Mr. Oleksandr Galychyn (Portfolio)

Post on 21-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Mr. Oleksandr Galychyn (Portfolio)

  1. 1. PortfolioOleksandr Galychyn Student Number: 13040529
  2. 2. Section 1. Analysis of planning diagrams of underground railroads in large cities of the World........................................................................................................................ ......71.1 Setting goals and objectives of the study..81.2 Classification of subway planning schemes..91.3 Additional elements of planning schemes of subways (auxiliary rings and loops).....121.4 Rating of 20 major subways networks (2011 year)..19Section 2. Detailed plan of subway lines development, pedestrian accessibility..............................................................................................242.1 The center and sub-centers, separated Chervonozavodskyy district of Kharkiv (south)...262.2 Separated Ordzhonikidzevsky district..272.3 Separated district Alexeyevka...28Section 3. New project proposals (options) for Kharkiv subway network development.292
  3. 3. 3.1 Existing radiated model of Kharkiv subway network on master plan303.2 Radiated model of Kharkiv subway network ..303.2.1 Radiated model of Kharkiv subway network and prospective branches to the suburban areas.313.2.2 Radiated model on master plan.323.2.3 Pros and cons of radiated model.333.3 Radiated and chorded model.343.3.1 Radiated and chorded model of Kharkiv subway network ..343.3.2 Radiated and chorded model on master plan..353.3.3 Pros and cons of radiated and chorded model.363
  4. 4. 3.4 Radiated and circular model of Kharkiv subway network.373.4.1 Radiated and circular model of Kharkiv subway network..373.4.2 Radiated and circular model on master plan..383.4.3 Pros and cons of radiated and circular model393.5 Combined model of Kharkiv subway network403.5.1 Combined model of Kharkiv subway network403.5.2 Combined model on master plan413.5.3 Pros and cons of combined model..423.6 Economic feasibility indicators...............433.7 Results.................454
  5. 5. Section 4 Site planning of subway station "Yuzhnaya(south station)....................46Architectural solution of station47Key plan48Master plan.................49Fragment of Landscape Plan50Vertical planning.................51Scheme of transport accessibility and pedestrian traffic.52Section 5. Project of quarter reconstruction along the Kuznechna Street, Kharkiv..535.1 Scheme of activities for reconstruction.545
  6. 6. 5.2 Front elevation of Kuznechna Street...........555.3 Perspective view of the dwelling house 7/13, Kuznechna Street.............565.4 Site plan of quarter reconstruction...........57Section 6. Project of quarter reconstruction along the Mayakovsky Street, Kharkiv..............586.1 Key plan..596.2 Vertical planning, front elevation along the Chernyshevsky Street..............60Section 7 Engineering accomplishment of residential group of prospective micro-district in Kerch, Ukraine..617.1 Landscape Plan of residential group627.2 Vertical planning of residential group..............636
  8. 8. Purpose:Determination of development prospects for Kharkov rapid transit networkObject SubjectMetro systems of major world cities Planning schemes and the main characteristics of subwaysActuality of themeNecessity to improve transport accessibility in the city of Kharkiv at the expense of Kharkov subway network expansionScientific novelty1. Formation of the combined scheme of underground in the city of Kharkiv 2. Possibility of establishing of modern terminals and transport hubs on the basis of the metro stationTasks1. To identify the major types of planning schemes on the example of underground world's largest cities 2. To compare the major metros of the world by key economic indicators 3. To analyze the characteristics and to determine the rating of the Kharkiv Metro subway among the largest cities in the world 4. To analyze pedestrian accessibility of Kharkiv subway network 5. To identify a perspective network scheme with the possibility of Kharkov subway development in the long term 8
  9. 9. X-shapedCircularRectangularRadiatedRadiated and circularRadiated and chordedCombinedConventional signs Subway station Station complex Underground lines9
  10. 10. Linear scheme Population