MR. PIDEL · Web viewAdapting to different environments resulted in Native Americans making...

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Transcript of MR. PIDEL · Web viewAdapting to different environments resulted in Native Americans making...

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(5 minutes)

1. What is today’s Learning Target?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Notes: Images: Gist / Central Idea / Key Ideas

Image/Mnemonic Phrase

1. During the last Ice Age, 10,000 B.C., the glaciers got bigger and absorbed water from the oceans, so the sea level dropped and new land was exposed between Siberia in north east Russia and Alaska. This was a land bridge called Beringia.


2. Nomads crossed this land bridge while following migrating animals that they used for food.


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3. Climate Change ended the Ice Age, causing the glaciers to melt, the oceans to rise again, and the land bridge to be covered by the ocean. As a result, the nomads had to settle North and South America. This is how they became the Native Americans.


4. The discovery of agriculture, or farming, affected the lives of early Native Americans in Mexico by providing them with enough of an early form of corn (maize), squash, and pumpkins to be able to settle down and stop moving around, or living as nomads. The population grew with more food.


5. Geography affected Native Americans because when they settled somewhere, they had to adapt, or change, to survive in their new environment. Their environment was where they got resources for food, shelter, and clothing. Adapting to different environments resulted in Native Americans making different cultures, or lifestyles.


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6. By 1500 A.D., millions of Native Americans lived on the continents of North America and South America. These people lived in more than 2,000 tribes.


Exit Ticket –

How did geography and climate affect Native American settlements and cultures of

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the prehistoric Native Americans? Explain in a summary of 3-5 sentences._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Rate your understanding of today’s Academic Objective: (circle one)

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5Did you meet today’s Learning Target? Why or Why not?



What helped you the most with today’s lesson?



What literacy strategies did you use to complete today’s lesson?



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