Mrs. Christensen A-6 268-7157

Post on 01-Mar-2022

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Transcript of Mrs. Christensen A-6 268-7157

Mrs. Christensen A-6 268-7157

Mrs. O’Brien A-5 268-7156

Mrs. Brinka A-4 268-7171

Before School: Breakfast begins at 8:00 in the lunchroom.

Kindergarten students not eating breakfast need to go straight

outside to the playground with their backpacks and coats until

school begins.

There will be adult supervision on the playground beginning at


Students may not wait in the classroom before school due to lack

of supervision.

Students need to leave ALL toys at home during the day while at

school unless it is their special day. Thank you for your support.

After school: Please pick up your child outside the gated area on the

playground near Ave A. Your child will wait by their teacher and

their classmates. You need to come up to the gate to pick up your


If your child needs to be picked up in a different way, please call

the office at 268-7145 and the message will be delivered to the

classroom teacher.

Monthly Homework: A packet will be sent home at the beginning of every month.

Return the completed packet at the end of every month.

Pre-decodable and decodable books will be sent home and can

stay home for you to read with your child.

Please have your child read to you each and every night.

Wednesday Envelopes: The envelopes will be sent home every Wednesday and will be in

your child’s backpack.

Please look through, sign, and return items if needed by


Envelopes are great way to send the teacher notes, lunch money,

homework, or any papers needing to be returned.

Lunch: When sending lunch money to school, please place it in an

envelope and label it with your child’s name, classroom, teacher’s

name and “Lunch Money.”

Birthdays: During the school year, birthday treats are welcomed. Please be

sure to include enough treats for the entire class.

If invitations are to be passed out, there must be enough for the

entire class as well. Otherwise, please mail invitations on an

individual basis.

Snacks: At the beginning of every month, your child will receive a monthly

calendar in their Wednesday envelope. During the month, your

child for the day will be a helper, bring a snack for the class to

enjoy, and share a show-n-tell.

All snacks need to be non-perishable or they will be sent home due

to allergies.

Please use the following sheet when picking out your child’s snack for

the special day.



If snacks come that contain peanut butter or peanut oil, THEY

WILL BE SENT HOME. We have students who have severe peanut

allergies. Make sure to check every snack to make sure. Even check

that the snack hasn’t been processed around peanuts, oil, or butter.

Thank you so much for making our room a safe environment!

All snacks must be prepackaged and not homemade.

Please try and help to keep our snack cupboard full. I try to have 2

snacks a day because the kids get hungry. They may bring in snacks


PEANUT FREE/TRENUT FREE SNACK LIST Avoid snacks that contain peanuts, peanut flour, peanut oil, or peanut butter or other nuts.

This includes snacks with almonds, coconuts, filberts, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts,

macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, and walnuts.

Read labels carefully to make sure the products are nut free. This includes labels that read

“May contain traces of peanuts/nuts” or “processed in a facility that processes products that

contain peanuts/nuts.” Food labels and ingredients change over time, so always read the

label each time before purchasing snacks.

Include the packaging of your treat when you send it to the classroom, so that the label may

be rechecked if there are any questions.

Thank you for your consideration and support in keeping the food-allergic child

safe from having a life threatening allergic reaction at school.


Any fresh fruit

Applesauce cups

Raisins, Craisins,,& other dried fruits

Fruit cups (NOT Del Monte)

Fresh vegetables

Vegetable dips


Yogurt in individual cups or tubes

Pudding in individual cups, cans, or tubes

String cheese or other cheeses

Drinkable yogurt or smoothies

Cottage cheese in individual cups


Triscuits, Wheat Thins, Vegetable Thins

Ritz crackers/dinosaurs/sticks (NOT Ritz

Bitz or sandwiches)

Town House, Club, Toasteds

Cheez-Its, Cheese Nips, Better Cheddars

Saltines, Oyster crackers

Wheatbles, Air Crisps, Munch’ems, Keebler

Snack Stix

Brenton brand crackers

Goldfish crackers

Graham crackers, Graham cracker Sticks,

Teddy Grahams

Animal Crackers (Austin, Zoo, Barnum)


Cheerios (NOT Honey Nut or Frosted)

Chex (Rice, Corn, Wheat)

Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Corn Flakes


Frosted Mini-Wheats

Kashi (Go Lean Crunch, Good Friends,

Cinnamon Raisin, Heart to Heart) cereals


Life (NOT Vanilla Yogurt Crunch)


Other Snack Items

Small bagels (Lenders or Thomas brand)



Nutri-grain cereal bars/yogurt bars

Special K Bars (NOT Honey Nut)

Special K Snack Bites

Fig Newtons (all flavors)

Rice Cakes (NOT Quaker brand, not nut


Cheez-It Party Mix/Munchie Party Mixes

Kellogg’s brand Rice Krispie Treats


Sun Chips

Yogos/Yogo Rolls