Mr. Jankowski - Global History Page - About Me · Web viewWhy did Galileo’s discoveries about the...

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Transcript of Mr. Jankowski - Global History Page - About Me · Web viewWhy did Galileo’s discoveries about the...


Chapter 13 GRQs – The Renaissance and Reformation

Answer the following questions using complete sentences.Ch13.1 – The Renaissance in Italy

1. What does the word renaissance mean?

2. How did the humanist thinking of the Renaissance differ from medieval thinking?

3. What two reasons made Italy a logical place for the Renaissance to begin? (think history and geography)

4. Study the paintings below – which painting comes from the Middle Ages and which is from the Renaissance period. Support your answers with evidence and terminology based on what you have learned.

Ch 13.2 – The Renaissance in the North5. How did Johann Gutenburg’s invention of the printing press revolutionize the world?

6. What is the vernacular and who did it appeal to?

Chapter 13.3 – Protestant Reformation Use complete sentences to answer the following questions.

7. Define indulgences.

8. How did the Church change the way it granted indulgences from the Middle Ages to the late 1400’s?

9. Who started the Protestant Reformation and what did he write?

10. What are three arguments that Luther used against indulgences in his 95 Theses?a.



11. What two things did Luther want to do so that ordinary people could read and study the Bible?

12. Define predestination.

13. Calvinists believe that people are divided into what two groups?

14. Where did Calvinists from England go to avoid persecution?

15. Read the statements below. Then answer the question that follows:a) Those who believe that they can be certain of their salvation because they have indulgence letters will be eternally

damned, together with their teachers.

b) Any true Christian, whether living or dead, participates in all the blessings of Christ and the church; and this is granted him by God, even without indulgence letters.

c) Such as: ``Why does not the pope empty purgatory for the sake of holy love and the dire need of the souls that are there if he redeems an infinite number of souls for the sake of miserable money with which to build a church?'' The former reason would be most just; the latter is most trivial.

Based on what you have studied who do you think wrote these statements?

Where would someone likely be able to read these statements, and many others attributable to the same author?

What specific practice is the author criticizing in statement C?

Chapter 13.4 GRQ – Reformation Ideas Spread

16. Henry VIII’s first wife was . They had a daughter named , but Henry fell in love with leading him to ask the Pope for a divorce.

17. The Church of England is known as the Church.

18. Elizabeth I was the daughter of and .

19. How did the Elizabethan Settlement largely end decades of religious turmoil in England?

Chapter 13.5 GRQ – The Scientific Revolution

20. How did ways of thinking about the universe change during the Scientific Revolution?

21. Explain Copernicus’ heliocentric model of the universe.

22. Why did Galileo’s discoveries about the universe cause an uproar?

23. What happened to Galileo as a result of his discoveries?

24. What did both Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes argue about the idea of finding truth?

25. What process is the graphic below displaying/illustrating? What would thinkers during the Scientific Revolution say this process is used for?