalorm alopDed tlm Flrpt^ 'I”" ' ' LodM flshl, aa-lf thal (iRhi, wiun't

: - « U o .b « ln '.w l th . •

•All- htll pJamJ^ihoBW /lo 'fatiflil f lo toueb.flnl. AU ball playera'rcal- u™ «' lia'4ha Imporiaoca o( (Irai louehltiii |<>0' °>lha-fflainatai. ______ _ Daugn

. ■ •Lllll■ Tba (Ire blRtal a lan In lha na jon ter o(

. art.tollcgo.gradua^a,' Ko handicap eotere . ^ laltdo g rtario ormoaia It you m) to go

abo^t'lt.Ui Ihe.rlght way., ' ' 'Man 'i l ' . . ' • (Iiefri

. Oto. nice thlwt.about. nmBMlum choppi . rDw&s la.tbai'tht,iea hsTer ceia loo ready

cbo»ly&^fce»nlfortof,th*^atrcpld P.-I, ' ■ aib'Stea. - . bert 8

■; In-Tw' . We uaed lii th )bk 'F r^k Tloocr )il(u

, . was. tba-OwaldUsuy.lii.ibo.wQild. taaiha but:Uhat'.’'wuTbeftre f a kaw MUler a n t (

' Jlunloa la knickera.' and T■ ■ — i - . • cold.

--------U!vrard,.bta slran-DobbyJoBCi. a L J^ il-T-i«lfcTKoir-mhBT*ilal-ETni«-»ire aalwni

him 'ainiato hla fuiura will ba .ea* eall Hl lablWed.- ' T

’ ■ .■ A ^aw re«ni''iraf:iha':back'atroke T«irlB’': »aa.]inor tip Ibe otber day aud cou. atS>ge]y.«oij|b tha rbllllea ■ had Mr.

• so lb to rto do.«aiti It. ■ Bergerr ■ - —— - Borgtt

>BabntBtt>-r («at badly of Ur. b a ^ to flop IM alai. Well, aayway Oerg'rr h l i ^ a bua ’l gone lo bla b e a l Tin.

— ■ . . ara pr,,-Drtllih bo«r* bara,tbeir backi to there i

ib l mll,'^ wrjtn t aijMcboly cor- lo bea; rcj'pondttt., TOt-He-really .metaa, ' 'Mr. . o( coune, la.lS!Qib'eanvaa,' ^U a

: , Biono'aOfHclala annokee-'iU nclng'd llea CUrlitl.

(or Jti:< bava.bbani'fUed.- The raeca, ihe da- bawever. wl|l (lied uoill lalar. ^

,LfeAo»tuMmW.'-'': ■ ' .WoKTlie Uoa of Uewne U a fawaiai. McOrw

, vlM« o( anilpiBra al Utania. B*ll«r-. biad, hacra’ Olil o t'tn .undiloaa rackla Iha'ilda i ( the eUS-'Ihraprtienia {‘ a! 'a'eoloaaal Uaa. .InwDieil M lh<a. united ipear and drIag."bot"nil}la^ruVsr.; many IIng lopfotact'.wlUi lta:pa».tbe llou^ htt>pr.ibop fletfr.<l»llt.'.Ti)1i'miaenieni'ini *

, dratraeit by .^Tienifajdiefl :an d ; tra* .dtdlcarcU la'lSn'ta.lha.'oBlcen'ebd. The

. -widlen ot tha'l)t-falcS Sntn'Goa'rd- . Mrta tl• n«*H/MO In 8nmber4'«»ba iera'.'alala Se,:**. Angwuo; iTt5!..whll»'aet«dln» Ibe ,hBB«

■ palni-6 ot-. tha TulTeTleaf»nl.'lhe al- nit'la?., tack «I lha mob. . taoi'ot

•• '• ■, i - ■



till- I hi'ld


■ '"'J

I " , '*1'' ' ‘T’"

. y . t .1 ■

■ '"itA JlD lr .MAHANVI1.LB. , That JUbhll •. M rfln llll5. ^lar „ J . , ortitop. will not bo a ini'mber'tur0 J’llHbursli riralei CiuNauiJnK aiiln ll a certnlniy, yel hl> Ilnal . ... atlaaUori 1* ’n nuiltr o| '.loubi. Hhorlly adar the cln»e of llio " '“n* «gn. Harney Droydili plicc.l .Star-. In «1- vlllif^twrtlio block. bnt;aii')'vt no «Ih nil IiAs n((erea au»li:|«nl .Induce'L'lU* ID came (he I'lllibargh nwn- Jir

In part with hl> mlilgst .ihon- c,,iui “P.- ■ / , '• ■ • ilacir

B O T S a i~r~' - ■ , Bell 1N iiv 'T o iiK . '- ” 'jTck'‘l)c‘m^ -KavywelKlit -cbapiplon. Will go oii a lablo for a mlnw openilon. He liKia lo Jeara fgr CallMnU Virr m l of IWI) or Ihree. iliyn ' , ‘a a

NKW V01IK.-Tony. Vaccallo/I. iw Votk (father/ won a iiliirouriil clilon from JiJIcliijy Ilrowa..^c»( Oecli) irk. . . m ■

■■. T" • * li'holiJim'TAU).-. N. Y.-Wll)i a (anl ' lIlll^^Jll lha alilh '.ruunij ilitrlng rk, ilch V .p M ie tl. Voiiiig Sirlblliig. iorsta'>(tli'-hravyw»UUl.' all. o»»r D rinir. JInmiy Hlutiery, IK-yoaf-1 UwHalo-mlrtrtlewelghi, won a ilx. J;®' uad (lecliloiu hero laal niRhl. The ihllRR- wpa' fairly .«T»n for fire and > undH liut"Ihll dei'lilon t te s t . ‘lo I lla r/ aUer fia had'ah&ira Iba M orsla youili-tip-ln lha laal r'ound. li no

PAIIIS.—Carpenller. formtir heavy lamplUn, han’ 1)ccn maiched to ...i,,, !0l Arlhur Townley. Ilrlilnh heavy- ilglii. In n lE-rouml matcli lii VI- na on April ,17. ll waa announcad _ lay : ~

• ' - • • UoJrt' - (or l:

BERGER • 'i r/.S;. ■ ' — «»ay

rhe Loyal Nolglibom gave a .while >wer (orMlM Fl-ancl* McQregor al 'Ir Iu t Bieotlng livid al Iho bnmo 6( .T■ moihar. Jfra. C«o. I- '.Wcflrcsor. » 5 waa' recipient o( many’hfaiilKul ■. * l.tiieful nrilclca.ilhl*, Anna'Grigga. la recovering .. . ini a aovero caac ot'mrailea which .1 look while al achool In n icr.Ha* Klliabetb Dauahtrty camc ■ . ne trom' achool at Albion v ith a idraaoof fWckenpojf..aad w J I l ^ • • Jl to her aehool work ano_n. Sbtnii . daughttr of »r. anil Mn. C. 'V.' ' * ugheity who llte aoulh oMowb.. . '.llile Roal MayiSbaw. Ihe daugb- V '< o(.T. L 8haw, haa aufnelenlly re- ' .J

w ed from an ailack of pneumonia ; j ' | go back 10 achool. , •: J.tany. of the (armen arc ^bating ! . '■ fr icM.wheat recleaned aftd feW - iM ippcd airlhfl'McGreeoMDlU-KHba dy for ibe aprlDg farm work. I V U nopfr.-onr uerchanl. and KI-

T^ln* ■]'1(M Dixie Coberly, tho Sth gnde ' ibor.Ql.ih'o.i]erset:achM waa ab- '■ iffrom'^her achool wort'Monday I Tueaday on account of a acvtre :

i n iI;h1 on our codi ilcaler. T. L Sbdw, / chi fidtyr— :~ r • ;•*(r.;attd.!itrg.'I’hlIo-lillla were 'In . . i^ i , IB'W la' .Moiiday iranaactlng,btiil- 'J* ",

tr. and M n.‘A. n, Oobba. north or '■ f®« ■ger. wero traaaacllng builneaa In addltlg tr Uoaday u d Ult«4 at (ho bone ' ------Ur. iQ d'U n. Fbllo:UllU veal.ot

H K rm 'an.ontlhe'Salm oh tnc t procuring. Ihelr beao aeed and

re win be a largo acreaga planted beaw 'ttla aaaaon.’ • * ■ • 5* *" lr. Md Un..Trad.8l0B*:otTwln la vlalted at-tIia.b(»B«.«( Mn. . X ’ J tio'B,wi!enla.Mr.and.Mrg;ra'J* litlanaen.<unday; afid .altendcd . Tl>« davoUoBallaryJfti;at4h8j«b'»l «nBi la In' tho s v e s l^ ‘ tbcreatt^ re^ *>d ol Jlag ttHheJr.bome. . caremi;ord.*aa, Kceirtd by Mn. Oeo. L - m Irrgct tbal bar ^ugblar. nasc li, b«,~ h. ved-ln Phomia, Arlt, Triday o( ■

;rd In matrlage.lhat aveflint '« ' V >y (ri«Bda ian la' wUhlBg herXi “Mutt py-.and ponptroM waddwHlfe.

' . 'W hat RaU'Cait.' - ‘ Bigtiihe l>eparbntnt ot Agrltqlmn r*', niia Ji tlu t raai year’a damage, le prod- m r . c:aid'property by n ta 'Wia. mort ihbBaai )tSOOMaOI»0’TbUUiB.|Tmg». &cli'Dearly tS fo r n i^ iBliabI-. ^ ( 4 4 ;>t>a'UnUgd 3iat ^ ‘

. . • • -TWIN F-AL]

Vp o r t w

llvrac rurlag lo Kiislaiid glrea uu- r lujiiitnt lu akuut.lM.UUli pwiile.

n>>'lDa (X. la fllrraily plaanlHg ftir II- iiubllc ilDka-iiuIt lounivy to’ bo l'ld in Junr. ' '

' . . « • • • i:ili yni.klij.Vrlii.'li of ilio'S'ew Tork N'’*'*, lint* It uiiiiuckH'oBnbly tlia fiilcm "If",

Ill i...,.L,.n. ^The IXJfcrfuli ri’poria. Ihl'

■r« of liiii'hiT mil Kliiclivr to till! prime «K Oflcnnji clul>. i-MhI.

. . . .Ilut onr IICI iimnnerr !■ relnlniHl nine.

I lliu Tlircv.I Irasuc (ur IITJI. l i f l | f('r.J]i lv.nry lifiyji uf I’l-urla. ‘ ,

I/}- llitb , 7.f»n- ' Tb'inl flir ri'IirtiuK'uiiinl Imi bcdi dcolcil rX’uliiAiluI(in.'f UmllL ■ • •. . . Kliiki-The N'fbrMUn Ktalf Irncui-.ji clasi Wl'rl I orKaiiliullgii. liui unit '£l |i1n>-.Ti I Iilithrr vliiM hnIJ ilurhig lIiu |m»1 rmii. , . ■ . ■ . ,

Trn}'Heiirsp (Kiiolij)' I.ff, vrlrrnn In lUllcj H«l>iilt Iii'.i.'aiiuUii. li»rrr»» Holtk Hnllliin III biiiliim^ managtr » ( .the . urwito fluk ; ,

'\*e t'ol’il iliU.year.l* gi'dlng lit*:iuhce iimniifU'r of'Mi llilnl leniii 1 the Auifrlcan kainir, ai (i like- ’

r..i(M,,«, _. ■Jinir.. Itlir, f«mier. cnaiii i)( Ihe cabin <;)uiiililn unlvrralt'y rf.cnii Im Iii'i’n niril ii 'k ‘ii>litiiiii roifh for ihe Uni. cr«lij’ (if I’rnniylvuhlu. .

illfky" l.Bloni(5l . te tin n catilicf ol ’ IX): inJur mil tnlnur clubi.'liii been rn- tniili; IS«I 'a« nmfh «f pllchrn o( Ihu C«^ bamll cll urilvvrUl}'liaivlall .iquad.

The (Chicago- N'ailonili bavp 'OKMl'l'licliiT aiarlLi' Slaurrfr. lo f<nUn(."thr Tlirrc-l Iragof. whkb

a domjjlua-iiot'io.hla llklut

Wlihoui/* .dliiballtig ■ toie ’ th«- :dM|HiIlian Uwn Tcahli attoclal.luii .'. kIiJiiI III curb the pnclira i>( play- -I tvrltliig .'nowipai>cr artlclea'4o 'hnll for money. ‘ ‘ i.

CharlM' C I'cierton,. (imooa bll- ir>l Mixrt, ranki the ten leading ayvra'll folluni:' Hoppr, Scbaefer,’ oi'hran. . Ilonmani, - UoralDgiiar;Ullli.' llagenlacher, Sutlon, ’ Cation .Id CuUrr. . • • ' , /

8porflnr''l)oti'‘cif Wsflerf ' now aitglng-a 'n rrln -n t-liea fj-

cIglit';fi6'flcei‘ .coui|>«llll»ni. with a' . ew 10 produdag n-llrliUh. he?tr' . elglit eliiniplon nbo will be worthy : llu; Miur..

FnBk llokuieV, ciaplBlD^Wflf the , olrenltj- ot illlmit tooittU fhi'en ■ T WH, ami-one iif.tbe grent emla ’ llie yenr. la the aon ul a baker In .« . mihR. Xrb. llukuark ti payhig bla ay iliryugh tSllegc by mnnlaa- a ike ib»|i o( hli own.. ' .

^ f e n C .^ .O ’H ea^ ■,


Charle* illcbart'1pH«^*W-.Brook '-•^-1 ir, Uau,'.eaplaln bt'iha Tale bb|. . ■ > Illlly hfckey le a^ li.looklB»'(or anl lo a gaad aeaioB. Vtledrii ti . - ' football plaj»r of great abHKy le

Idltlon 10 belog a atar hockey player


PLYMOUTH, Eng., Peb. 8«;-^Ke Ja and abe la » , bul William Hay- .

a and U n.' SlIa'M l: .Oleyeet It Juifembarkad Bpoa a Journey / r .marital «**.::• : 'i ' ' /rhe .gn»m,- *'•• Crimaan. .w«r. vel- loi who hobbju atpQijUih ib« ,I o( a JlUk;:i4i;dawn whilo. lha • emony’waa bafngypertonned.','I'm Bot'ai.'yw rif u l .m e i . to ■" )i« apoiagired. ,. . •. . . . '

-T -.... >':6LUMDUS.-Phll - 0'4)owd, , Co- .

■‘ ‘V h a Reuri^Papii'lar. ‘ tgtily lhoiUand;«opr«i of ihe aooi , la'Itoury.'^ w m abid la m . i h a : r '.of lla.'pobllca'Ueat. and . tnany aiaadf'-A coptM. liata b n s 'K td ' l i .i^ r d b tt ttkCB. It'bts beeti inajh 4:‘lH lo'n6it langvitea, taftdillng: ,

• ' V • '■

LLS.DAiLY T(MeS~'—•. ■ • n


Tiinlulit'* Miilclit ' ■■■''I'Imr, lineal lliikiTJ. , ; 1’ ,

::iblbl(iiie sira i larm lir.i nUhi Uip :.ira l>v'vli-ri' 'twk ihi'’Tfu)' Ijjuuilry ■ ' ■ '» Intn ramp hy IriJuiirhc thi in In

llitrc gaifita; iinlr ilir »if(>niJ U- !

TQ llff Ihrlr camr, and iliM. loiiiiliil th (hi- ntarvefiioi <l(.‘iilii} »f fJii. ■ iniiTx. niarle iIk' lum- iniit- nnr- | ; -

nukr h»il hlnh irarv Tnr the ! I 'IC. U>l, aml bQ'a1»o"<iii£UiM hUh >1- •.jjn li|iUvliltiaI Kamc. iMTScir na> :I .Iiur |».[nt l»Jiln'<r Illlll III lula! "I ' in ' for lh<r>f/ij ofgan»^'. !j ,Hift my,r: , --------- p r -wi:. 1:. p Tiltal.' '■!f.............._.:.-'iiii.!Wi iT iy i'ui ;;ik'i-....Ju5 .Jin , i;ii f,:,( J,Imry. IW ISlH lii .r.JS ;llniisnll___ IK .U'l llil 513 'iiniimuii 161 lpn .I'.’.': is: .___ .

••j:s.'.rii .s:ir 'iijri; “'i j i ' ■)}■ fjomlry: I i .-!• TVitaNiicy i ; i i s ' i ' i : ; , r.M 1itk - ..... ...... 137...iw l.'’l tQ -------u ____ ... 1:7 IM I«I ■ 'M«>h111 I'H' (f.-i Il'ill. r1)11 ---------_ ^ I0 J5 U i ; i i / 1S5 I'.\I1.<I

■ . f ..758;.KV'. m :17K Irrniti__L-iL___ f . - - ■ - ,

TllilV'tl, WIIIlK l,OMil:ii .• 'On

IIKIU/I.s', '.K«fi. :<i.-Tlii- (IiTtna'n )|,U^ lilncl. hail ilt'clileil In' Viifonii n Janup iivhiinr. working-du’ (nr iill nut- ivtinl nmi'ni iitriiJnlii: ' .9 irailn

--------------- ' mil fn•• H m :L 4itii:s. ' i.|i|iai.

IX)S1XJX Ki'l.; :ii.-l;;iilt<'n, '(Ii.-'nlly. (ana-In taboo. Aml iIiv ]K.niiaimlbag, lllll. You muM .awing n "inliking mick imw l( yuu'd bu unr- »hlU-l'l, All tho_I.ii«ilDB midciy damci iKrr mII damivli are ilblnr It-nbw.' '• lali: It

llltHlllill IdIiiiII

IIII -I '''H ^I I l i l ' .1

; U | | ^1 ! i i l l :;



the- -i

- I


i T ' - w "

i i m V,

I fv ■'l ' 1 A'rlliarnialflolu-iUT- “ .y — r , Itll rirniiirirn:'i V " 1 lmiiil«.«litl JVallrr.II:; . *'?'/. l!t<T lltlllnfl riniiijitoi;. • . <M\ir«- ur Hie U'm

^ ■ • rtliV. Ill .Ni'W.dtli'un.'r

1 ^ ^ - ' ■iil's'l'NKSS IS (;i)()n IX. .m ost j a r

((;onllnuc’.l from I’age ’l.) ■ Mrf"

iS».<iH nml UIUII »<'ll Ihln frhriur)- ,...iiiii iiUiiii'u.i.l .oim'ryallslii wl1h.|.f|n- , I'iiiilurliy havi- kiivitiii'iI ibi- tr\V ,„.„i -

‘ Oii>. ri'KUli.Iin hn n Ilial’iiionI c< n- i.miilnr>( ri'pori whnlmlv iruilc fn th n r im ||i..» 111)1 an larno an a am in ,iienlnupo' nml llx- v1a|»:<'d jmrlinn <if a ri'Ci■bnla#.vr -Tliat • ihn fon-ilriu:lfon alinlhu ln nhdulil jii' well attnalnl with* pari'n I fnviirablii iililmatp ri'tlicilnn iil>on

“I"';r<ui In a* timrki'il in Ihi- imo nil In cli'aHinliAiiry Ilf ImWlnlmi <m Ihc (itlliT. xi'Com"In Iho hulIiIlnK maliTlnl Iradia, and .1llll- nnlm'WLTo ri'imr|i..l. by lum- *rapr iiiAnufnciiiri'n ii> hi; niiialli r ihan poratlli'Iu 1b;3. ih w .h (ar. lvtUT than tt lam c

■ P i f

l i l j

yp 11*111 II a i> mus tl till

f c r i p■ - T Q - l ' t . i . S H I

L . u J ; . L iil.....

l i f e ^ ^


a p u l a r i t y m u s tA V E R l I i e r o o ^ i l i U o t b ^ ^ '


'..V--,-iiiial .Ji:

:H A M ^ N S M pET'

‘ Iiiii WPtih

" 'K « ■'‘V f j r n r ‘■'^rnznr llaicf'-IWf- ! U ' WCJ.-. Ml. . iui.iiu I-------

jitoii; on IIh‘ I . - X ' \ I .....1 K11.1 ' i - j f . f i - I,,,,*;,:, i.'rm-nlly. j'j. , “ .................. -. ' ln(ii.i

■ll--------T----------Jvr,on•ar nrn. ihifi' han I.Vvii n inmly Dina imnrni..iil ai (im-mmhiK iiiar- .n' lor laillillnK himVr. «hllo tur-inre men alxl ........................r ir i l«jiiKlii'fri'iIVf«f, hanlw.wl.•Ifk manulnriiiriTh Iiav.. Ifi n acUvo }V' illlll' lari;e lini>iirlK of (m.|.'911 nml Dnirh. brlcU at frmn hrri'. ''A ni-w rialiirh In -. Ih k NhlmflUK i« ........... . i'x(..,iKlv.. 'Hiloymi ni of ihi" rall«a>n In i-utIj- a Ihh l>r(Hhii.'l frnm Ih- j.itOn. O - ,nc I,Iinilli to i«™ |»»|| r»ii«.i» ri'coril hrraklnK-^mtiiui In I'j:.'!, anil itilhrr hlK yi-nr.ln nwd iiiaVlni: up. ri'nilv itnMn-w. ■' . . • '■In «li..;I iitii!'lirm.,lhi',hlftftr)-iil .''ritfcnr p;iiii li'aii In'iu nm'‘ iif In- aii.viI'aH’nl hiijlii,-: III iil..<.| uoll (nlll llii. »>iiimcomi iiuariiT nf lu :t; lilchi'i- iirliVii Ii«n. id .bctli'r MiyInK 'o( jiIr Inm jiml ulniel rap anil a wry favnrahh' Sti'cl fnr- In** 1 iratlon rcilort'-of carnhiM f«r thc leciirn cuarlcr of l‘J53.......... ......... ' - 7rar.

il'"'i'l'l 1 iJi l l w \ \Jliw '":I I | i | 'I

ffl I j

-I I i i i j l ii

' ' ■*.■

st be deiservel’S ^ e t i WTO

- A.bcticr clgwHtp.^^ , ' . , ;' ' C b e ste rfi^ srew tin d c o atin u es

• to g n w , r a ita t u t e a lone^iand ; a fte rld l.tii iteb th iennb iK i’sbw Q

; 'M tt'p t9oC pC tol»cco;qU aIi^ .:. *

^ i i i l i i i i


■ ■ ■■'■ . - ' I ’A i i l 'i - T n i lK t j ' ' ■

jit iM ir iti 'S fAsi; VKXI.\« . .

(‘'otiiliimil fr»m P»m 1.) " • I' hilon. Ill bi^ami- aiibrnry .

•m ial he Ml3 and i.lx'niiinilin.after i'a|..ii I'liiiii' imp Ic.uii-A lo KIncUIr, , am;lii iiy m.M hla .lock In 'I iirciIl III iiriiii/ii‘liniii'11. Tbiti he •ii.:l>i II Imi'k. I'liially uv thv,fall-.■ l'i:Olii j"|.l ,111 liU Hlnrlatr hoIil-. ...iL:'. iiit.iiii. :i luv.'»{ iiIkiuI KX pertilt I'.II.''.l lh;il Itl hU ninrk <|i-al- i;.i li.. ll.lll uii> •'i)|, ' nr Ihnl h.' I'Vcr I.'I '.iiiy itili.uiiaUiiii Illl u sovi-r'li- fill i.(, .

A D D l l f e A L SO C IE T Y )

rnlln«lii;; Iliilr-ViTrormfllire Bl tho 'I i.l.>uo.-tl.-.»^;,.t-^M«mtt&-,tLa. 1,., i'inlii'ix nr Ilt.-|),.uii. I'layrm »rre (iTlnlii-il III un nftir Ihrnlrr aup- r III Ilio n|i.ninu.ii( 0; Mr. and .M1I1. ''i»iiiil 1:. .Mr. ami Mra. Ui-■ llml Mr. uml Mn-. Jack I'rarion ■mcoM Irn iiil, ot .Mr. Kahtn. Itcin-l 'i' i'i''* of ii;iji. i,[ic ii( llll Ihlt road • < r riK r IIIImI nllt fl n iy nijoyalile ‘

• I '••'•nhl.'.W.iHl ".‘JT .'l .ol'is. j 'i . t . . ; . : ;^ lx dapperlllllu...... . In.iili.I/iHliliiyc.l ot thvIlTc iiii’ kink nl Mi<iili.i fwi1, iuhiirb.(II.U liai-k IIHIVI mill w a M wllh ;r,i)iiii( U hall of rViiM (riAii a wsl'cb- '

iii;m i ;s iii;i''tis, ri ll. :i:-«ailamn I'eteM.. '. ■

11II.1 -I n I. li-,;rani Iriiiii biT daugh- r.olto Iri-hi Vli inia, i!i'nylnR.rr^ . .......I liln lirhlc- had laken' ; '

;iml HU1-. dyiHK. Tlir muor, hir h r.;i.hi:,l Im ik HaUKilay U bi> '•vni .a hoax,

' H..AT8 'lif:,Lt:XK. l.'oNDrt.N'. ■ cb. Jc .-f te n lha

inrKinalilp.W 11 Knd. I* Rctllng thi . . iwimimt III!. Along t^rllon 'llimi- h-rr.ii i \ nhcfTi many. mn«- ' - .n. ol tho .nS siu^aln lB ln ihelr niely Kiwn liuuTl^ow flat bulld- ma'iiii' IwliiR errriud, Ycl one can iciiru a i)ills aa chcap na'(C«00 a

11 |» w { | | I |N n

l i l l i li''' - i'

'■ V.-;';''. “ii; iV';'..



i p i i i i l i

TAOE W p n '- '

W i A L i P' ! o r n p iA L in s w ^ A P S B o f

The n o e i baa more renden ir- . •_________________

PubUibid Ei«rr SrenJst EzHpt 6u Coapiny, Twin J

I riL KAarsna Z

^ . - ' - mDtHy Publlcitloa. /

, ’ ■ ' . su i} scflii* T ;o iDcHy, one y e a r -----------------------

. DiUy, ilx montlii ___ ____: • m onth-—

*' , Ttin couiity chni'niLMiAiivrK' noUee to ownvm oMaiiilVto foii^>Iy*

‘ dentnietioii'of iioxinUH wmix, iih ii ii , , unlcM’ tjrcy nrV I’ihIit

; _ clock, wild inoriiini,' ulor.v, ........ l!;[ri-numlcr tiic Lnn. ,

. • - ‘ ' • • . . .

....•..'1 . OctUiiR till* iilAh find Illl- jnl_. t'li'i • - whlcli the dininiMT of (■(iiiiiiim'o is \ , 'of CJi.flinnnn \V. T. I.i‘s(ip _of llii' nijri • roeetinif of fnrini'rt for Sniurjny iit.

* • tjUCTllon o^jo wni'i! Mnie'iH'ii.w-iw' n (IcneD that' tlir mrn niit o f wnrlcMiio

- iu .tliclr Intcrcjii nH_w'elJ ns in tla ' fj• . undcrHlomlinR on., tltc Hiiljjccl.-'

' 0 - ^. ’.T lic-ouiicni Ilf tlic nntnturiiitn ii

• • own iine Dll'(ficy nnnoijnvuil n flur tii . l i a r o M lm l n proltlum wltiuh wiw-in

.-..-l.m iw ioneni-B iid«(ni1i and wliicli huN crcntid n Inl of ill'c blander wax .ifiiiiilciitioniiiiy nuxlc in hax worked bnriUliip on lliU'(iuiii-n<.

, lly!llcm^ .their Iroulilr will III-Jivcr. ' oqourIi k iilnew lo |my Tor llic itiiinn; cdnfidcncc.ill. llli;.fi)tiir(* of tin? lily mfRplnccd., •,

. SMITH SPEAkT iV'. . , —

Q 'ovcrnor,«m iliror,ycw .Y ork Wl• . varioua.county pi'ucfl n ffiw n lo Allmi

them n-pliiiu^M k on-the duly of ,lii ; 'w fcrenoe io-:flifl^Vo1ii|(?i^K-ocL lie.'.

. V tialfl’ onil'.comily nuliiorll! ttivo tlie 'fc iim rgovern incn l In hupprcCiiiii

• -JnK'.liquOr*. \ ‘Individujil opinion* d*' lo - lli r -w

aincndroent. and llie cnforctmi'nl law, . nolhin* 40 do witli fhp m e . Tlm In,

and lie'iri)btcd it ftcViipnlQUHly llvi'd, i a iiun)brr bf ilrrJdblly plain hinlx a i I

!' or.ncg l.rc l'nn lhi* pai'l ofiM'ntc offi.i' • • Some -inontb n i(o’■(Itivcniiir Smi

RondeiDuIng llie nnicmlm'rnt' mid VnNi. ; i n tlie;COnst|tiitir)ii nnd Kliitiitc IkxiIiii.

'• imttfdintc; *np^H)rl. Ilf llie wm'uIIoiI 1 • Vork and. eliicirhero tlirn* inix hron nm ■for Smllh lo lend.tlic Vniierlt ready I nny nml nil fornix. '• ■ Oovcrnor Smith'* r'|iiall,\' cnipliat

n e n t, of (he dry Amcndmrni nml tlii'. riot have lionje rclatinn .to.i,cpiTily '<

• • which liav^ Bieniiirril llic fnll ilcptli iIhronithout'tlic Unlird Stntns; »ml ‘i <

' Moxim silcnccr on' the nolNy'di'iniind the ciiampian.'oj'.thtil liln-riy.wiii>'li \r

I jikc 'T rilnu ic .: ' : . “ . ^ '.;,S tiii ih 'a ,fttfc 'n lio iit wii| nni Ii itio ii.'.‘ lie iW ^ IIO, Khow m.A''modi'riili;

. '^broiid 'trom th e 'I m r n ii iK " lin i i c ‘dt -:_tam palRUJ\rflLhi:a)f.jncnii:ulnhlc-l)niicr

iho . Kmpii^ Mntc i i i ^ i r i-iirn'rccinni'l corlnin offieiali. o( Hie Anli-Hulooii 1

— “ onrSmith'-mny-hftVr lifld-iiiiK'li lo dn v ’ to be liop»l thnt tlic >'nrii1>incd i-ffor

ofnrinlti in New York, workin).' Iinnno ■rcniltic.'.'United iind linrniDuii>ii» «:oi;k fo r cnforciufr IIiIk Inw nml tlx- niili-trn in every ntnln In ihr U nion.

' e d e n j “ v

• ____ • Xo"EDEN.: ri'oii Ilfwon ..ijf’';

• urt WednMilaj- eronliiK- lor Her '" I ' ' h o a t la Utlt l-oko Clly nfier n _^Tn. f^rtBlihVi vlnll h tr t wiiii ll ^ par-

' , • , T* • iii' kIi*Simple Way to ."“jr,'

. 'Take-Off F a t vfi.i, . T h irt ' a n b* nolhlnt slmplar -'‘‘ll''!

. Uum uidos ■ coauliltnl lUlle lab- I — ItlMMr-tlnm-Mcli iltjr until t\mi. " 1 '^

U r*due*d lo oonnil. Tlial'* ° ■ll-jBiti’pUKhua & bos or Msmiola ' ' *

;• Pr«crlpUoa T»bl«U Irom yo->t dnw ih tifo r one dollir, ilio tameprteo ih> world orer. Follow d lr tc ___Uant>-«b itam lloa dletlnu er l i r e :

, W9 « w rcUlnc. E»i inU unilsI(ood»b«fu I u r -11 JOB llVo »ml , t m OQ-i»tUnf »t(mm«r.. Aft.1'th* . , J

• »«tl p tr l Bf U im ob Treicrlpllnn •• Tibl«u If ' b t r « n harmlMi. Thkl .

I t jroar‘ t^MlBlo falrtaard. .Pur-. e h w UMm (rom-your flrunW . or . m d .i)lr«t to MirauU 'Co. IMJ

V oo4«rd At*, D*l»oll, Mieh. ~

• ■ V , - r , . . . . , . - '


in thia cily tliao any olbcr . cation'

Gusdar b7 U>» Tlmei Pabll.hla* '1 F«n», Idibo.

. .

T ica-B a-H «ssa*ciiii-s«tuiT rr^--------I. April .11, IHI.

m TIATK3■ | finn

1 . J ________________ 3.00~ ..........•' ^

1‘d wisrly in Iliu.Mivintf ofcD riy l.v'witii tlic Inw in n-Raril io llic . 'I iH riisy to'fo'TKi'l 'llii'se niaiu-rs Irr llir law Imil tlli^llrs,- .Imldi'r, (.•ra'ii Jintl. C'lin'ailian tliintli' ff^mi' .

I'li'ui'llii'r ik .in.'<f)r'lhi- piiiblcms Ch s uTrsllinKHviili, nnd tin* iiclinii.KTii'iiflnral liilri'uu'iii callinff Ih t Jl!iit.llju i’nrixli linll to d iinixn 'llir p*0 titrj). TIutc is picii^' of ryi- nioslly w onl'In work, mul it i« ^■ fjirmi'm in Imvi' wimi''unnmmii

• • ■! in ’drirniiininK 'to. Imilil llirir tlir I'unin'il.mri'IInK laKi iiiftlil, iji; 'iiiiu-irin'd <liy llic .i'onnly rnm- ralii'if .from . lln’ir j)n'il('<!t'ssnr?i, >vu ill'c-iissinn 'and piir'liiw snil. A '[( j '

jiniii'r (irrviiiii>t ^ ‘'({iiiKTi wJiiHi <Mni n. hul Tlu-ii lliry llirir nwn , The fni'l llml tlR'y'nnlii-i[inlv llio niivi'mcnl h1nm> llml iJiry liavo' ily ; a r.infi.lni.'l' wliirli i« 'lint' J«n,

■ • > ■ . Wlll■ ■ s'cl'

RIGHT OUT ; S— Ill'll wiinmoncd'n ron/iTc'iiri'.of the Imoy a fnv dnyn iiKri iiinl Kiivc ,?rr- law imfof.'cm<''nt,. willi upcrial,

li>'.1oia.,t]ichi..lir,,o.'tpi;«l«l‘ ihv. vo cv -r)’ aMHiHnnicp poiMhlo'to iing ilir fiil traf/iii in inljixi<-hl-

. . ■ ' ‘ycni . wi^dpm o f tho prolilliiljon iw ,'^Illilll wr;il nn lo »ti.v, Innl

Inw UIIS iliiTi!-1>* li r .p t(nrcril d np In. Ut* oiulploil iliix willi w iu will)! wnuld foilmy rofiiwil ,'aM ffi.cialH nnd'oonniy anthoriiii-H. '[ir Imiili .was riillii-r vrlirmmt iii iNtcnd net nH iinwnrfliy n plaor "p , ihii. ''Thai MTHiTd for him llir1 libcrnl rleii'irnt mvl, in N.-w •«„' nmrr nr 1cm I'iamnro'iis ;i.;iimm|' '»™ f l« do'm ill dio iiV linlllo wiili -raI • IWicI

’ ' ' Illdliatio Klfliid fnr lilorni nifnn 'r. <ir. tin- Vnlhlrad ai'l iijny.j.i'jiiav

'obrrihlioil jiulitionl .iimliiliont ,woII Ilf Iho prohjliitii'ii .wiilimenlij <Innlillr»n v iil ptit a poillirnl conn id tliat Smith nffor hiins.'ir at

waiilM n^rm ik whrn il wanl^ !orci■ ■ ftr

V ■ Fr*dI bim th r ])rc>iidoii;inl jiriminn- itier all*, wet nud li^ has nnno «•( «‘dn-. •IlnwrviT, his oniTKotir 't« . iicfii In.lho ri'dVrnri.fCii'iiiM in. lon't .o[ law. Tho ronin\'al f.i inf« I IrnBii'o wllll had wtinol wnr 1 wilh Ills allrroil »lmnl. It i blcr forts nf Iho slalo nniL fodoral moiiinnsl.v, will not. prfiinniin-n >H« i;k nf stnto anil frdrral iiffii'or* tr ii 'l law nni;li1 tn ho offi'.'livo hn»ii

-------,1 - — - • .ThrIlx, Mr. Iiud K. A. IlonE,',\. J. Ilrno' nml II. 0 narni'»' cro Twin V'sll* rlillor* Wcilnfn-

.Mr. mill .Mn.-K. A. Jn1iarn-n vln- '■I In inirlFX-Thiiridiiy.Tho iiirmbiTii o( Uo Uora po«I „ipg:

lli« Ami-rlnn UKinn t-nlor«'l " Wynrnuni'l fll ilip Mo)fr’« liolfl Wed- wi,n.duy rreulnK, Tim nicnibrr* of fan. npjion poii w w Rnrji* nl ,lian-IPI'.Mm. >1. r , ji«i'(juivfj- K r r r :illlnt lllln ’• f 'k «flH' Mm.-IVank ( jlC illliinii. ot T»ln l-'.ill«. •Mntwtll Kahn wa; n bgalncr illiir In Twin I''ila Thnmday. nto liUh aitiool boyi and'Tslrli -“T r nkttlisll loam*’ I'inyrd tlm.Haicl. up li 1 lilgliVhool ipsmi al llajplion tor ( ednnnlay'ftrnliiK. ilardllon isam* wtak. ;ilc liolli jaium, ‘ p«r*. --------------------- ■' . Worn!

■ • .M)TH-.K nf"' On ami #;irr Jlarrb I, lOJI,

lonn* for. MfvlcM-.(ind «Dp.

cnonjii:. ' l l '" '"

' dirflln* mnnc)


' , « ^ , ,1

."mrWriT Illll- IlnoiU-pRCf," nwnt.l .'raiiSlnK, Mi**.. 1« liack Inmif atlrr 11 iin Oay Whllr Wny,. Ho »-.ii ndjuilinil lln lulliuni. , - , ■

I . . K 1 M B E .R L Y - : j S

• ^ J . ■ • *'r< KIMIIKU1.Y, lilahQ.-llmni. I>lnh»

lu Ihc KImborly rlHiilly Inittnlr n i. dauclili'r. 10 >11r, and Mm. Iluy Wood. Knliruary 15: n-Mrn i« ‘.M,r; „,,, and .Mr*. Cnrlil lloiniir. T<bru«rv j

£ ; a- diiudlinr 10 Mr, nn.l • Mr». wnmen -TiilnindKo. (■Vbriipry IS, jGd n non i<> .Mr. iind,Mrj<, ll. Klrhy,

fVliriiary'IS,. . 7: i; i .i Himiiny'ofriiliiK Mr nn.l .Mr*.Iloy Darin J-nlrrialHPil nl i nTliNk p,,,. .llnnvr'In hi.nnr ut Mr. nnd Mm.Pr«d Joiion »hii uru'Iciivlni! irt«m tor Koalllv. Cgtem wcr^ Inld. lur „nr 1h« lull.m1nB; Mff.m-'<nid Mfi- iliniM I.CO llnn*. l.“ K, Sl.tlnmllli. . v aitiui Whlim-y. .A. J. Wlli(.'1i-, Kicd JnoM mill ,IIc>y D.ivK. '

M<u»by en;nln.i Mr. and .Mr,Will' ti..wil1ni! ..'ii(.irinlnud ni.^ori'n j'clui'lt dlinicr. Ilrlilsn follnwcd Ihe ^ 1 .Irllehilul dlimrr. ihi- i>rl>l'« ti<l iIrIi -.cure wefr wnn l>y Ml«. Kin llvnry and’Mr. 0. Frank HiMlmililr.Thft.1*'i>rwcn( ,wcro Mfl«Km,' ami „n,| Mriiliini'ii U o , IIcmi. ,iilor1i»nllli. im, ?roil Joiltn. W,- A, U Slowo. J1lr»On Ilcnry and.Mr. Krank Wllnm.

A imrnhpr i.'t mt'iiibi'm nf Hit I’hx nc-r pIuIi nlKiuIrd Ihr. M-lill. cna. . ] MiilT<iti»n nl'Twin-J'Sn. Tuetday,- t rh« jiroNldrnl. Mm. II, I.I.. Dciilnn. jare a revlrw of »lm' lhr- l‘linti'r p;lub hnn ni'oomi'IMiod Jn ilu-^nNiyenr. ' Animn; Out ' momlipn «i-;(ndlnK trnm Klmhorly worn .«hr ,j.iHrndmnM, Viin’ ll.nil.n. IMilniw A, ilirI. Wllnnn. I.. C. Duly. V . A. (IIII nwi Ur.iI. K, liPHluni, .. — • , - «)

'AlUrt •l!r.i»n n-'ioini'InW‘‘.litn bUK;silojdi Ilf ruMfiB l» Ansel':'. ni„| am w«le. li-avlns HJmlicrly Tnr*- . M lay iiniraInK, •• • .Twi

Ilrown-nnd Kirby »hlm‘d » '•ir- r.n Md ..f miilo«i» D.'avi'r Tntnby. Ui,. ;, II; llrown ivoni ulll. ihnn, . M

rari llurkluilter 1iii5 mnvrd lil> m 1 amlly lo Tnln FnlU. Mr^ lUirk- virli lalK-r Inrini'it • Hiimh.. lif UlmlnTl>'. ^M a»i jciir I.111 h^w a. furird hrnilli ihm armlni: hniin.r .of II •lionltli, ,Mr»TII» Klmiirrly JirWr.o, rlub mrm- M

N-ra’niid ih.-li" liunlundii nii'l UVd- vnn indiy evenlns i.l Jhu liniiie nt Mr. pine md Mm, X J. Wllnnn hi.huniif cd l-i llr. niiti-Mri,'K red Join-n. Aim. r» l innet N a mmbor nt Ihi! iluh ' k'hli'h lia‘11 been orRimltoil-tor nearly wo yrar*. and U llio^llml nitmber | ft Irsre llio rlnb. Tlte i lub ln.lle* ' t Ircicmrd Mrit. Jone* wllli n »M nl . > ■onniiiinliy ie,i»|in»i. nn-TimVon of ote and nf roRrttl of her iloi>an- . I ire., ilrl|lKr w«« plnyod diirlnii ih« ottp.irl i)f Ihe oronluK, llir |irlie« ar hlin Kwre belni;-vim h/-.'«r, ' •red June* ami Mr*. -I. I.- Shepard. »iu 1 tier’ whleb tljo 1io.ile,M'« nrrtt.l n elldou* ■ I’n'o-rnun.e Inniliepn,. The *' '/ lOalOMir* «'rro Mr*. A. J, Wli.ou, tn , J,-P . Il.nry..und Mr.. U. G.VllKin whn .wen- ihe ‘ iliihi.- In * , " Kclil toVle»l. In Ihlt rlub. Olher Iiir«l» iircrnl. be«hlet* ' ihe rhib ' ntnilirm mid 1iui.Kindk wrrr llie Ichhi, mi'l Mo..l»nirii St'.il alt.l ltn- ' ,l,r .1 T . i . K.H.. . .The resular mrclliiR- nf Die Klm- l‘

ifrly llrldiir ' rlilh >vn» Tliur«d»y em 1 llrrnnim al Hie humo nt Mr*. 0. kmii

Ktrdnmlih wlih nil nl-llio mem- (lan er» an.l Ruesla prf»etil. Tlif «i i| in tim ' Kcrcrd a dcllrinii* nne ptioi■•cliKk dinner alier Wlilcli Hie n -u a l___Ivo- rnnndi. of bridre «er.‘ ■pl.ll' l., , ■hr rlul. prlie fur liltli iiuore w«> , .na by Mr«. W, 1... Slm.o nml lie RUC1.1 prlie Iiy Mr*. II.' K. Ho- y 'ler. Tlioie preiienl he*ldc« Hie ifiiibom were lhr*o .Mondame* lln- ^ ler. While and He.1l ot Twin Pall* « nd Mr» 0, U Uo»« of KImltprly. m Mm. J. A. flhowmnkpr! rerrlrcd a EJ;

•IcRfum Mnnilay from a «l*irr In |S ; .'ynmlnir *iailni; that ihoir inuiher W bn reioaiir broke h^r IrR In n ill. wnn nnl reillnK wril and Inr ,______ . ■ • _______ _ AHod Siftler Escaped . 'jT

OperationB ulaTtlTJlflani-iiml -EiTTB-,Tnr-»iiter[1 In die,’ Ibey wanu-d 10 oiiernio ««ir K4irweno«. Iml «he wn* Ipo «eak. nml’ could only Inik In wJiln- ««« >m. I K« bi'r a hndle nt Mayr"* .'nnilertul lleinrdy • ami In lhr»i'Mk* nhe ik'B*. Ilble In s n .nbmii ^»d wilkrd a ntlliOo; flinrcli.", li »,a nlrtplr. Imrmlein ‘iireiiar.illnn 'f JHI reini(vei-Ihe laiiirrfinl mupii* •I’* om Ihl) InlrnlinnI (rnrt amf n11n>-»0 Inflainniallnn wlilrli raune* prae- ^ -ally All rlnmacli, llrer and lu.. V f■ilnM Bllmenin, InrludInK njiprn- ampfiln. One dnv' will rnnrlnre nr ..hincy rtfunilfd, Al nil druB more*. -


. iK E H O M g r : , . j

^• # l M . 1


1S 3 S S S S 9 ^ S ^ - i ^ - 1

, • . .1 ill by llayanl W.iryrn Ait i'rbli* iiinm|*uiTi;iOilnr'Xrw Yiirk’H f Mil- brmi'doE In A- rrocar *h»w In nut


Ui'r :i» .111110 a l ’.^a.T uI Mrn. Shew. ‘'I ' maker «a» nnt aWe fo ro of<llli.n.n la •Iho tiimlfy, - • I , '

«•: H, .Ditrli. cf Twin f-nll* and rtKlili- Carijird ol Hurley were.dia-' V- IlVr «ii»mn of *.Mf.-uud Mr*. Axul I." r..l,'t,vn ThnrKday evi.nla*. ' ■ ' I"*

Kloyd -Wll.iiii iqiiir*h6ine l-*rld(ly amm trnm -I’ocai. ilii nr aprnd the .» i «,..k i-ad wflli hK iiarehli: •

MI-« l.riiln Jour. In hiiW. troiif hrc >'liO'i|.nt l.ui'.'rno which 1* il.f nl IhrCe' ni..'kt nn aecoinil' n,[. .If nn I'lddoiiilr ol ;ir:irlit| fevrr. >,.„i

,Thi;rt.il1ll l>ii«litr«-moPllnK ji,-, of llll. l'hHii;i1r,.Iiilt Tiiemlay, nflcr- nft nonn al :rsn ni j n t humu ilt Mni- I . |l.iiy, Thl.‘ lH « very Impnr- joy lani nn'ellai! o . H.o ..uemiun of a j „5 .iiir-y.'ar lerm ot kIIIiu will |miji«i> nm llrd nl Oil* timr. .

MII.H AKiien M irih nrrlrrd 'Kan- rlu< d^y iroai Um Ansi'Iei whrn abe whl hll* bren fur tor >t!Vi'rnl - wHlk* lo -ho .lli'jid' Ibo fUBrri,! nf ber Jllllo fi I rnilii'r. Ilarold- Knnley, who died ,tw rhurBihiy mnrnim: nf pnnuninalu Niii. [idlnwhnt iiic'nnlni. The. lUilo litd md iMt> hrlovriL by all b.'<aJi>e nt bin imi iwcri ahil.>unny ill.iini.IUnn and lil> (I inilnioly deulh !,•> ik-i'idy resreiled. mar IH51 ».(rr<iwlili! M.illr«« h n rc lh e md lympiiihy nt the milre rnnmnniliy, and

------------, hn

Pleasaj^VaUeyI’I.KASAXT~VAl.l,Ky.'-Thr m'bonl pro|

I'lmi'd FrfiUy lar i«n week* on in r.ui'uiini'ol iiit'aHln and Rtiimr*.' bcai,Mr. and -Mr., K H Ya'rdon n /t m i

Ihe'imiiid iMri'iiU of n ilauRhltr. JlialJr.HO Kll««lt"ih,'iKirn Ki'briiary. S,' d

().. H, Hmior I* alllliln lbs muIr llmil-iiKlu.iH. V<- .r li^ N U une day ibemd biiyn.Ibtc- Ihe, nWl. , hW'l

Mr, und Mr«. Jnlm.Joafn wcnl lo flnrrwlii IVIh. (..iliiriluy, Tfiey fiB.f (0 '««»‘0 Ihl- f.ioibin nmd oa-juxoiint of puri

Mr, and Mr*. J. Aumln werf ,’>« 1 n 1I16 valli''j'triim ihe ilry-land in *" ,imi frlrnd.; . • '•.Mm. W. II, .I'ri'Hiioll npenl n itur. ‘''®, hm of l:im w,-,k Wllll hrr'iUuRbior Jr..' ii,'.'^, imiler. . ’ .

Mri., .1. II. llarlley mid'Mri; Clnr;

WD., .4 fi. !?iatiKer In '!5cbffle1d, .'1 IU I, il. 1:. n , T. F. HclaliU_.WK,. r. C, l.ynch to A, 11. Ubmiif _ _

I Vir..lllll 1: : T. 1;’. • .-• ^ \/l)_ J. Cliiuiibrm in J. A. Crom, . ^

5r,oii I /S , ;. iiiK W .T iVi - n w a . 11- llLilr To c ; W,,-.'. Mariln: '■ liffa I. 11..II, Illk Hfl'T. K, ■ ' ■

'&ln:ina(he01tf-eai'gi.' |L"Ah,' f.'r 111.' .dd itaynr hlsbrd llif

Id.tobluaod youiiK ..... n'lie slrl*■f inday arr. U'-il'lt sll nke'ilij'lr Tnnili-- — ■m uicI 1.1 bel Why,Ml ynu tlflB’l .nnur whnt . Bi'eilh-* 'ate fnr." tl« lanreil nitb ni-»rn «i the nuKli.ra slrl.1 do, loo!" *lic naiili(-.l, ~T1iey're (nr .bonosr«iih*r'-WB}»ld. Talo*. ■

> J I B

^lounding Prevalence■fT lS 'appaillng ,io rcallic that ^ probably 70% oftheadultpop- ulation culTcrH.wlth Piles or tom e 'citJwf.fomLoLColonjucubltw * iYer. 1 « te any a*« ’s nf riUi by my non-«urcleal neiliod or icfunJ the rmkiit'k fee.

'^ a P R i '^ niiMiii^iM. ^ gK

m .d


Feared Breahc S ta tes .

' ' ' —'— _ ®' P rom inent Oregon Lody w

S uffered U ntil She Took T nnlac—R elief C am eW itn n F lrat Bottle.-. ' *

“Ueforr laklni; Tmilae 1 ^iiif arnii- nlOil tn l>r riKlil on tbo v. rte of a eoiii- Ipli-lo breakdown," h-rraily aaiil .Mr*, bl MarRarcl. Triimley, lfi5 MeMIIIrn .Si,.I'nrllanil. Orocort- "I liad no iin io- rJ

llrr'tl and wom oul all tlm lime lhai 1 hardly fi.dl Ilku luovhiR arnund at

■’ BIMeHiouglit/r'IiKlaii

bin.unly lir«ollr!) Son, Ilfal wlmiio- t'vor Mlevi'th In ^ n i dlKUild nut pt• l>h. b'ui bnvo I'VerhimhtR llfr.~]uliD w] S:I(J,. , ’ ' •

.M m a i .hVk c ia m ik iit ak

' rOlll-OIMTIII.V, Tfl AJIKM) Tilt:' AIITH'1,K.S UP IM'lllll'IIIl.iTiON i’n

OF>,UD tillirOIMTlOX. hn

Noilee'l* iiPriiby.Rivon I'liai In nur- nu aiianvo a'roaAtullon of tbs board of Jci c|lr.'cinra «t tlie KiKi'mnn Jlotfl Com- In pany, a corporatlwi orianlieil-aml e v ' Inllns .under an.l h}'- rlrtnv ot 'ihe lawn nf.llio.Hiaie or idahn. adftpii-d nt^an odjnumed meellni ot u id Imard; .Inly bolll nn Ibo 7ifi ilayof,February, ^1, A. i), l»;i. at-lhe ofllro ot nnld cor- t.l. (lonitlon In llir cmnity of Twin f tlli , .‘? la io < Ida-Un.-rmofilnit of -ihi; " , iiockbnhlerK ut Vaid .rn'riKiratlon ' U boroby called and will bo held al the Lti ntflcv ot nald- citrporailnn at 'Twin FaJli.j:oimiy of .Twrn t>ll*,- Hial« of-' Idalio (aald plaen of ineriliiR bclnR al , , Iho Iirlnclpal jilaco nf bunliioin ot uid corimrallnn nad-nl llio room And bullillns where lbi- brxird ot diroeinm \Z ibcn.'ut-iunully.mcci). im.(‘rlda>vitic " mil'day of .Mnrcb. A. 1). IHM, at iho . hnur nf I0:3il n'clnok a, m.'on ibal dny fnr lliu purponu nt l onaldeHiu: . jpd acllftii.iipoii Ibo propoiltlon. of iinciidliie Hie-Brih'lm-nt Incurporn*Ilon ot llie rahl cnrimralbin.' lo In- oliidr. In addlllnn loathe iiuriinmn for which Ihr coniorailmi I* nur fortiiojl. ' :ho fiiliowinK: . • > • . '

fn) To aofliilre,- oun. anJi and i,|j,. ,'rwinn dUi|ion<- ot and deal ln.alo<Jtn. ^ 1' Niii.lii,'liioriKiiEOji, ni'Ctirlileii, imu-n mcl cimtnicrclal pa|u'r ot cnrpifralluiui .w, imi indlrldiialH. : .

(h) Tn aciinlrc, nwn. linid, leano, ntanacr, dlnimio ot and deal Iq real ...p ind iK-r*ona1 prniii'riy of every klnt) and nnlnre, both «.illiln 'and wllhoui hn main o^ldahn. •

lc) To^lnaiioliomHandilebenlurca. ,,;.e

S ' S ?

Ins,Daled tbln lllh;day.ot February, A.

I). ]d: i. ' . . ;j o a ki;kfi:r, ,

J’nuhlrni. m r-S T : "J. A..Ki:nFi:i{,

S.eereiary.!Si:am .. .. ■•• • •

T h / Waho Aulo ii .Supply haira ex-« en<^ Ihelr otfrr of free .llckvii to hn fliovlen nnlll Wclpenday, Ftbrti* iry 2*111 on nll ca»b purcbme* of

i>f nctvabrlt* unBoWas aona.^lollaroriiiore. ’


A v^ s o n :.,'"THE , .


t i k W u N f c t i i & k •8nili, TIirmiBV Mrlodnnui

Jl’i (ire*l_ _A JA Ck rHOBUcflOH

:kmQH ■i i / . & i F r ! .



' . • ' - . ’ ‘TI'K

'.downMrs. Truniteyoil.

•The vory fiml. holllo of Tunlar .' fcavr mo auch a e<io.1 ap|>eIlIo ihal I . liewn 10 he liajialli'nt tor meal Ilmr _ ' lo ciiiiio. Then my enoriiy and mr.'iiKiIi I rnme Imck raphlly and Ibre.- iHillliti .

nt Tanlac left me fMllns line In every 1 way. Tanlae Jum oremrd lo build mo np all o rrr and auppllrd me wlih noiv nirenRib and rnrray, Kiiowini; whai I rio alioui Tanlee I can't praliio 11 tnn. blshly." .Jjiilar-^la tnr nalu Ijy oH Rond driiK-

Take Tania* Vccclable .Plll*,'

: . : a t t h e . . .■ THEA T R E S - . I•^ iik M -iiiii.v iriiiin r ■ . " “

griTK soJiK .i’iiT i'K i: 3

Olorla Sw«nimr*ln 'T br Hummlns 1’° Hlrd'.-a itmeftil. .Illlo-ft colorful mi

" 'i f v a Hldaoy Olcoil iiroilueihin tor i’aramhiint 'which opened al Iho Ida* . hn Uieaito Jant nlRbl.' -Ml** Swaiiaoii ™ Ih (ho mar. wllb IlnrJiH aa h-admi: se man .and JarqueN d'Aurny. Marin Ma- inl JemnI, Wllllanr illeeariH and ollivni, c&

_________ • • 'rtoi(i'ii>:i’)i vAi!i)i;rn.T,t:. '. i

An afl-nwr laml.'i'JHc *J;nir wHh 1 many navoliy prodiletlona., danclns . ’ RlrK and omiedy pmducrm will ]ic . wlii)<iiiinl'ui)'lhe nuw.MII at Ihe Or- Ith'eufti-Ibtairo lpmorfow. -

ii'itny fc noiiermdn pmciit a moal J . itrnnational ‘ eiblblllnn .on rollor akaien, • llnnally <ho Irlck* |.orfnniied T on nkate* arc roiitlned' 10. a Ilm M n routine ,and thin'rnuilne'I* morr or ■' lelll uaed by Ihe avemw roller arii [KU, but Ihl* duo I* an excepllnn in ' iliO rnle. Tbey havo «ew irlcV* and ld.-an of Ibelr own whlrh'Wlll'eaii*<- .

ll"?a!'c Tel?n™fc''Moilu'#m'i'ry’ offer F< nn acl. "Ilorfiln; Hark.': widi latiKli- .] Iur Hnrt and'fimny allliailoii* whlrb .I» rrry clnrer nml pleanlnR ns Irtlh ' mrml>t'r«1iaVi.-aIilUiy'aiid rolri'H with wMcIi 10 niiutmt: Thtvo . Ilernard 1 Cirbi npprar Jjt oharacier xonM and lat ilaneea, TheTr rejieriolro nf dancr In nmulicm |iraiHlcal1y Ineludon. all ihn I linoKn *{yfe)i nf ifanclni; ami (hry. f iiialio niany:ehaat;i-n nt wnrdrbl«.

Oeitrs'e Wlchfiiaii a clay iiKxleler of nUllonal ri-iiuto, doo* hlA bit lowanl vnlerlalnlnii Iho aiidlenLT“hy jdodellnrf.U'lill cliiy 'iirmiilai'iil men paal . and. Iirnient loseilior wllb HiibieclK taken from the aii.lieace. Thrrr In a lol ' ot comiily dorlrid frtiiii lln- rlay.'

Feaiiiro pleiiire, Shlrliiy .Mailon In i h.'rjnlenl fnlniday oiillllcd, .“Voiith | Miial Hnvo 1,010." ^1 Kt. Jnhn In (ra- J r ln-alw o.reelnin|-ahlnrllnr.ii. ^ llih.l "Kull H|iecil Aboad." A fine xlinw frnai *larl In fliilnb. •

Hlghcfl Dridse in . 'u ; 0., II la cjnlaio.1 i k t Ilio.nilniM^tloa. .brldmi'-urrr 4hu- Knakc rlie^.m-or .]Tulii rallr^ln nnailirrii I.Inho, l« ihe mihiRlirm In ibU fmmiry. If not hi iho Irrn'lKhi: Till, iicluiil nieii«ur<'ineiil la mo31.1 f.-.'l fmm ibe il.Kir .if-ila> brldce VcIn Ibo ilmiiii; nnd the loiiclli of lb« o’] •imn In li'W fwl. .\nl.1(. fr Hl ll'n « •Iri-iae.lielRlit. the brldso In ..f liiliT.'.l g ,bi-oadnr, nlllKinsb inalorliilii ha.l to lie n ibaiiloil a Rn-ni dltiiitin-, tho Binieiure abtwai c<imptcled la^fuur moiilli*. - TtU

W n p r V t K C i a P W F ' .;

■ ■■ K A T H E R IN E

-$ieien.Ilrel Clnit .Vallunal I'rsd •- WIL6KOOE

; “ T w o W agoiisr-^B

. - , ---- -TOMORa• — V A U D E V IL L E '-’R

— * Foar Hhr Aeln'-Hllli-.\ai.ll7-K « |i THE THEEE’ BBRN

. . r - ..A Sons anil Daai------------ -.-;~OBOROE--WIO

• . UorldV Soled Cla•;-------- —wms"AN£rMffl

CannlM Bd III JENNY AND BO ' .MWellc yea

,S h iriS ® s o nY o u r a ^ M u s T ;

t ^ ^ T ^ a i h i t T i r A . a 3 i mi

. . . . I-' ' -

r i:s i)A V , ri';itn f.\K T.2fi, 1021.


• Ail R00.1 drill! iloien ovrrywliero.

Rub II On Al . ... D edtinio fo r A ll'

Doep Chc^l Cojds

A lm irlK .> (l-L ik « v a-U ii> in cn t--------un d Iii])uk-(1 uH u V tipor, - ■> V ick s Q u ick ly ' RcucJich T h e Affr-ftw l P/irtH.

Whm ii,cnld Roe* dnwn. deqt—llireat- , en< to turn imu bnnchilit or imnuiinnla

heavy, hollttW, coi«h,,liy Ibt rtlcfTul .vap<ifiii9i-.i«ajmcnl---------,

I'irat redden Iho ikin ovef ihioal uml cRSnfiin hol. irrt W'.eli'lo open Ihe. f |« in . Then muuRe nilhVlcli fur five ’ miiAilet, tprtad on llilclly (i‘d<I co.vcf willu- U«n Ibirknrut* of lud HaniMl clothl.

Tilt pcaeira'live arJ sliuiiilat vc ctleet ' ot Vicll lliTU tb9>kinJiri|il tu relieve cun- ■RiUlon. -Al the ume lime, the vapofii, . inlialcd wl(|i caeli'brcalli all nliht'l(m(, cany the mediatiun illrKil]r.t6 ll».ft-’ .fedcd (urti.- • . _

0 m f7 ffi iu cM ;JM l/a so Y tM > iY ' ^


F oun d~ SG «ngd i b y Taking -Lydia E. P im d u u n s Vege*

, table Compound ’

-Kao)uk«(!.lllinoli.-^'',U; nolhcr-lo-' taw slwaya took yoan^^nwll^^ far

to Uke ie -'■dlllfDravrgttknMiltiad


' R e iJ £ .id m c .o [ M o ii '

VmUblc Compouad (s a dcputdable ’ ■

Iti^wwih k thorbuRbljrcitibUibed' br«ucbleitertaaU>»abm. A m aro'

abwi It. •' Fot («lo 6y drxiggiju e w y . 'ffwrc. -

; T Q n i g h t ; . ■: s O N L Y .


3 e t l i l y ” y•rtdartloB - AUo 8^anlnf; .. .'.1 lO E B S ln .,

“B o A C o v e r e d " i

iR aow — — '.■?

•R O A D -SH O W -^":f«l»rH,'-C«B»dr'and''I»aaclBff V ♦ ' ' IRKABD QIRLS . llBBce-norii# - • 'noH M A K "CUy Jfodrior '. •Jb W rao H aY ~ ^I llantioayBOTTERMAK ............. 'yeatura . ," ' ; • « ' •

• ■^I'EATURR.rJCTbnES-^ ^

Jn thli producllrni.-Ulii Ml-’»on p trlom i iwma lltlag uiS•wlmmla([-.'Y«aU. thal wopldjmark her jbi a i^roftMloaal' ■atl«ailCwj«*»Sb» 'alao'dll-pUyi unuiuUuabltlly - a" - •claaili; dancei’. aoi lo' min- 'lion her feali.ot honemuililp,'

■ which pr<>rlde koRii-'tinDiual ..Ihrllli In the productloo;r‘

,i; .-


' Two BeeU orFaa. 'j'< ,

nirpain Taaietllla Priceii;'.;. - ■ JJaUaee ]Do. aa’d ,Me ..vV . '

JlalMHy J k asd Uj»:.8«tli)M ,We

.lo iter n*a#.'Sfc-aad.6Pflj-

' T E f i l iA T r i 'i i f l l l lS l lV -a i ," 1921, ‘ ‘

. B a i h e s s D i r e c t o r y ; ^ ^

. . I ' ■ A t t o r n e y s ' ' ■ " ■ ^rO niE ll - WITHAM, Jiw rers. Orcr

Cloe 'tiooit Blorc.'■__________. •O. g nALL- O t tr ClM Boole 8 1 ^ “ JwDca n. Boibwell - Orr Chipmu

• BOTHWKI,!, & f:»Al-.\lAN "TTr Wood! UIdg. Hoom« 6, 6, 7, 8.. 8. 10 „

■ 8WEEIKV f t S\VEKI.By-Alloraen ----- -' P in t NUloanI B*nk Dulldlm ; P “

■ ■ ■ N»Uod»1 D»afc BUS. , .

..... g i. mn.Bi' j n ^otlionB k So.

■ " 'S h o p R e p a i r in g

. ROYAL 8H0H HEPAIIl 8U 0P-P.■ U tren. Prqp. MO Secoad'8L 'a "A Twin Palli, id iba Wo'tlao w ry »» » n*» (boct.' • ^_________ • •;

• ■ •• TWIN pauls 's iiok V kpaibwc). ' -mutllty o«t«rltli. FrlcM.'tbt bat,' ■>/>., >

r - ' •II.«ork.sutr«pl««<]r'U3-Wo«t Sb(K Uc6 e Pbono3J». • tn»='M

' PIOMKEB SHOE 8Q 0? , S, • . C. C, lieexo, Vnp. % ___ _

Ulll orders cireo ipecUl kltcnUoa. wai • >17 Mtln Avunio EaiU bj; e»|

. 1 T i ^ f e r . ■ '■ t &


. " UcNIOaOLS TRANSFER. ft 8T0R. ' *’ AOB COHlarboco bftiiled (Uilr.'

••- . . ■ • 7Tv5*i%RUEnO TBANBPER ft BTORAOE l'or*«

. C O ^low soM d »e«l#Wrf»rIo«d o f w . •■ thlpaMU CQ Ciliforoia. Phono M t

P lu ip b in g , ? ; .Wi

:•• TT.' 9 . -WAll "■‘'i'PlBBkbr u d IIutlBf -------

■ . .Pboao <18 , ■ ' ■ 'j

. . . B l jic h sm ith in g - —

DLACRSStlTIt — MAClilNB 8K 0P~ ■<>■»< «-------.-DI»eknnlliaBfc-Boll«tta#klBp.-Weld. K«»af

laj, UtcblaUU, Bprhiit Work. Ww- “ TT;;tidciuKr*. Buppllu or all kladi. ,, Kr«a«6l UtcblDo' Co.. AjdaU for

• 'Anltmu-Tvlor M lC ^ itn o /r Co. "®‘ ^

•..C h irop rac to rs nne?D

• ' .DR. 8. C. WTATT ' .

lU ;tfiIa.A T ?R ^'oK ko Pboao SBO. brow^* RodidBoce. <W. ,• M«(h)n

■ “ n S S " ' ' ■IM Uiitt North-l; . rbono 18« w. FOUI

; • • C*lti nftndod i t i or alghL , « n hi OB. DUU a SAWYER •

V CtitMiiitble Phntelin . LOSI. ' . 8DlU.l.ud. a, aom.DulldIn*. .• Pili^

. . . n n o . . B c f l 1S((U rim. 1, _ ----- AUlOJSI

P hyfltcian a • • • , - r ^

. J, n IJINOENWALTER, J liw lc la n - L iV C- Olfleo over GoH'tti ([uU I’boao ;_____•IMW. AwMeate, 21tf Budumaa taKI

. Bt. rho ft got). . fwo, 01

M a c B lla n c o u s ’ tl f . ' 0

^ W.-Jl; FArOOK” ■ .POR TektUirlin.- Pbono.


. i l l . Rubbor. Hide*. PolU #ad Puri. t ,v» BLXHORn ” CBEAMKhY ' CO. - 3J«•U lla South. Phono 1648. -Royil ‘ p . _

‘ •-^indGoldauloJ]ulter>>ityour«roe> i! O r, Cbll. .Undenrood, ■

S lA ta t lap m ed UethcKli'> mmlsi .'DBn7j}D CRANKSHAFT ORIND-’JNO/ Uwrtaco Micbtoo Worki.

. ■i:t TlUfd Wtriuo.uMti Phono Ti.

KilMmlaOi'ln boUc! .Doo:.BuppIlf».' Sorrr boui.vAblo Wladihteldk..Pli(« .- u d WladD». a tu i- in d W ill Tipor. .

Moco'i Shop. , • ■ '• • —i -------- r----- ------------------------ .Kor"■; ■ • • ■. DAKfltLACBi ,*- . Orlador i'., Now u d .'u c o n d ' luad. clothin*. \ bonsbt u d Mid. t06 SouUi Sboih^n# « r i“l ;g '»tiyot. .. . . .

: : T | ^ C U ^ JB iS D U SDBSK8 L ^ ^' ‘ ' f o r l i H ^ f s r m U n n 'w ’U*

^ flo cn l a n . ^ “ >>1.8«a; ' .•--r—:•-, ■ . ■

,'i VOUWRT WANTBD-Wolthod’ “ t o - •nd. cuh pud « jour, door. CUI 7—

: ^L P. C ^ . «M,.Fourth P o j

u ' l li ■ I 'ir '~ ''~ i'iiii iJ ^ 0 R~

N o .W « -_ ______ D«p»rt-7:M i / t n . .i------.•'No, H Depirt 6;<C ^ m. ■ 1

:>■ K. o 'L iJ!2 a S K « ; » . .™

. 1 (SoBtlbonnd , • •, Mo. Il> — Dopirt 1:18 p. m.

{; fttltB B X IT X ^inJE ajK td *• • •''i' ‘Biptrteaeod srteUetl nor*o.j Ura.

V -sX V E ^b U R i?

.'»• - J r i i t la r tB f 'ro B r •;• , •■;

1 /i'0 i4 'Mfc W rm n S 'm i . i H ' . ■ ■

.rdidib JmikRonM', Il.i-' ■

T IM E' H a p W a n t e d F o r

\VASTKiy~A fii'tilj' All roiin/I fa m I'Olml. I’clcr ClirUK-iucn. Holllaii'r. JIM < WA.STl':i)-A rJtl for'Rcncral lioiinc irk. I » Tib Bv«mr tMl. i'liom-:S7. l\)l

*■ . " ' ' ----- 12'J 11

;o IMO fflonibly corretpundlae for )0H«paper : |IG (0 $36 wookljr In maro IlmB! no canTftWhiBt aub»

lUnu AiMo'aij *’proi* But Jutfalo. N. y . _ •

WANTED—Married man lo work rantb. Uartin Mlllor; Caallctnrd. - -

lono IZi-T. .KOI

. , Hutlltrii' eamlnga big.' Wrllo •— - iCSleiry Calendar.'-I'-aclory,' Wa»b- KOI !ioa, la. • , « : .\\

Situation Wanted ' ■IVANTED-PoKliloanM-bopkkoeper e»pcrl(iap«l womaa of mlddlo.age.

'Plr,la wrltlDR to .0..8.. caro ot m i aei or pboao 3B. • ■ . ’ h . Sc

/ a n t e d - M i s c e l l a n e o u a , j o i

10 car of fal lioga waiilnl -at ail <-‘«‘hn IW. Pbppo 3G. ' , ■. - p j jVANTED-To irailo llulck for r«». waifoa and bnrnna or ilock ‘ nny kind. C. 0.. caro Tlinw.' '_________ • ani( ;;

.W.VNTUp-r3oili'..,afiai.,,anjl.mi'ca nil times. Call 1058. •' ' alan<l.

I Tlh a

Lost and -Found' ^X)ST-.«nn(hly Ilmc Jiook Mnl an k account liook. Reluro lo Tliiun. '....................OST-One black aow welBlilng m ,. m mllo.'fe)uib of Knull. Klmler i .w v iry 0. A. Bcbiilikor, Twin f'alli,

. I ~ I • • ■ pQnX)Si;-IIeine('ji foundry and hish- »■], „ \ Dodge llgbt rliu and gliM. C. IXler. I'lione MiW. . . ' „ u T^ST—Dfln'wo Jerome and IJdi'fl fOR wn alllgalor purao containing t’ai> {gg. ^ih>nni ptn. Munnie i>urao bill l«ah r uq11 bllla. .Reward. IL D. Read, 316 J____annuo borib. . ’

OUKDt A brawn kid glove.'ooner .havo Amo by cilllng for ‘11 al —

iM offlco and paying tor ad.oS:-Dclwe«n Rupert sad. Twin, ft 31x4. Cupplea cord llro and ——. Plodcr pleaae leavo u tjio Und FOR daot^B Co. and rwelytf n m t l Phono

. ' • . • ' • KOitveatock and .Poultry^AKha« UP-Tbrco caitle, 2 wbllo '.''‘ n'f;; I, ono ileor and ono eow. aod red ’. Uark. in^allow. fork In rlgbl m n

0, A. Baltof, Hollliter.'Idaho. •OR 8AIJ'<^Two eowa reaaonable.' inO'CTtUi.- W. A. Poe. . ■ 5r [ ,X OR BAL0~yeun* com fed hoga lbo alleo or wjiplo hog. Publle .^ .q r

" ' ' ' pleaty- WIN KALt.a DATCIIEIIV; Norib JilDglon. 81. Pbono yi3Rll. ^

or, Sa)e Real" Estate-OR SALE-Uy 10 room re s l^ c a J33 Ctlialnghouia. M3.Jlh am u e ’caiL p — DR SALK OR TRADB-1C0 aci'ri ‘Bird hoautteai. I rnlln I n kenon.-for imall honni |n Twin « «I. Thli Id will only run for one 4M.fc.. a i l .or .wrllo Ml Bjh av^cnuj •

M i s c e l l m e o u s . ■ n ,--------------- , - I — miatiIf "Pop” yeo "Sleif," Uio Cyllndor WeaL ider, 147, Secoad aTenuo aortlt- .. ring for band-palatM c b tu UO [i-qR north. Phoao 1800. . . •I P£R CUNT MONEY POR^ARH N8-Can got you Iho moaey Jn dvrWjB^toW of applleaUoa.: a -p o B i

HnU B«i«7 oa hand r ir fin j tgac* loini In ' rarioui inmi. ' 0J0^i|W 0^,4J000J0-«id.oth«r ®, M u r N ra U ijr-in h iir-U S irlo

r.Sale-AutomobilesIR. 8Al4>-Dodge roadaler In c lau condlUon, S .good conl "J"


•• { 'i ^ .A M im J T B / )■ - i i .7 M E e H .A y .8 t f y . ')



or Sale-Miscellaneous [ ~I'OU Ml.}:—}'litnn. eoc) rondlllnn.M canh. Call C3J :ml iiv.nui: w<M. - . iom- 3 :cw .' - .

IMU SAl.lI-liflhy ImsKy. jirlcu Jl".'J IlnrrlKon.

.'OU HAI.i:~IiIaho-Rrnwn, ari'llmat- L-Biiil KnrlML--.l«L- Itiill. nliBilo atiil

inlaln and amaii frulln.' Krro'lanil* . ai'o Bcr lcc deparliiient. CalBloRui-

iflba . . ' * ' ' * , *I.xilt NAU: or will irado fur U-nm ■.d wuon. Kmpiro inllklne niacblnu kmI as ticw. il. 1', l.alnl. i'buiie■8J5. _____KOU ■HM.l-r^rca't N»rltii'nrr>t.anii '

beforo wJii. J . .M. Bwlm. '

KOU,^l>-A:iiliai:k- well tulll.; , Walnut-. I’jmno 71iW. ~ ’ .' :

KUU BAI.E-N‘rllr<l Giin ncfil |x>- wa. Montana, vnrlriy. K. A. Il/im- tn. 3 inirin «» t, li llllli; nortb' of _ Jndry.________^ ^ ______. 'N '

KOR HAl.I>;Apiitcs„10ca box.'J . '•Soaver Wdrcbouat'. ______

KOU 8AI.K-S»d barl'-y. 4 mllu mb ut Sho.iboiio'SI.'.Iirldiiv. I). . ■Ibro., . _I'OU eAL^;-(}rcal •Norlliern n'ro<l ins Sa. t J j fc W: ejsiltn im b - ■ ■ M of Tvrin {’'alls.. Jobnson Ilru.i. k)U 8AI.IJ-Coliiml>la i»!ionograpb ' , i( ;S recorda. I^u ncw.'rmonabto. unu aCiiW. n u 7ib avtnutt caal. f0R “ BATn:'-- Oiiltar nnd niuiU!>nd.. reaaonable. I’boao 8HW. ll I i .1 avenua’eaiL . ' " 'TOR SALE—f j r <!om. Publle Mar- >• • ■ ' ’OR'BAIjJ-Slovc leagUi wood, ap I or poplar. Eiiat^lro Public .Mar*

••OR flALC^Sand and gravel. 142 I avenue weat. C;0. MarkleUlack- Ith Bbop, Phono 268W. . 1 . ■^R-BidJV^lDka. lavalorln. a n - ------ -I and belting. ' ldabo Junk Iloune. w .' oneGiO. DackofLD.BtoreonJtid |W lUu ‘ . • • •.^OR SALB-Pitnf inrf katiomlno . _ _ \

Mwn'a” Sboft SuwVCream

• • For Rent. .OR •lth;t.T-.K.imlihfHl mmlcrn li***!' ^ wltli, boni. prl.Uesea. I'bono

: V -- Carrol ■OR nnNT-Rooma and .board )ne 5JL' 121_7lh avenuo nbrtli:'

Oit RIXNT-Tbrvo well Improved P<Tpei cbea averaslng from IM aero* lo Dread aerca. Will fumbih lo rUbt par- Turk«;

, brood.inwa and dairy cowa. A: PorkDlock a t Kden. lilabo._________. T-Dom

OR RKNt-80 acre*. IL 0. Col- nirS,"..114 Mnln N. Phono 3B._______ Pork;OR RKNT-Clean. ebcerful riwtn; ralo cnlranee, entirely modem. 4 S Uqunil

■ ■ - . - • • ■ Dacoa' OR RENT-PvimlibeJ rooai wllb “ “ ““l iiy-liol water.'8113rd At& No.. ‘ '*™ oh RKN^Room with l« a rd - Wbeal. :lrle boat, close ln.'3IE 2nd avenue Hogs . lb. . • . _ Sleera

iR RENT^nealed ileoplng rooau. Calvea Clh-ivenuo omL Pbona 7S2R. Turko]

• , • • ' • 1 DuckjiFOB BKBT, '• MuHon

Roomi and ip u tiau ti : . Pbou ( . ' Ju tiffliro laa: ^ a e l i

■ ' ■n i araroUbid bovMkMplai ip v t . Rcd'cl tatl. OuU Bona. 403 U ab Art. Alfalfa eaU P b e a eJT i;- - Alilbo,


DR RE-Sr - 3 room fumUhod rimeat. •’^reuorlabla. Dlingalow ‘w- .1 I. Eth, ilreel and Bocoad.aveaue j

ni cloao In, and low' ralea, by ko rm oafh . ,Tha Oxford, 428 a .;,lr<~W.~ ‘7| ' ...... r tU i

LSwlMdip Tallar. , . eMurement .of. 30,301 fiwUi inay WU ull* Ifidlratf* that men fren lha andi are"taller tbin'tboMi from mountalna, height varying n«riJ. . | teatha of an laeb aeeonllng to g«o- ihlul alUtudfc, . 1— -


' I ®/Miw ' "

y y - ' J'' ■ '•''


^G E c■ ^ r a £ o

•irtln)((Bf!ilSG^ 1 «OMP L p

I ■ ■'

C H A S E D , O N E O F - m e , ' NOAH B a x t e r s c t o r e ‘ \ ^ ^ F T E R m u c h C L ^ E R l "

win Falls Local |~ ; Product Markets ■

• - - PJllCKS . I]wr-Wlioleaalc. h eel_____ }1«,78 Inir—Wboleanle, cano'-------.-llO.DB •■am cheeae------------;-i;— -^30e

lu?e, bunch------ -Z lO tF S lie .Aloe*, cwl. ____ .ISc lo 11.00rcaLUage. lb .------------------ l_4e >■>■1''

.Zlltc sHafrei. 3 biiaebea _______iper«, lb., c a lf__________.25o ngnlm■a<l _____________ ----- :— ,10c ‘'aref'iL.,y, .,ihy»p. __.(—■•. ------ .ngf wnrlilk aauMRo „■ I .Uo Cnntrlonn a irak----- ------------------ tSfio of "Ola BfsAk .................’-.S ic RockIn, lillecd ........ ............ ...... 3SR>40o ninrkiIc cliopa -------- -------- :_i_l6ffWo Uoiit.nb'.ebDptl*—:----------------- !5<»3C« Wot

^ . l i s n z r z z z ^ j ; ; t z" prTu m • S "ML No. 1. per ew't. „•-------i ll ,35 ‘

------- beavy 4c|. • '1’?,,

10 — -----------:— ..........‘•ii;; uei)t.-----------' ■ . ' fOW. •---- : ~ -ff May

PHODUCB- . •eH llutler, per. pound_____U40olerftl, a l faclory ------u_47e

i ' : a V : = s = ± i - i ; : S :-elover. N o . . I ._ ------ :-.,ll*.oo Sept. .ilfa No, 1 i ------- ------- ------117.60ko.tloVcr No. 1 ..............-tlO Q lt Wnynil, .No. 1 ------— M.60Q.4,7S

lAKO'TU.M.Na Phoao.I.opm’fc May.• . «m• " I Jfay .

TARR^ ' iX---------- Imt-iii

gradfi. u t o - W r e c k i n g - S h o p

* MohaliVlii Bo Open for Buiineu

MARCH 15TH• . '. . 0 : ' : Rteelt

■'; • V Make It A



k ■■

lls e r oP F T H A r 5 » - 2 = — I ‘ ■ul/l

S S f t ' i■^STO R E-; - 'I'OlJM


Do'd^ .' ’ •'I E k i t t e a j s f r o m '? E _ r m a r s h a l o t e ^ w a l k


MABKETSj• . . Hll(

— — ZZT"^—CinCAOO. Pl'b. .CO.-IrrcRiiliirity itlnrcil' lliu elmr nii llui Imiirtl. iiC ade loility. WIicul wim luKvr, . . iru lilglier and-uols uiicliiiiiRc’d tu Igtltly. bl«li«. •, ■ -60WankiitM III Mvi|t|HHil‘. and Ihe uDiellc rxpofi (IfHia)j/), rbuniMwJ .’S'!!'?' ;nln»t wlienl value* tmlay na dl.l refill* iieruMil .if, thu Iim'ddrei'f* v » : . (irld’H avnllahle nupply maloiiK'ni. inlniry to billcf tlmt « nliurtago ' 'wheal .ejijtril can . iif, tlie "" oeklei, the iitaleiuciil allowed .i*” ''' arked lucreanca In .butli illrcc’"*• in»«WoakneM In .wlu'H >iire;nl l.i.ruru

lalo trading Wltb ihu rtnuli Hint .r i •Icea Inii aome of tbeir cnrllor lol. loitlralJiiiK nrs. tbul curn In , iTliig freely In nil dlrcviloim .aiiil uiiinulatlon la un In j>Amo nec- CHinn - “ - llTOl(htn fell back \(llli otiier giuliiN; while I'riivlilona cloaed .l<w«r. ' NarUi

Open. Illgb. U w .. CI<M«. 81-OOi WHEAT-* • . 2.35,ly .— lin« 110% 105S insti ly ..._. 110% lIuHi.. 10J% .111) .Dt. - .... '110^4 IIOH lOJli i m i ■ CHII-OKX- No, 217■...... M’i W . W»T4 'MW 11.101ly ...... 8Ui *21.4 RUS . BIW OA'IpL ...... ilU UH 81ti ; 81> i wbJATB— / • • Coriy '-_ ..-4 M ;.. 4D-H. -UH-. 4S’<1 «iio« If ^5S ’,47 «%•- 4ns if7CHBl......... 43«- 43« . 4J!4 42W 3 mlltYI':-n 7CKfl ly 71K Jt!* 71lt •,I1K 8 mil ty-:r>.. 73% 73% ■ 7S ‘7114 'No. 4 MllDJ" ' , ; ■ • 7J07^ ty .....,.' 1133 1137 1130 1130 . Uat iim s-; ■ ' • ■ • ' Tirr ly «« • MS' J7S-.... JM .'/{ye ____ .. . . . TT— . , .Cloi

wiiin-' .■IIOKTO.V.'Keb. 2n.~l>eniand - for . 'I boiler.ermlin’iif wool waa.'olnw cHll-tli*ro la.a (air biialncv In Junr .cei.iuadri. ■. Uiiea of 'tlie Ainerlcaii fnt aMien company upetinl lower In. . wmIj;rrandioirlDf_l(i;Jhr_i!Lf»P8t'i>f .jnauuihalr ft la tbougbl ib ii •toJuy'tl (gr ntiling brougbl In a' good dciiiaad (at ai' dreailng goodi. , lop ij

---- -- - packo,IIENVER MVKHT(M:K. . outald

3ENVEII. Coin., K*b. 2 e ,-C a lll^ ^rm.celpta IS.OOO; market- ateaiiy. Sheak! beet iiwra, 87iOQa.Mi cowa fa t. 1

An Even Dime

V . i '(■ MEcs-s;

. (- / J k m w i ' / ........... • '

V N I iK W I ’S :

'i;: I ifllll,

j HALL . H Imik

; t : | ‘ '|Gj ( ' • S ' nii'iiii

S H :- ?'a T « S p « » V IP ‘ 11,-1

J r * '

- if• I’w‘ , Vf 1,1

, ' . . HI.,, • , , .1 , . . m:irk

' , / iw ’i

% "Q' “■' .. f y J . I'O


■ m e K l T T C N - y j s J .

- ' m

id •; lielfera." 1707.50; cMvea. J7fl »nvlt alurliiini. uud freiltr>, UOT.SU; 1

:il|>,- J2Ji0jM.75. , . .IluRX Ilceelptji. tono; market ' ead)-,. 10c. lower: lop, 17,10: Imik, Te ,10; bulk. l 6.COOC.7r;' plgg.

Hficei.-niTelpU.. SiOii ‘nmrkel 25 4Hc blKlieri' InC l.mbn, 11173© i,80: . feeder; latubi.. .|I3.II,0ei4.C0; "I*" n'ii»7WB.25, .••■ . ,

4).yAii,i livj;htock. .bOUTII O.MAIIA. Kob, 2fi.-Callle J™ illocelpli, 'liH«:...ronrk»i..lOU25c iweri yearllnga H.WOlOi-.itoen, .f*"!'.:S(ri0.40; cowa,and .helfera. 12.40 >ha 18; .alockera nnd feedura, I408.U; tbe.liven, (4(/'10,22; bulla nad alaga, mucli0 0 , ' . . qulleIlui^-Recelptl 22.000: mtrkel l.rinc eadyto en«y: bulk.of xflea. 10.707: lo|>, 17. . h.HSheep - lle«lpl5<<9M0:-.inarkct ,? “ •iW2nc iin: yeiiliiiR«, i»rM2.M: elhera, 87,7iU»10,(0: lamb), tl30 .25;

I'OfXlOES.CHICAOO.'.. Keb. 2 t .- l ’.rtaloe»-l^ H»lptii,.2l7 car.:.'Wl«connln round “U 'f bllea, 81.:o01.S8i Mlnneaota and irUi Uakoi# UM' .River Ohloi, ha w .C0O1.G0; Idabo ItuH eta 812SO kad 1 15, . : rever

' -J___ ■. u UClIinAfill CASK flRAl.S. ■ >Ca)ii

CHICAOO, 111., Fob, 3«.-W heal- >, 2 hard lI.lOVl.lOKr No. 3 linrd

OATS-No, n,‘while, 4B«4«o; No,' whllo 47K048V(c; illnUard. 47c: ConiT-No. 3 yellow Blc: No. 3 Ilow, .7«\4080c!-No;..4-.y»lluw._73 7Ci4c: No. fl yellow,. 7107Je; Ku„ mliod.’'78W07Sc: No, ♦ mlied,

K077UC! No. 6'tnlxed. 74K: No, - mixed, 73«lc; No. 3 white. 78%c:). 4 wbllft'7CK077e: J.'o..B'while . C74iJo! No. fl wWte,72«c. . ^ Datley-SCOUCri'TImotbr>|8.S0O8. ' ' ■Ky»-No..;, 71KC. . . ' , Clover-118024. ' j l l

• IIIIDAOO LIVESTOCK.- CHICAOO, P«b. '28.r-C«ttle-Re. | , Ipta ' 12.000; iBii4uT:..b«et. ttaera.L ahe.atoek uneven; Heady 10 ,_*T <ak:. killing quatltlei plalo, top «lurea.-atc«a.^Mrly_nL25j_VeU ^ • grade log yoirllBgi.811X0;-bnlk I aleera,'early l7.780L7fi:-bulll,OlSc up; Teajan . 28080c - up; , cksn paylRX up to |i3 ; 'early; „ laldir*. 114; Ilockera; »»d ferten

ShMp-RiMlpti 13.000:, narkel:L. lamba. i teady;. early'.ilreauK **'”»

/V y Dov4W/yJrA 1

^ , ; « 4 2

m•' {, ,(C>' ' '

•' '.T IJA O R F i v a • •'

---------------------------— - « * • I,Ill'll-'airtum, prncllcMly ,|ioi.cilliif; Uiiilin on naln; bulk ful<dii|i..<l liiialw r^rly |l£,7Iitil(l; lop, iK.i ; kock! jiurlinr. wiiiftcra early l;i.r,"; rliiilic i'Ilp|)pil lumln 113.3C« fi .u; fi'K' ilirkn Kui>d cliulco ful »!'•. ir.llll; fi'w mid Inln IIU.' lluitn - lt<.<sli>ln. 3I.MU; lanrkrt .

nil, riirly n ilr" Btwrty: lop, I7,lu; tllk uf aK 'i. 17«7.:o; heavy. wolRliV ><.<hiiiii. t ‘ .lS4i7.'U; mrdlum weight .Iinllllln' rl-olcr.- l7.10Cf7.80: .||*b t.^ .....viRlii, /utlll....I iholrn, >(i.!i007.25;''iRlit llRhW. ninitmm cbiili'e. IC.Kf t

imkliii; IwKt, rougti, |C.18(#, ;.411; nliiiiKhii'r. iilgn medlutn cbolvo l.Iflfiii.f.'}.

• , ,1'OIITUM) L iv m o c tt . r(lllTU\Sl». Oru.. KeU. 5C.—Cal-

lt.-lti'i:<.|||in 'Uuiiii; luim of market Kumi /rrjidi' 87.750 .

■W; . '■iiii'iliimi' tii ' M"i. " tfr« t »ii7tl| ■ ■ ouiition. .■.n.7Hi6.Ji:" guud. .beef*- u»a ,wl;litUcr». 5,76«8.25; medium., :V(,Q4ii:.::i; i»inuion. i4.<iO((5.5U: ' .w»/ r . uml luilrM. '1204.60; t>ulw- ii'l>ull<. ):int: feiKlor-nleeni, U tf ' ',Sii; medium and vhuko .Mlvea laa l:>. >lo> u )10»II'.U: i90.2C0 lUn. l.ouflll; SW I'liUMilJ-, up ,»4.7fi« . '

lIuKH'^llm'liiH. none: . lonu of , iarkii. Bieiidy; meillum to gowl H0417.7S; Iiiri-:00 I>nunil«. medium ' i> clioltK.- 17.1,fiU7.[,U:' 250 puDlldl .11. jri,? |i.icklne 'jiuioolh.. . ravy, I f.d t; McUliig ruugh'heavy S«;c: nlntirhLT plcn |7C‘7.3I1; feed- • . f plKH. JO.Mttrtlli>iup^U''crlpl>,. nnno;> tono At

i:irkvi,' nlcady;, liiiibn, 84 poumla,llmi. ............ ... nnd kmn1.'1I3 'rll;'Inm bn cult* ond eomtnon'a, , I0,ii){fl2: )earl)nK wethera. me- Umi rholce.. all welRtil* HBJOA-:Id H«ilic[i>; t 'f l lu ; eneif, medium • •II rlioli'U.'l^il^, . ■ .

,1'OHTLAND n i l r tT - • . I'OUTLAXI). off.; Fcb.''2«.-II#rd

:bltf wlip.11 IfSc; *011 white. 98c; ' 'I'ntrm, while, hnrd winter 94<.; oriheo nspring ‘tUc:'. wtatcru leil, •Ir: ■ • . . ': .r E N N Y S O N ' l u o F T o ' G U E ST •Invited Ore ef Hli Adrn>'«'« t« Lunch.

Mh'ana Thin Rifwed to Talkto Hi r : . . - ■; .

, Trnnyaoit nloed a rrpolAtion Is hllater yeara fur nideBtafc'.'ll mirflM ■erhnpi lo hla dlallko ot latnaloU' ipnn bin iwlltndA. ^\'bcft•tbe'need w u *']|>on him he waa ap tlo Un^cud Bf Irelj Uio conlrwtloBtimei. • ' .^ Doightmr of Uic ^ t latirtal# one* ’

iikM If he might Inlog to Aldworth’* ' '• Tonina who w il vlalUag la hlg beat,'

he~ironiaa.hidag^('«<!a{r«t(otf-ftr ' be .poet’a .wbrki' Ud teIM .sV H r ' •. iiueb l» »»• him. ’T esay m u M a tM -.'. lulin readily,; telling the ari(bbar{to irlng'hw tn Inachm iad u n e d tbe ; . - lay. Wben tba d d urtred UM pool . lad forgollen atl ib n l tt 'iad. u It ■ han'crd.;«M la oaa.ot Ui ' m IUh t ' nooila. ; • ------■Thfl woman ww lnti«dBc«3:.Xtoar on iMiwod. I.uoehBOB w u umeaKOd .Bd thiiy W«fi> Is; ab* a t'acrt^bcr oat. wbo tbraughont th t Daal.dM'Mt . v ner a worA At tho eod;6t It hi'f*.’ ' ■ Ireit Ift hll c m rw w 'ii* hewoRiinlBf(th|,'»hMtbt .adi7iid««^. ' evercfifo,.aof.haTtBili»rt M.meU 1 Ui« louad' At thi peetli T t t e - ' ' :a)ifai CItyjSlir. ■ '


' n i r W l f i ^ « S r t S i ^ ^ir Ihat Uitli’Job;' Wbit.\to'jM<(blik;t III I .T»roriWlt=irthlBlCTBT^«»ni?OntTr:jii1 th . aiedlal p i^ lo a lth ^M tio C iiktag chargw tiitlU J n iu iahncr.■....... — rrr—

- ThlBlai#JWW<;p.::^.^.«.^^^:\.■S -1 don't »lad^yoBJ«y«,‘iit»etWDi'i^:;M llll lo tbt. oiHc4l w f C t i ' i a ' iU ^ ^ 'y ^ jg marked Ui« bon,r , to m w lr«te,'dri^M .V Tita& >it;V ^ riai neirty got


i i l i u m if i g i/ ‘ _ . • , ImiiKhl

• Exeluiivo B oyi' S a l t . Depart-

' ‘ n e n t to Bs AdBed; Eztcnilve Echiiiio I lq e of Trunk ftnd Bull, O u a ,

to 'F lU . Now Balcony;.Modem S h w O u«;'_ Bxpenilve Mdd- *iiii tli

, ern-.HUo,w Oo m . lo r iu(l* .fle- ~ Ki>r)<><i

■. ZXJ• '■ Her. W.

. • churcb : . , RitcMlvo ' in(H)«ni ImprorFiiiriiia one (ran

i r c belDR’inKlp In Ihs rdiho »r'piri> «lt ■m«li(areloUkec»rcot'Uii>f»pW lr ; .. Iflertulnn M n r H or iliat IdUltullon I'url!

• ■ii»dln«Wlclt>*llPiiofB»lr»(l)'i:ro»:lk JwiOK.T - la poiiUlBtlon Ifld proii*r(tr m T»ln n« l »i

r* ltl «liy *iid.Tielnl(r. rrrnldrnl IL Juilcn i: •a:BeMli«8tl hl.'»(w, V»o«er-Keh. »n,l MI.I fifth :Onch h m rccnillr rsilirniil Uuke im

' * tre o ’lhe c u t whrrtL ibrr (ound con- In m .•«ttl8M'.«pnircaiJy boiitr ih*a- lu l pfopl# a ’ 7—Ti itban tbrro w ii ah laiprorrnitill ■o«irlh» >Mi0.ertpr*. ,Tli»yflniIcli>»t- -HBinir td.eoollniicd IravroTttnrni kcrc, n> cdTcr ei

‘IweUltr In iltw- of tbe line lnei<B»r auln ii J •■orbuJntM ot Ibb flnn Jurlnit ibi: lodar-A ' poBtbi of JM uarr •ad K btuirr. 9 u r . bul• .S m Mh.S W.lbp.improwmtnli now.. uader w v. ib e ju i Mnicd gtnllemin Arihur. (

. Hid todir: .‘'Tbe btulnm la our eni] KU'P ««o‘» u d bori''drp«tnienl r««lvor.,MpWlr during ibe p u t jt«'r tb«t wr tonad tb u va rMUlml more mom m (hintn Uk«.ct>e of Brewing tr»dp. .Wo »r<- »'* "’»» puuiflg in * b»lcony orrr (h« Jurrnllc o depiriment which win b«'i]«¥oiMi-x- <

J «f)ilT«!r lo bori'e lolblnf. We_wlll ttu-Cirl■ alH pal Ir » wl^e bilconr tiong ono VP'''* •.tide where Ibcre wlll be found - ihr Judee 0.- •.lilnMt line «r irunki u d lull euci bond

• n r bltenl on laloiln our cllr. . "o*-Jd iddlllM to Ihll 10 lake carc .. . . .

or our iM k of lliri. Schiffncr « »«» III . ' U tn u d Mltbiat'Sli<n)i clolblns wp dnHi d»• ere ipiUIIIng (ome vcrr fine oak cab* F«H*;h

laata, ill g lu t tneloiM u d abio- Donald / luteir duit prooC Id which to carrr >b« MibI< lb*»a -llne«.- Wa, will, put In iwo of of Vif^y

■ Ib'anaem-raTolirlatbilcabltieliinadt «dncallon br tbft Or*a<l nitid* Hbew Cue com “F p u r lo.Maonitnodaio our Intrrwlng ly." "Vou bulflNa in SiclioB'and Scbobla.flnc on bi bata»" ............. • •. Work qA IhHt Inprorcmrdli la now M ill. ('I

.BBder wiy.

• Ibf cbaml

« » « ■ l i

■■ME. M « I i f C O l l K s

■ ------ . harn.bOrilirntcnea

W tnliR tiltrn Tbat Hnccni or l'ill> (or InvciU

v e F r tita t ' “ •--------- -- Teltnn■ • • — ^ • ' arlcwi !.«

■ Ad appml baa been luuwl from ihc the Elka Bttdtuatlen of egg markellag uan- coenectnl elaUoD br IL tl. rouUdey, arcrclary. bartincnl nrglng til the coamllicca tr get buir day al li Jbli week. Tbe local cotnmlltw here Caplain ie worklag bard oa tbe p ju . TIic (ol- charge of 'lowlog'liibe tp p eal:'■ —

Tbe luccm or. tillur« ol ihn rge tnukcilng uiodaUon for '.'jib«» t-1 «r« Idabo dcpcnda on Ihe work'done by cach commualiy iliti weck.Mn tbc . ' '

>a«iloM:or.the Upper Snake, K lm ' ' ■ Villey u d i l f i r take. Carlboit. and Powerrcounly.-wberd aclMly cam- „ palgoi:bare, bcm in'progrcaa ihc I 7 0 S alcp np baa been very good.>'.

.Tbetfl i t bul one w«k led for Uu- M a l .perLIDurliy, Jerome ud 'T w liurtllii , .i««Uou .10 ge la Ilae. ' Mccilnca of btulaett mea ind poullry . men .in . thua comnualllea ire being arnogcd aa& It'li-boped tb tl the 7S.000 beai . Betfetiary foropenlng.the.gradips ami iftlppint lUlloa ^rlll'bo trailable by March Snd, ibe cloilae time o( canpalga. . ■. .Tbere ere now loo many lirna In

•oulbetiiem Idaho for tbe ptmi'oi w — tyilen of marketing lu handle cffic- IE

•letHJy.— l^w-the-pcnlirr-lntliwlrT-tn — BFfr/ deretop Inlo oae ot our grralvil muii- oy produccra oa Ibi fann ll Ix nrcca- l f '% •ary, lo have ibe bencdia ibii inml- f jp cm matkriing oKera. Tbe markula Of tbli entire United SUlea arc open ■ B T / lo Idabo rgga prorldrd they are aa- R k ' •toblad, graded, packcd and alilppt l cffiaenilr.

L O C A L B R I g F S j

; Baek (ran renlrllo-Aucliinr Jnhn Woircoden li back from a tbr<'« Kcrkn audlUhff trip to rocttrllo.

J lltet l»o:i-Iae-/r. Dan Connor la titek froffl t irlp lo hta mining frop- vrtletUCorurd'AIriip. Mguyamln- toi.propi^rtJea.tra^dolog (loc.

iil»B »-Judge ( : ' a.IViltera aoit lila aon' b'dward. are t te b .from .t irlp Ihrougti Arlion;i and Calltorota; ,

I'UH* (Itri tllra-A di ilay Talmadie • ' .<led yeilerday at the ase of in daya i t t tbe bome of brr parrnu, Mr. and Mrt. Uwrenre Tatmaitge In. Klmher- Ir. Tbe funrral will.he bcid trom tha home. i ■ _ •

Hay 'Bei Teat l'ia*~Tba caie of ' tb e : tecelrtr ot ibe IdabiT'Sugar eoaptoy agiant Abbi oo iHal in- Aty mty M . t ’t u l race. It la lUiH.W 'flo to ln,cM\irorm>''l» .tor,|::ofl.

T-— :— . , ■

ibne 'a rc JtP.O^g |u tuih'nolc.- aianJlng; • ,

rBll/«mln-K. S. lVin« . ■ iriii'O loilay (rom ft iuiiliiir* trir .'alllomla. k U

lll.HaU li<»iir-Mr>. .\. I'. Cicm. ^ i • (i( Salt iJkisnrrlK 'il liwlny lc ' [ I Ikt. hii'lianil Kho linn a ]IU I(I'>II %

II.11I rlcrli Iim-. Thiy »lll uisk. • \

IVilirnI I'lurl-Alinrniy |:. V..<111 -niiiJ <0 linini")liln adrriiwiii PI'i Al. I<ir .Maililn IdDcia <if lliirln

Ih <lini-i<l wllh-tluIalliiR llll'1f#il ni-.

ij» IVirksrti 1-ar-K, • II. iliiik- (r arrlvrd loday ftom.SuIMjtkr , w llh'a !‘ackard*<'ar .Klilrh lit-

;hi IbrouKli lhu.roiiiii»ii>'a ascui, ■

■i------ --------:— ' Frlciitrrltei /o r (.aunollditlen — Uiiy ~ _ ' IllngloH of Uutlry, gninil high .Vot< •I n( (dnho Odd Kcllnw*. nr- ll todny |[> lake cbargc c( ibr ( ot cunaoIldAllon of i|ic Men Mnli Jprome-caBipa of-(Wd Krilown the Colfax camp Iicre.' Rigii

r)i><lrt IloTor-irnii^^Varlniiii ki>- ■9 iionorrd ihr memory nf Wiiialicr at Ibc aerrlcea rondiitird.h}* t . *W. W. -Jlufka at tbr .CbrtilUn ___ _

rb ynlerday. • .Mlifd nuarlrllra,Irani lianifm and one from here. .Tbu •'!alternately. ■ • ' ihe .gra

......... - ' ' acbooi 1ra l ' l'roiili< Il'rd-Two pujmlar RillIi, ilK.TwIn rtlla couplra wrro imr- of Ughtal Uupcrl yonicrday by I’rnbair- aiAtuic in i:. I). !’lilhl»; Olio CaldwHI liia prrMlrt* .llcUia .\lonrr, and. Kilfard voii-. ^and .Mlna'Mlna Sialry wrfr ioln- ind ll* I

tar I'asf >'p-Tbr caan ol Iho re-' r o( Ihn Idaho Sugar couipany IcrJ ll Jnacpli Abid rcmc nn (or irlat chamber ..Abljl gave hla nole 10 Uie com- volcra c but clalma It waa obialned hy, ' \

He la reprfarn'urt'by Judge, urra na- r. Oairom. i’orirr A ' Wlihani imiav i iU'Pban & .North rrproicof Hv- „u tc ta ' er.,, •, ' . I tv

rec i.w in l |r l , l . , - p » r . r i .1I>: raa arrwiftl ycaicnby on ihr naie an e o( Illegal driving which'll la .n j iie.. 'd rraulird In a.'colllilon wlih arl A. JudEal aulo. 'llDmlcrrd niarlca I of not gullly Ki-fore Frobaie « ||i inv0.-l*. Durall.tnd w u lieW un- fe

md for hcarlng.tomorrow morn- nrccaaar lie fiimlabeil bond. • . ^

llandionif »ralgn<^Onr of ihr .hnri tildralina ovrraubmllied forTwIn run ourla tbaVaenl In thla week by oV'wairri A. McClatlln:. Jt. rfprcacnia hMMra tagio Clly' aa t go<l wllh’t hnni grlci"niy, anit .emblcnm of religion, ilon end Induatry trouhd ll. Jh" *, “Fflru.lahlp. “Uyaliy.” "Ueau- „ / J " 5 Voujh" tnd .-Idct" are palnicd' ■ ■ ■ , <l“ ’nchc . r i i Uud In Kfcrlag-Comnili.Hall Of Ibc atato highway, bpf, ‘*t', “ !a leller Tcerlvcd loday taaures ..„}i! ® ;

ad.fc.rutli»g..ot road.wtat.ofitsalnpau ib le ...lleM yalhey —( it thla Iprlng.

, I ------ ' I’canonMicrd to the I’enllenllarj-Or. alon aa , Idrkltk and ixiDnle Moore, iwuthree auio ihlevca wbo aloU- Tnlii |

.arlu I). Ttfomu car and went Jackaoa

.Ud wllh It were.aentiaced to Krcahmaimo to H yeara In ibe' pcnllen-. college.. ’od ty.K rtncla t . Shambow, trlilmpbe*alia froifl .Montana; aeemi lo Agglea oiOriio t goo4 rcpulallon and hla «»rd rei:e -waa deferred unlll Jlonday graduatecaUgallOD by Jud|;e.\V, A. Ilali- c |a„ of

isRY' Xeet Tunlglit-The Km- mMe^iipr1.egton wilt meat lonlghi a rra or oih

ka hall tn charge of Ibe men ply at ihi ite<l wllh tbe , ordnance de- aldea ftn i nl durlns the great war. To- lea". carp< I luEcbeon'ai ibe ilogcrtou. era reglal n r . W. ' McRoberia had called for

of tho‘program. Iter; A. 0. alder iho

b siery to .'

, ■■ : Early ,

an'd' brown kid: ^ ^ Inlj hccl.

^ ■. Selling, fur

■- . $ 7 .Wh, i'a,

B A R B E R i. "[iclirr fihwn To

g V s >

'' - ’ ■ Twn>

im p' • D(

s w inidi'Ml

DlSWi- . . . • . rd I

cii^di of Levy Hope for Large rolo 'Dcclarinfi: They Aro Con- Idem PcofilV W ant Schoolp faijitaincd nt High Sta'ndordi tigs fo r 'Volcri n t Headguftr-

^ o i.t- r ic n t l. o i . W v y - a i - 5 ;; ihambcr-.qr (lommerec. ' “••■rc

IU rlccilou la on Ihlifallcmoon'for, "'’•.f'granting »( i.erxilaalon ip Ibuol hoariL III make t levy of1, IhK aiuiii: aa lant yi'sr, InauaiiKhi mllla, in Whlrli mnlrr ibr dc« ^ «;0.V

S .

Tliy will be accurcl for ihc jirop.M unleM Ibe vulen In’lia (avor

ri^lldcncc. llr^QUaricra {or ibt ' . hai brrn rqiabllabcd 'a l the

Iber of commcrco wben'Hca f»r •a car l|0- hud.

merchant i^ jn g Ihc aame •fig- na-ibnat'uaM in Ibe Jlmc* y ty ly and rccflvrd from oKlclal rca'-drew ihla conclualon loday:I are iVclRht mllia I'aua witl glvo l«ufJ65.00ii and, aaaumliig ihalI will Im l&D.nou fropi general and county, laiea. tuition, flnr*

llcrnici. wc.wlll br'ai Iraat |I 0,- ihort-uf what'll wjll coal to pay lea Ilf our tcacbcni alone.' .Thla Iravo' in wllhout hral, llghl. Jaii- ' .fcra, waler, repair*' an<l other lary malntrnancc, uvcrbiudII coala .ua tlC.UOO. In - oihcra Unlras wc vnte ihla wa will'bo B ' . all told over ISO,000. Wo cannot,

lur achoola wlihput llghl or heal,’Mrr, or'Janlinr (rea, nr rcpaira, , ra a aborlagi' of (1D,|H)0 lu aal- g '

Illx 'Tul'r llojH'ii KoK ' ' ' g . arge vole la hoped for by frienda rplng the schoo'l Icty wberu It aa Twin ^'alla ,1a proud of ill ichoola anti la oppnaed lo dclcr- on,'and If,tbe people gn out II t ihaL Ihcy will maliiiRin them;> vote' alartcil oul well at bolh • . n placca.' > •la cloao aj A ^ io lb Uie Uncoln Ilckel achobla In clecllon. inia;’.

on waa apeaker of tbevKca- aa .gueit (0 the; boyi. ■ .

In rnllk Hoj on Team-Wllaon oa of Twin Kalli, wai dn 'ihe- man debating leam ot LIndeld ;e.,' McMlimrlllc, . Ore.,' wblcli pbeil recently over the Oregon 1 on I'^bruary ’SO. necordjng to received- here. Jnekeoa la a

ate of Twin Kalla blgh acboor, of '2!.

c .Wlin Tliin JoKa-Tbrro are . ■ • mrn* lhan'/olia lirr^.and farnf.'Olbera wanting hrip ahould apr Ihe chambcr nf commerce. .De-

'tnn workera ihere aro mecliaii- irpenlen, and concrrtc work- glairred.. A .mi-ellng haa bern Yor I o'clock Saturday to con- Iho alinallou.

i l ; :' s p r i n g

i m l } e r ~ ~ ’

:i auedr. nlnu (black

d; ull U-ilhcr Span- » ' '■

185i'a ; .MnrrI

: S H O E - C O , :

■tor 1,11*1 .Money-', '- .

’ — iinmiiiiiiiii. . I


upert Attorney's n f Fate in Hands of fUl ..Talesmen at Boise ' ,

, DOIHH, (dabu. >V1;. :C.-Thu : ••( ;iM. u( ]•:, lt..,UairtrilT.-'lliipi'n ” bicruc lillcra llirotigh Ibu ' '» IKirnry,' ibargcd »llh in'iiillnti ' I lalln, Wlin rIvcn m a (cilLr;i1 Iiry Ihln iificrriomi. ' . • • CMinn Mlllaii Van .Milurrp, <vlii>

■•n lrrd Iho icllrri.. Kild Iioiv llic linlliy «( the-wrllrf . Hlli piinli. .ri.,, nhril liy irlcphunr <01. , cn..- “linn. f.dluwliig ilir advln. uf...... ‘i»'> Iw'i'l I 'w u oHkrrn,Tlir Irllrm, ciiiKalnlng Indi- .Z-.

•Ill propiaiil., 'Krir unalRUrd, '■id IhA young wi>mnii wun .isk.I lo unawcr jliroiigh one C.':. llar.lyNi( »»rk>. Mnrilvi. | ‘ld»)

.m .HU' ol Iho wlineMca, A !{“*“ ' evelnrr arcrct »rrrlce (i|iera- • ,re IrniKlcil (Iiul llir IrKcrn In 'Ucaiiiii. wrro jvrliim on ■»•jic»fl(cr In’ Daiii|ili'r> olfi.r.U(iirla by Ouy IIImcII, dr. nnn niiorney. tu liilriHluro Ivn- tunny- iJjil }>3mi'ler'ii rnrnt/i-* .Mnrch iirTflhiiHivd i,nii;«iv;r iiim j,r ‘ largM 'un preVbjiii iiK-anliina !• ■» b •rr iiwrulrd by Jmlge IHoirlrb. ■'i.ili.iiitiy-wna-udmllicd;lrn<lliig

prove Danipler nut ,o( Inwn . eitublli i. daic-s when ibe leitera >ere .,

> r ; i « S . = . E S

ftoducts. of the 1 ■ , as i-effeshiiig and as i

woolens too, at their values are as attiticti;

. 5 j 0 M e f l ’s

A g o o d s e l e c t i o n o

, m t i d e i s i n d J E n g l i s

.. A t

M e n ’s A d j u

C a p sThe now Spring models iund plaids ...................

'-O ther very good mode a t ..................... .98c, .$1.:

: ' - i

IES ' ■ • ■ ' • ■ ■ ..



C liL L E « 1 01.V

rhu iKllowlitg nidlcr wan IneuMi Hrprri l.iy. (olluwliir. 11 mcrlliii: lair yea- '''fc ilay. fur II wiigi' Malu laniiiir-n -V" « dine st tbu I*;trlsh hull .Samr- “ Knili

Ihe T«ln 1‘alia Cbamlair of Cun- ‘ W.V> n e baa been niahiiulnliig n frrv lalhr piriymcnt bureau (nr Urm’ira, 'Hii ummci

lie dldlaill lo xervi- ihcm (>.r ut Tn I rraiim lhai Ihv furmrra .hare Mmok : iir/lred ul nny uralo of wug,>n illh-, Ibrr bato lln- mrn nrcklntr work li'iliitw :lile.| Ibul wngra iliuy are going Icr nt aak. .• • ■ In tlI'hcrc will br a mvcllng .S'alnrday, H'lna <

li’ hopbd'lhat WrrLmuJi’ wi'll'il; NT?|trd, a t ' wb'lch_lliuc|s..’Wl|l_bt luiaacil.iind'lbu acalv uf wagea abllabcd. ' * "

■_______ ; ' ■ nranrnU.\Miir.S tlOIi il.t.VK M .jpr

nidtlH. niir.. .K rli,''6-nvo lumd. 'Af 1

o i ,nlr.hl nnd rarl.'d away i:,IIOO Jn nad 11.I. Tb(' Undlia unrfl arriylcne « a a « i Jira 10 hum out llir loclia pnd .Hpanlal a froin.lbc.doora, a an i-r

-Vew -j r e s s the Pei! foremost 'deSignerai’tKes B interesting as we have e ir finest, while workmans ever,'

s and Youngof all w ool suits^in ish styles— , ■

'i t th e rejnarkabi.y 1(

).5(0S “u s t a b l e


Is in tans, grays, '.... .........■.-$1.98 , o:dels-und styles nII.23-and^W S : a



' , ' •: TlTySn,


- w --------- I>rl'tirmrnlathr .Smllh llre.imnirnd.■-'fcran «f Horld Hnr tu I’rvOiIrn ,In i'u«lma>lrr at Tnlll Fallal ilrnn , ^ "tndonpd-fnrdfltp-fltn’O'm'"*''” ”V.WHlMiTOX. f-rk av-UrpErnrn. llr Addlaun t : Smith Monday rrr- C, 'I-

«l|c..inp>'lnlniriit Of l-ali. tron. i 1 V. II. nrlluNrta at.|ii»iDia«lrr Tnin Pnlfi lo anrcecJ .^Irbarl A. ' „ unk, nhiKr (era li a'Hiut lo rx- . " r, ilr nl»i> rrrumntrniird tbi- ap.Htrarnl (if ,<,-ll, llran ai puslnaa. I'opulp nt I'ornlrllu. >n the

n Ihe n'rrni cJUl ai-nlrr 'rxanilan- .a onl) tnu rnndldatca lu r ' w .l . ^ r M IVflf^llo nadi- « q o M f.

I l»T rrnt and tt. t "'Karty# rallnit ''I*'

rn ihr Inu randlJali-* and he rre- l«

? e / of Springiese Suits and Topcoats c ! ever shown. Here style is nship is ti-uiy siiperb. Wi

g Men'S Suitsa c'onscirvati,ve mod

lo w juices of ;

M e n ’s .C r a v e

O v e r c o a tf c t the coat for the uncerl of spring and e_ai-iy new models and colors’a: a t ..$19.50, $24.50, $27.50


DAHO. '■

SDAY, FEDRl'AnY .2fi,.1924: V '

n ir r lo Fnarr. Xr.'SalUi -ndrd Ibo apnolaliaiuit boUi'oB k<unHif litB^llgb'rallBg ind-lKfaanS'...........b k nllllarr rreord, be iald.'.Th« '

nlnillona (if llran aad McKohrri* lljihibabry gu lo tbn leaato la t .

P E R S O N A L S I 't •

Drl'Hardy of San Jaclalo li In tbo y ioday. .

L K . Olaon waa uv from Filer ye»«

(I. Uudy o( Uiibl'wu up today.'. . .

C.'i;. liblniea.Md tamlly relumed im the r u t loda)',

^l»: JfST UAI» TO ACT. nKIIUiS, Keb. U.-Herr.Kloopt<;r. pular Bclor;lilBylnK the'tlllo pari- the play.' *,MIdiaeI Kramer” here,

elded'lo leave on Iha night iraln r luly. to creale a pah la t new

riiii,niant8er.nt,ilifl„iheaift. lBarB-,-T. t hla |ilana.*liad lilm'- arrealed. ■ u policeman toftad tba actor Into'IStlcab .nnd droib blia,' nol lo'Jail.': t io tho iheatre. ^ivloep(er-niailfl the belt o l a bad .I nnd'tgreed'lo play, *

A F0Kt:(r0XK CO.M'I VSIO.t . ' .•If, we maet .Ihs'devil, whieli ', of . ,

du you think ^ would‘takor

How, io r ‘ -“” / , . ^ ' Jlecauio hft la .aure.of you in r cat;<."-Tyrlbint .iCbfliUanla);-

tiest f . " ■

„..........; , ' _ _ '

i come, to us is a t its'best, '

With all this, ■ :

•S 0^^)dels, belted '

e n e t t e

a t s ■ ■V , ' " ■

ertain weather: . '" iummer. The.:'are here now .'.50 aild $ 29.50 .,

1' * ' •