Mr. Gupta, Chief Engineer, Metro Railway, Kolkata on Affairs, IIT ... · OCTAPACE (Openness,...

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Transcript of Mr. Gupta, Chief Engineer, Metro Railway, Kolkata on Affairs, IIT ... · OCTAPACE (Openness,...

“A marvellous facility that conveys the history and spirit of

L&T.” – Prof. R. Nagarajan and Mr. Suresh, Office of Alumni

Affairs, IIT Madras on July 14, 2011.

“Nice corporate office. Very good presentation of work done.”

– Mr. Gupta, Chief Engineer, Metro Railway, Kolkata on

July 2, 2011.

“It was a wonderful insight of a truly world class company.

Proud to be an Indian.” – Shri. Shibu Baby John, Hon’ble

Minister for Labour & Rehabilitation, Govt of Kerala,

Shri. K. Biju, IAS, Director of Employment & Training and

Shri G.L. Muraleedharan, Joint Labour Commissioner and

Managing Director, ODEPC on July 23, 2011.

“Lovely collection of past with rich history of the company.”

– Mr. H.P. Singh and team from M/s. Intel on July 27, 2011.

“This is the right institution that can take up projects in

South Sudan, I am impressed and excited.” – Hon. Minister

Michael Makuei Lueth, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs,

Republic of South Sudan on September 28, 2011.

“Impressed by L&T’s activities and projects done worldwide.”

– Mr. U. Ackermann, Managing Director, Foreign Trade

Division and Mr. Rajesh Nath, Managing Director,

M/s. German Engineering Federation (VDMA), Indian Office

on September 9, 2011.

July - September 2011


From the Desk of KVR

Dear Colleagues,

Let me begin this edition with Season’s Greetings to all myfellow L&T-ites and their families. I am sure this festive seasonwould have ushered in a lot of cheer, joy and harmony in yourfamilies. Festivals not only give us the required break from theroutine, they also raise our energy levels as festivals encompassan atmosphere of warm hospitality and buoyant spirit.

As we are marching steadily on our growth track towards ourgoal, we need to take a brief pause to reinforce thefundamentals. One such thing is our focus on Safety. We havecome a long way in terms of learning and implementing varioussafe work practices, but yet it seems that we need to travel alot more. Recent accidents take away all the good name earnedby us in meeting our commitment to clients, shareholders andthe society at large. Safety is everyone’s responsibility and asI always say: ‘Safety and Quality should be part and parcel ofour work culture’. With more and more high-rise and megaprojects in our fold, we need to constantly upgrade our safetystandards too. I am sure every L&T-ite will do his bit to reachour goal of ‘Zero Accident’.

As most of you would have seen from the print and visualmedia, the globe as a whole is under stress with financial andsocio-political issues. Though our country is not under similarsituation, yet we are not totally insulated either. We have ourown issues of inflation and multiple interest rate hikes to tacklewith. The macro environment therefore has its effect on allbusiness sectors. We being a projects company, order inflow iscrucial to our performance and growth. Globally orderprospects for the year are seen shrinking on account of cautiouspostponement of orders. Nevertheless, as in the past we havedone an elaborate Mid Term Review and I am happy that ourICs have reassured our budget commitments of order inflow

Printed at Srikals Graphics (P) Ltd., 5, Balaji Nagar, First St., Ekkaduthangal, Chennai 600032. Edited by V.S. Ramana for L&T Construction from L&T Construction Headquarters,

Manapakkam, Chennai 600 089. Prepress by PACE systems & graphic communications, Chennai 600 018.

The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Management. The contents of this magazine may not be reproduced without the written permission of the Editor.

Not for sale. Only for circulation among employees of L&T Construction.

to our management even in these difficult times. I am surethat each one of you will put in your best efforts to ensure thesame.

This quarter also saw us win many accolades and awards.L&T’s sustainability practices and its disclosures are rankedamongst the top in Asia in the Environment, Social &Governance (ESG) 2010-11 ratings. L&T is also the onlyIndian company listed among the top 5 in Asia in the‘Industrial’ segment rating. L&T also secured top honours atthe 9th Construction World Annual Awards, featuring as‘Largest Construction Company’. This is the 9th year insuccession that L&T has received this award. All these accoladesadd responsibility on our shoulders to perform better andbetter.

Wishing you all once again best of times ahead!!!

K.V. RangaswamiAdvisor to Chairman

Corporate 3

Site Insight 12

Safety 28

Kaleidoscope 40


Training 48

Staff News 72

Long Service Awards 84

What’s In

In our effort to balance out on reporting across increasing events and activities at L&T Construction and ensuring that the publication

stays sleek and not too voluminous we have initiated the following sustainability efforts:

� The electronic version of ECC NEWS is available to all readers in our website

� Effective this issue, sections like ‘Training’ and ‘Staff’ will be available only in the web edition and NOT in print version.

The above mentioned steps will not only help us to save paper consumption, but also will lend the magazine a better look. As we

go along, we envisage greater reduction in print quantity of ECC NEWS. We’re sure our efforts will be appreciated.


V.S. Ramana


K. Sridharan, Alexander Benjamin, V. Ramesh Kumar,

S. Gopi Kannan, Ashwin Chand, V. Eswar, Mayura Kota,

Subha Anand, Shamala Vsn Nadendla


V.S. Natanavelu

July - September 2011

The Leadership Development Initiative(LEAD) – Leadership for Excellence, Actionand Development of Buildings & Factories ICwas launched on September 4, 2010. The firstwave of the programme was successfullyconcluded and the participants presented theirfinal Discovery Project to the Leadership CoreGroup headed by SNS on August 1, 2011.

LEAD programme is a seven months initiative,designed to develop a strong pipeline of leadersto realise the Lakshya 2015 Vision. Theparticipants are assisted by highly competentbehavioral experts and trained internalchampions to develop their individualdevelopment plan and learning edges. Theparticipants are taken through structuredForums, Workshops and individual coachingsession along with an opportunity to implementand internalize their learning’s through a livediscovery project.

During the final phase of the LEAD Programme, theparticipants were invited to make a presentation in thepresence of Senior Executives and Internal Champions.

Mr. N. Dharmarajan welcomed the Core Team, participantsand also set the context by quick re-cap of the entireinitiative. SNS in his inimitable style briefed the genesesfor this initiative and his expectations from all theparticipants. The presentation by the participants focusedon their learning’s along the leadership journey, outcomeof their Discovery Project, the way forward in accomplishing

B&F IC’s Leadership Development Initiative

their long term aspirations and the support required fromthe Leadership Team. In addition to the developmentalinputs from the core group, the way forward was alsodiscussed. The participants will go through another roundof 270 degree feedback process after 6 months to reviewtheir progress and further development. The participantsexpressed their happiness and thanked the management forthe excellent opportunity provided.

B&F IC is all set to roll out Wave 2 of their LEADprogramme shortly.

LEAD team members seen with Mr. S.N. Subrahmanyan and Senior Executives


LEAD team members making their presentation to the Leadership Core Groupheaded by Mr. S.N. Subrahmanyan


July - September 2011

The second wave of ODprogramme was launched byBuildings & Factories IC fortheir emerging leadersduring August 18-20, 2011at Chariot Beach Resort,Mahabalipuram, Chennai.The group comprised ofCPMs, Senior ProjectManagers and Heads ofvarious departments acrossthe IC.

Mr. K. Sreekumar, Head –Factories BU inauguratedthe programme andemphasised the need forsuch interventions in orderto sustain our culture, in thewake of such rapid growth and change. The process wasfacilitated by our OD Consultant, the veteran Prof. SomnathChattopadhyay.

The OD group will work towards bringing in a culture ofOCTAPACE (Openness, Collaboration, Trust, Authenticity,Pro-activity, Autonomy, Confrontation, and Experimenta-tion) with specific focus on two vital areas – AchievementMotivation and Values.

OD – Second Wave Launched in B&F IC

The current session focused on Achievement Motivation.It was highly interactive and various self-assessment toolswere used, assisting the participants to introspect and reflectupon their own behavior.

Mr. A.L. Sekar, Head – Residential & Factories SBG wasinvited for a session and during the interaction with theparticipants. He shared the nostalgic movements andlearnings from the OD interventions which he wasa part of.

Mr. K. Sreekumar, Head – Factories BU delivering the inaugural address

OD team members seen with Mr K. Sreekumar and Prof. Somnath Chattopadhyay


July - September 2011

B&F IC Inaugurates its new office space at New Delhi

Infrastructure IC’s UAE

Cluster Office Inaugurated

Mr. S.N. Subrahmanyan, Member of the Board andSr. Executive Vice President (Construction) inauguratedthe UAE Cluster Office of Infrastructure IC’s internationalprojects on September 6, 2011, in the presence ofMr. Shrinath Rao, International Infra BU Head andMr. Sushant Shah Deo, Cluster Project Manager.

This office is located on the 30th floor of Jumeirah LakePlaza and will function as Cluster Office for InfrastructureIC providing support in finance, supply chain, resourcesmobilisation and HR to all projects in Gulf Region.

The New Delhi establishment of Buildings & Factories IChas been shifted from Okhla Industrial Estate to a newoffice space at Nehru place. On October 4, 2011, thisnew office was inaugurated by Mr. K.V. Rangaswami andMr. S.N. Subrahmanyan.

The new office building is located in the InternationalTrade Tower at Nehru Place, a centrally located commercialhub in south Delhi. The office is renovated completelywith modern interiors. It can accommodate around 140staff including work stations, cubicles and cabins. It has alarge 24 seat capacity conference room with visitor’slounge, 4 meeting rooms, a library, cafeteria, gymnasium,server room, wash rooms, pantry and reception area.

Latest office infrastructural facilities like video conferencing,Wi-Fi, biometric access control, sensor lighting and watertaps are incorporated making it a very comfortable workingatmosphere for the occupants.

Mr. A.M. Naik,Chairman andManaging Director,L&T,seen withstaff ofMDC LonavalaProject Site onOctober 16, 2011

Mr. A.M. Naik Visits MDC Lonavala Project

July - September 2011 5

July - September 2011

To enhance the operationalexcellence, Bulk Material HandlingBusiness Unit (BMH BU) ofMetallurgical and MaterialHandling IC (MMH IC) launcheda programme ‘Project EXCEL’ onAugust 8, 2011 at HQ Chennai.

Mr. D.R. Ray (DRR), ExecutiveVice President and Head, MMHIC, and Mr. Kumar Vikram, VicePresident and Head – BMH BUalong with senior executives of theIC and BMH BU initiated thelaunch along with the team fromACCENTURE, who are partnersfor this journey of excellence.

Four cross functional teams areformed with people drawn from site, cluster office, EDRCand Project Management (HQ). This strong managementteam will be working on Project EXCEL programme intwo phases for a period of nine months on the followingareas:

– Integrated Planning & Contract Management

– Execution Strategy & Constructability(including Value Engineering)

– Procurement & Stores Management

– Resource Management (Man-Power Productivity,Sub Contractor Management & P&M Management)

Inaugurating the project, DRR highlighted the presentbusiness scenario and the emerging challenges in BMHsector and the need for the operational excellence to increase

BMH BU Launches “Project EXCEL”

From left to right: Mr. Dipankar Roy, Mr. D.R. Ray, Mr. K.P. Raghavan and Mr. KumarVikram during the launch of ‘Project EXCEL’

A cross section of the participants


Operational Excellence Programme

the market share of the BU in the industry. Expressingconfidence in the strong management team that was formedto work along with ACCENTURE he said that thisinitiative will help us to gain tremendous knowledge, whichcan be shared across the BU.

While the BU team will be at the driver’s seat and takeaccountability and responsibility, DRR urged Accentureteam to bring in the requisite international expertise tobuild business and ensure effective growth.

He concluded by saying, “This journey of operationalexcellence is aimed to go through a diagnostic approachwith a transparency in functioning across all domains.”

Mr. K.P. Raghavan in his address mentioned the variousdimensions and areas to be considered to achieve and sustain

July - September 2011

Mr. S.N. Subrahmanyan, Member of theBoard and Sr. Executive Vice President(Construction) released a handbook on workmethods and checklists for constructionactivities at Landmark Building, Mumbai. Thishandbook is a new initiative of ResidentialBusiness Unit of B&F IC and it covers entirecivil works starting from survey to executingsuperior finishing works.

Mr. K.V. Praveen, General Manager and Head– Affordable & Mass Housing BU,Mr. V.J. Ravindra Kumar, Segment Head –Elite Housing were present during thisoccasion. On behalf of the team, Mr. V.Moorthy, Cluster Project Manager – Elite II,Mumbai received the handbook.

This Handbook covers methodologies and checklists onactivities encompassing survey, formwork, concreting,reinforcement works, block work, plastering, VDF, putty,painting, flooring, dadoing, water proofing, false ceiling

Handbook on Methodologies & Checklist for Construction Activities

and doors and windows fixing work. The booklet alsocontains detailed formats/checklists.

This handbook will help the project team to implementproper methods and checks to meet the requisite qualityparameters.

Mr. S.N. Subrahmanyan releasing the handbook on work methods and checklists


‘Project Excel’ team members seen with Mr. D.R. Ray and Senior Executives

operational excellence along with quality and safety. Heexpressed that it is a journey and not a destination as thetarget keeps changing. He also stressed on the scarcity ofquality resources especially human resource and the needfor training and skill development.

Mr. Kumar Vikram traced the journey of BMH from its

inception. He elaborated onthe need and expectations ofBMH-BU from ProjectEXCEL. Mr. Dipankar Roymade a presentation on theconceptualization of ProjectEXCEL which included theprocess and boundary of thisinitiative.

Mr. Manish Chandra fromAccenture highlighted theapproach and strategy ofProject EXCEL. He said thatthis initiative would be afulfilling experience andelucidated on the key areasof operation and the benefitsto be reaped from thisprogramme. Mr. SabyasachiSarkar, Project Manager forProject EXCEL, introducedmembers from the fourmanagement teams and Mr.

V.P. Singh, Segment Head (Power) proposed a vote ofthanks. Nearly 150 colleagues from EDRC, ProjectManagement (HQ), Cluster Offices and sites of BMH-BUparticipated in the program held at Chennai. Staff in BMHBU across other locations witnessed the programme througha live webcast.

July - September 2011



A Technical Presentation titled “Energy Efficiency byDesign – Compressors and Compressed Air Systems”was presented by Mr. S. Padmanathan (EngineeringManager) and Mr. M. Suresh Babu (Asst. Engg.Manager) of EDRC-CB&A-Fire Engineering &Mechanical Systems (FEMS) Department of B&F ICat the 10th Energy Efficiency Summit 2011 – EnConin Turbo Machinery organized by Confederation ofIndian Industries (CII) at Hyderabad InternationalConvention Center on August 27, 2011.

The presentation highlighted the various energy efficient design techniques, energy saving opportunities in designing anew system and also in improving an existing compressed air system. The presentation was very well received andappreciated by the session Chairperson Mr. Ramani Iyer, Vice-Chairman at FORBES MARSHALL Ltd., speakers anddelegates.

Energy Efficient Design of Air Systems

SMART GRID – Communication Network Requirements

Mrs. Geetha Hariharan (Chief Engg. Manager, EDRC – EI&C) presented a technical paper titled “Smart Grid –Communication Network Requirements” at the International Conference on Roadmap for Smart Grid organised byCPRI Bangalore held during August 3-4, 2011 at Bangalore.The paper was authored by Mr. D. Maheswaran (Head-EDRC, EI&C), Ms Geetha Hariharan (Chief Engg. Manager,EDRC – EI&C) and Mr. G. Chandrashekar Reddy (Engg. Manager, EDRC – EI&C)The paper addressed the communication network requirements to meet the implementation of SMART GRID. Thepaper highlighted on the different types of communication networks available and the innovations/developments requiredfor achieving smart distribution automation and smart substation automation.

Mr. S.Padmanathan Mr. M. Suresh Babu

Mr. M. Srikanth, Assistant Engineering Manager (Civil), Mr. G.Madane, Engineering Manager,contributed a technical paper titled “Bioaugmentation Supports Wastewater Treatment Systems”.This paper was presented by Mr. M. Srikanth, in the Indian Buildings Congress on “TechnologicalAdvances in Construction Industry – Focus, Faster, Speed and Better Quality” held at Faridabad,Haryana on April 9, 2011. Wastewater treatment is becoming necessary due to diminishing waterresources, due to increase in standard of living, urbanization and industrialization, depletion innatural water resources. The paper describes the anaerobic treatment process with bioaugmentation,process description and merits.

Bioaugmentation Supports Wastewater Treatment Systems

Technical Presentations on Fire Engineering

Mr. S. Padmanathan, Engineering Manager, Mr. S. Navin Kumar, Engineering Manager and Mr. S. Ravikumar,Assistant Engineering Manager from MEP Services – FEMS, EDRC – CB&A, B&F IC contributed a technical papertitled “Fire Water Curtain System for Basement Compartmentation.”

This paper was presented by Mr. S. Padmanathan, in the mid term session and seminar on “Technological Advances inConstruction Industry; Focus – Faster, Speed and Better Quality” organised by Indian Buildings Congress (IBC) heldat Faridabad, Haryana on April 9, 2011. This paper discusses about the importance of fire water curtain system forbasement compartmentation, Factors affecting fire growth, why must we contain fire and smoke, why fire water curtainsystem for basement compartmentation, system description and system operation of fire water curtain system.

Mr. S. Padmanathan, Engineering Manager, Mr. J. Vengadesan, Assistant Engineering Manager and Mr. M. HarisankarPrasad, Senior Engineer from MEP Services – FEMS, EDRC – B&F IC contributed a technical paper titled “ImprovingUtilisation of Fire Protection Services.” This paper was also presented by Mr. M. Harisankar Prasad in the same session.The paper discusses a case study on meeting the codal requirements with the existing resources, effective using of fireprotection systems and the need for stressing the importance of fire engineering in LEED certification process.

Mr. M. HarisankarPrasad

July - September 2011 99

Mr. P.R. Subramaniyan(PRSN), Head-Indirect Taxesand Mr. R. Anand (RAD)presented papers related totopics on Service Tax andWorks Contract Tax at the AllIndia Workshop on IndirectTax Laws held during August19-20, 2011. PRSN as a Co-Chairman of ExpertCommittee on VAT, MCCI,was involved capsulising thetopics, speakers and sessionchairperson for theworkshop. The workshop is an annual flagship events of Madras Chamber of Commerce & Industry which hasparticipation across industry domains.

All India Workshop on Indirect Tax Laws

A pocket handout on tower cranesafety tips was released by Mr. M.P.Deshpande – CPM (Elite I SBG,MBCL), Mr. V. Moorthy – CPM(Elite II - RB&F SBG, MBCL) andMr. R. Anand – P&M Head (RB&FSBG) at the Cluster P&MPerformance review meet conductedat MBCL on October 30,2011.

This hand-out covers all importantsafety points to be adhered duringtower crane operation such aserection, dismantling, masttelescoping and floor climbing works.These tips are developed in Englishand Hindi for easy understanding ofthe operation crew.

Pocket Handout on Tower Crane Safety

Mrs. A. Umamaheswari (Senior Design Engineer) and Mrs. V.S.Jayasree (Engineering Manager) from Public Health Engineering sub-division, B&F, IC presented a technical paper titled “Advanced PlumbingDesign for High Rise Buildings” to the Mid Term Session and Seminaron “Technological Advances in Construction Industry Focus – FasterSpeed & Better Quality” during the IBC Conference at Faridabad.

The paper addressed the various pressure problems associated with waterdistribution and drainage systems in designing high rise buildings. Italso emphasises the zoning system, utilization of variable-speed pumpedpackage system, and advanced drainage systems like Sovent and Studorsystems to be adopted for high-rise buildings.

Technological Advances in Plumbing and Construction

Mr. P.R. Subramaniyan Mr. R. Anand

July - September 2011

The Divisional Corporate Training and DevelopmentDepartment conducted the GET Orientation Programmefor the newly joined Graduate Engineers in the disciplinesof Architecture, Civil, Electrical, Instrumentation andMechanical disciplines from reputed engineering collegesacross India.

The new recruits were inducted into L&T in three batcheswith 355 GETs in the first batch and 366 GETs in thesecond batch and 484 in the third batch. The orientationprogrammes were organised at the Convention Centre, HQChennai during June 30-July 2, 2011, July 14-16, 2011and July 27-29 respectively.

Mr. S.N. Subrahmanyam, Mr. S. Kanappan and Mr. N.Baskara Raju inaugurated the 1st, 2nd and 3rd orientationprogrammes respectively and addressed the engineers inthe presence of senior executives of the ConstructionDivision. The senior executives briefed on the history,growth, operations and financial status of L&T and itsIndependent Companies with particular reference to L&TConstruction. During the four-day programme, top seniormanagement interacted with the engineers and familiarised

GETs & PGETs on Board

them with Independent Companies functions andDivisional Corporate activities.

The programmes concluded with a de-briefing by P&ODsenior staff which was followed by a panel discussion.

Post Graduate Engineer Trainees (PGETs)

An exclusive orientation programme was held for the PostGraduate Engineer Trainees (PGETs) and Build IndiaScholars during August 8-10, 2011 at HQ Chennai withMr. A.L. Sekar inaugurating the programme. 164 PGETswere inducted.

The participants were exposed to overview of theConstruction Division’s functions and activities ofIndependent Companies and the Divisional Corporate.Further, they were given an overall perspective of the fourICs. It was then followed by sessions on FGEC, Insurance,Plant & Machinery, Indirect Taxes and R&D. Theprogramme concluded on August 10, 2011 with a paneldiscussion comprising of dignitaries and department heads.

Mr. S.N. Subrahmanyan along with SeniorExecutives at the GET Orientation Programme

Every year during July, fresh graduates from engineering colleges are welcomed on board at L&T Construction

through a unique orientation programme. L&T’s senior management interact and familiarise the inductees on

the organisation’s functions and activities during a week-long orientation programme. This year close to 1,500

engineering graduates became a part of the L&T family.

July - September 2011

July - September 2011

In addition to the common orientation, the freshers were also given an exclusive orientationin the respective ICs. The new inductees were involved in discussions, theme buildingactivities etc. B&F IC had organised an exclusive half day session on team building basedon corporate theatre techniques.

12 July - September 2011

This issue of ECC NEWS features three distinct projects – L&T’s Shipyard-cum-Port facility, a large scale affordableHousing Project and a state-of-the-art Coal Handling Plant. Unique in nature and mode of execution, these projects arehotbeds of activity, creativity and imagineering at its best. Our people, the prime movers, are the mainstay in propellingforward these projects. Voicing their views, we bring you insights into the developments, milestones and their proudachievements.

Infrastructure IC along with PT&D IC is involved in executing L&T’s Shipyard-cum-Port in Kattupalli village, nearEnnore in Tiruvallur District of Tamil Nadu. The integrated shipyard complex of global standards with a port facilityis a joint venture between L&T and Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation Limited (TIDCO). The entireproject comprises of four major zones and is a successful synchronisation of L&T’s different units. The major scope ofwork comprises construction of Shiplift facility, Production Shops, Commercial Port and Modular Fabrication Facility.When completed, it will be one of the largest shipyards in Asia with an annual production capacity of 4,65,000 MT.After Colombo and Singapore, Kattupalli will be the third major international destinations for ship repair in the region.The port will have a 1.2 million TEU capacity through two 350-m-long berths and a total terminal area of around 20hectares.

MMH IC is the final leg of executing a state-of-the-art 1600 tph Coal Handling Plant for Damodar Valley Corporationat Koderma. Situated on the northern part of Jharkhand, adjoining Bihar, the project is surrounded by dense forest. Thestate capital of Jharkhand, Ranchi, the only major town, is about 160 km away from the project site. Executed as aturnkey contract, the job posed many challenges due to the remote location. L&T’s scope involved design, engineering,supply, construction and commissioning of the plant.

B&F IC is executing a large-scale affordable housing project for Lucknow Development Authority (LDA). L&T isexecuting this project in two phases. Phase I comprises of 18 towers of 12 floors and has a total of 1245 flats.Phase II includes 26 towers of 12 floors with 1928 flats. Commencing the works in May 2009 with a constructionschedule of 25 months, L&T completed Phase I in September 2011 and Phase II is scheduled to be completed byOctober 2012.

July - September 201112

13July - September 2011

Mr. Arunabha Roy (AR) dons the role of Project Managerfor Ship Lift Facility in addition to his overall responsibilityas Planning Manager. Speaking on the specialty of the shiplift he says, “At the global level there are only two companieswhich have the expertise to enable the facility. In India this isthe first time an indigenous ship lift facility is being developedand that makes L&T’s initiative a unique effort.” He adds,“Close to 6300 t of special steel has been fabricated at site.The self-weight of ship-lifting platform is about 8200 t and isfacilitated with 68 winches of 590 t capacity each for liftingthe platform with vessels. The winches are supported by 100cast in situ concrete piles which are subjected to 100 percent

load test through a modern process known as high straindynamic test.”

While technology was one aspect of the challenge, logisticsproved to be another bottle neck which needed deft handling.AR highlights that for the two breakwater constructions closeto 2.9 million tonnes of rock were needed for dumping. Thenearest quarries were at a 100 km distance and it meant ahuge lead time in bringing in the rocks. He adds, “The dailychallenge was in bringing in close to 6000 t of rock. Thesnarling heavy vehicle traffic adjacent to the port meant thatwe had to precision plan the logistics.” MFF has achieved asail out and is now being expanded to 5 lakh sqm. Loadtesting for the ship lifts are being done and is scheduled forcommissioning by December. The port is schedule to becommissioned early next year.

AR’s has been an interesting career profile. He began withEPC Power in 1995 and later shifted to ECC in 2002. Hesays, “I was fortunate to have worked in two different groupswithin L&T.” Some of major milestone projects executed byAR include Shell Hazira, Vivekananda Bridge and DMRC.AR cherishes the Kolkata landmark and says “it was anopportunity of a lifetime and a one of its kind project.”

AR’s family comprises of his wife Keya who is a homemakerand two daughters. Neha is pursuing her graduation inBangalore and Rohini is in Class 4. AR loves to travel andvisit new places and occasional dwell into serious reading.

L&T’s Shipyard-cum-port at Kattupalli is at the threshold ofbecoming a landmark marine facility for the nation. The roleplayed by various units of L&T assumes great significance.Mr. T.S. Anantha Kumar (TSA), Task Force Leader, says,“Commencing from ground zero on September 19, 2009, theproject achieved its first sail out in May 2011 and received thefirst ship consignment of port well within the targeted schedule.This prestigious job with multiple fronts was unique in natureand involved a direct interface with our top managementthrough the various phases of execution. This served as a greatsource of motivation for us and urged the project team todeliver the assigned task to perfection.”

A thorough marine project professional and a bridge specialist,TSA in his career spanning close to 28 years has handled 10major marine assignments and has the know-how to lead thetaskforce to execute a project of such dimension.

Speaking on the challenges, he says, “As we took control ofthe locale, the immediate tasks was in relocating the fishingvillages and enable the locals to understand the significance ofthis project. L&T has been at the forefront in meeting theneeds of the nearby community, which is evident from the factthat the work was never stopped even for a single day due toany type of local agitation.” TSA makes special mention of thetwo cyclones and says, “The team was in the thick of actionand had to plan in great measure to ensure safety.” He adds,“The team has become hard core marine specialists.”

An empowering leader, TSA’s strength is his accessibility. Hesays, “I ensure that people’s requirement is given top priority.

Training and developing the younger and middle level staff isof paramount importance, to achieve specialised technical skilland the seniors have mentored and guided them ably.”

TSA’s wife Nirmala is a homemaker and secretary of PRAYASTrust, Chennai. The Ananthakumars are blessed with twochildren. Elder daughter Siva Shankiri has completed herB.Tech. and Management Studies in UK and is employed inthe micro financing industry. His son Narendharan hascompleted his engineering and is learning German for pursuinghigher studies. TSA has a passion for the wheels and likes togo on long drives. Swimming is another hobby which he likesto pursue when time permits.

A Landmark Marine Infrastructure at Kattupalli

14 July - September 2011

tonnes of sand. As sourcing of boulder was an issue due todistance and scarcity, the team came up with an innovativesolution of using sand. SDP adds, “Sand which was dredgedis reused for the breakwater construction. The alternativeproved handy and enabled the construction of the facility ina year’s time. This is in stark contrast to the adjacent EnnorePort which took 5 years for completion.” Another highlighthe mentions is the use of hydraulic rig over gantries for pilingworks of Container Berths 1 and 2. The initiative resulted inbringing down the cycle time for the pile from 13 days to 1and hastened the berth construction completion in a recordtime of 18 months.

SDP cites that despite the project facing two major cyclonesand losing close to four months of valuable time, the teamwas able to rise up to challenge and succeed in achieving themilestones as per the schedule.

SDP began his career in L&T Construction in 1994. Athorough project professional, SDP has over the years beenassociated with major marine infrastructure projects. Some ofthe notable assignments executed include Jetty works for GCPRajula, Adoni Port, Sea Bird Project Karwar, SecondVivekananda Bridge and Dhamra Port.

SDP’s family comprises of his wife Bharathi who is ahomemaker and two children Saurav and Sanket who are inClasses 8 and 5 respectively.

Mr. Malai Arasan (MA) whose name in Tamil means ‘Kingof Mountains’ certainly lives up to his name in the role heplays as Construction Manager for the fabrication works ofthe ship lift platform. The imposing platform constitutes closeto 10,000 t of structural steel which is fabricated into 34 maintransfer beams running close to 200 m in length. This dauntingtask demands an able person at the helm to steer the works atthe most critical junction of this project.

Speaking on the modalities, MA says, “Work commencedduring September 2010 and was completed in a stringentschedule by July 2011. The scenario was similar to a shutdownjob and we had to accelerate all through the process. Thefabrication process was a three stage job which involved cutting,assembling and manoeuvring. Each activity was adhered to acycle time target. One of the key factors for achieving thetarget was family co-operation and the 100 percent availabilityof material, and resources. The client delivered the material asa lump sum at one point of time and this greatly helped inachieving the targets.”

Other challenges involved are sourcing the technicians andfacing the ravages of nature. MA says, “The remote locale andthe prospective of city-based projects meant that we had afloating workmen population. For a requirement of around140 welders, the team had processed and tested close to 500welders. We planned to face the adversities and worked alongthe monsoon.”

Joining L&T in 1987, MA has over the years handledsignificant infrastructure projects. Some of the notable

assignments include RPL Jamnagar, Reliance Patalganga,Tarapur Nuclear Power Plant, Sea Bird Karwar, NPCILKudankulam. He specially recollects his stint at IPCLNagothane where he was a part of the heroic team whichsaved the locals during the floods in 1988. The good deedwas published in our journals and for MA, it was one ofcredentials which fetched him his life partner. His familyconsists of his wife Vijayalakshmi who is a commerce graduateand has won many prizes in rangoli competitions and a sonand daughter. Vignesh is pursuing engineering and is a collegezonal level cricketer and volley ball player, while Mahalakshmiis in Class 5 and is an evolving classical dancer.

Mr. SD Patil (SDP), Project Manager – Ports, has quicklyshifted his perspective to the Monorail Project in Mumbaiafter having seen through the port works at Kattupalli. In aretrospect he shares with us insights on some interestingfeatures on the scope, quantum and execution of port works.He says, “This is the first time we are doing an opening onthe sea side on this side of the coast with two breakwaters ofalmost equivalent length. Instead of a conventional rock base,we have gone in for sand as a core base, which is a first of itskind in India.”

The quantum of dumping required for the breakwaterconstruction included 27 lakh tonnes of boulder and 3 lakh

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building. The major challenge was in the erection of 254 heavycivil girders (weighing from 25 tonnes to 105 tonnes) acrossthe facilities. This included erection of 69 girders in twoadjacent facilities. The team had to negotiate an average windspeed of 70 km per hour during erections. The length of theroof sheets varied from 14 m to 35 m, carrying the sheets,placing it precisely at the heights was a task which wasaccomplished with utmost safety. Another issue was in thesourcing of skilled manpower. Due to the remote locale andthe prospective of city based projects, workmen migration wasa continuous factor.”

Highlighting the safety process, PKG says, “Erection workswere taken after a joint inspection from the safety, planning,plant and machinery departments. This is a golden rule whichis followed for all heavy lift assignments.” The total scope ofwork is scheduled to be completed by November 2011.

PKG is a professional who joined L&T in 1996 aftercompleting his graduation in civil engineering and post-graduation in NICMAR. In the course of his career, he hashandled some significant assignments. Some of them includeChilime Hydel Power Project, Veligonda Dam which aretrailblazers in the annals of L&T’s construction milestones.

PKG’s demanding professional pursuits are well supported byhis wife Rupali who is a doctor but now dons the role of ahomemaker. The couple has a son Paras who is in UKG.

Creating the infrastructure for the construction of Ships andSubmarines is a high end task along with which come a senseof pride and ownership when one is involved in such anengineering feat. That’s precisely the feel one gets whenprofiling Mr. Pankaj Keshav Gursale (PKG), ProjectManager, the pivotal man for this critical task. PKG defiesthe nomenclature of calling these facilities as shops and says,“These are pre-engineered buildings which is the heart of shipbuilding.”

Speaking on the quantum of work he says, “In total there are20 such facilities which is created for different sections of ship

“Every day at L&T has been as exciting as the one before, fora passionate Mechanical Engineer like me,” saysMr. Ravibaskar, Project Manager – Shiplift PlatformFabrication, who has been with L&T right since his graduationdays. Having worked at significant projects such as Haziraand at Oman for setting up the Salalah Cement Plant, Mr.Ravibaskar gathered rich engineering experience whichequipped him with the power to overcome any kind of hurdlewith innovative ideas and novel commissioning techniques.

“My most cherished moment is when I saw the country’s firstindigenously built submarine sail out when I was with VizagVessels project. We saw the fruit of our hard work sail out andfelt proud to be an Indian and most importantly an L&T-ite,”he recalls.

At Kattupalli, Mr. Ravibaskar is responsible for commissioningthe pivotal Ship lift including all the associated electrical works.“We faced a lot of challenges as the project called for mammothamount of submerged arc welding. The trouble is that we donot have enough welders to do this special task in this part ofthe country. We overcame this challenge by training regularwelders on the site. Since the dimensions of the ship liftsegments are very large, it is also important to ensure thatthere is no distortion which is very crucial,” he says whenquizzed about the major challenges he faced.

Mr. Ravibaskar loves reading in his free time and is marriedto Sharadha, a homemaker, who has completed herManagement Degree in HR and loves playing chess. The coupleis blessed with a son, Khirupasagar, who is doing his 6th

standard and enjoys playing basketball.

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Mr. Jayaprakash who is fondly known as JP among colleagues.JP seems to be the right person for breakwaters as he has beenpart of breakwater construction at Shell Hazira Port, Surat,Gangavaram Port, Vizag and presently at the Kattupalli Portin Chennai.

Speaking on challenges faced, JP recalls the time when acontractor backed out at a crucial time during the constructionof the container berth. Taking it as a challenge the entire teamfervently set to work and completed it as per schedule. Herecalls that the two cyclones that hit the coast, Laila and Jalhad both caused damage to breakwaters heavily. Despite thiswe could managed to progress the breakwaters for substantialcompletion as per schedule and as a non-constraint forcommissioning of port/ship lift operations.

JP enjoys working with a young team and is happy that hecould complete the container berth works as a team despitehaving no prior experience in this area. JP is married toBhagyalakshmi who is a home maker and the couple is blessedwith a baby boy Mohul Venkat who is about a year old.

“I have always enjoyed the dual role of planning andimplementation at project sites, it gives one a comprehensiveexperience. Even here at Kattupalli, I started with planningand was also getting into the site work front,” says

L&T’s diverse project sites are thresholds for any young engineer to learn,grasp and transcend to the bigger league. Many such engineer trainees joinL&T, step forward and evolve as competent professionals in due course oftime. Mr. Debarshi Chatterjee (DC) is one such person who has made itbig as a specialist in marine infrastructure.

DC joined L&T Construction as a DET in 1995 at GCP Rajula. Hissubsequent assignments include Adoni Port, Shell Hazira, SecondVivekananda Bridge, Chemplast Port at Karaikal and Dhamara Port in Odisha.It is these assignments which has earned him the opportunity to be a partof this landmark project. As Construction Manager for Ship lift facility,DC has had a challenging tenure at Kattupalli. Speaking on the highlightsof the job, DC says, “This is a unique structure which is being indigenouslydone for the first time in India. Apart from the huge structural fabricationworks, a major quantum of works comprised of the marine piles for themarine berth. In total 504 bored cast in situ marine piles were done for theship lift. 100 piles were identified as winch piles which are supposed to takethe main load during the ship lift operation. The challenge was double foldas the piles were delicate in nature and needed to be accurately placed. 20%of these plies were dynamically load tested and the rest was done throughintegrated testing to ascertain the quality.”

Speaking on the vagaries of nature and its impact on this project he says,“Ship lift works commenced much before the breakwater construction andit meant that we had to work in open sea. Negotiating the aggressive seaand executing the heavy structural works was a big challenge. Innovative methods such as use of jack up platform to supportthe rotary rigs played an important role in the execution.” The project got exposed to two cyclones but despite the loss of time,the team was able to complete the ship lift on time. DC cites that the main reason for achieving the targets was the formationof a good team which had to work round the clock and the pivotal jack up platform which performed stupendous tasks in ajob of such nature.

A native of Kolkata, DC’s family includes his wife Rakhisree who is a homemaker and a son Sashasrad who is in Class 5. Atechnically sound person, DC views team work as a key ingredient for success at work and is good at building such effectivetalent pools at project sites.

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As a key person in charge of planning and logistics control forthe Ship lift structure, Mr. Sandip De (SDe) has had aneventful innings at Kattupalli. The travails included facing thevagaries of nature and planning the activities accordingly toenable project execution. SDe states, “We have faced twocyclones during May and November last year and this severelyhampered our work progress. Assessing the conditions, wehad to take recourse on the mode of operation. Unlink otherassignments, here the sea was a constant varying force andone has to take it into account for any major activity at site.”

Speaking on the modalities, SDe says, “A target of completing75,000 cum of concrete within 16 months was a dauntingtask. During the early phase of the project we planned to goabout with the conventional method of piling and found that

the cycle time ranged around 10 days. Subsequently we plannedfor mounting the hydraulic rig on the gantry with the help ofjack up platform which has greatly helped in completing thenorth and south out fitting jetties. At one point of time wehad seven gantries on the ship lift.”

SDe states that another major task was the synchronisation ofconcreting and other activities on the land and sea portions.As the task involved a large amount of structural steelfabrication and civil works, monitoring of these schedules wasa critical activity. He adds, “An infrastructure project of sucha dimension had a lot of issues propping up. Planning heremeant being proactive to handle such issues and ensuringprompt action. As most of the deviations are need based, theteam had to continuously monitor and deliver according tothe requirements.”

SDe’s stint with L&T began right from the time he joined asa Diploma Engineer Trainee in 1991. Some of his notableassignments include Durgapur Expressway, tendering for roadsjobs in KKRO wherein 5 major projects were bagged,A.J.C. Bose Flyover, Dhamra Port. Quiz him on what isrequired to become a good planning manager and he is quickto respond: “Analytical skills coupled with good understandingof the financial background of the project is quintessential forany planning professional.”

SDe’s family consists of his wife Susmita who is a civil engineerbut now does the role of a homemaker and two children. Anikis in Class 5 and Ankit is in playschool. SDe has a passion forplaying the mouth organ and likes to indulge in few of hisfavourite tunes during leisure.

With over 35 years of exemplary experience, Mr. D. Sukumaran, ProjectManager – MFF & CPCL Works, is an encyclopedia when it comes toconstructing marine structures. Incidentally, his career began with the constructionof the breakwater at the Chennai port way back in 1976 and now he is back toChennai for the next significant port project – Kattuppalli again for theconstruction of the breakwater.

Mr. Sukumaran has been with L&T for the past ten years and prior to joiningL&T has been instrumental in building many landmark bridges, including thevery popular Pamban Bridge that connects India’s mainland to the island townof Rameshwaram, Dhamra Port Rail Link Project at Odisha and the SecondVivekananda Bridge at Kolkata.

“We tried out what we called the ‘Natural filling phenomena’ for the MFF Quaywall construction. We created a barricade using boulders and let the ocean’snatural waves accumulate sand, later with the help of sand accumulation wecould able to convert some of the marine piles in to land piles, which boostedthe progress during the initial stages,” says Mr. Sukumaran. He strongly believesin sharing his vast experience and knowledge through daily meetings with histeam.

Mr. Sukumaran and wife Mrs Sumathi are blessed with two daughters Nithyaand Vanitha who have both completed their MS in software engineering and arepresently in the U.S.A.

July - September 2011

of experience in automobile and marine, joined L&T in 2007at Gangavaram port.

Kattupalli is his second assignment and he leads the P&Mteam at this mega project. Like a typical P&M engineer, SRcharts out the list of huge machinery at site. He says, “We area centralised service department which caters to the needs of5 different packages here. Requirements are diverse dependingon the need of the package and it is the onus of the P&M toensure that the resource is allocated accordingly to achieve thedesired results. Reporting to 5 Project Managers andcoordinating the activities was the biggest challenge. An assetbase of close to Rs. 230 crore at hand in addition to key hiredequipment meant that the crew had to be on toes to ensurethe machines performed with mean lead time and minimumbreaks for maintenance.”

He makes special mention of the jack up platform which ispurchased for the first time in L&T. “It has performed a miracleat site; the moveable platform is the most advanced technologywhich greatly helps in execution of marine works. We haveformed a team for this special equipment and got trained toharness its potential to the fullest.” During peak operations,the P&M team comprised of 40 staff and 350 workmen.

Ramesh’s family consists of his wife Padmavathi who is ahomemaker and two daughters. Shruthy is in Class 9 and isa budding veena player and singer. Srinidhi is in Class 5 andhas a passion for dancing.

A seafarer has an enduring trait which differentiates him fromthe common man. It’s an attitude which comes along whenone is constantly at sea. Adaptability and robustness are thekey factors which sustains men of the sea. Meeting Mr. S.Ramesh (SR), P&M In-charge at Kattupalli, who has hada major stint with Indian Navy for 15 years, brought to theforefront such a personality. After completion of diploma inMechanical Engineering, SR commenced his career as a marineengineer. SR has an expertise of having handled diverse marinecombat ships and vessels. After a rich and fulfilling naval career,SR with his B.Tech (part-time) and versatile and vast 24 years

A right kind of start to one’s career is a great advantage as itpositions one on a platform to achieve, excel and outgrow.Mr. K. Jayesh, Construction Manager is one such youngsterwho has had the right opportunity to kick-start his career afterhis graduation. Commencing as a GET in the year 2003,Jayesh’s major breakthrough was at the DMRC BarakhambaUnderground Station and Tunnel for Delhi Metro. As aquantity survey and planning engineer, the stint was a greatlearning opportunity and provided an entry into L&T.

Gangavaram Port was his first assignment in L&T. Posted atKattupalli since March 2010, Jayesh is entrusted with landdevelopment works and quay wall construction for MFF,relocation of CPCL intake structure, 150 KLD sewagetreatment plant, compound wall, land development works forMFF phase 2. Speaking on the challenges during execution,Jayesh says, “The presence of underground obstructions wasa major hurdle when we were doing the boring for the piles.125 piles had to be done in close proximity in straight linewithout touching one another in two rows and the onlyalternative was to remove the obstructions through under watercutting and grabbing method.”

MFF jetty level had to be maintained at (+)3.5CD which is1.0 m below the usual level of port jetties. Jayesh says, “Tomaintain this level, the pile cut off and pile muff bottom levelswere made below the normal water level and required weldingfor shuttering supports which was possible only during lowtide. Introducing precast pile muff shutter and thus makingmaximum possible elements as precast we were able to reduce

the duration of the super structure execution.” Another criticaltask he mentions is the relocation of the CPLC intake structure.The scope involves the pitching the 17.1m dia intake wellcaisson and sinking the well 17 m below sea bed level in opensea.

Jayesh hails from Kannur District in Kerala. His father is abusiness man. His siblings are engineering professionals. Aneligible bachelor, Jayesh cherishes his stint at this project andproudly mentions the appreciation and memento received fromMr. K. Venkataramanan, President (Engineering &Construction) during the first sailout.


July - September 2011

A vital link in this huge infrastructure project is the PowerTransmission and Distribution IC’s role in providing powersupply distribution network for the entire facility. Mr. S.Narayanan (SNR), Project Manager highlights that PTD isinvolved in the civil, supply, electrical and instrumentationworks at this mega project. He adds “our job value is close toRs.72 crores and we have a short and stringent schedule toexecute the works.”

Highlighting the power distribution network in LTSB, he says,“The scope comprises 11kV/0.44kV network for the modularfabrication facility, 33 kV/11 kV/0.44kV networks for the shiplift and 110 kV/11 kV network for the port. In addition tothis our scope includes construction of twelve substationbuildings and 300 km of cabling.” SNR adds, “Though thisis a typical PTD job, the major challenge was in executing theworks within a 14 month stringent schedule. A massiveinfrastructure project of such a nature meant that we had tomaintain and arrange the resources accordingly.”

Speaking on the technology, SNR says, “We have done theSCADA system and OFC for communication and it is likelythis good work will be followed with the bagging of thesecurity system order.” SNR’s team during peak operationscomprised of 14 staff and now with the tapering down ofworks it reduced to a eight member team.

Joining L&T in 1993, SNR began his stint at Raipur SteelPlant and subsequently handled landmark projects such as ITPL

Bangalore, HIRMI Cement, Delhi International Airport, etc.He fondly recollects his association at DIAL and says that itwas a lifetime’s opportunity and a dream project for anyengineer.

SNR’s family consists of his wife Satyabama who is ahomemaker and two children. Son Balaji is pursuing his finalyear diploma in mechanical engineer and daughter Srividya isin Class 11 and is a classical Bharatanatyam dancer. SNR hasa passion for carnatic music and lends an ear to music wheneverhe finds time.

A feature of KSR’s profile has been his exposure to majorB&F projects. It is this background which has given him thehindsight to handle projects of different capacities. His domainexpertise is vast and encompasses know-how on technologyand requirement for industrial and commercial projects. Hemakes special mention of the Dubai and West Indies projectswhich are now landmarks. Returning back to India in 2009,he executed the Vallur Sub-station and later on moved toKattupalli.

Speaking on the scope of works, he says, “Enabling the powerdistribution network for the entire facility was a major task.In addition to that our scope includes construction of twelvesubstation buildings, DG buildings and 300 km of cabling.Close to 200 piles were done for the buildings in PTD’s scope.”KSR adds, “A typical PTD job, the major challenge was to getthings done within the 14 month schedule.” Apart fromproviding the power distribution network, PTD has the onusof delivering the SCADA and OFC system for communication.KSR says, “We have completed this portion of the job and itis likely that some more order is on the anvil for the securitysystem.”

KSR’s family consists of his wife Vagula who is a homemakerand two children. Daughter Shreedhana is in Class 11 and sonSri Hari Sudharshan is in Class 3. Ask him about his hobbiesand he is quick to reply: “For close to a decade I have beenaway from my family and now intend to bridge the gapwhenever time permits.”

Mr. K. Sundarajan (KSR), Construction Manager, Civilfor PTD works has an interesting career profile in L&T.Quiz him on his stints at project sites and he is quick to chartout an impressive list of projects across the globe. Commencingwith GCP Rajula in 1993, KSR moved on to Saudi Arabiawhere he was posted for four and half years. Some of thenotable projects in which he was involved include 100-bedhospital assignment, Qassim Cement Plant, Apricot Towers atDubai and the Kensington Oval Cricket Stadium in Barbados,West Indies.



A store is a vital hub in any project site and the men holding forte havehindsight in various domains. At L&T, most of the store keepers are seasonedcampaigners and have interesting recollections of incidents and anecdotes atvarious project sites. Meeting Mr. S. Swaminathan (SSN), Store-Keeperat Kattupalli brought to the forefront many such facets. Beginning as a dailypaid in 1983, SSN has slowly but surely climbed the ladder of success in thelast three decades. Some of the notable assignments wherein he was involvedare EID Parry, Cognizant Technology Solutions in Chennai, J-Hotel, ArihantTowers, Ramanathapuram Road Project, etc. This also includes a decade’sstint in various projects in Karnataka.

Keeping in view the huge scope and vastness of the job here, two strategicstores have been established. SSN says, “We have an exclusive store for theship lift and shops and another one for the breakwater. During peakoperations, stores had a combined value of more than Rs. 30 crores ofmaterials and was a round the clock hub for enabling the various projectactivities.” As the project was divided into four major zones – ship lifts,production shops, commercial port, and modular fabrication facility –resources were accordingly categorised and prioritised at the two storestations. SSN adds, “A competent team was developed to exclusively monitorand streamline the flow of materials. The site had a huge requirement ofboulders, structural steel which was received in bulk quantities. Properstacking and maintain yards for such huge items meant that the needs of theexecution team was met on a timely basis.”

Diesel was a huge consumption item and needed to be monitored on a continuous basis. SSN says, “Considering the largevolume of daily transaction, I have negotiated with the agencies and brought in a considerable discount by initiating the smartdiesel card for our carriers.”

Swaminathan’s family consists of his wife Raji who is a homemaker and two sons. Naveen is with ICICI Bank and the youngerlad, Varun is doing his engineering.

Mr. SPS Karthikeyan’s (SPSK) career profile is an interesting mix of all terrainconstruction activities for diverse marine projects. An adept marine professional,SPSK is proficient in the handling of all kinds of barges, jack ups, tugs and rigsin deep and shallow water as well as in onshore. Having been trained in nauticalengineering and mate fishing vessel course, SPSK is a versatile all-rounder atKattupalli.

Presently donning the role of a Marine Shift Supervisor, SPSK has been in thethick of action pursuing marine logistics for the port, quay wall works for themodular fabrication facility and permanent relocation of CPCL intake structure.Speaking on the challenges at multiple fronts, he says, “Shifting the marine fleetsduring cyclone was a critical task. Erecting of piling gantry in marine mode usingcrane barges before the completion of breakwater was a tough task as we had toface undulation of the waves. Precast works for the berth was erected with the helpof crane barge in floating mode ascertaining the wave movement. The activity wasconfined to a short duration and was executed in the early hours of dawn whenthe sea was calm.” SPSK was a key member of the team which was involved inenabling the first sail out from the modular fabrication facility.

SPSK’s other credentials includes removing the 60 m long sunken barge from 4m below sea bed. An enterprising personality, SPSK believes that learning is acontinuous activity and one needs to strive to enhance domain knowledge and atthe same time support youngsters and juniors working along in the team. Headds, “My exposures have helped me to gain expertise in various marine activitiessuch as monitoring wind movement, mooring gears, loading and unloading of cargos in ships/barges, ensuring zero defect invessels by pre-maintenance etc. I have taken forward these learning’s by training subordinates to work in critical marineoperations and construction activities.”

A native of Thanjavur, SPSK is married to Nithya who has done her Diploma in Computer Technology and is a homemaker.

July - September 2011


The cool evening air that flows through the open doors andthe altruism of meeting almost anybody who walks through isvery characteristic of Mr. Sankalp Misra apart from hisdisarming smile. Recalling his initial days at L&T, while hewas at Al Garafa Football Stadium at Doha, Qatar, he saysthat an opportunity presented itself to him for individuallyhandling the VVIP area in the stadium; “Despite being ajunior at the site, the responsibility of handling a workforce of200 people and completing it to satisfaction on schedule wasthe most enjoyable early career experience”, he reminisces.

Right from 1995, Mr. Misra has been a part of many significantprojects at L&T such as the Binani Cements – Rajasthan,Maruti Udyog Ltd – Gurgaon, ITC Haridwar and the HondaSiel Car Factory at Rajasthan. As a Project Manager at LDA,he faced numerous challenges that freely walked in throughhis open doors. The most initial being local resistance andmafia pressure for aggregates supply contracts. “Constantly

engaging with these people with a calm frame of mind and alogical approach made them see and accept the systems wefollow at L&T,” he smiles.

“In order to save on costs, we took a conscious decision to doaway with the expensive tower cranes. Our plan of actionmade many established contractors raise their eyebrows insurprise. But one budding contractor took it up as a challengeand proved that he can work without tower cranes and achievea target of 4 days per flat. Slowly, the other contractors sawsense and profitability in this approach and today we havesome contractors working with an amazing 3 days per flattarget,” Mr. Misra quips.

“The client is extremely happy with L&T’s quality and speed,in fact, the brand equity of L&T is aiding them sell the unitsfaster. The confidence level and rapport is so high, that LDAhas already announced L&T’s name in a project that we havejust bid,” exclaims Mr. Misra. The successful partnership atLucknow has now become a model to emulate for otherdevelopment authorities in the state of UP and the LDA projectteam is working on a slew of project proposals at Gorakpur,Kanpur and Allahabad.

The immense confidence Mr. Misra has in the capabilities ofhis young and energetic team is evident from the fact that anassistant foreman and a fresh PG trainee who were both veryenthusiastic were made individually responsible for a few blocks.

Mr. Sankalp Misra loves travelling, especially long road trips,and his better half Mrs. Shweta Misra is equally passionateabout travelling. The couple is blessed with two children, theelder daughter Sanskriti is in her 3rd standard and alreadyshows keenness in singing and drawing while the youngerson, Shivam is in the kindergarten.

Mr. Jitendra Kumar (JK) was one of the earliest L&Tites tohave stepped into the LDA project site. With many years ofexperience in planning and project management, JK was theideal choice as a Planning Manager to see the project progressthrough the initial teething trouble of a first-of-its-kind initiativein Lucknow.

Having been with L&T right after his graduation, JK waspart of many significant projects in the state of Andhra Pradeshsuch as Sri Ramsagar Canal Project at Karimnagar, BharatBio-tech Project, Turkapally, Hyderabad, and Care HospitalProject, Hyderabad. The stint at Hyderabad regional office as

project co-ordinator saw him handling projects details of uptoRs. 8000 Million per annum. Responsibilities includedmonitoring the sites through MPCS schedules, resourcemobilization, sub-contract management, financial evaluationof projects and preparation of MIS reports.

“This was my first Project where I have encountered pilingwork in such huge volumes and I feel happy about theknowledge I got from this project,” says Mr. Jitendra addingthat the timely completion of 1535 piles was key to completingthe basement as per schedule and making way for the overallcompletion of project.

“The procurement and usage of Mirandi wood windows wereproving to be difficult and time taking at Phase 1. In order tomitigate this delay we got approval for usage of PVC windowprofile from Singapore and Malaysia without any costimplication for Phase II. In this way, faster procurement andinstallation was achieved for the project,” Mr. Jitendra recallsabout some of the special initiatives implemented.

JK loves playing volleyball, badminton and also enjoystravelling. He has travelled on vacation to countries such asSingapore, Malaysia and Sri Lanka. He also holds a MasterDegree in Management and a Certified Project ManagementAssociate (IPMA-Level D) from International ProjectManagement Association. He is married to Bindu, a PostGraduate in Political Science who is currently pursuing LLBand is interested in practicing law. The couple is blessed witha son Harshit who is about 3 years old.

Riverview Apartments at Lucknow


Stepping into L&T Construction as a Graduate CommercialTrainee in 1999, Mr. Vishal Maheshwari (VM) – Accounts& Administration Manager at LDA has come a long way inhis chosen domain. Reminiscing the early days, VM says, “AtElevated Corridor Project for Delhi Metro I began as a cashierand accounts assistant and then graduated as site accountantat Kota Thermal Power Station and from then on handledTTF Barnala, RMC units in Delhi region and been part of theregional accounts team. More than a decade’s stint at diverseproject sites has been a rewarding and learning experience.”

VM highlights that the biggest challenge was to deal with thelocal villagers, convince them on the way forward that thisproject would bring in and engage them accordingly. Speakingon the travails, he says, “Today this is an emerging landmarkin Lucknow, a stark contrast to earlier days when infrastructurehad to be created and even potable water to be sourced. I wasone of the first to arrive at site and within one month theentire support facilities was made ready to enable projectexecution.” VM proudly states that the labour colony whichhouses close to 2800 workmen is a model setup which hasgained a lot of media attention for the high level of efficiencyand facilities provided. He says, “The Labour Welfare Boardof Uttar Pradesh appreciated the project team for complianceunder BOCW Act and chose them to launch various stateworker benefit schemes.”

family where everyone gets enormous opportunities to growand learn. I began as a site engineer and moved on to planning,tendering, procurement and presently foresee the businessdevelopment potentials for the housing sector.”

Speaking on his present role, SG says, “The role is unique andis operated from site to explore business potentials in tier 2and 3 cities. Lucknow being a capital city offers a very goodplatform to network with key customers across the state. Thesuccess story of Riverview Enclave provides us a leeway forbusiness manifold. The skills required for such a role is versatile.Technical competence has to be combined with excellentpresentation, communication and negotiation skills.” SG hasbeen continuously enhancing his learning curve. He is pursuinghis Management Education Program in IIM Ahmedabad andhas completed the Harvard Manager Mentor course throughL&T’s ATL scheme.

Success he says is the culmination of qualities such aspunctuality, adaptability, domain knowledge, planning andorganizing. Adhering to these has enabled him to outgrow hispotentials. SG is married to Neha who is a graduate and ahomemaker. The couple has an 18-month-old toddler, Kartik.Sumit is a voracious reader and has interest in music. Thebundle of joy takes prime attention of the couple and is adelightful connect for them.

VM views self-confidence and knowledge up-gradation as keyparameters for success in a job of such nature. He says, “Thedemands are many and the scope is vast. As we have to interactwith different sections of the society, one has to develop anurge to win the trust of people which is the essence of goodadministration.”

VM is married to Shilpi who is a post graduate and ahomemaker. Shilpi indulges in craft making and is good atcreating soft toys and handicrafts. The couple has a 18 monthold son Saksham. Cooking and travelling are VM’s twin hobbiesand he enjoys special moments with his son.

July - September 2011

Tete-a-tete with Mr. Sumit Gupta (SG), Head-Initiatives(Housing North) for Residential Buildings was a peek intoa GET’s christening at L&T Construction and the subsequentgrowth and development of the individual. Looking back, SG,a graduate in Civil Engineering from NIT - Bhopal, wentthrough the 8 fruitful years in this organisation and highlightedsome of the landmark assignments which included DalmiaCement Plant at Tiruchirappalli, TCS Techno Park at Chennai,Delhi International Airport etc. He says, “L&T is a very big


“As an engineer I was born and brought up in L&T”, were thefirst words uttered by Mr. Sunil Kumar Misra (SKM), whichreflect the amount of reverence he holds for our Company. Ina career spanning over 16 years with L&T, SKM has been apart of many significant projects. His early start with a largeproject such as Reliance Refinery at Jamnagar, gave himsignificant exposure.

“I got exposure in housing project, at South City, Bangalorewhere I joined as Jr. Engineer during phase 1 and grew tobecome the section in-charge of phase 6. For the first time inSouth India aluminium form work was being used in thisproject and for me too it was the first experience. The bubbleshaped swimming pool was an engineering challenge wherewe used a template for marking the shape along with thewooden pegs to ensure accuracy and to calculate the angle ofcurve,” he recalls. As construction manager of the domesticpier of T3, DIAL, SKM handled incredible quantities such as2.57 lakh sq.m of shuttering and 89000 cu.m of concreting.

SKM joined the LDA team as Construction Manager for Phase1 and subsequently got elevated to become the Project Managerof Phase II where he is responsible for 7 blocks of 26 towersoverseen by four construction managers and about ninetyengineers. “In order to save on costs, we dropped the idea ofprocuring straight rebars and invested in a De-coiling machinefor straightening rebars. This proved to be smart idea in thelong run,” says SKM. SKM recalls the major challenges ofincorporating architectural features in the structural designand aluminium formwork scheme drawings. As most of theformwork materials was tailor made to suit the requirement ofPhase I Layout, it was a challenging job to incorporateadditional architectural features, which was accomplished by

deploying 4 Aluminium welding machines at site and all thearchitectural features were casted along with flats.

On one of his most happiest moments, SKM recalls that hehad the opportunity of conducting a campus recruitment drivein the institution that he had graduated from, “I felt elated asI was recruited from the same campus 15 years back” he adds.

SKM is married to Pratima, who is a teacher with a Mastersin Arts and a Bachelor’s Degree in Education. The couple isblessed with two sons, Divye Vaibhav 6 years old and alreadypassionate about music and learning keyboard, and ShouryeVaibhav about a year old.

as a senior engineer at Ludhiana City Centre project. It wasa grand debut for AKC as he rose to the demands of theproject and executed around 2000 t of structural steel work.This was followed by assignments at Honda Siel at Bhiwadias reinforcement in-charge and later on as switchyard and weldshop in-charge. AKC has been at LDA since August 2009.Speaking on this job, he says, “We have gone in for a shearwall technology of construction where in the walls are cast-in-place vertical structural elements which are quick to install andstructurally superior to conventional buildings resisting lateralforces during earthquakes.” He highlights that 4 days cycletime was implemented by adopting a centralized work executionsystem. AKC adds, “We were able to achieve the target for 35m high aluminium shuttering without deploying tower crane.”Highlighting the milestones, he says, “The project hascompleted 10 million safe man-hours for phase I and hasbagged the Quality Rolling Trophy for the year 2010.”

A native of West Bengal, AKC sees opportunities at L&T asthe most challenging. He says, “Every facet of projectmanagement has take aways which one needs to learn andupgrade along the career path.” His family consists of his wifeNandita who is a Honours graduate and a homemaker and hisson Anirban is in Class 2. The Chatterjees have an avid interestin travelling while their son is good at cartooning andsports.

There is a sense of pride in the eyes of Mr. Amit KumarChatterjee (AKC), Asst. Construction Manager when hecharts out the scope and quantum of work at LDA’s RiverviewApartment. In-charge of the Ganga and Shrada blocks, AKCis one of the key members involved in phase I and II of thisproject. A 1996 batch Diploma in Civil Engineering, AKCcompleted his AMIE in 2000 and has an all-round experiencein the construction field.

After successful stints at Rajasthan Atomic power plant atKota and NPCIL Kudankulam, AKC joined L&T Construction

July - September 2011


“My greatest strength is my ability to be fully focussed andface challenges head on,” says Mr. Farhanul Bari, Asst.Construction Manager. Quiz him on this trait and he isquick to reply that he was a Quality Manager for close to adecade with Greater Noida Authority where he sharpened hisQuality Conscious reflexes. A native of Patna, FB completedhis graduation in civil engineering in 1999. After a prolongedand successful stint, Bari joined L&T Construction in 2008.His first assignment was the Honda Bhiwadi project whichwas followed by Lucknow Development Authority’s housingproject.

Posted at this project since July 2009, Bari as the section in-charge has been handling the Saraswati and Yamuna blockswhose value is close to Rs. 140 crores. In total 511 flats hadto be executed and the scope involved concreting, formwork,tiling, roofing and painting. Bari states, “A job of such naturehas immense bearings upon delivery as the end users are thepublic. Unlike other industrial and commercial projects,residential sector reaches to a larger cross section of the societyand does create an impact.”

Speaking on the complexities of this project he says, “Weencountered ground water seepage during foundation as theexisting water table was higher than the foundation level. Wellpoint system was adopted for lowering the existing water tableand it took nearly four months to complete the raft foundationfor Yamuna block.” Bari highlights that a centralized execution

scheme was prepared to minimise the cycle time and cuttingand bending of reinforcement steel. Speaking on the highlightsof this project, Bari states, “We have gone in for shear walltechnology of construction which has a host of multipleadvantages.”

Bari’s family comprises of his wife Tabassum Bari, son Shayanand daughter Yenaya. Tabassum is an Honours graduate andhomemaker and Master Shayan is in Kindergarten and hasinterest towards sketching, drawing and cartooning. Theirdaughter is in play school.

very grateful to the project manager for trusting my capabilitiesand to have reposed such great responsibilities on me,” beamsMr. Brijraj.

Mr. Brijraj joined L&T in 1996 as a junior carpentry charge-hand and has moved to various job sites gathering rich workexperience and updating himself with newer constructiontechniques. He was involved in various projects such as BinaniCements, Renusagar Power Plant, IOCL Mathura, Sahara Mall,Gurgaon, among others. With decades of experience behindhim, Mr. Brijraj says that his primary focus is always on safetyclosely followed by quality. This safety consciousness has alsoearned him a site level award for safety compliance. “I ensurethat the quality of work is such that there arises no scope ofrework which is a costly affair,” he states. Working towards atight target of four day flat cycle date is one of the mostchallenging tasks according to Mr. Brijraj.

Mr. Brijraj and Savita Devi are blessed with two sons and adaughter. Sunil, the elder is pursuing his third year diploma inelectrical engineering while the younger son, Sathish hascompleted his intermediate and is preparing for B.Tech. Theyoungest daughter Prathibha is in Class 7.

Mr. Brijraj, a soft-spoken person is a very happy man atwork. His hard work and commitment as a foreman has beenwell recognised by L&T and LDA project team has made himresponsible for a couple of blocks at the project site.

“I feel extremely happy working at the project site, each daybrings new learning experiences for me and my team. I am

July - September 2011

25July - September 2011

NACLO, Kasba Booster Pumping Station, Sagar DighiThermal Power Station, etc.

Mr. Guha was one of the first to arrive at the quaint villageof Koderma back in April 2008, where Damodar ValleyCorporation proposed its 1000 MW Thermal Power Station.“It was a significant project for us as this was the first everCoal Handling Package that L&T has ever done for DVC,” headded.

“In the initial days, there was no border wall and fencing andthis led to numerous villagers entering the site location andstopping work often. The work front came to us in a verystaggered manner and it caused a lot of issues in planning. Butour expertise and team strength helped us overcome all theseissues and complete the various packages of the project asscheduled,” quips Mr. Guha. He asserts that L&T enjoys agreat level of confidence from the client DVC who are verycooperative in all respects. Mr. Guha was elevated from theplanning role to become the project manager of KTPP site atthe later stage of the project.

Mr. Guha’s family comprises of his wife Debjanee and daughter,Baishali who is in her 3rd standard. Baishali enjoys readingbooks and doing paintings. Debjanee has completed her artsgraduation and Montessori training and is working as a teacherin the nearby school apart from being a responsible and caringhomemaker.

Mr. Satyakam Basu Roy (SBR) was also one of the firstteam members to arrive at Koderma after L&T bagged theCoal Handling Plant order amidst intense competition. SBRfrom the very beginning had a deep understanding that costconsciousness should become an integral part of every singleprocess in order to sustain the planned profitability. Havingbeen associated with L&T for the past 20 years after a tenyear stint outside L&T, SBR had just what it takes to plan andimplement initiatives and to keep the operations smoothlyfunctioning – rich experience and knowledge.

Having handled finance and administration portfolios for overseven projects already, SBR was adept at setting up the shopswiftly even amidst teething trouble and remoteness of projectsite at Koderma. Recalling one of the most challenging roles,he says, “BALCO Aluminium plant at Korba in Chattisgarhwas one of the biggest plant operations with over 3500workmen.”

“It gave me immense exposure and experience in handling siteoperations despite challenges such as remoteness, bureaucraticpressures, scale of operations, etc. My focus is now on trainingthe young members of the team,” he reflects. He adds,“Administration skills are varied and differ according to sitelocale. The onus here is on practical learning. As there is ashortage of skilled administrators, getting young hands taketo such recourse at job sites is a necessity.”

Having joined L&T soon after this education, Mr. AnjanGuha (Planning Manager) has been in the thick ofengineering action at various project sites across the northernpart of the country. “I was overwhelmed with the very firstproject that I was posted in – it was at TISCO in Jamshepur.Handling planning portfolio at the first instance gave me anoverall idea of project management right from the beginning,”he fondly recalls.

In a career spanning over 14 years, Mr. Guha has earned a richexperience working in significant projects such as Paradip Port,

India’s First Monorail System

At KTPP, SBR is key for developing and maintaining a smoothworking relationship with the client DVC, this reflects in thefact that the collections have been up to date with almost nooutstanding.

SBR is married to Papia, an arts graduate who is now a devotedhomemaker. Their only son Satadal Basu Roy is doing his 9th

standard and is immensely interested in computer programmingapart from reading books on the subject.

1600tph Coal Handling Plant at Koderma

26 July - September 2011

The thirteen year stint at L&T has given all sorts of excitementand challenges for the passionate Mechanical Engineer in Mr.Sunit Das. “L&T is one Company that gives you a lot ofexposure and responsibilities if you are willing to take it up,”he says.

Mr. Das’s career with L&T saw him involve actively instructural and equipment erection and commissioning at variousproject sites such as TISCO Jamshedpur, Paradip Port, CHPat Bakreshwar, Hindalco at Renusagar, ISPHL Haldia etc.Looking back, Sunit says, “These were important milestoneswherein I gained a lot of expertise and experience.”

As equipment in-charge at KTPP, Koderma, Mr. Das breatheslife into the equipment and gets it ready for the action.“Commissioning is like giving birth to a baby, it is like givinglife. I feel extremely happy and joyful when I see the conveyorbelt move,” he says with passion in his eyes. Mr. Das hasalready got an experience of having erected 9 stacker reclaimersin his career so far.

Executing works at KTPP was also not very easy with the jobfront getting delayed. “Our team was given only 3 months tocomplete the bunker commissioning due to delay in availabilityof front. We toiled hard and got it commissioned successfullywithin this impossibly short period,” he says.

Mr. Das loves working with young engineering trainees andshares a lot of ideas and innovations with the young talent.“Always stick to your basics first,” he repeats often to hisyoung colleagues in his own inimitable style.

Apart from work, Mr. Das is very popular in L&T party circlesas the Company’s own Kishore Kumar. His passion for singingonly exceeds that for his engineering prowess.

Mr. Das is married to Sujata, a homemaker who has herinterests in doing handicrafts such as crystal bags, and painting.Sujata is an Arts’ graduate and has also completed her trainingcourse as a beautician.

“100% technical knowledge is required to commission a CoalHandling Plant and have it controlled using advanced systemssuch as PLC,” says Mr. B.K. Pradhan beaming at the twingigantic screens at the control room that were showing thevarious stages of the CHP at KTPP as impressive blocks. Hefurther adds, “This technical know-how is a continuousknowledge enrichment gained during exposures at variousprojects sites. Modern generation engineering systems are sovast and varied that one has to constantly get updated on thelatest in technology.”

Mr. Pradhan joined L&T in 2004 after rich and variedexperience at Areva and McNally Bharat. A graduate electricalengineer with a management degree in HR, Mr. Pradhanbelieves in training the frontline team for effectively executingprojects and overcoming any kind of challenges. He says, “Thevalue addition that a good front line team brings into executionis something to be seen to be believed. The success of thisproject was the result of such an effective team synergisingtogether to achieve the targets. In projects it is not individualexcellence but collective effort that makes the big difference.”

At L&T, Mr. Pradhan was part of prestigious projects such asLafarge conveyor project, Water treatment plant at Jharsugudain Odisha, Pump house at Kasba, Kolkata and NTPC,Kahalgoan where he helped commission a 3000 tph reversiblestacker reclaimer.

He says, “Each project had its unique mix of challenges andachieving the targets was my biggest success.”

Mr. Pradhan is married to Subhashree who is a graduateengineer in electronics and telecommunications and holds amanagement degree specialising in HR. She works as a teacherin Modern Public School, Koderma. The couple has a daughterIshika, who is in 1st standard and already shows keenness inlearning singing.

27July - September 2011

At KTPP, Mr. S.K. Singh, as he is fondly known amongcolleagues, has been instrumental in dealing deftly with thelocal bureaucracy and political parties. “Jharkhand being asensitive area, local villagers and politicians who visit the projectsite for various support such as CSR, job opportunities, sub-contractor offers, etc, need to be managed professionally suchthat we are able to help them and at the same time ensuresmooth functioning of the project,” says Mr. Singh. This isa skill which needs to be seen to be believed. A genial attitudehas been one of the mainstays of his personality in establishingrapport with the local community.

“Another major issue that we faced initially is the non-availability of work front and the subsequent stoppage of workprotests done by the local villagers.

“We took them into confidence by addressing their issuesthrough the client and established a strong relationship throughour meaningful CSR initiatives,” divulged Mr. Singh, whenquizzed on how he faced major issues.

On the home front, wife Manju Singh is a caring homemakerand the couple is blessed with an elder daughter Rashmi Singhwho is pursuing her commerce graduation at Ranchi and ayounger son Vivek Singh who is doing his 9th standard andaspires to become a computer programmer.

Mr. Sunil Kumar Singh (Mr. S.K. Singh) has negotiatedmany a road blocks as an Industrial Relations (IR) professionalfor L&T. Having been associated with L&T for the past nineyears, he has helped towards the smooth functioning ofimportant projects such as Khandla Bhatinda Pipeline, NipcoKonavan Pipeline, IIT Guwahati and Jharkhand Road Project.As an IR professional he is a pivotal link between the projectteam and the locals. It is a role that gets redefined every timehe is posted at a new project and enhances his overall credentialsof being an effective IR man.

RoSPA Award Winners

From left to right: Mr. R. Balasubramanian, Project Manager – NPCIL, Kudankulam; Mr. Hare Ram, Project Manager– Sinter Plant # 3 Project – SAIL, RSP Rourkela and Mr. Shailendra Kumar – Chief EHS Manager, PT&D


Buildings & Factories IC

ITC Grand Chola Hotel Project,Chennai – 17 Million Safe Man-hours, during October 2007 toAugust 2011

MUD Project, Chandigarh – 13Million Safe Man-hours, duringNovember 2010 to August 2011

TCS Phase-II, Siruseri – 12 MillionSafe Man-hours, during April 2011to August 2011

Godrej Water Side IT Park Project,Kolkata – 9 Million Safe Man-hours, during May 2008 to August2011

Lafarge Jojobera Project – 9 MillionSafe Man-hours, during March 2009to August 2011

The Address, Wadhwa Housing,Ghatkopar – 8 Million Safe Man-hours, during January 2010 toAugust 2011

Business & Exhibition CentreProject, Gandhinagar – 7 MillionSafe Man-Hours, during March2010 to August 2011

Heidelberg Project, Damoh – 7Million Safe Man-hours, duringJune 2010 to September 2011

PBEL Project, Hyderabad – 6Million Safe-Man Hours, duringMay 2009 to July 2011

Kohinoor Square Project – 7Million Safe Man-hours, duringJune 2009 to August 2011

Oberoi Splendor, Jogeshwari – 6Million Safe Man-hours, duringMay 2010 to August 2011

BARC Phase 1 Project, Mysore – 5Million Safe Man-hours, duringAugust 2009 to May 2011

TCS Garima Park Project, GandhiNagar – 5 Million Safe Man-hours,during April 2011 to September2011

Oberoi Exquisite Phase-I,Goregaon – 4 Million Safe Man-hours, during December 2009 toMay 2011

Vicat Sagar Project – 5 MillionSafe Man-hours, during July 2010to September 2011

Congrats Safety Engineers!

Ahuja Tower project, Prabhadevi –5 Million Safe Man-hours, duringFebruary 2010 to August 2011

JIPMER Phase – II Project – 4Million Safe Man-hours, duringAugust 2010 to August 2011

ITC Sonar Project, Kolkata – 4Million Safe Man-hours, duringAugust 2009 to August 2011

MIOT International HospitalProject, Chennai – 4 Million SafeMan-hours, during March 2010 toAugust 2011

ESI Hospital Project, Joka – 4million Safe Man-hours, duringOctober 2009 to August 2011

Godrej Prakriti Housing Project,Kolkata – 3 Million Safe Manhours, during July 2009 toSeptember 2011

Vedanta Housing Project,Jharsuguda – 4 Million Safe Man-hours, during August 2010 to August2011

CESC Shopping Mall Project,Kolkata – 3 Million Safe Manhours, during August 2010 toSeptember 2011

Heidelberg Project, Jhansi – 3Million Safe Man hours, duringJune 2010 to September 2011

Participants of the Construction Safety Programme held during September8-9, 2011 seen with faculty

A two-day “Construction Safety Programme” wasconducted at Delhi, Mumbai and HyderabadClusters of B&F IC during July throughSeptember 2011. More than 125 staffparticipated and benefitted from theseprogrammes.

These programmes were specially designed forexecution engineers to impart training related toEHS management and technical requirementsduring construction.

The session included working at height, EHSmanagement systems, material handling, P&Msafety, excavation etc.

Construction Safety Programme


July - September 2011


Mr. S.N. Subrahmanyan, Member of the Board andSr. Executive Vice President (Construction) released theEHS Induction Animation Module for workmen along withMr. M.V. Satish, Vice President & Head – CommercialBuildings & Airports SBG and Mr. A.L. Sekar, VicePresident & Head – Residential Buildings & Factories SBGon September 10, 2011.

This trade based EHS Induction module has been preparedspecific to B&F IC operations and covers various trades ofworkmen such as carpenters, scaffolders, mason, electricians,helper, etc.

EHS Induction Animation Module for Workmen Launched

The animation module brings about the various hazardsand risks in specific activities and the precautionary measuresto be adopted. Safe and unsafe practices are highlightedfor easy understanding of workmen.

Salient features of EHS induction module are:

� An effective presentation simulating site conditions,which cannot otherwise be easily explained to theworkmen.

� “Seeing is believing” – Training using audio visual aidsand interaction is much more effective than conventionalclassroom training, especially for this group.

� Appealing for the workmen, being in animated form.

� Training imparted in a language understandable by theworker.

Module is prepared in 5 regional languages (Hindi, Tamil,Telugu, Bengali and Oriya) so as to cover workmen fromall regions of the country. This also includes an evaluationmodule for checking the effectiveness.

This module will be implemented immediately in all projectsand workmen will be imparted EHS induction trainingthrough this module before deployment.

EHS Orientation for Trainees

July - September 2011

Participants of the EHS orientation at MDC Lonavala

This year a large number of DETs/GETs/PGETs of Civil, Mechanical & Electricalstreams were inducted in the EHS functionof B&F IC.

To orient them on EHS functions and impartEHS management skills, a 4-day orientationprogramme was organised in two batches atPanvel Training Centre and MDC Lonavaladuring August 17-20 and September 26-29,2011.

The programme was conducted in the form of aworkshop with more focus on practical sessions andincluded visit to Construction Skills Training Institute,quiz programmes and discussion sessions etc. For theparticipants it was a unique orientation programme anda comprehensive insight on EHS function.

Participants of the EHSorientation at Panvel


Appreciation Certificates

B&F’s Godrej Prakriti Project – Kolkata Cluster hasreceived a certificate of appreciation from clientM/s. Godrej Properties Ltd for achieving 2 million safeman-hours during the period April 2010 to May 2011

B&F’s NESCO Project –Mumbai Cluster hasreceived a certificate ofappreciation from clientM/s. NESCO Limited(Reality Division) forachieving 3 million safeman-hours during theperiod February 2009 toApril 2011

B&F’s PBEL City Project – Hyderabad Cluster, has received aletter of appreciation from client M/s PBEL Property Development(India) Pvt. Ltd for excellent EHS performance during executionof the project for the period May 2009 to August 2011

B&F’s Heidelberg Project, Jhansi – Hyderabad Clusterhas received a certificate of appreciation from clientM/s. Heidelberg Cement for achieving 2 million safeman-hours during the period July 2010 to May 2011

B&F’s BKC Wadhwa Project – Mumbai Cluster hasreceived a certificate of appreciation from clientM/s. Raghuleela Builders Pvt. Ltd. for achieving2 million safe man-hours during the period November2010 to April 2011

Mr. P. Dhananjaya,Project Managerreceiving the certificatefrom Mr. SujitGoswami, Vice President– Wadhwa Group forachieving 8 Million safeman-hours at AddressWadhwa Project,Ghatkopar

July - September 2011


JSW Steel - Blast Furnace 3 andBOF-CCP 2 – 32 Million SafeMan-hours, during May 2009 toAugust 2011.

Vizag Steel Plant Expansion Project-BF # 3 – 29 Million SafeMan-hours, during April 2009 toAugust 2011.

New Zinc Smelter Plant, HZL-Dariba – 28 Million Safe Man-hours, during November 2008 to July2011.

Bhushan Steel Limited Site - Angul– 24 Million Safe Man-hours,during January 2011 to August 2011.

Sri Sathya Sai Water Supply Scheme(O&M) – Ananthapur – 16 MillionSafe Man-hours, during March 2000to August 2011.

Dhamra Port Project – 16 MillionSafe Man-hours, during April 2007to August 2011.

Wheel Manufacturing plant atChhapra – 16 Million Safe Man-hours, during February 2009 toAugust 2011.

Coal Handling plant for NTPC-Barh – 15 Million Safe Man-hours,during August 2006 to August 2011.

Civil and Structural works forBALCO, Korba – 15 Million SafeMan-hours, during July 2009 toAugust 2011.

Mahan Aluminum Plant(HINDALCO) – Singrauli – 14Million Safe Man-hours, duringDecember 2010 to August 2011.

Sinter Plant-III, Rourkela – 12Million Safe Man-hours, duringSeptember 2008 to August 2011.

Bisalpur Water Supply Project –Jaipur – 12 Million Safe Man-hours, during June 2006 to August2011.

SAIL-Burnpur Site – 12 MillionSafe Man-hours, during February2010 to August 2011.

Vizag Steel Plant Expansion Project– WRM # 2–12 Million Safe Man-hours, during April 2007 to August2011.

SAIL - Bokaro Steel plant – BF #2–11 Million Safe Man-hours,during May 2010 to August 2011.

RMHS SAIL-Burnpur Site – 10Million Safe Man-hours, duringJune 2010 to August 2011.

Coal Handling plant, DVC –Koderma – 9 Million Safe Man-hours, during March 2008 to August2011.

EOL - Noamundi – 8 Million SafeMan-hours, during September 2009to August 2011.

Coal Handling plant for NTPC-Kahalgaon – 8 Million Safe Man-hours, during December 2006 toAugust 2011.

NTPC – Simhadri (Vizag) CoalHandling Plant – 8 Million SafeMan-hours, during May 2009 toAugust 2011.

TATA Steel Project Site –Jamshedpur – 7 Million Safe Man-hours, during June 2011 to August2011.

Can Mill Hirakud – 7 Million SafeMan-hours, during July 2010 toAugust 2011.

Sri Satya Sai Water Supply Scheme(O&M) – Medak – 5 Million Safe

Man-hours, during September 2005to August 2011.

50 MGD Water Supply Scheme,Narayanapura to JSW – 5 MillionSafe Man-hours, during July 2009to August 2011.

Barmeer Lift Water Supply Project,SPR-I, Jaisalmeer – 4 Million safeMan-hours, during April 2008 toAugust 2011.

Coal Handling Plant Project forAnpara TPP Stage – D – 4 MillionSafe Man-hours, during May 2009to August 2011.

Sri Satya Sai Water Supply Scheme(O&M) – Mehboobnagar – 4Million Safe Man-hours, duringSeptember 2005 to August 2011.

GNSS – Tadipatri Lift IrrigationScheme – 3 Million Safe Man-hours, during August 2007 to August2011.

CHP-Mahan (HINDALCO),Singrauli – 3 Million Safe Man-hours, during January 2011 toAugust 2011.

Underground Drainage & WaterSupply Improvement Scheme-Nizamabad – 3 Million Safe Man-hours, during March 2008 to August2011.

SSTPL (CHP)-Khandwa Site(MP)- 3 Million Safe Man-hours,during December 2009 to August2011.

Wagon tippler Site, NTPC-Farakka– 3 Million safe Man-hours, duringAugust 2006 to August 2011.

Water Supply Scheme to TumkurCity – 3 Million Safe Man-hours,during June 2007 to August 2011.

NLC Thermal Plant Site, Tuticorin- 3 Million, Million Safe Man-hours, during September 2009 toAugust 2011.

Metallurgical & Material Handling IC

July - September 2011


Mr. D.R. Ray, EVP & Head – MMH ICinaugurated and launched the Safety e-learningcourse on July 28, 2011 at the Headquarters inChennai. MMH IC has partnered withM/s. DuPont, USA in setting up the e-Learningpackage for staff members.

The course covers 16 e-Learning modules onsafety in construction. To begin with, the coursehas been made mandatory for selected traineesand lateral recruits at project sites.

Safety e-Learning Course Launched

Safety Training Manual and Calendar Launched

The first copy of training manual was received by Mr. RajeevBhatnagar, Head-HR, MMH IC.

Mr. D.R. Ray, EVP & Head – MMH IC launched the Safety Training Manual and Training Calendar for Sub-contractorSupervisors on September 17, 2011, at the Headquarters in Chennai. The training manual and calendar have beenexclusively designed to train all sub-contractors supervisors through a one-day programme with 8 key modules on sitesafety.

The first copy of training calendar was received byMr. P. Chandramohan, Head - R&SCM., MMH IC

July - September 2011

Appreciation Certificates

HIL Mahan Aluminum Project bagged trophyand merit certificate for best EHS implementation

Dariba Semlter Complex Project– has received a certificate ofappreciation from clientM/s. Vedanta Ltd for achieving28 million safe man-hours duringthe period October 2008 to March2011

UAIL Rayagada Site has received acertificate of appreciation from the client forachieving 10.7 million safe man-hours


A two-day training program on “Safety in

Construction training program was conducted at

BSL Angul Site on 15th & 16th September 2011

where 20 staff members attended. The

programme started with welcome address by

Mr.C.S.Rao and the program was inaugurated by


July - September 2011

Annual EHS Trophy : 2010-11

Annual EHS Trophies are awarded to project teams for implementing highly effective EHS management systems.Projects are categorised as major, medium and minor sites based on the man-hours worked during the year. Thefollowing projects have emerged as winners in the respective categories.

� Vizag Steel Plant – WRM#2 project bagged the trophy under the safety medium job category.

� Nellore Water Supply Improvement Scheme bagged the trophy under the smallest medium job category.

SHINE is an EHS initiative where in construction industry based training programmes are conducted for staff acrosslocations. As a part of SHINE 2011-12 the following training programmes were conducted:

SHINE 2011 Initiative

SHINE participants at BSL Angul site SHINE participants at HIL Mahan site

Participants of the Safety in Constriction Industries Training Programme held at Delhi during July 25-26, 2011

Mr. Anindya Dey – Construction Manager (Civil) – WRM Sitereceiving the award for Safest Medium Jobsite for Vizag SteelPlant. Present during this occasion were Mr. Ajendra Agrawal –Cluster EHS Manager and Mr. Devasish Ghosh, Cluster ProjectManager – WET BU

Mr. K. Sesha Sai – Project Manager – Nellore WSIS site receivingthe award for Safest Small Jobsite for Nellore Water SupplyImprovement Scheme

34 July - September 2011

Vizag Vessels Project – 25.5 MillionSafe Man-hours, during May 2006to August 2011

Ahmedabad Viramgam MaliyaRoad Project – 14.9 Million SafeMan-hours, during March 2010 toAugust 2011

Punatsangchhu HEP, Bhutan – 12.9Million Safe Man-hours, duringApril 2009 to August 2011

Infrastructure IC

Congrats Safety Engineers!

Design & Construction of SaharElevated-Mumbai – 5.7 Million SafeMan-hours, during January 2008 toAugust 2011

Nashik Elevated Corridor Project –5.5 Million Safe Man-hours, duringJanuary 2010 to August 2011

Kakrapar Atomic Power Project –7.6 Million Safe Man-hours, duringFebruary 2010 to August 2011

The committed team led by Mr. E. Sagar Kumar Patro, Project Manager of Vizag Vessels project achieved a milestone of 25 millionaccident-free manhours. This achievement was possible due to the outstanding safety management system and innovative safety practicesimplemented at project. Kudos to the team!

Vizag Vessels Project Achieves 25 Million Safe Man Hours

Safety & Quality Award

Institution of Engineers (India) awarded L&TConstruction with “Safety & Quality Award”for implementing innovative Safety and Qualityprocedures. The award was presented duringthe Safety Conference 2011 organised by theSafety & Quality Forum of Institution ofEngineers (India). On behalf of L&T, Mr. M.A.Ashok, Head – SCM & Resources,Infrastructure IC received the award from Prof.Dr. Mannar Jawahar, Vice Chancellor, AnnaUniversity, Chennai. During the conference, Mr.M.A. Ashok presented a paper on “Safety inConstruction of Elevated Metros” which waswell appreciated by all.

35July - September 2011

BMRCL – R3A project bagged the National SafetyCouncil Award – “Unnatha Suraksha Puraskara’’(certificate and trophy) in recognition of outstandingsafety management system in construction categoryof industries during 2009-10.

BMRCL - R3A project Bags

NSCI Safety Award

A two day in-housetraining programme onConstruction Safetywas conducted at theChennai MetroTunneling projectduring August 26-27,2011. The session wasinaugurated by Mr.R.G. Saini, ProjectDirector, ChennaiMetro Tunnelingproject.

32 participants fromInfra IC were exposedto topics like EHS management systems, material handling, excavation, work at height, formwork, electrical, trafficmanagement, environment requirements, P&M safety, welding, grinding along with case studies during this programme.The programme was led by faculties: Mr. S. Sathyanarayana, Head-EHS, Mr. Kanchan Ghosh, Cluster EHSM, Mr. N.Radhakrishnan, Chief EHS Manager, Metro Tunneling site, Mr. S. Kirtaniya, P&M Manager, Mr.Vimal Sharma,Environment Manager, Metro Tunneling site and Mr. B. Murali Krishnan, EHS-HQ.

Training Programmes on Construction Safety

A two day in-house training programme on Construction Safety was conducted at Samakhiali Gandhidham Road Project(SGPRP) on July 28-29, 2011. The session was inaugurated By Mr. G.S. Rebinal, Chief Project Officer – SGRP. Theprogramme was led by faculties: Mr. P.K. Behera, J.S. Prasad, Mr. S. Muduli, Mr. S.K. Pradhan,Mr. N. Mukherjee, Mr. Chandrasekhar Rao and Mr. S.C.C. Pattnaik.

36 July - September 2011

Infrastructure IC launched a NEED ALERTsystem to encourage employee participation onmatters of EHS and Quality. Employees canhighlight issues related to EHS and Qualitythrough this online system to Mr. M.A. Ashok,Head – SCM & Resources.

A common username is provided to allemployees so that all are encouraged tohighlight the issues and at the same time neednot reveal their identity. Also, the uploaded datais accessible only to Mr. M.A. Ashok. Thissystem is aimed at bringing out the deficienciesso as to enhance EHS & Quality.

“Need Alert” System Launched for EHS & Quality

Mr. Jitender Kumar Arya, Asst. Manager (EHS) at DMRC CMC-1project, Infrastructure IC, stood first in the International GeneralCertificate Examination of NEBOSH, UK, conducted by theiraccredited centre consisting of Safety Engineers Association (India)and Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai during March 2011. Hereceived a Certificate and Shield of SEA (India) fromMr. C. GnanaSekara Babu Rao, Joint Chief Inspector of Factories,Government of Tamil Nadu, during SEA (India) annual functioncelebration in June 2011.

L&T-ite Ranks First in NEBOSH Certification

3x660 MW APL Mundra ThermalPower Project–IE – 5 Million SafeMan-hours, during March 2009 toJune 2011

RE Jalpaiguri – 3 Million SafeMan-hours, during August 2009 toJuly 2011

400 kV PLTL Asso: LILO’s – 2Million Safe Man-hours, sinceinception to June 2011

Kudankulam Nuclear PowerProject–IE – 7.2 Million SafeMan-hours, during October 2008 toAugust 2011

RE West Midnapore Package-C –2.89 Million Safe Man-hours,during March 2009 to March 2011

Electrical Power DistributionNetwork, L&T Ship Building-IE,

Power Transmission & Distribution (Domestic)

Congrats Safety Engineers!

Kattupalli – 1 Million Safe Man-hours, during May 2010 toSeptember 2011

RE West Midnapore Package-D –2.20 Million Safe Man-hours,during March 2009 to March 2011

Pelletizing Plant-IE, Jamshedpur –1 Million Safe Man-hours, duringJuly 2009 to May 2011

765 kV APTL Project – 1 MillionSafe Man-hours, during January2011 to August 2011

37July - September 2011

EHS Training Programmes

Participants of the two-day EHS TrainingProgramme on APDRP held at Akoladuring 9-10, August, 2011 seen with faculty

Participants of the two-day EHS TrainingProgramme on APDRP held at KKROduring July 18-19, 2011 seen with faculty

Participants of the2 day in-house EHStraining programme

on Safety inTransmission Lineheld during July26-27, 2011 at

Bilaspur seen withfaculty

EHS Training programmes for staff wereconducted in different disciplines such assolar, APDRP, transmission line and railwayconstruction. The programmes coveredgeneric subjects on safety and also specificareas related to the field of activity.

Participants of the two-day in-house training programme on EHS held during June10-11, 2011 for solar staff at Ahmedabad, seen with faculty

38 July - September 2011

OMPL – MARC Project, Mangalore,5 Million Safe Man-hours duringMay 2009 to August 2011

HGU (EPCC 06), MRPL Phase IIIProject, 4.5 Million Safe Man hoursduring March 2009 to August 2011

2x700 MW Super Critical ThermalPower Plant Project – Rajpura, 3Million Safe Man-hours duringJanuary 2010 to August 2011

Ammonia Syn Gas GenerationPlant, GNFC Bharuch, 2 Million

Safe Man hours during December2009 to August 2011

Construction of AmmoniaFeedstock Conversion Project,NFL Bhatinda, 2 Million SafeMan-hours during February 2010 toAugust 2011

Construction of AmmoniaFeedstock Conversion Project –NFL Panipat, 2 Million Safe Man-hours during March 2010 to August2011


Congrats Safety Engineers!

DHDT UNIT (EPCC 04), MRPLPhase III Project, 5.5 Million SafeMan-hours during May 2009 toAugust 2011

Safety in Scaffolds: An interactive e-Learning module in ATL

plays an important role in makingheight work safer. In this direction,an e-learning program wasdeveloped to create awareness onscaffolds and ladders across ourproject sites.

This module is now availablethrough Any Time Learning (ATL)

website of L&T. It covers safety requirements of ladder,types of scaffold, scaffold hazards, case studies andprecautionary measures etc. On the successful completionof the course, the participant will receive a “ParticipationCertificate”.

Safety Conference 2011

Mr. K.N.Sen, Head HSE, HCP & TPPC, made apresentation on “Construction Safety Matters” on July30, 2011 at the Safety Conference 2011 organised byInstitution of Engineers (India), Tamil Nadu StateCentre. Mr. Sen received a memento fromMr. P.R. Seshadri, Chairman, Institution of Engineers(India), Tamil Nadu State Centre

“Safety in Scaffold” e-learning module was launched byMr. M.R. Shanker, EVP and Head, HCP (Domestic) on July 5,2011

Working at heights is one of the most hazardous activitiesat construction sites. Proper access and working platform

Participants of the two-day EHS TrainingProgramme on Safety in Railway Construction heldat Panvel during September 5-6, 2011 seen withfaculty

Safety in Railway


39July - September 2011

Appreciation Certificates

L&T’s Mangalore Aromatic Complex Project, has received acertificate of appreciation from client M/s. ONGC MangalorePetrochemicals Limited and Toyo Engineering India Limited forachieving 5 million safe man-hours during the period June 2010to August 2011

Construction of DHDT (EPCC 04 Package) Project at MRPL,Phase III of HCP (Domestic) received an appreciation certificateof appreciation from M/s MRPL & M/s EIL for achieving “FiveMillion Safe Man-hours” during the period from May 2009 toMay 2011

Launch of Web-based Integrated HSE Performance Evaluation

As we strive to achieve global benchmarking in HSE Culture and HSE Performance, it is important to establishaccountability for HSE. In order to facilitate and affix the onus in evaluating HSE performance, HCP has developeda web-based integrated performance evaluation system. This system will enable linking of day-to-day HSE performancewith the annual evaluation process. ISD team led by Mr. S.K.Sivakumar made significant contributions in developingthis module.

Leading Safety Efforts at ONGC Uran

Participants of Leading Safety Efforts Programme held at ONGC Uran seen with the faculty Mr. K.N. Sen, Head HSE, HCP & TPPCand Mr. Pradeep Kumar Singh, RHSEM, Western Region

Web-based integrated HSE Performance Evaluation System was launched by Mr. M.R. Shanker, EVP and Head, HCP (Domestic) onJuly 5, 2011

L&T’s sportsmen and women bagged a rich haul of medals at the 5th Edition of the INNO GEO CITY Corporate SportsOlympiad organised by F5 Ventures. L&T’s tally of 5 Gold, 3 Silver and Two Bronze medals enabled it to claim thesecond runner-up position.

J. Sumanth, L&T’s ace swimmer bagged three Gold medals by winning the freestyle event in 100m, 50m and 25m. Incarrom, L&T bagged double honours. Shyamala won the women’s singles title and added the doubles crown along withRamya Vasan. Following the gold medal winning splurge were the silver honours. Divya Mol Stephen and Vidhyavathiemerged runner-up in the women’s badminton doubles. T. Ravi claimed the runner-up position in men’s carrom. VinothKumar emerged as the second fastest man in the meet by bagging the silver medal in the 100m sprint. In women’ssingles badminton and basketball, L&T claimed bronze medals. Divya Mol Stephen added to her kitty the secondrunner-up title in badminton. More than 5000 participants from 50 organisations vied for honours in 15 sportingdisciplines.

Jubiliant L&T team

The winners were felicitated in the presence of Mr. S.N. Subrahmanyan


ECC Recreation Club’s in-house theatre artist once again lived up to the expectation of presenting a quality Tamil comedy play

‘Kalyanathil Galatta’. The full length comedy play revolved around humorous episodes in a family wedding and was a rib-tickling

package interspaced with the right dosage of humour and suspense. For the team this was another success following the earlier

comedy acts. The team had put in more than 50 hours of vigorous practice after office hours and their efforts were duly

rewarded by the all-round appreciation received from the audience.

The cast included P.P. Ganesan, N. Venkatesh, Kaliya Moorthi Pitchalu, H. Sridhar, Pradeep Paul Alphonse, S. Sivasankar,

B. Raviramachandran, R. Jagan Raj, Jaiganesh Ravi, S. Jaiganesh, Shoba Srnivasan, and Saranya Ranganathan. The play was

directed by P.P. Ganesan and S. Aarthi provided the overall coordination.

Staff and families of The Address Project indulged in aone-day outing and fun activity at Shangri-La Resort WaterPark, Mumbai. Close to 60 staff and 10 families thoroughlyenjoyed the day’s outing by participating in joy rides, watersports etc., at the theme park.

Children specially enjoyed the day in the pool and mademerry by indulging in singing and dancing. The projectteam had made meticulous arrangement for breakfast, lunchand snacks.

L&T has been patronising Madras Day Celebrations rightfrom its inception stage by sponsoring and providing uniqueand rare opportunities for staff to get to know about theCity through heritage walks etc. This year, L&T sponsoredthe annual Heritage of Chennai multimedia contest andquiz for school children. 22 teams sat down to go througha competitive event to present the theme they had researchedover the past month. The top prizes went to DAV girlsfrom Gopalpuram, PSSB Nungambakkam, and BhavansRajaji Vidyashram, Kilpauk.

Mr. V.S. Ramana, Head – Corporate Communications, L&TConstruction, gave away the prizes including a new rollingtrophy to the first prize winners.

July - September 201142

More than 200 staff along with theirfamilies got together for an outing toYelagiri, Golden Temple, Mahabalipuramand Pondicherry. For the project team, itwas a welcome break and the outing turnedout to be a very enjoyable and memorablesojourn for the participants. Organised intwo batches, the members carried pleasantmemories of the outing.

ECC Recreation Club HQ Chennai, organised a one-dayouting to Queensland on August 27, 2011. More than1200 members which included staff and their familymembers got together for this enjoyable outing.

Commencing with morning breakfast at AOB premises,the members were transported in 21 luxury buses into theprecincts of Queens Land – the great amusement park.

The participants made merry in almost all the rides manyof which were breathtaking like the Himalayan water ride,wave pool, cable car drive over a lake etc. The Club haddone meticulous arrangement for lunch and snacks and thefamilies returned late carrying unforgettable memories.

Kattupalli Project Team takes a Welcome Break

Picnicers striking a pose


On July 16, 2011 PRAYAS Trust, Chennai, held a CancerAwareness Health Camp at the PRAYAS Medical Centre,Virugambakkam for the 35 visually impaired girls ofGnanadarshan Seva Foundation. The focus of the campwas to create awareness among young girls on cancer andits prevention. The camp was conducted from 10 am to1.30 p.m.

Prayas doctors, Dr. Sumana Premkumar andDr. Brinda Murthy conducted thoroughmedical examination. PRAYAS members hadarranged for refreshments and lunch for thegirls. The doctors on examination prescribedmedicines (most of which were provided freeof cost to the girls by PRAYAS). Some werefound to be already undergoing treatment forcervical cancer, hence proper follow up wassuggested. A comprehensive medical reportwas prepared by the doctors.


Camp on Cancer Awareness

PRAYAS members along with lady staffvolunteered for Isha “Green Hands” Projectin HQ campus. On two occasions, theladies were involved in preparing soilpackets and sowing seeds.

PRAYAS hopes to volunteer for thisinitiative on a regular basis and requeststhe support of lady staff in HQ campus.

Volunteering for a

Green Mission

Medical campin progress

4545January - March 2009

Health Camp at Dazzling Stones

A health camp was organized by PRAYAS Trust,Chennai at “Dazzling Stones” a children’s home atKunrathur on Saturday, the August 20, 2011. It has120 inmates of varied ages as well as a nursery andprimary school.

PRAYAS members along with doctors Dr.Sundaramurthy, Dr. Brinda Murthy, and Mr. Sureshthe pharmacist, oversaw the proceedings. Over 100children including 5 of their staff benefited from thiscamp. Case sheets were specially prepared for the campdetailing the name and age, height and weight. Theywere then led to the doctors who checked them. Based

on their deficiencies and ailments,medicines were prescribed. Themedicines were given free to themassisted by PRAYAS members. Thestudents were found to be wellcared for and in generally goodhealth. Last years’ records werecompared too.

The camp went on till 4.00 pmwith only a lunch break. Members’contribution was spent on buyingessential items for the children, liketoiletries, biscuits and pulses. Somemembers donated old clothes.Chocolates were distributed andthe day’s lunch was sponsored byPRAYAS.

On September 17, 2011, Family PlanningAssociation of India (FPAI) conducted a Women’sHealth Camp at PRAYAS Medical Centre (PMC).A team comprising of a doctor, two lab techniciansand a few volunteers along with the FPAI membersorganised the camp at the medical centre between1:30 pm and 5 pm. A total of 60 patients,registered with FPAI and a few with PMC werebenefited. They were tested for blood grouping,HB, blood sugar, VDRL, HBAsg, lipids etc. asper the patient’s requirement. Pap smear test wasalso taken. PRAYAS members along with thesupporting staff participated in the camp andhelped in the smooth functioning. PRAYAS hasbeen working with FPAI on various womenwelfare camps and this was indeed a uniqueexperience.

FPAI Conducts Women’s Health Camp at PMC

Children strrike a pose with the PRAYAS team

Inmates being reviewedduring the health camp

Participants of the health camp seen with FPAI and PRAYAS members

PRAYAS members were overwhelmed by the sense of gratitude expressed by thechildren. Indeed a fulfilling experience.

Giving Shape to PRAYAS Trust’s New Medical Centre at Chennai

On behalf of PRAYAS Trust, Chennai, M/s GayathriSundaresan, Jayashree Ramana and Jayanthi Rameshattended the CSI meeting at Mumbai on August, 11, 2011.The visiting PRAYAS members extended a personalinvitation to Dr Usha Krishna, Advisor, Medical Centre &Welfare and Dr. Kamath, Medical Director – L&T Powai,to visit Chennai.

The two doctors arrived on September 7, 2011 and had apacked day. They were taken around the two medical centresand several rounds of meetings were held to discuss thenext plan of action.

Discussions were held on the upcoming new health centrefor medical guidance in setting up, installation and choiceof medical equipment, various services to be rendered aswell as management of the new hospital. It was agreedthat PRAYAS OPD will shift to the ground floor and thespecialist services would be made available on the firstfloor. Dr. Usha also discussed about PRAYAS’s proposedtuition centre and Montessori Teachers Training course forwomen in the neighbourhood once the existing medicalcentre is shifted out of the old premises.

Dr Usha Krishna met all the members over lunch and lateraddressed giving details of the counselling course beingoffered to PRAYAS Members.

BLRO and PRAYAS, Bengaluru are associated with AnandaAshram, Bannerghatta Road, Bengaluru since 2008 forvarious CSR activities. This ashram provides shelter, food,education and medical care to 25 senior citizens (men &women) and 15 orphan boys. During one regular visit tothe ashram by L&T team, their caretaker showed thestruggle for round-the-clock supply of hot water to theinmates. Ashram was adopting the old, conventional methodof burning wood and charcoal which was very tedious.

This prompted BLRO to swing into action for providingsolar water heaters to the ashram for 24 hours hot watersupply. In a short period 500 LPD and 200 LPD solarwater heaters were installed and commissioned. Mr. S.Raghunath, Regional Manager, BLRO inaugurated thefacility on July 18, 2011in the presence of ashram officials,BLRO staff and members of PRAYAS Trust.

A Timely Help for the Ananda Ashram Inmates

Solar water heaters provided for Ananda Ashram

46 July - September 2011

L&T doctors interacting with PRAYAS Trust members

BLRO distributed stationary items andschool bags for this academic year tothe girls of Andal Girls’ Home. The listof requirements was provided by theSecretary of Deena Seva Sangha underwhose jurisdiction Andal Girls Homefalls.

The girls were overwhelmed andprofusely thanked L&T for the kindgesture.

PRAYAS Bangalore is organising SpokenEnglish Classes for the girls of AndalGirls Home every year. This academicyear also they have appointed anexperienced part-time English tutor forconducting spoken english classes.

PRAYAS, Bangalore re-commenced aNutrition Programme for the girls in the Home for thisyear also. Under this programme, 8 litres of milk is supplieddaily to the girls for nourishment.

Representatives from Divisional Corporate and PRAYAS

organised these initiatives in the Home’s premises onJune 29, 2011.

BLRO & PRAYAS Contribute to Upliftment of Girl Child

Surabhi Ladies Club organised a free Eye Screening & CounsellingCamp in association with Sankara Nethralaya, Bangalore for theresidents of Dyavarahalli Village on September 2, 2011.

The team of optometrists from Sankara Nethralaya carried out thorougheye examination for each patient and dispensed spectacles on the spot,identified cataract surgery patients and also those who needed onlymedication for various other eye ailments. Some were referred to thehospital for eye ailments, relevant treatment and subsequent follow-up. Only those below the age group of 25 years were found to be

normal without any sight problem. Sankara Nethralya team thanked LTKand Surabhi Ladies Club for the opportunity to collaborate.

At the end of the day, 110 patients were screened and 32 were found tohave refractive error and they were given spectacles (11 for single visionand 21 bifocal), 10 patients were referred to the hospital for some testsdue to minor eye ailments and 2 patients were found to have immaturecataract. 9 patients were identified for cataract. They would be referredto the hospital to undergo some tests to check their fitness and surgerywould be performed at the earliest. Surabhi’s Health Clinic “SURABHIAAYUH” was inaugurated on August 26, 20111, at Dyavarahalli. Peopleof Dyavarahalli showed immense pleasure and thanked Surabhi for thiswonderful initiative.

BLRO & PRAYAS – Bangalore have adopted St. AndalGirls Home located in Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore since 2008.This home is providing basic amenities, education andtraining to 45 junior and senior girls from under privilegedfamilies. Divisional Corporate – BLRO and PRAYAS,Bangalore have been actively involved in a lot of activitieson Health and Education for the children of this Home.

Eye Screening Camp and Inauguration

of “Surabhi Health Clinic”

at Dyavarahalli Village

Children of Andal Girls Home seen with BLRO and Prayas members

47July - September 2011




June 2011

Finishing Works at Delhi. June 1-2, 2011. Participants:22; Faculty (Int.): Mr. G. Sakthivel.

GET TOP: GET SET – ‘Speak Well Do Well’ at MIAL.June 1-3, 2011.Participants: 25; Faculty (Ext.): Mr. Davidfrom M/s. GreenBooks.

Construction Planning & Control System at MIAL. June6-7, 2011.Participants:33; Faculty (Int.): M/s. V Anand,D AbhayGharpure.

Creativity & Innovation at EDRC, HQ, Chennai. June6-7, 2011. Participants: 29; Faculty (Int.): Mr. TK PremKumar.

GET TOP: GET SET – ‘Grammar is Fun’ at HQ, Chennai.June 6-8, 2011. Participants: 25; Faculty (Ext.): Ms. SarahKoshy from M/s. GreenBooks.

Mentoring and Augmenting Planning Skills Programme atHQ, Chennai. June 6-9, 2011. Participants: 19; Faculty(Int.): M/s. R Shankar Narayanan, Chandramouli, PrasannaNagarajan, R Ramu; Faculty (Ext.): M/s. KNSatyanarayana,Koshy Varghese, Ashwin Mahalingam fromM/s. IIT Madras.

Training Programme on BBS Software at Mumbai. June9-10, 2011. Participants:14;Faculty (Ext.): Ms. Suganthi.

Productivity Improvement in Construction at Ahmedabad.June 13-14, 2011. Participants:18; Faculty (Int.): M/s.Shirish Ranade, S. Narayanan, Manmohan Kaushal.

Hiring the Best at Mumbai.June 13-14, 2011.Participants:23; Faculty (Ext.):Ms. Monisha from M/s.Navagati.

GET-TOP: GET SET – ‘Grammar is Fun’ at MIAL. June13-15, 2011. Participants:16; Faculty (Ext.): Ms. SarahKoshy from M/s. GreenBooks.

NICMAR Induction Programme at HQ,Chennai. June15-17, 2011. Participants: 35; Faculty (Int.): M/s. TK PremKumar, AL Sekar, MV Satish, K Veerappan, B Murugesan,Chandramoulie, M Gopinath, M Ganesh, George Abraham,MK Parthasarthy, M. Nachiappan, Aruna Tracy, RatnaMishra.

GET TOP: GET SET – ‘Grammar is Fun’ at MIAL. June16-18, 2011. Participants: 30; Faculty (Ext.): Ms. SarahKoshy from M/s. GreenBooks.

One Day refreshment program on Formwork & Concreteat Bangalore. June 17,2011. Participants: 15; Faculty (Int.):Mr. LS Kannan, SumanthKashyap, R Kannan.

Construction Safety at Nagpur. June 17-18, 2011.Participants: 29; Faculty (Int.): M/s.D Chandra Sekhar,Jaiswal Anandkumar, M Nachiappan, Gaddam MadhavaKumar, Sri Kalyan Koripella

Estimation & Costing at Chennai. June 17-18, 2011.Participants: 19; Faculty (Int.): M/s V Balaji, MKParthasarthy, R Ramu, TG Bekar.

Construction Safety at Hyderabad. June 20-21, 2011.Participants 19; Faculty (Int.): M/s. P Nagarajan, JayPrakash Navik, Gaddam Madhava Kumar, Sri KalyanKoripella; Faculty (Ext.): Mr. BV Shastry from M/s. SAFEX.

GET-TOP: GET SET – ‘Grammar is Fun’ at Ahmedabad.June 20-22, 2011. Participants: 25; Faculty (Ext.): Ms.Sarah Koshy from M/s. GreenBooks.

Quality Management – QA/QC at Delhi. June 22, 2011.Participants: 22;Faculty (Int): Mr. Ram Pratap Chaudhary.

Finishing Works at Kolkata. June 22-23, 2011. Participants:17; Faculty (Int.):Mr.G SakthiVel.

GET TOP: GET SET – ‘Grammar is Fun’ at Delhi. June22-24, 2011. Participants: 10; Faculty (Ext): Mr. VinodhPhilip from M/s. Greenbooks.

Formwork Training at MIAL. June 23-24, 2011.Participants: 18; Faculty (Int): M/s. T Jagannath, CNVCRao, Anil Kamble.

Primavera at June 24, 2011. Participants: 20; Faculty (Ext.):Mr. R Gopalakrishnan.

Welding and Fabrication Techniques at Hyderabad. June24 2011. Participants: 17; Faculty (Int): Mr. M ParthibanMohan.

Construction Management at Hyderabad. June 27-28, 2011.Participants: 25; Faculty (Int): M/s. L Prabakaran, MKParthasarthy, G. Sreenivas.

Swagat at Mumbai. June 28-29, 2011. Participants: 40;Faculty (Int): M/s. Vivek Ranjan, BD Iyer, K ShirishRanade, Balakrishna, Ajoy Kumar Muhury, HemantkumarKadu, M Vadivel.

Team Excellence for Productivity at EDRC,HQ Chennai.June 28-29 2011. Participants: 22;Faculty (Int): Mr. TKPrem Kumar.

GET TOP: GET SET – ‘Grammar is Fun’ at Kolkata. June28-30, 2011. Participants: 15; Faculty (Ext.): Mr. VinodhPhilip from M/s. Greenbooks.

GET TOP:GET SET- ‘Grammar is Fun’ at MIAL. June28-30, 2011. Participants: 20; Faculty (Ext): Ms. SarahKoshy from M/s. Greenbooks.

Buildings & Factories IC


July - September 2011


Participants of Enhancing Procurement Skills held at HQ,Chennai during May 2-5,2011, seen with Mr. K. Sreekumar &Faculty.

Participants of Safety in Highrise Building ConstructionProgramme held at MIAL during May 26-27, 2011, seen withMr. Madhav Deshpande and faculty

July 2011

GET IN Batch- 1 at HQ-Chennai. July 4-6, 2011.Participants: 177;Faculty (Int): M/s. TK Prem Kumar,Sthaladipti Saha, KP Cion, R Shankar Narayanan, TSrinivasan, S Virappan, V Balaji, M Gopinath, AThiyagarajan, Ratna Mishra.

GET TOP:GET SET – ‘Write to Excel’ at HQ,Chennai.July 6-8, 2011. Participants: 26;Faculty (Ext): Ms. JerinaJahafar from M/s. GreenBooks.

Special Formwork for High Rise Structure at Mumbai.July 12, 2011. Participants: 26; Faculty (Int): M/s. BMurugesan, K Senou; Faculty (Ext): Mr. Juergen Gnida.

Orientation Programme on QA/QC at Ahmedabad. July14, 2011. Participants: 21;Faculty (Int): Mr. T Srinivasan.

GET TOP:GET SET – ‘Write to Excel’ at MIAL. July14-16, 2011. Participants: 35; Faculty (Ext): Ms. JerinaJahafar from M/s. GreenBooks.

Construction Planning & Control System at Hyderabad.July 15-16, 2011. Participants: 30; Faculty (Int): M/s. VAnand, Jeremy Clifford Lambert,VM Poornananda Kumar,Luca Basile.

Swagat at Mumbai. July 15-16, 2011. Participants: 53;Faculty (Int): M/s. Vivek Ranjan, BD Iyer, K ShirishRanade, Balakrishna, Ajoy Kumar Muhury, HemantkumarKadu, M Vadivel; Faculty (Ext): Dr. NJ Palan.

GET TOP:GET SET – ‘Write to Excel’ at Ahmedabad.July 18-20, 2011. Participants: 31; Faculty (Ext): Mr.Vinodh Philip from M/s. Greenbooks.

GET IN Batch – 2 at HQ, Chennai. July 18-20, 2011.Participants: 184; Faculty (Int): M/s. TK Prem Kumar, NBaskara Raju, AL Sekar, R Shankar Narayanan, SVeeramani, B Murugesan, T Srinivasan, MK Parthasarathy,Prasanna Nagarajan, M. Ganesh, Prabakaran Logeeswaran,M Nachiappan, Ram Prakash, Ratna Mishra.

BSCC DET Induction Programme at Mumbai. July 18-29,2011. Participants: 37; Faculty (Int): B Murugesan, BDIyer, C Subramanian, LS Kannan, K Gunasekaran, SuneetKumar, Hemantkumar Kadu, Dhiraj Budarkatti, CNVSRao, Rasika Randad, C Ramesh, T Jaganath.

EIP at Hyderabad. July 22, 2011. Participants: 18; Faculty(Int): Ms. Prathyusha.

DET Induction Programme at Ahmedabad. July 25-31,2011. Participants: 23; Faculty (Int): M/s. BN Sheth,Ranjeet Kumar, K Suresh, Manmohan Kaushal, AjitKolhapure, Biren Modi, Maulik Shah, P Balaji, M DivyaParamar, SK Sahu, DG Gaur, Ramesh Chandran.

Induction Programme at Mumbai. July 26-27, 2011.Participants: 50; Faculty (Int): M/s. Suneet Kumar,Vijaykumar Muttur, BD Iyer, P Balakrishna, SK Ranade,Hemantkumar Kadu.

Understanding Self and others at Bangalore. July 27, 2011.Participants: 23; Faculty (Int): Mr. TK Prem Kumar.

GET TOP:GET SET – ‘Speak Well do Well’ at MIAL. July27-29, 2011. Participants: 15; Faculty (Ext): Mr. N Davidfrom M/s. GreenBooks.

Swagat at Mumbai. July 29-30, 2011. Participants: 43;Faculty (Int): M/s. Vivek Ranjan, BD Iyer, K ShirishRanade, Balakrishna, Ajoy Kumar Muhury, HemantkumarKadu, M Vadivel, CNVC Rao.

Internal Auditor Training Programme at Kolkata. July29-30, 2011. Participants: 22; Faculty (Int): Mr. T.Srinivasan.

August 2011

GET IN Batch-3 at HQ,Chennai. July 30-August 2, 2011.Participants: 129;Faculty (Int):M/s. TK Prem Kumar, RShankar Narayanan, BMurugesan, S Sunmugam, TSrinivasan, M Ganesh,M Gopinath, George Abraham, M

5151July - September 2011

Participants of NICMAR Induction Programme held at HQ,Chennai during June 15-17,2011, seen with Mr. M.V. Satishand faculty

Participants of GET IN held at HQ, Chennai during July 4-6,2011, seen with Mr. A.L. Sekar and faculty


Nachiappan, Ram Prakash, Ratna Mishra.

Liebherr Tower Cranes Climbing System at Mumbai.August 2, 2011. Participants: 26;Faculty (Int): Mr. SNarayanan;Faculty (Ext): M/s. Griffin, Strohmaier.

Induction Programme at MIAL. August 2-3, 2011.Participants: 27;Faculty (Int): M/s. YS Poojari, CJADavidraj,N Bhoothalingam,AK Mitra,CS Lakshmanan,Harish Jadhav,Amit Batra, R Thamilagaran, SKTiwari,Natasha Swaroop.

Construction Safety at Delhi. August 3-4, 2011.Participants: 39;Faculty (Int): M/s. KK Jha, M Nachiappan,Tara Chand Saini, Kumar Jitender, Rajiv Agnihotri.

Construction Safety at Hyderabad. August 4-5 2011.Participants: 18;Faculty (Int): M/s. G Madhava Kumar,Chandra Sekhar Reddy, M ShanthiPriya.

EIP AMS training Programme at Mumbai. August 5, 2011.Participants:10;Faculty (Int): Mr. S Narayanan.

Construction Methods Programme at Chennai. August 8-9, 2011. Participants: 25;Faculty (Int): M/s. Madhu Anand,M Ganeshbabu, T Jagannath, Kumaran.

GET TOP: GET SET- ‘Grammar is Fun’ at MIAL. August8-10, 2011. Participants: 19;Faculty (Ext): Mr. VinothPhilip from M/s. GreenBooks.

GET TOP: GET SET- ‘Grammar is Fun’ at Delhi. August8-10, 2011. Participants: 11;Faculty (Ext): Ms. Sarah Koshyfrom M/s. GreenBooks.

Team Excellence for Productivity at Bangalore. August 10-11, 2011. Participants: 31;Faculty (Int): Mr. TK PremKumar.

Induction programme at Mumbai. August 11, 2011.Participants: 16;Faculty (Int): M/s. Suneet Kumar, VAnand,Vivek Ranjan, C Lokesh.

Training on Pre-stressed Concrete at Hyderabad. August11-12, 2011. Participants: 6;Faculty (Int): Mr. RameshSubramanian.

Induction Programme at Hyderabad. August 17-18. 2011.Participants: 22;Faculty (Int): M/s. Ravi Kumar Matta,BSrinivasa Rao, D Chandrasekhar, G Sreenivas,KishorAnkushChalke,N Hariharan, R Ramanakumar , MShanthi Priya, Gaddam Madhava Kumar, VL Prathyusha.

EHS Orientation programme at Mumbai. August 17-20,2011. Participants: 21;Faculty (Int):M/s. HemantkumarKadu, P Nagarajan, M.Nachiappan, Md. Moizuddin.

Productivity Improvement in Construction at Chennai.August 18-19, 2011. Participants: 17;Faculty (Int): M/s.Sirish Ranade, J Raveendran, MK Parthasarthy.

Quality Management. at Mumbai. August 19, 2011.Participants: 37;Faculty (Int): Mr. T Srinivasan.

CAT D9 Operation & Maintenance at Mumbai. August19, 2011. Participants: 22;Faculty (Int):Mr. S Narayanan.

Construction Methods Programme at MIAL. August 19-20, 2011. Participants: 26;Faculty (Int): M/s. MadhuAnand,M Ganeshbabu, Sangeeta Pal,Vivek Gupta.

Mentoring and Augmenting Planning Skills Programme atHQ-Chennai. August 22-25, 2011. Participants: 23;Faculty(Int):M/s. A Muthu, Madhu Anand, Sreejith;Faculty(Ext):Prof.Koshy Varghese, Prof.Ashwin Mahalingam, Prof.Anant Narayan from M/s. IIT Madras.

Finishing Works-GET Training at HQ,Chennai. August 22-27, 2011. Participants: 10;Faculty (Int): M/s. AMuthu,Roopesh Kumar, G sakthivel,RPrasannavardhan.

Team Excellence for Productivity at Mumbai. August 23-24, 2011. Participants: 21;Faculty (Int): Mr. TKPremkumar

Participants of Site-based Programme on Team Excellence forProductivity held at Bangalore during August 10-11, 2011 seenwith Mr. Sanjeev Gupta and faculty

Participants of Safety in Highrise Building ConstructionProgramme held at MIAL during May 26-27, 2011, seen withMr. Madhav Deshpande and faculty

July - September 2011

Participants of Special Formwork for High Rise Structure held atMumbai on July 12, 2011, seen with Mr. B. Murugesan andfaculty


DET Induction Programme at Delhi. August 23-27, 2011.Participants: 23;Faculty (Int): M/s. Naresh Gupta, HarpalSingh, DevenderNayyar,KK Jha, Tara Chand Saini,AshimGupta,PiyushUpreti, Rajan Sharma.

Safety Management. at Mumbai. August 25-26, 2011.Participants: 26;Faculty (Int): M/s. HemantkumarKadu, PNagarajan,V Bhavani Shankar , Johnson David, Md.Moizudin, Dr. Andrew Shaun Dent, Dr. N J Palan.

Taxation& EIP Systems for Procurement at HQ,Chennai.August 29-30, 2011. Participants: 41;Faculty (Int): M/s.

K Veerappan, PR Subramaniyan, VV Kalyanasundaram,KPGireshkumar, Ram Prakash.

MS Project training at Ahmedabad. August 29-31, 2011.Participants: 21;Faculty (Ext): L&T Institute of ProjectManagement, Baroda.

DET Induction Programme at Delhi. August 30-September3, 2011. Participants: 26;Faculty (Int): M/s. Naresh Gupta,R Dayal, DevenderNayyar, Tara Chand Saini, Ram PratapChaudhary.

July - September 2011

Training Programme on Finishing Works

As part of B&F IC’s efforts on continual improvement onoperational excellence, a two-day training programme onfinishing works was organised at Hotel Clarke Green, Delhiduring September 22-23, 2011 for newly recruited staffs(Trainees – GAT/DAT & Lateral entry – 32 staff) of DelhiCluster. The participants for the training programme wereidentified from various projects of RB&F SBG, CB&ASBG, and Delhi Cluster.

The programme was inaugurated in the presence ofMr. A.K. Tripathy, Project Manager, M3M site, DelhiCluster. Delivering the key note address, Mr. Tripathystressed on the importance of final finishes and its qualitydeliverables. He urged the participants to share experiencesand problems being faced at site and discuss necessarycorrective action for implementation.

Mr. G. Sakthivel, faculty coordinator from FIC – RB&FSBG, HQ, steered the training programme along with theHR team from Delhi cluster. The programme modulesspecifically focused on orienting the staff on the variousfacets of finishes, planning needs for finishes, basicknowledge on methodologies, shop drawing review,protection of finishes, and coordination with related trades,interface with MEP services. This programme also addressedthe role of project based architects in supporting thefinishing execution. The perfect ambience and serenity ofthe training venue enabled the staff to devote their attentionand stay interactive throughout. In the two days of qualitytime spent on training, participants interacted on theirproject experiences, grasped useful learning’s and werehighly motivated to carry forward the gains for necessaryimplementation at projects.

The participants of the training programme on Finishing Works held at New Delhi during September 22-23, 2011 seen with faculty


Participants of Tekla Structures (Basic) Programme held at HQChennai during May 30-June 4, 2011, seen with Mr. A. MohanFernando, DGM – Talent Acquisition & Development, andfaculty

Participants of Train the Trainers Programme held at HQ Chennaiduring May 30-June 1, 2011 seen with Mr. P. Chandra Mohan,Head – Resources & Supply Chain Management, and faculty

GETs of Technical Orientation Programme (RC) held at HQ-Chennai during July 30-August 4, 2011 seen with Mr[1]. S.Rajavel and Senior Management of PT&D IC

GETs of Technical Orientation Programme (EI&C) held at HQ-Chennai during July 4-8, 2011 seen with Mr[1]. S. Rajavel andSenior Management of PT&D IC

Metallurgical & Material Handling IC


Basics of Primavera Project Management Tool Programmeduring June 6-10, 2011 at HQ-Chennai. Participants: 16.Faculty (Ext): M/s. CMCS India Pvt. Ltd.

Rigging Methods Programme during June 8-9, 2011 atAhmedabad. Participants: 20. Faculty Co-ordinator:Mr. Kausik Dutta, Kolkata Cluster.

6-Day Programme on Tekla Structures (Advanced) duringJune 16-22, 2011 at HQ-Chennai. Participants: 19. Faculty:M/s. Tekla India Pvt. Ltd.

3-Day Train The Trainers Programme during June 20-22,2011 at Kolkata. Participants: 12. Faculty: Mr. TMPrabakaran, M/s. Personal Power, Chennai.

Internal Auditors Training Programme during June 21-22,2011 at Kolkata. Participants: 15. Faculty: Mr. S Sundaram,HQ-Chennai.

Safety in Construction Industry Programme duringJune 21-22, 2011 at Hyderabad. Participants: 18. FacultyCo-ordinator: Mr. Ajendra Agarwal, Hyderabad.

CEMA EIP Training Programme on June 22, 2011 atAhmedabad. Participants: 21. Faculty Co-ordinator:Mr GK Das, Kolkata Cluster.

1-Day Programme on Ultrasonic Testing on June 24, 2011at EWL-Kanchipuram. Participants: 11. Faculty:Mr E Sivasubramani, HQ-Chennai.

CEMA EIP Training Programme during June 28-29, 2011at Chennai. Participants: 21. Faculty: Mr U Udhayakumar,Chennai Cluster.

Internal Auditors Training Programme during June 28-29,

2011 at Bhilai. Participants : 15. Faculty Co-ordinator:Mr S Sundaram, HQ-Chennai.

Slipform Technology & Formwork ManagementProgramme during June 29-30, 2011 at Rayagada, KolkataCluster. Participants: 19. Faculty: Mr SK Dubey, KolkataCluster.


Orientation Programme for DETs during July 2-5, 2011 atDelhi. Participants: 40. Faculty Co-ordinator: Mr MohdAriz Urfi, Delhi Cluster.

CampCorp Orientation Programme for GETs (First Batch)during July 4-7, 2011 at HQ-Chennai. Participants: 85.Faculty Co-ordinator: Mr A Mohan Fernando, HQ-Chennai.

Concepts of EIP Business Process ImplementationProgramme on July 18, 2011 at Kolkata. Participants: 16.Faculty: Mr Girin Kumar Das, Kolkata Cluster.

CampCorp Technical Orientation Programme for GETsduring July 18-19, 2011 at EDRC-Kolkata. Participants:45. Faculty Co-ordinator: Mr. Debashish Karmakar, EDRC-Kolkata.

CampCorp Orientation Programme for GETs (SecondBatch) during July 18-20, 2011 at HQ-Chennai.Participants: 81. Faculty Co-ordinator: Mr A MohanFernando, HQ-Chennai.

Supervisory Development Programme during July 18-23,2011 at Jamshedpur. Participants: 20. Faculty Co-ordinator:Mr Biresh Ranjan Das, Jamshedpur.

1-Day Programme on Design Principles for Wagon Loading& Unloading Systems on July 29, 2011 at Kolkata.Participants: 14. Faculty: Mr. Sanjib Goswami, EDRC-Kolkata.

Participants of Tekla Structures (Advanced) programme held atHQ Chennai during June 16-22, 2011, seen withMr. T. Venkatesh Rao, Head – EDRC (BMH BU) and faculty

MMH IC GETs of 2011 (Batch I)

July - September 2011


Participants of Estimation & Costing Programme held atAhmedabad during April 15-16, 2011 seen with Mr. S.H. Vora,Regional Manager, Ahmedabad Region, and faculty

Participants of the Orientation Progamme for New Joinees heldat Delhi during April 2-3, 2011, seen with Mr. V.C. Jha, ProjectManager (Civil), and faculty

Programme on Quality Management System & QAQCFunctions at Site held at Qatar on August 6, 2011 seen withMr[1]. Ajith Limaye & Faculty Mr. Shripad Hegde

Participants of MS Project 2007 Programme held at HQ-Chennaiduring August 24-25, 2011 seen with Mr[1]. T. Madhavadasand Faculty


Camp Corp Orientation Programme for GETs (Third Batch)during August 1-3, 2011 at HQ-Chennai. Participants: 118.Faculty Co-ordinator: Mr A Mohan Fernando, HQ-Chennai.

CampCorp Orientation Programme for PGETs & BISEngineers during August 11-12, 2011 at HQ-Chennai.Participants: 25. Faculty Co-ordinator: Mr A MohanFernando, HQ-Chennai.

Supervisory Development Programme during August 1-6,2011 at Kolkata. Participants: 29. Faculty Co-ordinator:Mr G Dasgupta, Kolkata.

4-Day Programme on ASNT RT Level II during August2-5, 2011 at Bellary. Participants: 18. Faculty:Mr E Sivasubramani, HQ-Chennai.

Young Engineers Meet during August 3-4, 2011 atBangalore. Participants: 16. Faculty Co-ordinator:Mr R Hari Babu, Chennai.

Orientation Programme for DETs during August 4-5, 2011at EDRC-Kolkata. Participants: 47. Faculty Co-ordinator:Mr Debashish Karmakar, EDRC-Kolkata.

Programme on Linux Administration Course duringAugust 16-26, 2011 at M&M SBG, Kolkata. Participants:10. Faculty (Ext): M/s. Cisconet Infotech Pvt Ltd.

Safety in Construction Industry Programme duringAugust 17-18, 2011 at Hyderabad. Participants: 19. FacultyCo-ordinator: Mr. Ajendra Agarwal, Hyderabad.

Programme on Impact Through Planning Excellence duringAugust 19-22, 2011 at Delhi. Participants: 26. FacultyCo-ordinator: Mr Mohd Ariz Urif, Delhi.

Safety in Construction Industry Programme duringAugust 19-20, 2011 at Kolkata. Participants: 15. FacultyCo-ordinator: Mr. Indranil Chakraborty, Kolkata.

Orientation Programme for DETs during August 25-27,2011 at Kolkata. Participants: 40. Faculty Co-ordinator:Mr. G. Dasgupta, Kolkata.

Internal Auditors Training Programme during August25-26, 2011 at EDRC-Kolkata. Participants: 24. Faculty:Mr S Sundaram, HQ-Chennai.

Programme on Impact Through Planning Excellence duringAugust 30-September 1, 2011 at Kolkata. Participants: 29.Faculty Co-ordinator: Mr. A. Mohan Fernando, HQ-Chennai.

Safety in Construction Industry Programme on August30-31, 2011 at Delhi. Participants: 40. FacultyCo-ordinator: Mr. Dharmendra Chudasama, Delhi.

Power Transmission & Distribution IC


Finance for Non-Finance Executives Programme at Sharjahon June 4; Participants: 20; Faculty (Int.): Mr. RanjanSengupta.

EHS Capacity Building Training Programme at Delhiduring June 20-25; Participants: 20 Faculty (Int.):M/s. Kumar Shailendra, Krishna Kumar, Aloke Chatterjee,

Alok Kumar, Parwez Ahamad, Alok Kumar, Rajkumar SinghKushwaha, Soundarraj GR, Sunil Kumar Sharma, KunalBanerjee, S. Ganesan, Quasir Imam MD, Johnson David J(Ext):Dr. Pallavi.

DET Orientation Programme at Mumbai during June21-22; Participants: 26 Faculty (Int): M/s. Chaphekar VijayVasant, Ramesh Mohan M, Shriram Oka, Ravindra Nath,Johnson David J, Aejaz Anwar Mogal, Srinivasan V (Ext):Dr. Aruna Tijare.

MMH IC GETs of 2011 (Batch II) MMH IC GETs of 2011 (Batch III)

July - September 2011

56 July - September 2011

GETs of Technical Orientation Programme (TL & Gulf) heldat HQ-Chennai during July 18-23, 2011 seen withMr. S. Rajavel, Mr. S. Ganguly and Senior Management ofPT&D IC

GETs of Technical Orientation Programme (EI&C) held atHQ-Chennai during July 4-8, 2011 seen with Mr. S. Rajavel,Mr. S. Ganguly and Senior Management of PT&D IC

Construction Management – TL Programme at CSTIPilkhuwa during June 27-28; Participants: 14 Faculty (Int):M/s Anud Koul, Bhaskar Saratahy.


Workmanship Practices in Civil Engineering at Delhi onJuly 2; Participants: 16 Faculty (Int.): Mr. T. Seeta RamaBangarraju.

Technical Orientation Programme (EI&C) at HQ duringJuly 4 - 8; Participants: 50; Faculty(Int): M/s. C.S.Seshadri, P. Sridharan, K.K. Jembu Kailas, G. Chandra-shekar Reddy, D. Asokan, Vungarala Sreenivasulu, Jana-kiram, Arvind Kumar Srivastava, Rajeev Kumar Jaiswal,Muthukumaraswamy N, Kota Hari Narayana, T. SeetaRama Bangarraju, Ranjan Kumar Sahoo, K. Viswanathan.

Quality Management Systems Programme at Kolkata duringJuly 7-8; Participants: 22; Faculty (Int.): Mr. VungaralaSreenivasulu.

Refresher Course in Electrical Engineering Concepts atVizag on July 15; Participants : 18 Faculty (Int.): M/s.Jembu Kailas KK, Arthanari S, Raju M.

Supervisory Development Programme at Dubai during July16-21; Participants : 20 Faculty (Int): M/s. Bharathi KumarS, Shripad Hegde, Suresh S , Ranjan Sengupta, KaliappanPV, Rajgopal S, (Ext): M/s. S.P. Jain Centre of Management,Dubai.

Safety in APDRP Projects at Kolkata during July 18 - 19;Participants: 18; Faculty (Int.): M/s. Kumar Shailendra,Kunal Banerjee, Sandip Kumar Bhattacharya, SubrataMandal, Aloke Chatterjee.

Technical Orientation Programme (TL & Gulf) at HQduring July 18 - 23; Participants: 43 Faculty (Int): M/s. E.Suresh, Shaji John, Kailash Chandra Pandey, C. SureshBabu Reddy, S. Manikandan, Sekar Balasubramanian,K.Natarajan, Rajan Bansal, Ravi Kiran Megham, SelvamA, Satish Kumar Ponnada V, Janakiraman, V. Surendiranath,Ramakrishnan GK, Ranjan Kumar Sahoo, SrinivasanNagarajan.

Safety in Construction Industry at Muscat on July 19;Participants: 24 Faculty (Int): M/s. H. D. Jagam, B. Patra,V. Srinivas, V. Sridharan, K. Jaikishan.

Internal Auditor Training Programme at MIAL during July21-22; Participants: 27 Faculty (Int): Mr. VungaralaSreenivasulu.

GETs of Technical Orientation Programme (RC) held atHQ-Chennai during July 30-August 4, 2011 seen withMr. S. Rajavel, Mr. S. Ganguly and Senior Management ofPT&D IC

Programme on Quality Management System & QAQC Functionsat Site held at Qatar on August 6, 2011 seen with Mr. AjithLimaye and faculty Mr. Shripad Hegde

57July - September 2011

Participants of MS Project 2007 Programme held at HQ-Chennaiduring August 24-25, 2011 seen with Mr. T. Madhavadas andfaculty

Participants of Supervisory Development Programme held atDubai during July 16-21, 2011 seen with Mr. V.A.K. Shenoi,Mr. Rakesh Rajoria and faculty

Safety in Transmission Lines Programme at Bilaspur duringJuly 26-27; Participants: 24. Faculty (Int): Mr. SoundarrajGR.

Internal Auditor Training Programme at Pithampurduring July 28-29; Participants: 11 Faculty (Int):Mr. Surendiranath V

Technical Orientation Programme (RC) at HQ duringJuly 30-August 4; Participants: 32 Faculty (Int): M/s.Sundar Vadivelu, J Prakash, Shaji John, Indira Mohan,Jayanth Tejasvy, K. Sathish Varma, T. Seeta RamaBangarraju, B Manikandan, K. Venkatasubbu, KumarShailendra, V. Surendranath, Akula S Phanendra Kumar,Muralidaran S, Ranjan Kumar Sahoo, R. Ravi Kumar.


Safety Leadership Programme at Sharjah on August 6;Participants: 25 Faculty (Int.): Mr. Kaliappan PV.

Quality Management System (QMS) & QA/QC Functionsat Site at Qatar on August 6; Participants: 20 Faculty (Int.):Mr. Shripad Hegde.

Safety In Substation Programme at Akola during August

9-10; Participants: 17 Faculty (Int.): M/s. Johnson DavidJ, Kumar Shailendra, Asai Anandrao Patiram.

EIP For Working Managers Programme at Kolkata duringAugust 9-10; Participants: 30 Faculty (Int.): M/s. RanjanKumar Sahoo, Srinivasan A, Dibyendu Bose.

Design Concept & Detailing of Transmission Line at HQ– Chennai on August 19; Participants: 10 Faculty (Int.):M/s. Suresh Babu Reddy C, Sowmya Krishnan P,Sreeramulu B, Sekar P, Anjali N, Rajiv Ranjan

DET Orientation Programme at Delhi during August16-19; Participants: 27 Faculty (Int): M/s. Anud Koul,Pradeep Joshi, A. K. Rajput, Sachindra Prakash Pandey,Manish Singhal, Krishna Kumar, Ashish Mohan Goyal.

Quality Management Systems Programme at Hyderabadduring August 22-23; Participants: 19 Faculty (Int):Mr. Vungarala Sreenivasulu.

MS Project 2007 at HQ - Chennai during August 24-25;Participants: 15 Faculty (Ext): M/s. International Instituteof Project Management, Chennai.

Concept of Transmission Line Construction Programme atDelhi during August 25-26; Participants : 13 Faculty (Int):M/s. Anud Koul, Venkatachalam A R, Chekuri Vidyadhar

Orientation Programme for GETs Identified for PT&D IC (Gulf)

An Orientation Programme for GETs identified forPT&D IC (Gulf) was held at L&T’s Centre for Trainingon Engineering Applications at Mysore, during August1-27, 2011. It was a first of its kind Orientation initiativeheld in L&T Construction.

Mr. S. Ganguly chaired the programme and reviewed thepresentations made by GETs. He complimented the GETsand said that the presentations were business-professionaltype and advised them to be thorough with the facts andfigures. The hands-on session on MS Project andPrimavera was extremely beneficial. Participants of the Orientation Programme for GETs, PT&D

IC (Gulf), seen with Mr. S. Ganguly and Mr. Manjunath


Infrastructure IC


Outbound Training Programme (Team Building based onBelbin’s Team Roles) at Mumbai-Lavasa. Participants: 13;Faculty (Ext): Faculty from Pre Pearl Consultants andXthrill.

Programme on Erection Techniques on June 09, 2011 atChennai - HQ. Participants: 18; Faculty (Int): M/s. Sunil& Subramanyam Itta.

Programme on Planning & Costing on June 24, 2011 atChennai - HQ. Participants: 16; Faculty (Int): M/s. SumirDhar and P. Lakshman.

Programme on Construction of Bridges & Culverts onJune 29, 2011 at KWRP Site. Participants: 14; Faculty(Int): Mr. S. Maharana


Programme on Dam Construction during July 4-5, 2011at Srinagar. Participants: 27; Faculty (Ext): Mr. V.C. Shelke,Mr. Jitendra Choubey, Dr. H.R. Sharma and Dr. Varshney.

GET Orientation – (Batch -1) during July 4-7, 2011 atChennai - HQ. Participants: 42; Faculty (Int): M/s. P.Vijay, Manish Kumar, K. Eswara Rao, N. Radha Krishnan,C. Niranjana, M.A. Ashok, R. Anand, V. Ravi Chandran,Afzal Hossain Khan; Faculty (Ext): Ms. PreethamChandravarkar and Dr.Purnima Rao from M/s. PerformSolutions.

GET Orientation – (Batch -2) during July 18 - 21, 2011at Chennai - HQ. Participants: 54; Faculty (Int): M/s. P.Vijay, A.S.V. Ramana Murthy, S. Devi Prasad, N.

RadhaKrishnan, Sukumar Kundu, M.A. Ashok, R. Anand,V. Ravi Chandran; Faculty (Ext): Ms. PreethamChandravarkar and Dr. Purnima Rao from M/s. PerformSolutions.

GET Orientation – (Batch -3) during July 30-August 3,2011 at Chennai - HQ. Participants: 46; Faculty (Int):M/s. P. Vijay, Manish Kumar, S. Devi Prasad, N. RadhaKrishnan, C. Niranjana, M.A. Ashok, V.S. Raju, V. RaviChandran. Faculty (Ext): Ms. Preetham Chandravarkar andDr. Purnima Rao from M/s. Perform Solutions.

Supervisory Development Programme during July 11-16,2011 at Ahmedabad. Participants: 28; Faculty (Int.): M/s.M. Ramesh, R.L. Joshi, Vinayak Kore, P. Krishnan, N.K.Palai, Tapas Basu, J.S. Prasad, D. Dhaval, P.G. ArvindGhosh, Sudhir Kumar, B. Pradeep, Biren Modi & P. Prasad;Faculty (Ext.): Mr. T.M. Prabhakaran.

Workshop on Building Business Managers at IndianInstitute of Management – Ahmedabad during July 17-20,2011; Participants: 13; Faculty (Ext): Faculty from IIM-A.

Programme on Construction of GSB & WMM on July 26,2011 at AB – SGRP Site. Participants: 11; Faculty (Int):M/s. Mathew and Balasubramanium.

Programme on Construction of Bridges & Culverts onJuly 26, 2011 at AB – SGRP. Participants: 11; Faculty(Int): M/s. Niloy Mukherjee and Naresh Doure.

Programme on Safety in Construction during July 28-29,2011 at AB - SGRP. Participants: 20; Faculty (Int): M/s.Niloy Mukherjee, M.K. Pradhan, S.K. Muduli, P.K. Behra,Chandrasekhar Rao, J.S. Prasad and S.C.C. Pattnaik

Programme on Construction of GSB & WMM on July 29,2011 at KWRP Site. Participants: 16; Faculty (Int): M/s.K. Raj Kumar and K. Karthikeyan.

GETs of Technical Orientation Programme (EI&C) held at HQ-Chennai during July 4-8, 2011 seen with Mr[1]. S. Rajavel andSenior Management of PT&D IC

Participants of Programme on Planning & Costing held atMB-Monorail site seen with faculty

Participants of Programme on Project Management held atHQ-Chennai seen with faculty

July - September 2011



Programme on EIP during August 9-10, 2011 atHyderabad. Participants: 17; Faculty (Int): M/s. V.V.Sivaprakas, S. Asokan and Abhijit Majumder.

Programme on Project Management during August 22-23,2011 at Chennai - HQ. Participants: 24; Faculty (Ext):Prof. G.D. Apte. from M/s Symbiosis Institute of BusinessManagement.

Supervisory Development Programme during August 29-September 3, 2011 at Faridabad. Participants: 26; Faculty(Int.): Mr. Palwinder Singh, Mr. Rakesh Arora, Mr. SourabhArora, Mr. Gayendra Dixit, Mr. Kumud Kumar Jha, Mr. P.Sailesh Gupta, Mr. S.S. Bhaumik and Mr. Ajay Jain andFaculty (Ext.): Mr. K.N. Jha, Mr. Sampat Naidu and Mr.Amit Mathur.

GETs of Technical Orientation Programme (RC) held at HQ-Chennai during July 30-August 4, 2011 seen with Mr[1]. S.Rajavel and Senior Management of PT&D IC

GETs of Technical Orientation Programme (EI&C) held at HQ-Chennai during July 4-8, 2011 seen with Mr[1]. S. Rajavel andSenior Management of PT&D IC

Programme on OJT on Tunneling Equipments duringAugust 31-September 1, 2011 at Subansiri Project Site.Participants: 15; Faculty (Ext): Faculty from M/s SandvikAsia Ltd and M/s. SchwingStetter India Pvt. Ltd.

Programme on Planning & Costing on August 22, 2011 atMonorail Site. Participants: 14; Faculty (Int): M/s. S.R.M.Tiruvuri Srinivas and Suhas Yashavant Patil.

PGET’s, NICMAR & BIS Orientation on August 3, 2011at Chennai - HQ. Participants: 46; Faculty (Int): M/s. P.Vijay, Manish Kumar, S. Devi Prasad, N. Radha Krishnan,C. Niranjana, M.A. Ashok, V.S. Raju, V. Ravi Chandran.Faculty (Ext): Ms. Preetham Chandravarkar and Dr.Purnima Rao from M/s. Perform Solutions.

Divisional Corporate


Effective Presentation Skills at Kolkatta during June 3-4;Participants: 16; Faculty: Ms. Neelakshi Sidhanta M/s CellsManagement and Consultancy Pte. Ltd.

Problem Solving and Decision Making at HQ Chennaiduring June 13-14; Participants: 26; Faculty: Mr. MaheshBhagwandas M/s Cells Management and Consultancy Pte.Ltd.

Behavioral Interviewing Skills at Delhi on June 17;Participants: 16; Faculty: Ms. Tanya Makhija M/s CellsManagement and Consultancy Pte. Ltd.

Participants of the Effective Communication Skills program heldat HQ Chennai during August 25-26, seen with the facultyMr. Arun Kumar Davey, M/s Cells Management andConsultancy

Participants of the programme on Erection Techniques held atHQ Chennai seen with faculty

Participants of Supervisory Development Programme held atAhmedabad seen with faculty M/s. S.H. Vora and M. Ramesh

July - September 2011

60 July - September 2011

Participants of the Emotional Intelligence program held at HQChennai on August 24, seen with the faculty Mr. J. Ravindran,M/s Cells Management and Consultancy

Participants of the Lifestyle Modification and Stress Managementprogram held at HQ Chennai during June 23-24, seen with thefaculty Mr. Vinod Kumar, M/s Cells Management andConsultancy

Customer Service at HQ Chennai on June 21; Participants:26; Faculty (Int): Dr. S. K. Verma

Leadership and Motivation at Delhi during June 23-24;Participants: 11; Faculty (Int): Dr. S. K. Verma M/s CellsManagement and Consultancy Pte. Ltd.

Lifestyle Modification and Stress Management at HQChennai during June 23-24; Participants: 23; Faculty: Mr.Vinod Kumar M/s Cells Management and Consultancy Pte.Ltd.


Installation of Bored Cast-in-situ Piles – Rocket Socketingand Polymer Usage at Chennai during July 1-2; Participants:25; Faculties (Int): Mr. JJ Asirvatham, Mr. P Thavasi, Mr.J Jeyson Samuel, Mr. P Suresh Kumar, Mr. G BoobathyVishwanath, Mr. S H Shetty, Mr. R Ravikumar, Mr. K VVinod


Plant & Machinery – Orientation Program at Panvel duringAugust 4-5; Participants – 28;

Emotional Intelligence at HQ Chennai on August 24;Participants: 31; Faculty: Mr. J. Ravindran M/s CellsManagement and Consultancy Pte. Ltd.

Effective Communication Skills at HQ Chennai duringAugust 25 – 26; Participants: 40; Faculty: Mr. Arun KumarDavay M/s Cells Management and Consultancy Pte. Ltd.

Team Building at HQ Chennai on August 28; Participants:28; Faculty: Mr. M. Kaushik M/s Cells Management andConsultancy Pte. Ltd.

Plant & Machinery – Orientation Programme

The P&M Orientation programme was conducted atPanvel Training Center during August 4-5, 2011. Thisprogramme was residential in nature and was conductedby the in-house faculties.

Mr. Matta Ramesh Mohan – Regional Manager, MBROwelcomed all and formally inaugurated the programme.Mr. N. Srinivasan – GM & Head – Plant & Machinerydelivered the key note address.

The key objective of the programme was to give aninduction to the new joiners and young executives of theP&M, on the principles of equipment management whichare being practiced in L&T Construction. Thisprogramme intended to stress the need for understandingthe various systems and procedures for a seamlessoperation of Plant & Machinery.

This programme was organized by P&M – Divisionalcorporate and 28 participants across the IC’s attendedthe programme.

Participants of the P&M Orientation program held at PanvelTraining Center during August 4-5, seen with the DepartmentHead Mr. N. Srinivasan and Mr. Matta Ramesh Mohan –Regional Manager, MBRO

Faculties included: Mr. T.S.Thiruvenghadam, Mr. P.Jagannathan, Mr. E. Maran, Mr. R. Rajesh and Mr. G.Chandrasekhar

61July - September 2011

Two Executive DevelopmentProgrammes were conducted inassociation with Symbiosis Instituteof Business Management (SIBM),Pune during the months of June andAugust 2011 at MDC Lonavla,Mumbai. Totally 35 staff participatedin the above EDPs.

The faculties include: External M/sSIBM – Dr. Vivek Sane, Prof.Altekar, Prof. Anil Agashe, Prof.Kalidas, Prof. Aparna Prabhudesai,Prof. G.D. Apte, Prof. ShekharBonagiri, Prof. Rajesh Panda, Prof.Vaishali Apte, Prof. Utkarsh Jain;

Executive Development Programmes

Participants of the 8th batch of the Executive Development Programme

Participants of the 9th batch of the Executive Development Programme

Internal Faculties: Mr. RameshAravamudhan, Mr. Matta RameshMohan, Mr. G.Balasubramanian,Mr. Shridhar K, Mr. Srinivasan T, Mr.Hemant Tukaram Kadu, Mr. OmkarDattatraya Joshi, Mr. D. Subbiah,Mr. R.N. Tripathy, Mr. KG Venkat-raman, Mr. SK Rajendran, Mr. TSThiruvengadam, Mr. PR Subramaniyan,Mr. Sridhar Ramakrishnan, Mr. M.Jitaraja, Dr. SK Verma, Mr. SharadSinha, Mr. Praveen Kailaje, Mr. VijayVasant Chapekar.



GET Orientation Programme was organized at HQ Chennaiduring July 15-16, 2011. The programme was conductedfor 105 participants from all over India and it wasinaugurated by Mr. K. Venkataramanan – Member of theBoard & President (Operations), Mr. Yogi Sriram –Executive Vice President, HR & Administrative Services,Mr. M.R. Shanker – Executive Vice President –HCP(Domestic) and the senior officials of HCP & TPPC.

A detailed and more focused orientation schedule for 125GETs has been drawn up for a smoother transition fromtheir academic career to professional life. This new programhas been conducted as a 2-week residential training at Centrefor Technology and Engineering Applications (C-TEA),Mysore from August 1-18, 2011. Mr. Ravi Uppal – Whole-time Director & President (Power) participated in the

programme and addressed the GETs.

Training Programme on Interviewing Skills at Delhi, June12-13, 2011. Participants: 13; Faculty (Ext):Mr. KVR Murthy.

Training Programme on Leading Safety Efforts at GNFC,Bharuch site – Baroda on June 22, 2011. Participants: 37;Faculty (Int): Mr. K.N. Sen and Mr. P.K. Singh.

eALPS+ Piping Training Programme at Baroda during June29-July 1, 2011. Participants: 13; Faculty (Int):Mr. Sunil Satyam.


Training Programme on Team Building & Leadership heldat Bhatinda site, Delhi during July 21-22, 2011.Participants: 19; Faculty (Ext): Mr. V. Ravi.

62 July - September 2011

GETs of Technical Orientation Programme (RC) held at HQ-Chennai during July 30-August 4, 2011 seen with Mr[1]. S.Rajavel and Senior Management of PT&D IC

GETs of Technical Orientation Programme (EI&C) held at HQ-Chennai during July 4-8, 2011 seen with Mr[1]. S. Rajavel andSenior Management of PT&D IC

Participants of Training Programme on Team Building &Leadership held at Bhatinda site, Delhi during July 21-22, 2011seen with faculty

The Participants of ‘Leading Safety Efforts’ programme alongwith Mr. A. Radharaman, Vice President & Head – HCP (ProcessPlant Construction), Mr. B. Puhazhendi, General Manager –HCP (Process Plants), Mr. C. Chokkalingam, General Manager– HCP (Pipelines), Mr. K.N. Sen, Head – HSE (HCP/TPPC)

Training Programme on Excellence in MaterialsManagement during July 29-30, 2011. Participants: 36;Faculty (Int): Mr. P. Vellaipandi.


Training Programme on Safety in Rigging held at PanvelTraining Centre, Mumbai during August 11-12, 2011.Participants: 24; Faculty (Int): Mr. R. Jeyachandran,Mr. P.K. Singh and Mr. R. Bharadwaj.

Training Programme on Construction Techniques in Civilat Panvel Training Centre, Mumbai during August 23-24,2011. Participants: 26; Faculty (Int): Mr. Amit Biswas,Mr. D. Suresh Babu, Mr. M. Saravanan, Mr. E.K.Marappan.

Training Programme for Stores Personnel at Kolkata onAugust 23, 2011. Participants: 10; Faculty (Int): Mr. AshisGanguly.

Training Programme on Tower Cranes, Gantry Cranesand Welding Machines at Delhi during August 24-26, 2011.Participants: 28; Faculty (Ext): Mr. Vikas Chugh.

ISO 9001 – Internal Auditors programme at HQ, Chennaiduring August 25-26, 2011. Participants: 30; Faculty (Int):Mr. J. Joseph Amalraj.

Training Programme on Leading Safety Efforts at Kolkataon August 29, 2011. Participants: 22; Faculty (Int): Mr.K.N. Sen and Mr. P. K. Singh.

Training Programme on IS Code: 1893 at HQ, Chennaion August 31, 2011. Participants: 39; Faculty (Ext):Dr. A.R. Santhakumar.

Participants of the GET Orientation Programme held during July 15-16 and August 1-8, 2011 at HQ, Chennai and Mysore seenwith Senior Executives


S. SurendiranS/o. R. Sivalingam,Asst. Manager (Accounts),Ariyalur-Valadi RailwayConstruction Site.Student: Sri VidyalakshmiMHSS, Vellore Dist.92.2% Aim: IAS/IPS

Apurva HajareD/o. Praveen Hajare, ChiefProject Manager, MMHIC, Balco, Korba Job site.Student: Timpany School,Visakhapatnam. 92.14%Aim: Doctor

G. Dinesh KumarS/o. B. Gopalakrishnan,Construction Manager,OMPL-SEZ Project Site,Permude Village, Manga-lore. Student: VelankanniMHSS, Chennai. 92.2%Aim: Chartered Accountant

Prithiviraj SirankumarS/o. R. Prithiviraj,Foreman, ENGP VallurThermal Power Project.Student: Velammal MHSS,Chennai. 92.6%Aim: Doctor

C. Preethi VeronicaD/o. T. Charles, Construc-tion Manager, B&F-I&CB/TCS PH2, SIPCOT,Siruseri, Chennai. Student:St. Dominics AIHSS, St.Thomas Mount, Chennai.93.2% Aim: Software Engi-neer

Rini JoseD/o. T. Kumaresan,Cluster Head, MMH IC,Jamshedpur. Student:Loreto House, Kolkata.93% Aim: Engineer

M. RohiniD/o. C. Mareeswaran, Con-struction Manager, B&FIC, RBU Elite Housing,Mumbai. Student: St. JosephMatric Hr. Sec. School,Madurai. 95% Aim: Aero-nautical Engineer

Debashree SahaD/o. Pranab Saha, DeputyGeneral Manager, MMH-IC, Bhilai Site. Student: St.Xavier’s School, Bokara SteelCity. 96.6% Aim: Doctor

V.A. Raguram KannanS/o. V. Anbu, Asst.Manager-EngineeringCivil, EDRC-BIM Team,CBA B&F IC. Student:St. Ann’s Mat. Hr. Sec.School, Chennai. 95.2%Aim: Doctor

Class XNon-CBSE

M. VaishnaviD/o. M.A. Muthukumaran,Project Manager, HCILSite, Jhansi. Student: Im-maculate Heart of MaryMHSS, Coimbatore. 94%Aim: Cardiologist

F Agnel VishalS/o. C.M. Frederick, Con-struction Manager, KKNPPSite, Kudankulam. Student:Saint Thomas HSS,Tuticorin. 93.8% Aim:Computer Engineer

B. PriyadharsiniD/o. S. Balasubramaniam,Senior Technical Supervisor(Formwork), MIOT Hospi-tal, Chennai. Student:Montfort MHSS, Ariyalur.93.6% Aim: Doctor

J. SharmilaD/o. M. Janarthanam,General Foreman, CTSSiruseri. Student: St.Mary’s MGHSS. 93.6%

N. PavithraD/o. R. Narayanaswamy,Manager, Formwork Unit,Karasur, Pondicherry. Stu-dent: St. Patrick MHSS,Pondicherry. 93.4% Aim:Design Engineering/Archi-tecture

M. ShruthiD/o. V. Mahadevan,Deputy General Manager,Punatsangchhu HydelProject, Bhutan. Student:Assisi MHSS, Chennai.93.2% Aim: Doctor

R. SivagamiD/o. P. Rajendran, Asst.Foreman (P&M), EWL,Kanchipuram. Student:S.S.K.V. MHSS. 93.2%Aim: Engineer

Moparthi Ajay KumarS/o. M. Amarendra, Asst.Accounts Officer, HYRO.Student: Sasi EducationalInstitutes, Velivennu,Tanuku. 93.3% Aim: CivilEngineer

July - September 2011

64July - September 2011

64July - September 2011

Mahasweta DasD/o. Dipankar Das, Con-struction Manager, TPPC/JNSTPP Site, Nigrie,KKRO, Madhya Pradesh.Student: Central ModernSchool, Baranagar, Kolkata.92% Aim: Doctor

Ankita ChoudhuryD/o. Chitrasen Choudhury,Asst. Construction Man-ager, QA/QC-Civil, BSL,Angul, Odisha. Student:Saraswati Vidya Mandir,Nalco Nagar, Angul.91.33% Aim: IAS

Shri Aurojyoti SinhaS/o. Asish Kumar Sinha,Cluster Plant Manager,Jamshedpur. Student:D.B.M.S. English School,Kadma, Jamshedpur. 90.8%Aim: Engineer

A. AbinayaD/o. R. Anbazhagan, Asst.Manager - IR, KKNPP,Kudankulam. Student:Swami Vivekananda HSS,Nallelundur, Karaikal.90.6% Aim: IAS

Prachi Prakash KhekareD/o. Prakash ShamraoKhekare, Exe. Stores,Orchid Crown Project(B&F), Mumbai. Student:Changu Kana ThakurVidyalaya, New Panvel.90% Aim: MBBS

R. LohithaD/o. C. Ramasamy, Execu-tive-Stores, Sawalakot HEP.,Ramban, J&K. Student:AKNU S. Sundar MHSS,Madurai. 90% Aim: Soft-ware Engineer

V.N. BalasubramanianS/o. V.K. Natarajan, ProjectManager, EDEN Park -South City Project, Siruseri,Chennai. Student: Velam-mal MHSS, Chennai. 90%Aim: Doctor

K. SumanS/o. K. Kunjummechan,Senior Technical Supervisor,E&I, NPCIL Koodankulam.Student: M.G.D.HS for BoysKundara, Kollam. 89.4%Aim: Computer Enginner

G. SravanS/o. G. Sumanth, ProjectManager, B&F, CBA,Technopark PH III Project,Trivandrum. Student:Ratnam High School,Tirupati. 89.17%

K. JagadeshS/o. N. Karuna Murthy,General Foreman, Civil,Swwaha Iceland Bridge,Abudhabi. Student: St.Johns MatriculationSchool, Chennai. 89.4%Aim: Engineer

J. Shyam KrishnaS/o. T. Jeyachandren, ProjectManager (Systems), ISD,HQ Chennai. Student:Swamy’s MHSS, Chennai.88.4% Aim: AeronauticalEngineer

Mansha PrasadD/o. V. Siva Prasad,Sr. Tech Officer (P&M),Bhusan Steel Ltd., Angul.Student: Trinity Lyceum,Kollam. 89% Aim: Doctor

Prabhat DuttS/o. Vishwakarma B Dutt,Manager-EHS, MMH IC,TSL Project, Jamshedpur.Student: DBMS EnglishSchool, Kadma, Jamshedpur.88.4% Aim: Engineer

A. AishwaryaD/o. V. Ashokkumar, SeniorForeman (P&M) Electrical,Aermid Health Care Hospi-tal Project, Navi Mumbai.Student: Infant Jesus MHSS,Kancheepuram. 87% Aim:Doctor

M. Sai Krishna ChaitanyaS/o. M. Pardhasarathy,Manager (Civil), Hydera-bad Metro Rail Project,Hyderabad. Student: VignanVidyalayam, Nizampet,Hyderabad. 90.83% Aim:Automobile Engineer

V. BalajiS/o. S. Varadharajan,Project Manager, B&F IC-CBA/Renigunta ProjectSite. Student: DRBCCCHindu HSS, Tiruvallur.85.60%

M. ChockalingamS/o. K. Muthuramalingam,TA/CA, Store/OrchardResidency, Ghatkopar (W),Mumbai. Student: GovtHSS, Vallioor. 84.4%Aim: Mechanical Engineer.

Paulomy Das Roy,D/o. Debasish Das Roy,Const. Manager, MIALProject, Mumbai. Student:South Point High School,Kolkata. 85%Aim: Medical Profession

B. KarthikeyanS/o. M. Baalathandayu-tham, Manager (PublicHealth), MEP-MIAL,Mumbai. Student: BalalokMHSS, Virugambakkam,Chennai. 86.8% Aim: Soft-ware Engineer

T. ShyamalaD/o. A. Thangavel, Accts./Admn. Manager, RJVRPSite, Jamnagar, Gujarat.Student: Monfort MHSS,Chennai. 86.2% Aim:IAS

Satishkumar L. Vanjara,S/o. Laxmansinh H.Vanjara, TA/CA, Civil/Runwal Town Centre,Mumbai. Student: Govt.HSS, Anand. 86.2%

July - September 201165

July - September 201165

Oishwarya SarkarD/o. Manish Sarkar, Ch.Engg. Manager, MMHIC/BMH-EDRC, HQ.Student: KendriyaVidyalaya, Chennai.CGPA 10 Aim: Animator

Jyoti SharmaD/o. Rama Kant Sharma,Const. Manager, B&F, Won-der Cement Project, Rajas-than. Student: VenkateshwarInternational School, NewDelhi. CGPA 10 Aim: IAS

S. ShanmugakarthigaD/o. K. Shanmuganathan,Manager (Accounts), InfraIC-HQ, Chennai. Student:Sri Jeyendra Swamigal Sil-ver Jubilee MHSS, Tirunel-veli. 84.2%

Srijeeta DeyD/o. S.K. Dey, ProjectManager, MMH IC,NTPC-Farakka. Student:St. Michael’s School,Durgapur. 83.2%Aim: IAS

Soumita DeD/o. Prasanta Kumar De,Technical Officer, EDRC-M&M-SBG, MMH-IC,Kolkata. Student: GospelHome School, Rishra. 81.6%Aim: Computer Engineer

Akshita SinghD/o. Pradeep Kumar, J-CA(Accts. Supervisor), PT&D/NTPC Dadri. Student:Swami Vivekanand BalikaInter College (Marihu),Jaunpur. 80% Aim: Engi-neer

Keerti M. HedgeD/o. Madhukeshwara S.Hegde, Asst. Accts. Man-ager, PT&D DomesticBLRO. Student: EmbassyPublic School, Bangalore.83% Aim: Doctor

Arkdeep ChakrabortyS/o. Debabrata Chakraborty,Project Manager, L&TKnowledge City and EAOCProject, Baroda. Student:Kendriya Vidyalaya,Baroda. CGPA 10 Aim: As-trophysicist

Dipanjana BasuD/o. Rina Basu, PrincipalArchitect, EDRC I FLHQ, Chennai. Student:Chinmaya Vidyalaya,Annanagar, Chennai.CGPA 10 Aim: Designer

S. Prasanna VenkateshS/o. K. Srinivasan, ManagerTransmission Line TowerTesting Station, Kanchee-puram. Student: SwamiVivekananda MHSS. 84.2%Aim: Chartered Accountant

M. ThangarajS/o. P. Murugesan, JR.Chargehand (P&M), Raj-kot-Jamnagar Vadinar RoadProject, Rajkot. Student:Swathanthra HSS, Coim-batore. 83.6% Aim: Mech-nical Engineer

R AbiramiD/o. I. Rathinaraj, Fore-man, Karchem Wanhto TLProject, Solan, H.P. Student:Subbiah Vidyalayam HSS,Tuticorin. 81% Aim: Com-puter Software Engineer

S. Harshavardhana ReddyS/o. S. Himavantha Reddy,Manager (Civil), HosurKrishnagiri Road Project,Hosur. Student: VagdeviVilas School, Bangalore.CGPA 10 Aim: ComputerSoftware Engineer

J. RekhaD/o. P Jayaprakash,DGM-Accounts, Div.Corporate Accounts, HQ.Student: KendiryaVidyalaya, Chennai.CGPA 10 Aim: Economist

Aniket MishraS/o. Brijesh Kumar Mishra,Asst. Industrial RelationOfficer, Admin. LDA Hous-ing Project, Lucknow. Stu-dent: Lucknow Public School,Lucknow. CGPA 10 Aim:Doctor

Dasara Satya RajaS/o. D.V.V.S.K. Chowdary,Head-Civil, Systems,LTMRHL, Hyderabad.Student: Delhi PublicSchool, Hyderabad.CGPA 10

Kashyap Sundara RajanS/o. N. Sundara Rajan,Asst. Manager, Admin.,CSTI-Kanchi, Chennai.Student: DAV Public School,Hyderabad. CGPA 10 Aim:Research in Physics

R. PrasannaS/o. K.R. Ramasamy,Asst. Manager-Stores,CMWSSB-Neyveli.Student: Vel’s Vidyashram,Chennai. CGPA 10 Aim:Engineer/Scientist

Sanjana JayakumarD/o. R Jayakumar, Sr.DGM, Insurance Head,HQ Chennai. Student:Arsha Vidya Mandir,Velachery, Chennai. CGPA10 Aim: ‘NUS’ Singapore

Class XCBSE/Grade

Akanksha MukherjeeD/o. Amit Kumar Mukher-jee, Deputy General Man-ager, Minerals & Metals,Kolkata. Student: MahadeviBirla Girls’ HSS, Kolkata.CGPA 10 Aim: Engineer

66July - September 2011

G.S. HarshithaD/o. G.C. Sangameswarap-pa, DGM, Civil, BIAL-TIExpansion Project, Banga-lore. Student: JSS PublicSchool, J.P. Nagar, Mysore.CGPA 9.8 Aim: Research inScience

T. KumareshS/o. K.T.M. Pillai, Asst.Manager, D.B. Power JobSite, Raigarh. Student:M.G.M. Senior SecondarySchool, Bhilai. CGPA 9.8.Aim: Doctor

Ankit AroraS/o. Nitesh Arora, ProjectManager, 400-kV, KWTL-HP, Solan. Student:Gurukul InternationalSchool, Solan. CGPA 9.6Aim: Computer Engineer

S.P. HarshadaD/o. C.S. Pitchai Pillai,SBU Head Pipeline Cluster-2, Alkhobar-Saudi Arabia.Student: SBOA MHSS,Chennai. CGPA 9.8 Aim:Medicine/Research

Adithya AnilkumarS/o. S. Anilkumar, RegionalOperations Head, TPPC-SRO, Chennai. Student:Lalaji Memorial OmegaInternational School,Chennai. CGPA 9.6 Aim:Mechanical Engineer

Gopal SharmaS/o. Ram Binod Sharma,TS/CS, Dwarka WaterSupply Scheme, Delhi.Student: Govt. Boys SSS,Pooth Khurd, Delhi.CGPA 9.6 Aim: Engineer

S. PriyankaD/o. V. Surendiranath,Manager-Quality System,QMS-PT&D, HQ,Chennai. Student: PonVidyashram, Chennai.CGPA 9.8 Aim: IIT

Hardik JainS/o. Ajay Jain, JGM, HCP-Sharjah, UAE. Student:Our Own English HighSchool, Sharjah, UAE.CGPA 9.8 Aim: Engineer

Sawan KumarS/o. Rajeev Kumar Srivas-tava, Manager, P&M,Sawalkot HEP (J&K). Stu-dent: Sunbeam SchoolVaruna, Varanasi. CGPA9.6 Aim: Engineer

S. SwethaD/o. N. Santhana Gopalan,Project Leader, Infra-HR,HQ Chennai. Student: ShriB.S. Mootha Girls SSS,Chennai. CGPA 9.8 Aim:Medicine or Micro Biology

Arshi KhanD/o. Zamshed Ali, Construc-tion Manager, Sahar El-evated Road Project, Mum-bai. Student: DAV Interna-tional School, Kharghar,Navi Mumbai. CGPA 9.4Aim: Engineer

Thushara RamachandranD/o. C. D. Ramachandran,DGM (Civil), HydrocarbonConstruction & Pipelines,Chennai. Student: LalajiMemorial Omega Interna-tional School, Chennai.CGPA 9.4 Aim: IT Profes-sional

S. Bharath KowshikS/o. R. Suresh, Manager-Admin., L&T-Infra-Abudhabi. Student:Jawahar Vidyala SSS,Chennai. CGPA 9.4 Aim:Aeronautical Engineer

Siddhartha SarkarS/o. Sabyasachi Sarkar, JGM,BMH BU, Chennai.Student: P.S. SSS, Chennai.CGPA 9.4 Aim: Engineer

Soumyanil NayekS/o. Sunil Kumar Nayek,Construction Manager,MMH-IC KCO, BhushanSteel Ltd., Orissa. Student:Delhi Public School, Angul.CGPA 10 Aim: Scientist

Swadheen JainS/o. Swatantra KumarJain, ConstructionManager, B&F, JawaharBhawan, New Delhi.Student: M.D.H. Interna-tional School, New Delhi.CGPA 10 Aim: IIT

Uthra BalachandarD/o. S Balachandar, Head-Finance, Accts & Admin.Qatar Area Office, Qatar.Student: MES IndianSchool, Doha-Qatar.CGPA 10 Aim: Engineer

Varshank UpadhyayS/o. Pramod Kumar Upadh-yay, Asst. Industrial RelationsOfficer, Admin/SBHEPChandrapuri, Rudraprayag,Uttarakhand. Student: Ken-driya Vidyalaya, B.H.U.,Varanasi. CGPA 9.8 Aim:Software Engineer

Shweta OjhaD/o. Himanshu Ojha,Project Manager, RajpuraEBOP Package. Student:Vanashthali Public School,Ghaziabad. CGPA 9.8Aim: Engineer

R. GokulS/o. A. Rajamanickam,Construction Manager(Civil), Nuclear BU/Kakrapar 3&4, Gujarat.Student: Amrita Vidyala-yam, Chennai. CGPA 9.4Aim: Robotics Engineer

G. Smrithi NairD/o. K.C. InduchudenNair, TO/CO, PT&D,LKTL-Kolkata. Student:Govt. HS, Cherunniyoor,Thiruvanathapuram.CGPA 10 Aim: Doctor

July - September 201167

V.N.L.S.A.P. AishwaryaD/o. V. Sri Ramakrishna,Manager, Metro, Portsand Special Bridges/HeavyCivil SBG, HQ. Student:Vani Vidyalaya. CGPA8.6 Aim: Doctor

T. RohitS/o. V. Thulasiram, JGM,PT&D (Domestic), Chen-nai. Student: Sri SankaraSSS, Chennai. CGPA 8.8Aim: Engineer

Shreyas R. PatilS/o. Rajendra P. Pardakhe,GM, HCP-WRO, NaviMumbai. Student: DelhiPublic School, Navi Mum-bai. CGPA 8.8 Aim: Engi-neer

Deepak Kumar GuptaS/o. Jai Nandan Prasad,Foreman, P&M AFC Pro-ject Panipat, Haryana.Student: Tagore Baal Nike-tan SSS, Karnal. CGPA 8.6Aim: Engineer

Y. SushanthS/o. Y.S. Srikanth, ProjectManager, VSP BF#3Project, Vizag. Student:Visakha Valley School,Visakhapatnam. CGPA 9Aim: Doctor-Oncologist

B. SumanaD/o. R K Balamurali, Busi-ness Development Manager,RC BU, PT&D DomesticIC, HQ, Chennai. Student:Vivekananda Vidyalaya,Chennai. CGPA 9.2 Aim:Architect

P. AswiniD/o. V. Parameshwaran.Student: KendriyaVidyalaya, Puducherry.CGPA 9.2 Aim: Doctor

K. Vishal KumarS/o. V.V. Kalyana Sunda-ram, Manager, IndirectTax. Student: St. John’sSSS, Chennai. CGPA 9.2Aim: Chartered Accountant

Nishtha PandeyD/o. Pankaj Kumar, Con-struction Manager (Civil),RJURP Road Job Site,Rajkot, Ahmedabad Region.Student: Jai InternationalSchool, Rajkot. CGPA 9Aim: Doctor

Ishita SarkarD/o. Biswajit Sarkar, TS/CS,EHS Dept. TSL, Jamshed-pur. Student: SDSM SchoolFor Excellence, Jamshedpur.CGPA 9

Sushmita S. PurandareD/o. Sanjay A. Purandare,Construction Manager,BMH BU, Amlohri CHP,Dist. Singrauli (M.P.). Stu-dent: DAV Public School,Thane. CGPA 9 Aim: FineArts

Chundru Vidya ChowdaryD/o. Ch Muralidhar, Con-struction Manager, B&F,ICICI Bank Project,Hyderabad. Student: Bhara-tiya Vidya Bhavan’s PublicSchool, Hyderabad. CGPA9.2 Aim: Architect

Shubham PandeyS/o. Dinesh Pandey, Execu-tive Accounts & Admin.,DLCO-NCL CHP AmlohriSite, Singrauli (M.P.) Stu-dent: St. Francis School,Anpara. CGPA 9 Aim:MBBS

Tanvi ChittalD/o. Sadanand Chittal,Manager, Acct. & Admin.,Jabalpur StormwaterDrainage Site. Student: StPaul’s School, Jaisalmer,Rajasthan. CGPA 9 Aim:Doctor

G.A. MeeraD/o. K.S. Ajith Kumar,Stores Executive, L&TFinance Project, Kalina,Mumbai. Student: BhavansAdarsha Vidyalaya, Kochi.CGPA 8.8 Aim: CompanySecretary

Aishwaria GhoshD/o. Ashis Ghosh, Man-ager-Civil, Infra OC,Mumbai, Andheri (E).Student: Sikhsha BharatPublic School, New Delhi.CGPA 9 Aim: CharteredAccountant

Aaggy Merin K. HanselD/o. K.A. Hansel, Asst.Foreman, Electrical-Rai-garh, JSPL, Chattisgarh.Student: Mother TeresaHigh School, Aleppey. CGPA9.2 Aim: Engineering-Elec-trical

Aruna SivanesanD/o. D. Sivanesan, Const.Manager (Civil), HCP-I,Sharjah Office, UAE.Student: Our Own EnglishSchool, Sharjah, UAE.CGPA 9.2 Aim: Doctor

Kriti AwasthiD/o. Anurag Awasthi, Asst.Manager Systems, ISDDLRO. Student: MountAbu Public School, Rohini,New Delhi. CGPA 9 Aim:Engineer

Shubham SauravS/o. Sunil Satyam, Sr.Programmer, ISD -HQ,HCP. Student: DAV PublicSchool, Velachery, Chennai.CGPA 9 Aim: Engineer

P. BharadwajS/o. P. Sri Vallinath,Manager, Acct. & Admn.,Boeing Site, Nagpur.Student: Meridian School,Hyderabad. CGPA 8.6 Aim:Aerospace Engineer / Pilot

68July - September 2011

68July - September 2011

S. SivakumarS/o. S. Sunder, Technical Com-mercial Supervisor, P&M,Mumbai Mono Rail Project.Student: Jai Gopal GarodiaVivekananda Vidyalaya,Chennai. CGPA 8.6 Aim:Astro Space/Mechanical Engg.

C. JaganivashS/o. R. Chandramohan,Construction Manager,RLIS-BLRO, MMH IC,Dawangere. Student: Kend-riya Vidyalaya, Tumkur.CGPA 8.4 Aim: Aeronauti-cal Engineer

S. DivyaD/o. A.R. Santhanam,Manager-Accounts, SSCVendor Payment - DivisionalCorporate, HQ, Chennai.Student: SBOA School & Jr.College, Chennai. 96.4%Aim: Computer Engineer

U. EfinaD/o. P. Udaya Kumar,Deputy General Manager,P&M, Chennai Metro RailProject. Student: ZionMHSS, Selaiyur, Chennai.96.83% Aim: IAS

B. SharmilaD/o. K. Bhaskaran, Man-ager (P&M) P&M-CTSP-Job Site, Chennai. Student:SDAV, Chennai. 96.17%Aim: Engineer

Pudipeddi RadhaKrishna SastryS/o. P. Saibaba, Executive,Accounts & Admin. HGS-QP Site, Godhra. Student:Samyuktha MJM JuniorCollege, Anakapalle. 95.6%Aim: Engineer

S. SrinivaasanS/o. V. Swaminathan,Manager-Contracts,CB&A, Contracts, HQ.Student: Prince Matricu-lation School, Chennai..95.42% Aim: Industrialist.

V. Akshaya RamS/o. A.R. Viswanathan,Manager-Materials, HQ.Student: P.S. Senior Second-ary School, Mylapore, Chen-nai. CGPA 8.2 Aim: Engi-neer

Pushpraj SinghS/o. Jeetendra Singh, StoreSupervisor, DMRC GreenPark-Delhi. Student: DelhiConvent School, Delhi.CGPA 8.6 Aim: CivilEngineer

N.V. MeghanaD/o. N.R. Vijay Venkatesh,DGM (Civil), Developmentof Salalah Airpoort, Muscat.Student: Indian SchoolMuscat, Oman. CGPA 8Aim: Bio-Chemist

M. SubhadraD/o. I. Malaimegu, Asst.Manager, Industrial Rela-tions, Admin, AVM RoadProject, Dhrangadhra, Gu-jarat. Student: K.V.S. Dhra-gadhra, Surendranagar.CGPA 8 Aim: Bio-TechEngenerring

Praveen Kumar RanaS/o. Mahendra KumarRana, Asst. ConstructionManager (Mech.), BLWSP-SPR-01, WET Jaisalmer,Rajasthan. Student: Ken-driya Vidyalaya BSF Dabla,Rajasthan. CGPA 8.4 Aim:Computer Engineer

V. Jothi ShreeD/o. S. Vanuvamalai,Foreman, P&M, PanvelComplex. Student: DAVPublic School, New Panvel.CGPA 8.2 Aim: Bio-Technolist

A. SruthiD/o. S. Asokan, Construc-tion Manager, Mech/CHP-NTPL-Tuticorin.Student: SBOA MHSS,Chennai. 97.5%Aim: Aerospace Engineer

P. Sandhya NarayananD/o. P.T. Narayanan,Manager, Finance & Accts.,HQ-Chennai. Student:Swamy’s MHSS, Chennai.97.3% Aim: Cardiologist


K. SaraswathiD/o. K. Kannan, Asst. Man-ager (Acct. & Admin.) PT& D - NPCC Project, AbuDhabi. Student: St. JohnsMHSS, Chennai. 97% Aim:CA, ICWA, ACS

V. Siva RamyaD/o. K.V. Pillai, GeneralForeman, ITC-KGLTProject, Nanjangud. Stu-dent: MNR Desiya GirlsHSS, Srivilliputhur. 95.5%Aim: Computer Engineer

Arpita NandyD/o. Amitava Nandy, PlantManager, P&M/B&F ICSaharastar Hotel Job, Mum-bai. Student: Delhi PublicSchool, Nerul, Navi Mumbai.95.2% Aim: Engineer

M. RagaviD/o. K. Masilamani, JGM-Segment Head-Water Sup-ply & Treatment, WET-BU,Chennai. Student: Chin-maya Vidyalaya, Hydera-bad. CGPA 8.6 Aim: Doctor

Himanshu P. RamaniS/o. Prakash T. Gangara-mani, Construction Man-ager, GMFC Site/HCP,Bharuch, Gujarat. Student:Sanskar Vidya Bhavan,Bharuch. CGPA 8.6 Aim:Engineer

July - September 201169

July - September 201169

Abhinav KaulS/o. Anud Koul, SectorProject Manager, TLBUDLRO. Student: VignanJr. College, Hyderabad.95% Aim: Civil Engineer

Sanjna SureshD/o. Bindu S. Menon,Admin, EDRC, HQ.Student: Zion MHSS,Chennai. 94.9%Aim: Civil Engineer

R. Shiva KumarS/o. S. Rajagopalan,Asst. Manager, Admn.L&T Oman. Student:Jawahar HSS, Chennai.94.8% Aim: MechanicalEngineer

V. NandhiniD/o. V.K. Mani, RegionalOperations Head-South(JGM), HCP-Chennai.Student: SBOA School & Jr.College, Chennai. 94.4%Aim: Engineer

S. Kishan BharadwajS/o. K. Shridhar, Head-Supply Chain Management,Procurement, HQ. Student:Maharishi Vidya Mandir,Chennai. 94.4% Aim: En-gineer

M. ArchanaD/o. V. Moorthy, ClusterProject Manager, Elite II,Mumbai. Student:Narayana Junior College,Hyderabad. 93%Aim: Architect

C. Muthu ShunmugamS/o. S. Chockalingam, Head- Resource, P&M, PT&DIC (Domestic), HQ.Student: Petit SeminaireHSS, Puducherry. 92.3%Aim: Engineer

Deepak Anil NachnaniS/o. Anil B Nachnani,Project Manager, MIAL,Mumbai (CB&A). Stu-dent: Smt. SulochanadeviSinghania School, Thane(W). 92% Aim: Bio Sciences

Chitikela Harsha SaiS/o. Chitikela VenkataRamana, Manager, QA,Transmission Line Tower Fac-tory, Pondicherry. Student:Sri Chaitanya Junior Kala-sala, Gudavalli, Vijayawada.93.2% Aim: Entrepreneur

K. SathyasriD/o. R. Kannan, Sr. Man-ager (Civil), TechnologyCentre, HQ-CB&A, B&F.Student: St. John’s MHSS,Chennai. 91.25% Aim:Engineer

Divya HarishD/o. V. Harish Chandran,Project Leader, MMH&WIC, Hogenakkal Water Pro-ject, Krishnagiri. Student:Vidya Vikasini MHSS,Coimbatore. 90.83% Aim:Company Secretary

Buddha Bhanu AkhileshS/o. Buddha V.V. Satyana-rayana, Store-Incharge,MMH EOL -Noamundi.Student: Sri ChaitanyaJunior College, Visakha-patnam. 90.4% Aim: Doc-tor

P. Nasreen FathimaD/o. J. Peer Mohamed,Manager, B&F, Civil,Hedilberg Cement Plant,Jhansi. Student: Rose MaryHSS, Palayamkottai, Tiru-nelveli. 95% Aim: Engineer

T. SrivatchalaD/o. R. Thilagaraj, Man-ager, QA&QC, WET-BU/MMH IC/HQ. Student:Sethu Bhaskara MHSS,Chennai. 94.5% Aim: Elec-trical & Electronics Engi-neer

Y. UrmilaD/o. Y. Satyanarayana,Manager (Admin), InfraIC, Kapp Site, Gujarat.Student: Sri Satya SaiHSS, Puttaparthi. 94.2%Aim: Doctor

Sayani SenguptaD/o. Saikat Sengupta,Manager-EHS, B&F,Ahuja Tower Project,Mumbai. Student: B DMemorial Institute,Pratapgarh, Kolkata.92.33% Aim: IAS

Rajat ChauhanS/o. Anil Kumar,Asst. Manager EHS,Grand Arch Project,Delhi. Student: BalBhavan Public School,Delhi. 91.8% Aim: IIT

Pooja PraseedD/o. T.K. Praseed, Const.Manager (ELE), B&F IC,CBA IT&OFF, TC2 Site,Powai. Student: Delhi PublicSchool, Vashi. 90.6%

Arun RaveendranS/o. V.S. Raveendran, Gene-ral Foreman (P&M),DCMP JODA, JamshedpurCluster. Student: St.Antony’s Public School,Kottayam. 93% Aim: ITEngineer

B. PriyadarshiniD/o. P. Balasubramanian,Asst. Manager (Commer-cial), WET BU, MMH IC,HQ. Student: PSBB, KKNagar, Chennai. 95% Aim:Scientist

N. Koti Veera PrakashS/o. N. Markandeyulu,Sr. DGM, Quarry/crushing,B&F IC. Student: VidyaaVikas BHSS, V. Patti.90.33% Aim: ElectronicsEngineer

T. NandhakumarS/o. S. Thamaraiselvan,Stores Manager, PT&D/400kV KBTL, Bilaspur.Student: SRV MHSS,Trichy. 89.6% Aim:Mechanical Engineer

Madhushree GadheD/o. Bhaskar Gadhe, DGM(Civil), WET-BU, HQ.Student: DAV Public School,Navi Mumbai. 88.80%Aim: Electronics Engineer

Diksha SinghD/o. Omendra VikramSingh, Quality Asst., AFCProject for NFL-Bathinda,Punjab. Student: BishopJohnson School & College,Allahabad. 88.66% Aim:Doctor

Arpita RoyD/o. Pinaki Roy, ProjectAccountant, PT&D (N),24 Parganas RE Site,Barasat. Student: SudhirMemorial Institute, Kolkata.89.2% Aim: IAS

N. SrinivasanS/o. S. Natanasabapathy,Asst. Manager, Admin.,HQ. Student: A.R.C.Kamatchi MHSS,Mayiladuthurai. 87.75%Aim: Scientist

Rajdeep SenguptaS/o. Jaydeep Sengupta,Project Manager, AIIMSBhubaneshwar Site.Student: South Point HighSchool, Kolkata. 88%Aim: M.Tech

Arun PandeyS/o. Shambhu Dayal Pandey,Asst. Manager (Stores),Admin. /BLWSP-SPR-I,Jaisalmer. Student: Maha-rana Mewar Public School,Udaipur, Rajasthan.86.40% Aim: Engineer

B. UnnikrishnanS/o. Balakrishna Panicker,TA/CA, P&M, MPL -Maithon Boiler Site,Dhanbad. Student: J. Navo-daya Vidyalaya, Kottayam.85.2% Aim: MBA

N. AnnapoornaD/o. N. Nachiappan,DGM-Accounts, DC, HQ.Student: Zion MHSS,Tambaram. 84.41% Aim:Chartered Accountant

V. BavithraD/o. P.A.Vadivelu,Asst. Accounts Manager,DC, HQ. Student:Modern Senior SecondarySchool, Chennai. 84.33%Aim: IAS

B. MonishaD/o. D. Babu, Tech/ComSup, Admin. HQ. Student:Avichi HSS, Chennai.83.8% Aim: Engineer

L. Mohamed AshiqS/o. B. Liazudeen, Const.Manager, Children’s PublicLibrary, Muscat. Student:Vidyaa Vikas MHSS,Coimbatore. 83.75% Aim:Software Engineer

C. PrathushS/o. C.S.N. Kumar, Const.Manager (Civil), PT&D(Domestic), BGRC. Stu-dent: Narayana College,Hyderabad. 83.2% Aim:Mechanical Engineer

Aadam SaleemS/o. M. Saleem, CPLM,P&M, DLCL-B&F. Stu-dent: Air Force Bal BharatiSchool, New Delhi. 83.2%Aim: M.Tech

Rashmi SinghD/o. Sunil Kumar Singh,Asst. I.R. Officer, MMHIC,KTPPCHP DVC Koderma,Kolkata Cluster. Student:PVSS DAV Public School,Koderma. 84.2% Aim: C.S.

S. Sakthi MeenaD/o. S. Selvakumar, Const.Manager, Hazira Works,Surat, SMS Forging Shop.Student: St. Tresa’s MHSS,Nagercoil. 89.66% Aim:IAS

K. VaishnaviD/o. T.K. Karthi Kumar,Const. Manager (E&I),PT&D-GGSRL, Bhatinda.Student: Bharath Montes-sori HSS, Courtallam.84.6% Aim: Auditor

Sama Arun KumarS/o. Sama Prasad, Executive(Stores), SGRP, Gujarat.Student: R.K. Junior Col-lege, Vizianagaram (AP).87% Aim: B. Tech

Veena ViswanD/o. G. Viswakumar, Asst.Manager, Accounts, HCPSRO, HQ. Student:Amrita Vidyalayam,Chennai. 87.4% Aim:Neurologist

B. ParvathiD/o. S. Balasubramanian,Asst. Carpentry Foreman,Road & Runways, Jam-nagar. Student: MunicipalGirls HSS. 84% Aim:Architect/Engineer

July - September 2011

V. P. AdithyaS/o. V.S. Parthasarathy,Manager (Catering), DC-Admin., HQ. Student:Sankara Vidyashram,Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai.90.16% Aim: CivilEngineer


Deepthi MohanD/o. A. Mohan,DGM, MMHW, HQ.Student: Sri SankaraSchool, Chennai. 82%Aim: Engineer

Kurri Sai SravanthiD/o. Kurri Nageswara Rao,Asst. Manager Stores,MMH&W, W5C Job, Ban-galore. Student: NarayanaJunior College, Hyderabad.82% Aim: Engineer

Vinaya Vilas GuravD/o. Vilas Bandu Gurav,Sr.TO/CO, Civil/OrchardResidency, Mumbai. Stu-dent: Sainath Junior Col-lege, Mumbai. 81.83%Aim: Electronic Engineer

M. SumithraD/o. P. Maha Rajan, ST/SC, Civil, Abudhabi. Stu-dent: Devi Academy SeniorSecondary School, Chennai.81.6% Aim: CharteredAccountant

Landge Yogesh YuvarajS/o. Y.M. Landge, ProjectManager, PT&D, WadiSA’A&AL Wasit Site,Oman. Student: M.I.T. Jr.College, Pune. 81.17%Aim: Mechanical Engineer

Babita Sukhcharan BhagatD/o. Sukhcharan Bhagat,Technical Assistant, PanvelComplex, Mumbai. Student:Changu Kana Thakur Arts,Commerce&Science College,New Panvel. B. Com. 82.42%Aim: Accountant

Anup RamachandranS/o. P.K. Ramachandran,Sr. Technical Supervisor,Century Bhavan Site, Worli.Student: National Instituteof Technology, Silchar. Mech.Engg. CGPA 9.19 Aim:Successful Engineer

G.N. VivekS/o. G.V. Narasimha,JGM, Head-Substation,PT&D-Domestic, HQ.Student: VIT University,Vellore, B.Tech. E&I.CGPA 8.97 Aim: PursueMBA

T.J. Shiva PrakashS/o. T.M. Jalapathy, RTM-CSTD/DC, Hyderabad.Student: Sri Chaitanya Jr.Kalasala, Hederabad. 81%Aim: Civil Engineer

Monal RajS/o. Bachchan Kumar, Man-ager (Geology), PHEP-1,Hydel BU, Bhutan. Stu-dent: B.I.T. Sindri, Jhar-khand. B.Tech Civil Engi-neering. CGPA 8.33 Aim:Dedicated Engineer

Soumya Sagarika BarikD/o. B. Barik, Asst. Man-ager-Accts.&Admin., GodrejPrakriti Project, Kolkata. Stu-dent: Birla Institute of Tech-nology & Science, Pilani.B.Tech-Chemical Engineer-ing. CGPA 8.20 Aim: CEO

G. AdithyakrishnanS/o. K. Gopalakrishnan,Asst. Manager, Infra IC(Nuclear and Defence),Shipyard Project, Kattup-pally. Student: NarayanaCollege, Vijayawada. 82%Aim: Civil Engineer

A. AbishekS/o. S. Arunachalam, Man-ager-Admin., L&T-IDPL,HQ. Student: Swamy’sMHSS, Chennai. 81.75%Aim: Software Professional

Nishant SinghS/o. Dinesh Kumar Singh,Asst. Manager (Stores),CHP-Koderma. Student:DAV School-Jhumri Tilaiya,Koderma. 81% Aim: Doctor

Sneha HariharanD/o. V. Hariharan, Man-ager (Accts. & Admin.),HQ. Student: Anna Uni-versity, Chennai. B.Tech(Pharmaceutical Technol-ogy) CGPA 9.4 Aim: Re-search

C. AravindS/o. S. Chandrasekaran, Sr.Exec. Secretary, HCP, HQ.Student: Anna University,Chennai. B.Tech, ChemicalEngineering. CGPA 8.54Aim: Ph.D

V. SivasankaranS/o. V.K. Mani, RegionalOperations Head-South,SRO-HCP, HQ. Student:IIT, Madras. M.Tech Con-struction Technology andManagement. CGPA: 8.03Aim: Successful Engineer

XIIth Std.,

Abheek DasS/o. Mrinal Kanti Das,Asst. Manager (Stores),TSL Site, Kalinganagar,Orissa. Student: D.B.M.S.English School, Jamshedpur.82.5% Aim: CharteredAccountant.

G.V. AjitS/o. G.E. Vasantha Kumar,Project Manager, B&F,C.B&A, Bangalore Inter-national Airport. Student:Anubhava Mantapa,Davanagere. 82.5% Aim:Civil Design Engineer

July - September 2011

M. RamanathanS/o. A. Muthu, CB&A,Tech. Centre, HQ.Student: MeenakshiSundararajan EneineeringCollege, Chennai.CGPA: 8



Buildings & Factories IC

New JoinersMahesh N, Deputy General Manager(Elec), CN-Head Qrs.

Dr. Murugesan S, EngineeringManager (Civil), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Sadasivam G, Engineering Manager(Civil), CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Raja Ganesh N, Manager (Mech),CN-Head Qrs.

Shaik Jakir Hussain, EngineeringManager (Civil), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Srinivasan C, Manager QuantitySurvey, CN-Head Qrs.

Sudeepta Banerjee, PrincipalArchitect, CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Vabilisetti G Lavanya, EngineeringManager (Civil), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Amirtha Selvam J, Asst. EngineeringManager (Mech)-Piping, CN-EDRC,HQ.

Arul SR, Asst. Engineering Manager(Civil), CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Arun N, Asst. Manager (Civil),CN-Head Qrs.

Kadar Hussain S, Asst. EngineeringManager (Elec), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Kannan V, Asst. Manager (Civil),CN-Head Qrs.

Nidhi Gupta, Asst.Engineering Manager(Civil), CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Sathish Kumar S, Sr. Architect,CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Senthil Kumar JJ, Asst. EngineeringManager (Civil), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Soubhagya Ranjan Mohanty,Asst. Manager (Civil), CN-Head Qrs.

Vasanthan M, Asst. EngineeringManager (Civil), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Vijay U P, Asst. Engineering Manager(Civil), CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Vinayagam N, Sr. Architect,CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Bharani K, Asst. Manager-Electrical(Procurement), CN-Head Qrs.

Geo Damin M, Asst. EngineeringManager (Civil), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Gokila V, Asst. Engineering Manager(Civil), CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Kamasala Venkatachelam,Asst. Engineering Manager (Civil),CN-Head Qrs.

Manivannan R, Asst. EngineeringManager (Mech), CN-EDRC,Head Qrts.

Mohanakrishnan J, Asst. EngineeringManager (Mech), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Phani Parjanya G, Asst. EngineeringManager-HVAC, CN-EDRC, HQ.

Ramasamy T, Asst. EngineeringManager (Mech), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Sivagnanam M, Sr. Architect,CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Sreetharan P, Asst. EngineeringManager (GIS), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Sridhar D, Asst. Engineering Manager(Elec), CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Vijaya Ragavan T, Asst. EngineeringManager (Elec), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Vinodh Kumar A, Assistant Manager(Procurement), CN-Head Qrs.

Lawrence D, Manager (Mech),CN- TCS Techno Park PH -II

Sunil T, Manager (Mech),CN-CTS Siruseri SEZ

Veeramani V, Manager (Civil),CN-CTS Siruseri SEZ

Irfan Ahmed M, Asst. Manager(Mech), CN-CTS Siruseri SEZ

Muralikrishnan V, Asst. Manager(Civil), Chennai Region

Saravanavel E, Asst. Manager(Mech)-QA & QC, CN- TCS TechnoPark PH -II

Senthil Kumar S, Asst. Manager(Civil), Chennai Region

Visalakshi G, Chief EngineeringManager, Mumbai Region

Bagasrawala Suheil Tayabali,Engineering Manager (Civil),Mumbai Region

Solanki Afzal Sharif, Manager (Civil),Gilac Headquarters -Vikhroli

Gandhi Deepa Rasiklal, Manager(Business Development), MB-R O

Manoranjan Dash, ConstructionManager (Civil), MB-MinervaLokhandwala

Panchal Jayeshkumar Jayantilal,Manager (Civil), Gilac Headquarters-Vikhroli

Prasada Shetty, ConstructionManager (Civil), MB-MinervaLokhandwala

Spbv Subba Rao Tetali, ConstructionManager (Civil), Mumbai Region

Ami Nitin Mangaldas, Sr. Architect,Seawood Project, Mumbai

Angane Vidhyadhar Mohan,Asst. Engineering Manager (Civil),Mumbai Region

Bagwe Santosh Balkrishna,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),MB-Omkar Malad Rehab

Dhananjay Subhash Wagh,Asst. Planning Manager (Civil),Aermid Hospital Site Kalamboli

Indane Sachin Dinkarrao,Asst. Manager (Mech), MB- TC-2

Kabadi Nishikant Bharat, Asst.Manager (MEP), MB-Ahuja Tower

Mamman Jatinder Singh Ajit Singh,Asst.Construction Manager (Civil),Mb-Omkar Malad Rehab

Patil Rahul Vallabhrao,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),MB-Birla Surya Factory

Sivakumar J, Asst. ConstructionManager (Civil), MB-Omkar RehabProject Site

Anantha Padmanabha Bhat,Asst.Construction Manager (Civil),MB-Minerva Lokhandwala

Anisha Thomas, Asst.EngineeringManager (Elec), Mumbai Region

Bibhudatta Mohapatra,Asst.Construction Manager (Civil),Mb-Exquisite PH.-II, IIIA-IIIB

Deshmukh Sandeep Sayaji,Asst.Construction Manager (Civil),MB-Ahuja Tower

Doshi Sandipkumar Shantilal,Asst.Engineering Manager (Elec),Mumbai Region

Injal Sachin Tukaram,Asst.Construction Manager (Civil),MB-Omkar Rehab Project Site

Karthick P, Asst.EngineeringManager (Civil), Mumbai Region

Kona Simon, Asst.ConstructionManager (Civil), MB-Oberoi ExquistePhase - 1

Kondle Madhav Kondaiah,Asst.Construction Manager (Civil),MB-Birla Surya Factory

Nirwani Khushal Shivanand,Asst. Manager - Civil (Planning),Mb-Omkar Malad Rehab

Pal Ajaykumar Jaiprakash, Asst.Manager (Mech), Mumbai Region

Patel Samir Balvantbhai,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech),MB-R O

Patil Manoj Prabhakar,Asst. Engineering Manager-HVAC,Mumbai Region

Patil Vishal Laxman, AssistantManager-Mechnical (Mep), MB-R O

Polshetwar Amol Vijay,Asst. Planning Manager (Civil),MB-Oberoi Commercial 2

Raghunath Pakhira,Asst.Construction Manager (Civil),Mb-Omkar Malad Rehab

Rajiv Kumar Tiwari,Asst. Manager (Industrial Relations),MB-Oberoi Commercial 2

Sawant Kiran Hanamant,Asst. Manager (Civil), MB-R O

Shanmugam A, Asst. EngineeringManager (Elec), Mumbai Region

Sutar Nilesh Shashikant,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),Mumbai Region

Thorat Pramod Manohar,Asst.Construction Manager (Civil),MB-Birla Surya Factory

Umesh Kumar Tekriwal,Asst.Manager (Administration),Mb-Omkar Malad Rehab

Vakhariya BhushankumarBharatkumar, Asst.Manager (Civil),Aermid Hospital Site Kalamboli

Balaji S, Manager (Mech),KK-CESC Shopping Mall,Kolkata

Aman Kumar, Manager (Civil),KK-ITC Sonar Expansion Project

Chandrasekhara Kumar G,Asst.Manager (P&M),KK-Niser Bhubaneswar

Shaik Zubair Khasim,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),KK-Vedanta Housing Jharsuguda

Abhaya Kumar Mohanty,Asst.Manager (Civil), KK-AIIMS,Bhubaneswar

Arunava Biswas,Asst.Manager (Accounts),KK-Godrej Simoco IT Park

Barada Kant Sahu,Asst.Manager (Civil)-QA & QC,KK-Niser Bhubaneswar

Dipak Paul, Asst. Manager-Survey,KK-Project Atmosphere

Kumar K, Asst.Manager (Civil),KK-ESIC Hospital Joka

Ranajit Adhikari, Asst.Manager(P&M), KK-ESIC Hospital Joka

Ranjan Kumar, Asst.Manager (Civil),KK-Niser Bhubaneswar

Himanshu Kumar Mathur, Manager(Civil), Delhi Region

Kalpana Srivastava, EngineeringManager (Elect), DL-R O

Sandeep Kumar, Manager (Civil),DL- Delhi One Mud Noida

Subhas Chandra Saha, ConstructionManager (Mech), Delhi Region

Sudhir Kumar, Manager (EHS),Delhi Region

Viswanathan S, Manager (Mech),Delhi Region

Balamurugan S, ConstructionManager (Civil), Delhi Region

Binod Kumar Sharma, ConstructionManager (QA/QC)-Civil, Delhi Region

Braja Kishor Nayak, Manager (P&M),Delhi Region

Dushyant Kumar, Manager (P&M),Delhi Region

Girish Kumar Rawat, ConstructionManager (Civil), Delhi Region


July - September 2011

73July - September 2011

Gurinder Singh, ConstructionManager (Civil), Delhi Region

Hari Narayan Singh, ConstructionManager (Civil), Delhi Region

Pusulooriavrsatyagopal, ConstructionManager (Civil), Delhi Region

Rajendra Kishor Shrvastava, Manager-Industrial Relations, Delhi Region

Rakesh Kumar, Manager (Mech),DL- Delhi One Mud Noida

Sriharsha K, Manager-IndustrialRelations, DL-R O

Vijay B, Manager (Civil), Delhi Region

Akhilesh Kumar Anand,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),Delhi Region

Brij Raj Singh, Asst. ConstructionManager (Civil), Delhi Region

CH Amanullah Khan,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),Delhi Region

Dilber Singh Bisht, Asst. Manager(Civil), Delhi Region

Meenakshi Sharma,Sr. Architect, Delhi Region

Murali Mohan Kona, Asst. ConstructionManager (Civil), Delhi Region

Patel Bhaveshkumar Sureshbhai,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),Delhi Region

Praveen Kalra, Asst. ConstructionManager (Civil), Delhi Region

Raghu Vansh Mani Singh,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),Delhi Region

Ram Gopal Mandal, Asst. Manager(Stores), Delhi Region

Sai Prasad Madabathula,Asst. Manager (Civil),DL- Delhi One Mud Noida

Saumya Brata Maiti,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),Delhi Region

Subhash Kumar, Asst. ConstructionManager (Civil), Delhi Region

Syed Kader Ibrahim N,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),Delhi Region

Umesh Sharma,Asst. Manager (Mech), Delhi Region

Virendra Kumar Saxena,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),Delhi Region

Vishwakarma Gopal Ramji,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),Delhi Region

Winny Joseph, Asst. EngineeringManager (Civil), DL-R O

Zeyaul Haque, Asst. Manager (Mep),Delhi Region

Amit Gautam, Asst. Manager (Civil),Delhi Region

Ankit Maheshwari, Asst. Manager(Elec), Delhi Region

Anoj Kumar, Asst. Manager (QA/QC),Delhi Region

Pravesh Kumar Badoni,Asst. Construction Manager (Elec),Delhi Region

Rahul Kukreti, Asst. ConstructionManager (Mech), Delhi Region

Ramasubramanian K, Asst. Manager(MEP), Delhi Region

Syed Fayaz Ahmed Raje Bili,Asst.Manager (Mech), Delhi Region

Veer Singh Sarna, Asst. Manager(MEP), Delhi Region

Madhusoodanan Ap, Deputy GeneralManager (Elec), Bangalore IntlAirport Ltd.,

Jagadish HT, Deputy GeneralManager (Civil), Bangalore IntlAirport Ltd.,

Narayana RS, Manager (Civil),Bangalore Intl Airport Ltd.,

Saravanan M, Manager (Mech),Bangalore Intl Airport Ltd.,

Uma Shankar HM,Engineering Manager (Civil), BL-R O

Karuthiruman K, Manager (Elec),Bangalore Region

Jalaja C, Sr.Architect, BL-R O

Manimaran S P, Asst. Manager(Elec), Bangalore Intl Airport Ltd.,

Shweta Mattoo, Sr. Architect,Bangalore Region

Sukanta Bhattacharya, Asst. Manager(EHS), Bangalore Intl Airport Ltd.,

Anu P, Asst.Manager (Civil),Bangalore Region

Maharajan N, Asst.Manager (Mech)-QA & QC, BL - BARC Ph-1 Mysore

Neerukonda D Koteswara Rao,Asst.Manager (P&M), Bangalore IntlAirport Ltd.,

Anurag Prakash, ManagerProcurement, Ahmedabad Region

Sriparti Krishna, Construction Manager(Civil), AB-Godrej Residential

Arun Prakash M, Construction Manager(Civil), Godrej Garden City Ph 3

Rajeev Dath, Manager (EHS),AB-SMS & Forging Shop, Hazira

Anupam Mandal, Asst. Manager (Civil)-QA & QC, Gift City Gandhinagar

CH Suresh Kumar, Asst. ConstructionManager (Civil), AB-Godrej Residential

Chakala Suryanarayana,Asst. Manager (Mech) - P&M,Gift City Gandhinagar

Kota Asokbabu,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),Godrej Garden City Ph 3

Praveenkumar Y, Asst. ConstructionManager (Civil), Adani Housing

Raj Kumar Saini, Asst. Manager(Mech), Knowledge City, Baroda

Renuka Prakash Bachubhai,

Asst.Manager (Elec), TCS SEZGarimapark,Gandhinagar

Akhilesh Kumar Srivastva, Asst.Manager (Civil), Siemens Wind Power

Girish Kumar V, Asst. Manager(P&M), Gift City Gandhinagar

Murshidul Islam SK, Asst. Manager(Civil), Gift City Gandhinagar

Antonysamy S, DGM - EPC,HY - Cement & Plants Segment

Anil Kumar Panda, Manager (Elec),HY-Boeing Project, Nagpur

Subba Rao DV, Construction Manager(Civil), HY- Vicat Sagar Cement Plant

Narayanarao Koduru, ConstructionManager (Mech), HY-Century TextileCement Plan

Katamreddi Srinu,Manager Procurement,HY - Cement & Plants Segment

Sreenivasaprasadareddy G,Manager (EHS), HY - RajashreeCement Plant

Aldus Huxley D, Asst. Manager(QA/QC), Hyderabad Region

Chandrasekhar Raju Y,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),Hyderabad Region

Kanakaraj C, Assistant Manager(Procurement), HY - Cement &Plants Segment

Kesapragada Sitaramayya,Asst.Manager (Stores),HY - Rajashree Cement Plant

Moulali Shaik, Asst.ConstructionManager (Civil), HY - RajashreeCement Plant

Musti Umanadh, Asst.EngineeringManager (Civil), HY - Cement &Plants Segment

Sreekanth Reddy Y,Asst. Engineering Manager (Civil),HY - Cement & Plants Segment

Venkatraman RP,Asst. Manager (EHS),HY - Rajashree Cement Plant

Walke Prakash Kisanrao,Asst. Manager (Elec), HY-BoeingProject, Nagpur

Yerramraju Aliasrajesh B,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech),HY-Heidelberg Cement Plant, MP

Bokara Kamaraju, Asst. Manager(Civil), HY - Rajashree Cement Plant

Budarayavalasa G Patnaik,Asst.Manager (Civil),HY-Century Textile Cement Plan

Chandra Mohan NV, Asst. Manager(Civil), HY - Rajashree Cement Plant

Deepthi Datti,Asst. Engineering Manager (Civil),HY - Cement & Plants Segment

Doppalapudi Padmaja,Asst. Manager (Civil),HY - Cement & Plants Segment

Durga Rao Tiruveedula, Asst. Manager(Civil), HY - Rajashree Cement Plant

Duruseti Pramod Hanumantachari,Asst. Manager (Civil), HY - UtclGrinding Unit, Hotgi

Jagadishbabu Pasala, Asst. Manager(Civil), HY-Century Textile Cement Plan

Jalli Madhava Varma, Asst. Manager(Civil), HY - Rajashree Cement Plant

Kulkarni Sarang Subhash,Asst. Manager (Civil),Hy-Boeing Project, Nagpur

Mahaboob Subani Shaik,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),HY-Century Textile Cement Plan

Munjeti H Haraprahladu,Asst. Manager (Civil), HY-HeidelbergCement Plant, UP

Prakash R, Asst.Manager (Mech)-QA& QC, HY-Heidelberg Cement Plant,MP

Soundararajan M,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),HY-Heidelberg Cement Plant, MP

Srinivasan N, Asst.ConstructionManager (Civil), Hyderabad Region

Urikiti Satishkumar,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),HY-Heidelberg Cement Plant, UP

Venkateshwar D,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),HY - Rajashree Cement Plant

Subhabrata Dutta, Manager (Civil),Mumbai Intl. Airport

Subodh Bansal, ConstructionManager (Civil), Mumbai Intl. Airport

Snehal Milind Jagdale Surve, PrincipalArchitect, EDRC (B&F), Powai

Srinivas G, Construction Manager(Mech), Mumbai Intl. Airport

Aditi Sagar, Sr.Architect, EDRC (B&F),Powai

Dakshinkar Amit Subodh,Sr. Architect, EDRC (B&F), Powai

Surojeet Banerjee,Sr. Architect, EDRC (B&F), Powai

Ashutosh Kumar Garg,Asst. Construction Manager (Elec),EDRC (B&F), Powai

Mukesh Gandhi, Asst. Manager(Civil), Mumbai Intl. Airport

Vaishali Rohit Angre,Asst. Engineering Manager (Civil),EDRC (B&F), Powai

Yalamarti Satyanandam,Deputy General Manager (Civil),HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

Duvvuri G D Sastry, Deputy GeneralManager (Mech), HY - Metro RailProject (B&F)

Soma Shekhar Patil, Manager (EHS),HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

Adapa Vidya Sagar, Manager (Civil),HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)


Battula Venugopalarao,Engineering Manager (Civil),HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

Narahari Muralimohan,Engineering Manager (Civil),HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

Ravikumar A, Manager (Elec),HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

Sanjeev Kumar Jha, Manager (Civil),HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

Dasu Rathlavath, Asst. EngineeringManager (Civil), HY - Metro RailProject (B&F)

Nagesh B, Asst. Engineering Manager(Civil), HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

Ravi Sankar T, Sr. Architect,HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

Selvamani P, Asst. Manager (Civil),HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

Sunkireddy Padmareddy,Asst. Manager (Civil),HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

Tavitiraju Pisini,Asst. Engineering Manager (Civil),HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

Abdul Rahaman D, Asst. Manager -System Administration,HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

Jaiswal Rahul Ramkumar,Asst. Manager (Civil),HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

Krishnabhavani Siram K,Asst. Engineering Manager (Civil),HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

Manoj Kumar R K, Asst. Manager(Civil), HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

Pradeep Kumar Bajpai,Asst. Manager (Industrial Relations),HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

Praveen Kumar K, Asst. Manager(Civil), HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

Rajendra Prasad Rao K,Asst. Engineering Manager (Civil),HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

Shyam Sundar K,Asst. Manager (Industrial Relations),HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

Unnikrishnan P,Asst. Manager (Administration),HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

New Responsibilities

Gunasekaran S,Head - Resources, CN-HQ.

Saravanan PM, Head - Constn.Enabling Services Cell, CN-HQ.

Asoka Chandran P,DGM (Accounts & Administration),Esic Hospital, Kollam

Arul E, Project Head, Chennai Region

Mukesh Kumar Singh, Cluster HRManager, Chennai Region

Devraj Venkappa Anchan,Manager (HR), MB-R O

Subrata Das Gupta,Head - Initiatives, KK-R O

Gyan Prakash,Head - Initiatives, KK-R O

Sanjeev Gupta, Project Director,Bangalore Intl Airport Ltd.,

Ashok Kumar Hadimani,Cluster Project Manager, BL-R O

Subrahmanyam Seethepalli,Project Manager, HY-R O

Viswanathan M, Manager (Materials),Mumbai Intl. Airport

Arunakumar S, Deputy Project Director,HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

Kondle Rajesh Bhagwanrao,Project Manager (B&F),HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

Vasudev C, Head-CommercialServices, HY - Metro Rail Project(B&F)

Promotions(M1-A & above )

Sivasubramanian MS,JGM-Mechanical, CN-EDRC, HQ.

Balakrishnan R, Chief EngineeringManager (Elec), CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Ajay Uppal, Head-Finance,Accts.&Admn.(RBF), CN-Head Qrs.

Febin MF, Head Initiatives -Defence, CN-Head Qrs.

Raja Chandra Moulie SP, Head -Contracts Administration, CN-HQ.

Kannan R, Deputy General Manager(Civil), CN-Head Qrs.

Prem Kumar TK, Deputy GeneralManager (HR), CN-Head Qrs.

George Abraham, Manager (Civil),CN-Head Qrs.

Rajeev Kumar R, Manager(Bio-Medical), CN-Head Qrs.

Rajendran N, Manager (Civil), CN-HQ.

Thiyagarajan A, Manager(Civil)-Contracts, CN-Head Qrs.

Vairavan VR, Head - O&R Support(B&F), CN-Head Qrs.

Bikram Keshori Nayak,Manager (HR), CN-Head Qrs.

Gireshkumar KP, Manager(Administration), CN-Head Qrs.

Hariharan J, Manager(Public Health), CN-Head Qrs.

Judy Vinodhini M Ravikumar,Principal Architect, CN-EDRC, HQ.

Karthikeyan K, Principal Architect,CN-EDRC,Head Qrts.

Kesavan N, Manager (Mech)-FireFighting, CN-Head Qrs.

Sundhar C, Engineering Manager(Civil), CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Dr. Pari Y, Engineering Manager(Civil), CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Madhu Anand S, Head - CMPC,CN-Head Qrts.

Ashok Anand R, EngineeringManager (Elec), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Mohan J, Engineering Manager(Civil), CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Vijayakrishnan N,Manager (Civil), CN-Head Qrs.

Vijayanand I, Engineering Manager(Elec), CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Vivekanandan R, EngineeringManager (Civil), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Dinesh Kumar S, Asst. EngineeringManager (Elec), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Gowthamaraja M, Asst. Manager(Civil), CN-Head Qrs.

Jagadish NLN, Asst. EngineeringManager (Mech), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Kruti Badjatiya, Asst. EngineeringManager (Civil), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Murugan J, Asst. EngineeringManager (Civil), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Phani Sriram Bulusu,Asst. Engineering Manager (Civil),CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Prabhu D, Asst. Engineering Manager(Elec), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Prasanna C, Asst. EngineeringManager (Civil), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Ramprakash P, Asst. Manager (Civil),CN-Head Qrs.

Ran Vijay Roy, Asst. EngineeringManager (Elec), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Ravi N, Asst. Manager (Civil),CN-Head Qrs.

Senthilkumar S, Asst. Manager(Civil), CN-Head Qrs.

Srikanth S, Asst. EngineeringManager (Elec), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Suganya E, Asst. Manager (Civil),CN-Head Qrs.

Sujith GS, Sr. Architect, CN-HQ.

Suresh Franklin R, Asst. EngineeringManager (Civil), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Venkatarao Jada, Asst. EngineeringManager (Civil), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Karunakaran N,Cluster Plant Manager, CN-R O

Asoka Chandran P, DGM (Accounts &Administration), Esic Hospital, Kollam

Srinivasan K, Manager (Civil),Chennai Region

Thandayuthapani G,Construction Manager (Civil),CN-CMRLl Koyambedu Depot

Anand G, Construction Manager(Elec), CN- TCS Techno Park PH -II

Muthukrishnan M, Manager (Stores),CN- TCS Techno Park PH -II

Annathurai K, Asst. ConstructionManager (Elec), TC III-6,7 And 8Floor- Interi

Bhagya S Nair, Asst. Manager (Civil),CN-R O

Purushothaman S, Asst. ConstructionManager (Mech), CN-CTS Siruseri SEZ

Ravichandran K, Asst. Manager(Stores), CN-CTS Siruseri SEZ

Sudhakar Prasad D,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),Godrej Project, Chennai

Suresh J, Asst. ConstructionManager (Civil), Miot Hospitals PH II

Velayutham L,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),CN- TCS Techno Park PH -II

Vijayakumar K, Asst. ConstructionManager (Civil), ESIC Hospital,Kollam

Venkatakondanda Rama Rao A,Project Manager, MB-Oasis Realty

Divakaran OV, Project Head,MB-Wadhwa-BKC

Akshaya Kumar Behera,Construction Manager (Civil),MB-Minerva Lokhandwala

Bhosale Vinayak Vilas Rao,Construction Manager (Civil),MB-Ahuja Tower

Joshi Omkar Dattatraya,Cluster Accounts & Admn. Manager,MB-R O

Waghmare Rajabhau Pralhad,Construction Manager (Civil),MB-Sahara Star Hotel

Janaki Raman S, Manager (P&M),MB-Orchid Crown

Vijaykumar Dattopant Deshpande,Manager (Administration),MB - CTS Pune

Anasane Jitendra Vinayak,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),MB-Oberoi Commercial 2

Karadkhedkar Padmanabh Jaiprakash,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),MB-Orchid Crown

Kavlekar Shailendra Prakash,Asst.Manager (Accounts), MB-Nesco

Masane Nilakanth Arjun,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),MB - CTS Pune

Palanisamy M, Asst. Manager (Civil),MB-R O

Parijat Naha, Asst. ConstructionManager (Civil), Kohinoor Square

Shiddeswar Bhattacherjee,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),MB-Oberoi Commercial 2

Vijaya Ram Reddy K,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),MB-Wadhwa Job Site

Vinay Kumar Sharma,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),Seawoods Phase 1

Peter David,Construction Manager (Civil),KK-CESC Shopping Mall, Kolkata

Manish Kumar,Construction Manager (Civil),KK-ESIC Hospital Joka

July - September 2011

75July - September 2011

Surajit Bhattacharya,Construction Manager (Civil),KK-Vedanta Housing Jharsuguda

Rajib Kumar Chowdhury,Manager (Civil), KK-R O

Salil Kumar Bag,Construction Manager (Civil),KK-CESC Shopping Mall, Kolkata

Baskaran M,Asst. Construction Manager (Elec),KK-ESIC Hospital Joka

Sanat Kumar Das,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),KK-BNRI Housing Project

Santanu Majumder,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),KK-Aiims, Bhubaneswar

Soumyabrata Roy,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),KK-Godrej Housing Sodepur

Tapan Kumar Parida,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),KK-Niser Bhubaneswar

Tushar Kanti Das, Asst. Manager(Accounts), KK-Agartala

Narinder Kumar Puri,Segment Head - Light &Heavy Factories, DL-R O

Jitender Aggarwal, Head - Spl.Initiatives (Business Devt.), DL-R O

Aryasomayajula Venkatagiri,Manager-QA & QC, DL-LDA,Lucknow

Manish Chawla,Construction Manager (Civil),DL-Chandigarh Development Proj

Shabraize Alam, ConstructionManager (Civil), DL-Ireo VictoryValley Gurgaon

Varadaraju S, Construction Manager(Civil), DL-Chandigarh DevelopmentProj

Abhishek Nath, Construction Manager(Civil), DL- Delhi One Mud Noida

Awadhesh Kumar Srivastava,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),DL-Wonder Cements Chittorgarh

Danish Ahmed, Asst. ConstructionManager (Civil), DL-Baby Care -PNG, Bhopal

Inder Jeet Singh, Asst. ConstructionManager (Civil), Dl-DMRC BVSMProject Delhi

Pratap Chandra Nayak,Asst. Manager (Industrial Relations),DL-Chandigarh Development Proj

Rajeev Luthra, Asst. ConstructionManager (Civil), DL-DMRC BVSMProject Delhi

Thennarasu V, Asst. ConstructionManager (Civil), DL-ChandigarhDevelopment Proj

Sanjeev Gupta, Project Director,Bangalore Intl Airport Ltd.,

Jayavel N, Manager (Accounts),BL - BARC PH-1 Mysore

Madhu Sudan Pattanaik,Construction Manager (Civil),BL - BARC PH-1 Mysore

Sridhar R, Manager (Administration),Bangalore Intl Airport Ltd.,

Srinivasa Mehar V, Manager (Civil),BL-R O

Vijayaraghavan P,Construction Manager (Elec),BL - BARC PH-1 Mysore

Dayina NVR Bhupathirao,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),BL - BARC PH-1 Mysore

Mahendra Upadhya,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),BL - BARC PH-1 Mysore

Murugesh P, Asst. ConstructionManager (Civil), BL - BMRCL Job

Rajamanickam P,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech),BL - BARC PH-1 Mysore

Rajappa B, Asst. Construction Manager(Civil), BL - BARC PH-1 Mysore

Ramesh BS, Asst. Manager (Stores),BL - 3M Innovation Centre

Thirugnanasivam V, Asst. Manager(Stores), BL-’A’ Cluster, South City

Bhuvaneshwaran T, Asst. Manager(EHS), AB-SMS & Forging Shop,Hazira

Palkar Jigneshkumar Chandrakant,Asst.Construction Manager (Civil),AB-Business N Exhibition

Prasanna R,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),AB-Godrej Residential

Sanjib Roy, Asst. Manager (Accounts),AB-SMS & Forging Shop, Hazira

Sathish G,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),AB-SMS & Forging Shop, Hazira

Vikas Kumar Sharma,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),TCS SEZ Garimapark,Gandhinagar

Jaikumar L,Manager - FW Prodn. (Metal &Steel), L&T Formwork, Pondy

Nagesh V, Segment Head - Cement& Plant Constn., HY - Cement &Plants Segment

Fakkiresh Jangali, Project Manager,HY - Rajashree Cement Plant

Sushil Kumar Saxena,DGM (Accounts & Administration),HY-Heidelberg Cement Plant, UP

Jay Prakash Navik, Manager (P&M),HY- Vicat Sagar Cement Plant

Kinthada Samba Murty,Manager (Administration),HY - PBELl, Hyderabad P2

Balapavankiran Desaraju,Construction Manager (Civil),HY-Heidelberg Cement Plant, MP

Srivastava A K, Manager (Stores),Hy-Boeing Project, Nagpur

Arun Kumar Jyotishi, Asst. Manager(Materials), HY-Heidelberg CementPlant, MP

Katakam Girish Babu, Asst. Manager(Civil), HY - Cement & Plants Segment

Sasikumar P, Asst. ConstructionManager (Civil), HY-Boeing Project,Nagpur

Debadyuty Mitra, ConstructionManager (Civil), Delhi Intl. Airport

Pradeept Kumar Sundaray,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),Delhi Intl. Airport

Lochan K Joseph, Head-ConstructionWorks, IG - Salalah Airport

Prasanna KK, Chief EngineeringManager (Civil), IG - Salalah Airport

Ramasubbu G, Project Manager,IG (OMAN)-L&T Oman LLC

Sachindra Nath Gupta, DeputyGeneral Manager-Contracts,IG (OMAN)-L&T Oman LLC

Senthil Kumar G, EngineeringManager (Civil), IG - Salalah Airport

Suresh N, Manager (Civil),IG (OMAN)-L&T Oman LLC

Prince C Joseph,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),IG (OMAN)-L&T Oman LLC

Soumen Ray, Asst. EngineeringManager (Civil), IG - Salalah Airport

Sri Ganesh S, Asst. EngineeringManager (Civil), IG - Salalah Airport

Manoj Manohar Tipnis, JGM-Civil,EDRC (B&F), Powai

Bhoothalingam N, Project Manager,Mumbai Intl. Airport

Sekar S, Project Manager,Mumbai Intl. Airport

Jogdand Rushikesh Narayanrav,Construction Manager (Civil),Mumbai Intl. Airport

Sakthivel P, Construction Manager(Civil), Mumbai Intl. Airport

Rajesh Pachlot, ConstructionManager (Civil), Mumbai Intl. Airport

Kavuru Timothy, ConstructionManager (Civil), Mumbai Intl. Airport

Kota Manish Devidas, ConstructionManager (Civil), Mumbai Intl. Airport

Mangaonkar Ajitkumar Babasaheb,Construction Manager (Civil),Mumbai Intl. Airport

Rahul Pal, Construction Manager(Civil), Mumbai Intl. Airport

Ankur Kaushal, Asst.ConstructionManager (Civil), Mumbai Intl. Airport

Appala Swamy S, Asst.Manager(Mech) - Structures, Mumbai Intl.Airport

Bob Mukherjee, Asst.ConstructionManager (Civil), Mumbai Intl. Airport

Kamalanathan L, Asst.ConstructionManager (Civil), Mumbai Intl. Airport

Naphade Pankaj Vijay,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),Mumbai Intl. Airport

Nirmal Kumar Jha, Asst.ConstructionManager (Civil), Mumbai Intl. Airport

Rangaram PK, Asst.ConstructionManager (Civil), Mumbai Intl. Airport

Shinde Deepak Dada,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),Mumbai Intl. Airport

Surojit Chatterjee, Asst. Manager-QA& QC, Mumbai Intl. Airport

Udayakumar S, Asst. ConstructionManager (Civil), Mumbai Intl. Airport

Vanave Babaso Tukaram,Asst. Engineering Manager (Mech),Mumbai Intl. Airport

Yelpale Nandkumar Pandurang,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),Mumbai Intl. Airport

Srinivasa Chary D,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)


Sathar Sheriff G, ConstructionManager, Miot Hospitals PH II

Gulfam Singh Yadav, Manager(Accounts), DL- Rlicd - Khurja

Arumugam V, Manager (Stores),L&T Formwork, Pondy

Absorbed from GET

Billa Sathvika, HY - Metro RailProject (B&F)

Mayee Durva Dilip,Seawood Project, Mumbai

Ankita Jain, MB-Minerva Lokhandwala

Faraz Husain, CN-Head Qrs.

Gurjeet Singh,DL- Maruti Manesar Extension

Haris Bin Arif M, DL-R O

Sharma Kanav Davendrakumar,AB-Business N Exhibition

Abhisek Mondal, MB-Wadhwa Job Site

Naveen Bhatt, AB-Hew,Hazira

Ricken Kumar, DL-ChandigarhDevelopment Proj

Jitesh Sancheti, AB-Godrej Residential

Subrat Keshari Senapati,CN-EDRC, Head Qrs.

Birojit Das, MB-Precast Factory

Anurup Mitra, MB-Wadhwa-BKC

Sanjar Mohammed AB,NBCC ESIC Job

Aditya Acharya,BL - BARC PH-1 Mysore

Chaitanya MVK,KK-ESIC Hospital Joka

Monica Sharma,KK-CESC Shopping Mall, Kolkata


Prakash Sharma,AB-Business N Exhibition

Anupam Dasgupta,MB-Wadhwa Job Site

Dipanjan Ghosh,MB-Wadhwa Job Site

Joieta Paul, MB-Omkar RehabProject Site

Pratik Ghosal, Kohinoor Square

Satyavir Singh Raizada, MB-R O

Thiyagarajan V,AB-Business N Exhibition

Abhishek Jain, DL-IREO-The GrandArch, Gurgao

Sandesh Joshi, MB- TC-2

Tushar Nath, MB-Ahuja Tower

Manjeetkumar Nagarmunnoli,MB-Omkar Rehab Project Site

Arjun H Nair, MB-Wadhwa Job Site

Ashok Sharma,AB-Business N Exhibition

Vijay Adhithyaa JS, TCS SEZGarimapark, Gandhinagar

Paulami Saha, MB-R O

Bindu Sagar Kolluri,MB-Wadhwa-BKC

Karthik A, MB-R O

Vishnu Sharma, AB-Godrej Residential

Bohra Mufaddal Mohammedbhai,MB-Orchid Crown

Pandya Vishal Rohitkumar,AB-EBG Factory Building

Mukesh Kumar,Gilac Headquarters -Vikhroli

Yogendra Shringi,MB-Wadhwa Job Site

Mohd Akram, MB-Sahara Star Hotel

Rohit Varshney, MB- TC-2

Naman Kumar, MB-Wadhwa Job Site

Rishabh Kumar Jain, Kohinoor Square

Ravindravarma Datla,Mumbai Intl. Airport

Vivek M, MB-Ahuja Tower

Sai Charan A,HY - Metro Rail Project (B&F)

Vengadesan V,KK-Godrej Housing Sodepur

Manigandan P, Seawoods Phase 1

Imran Sayyad, Mumbai Intl. Airport

Tony Cleetus, Kohinoor Square

Veena Devarabhotla K,Mumbai Intl. Airport

Purva Mittal, MB-Exquisite PH.-II,IIIA-IIIB

Sumathi R, Bangalore Intl Airport Ltd.,

Polavarapu Vasanthi,HY - PBELl, Hyderabad P2

Asif Mohammed V,Mumbai Intl. Airport

Iyer Karthik Parameswaran,MB-Exquisite Ph.-II, IIIA-IIIB

Tarun Kumar M, Mumbai Intl. Airport

Kavitha M, CN-Head Qrs.

Dhaneesh D, DL-IREO-The GrandArch, Gurgao

Vijeth KR, Mumbai Intl. Airport

Shirsa Bhattacharyya, DL-R O

Pradeep Paul Alphonse, CN-Head Qrs.

Gokulnath K, CN- TCS Techno ParkPh -II

Sankar Vijayan, MB-R O

Praveen Kumar S, DL- NestleFactory, Samalkha

Murali Krishna R, Mumbai Intl. Airport

Amitesh Kumar, MB-Wadhwa Job Site

Shaila Maheshwari, Mumbai Region

Sarath Vinod, KK-R O

Thamaraikkannan V,DL-AIIMS - Jodhpur

Mustesin Ali Khan,MB-L&T Finance - BKC

Amit, DL-R O

Ratika Jain, DL-ChandigarhDevelopment Proj

Babita Pant, MB-Wadhwa-BKC

Nitesh Choudhary, DL-AIIMS - Jodhpur

Mangaldeep AR, DL- Nestle Factory,Samalkha

Raghavendra GA, DL- MarutiManesar Extension

Raju Kumar, AB-EBG Factory Building

Rupesh Kumar Verma, MB-OrchidCrown

Valli Kumar Dumpa DV,HY-Heidelberg Cement Plant, UP

Sendil Kumar P, DL-IREO-The GrandArch, Gurgao

Narmadha Devi B, CN-Head Qrs.

Shyam M, MB-Orchid Crown

Aslamrazvi M, MB-Sahara Star Hotel

Varun Jain, Godrej Garden City Ph 3

Bhanuprakash V, Mumbai Intl. Airport

Prithvi Raj M, AB-SMS & ForgingShop, Hazira

Daya Shankar, Mumbai Intl. Airport

Girase Mihirsinh Darbarsinh, TCSSEZ Garimapark,Gandhinagar

Pradeep Pandey, Knowledge City,Baroda

Raviranjan Kumar, Seawoods Phase 1

Vidhya Shree S, Chennai Region

Archita Goyal, MB-Omkar RehabProject Site

Chittella Sowmya, HY - Metro RailProject (B&F)

Ahatishamuddin, MB- TC-2

Satyajit Das, KK-ESIC Hospital Joka

Sayantan Nath, MB-R O

Sagar Devendra Becharbhai,AB-Godrej Residential

Imranul Haque, MB-Wadhwa-BKC

Priyadarshini Das, Kk-AIIMS,Bhubaneswar

Amit Kulkarni, HY- Vicat SagarCement Plant

Naveen IT, Mumbai Intl. Airport

Veeraprathap Perugu, HY-HeidelbergCement Plant, MP

Shadab Khan, DL-DMRCBVSMProject Delhi

Md Khaleel Ahmed,Mumbai Intl. Airport

Akshata R,KK-CESC Shopping Mall, Kolkata

Ashish Kumar Singh, DL- Delhi OneMud Noida

Pankaj Kesharwani, MB-Ahuja Tower

Kiranraj Kubsad,Bangalore Intl Airport Ltd.,

Vinay Kant, Mumbai Intl. Airport

Mehulkumar Maganlal Solanki,MB-Orchid Crown

Dhanraj M, MB - CTS Pune

Krishna Kartik M,HY-Heidelberg Cement Plant, UP

Harendra Yadlapalli, Kohinoor Square

Deepak Shanbhag,MB-Wadhwa Oshiwara

Addepalli Manoj Kumar,HY- Vicat Sagar Cement Plant

Patil Amit Dilip,AB-Business N Exhibition

Mayank Anand, HY-HeidelbergCement Plant, UP

Desai Mehul Ghusabhai, DL-WonderCements Chittorgarh

Kushal A, KK-Godrej HousingSodepur

Tharani S, CN-Head Qrs.

Diwakar V, HY- Vicat Sagar CementPlant

Sindhu C, CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Bikram Ghosh, KK-Agartala

Gowtham Kumar B,HY- Vicat Sagar Cement Plant

Mohamed Ibrahim SA,HY-Heidelberg Cement Plant, MP

Arun N, MB-Sahara Star Hotel

Muheed Hussain,AB-Godrej Residential

Santosh Kumar S,AB-Godrej Residential

Naphade Nakul Vijay, AB-R O

Essaky Guru A, HY-HeidelbergCement Plant, UP

Mithun M, HY-KCP Cement Plant,Jaggayapet

Siva Sailappan G, HY-HeidelbergCement Plant, MP

Nitish Bhardwaj, MB-Oberoi ExquistePhase - 1

Metallurgical & Material Handling IC

New Joiners

Manikandan V S, Asst. Manager(Civil), CN-Head Qrs.

Pradip Kumar Mahanti,Chief Engineering Manager (Mech),KK-EDRC,Kolkata (M&M)

Amit Kumar Adhya,Engineering Manager (Civil),

KK-EDRC, Kolkata (M&M)

Shibsankar Bhowmick,Engineering Manager (Mech),KK-EDRC, Kolkata (M&M)

Debashish Karmakar, Manager (Hr),KK-EDRC, Kolkata (M&M)

Subhadra Saha,Engineering Manager (Mech),KK-EDRC, Kolkata (M&M)

Suman Dutta, Engineering Manager(Civil), KK-EDRC, Kolkata (M&M)

Arijit Dutt, Asst. Manager (Hr),KK-R O

Salil Kumar Bera,Asst. Engineering Manager (Elec),KK-EDRC, Kolkata (M&M)

Sandeep Bandyopadhyay,Asst. Engineering Manager (Mech),

KK-EDRC, Kolkata (M&M)

Sanjay Kumar Saha,Asst. Engineering Manager (Elec),KK-EDRC, Kolkata (M&M)

Sanjib Rana, Asst. Manager(Chemical), M&M SBG, Kolkata

Sourish Sen, Asst. EngineeringManager (Civil), KK-EDRC,Kolkata (M&M)

July - September 2011


Nagarajan V, Manager (Elec),Delhi Region

Ram Lal, Construction Manager (Civil),Delhi Region

Sanjay Kumar Tiwari,Asst. Manager (Civil), Delhi Region

Abhishek Kumar Tyagi,Asst. Manager (Mech), Delhi Region

Nisheeth Agnihotri, Asst. Manager(Mech)-Qa & Qc, Delhi Region

Patil Chandrashekhar Raghunath,Construction Manager (Mech),AB-Singaji TPP, Khandwa

Surojit Roy, Sr. Engineer (Civil),Ahmedabad Region

Govindarajan N, Asst. Manager(Accounts), HY-CHP For Visa Power

Partha Sen, Construction Manager(Civil), JM-DWSP

Jayant Kumar Pandey, ConstructionManager (Mech), JM-TATA Steel,Jamshedpur

Ram Bishal Verma,Construction Manager (Elec),JM-TATA Steel, Jamshedpur

Ajoy Gangopadhyay, Asst. Manager(Accounts), JM-DCMP Joda Site

Sumindra Kumar Dhara,Asst.Construction Manager (Elec),JM-RHMS Pellet Handling System

Dipankar Mukhopadhyay,Asst. Manager (Mech), Jm-tataSteel,Jamshedpur

New Responsibilities

Sarkar PK, JGM-Projects (Steel &Mines Seg.), BMH BU, CN-HQ.

Barundev Lahiri, JGM - Designs(Civil), KK-EDRC, Kolkata (M&M)

Bhattacharya DN, JGM - Designs(Electrical), KK-EDRC, Kolkata (M&M)

Biswajit Kumar Sengupta, ChiefCluster Proj Mgr. - M&M SBG &BMH Bu, KK-R O

Pinaki Chakraborty, Head -Contracts, M&M SBG, Kolkata

Bipulranjan Das, EngineeringManager (Mech), KK-EDRC,Kolkata (BMH)

Maran E, Cluster Plant Manager -Hyderabad, HY-R O

Jaydeep Goswami, Cluster ProjectsManager - BMH BU, HY-R O

Promotions(M1-A & above )

Singh VP, Head-Power PlantsSegment, CN-Head Qrs.

Haranath N, JGM - Designs(Electrical), CN-EDRC,Chennai (BMH)

Ravichandran R, JGM - Designs(Civil), CN-EDRC, Chennai (BMH)

Sarkar PK, JGM-Projects (Steel &Mines Seg.), BMH BU, CN-HQ.

Suresh KS, Deputy General Manager(Civil), CN-Head Qrs.

Mukesh Kumar, Manager (Mech),CN-Head Qrs.

Srinivasan P, Manager-HumanResources, CN-Head Qrs.

Nanavaty Amber Harendrabhai,Manager-Compensation & Benefits,CN-Head Qrs.

Senthil R, Manager (Accounts &Admn), CN-Head Qrs.

Ganesh P, Manager (Civil),CN-Head Qrs.

Palaniappan T, Engineering Manager(Civil), CN-EDRC, Chennai (BMH)

Ravinder Kumar Saini, Manager-Human Resources, CN-Head Qrs.

Sethu TV, Engineering Manager(Mech), CN-EDRC, Chennai (BMH)

Aditya Pradhan, Asst. EngineeringManager (Elec), CN-EDRC,Chennai (BMH)

Gurunadha Rao SV,Asst. Engineering Manager (Elec),CN-EDRC, Chennai (BMH)

Karthik AK, Asst. Manager (Mech),CN-EDRC, Chennai (BMH)

Layee Khullah, Asst. Manager(Mech), CN-Head Qrs.

Madhukumar Ar, Asst. Manager(Mech), CN-EDRC, Chennai (Wet)

Manohar Reddy M,Asst. Engineering Manager (Mech),CN-EDRC, Chennai (BMH)

Mathimaran M, Asst. EngineeringManager (Civil), CN-EDRC,Chennai (BMH)

Ravi Shankar Tiwari, Asst.Manager(Mech), CN-Head Qrs.

Suchorita, Asst. Manager-HumanResources, CN-Head Qrs.

Balasubramanian V,Construction Manager (Mech),CN-Sterlite, Tuticorin

Soma Manohar,Construction Manager (Mech),BL-JSW BF4 Mecanical

Venkatesh S, Manager (Mech),CN-R O

Vadivelan J, Construction Manager(Mech), BL-JSW BF4 Mecanical

Athmananda YK, Asst. ConstructionManager (Mech), BL-BWSSB, W5C,Bangalore

Rajasuresh P, Asst.Manager (Civil),CN-NPTL, CHP-Tuticorin

Ranganathan M, Asst. Manager(Accounts & Admn), BL-JSW BF4Mecanical

Balasubramaniam D, Manager(Mech), EWL, Kancheepuram

Bhaskara Varma D, Manager (Mech),EWL, Kancheepuram

Divagaran A, Asst. ConstructionManager (Mech), EWL,Kancheepuram

Bhattacharya DN, JGM - Designs(Electrical), KK-EDRC,Kolkata (M&M)

Biswajit Kumar Sengupta,Chief Cluster Proj Mgr. - M&M SBG& BMH BU, KK-R O

Mani Sankar Chakraborty, JGM -Designs (Mechanical), KK-EDRC,Kolkata (M&M)

Bhaskar Sengupta, Deputy GeneralManager - Technology Cell, M&MSBG, Kolkata

Ashis Pal, Chief EngineeringManager (Mech), KK-EDRC,Kolkata (M&M)

Nirmalya Barman, Chief EngineeringManager (Mech), KK-EDRC, Kolkata(M&M)

Ranjit Ghosh, Chief EngineeringManager, KK-EDRC, Kolkata (BMH)

Arup Kumar Ray, ConstructionManager (Civil), KK-BSL Phase IIIBOF

Animesh Nandy, EngineeringManager (Mech), KK-EDRC,Kolkata (BMH)

Kaushik Gangopadhyay, Manager(Elec), M&M SBG, Kolkata

Md Meherrizwan, EngineeringManager (Elec), KK-EDRC,Kolkata (M&M)

Saikat Sengupta, Manager (Mech),M&M SBG, Kolkata

Sutanu Ganguly, ConstructionManager (Civil), KK-Dhamra BulkMaterial Handling

Prasanta Kumar Pradhan,Manager (Mech), KK-R O

Subhabrata Dey, EngineeringManager (Civil), KK-EDRC,Kolkata (M&M)

Pradip Dey, Manager - Elec (Qa/Qc),M&M SBG, Kolkata

Saroj Kant Singh, Manager (Mech),M&M SBG, Kolkata

Suman Mukherjee, Manager (Mech),KK-R O

Tapas Datta, Engineering Manager(Mech), KK-EDRC, Kolkata (M&M)

Abhik Ghosh, Asst. Manager (Civil),KK-R O

Amit Koley, Asst. Engineering Manager(Mech), KK-EDRC, Kolkata (M&M)

Anupam Mitra, Asst. EngineeringManager (Civil), M&M SBG, Kolkata

Asit Mohan Chandra Suyal,Asst. Engineering Manager (Mech),KK-EDRC, Kolkata (BMH)

Avishek Roy, Asst. EngineeringManager, KK-EDRC, Kolkata (M&M)

Balwant Singh Mahara,Asst.Engineering Manager (Mech),KK-EDRC, Kolkata (M&M)

Dilip Das, Asst.Engineering Manager(Civil), KK-EDRC, Kolkata (M&M)

Kintali Durga Madhaba Patro,Asst. Manager (Mech), KK-CMP-Hindalco, Hirakud

Krishnendu Roy, Superintendent(Mech), KK-lisco Burnpur

Manas Kumar Khara, Asst. Manager(Civil), KK-EDRC, Kolkata (M&M)

Manisha Das, Asst. Manager(Personnel), KK-R O

Manisha Roy, Asst. Manager (Admin-istration), KK-EDRC, Kolkata (M&M)

Manoranjan Mahapatra, Asst. Manager(Civil), KK-CHP NTPC Barh Stage II

Palash Biswas, Asst. Manager(Mech), KK-BSL Phase III BOF

Pradip Kumar Majumdar,Asst. Engineering Manager (Mech),KK-EDRC, Kolkata (M&M)

Rajesh Kumar Mohapatra,Asst. Engineering Manager (Mech),KK-EDRC, Kolkata (M&M)

Rajesh Samal, Asst.manager (Mech),KK-Lapanga, Orissa

Rajnish Kumar, Asst. EngineeringManager (Mech), KK-EDRC,Kolkata (BMH)

Saikat Srimani, Asst. EngineeringManager (Mech), KK-EDRC,Kolkata (M&M)

Santimoy Banerjee, Asst. Manager(Civil), KK-SWD-IOCL Paradip

Shambhu Mallick, Asst. Manager(Civil), KK-EDRC, Kolkata (M&M)

Om Prakash Pandey, ProjectManager, Dl-Prov. Infra. Facilities,Panipat

Chudasama DharmendraChandrasinh, Asst. Manager (EHS),Dl-Dwarka Water Supply

Dheeraj Gupta, Asst. Manager(Mech), Dl-Prov.Infra.Facilities,Panipat

Mohd Ariz Urfi, Cluster Hr Manager,DL-R O

Satyabrata Mohapatra,Asst. Manager (Ehs), Dl-CoalHandling Plant-anpara

Shipure Dattatray Mahadeo,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech),Dl-Allahabad Water Supply Sch

Sogale Nagraj, Asst.Manager (Mech),Dl-Varanasi Sewerage Works

Chandraeaswaran S, ConstructionManager (Mech), AB-NC-24 WSSRajula

Basant Kumar, Manager (P&M),Ab-Services For Pot Super Structure

Dinesh Kumar, Asst.ConstructionManager (Mech), AB-PHED, Jaipur

Krishnan I, Project Leader, AB-CHP-Tiroda, Service Order

Mani K, Asst.Manager (Accounts),AB-BOP For Nashik TPP-PH II-CIVIL

July - September 2011


Manu BS, Asst.manager (Mech),AB-HZL, Dariba

Paila Sreenivas, Asst.ConstructionManager (Mech), AB-CHP-Tiroda,Service Order

Ajendra Agarwal, Cluster EHSManager, HY-R O

Muraleedharan TS, ConstructionManager (Mech), Hy-Balco - Korba

Sivakumar P, Construction Manager(Civil), Hy-CPWS Scheme-Adilabad

Banda NS Anil Kumar, Asst.Manager(Civil), HY-R O

Mohan Das, Asst.ConstructionManager (Mech), Hy-Om For East &West Godavari

Padmanaban K, Asst.Manager(Mech), HY-R O

Rajesh K S, Asst.Manager(Accounts), Hy-Hodavari WaterSupply

Satya Naga Ravi Kumar S,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech),Hy-NTPC,Simhadri Tpp

Sudhindra Raju Dandu,Asst.Construction Manager (Civil),Hy-Balco - Korba

Kumaresan T, Cluster Head -Jamshedpur, JM-Tata Steel,Jamshedpur

Dasaratha Ram Reddy P, ProjectManager, JM-Tata Steel, Jamshedpur

Mohan S, Cluster Accounts Manager,JM-Tata Steel, Jamshedpur

Kamalakkannan U, ConstructionManager (Mech), JM-DCMP Joda Site

Paramhans Singh, Manager (Mech),JM-Tata Steel, Jamshedpur

Subramanya Venkatesh S,Construction Manager (Mech),JM-RHMS Pellet Handling System

Vidyanand Kumar, Manager (Mech),JM-DCMP Joda Site

Bisweswar Kumar Sarkar, Manager(Civil), JM-DCMP Joda Site

Lakshmanan R, Manager(Mechanical), JM-RHMS PelletHandling System

Arun Kumar, Manager (Mech),JM-Tata Steel, Jamshedpur

Subir Ranjan Bal,Construction Manager (Mech),JM-Tata Steel, Jamshedpur

Utpal Kumar Chakraborty,Construction Manager - Ceramic,JM-Tata Steel, Jamshedpur

Govindharaj N, Asst. Manager(P&M), JM-Tata Steel, Jamshedpur

Pritam Chatterjee, Asst.ConstructionManager (Civil), JM-Tata Steel,Jamshedpur

Rajnish Kumar Sinha, Asst. Manager(Mech), JCO-Bmh At Noamundi

Ram Prasad, Asst. Manager (Civil),JM-RHMS Pellet Handling System

Suman Roy, Asst. Manager (Civil),JM-Tata Steel, Jamshedpur


Sitaram Meghadri, DGM -Production, Mech.

Patnaik BK, Deputy GeneralManager (Mech), Mech.

Mohan Kumar A, Cluster PlantManager, P&M

Absorbed from DET

Anand Kumar G; Kadelli Posibabu;Venkateswarulu Gandrotu;Jeyaprakasan S; Kodi HanumanthaRao; Manikandan V; Kubireddi RaviMeher; Ahmar Aslam; Raja Saha;Sandip Mandal; Raman J; VinodKumar S; Pilli Kishore Kumar;Kaliveti Gowtham; SomalarajuNagendra Babu; Razat Bhardwaj;Chiranjit Roy; Anindya Sundar Dutta;Venu Babu Bolem; Bhatta Siva NagaDontu Mallikharjunarao; NagulapalliMahesh; Gagari Govardhan; BandiReddiprasad; Kultar Singh; KeshwaNand; Arvind Kuswaha; VishalKashyap; Deepak Kumar; DarpanDhingra; Saibal Bera; Sk NajmusSadat; Abhimanyu Das; Amit Das;Arindam Kumar Banerjee; NikhilTrivedi; Puneet Nidhi Verma; PawanKannaujia; Saikat Kumar Betal; RajKumar; Dheerendra Kumar Tripathi;Umesh; Vishal Kumar; KushalKumar; Vinay; Sachin Chaudhari;Praveen Kumar; Chethan K R;Vishnu Jyothy J L; Dharanikumara TR; Sakthi S; Chandan Poojari; SunilKumar; Sarun Lal O M; Suraj Singh;Yurendra Yadav; Kushmesh Kumar;Shantanu Dutta; Praveen Singh; VedPrakash Pandey; Bhagwat PrasadSahu; Hari Shanker Prasad; PrakharSrivastawa; Ved Prakash; TusharKanti Das; Sourav Dey; Sunil KumarYadav; Dinesh Midde; Nabo KumarMalik; Prasanta Paul; AniruddhaDas; Bijayanta Sarkar; Subrata Das;Suman Bag; Bikash Kumar Ghosh;Sourav Kumar Patra; Arnab Ghosh;Tamal Saha; Samiran Lahiri; ChiranjitDas; Sourav Manna; Avijit Ghosh;

Debajyoti Haldar; Indradeep RoyChowdhury; Arshad Kamal; AtulSharma; Dhanesh Kumar Chaurasia;Pawan Kumar; Murugesan A; VibhorMishra

Absorbed from GET

Venkata Sravanthi D; ThakreNarendrasing Somsing; PotdarAbhijeet Prakash; Ashish Sharma;Dinamani Kshetrimayum; JayeshRajendra Khune; Himanshu Sooden;Debasish Ghosh; Rajeev Ranjan;Srikanta Kundu; Sumeet Garg;Sushovan Dutta; Kumar Avinash;Abhishek Paul; Gunjan Kumar; NirajKumar Jha; Prabhas Raghav;Shivam Kumar; Gaurav Pandey;Vaibhav Dixit; Rakesh A; SandipUpadhyay; Nitheesh C J; JethaniSunil Dilip; Sandeep Jha; SudeepJohri; Shishir Kulkarni; Alok Ranjan;Prasun Chatterjee; Jayant KumarSaraswat; Santosh V; RakeshRakshit; Susen Deuri; Subrata Das;Sumit Das; Subhra Paul; AmitKumar Singh; Rahul Kumar Gupta;Shvetank Pandey; MurlidharSrivastwa; Probal Bhattacharyya;Vivek Ranjan; Saptarshi Sengupta;Sanjit Kumar Routray; AbhinawKumar; Susanta Kumar Maity;Piyush Agrawal; Vasudeva S; MadanCs; Vinayakumar Pastay; Balaji L;Abhiroop Bose; Sonu Kumar;Hemkant Sharma; Pankaj Kumar;Piyush Chandraker; KoriyarVikramraj; Mahesha B; AbhishekAnand; Tamilselvam E; Samir Garai;Shashank Sharma; Sirshak Maji;Murugananthan V; Basant KumarMahto

Power Transmission & Distribution (Domestic)

New Joiners

Sanojkumar Gopalkrishna Pillai, Asst.Manager (Human Resources), BL-R O

Jabraj Singh, Manager -Strategic Planning, CN-Head Qrs.

Valiveti Srinivas, Deputy GeneralManager (Traction), CN-Head Qrs.

Shaik Babafakroddin,Asst. Engineering Manager (Civil),CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Mallikarjun Reddy MV,Asst. Engineering Manager (Elec),CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Satyam Singh, Manager (Telecom),HY-H-IE-Metro Rail-Signalling

Kaliappan PV, Head-EHS (Gulf),CN-Head Qrs.

New Responsibility

Asoka Kumar Shenoi V, VP & Head,Gulf-I, PT&D (Intl.), IG - Sharjah

Ramanathan V, Chief - Bus. Dev.(IE & SS) - SAARC, IndustrialElectrification, CN-Head Qrs.

Balasubramanian R,Chief Proj. Mgr. (Nuclear Proj.) - IE,Industrial ElectrificationCN-NPCIL, Kudamkulam

Chakraborthy SK,Chief - Business Development(IE & SS), Sub Stations, DL-R O

Amit Kumar Rajput, SPM (IE & SS),Industrial Electrification, DL-R O

Sasisekar S, SPM (IE & SS),Industrial Electrification, CN-R O


Srinivasan R, VP & Head - IndustrialElectrification, CN-Head Qrs.

Anud Koul,SPM (TL) - Delhi Region, DL-R O

Gopinath V, Head-Finance, Accounts& Admin. (PT&D IC), CN-Head Qrs.

Sugata Chaudhury, Head-InformationSystems, Hyderabad Metro

Venkatasubbu K, Chief ProjectManager - Railway Systems, HY-H-RC-Comp. RC Works HM-HMRL

Debashis Roy, Chief - Operations(Instrumentation), CN-Head Qrs.

Venkatachalababu H, ChiefEngineering Manager (Elec)Hyderabad Metro

Krishnamoorthi R, Projects ManagerIG (KUW)-Kuwait

Murali R, Chief Manager(Ind.Electrification Proj), CN-HQ.

Dhinakaran V, Chief ProcurementManager, CN-Head Qrs.

Arun Kumar T, Project Manager(Elec), IG (SAU)-L&T Saudi LLC

Raghavendra GS, Project Manager,H-IE-Electrical Works-Nariyara Powe

Samir Kumar Gupta,Project Manager (Elec),DL-765KV/400KV Balia S/S

Akula S Phanendra Kumar,Project Manager (Civil),AB-Bharuch Dahej Railway Const

Thomas E A, Construction Manager,CTS Siruseri

Kuntal Pakhira, RPM (RC) - KolkataRegion, KK-R O

Jagatheesan G, Manager (Civil),CN-Head Qrs.

Selvam A, Manager - TL ProtoWorks, Kanchipuram,TLT Proto Works, Kancheepuram

Sethuraman R, Construction Manager(Elec), KK-MPL Maithon Site

Devendra Kumar Singh, ConstructionManager (Elec), KK-Intra-PlantCabling & Scada

Sebastian Serafin MJ,Manager (Elec), AB-R O

Chandrashekar Reddy G, EngineeringManager (Instr), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Bhaskar Sarathy, Manager (Elec),CN-EDRC, HQ.

July - September 2011


Ashutosh Dan, Construction Manager(Civil), KK-10MTPA Rail Siding,Tata JSR

Joydeep Bhattacharjee,Manager (Elec), KK-R O

Aejaz Anwar Mogal,Manager (Elec), MB-R O

Thangapandian M,Construction Manager (Elec),IG (Oman)-L&T Oman LLC

Ponmurugu S, Manager(Instrumentation), CN-Head Qrs.

Deepankar Chandra Mallick,Construction Manager (Elec), U-S/SElec. Works At MIAL

Atul Singhal, Construction Manager(Civil), MB-Tata GIS S/S BLdg. -Powai

Abdul Hanif Khan, EngineeringManager (Civil), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Kunwar Krishna Tripathi,Construction Manager (Elec),IG-UAE-A 3900

Alphonse A,Construction Manager (Elec),Thermal Power Plant Ele Vallur

Selvanayagam G, Manager (Elec),IG-UAE-A 3938.1

Yaduvendra Singh Chauhan,Construction Manager (Elec),DL-765KV/400KV Lucknow S/S

Manish Singhal, Manager (Elec),DL-R O

Karthikeyan S, Construction Manager(Elec), IG - Sharjah

Surojit Saha, Construction Manager(Elec), KK-Lisco Burnpur

Athashi Poorna Chakraborthy,Manager (HR), CN-Head Qrs.

Jawahar M, Construction Manager(Elec), ITC Guindy Elec

Amitava Kumar Pal, ConstructionManager (Elec), DL-400KV S/S/PGCIL, Koteshwar

Shubhada Abhay Kalzunkar,Manager (Admin & Immigration),International Gulf,Mumbai

Valliappan CT, Construction Manager(Elec), M-IE-Electrical Works-Kattupalli PO

Ravi KMS, Construction Manager(Elec), DL-66&33 KV GIS NDMC

Manohar G, Manager(Administration), Hyderabad Metro

Ganesh G, Manager(Resource Deployment), CN-HQ.

Baskar D, Manager (Stores),TLT Factory, Pondy

Vijaysinh Chandrasinh G,Manager (Stores), IG - Sharjah

Suresh CV, Manager (Stores),L&T Cons.Works, Kancheepuram

Rajeev Kumar Jaiswal,Engineering Manager (Instr),CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Jagadeesh Kumar DSVN,Manager (Instrumentation),DL-Electric Works - Bhatinda

Sathesh Babu TK, ConstructionManager (Elec), CN-Head Qrs.

Srinivasan J, Manager (Elec),Mumbai Region

Balajee NM,Construction Manager (Elec),BL-220/66/11 KV VKTP S/S Job

Srinivasan B, Manager - Env.,Health & Safety (EHS),IG-UAE-Fewa 132 KV Substation

Resmy Mathew, Manager (Elec),BL-R O

Rakesh Kumar,Construction Manager (Civil),DL-765KV S/C Agra-Jatikalan TL

Manickavasagam M, ConstructionManager (Mech), L-IE-Elec -Offsite-PhIII-MRPL

Shriram Singh, Manager (IndustrialRelations), D-TLT,Pithampur

Ransubhe Ravikiran Chandrakant,Manager (Elec), MB-R O

Tarinee Prasad Das, Manager (Elec),CN-Head Qrs.

Saravanan MR, Manager (Elec),IG-UAE-Sharjah Office

Chandra Sekhar Bellapu P,Manager (Elec), KK-R O

Subrata Kanjilal,Asst. Manager (Accounts),C-TL-220KV M/C and 132KV D/TTL-WBS

Rajagopalan S,Asst. Manager (Administration),IG (Oman)-L&T Oman LLC

Radhakrishnan V, Asst. Manager(Administration), CN-HQ.

Ranjani Ganesan, Asst. Manager(Administration), CN-Head Qrs.

Kumar K, Asst. Manager (Accounts),L-IE-Elec -Offsite-PhIII-MRPL

Sasi Kumar R,Asst. Construction Manager (Elec),CN-NTPLS GIS Project

Manab Pore,Asst. Construction Manager (Elec),KK-132KV D/C&M/C TL - WBSETCL

Govinda Krishnan R, Asst. Manager(Insurance), IG - Sharjah

Arvind Kumar Vishnoi,Asst. Construction Manager (Elec),Switchyard PKG Vindhyachal

Jaganathan N,Asst. Manager (Elec), CN-Head Qrs.

Prema Kumara P, Asst. Manager(Accounts), IG (QAT)-Qatar

Chandrasekhar Garigipati,Asst. Engineering Manager (Civil),CN-EDRC,Head Qrts.

Baki Billa Molla,Asst. Construction Manager (Elec),AB-A-SS-220/132KV GIS S/S, Mans

Mithun M,Asst. Construction Manager (Elec),HY - Vemagiri-LI LE Project

Lakshmanan C,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),KK-Sonadih Railway Siding Work

Indira Thangam KS Mohan,Asst. Manager (Elec),CN-Head Qrs.

Prashant Tripathi,Asst. Construction Manager (Elec),DL-Unnao, Up-Crompton Greaves

Arumugapraphu M,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),CN-NTPLS GIS Project

Subrat Kumar Biswal, Asst.Construction Manager (Elec),JM-Tata Steel,Jamshedpur

Reyajul Hoque SK,Asst.Construction Manager (Elec),AB-APL Mundra - Sepco III

Anirban Ganguli,Asst.Construction Manager (Elec),JM-Tata Steel,Jamshedpur

Rajasekhar Kaja,Asst. Manager (Elec), IG - Sharjah

Ravi Srihari, Asst.ConstructionManager (Elec), HY-H-RC-Comp.RC Works HM-HMRL

Balaji A,Asst.Construction Manager (Elec),Thermal Power Plant Ele Vallur

Chauhan Devendra Shantilal, Asst.Construction Manager (Elec),Switchyard PKG Vindhyachal

Muthuramalingam A,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),765KV Auto Trans. SS PKG T3/T4

Madhumita Binani,Asst. Manager (Accounts),CN-Head Qrs.


Kamalakar Gokul Bhamare,Manager (Accounts), MBRO

Manohar Arya K, Project Manager,HY- Vizag Steel PLT BF 3

Venkataraman B,Deputy General Manager-Accounts &Admin., CN-Head Qrs.

Shekhar Murthy,Head-Instrumentation, CN-Head Qrs.

Chandrasekaran S, Manager-QualityControl, Rerolling Mill,Pondy

Absorbed from contract

Abhinav Narayan Rai, Supervisor(Civil), DL- Elect. Works Rajpura TPP

Purushothaman R, Electrician,ITC Guindy Elec

Sivaelangovan T, Electrician,CTS Siruseri

Jai Sankar V, Electrician,Thermal Power Plant Ele Vallur

Murugesan R, Time Office Supervisor,HY-765 KV Ranchi - Sipat

Madhivanan M, Accounts Supervisor,AB-Bharuch Dahej Railway Const.,

Absorbed from DET

Rajesh Kannan B, Design Engineer(Civil), CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Mohan Raj D, Design Engineer(Civil), CN-Head Qrs.

Lakshmi Narayanan K, DesignEngineer (Civil), CN-Head Qrs.

Saranyadevi N, Design Engineer(Civil), CN-EDRC,Head Qrts.

Naga Nanthini M, Design Engineer(Civil), CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Padmavathy S, Design Engineer(Civil), CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Thamizharasan R, Engineer (Elec),IG-UAE-Aryam Island - D 9441

Vemburaj A, Engineer (Civil),Mumbai Lines(MSETCL)

Sirajudeen M, Engineer (Elec),CN-NPCIL, Kudamkulam

Vinoth J, Engineer (Elec),CN-CTS Ph II, MEPZ, Tambaram

Sudharsanam G, Engineer (Mech),KK-Blast Furnace-Tisco Elec

Vasudevan R, Engineer (Mech),AB-Cairn, Barmer-Main Package

Rakesh Roshan Soans,Engineer (Civil),MB-RC-Manmad-Rahuri PKG I-RC

Ameer Basha A, Engineer (Elec),BL-L-SS-R-APDRP Works,Davanger

Rajesh Kumar Kushvaha, Engineer(Civil), AB-Bharuch Dahej RailwayConst

Parthasarathy V, Engineer (Elec),HY-NTPC Mauda Thermal Prj.

Waleed A,Engineer (Instrumentation),KK-RE-24 Parganas-PKG 6

Liyakath Alikhan A,Engineer (Instrumentation),KK-RE-Jalpaiguri-PKG-2

Sridhar Krishnan B, Engineer(Instrumentation), KK-Bhushan Steel

Lokesh Das, Engineer (Elec),KK-Sinter Plant, BSL - Angul

Visakh VS, Engineer (Elec),KK-RE-Jalpaiguri-PKG-1

Shah Alam, Engineer (Elec),KK-Kharagpur-Panskura 3rd R.L.

Alamanda Bhargava, Engineer(Elec), TLT Factory, Pondy

Memane Akshaya Ashok,Engineer (Civil), MB-R O

Vivek K, Engineer (Civil),JSWTL Project

Kishore P, Engineer (Civil),JSWTL Project

July - September 2011


Mahesh Basavaraj Balakerimath,Engineer (Elec),MB-Minerva Lokhandwala

Lingesh Kanth R, Engineer (Mech),BL-MRPL Phase III Mangalore

Ravi Anand Mishra, Engineer (Elec),MB-R O

Absorbed from GET

Gourab Sen, Sr. Engineer (Elec) ,JM-Tata Steel,Jamshedpur

Patel Jaimin Vinodkumar,Sr. Engineer (Elec),DL-Electric Works - Bhatinda

Praveen S, Sr. Engineer (Civil),KK-Kharagpur-Panskura 3rd R.L.

Ankit Kumar, Sr. Engineer (Elec) ,DL-Electric Works - Bhatinda

Vishal Kumar Kataruka,Sr. Engineer (Elec), CN-Head Qrs.

Patel Shaishavkumar Ramanlal,Sr. Engineer (Elec), CN-Head Qrs.

Preethi M, Sr. Engineer (Civil),CN-R O

Abhishek Sinha, Sr. Engineer (Elec),KK-C-SS-400KV Swtchyrd For BPR

Syama S M Nair, Sr. DesignEngineer (Civil), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Baji Kshitija Pradip, Sr. Engineer(Mech) , MB-Tata GIS S/S BLDG. -Powai

Appa Rao Kakarla, Sr. Engineer(Elec), CN-Head Qrs.

Bharat Balagopal, Sr. Engineer(Elec), HY-Nandlur Guntakal

Abhishek Singh, Sr. Engineer (Elec),JM-Tata Steel,Jamshedpur

Patel Jeny Rugnathbhai,Sr. Engineer (Elec), AB-R O

Mithun Kumar, Sr.Engineer (Mech),KK-Rly Link Project For Sterli

Abilash C, Sr.Engineer (Civil),CN-Manamadurai-Tiruchchuli Rly

Ramakrishna Gadadavar,Sr. Engineer (Civil) , KK-10MTPARail Siding, Tata Jsr

Akansha Lakhera, Sr.Engineer (Civil),DL-R O

Nagesha C, Sr. Engineer (Elec),AB-Bharuch Dahej Railway Const

Rajesh H, Sr. Engineer (Elec),KK-Kharagpur-Panskura 3rd R.L.

Sagar Sawhney, Sr. Engineer (Civil),MB-Bina To Ganj Basoda RVNL RC

Kiran Nayak, Sr. Engineer (Civil),MB-Bina To Ganj Basoda RVNL RC

Krishna Kumar Das, Sr. Engineer(Civil), Mumbai Region

Sravam Kumar Matcha, Sr. Engineer(Civil) , MB-Ganj Basoda To SanchiRVNL

Venkatesh MN, Sr. Engineer (Elec) ,MB-RC-Rahuri-Daund PKG II-RC

Homesh Kumar Deshmukh,Sr. Engineer (Elec), MB-MinervaLokhandwala

Ashish Vaishnav, Sr. Engineer (Civil),DL-Switchyard PKG Rihand

Meet Inder, Sr. Engineer (Elec),DL- Elect. Works Rajpura TPP

Ashit Minocha, Sr. Engineer (Elec),DL-Electric Works - Bhatinda

Rajmohan B, Sr. Engineer (Civil),CN-NTPLS GIS Project

Aravindhkumar B, Sr. Engineer(Elec), JM-Tata Steel,Jamshedpur

Prabu K, Sr. Engineer (Elec),CN-EDRC,Head Qrts.

Arindam Sarkar,Sr. Engineer (Civil), KK-LU-SS-765/400KV PKG T-1-Gay

Ambarish KB, Sr. Engineer (Civil),JM-Tata Steel,Jamshedpur

Mahanthesha A,Sr. Engineer (Civil),BL-Bidadi Job Site

Praveena Banakar, Sr. Engineer(Civil) , BL-220/66/11KV SS AtYelahanka

Jatindra Singh, Sr. Engineer (Civil),IG-UAE-Dewa Cabling Job Mamzar

Santoshkumar Kedarisetti,Sr. Engineer (Civil), IG-RLQP-QatarPetroleum Project

Sunil Narayanan KV, Sr. Engineer(Elec) , IG-(Qat)-66/11 KV KahramaaSS

Prajapati Pratikkumar Arvindbhai,Sr. Engineer (Elec), IG (Oman)-L&TOman LLC

Pariwesh, Sr.Engineer (Elec),JM-Tata Steel, Jamshedpur

Helwande Sunny Vijay, Sr. Engineer(Elec) , IG-UAE-Fewa 132 KVSubstation

Srinivas MNS, Sr. Engineer (Elec),IG-RLQP-Qatar Petroleum Project

Kiran Kumar K, Sr. Engineer (Elec),IG-UAE-N7203-Taweelah-SS Proj.

Arshadh Omar Shariff, Sr. Engineer(Elec) , IG - Sharjah

Saranya CK, Sr. Engineer (Elec),CN-Head Qrs.

Kumili Rajesh Kumar, Sr. Engineer(Civil) , KK-Kharagpur-Panskura 3rdR.L.

Pallab Kumar Goswami, Sr. Engineer(Civil), AB-Bharuch Dahej RailwayConst

Ritwik Mondal, Sr. Engineer (Civil),KK-Rly Link Project For Sterli

Suprasad Guchhait, Sr. Engineer(Civil), KK-Rly Link Project For Sterli

Swagata Sarkar, Sr. Engineer (Civil),KK-10MTPA Rail Siding, Tata Jsr

Kumar Manjeet, Sr. Engineer (Civil),KK-Kharagpur-Panskura 3rd R.L.

Saravana Kumar I,Sr. Engineer (Elec),AB-Bharuch Dahej Railway Const

Pulkit Mehta, Sr.Engineer (Civil),KK-10MTPA Rail Siding, Tata Jsr

Ghadiyali Yusuf Iqbal,Sr. Engineer (Civil), MB-Bina ToGanj Basoda RVNL RC

Narasipuram Amar Kumar,Sr.Engineer (Mech), M-RC-Ballastless Track Works-Chenna

Kartikey Kumar Srivastava,Sr.Engineer (Civil),MB-Bina To Ganj Basoda RVNL RC

Kunder Harshit Harischandra,Sr. Engineer (Elec), MB-Ganj

Basoda To Sanchi RVNL

Santosh Kumar, Sr. Engineer(Mech), TLT Factory, Pondy

Premkumar M, Sr. Engineer (Mech),TLT Factory, Pondy

Anup Revankar, Sr. Engineer (Civil),DL-765kV S/C Agra-Jatikalan TL

Rahul Kaushal, Sr. Engineer (Civil),DL-Patiala Ludhiana T/L

Gagandeep Singh, Sr. Engineer(Elec), A-TL-5 Mwp Solar PowerPlant At Dha

Venkata Rambabu P, Sr. DesignEngineer (Elec), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Shrinivas Anegundi, Sr. Engineer(Elec), DL-R O

Somnath Kundu, Sr.Engineer (Civil),KK-R O

Subhrajit Sengupta, Sr. Engineer(Elec), KK-800KV HVDC BiswanathChari

Ritanshu Gupta, Sr. Engineer (Civil),Mumbai Lines(MSETCL)

Chauhan Mishal Ashok, Sr. Engineer(Elec), O-South Africa

Patil Tushar Nanasaheb,Sr. Engineer (Civil) , A-TL-5 MwpSolar Power Plant At Dha

Absorbed from PGET

Abhishek Kumar, Sr. Engineer (Elec),IG - Sharjah

Sudhir K Nayak, Sr. Design Engineer(Civil), CN-EDRC,Head Qrts.

Gokula Krishnan J, Sr. Engineer(Elec), Chennai Region

Karthickeyan J, Sr. Design Engineer(Elec), CN-EDRC,Head Qrts.

Krishna Chaitanya Bayya,Sr. Engineer (Elec), CN-Head Qrs.

Vikash Kumar, Sr. Design Engineer(Mech), CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Venkatumesh S, Sr. Design Engineer(Civil), CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Kamesh S, Sr. Engineer (Elec),HY-H-RC-Comp.RC Works HM-HMRL

Infrastructure IC

New Joiners

Anurag Chaturvedi,Manager (Logistics), CN-Head Qrs.

Anil Chowdary Bandlamudi,Asst. Engineering Manager,CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Elaya Raja S, Sr. Architect,CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Mohanraj G, Asst. EngineeringManager (Civil), CN-EDRC, HQ.

Pratim Dutta, Asst. Manager(Logistics), CN-Head Qrs.

Nandhagopal K, Asst. EngineeringManager-Structural (Design),CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.

Divya Venkatesh,Chartered Accountant, CN-Head Qrs.

Srivatsan G, Chartered Accountant,CN-Head Qrs.

Narendran P S, Asst. ConstructionManager (Civil), CN - Chennai MetroProject

Parvataneni Sateesh, Manager (Civil),CN-Chennai Metro (Ug)

Sajilal R, Asst. Construction Manager(Civil), CN-Hosur-Krishnagiri-Road

Karunakar P, Asst. Manager (Safety),CN-Tada Road Project

Murugesa Guru Boopathy B,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),CN - Chennai Metro Project

Rajesh N, Engineering Manager -Civil (Design), Mumbai Region

Nadkarni Atish Anil, EngineeringManager - Civil (Design),Mumbai Region

July - September 2011


Gupta Subhas Bansilal,Manager (Materials), Mumbai RegionGovindaraja K R, Asst. ConstructionManager (Civil), MB-R OSuvra Chakrabarti, Asst. EngineeringManager (Civil), Transportation SBG-MBROVed Pal Singh, Asst. EngineeringManager (Geo-tech), DL-DMRCPackage CMC-1Sajeen G Bensihar, Asst. Manager(Safety), Delhi RegionBirbal Kumar Lakhara,Asst. Manager (Personnel),Ahmedabad RegionGanesh Kumar M, Asst. EngineeringManager (Civil), Hyderabad Region

New Responsibility

Srinivasan T, Segment Head - Ports& Spl. Bridges, M4-B, CN-Head Qrs.Girijasankar A, Head - Procurement(Infra IC), M3-C, CN-Head Qrs.Chakravarthy VBSPK, ProjectManager, M2-B, CN-Hosur-Krishnagiri-RoadSen DK, VP & Head-Trans.Infrastructure, M4-B,Transportation SBG-MBROSubrahmanya Bhat K,Head-Spl. Initiatives(M,P&Spl.Bridges), M3-B, MB-R ODhanyakumar Devendra Khot,Cluster Head (Delhi), M3-C, Dl-l&TSUCG JV - Amel C5

Promotions(M1-A & above)

Srinivasan T,Segment Head - Ports & Spl.Bridges, CN-Head Qrs.Senthilnathan K, Head-EDRC &Tech. (Heavy Civil Infra),CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.Anantha Murthy BS,Head-Quarry,Mining & Crushing (Infra), CN-HQ.Davinder Singh, Head - P&M(Infra IC), CN-Head Qrs.Ramakrishnan S, Head-SPL.Initiatives (South), CN-Head Qrs.Sathyanarayana S,Head - Environment, Health &Safety (Infra IC), CN-Head Qrs.Harihara Subramanian S,Manager (Accounts),CN-Head Qrs.Tijo C Mathew,Engineering Manager (Civil),CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.Dr B Sakthivel, Engineering Manager(Civil), CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.Rama Krishna Raju MV,Manager (Mech), CN-Head Qrs.Ahamed Basha B, EngineeringManager (Civil), CN-EDRC, HQMohana Sundaram, EngineeringManager (Civil), CN-EDRC, HQ

Arunabha Roy, Deputy GeneralManager (Civil), CN-L&T Shipyard,KattupalliMuraleedharan C, DGM (P&M),CN-L&T Shipyard, KattupalliSudarsan Maharana,Construction Manager (Civil),CN-Krishnagiri-Walajha RoadSrinivasa, Manager (Mines),CN-Krishnagiri-Walajha RoadVijaya Kumar Gandhi V,Construction Manager (Mech),CN-NPCIL, KudamkulamArun Kumar Chatterjee,Construction Manager (Civil),CN-Tada Road ProjectBalakrishnan N, Manager (P&M),CN - Krishnagiri-Walajha RoadNagendra Sai K, Manager (Mech),CN-NPCIL, KudamkulamAtchuta Rao Siddanathi,Asst. Construction Manager (Elec),CN-Hosur-Krishnagiri-RoadDurgam Suresh Baba,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech),CN - Krishnagiri-Walajha RoadGanesaraman V,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech),CN-NPCIL, KudamkulamJatinder Singh,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech),CN - Krishnagiri-Walajha RoadShetgaonkar Rajesh Ankush,Asst. Construction Manager (Mines),CN-L&T Shipyard, KattupalliSreekanth NP,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),CN - Krishnagiri-Walajha RoadSrinivasan B, Asst. Manager(Stores), CN-Tada Road ProjectDivakar HK, DGM (P&M),MB-MONO RailRaja Dutta, Construction Manager(Civil), MB-R ODeshpande Ajit Manohar, Manager(Industrial Relations), MB-Mono RailParveen Kumar, ConstructionManager (Civil), MB-Mono RailPatil Santosh Annasaheb,Construction Manager (Civil),MB-Mono RailAmbade Prashant Ramesh,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),MB-Mono RailIyer Vasudevan Venkataraman,Asst.Construction Manager (Civil),MB-Mono RailYeolekar Lalit Hemant,Asst.Construction Manager (Civil),MB-Mono RailKutuluru Sesha Reddy,Project Head, Railway Embankt. &Jetty-B&M, KK-DhamraPitambar Jena,Asst. Manager (Accounts),KK-DhamraRajeev Kumar,Construction Manager (Civil),DL-DMRC Package CMC-1Avdhesh Kumar Mishra,Manager (P&M), DL-Srinagar Hep

Vasireddy Venkateswara Rao,Manager (Accounts), DL-DMRCUdyog BhavanManoj Kumar, Construction Manager(Civil), DL-Parbati HepRajeev Kumar Srivastava, Manager(P&M), DL-Sawalkot Road ProjectPrabhu Kumar LT, Asst. ConstructionManager (Civil), DL-Sawalkot RoadProjectRajkumar Sharma, Asst. Manager(Stores), DL-DMRC Package CMC-1Srinatha Subba Rao Vankayala,Asst. Manager (Accounts),DL-Tapovan Vishnugad JVThejas Hk, Asst. Construction Manager(Civil), DL-Singoli Bhatwari HepRavi Prakash, Segment Head -Road & Runways, AB-R OAnnaji Rao T, Deputy GeneralManager (Civil), AB-Ahmedabad-Viramgam-Maliya-RoadRajesh Kumar Jha, Deputy GeneralManager (Civil), AB-Ahmedabad-Viramgam-Maliya-RoadJeeva David J,Construction Manager (Civil),AB-Rajkot-Jamnagar-Vadinar RoadSolanki Pankajkumar J,Construction Manager (Civil),AB-Kandla Mundra RoadParikh Ronak Girishbhai, ConstructionManager (Civil), AB-Ahmedabad-Viramgam-Maliya-RoadDekivadiya Dhavalkumar N,Manager (Accounts), AB-R OAnantha Prakash LD, Asst.Construction Manager (Civil), AB-Ahmedabad-Viramgam-Maliya-RoadManish Mishra, Asst. Manager(Mines), AB-Ahmedabad-Viramgam-maliya-RoadSatish Babu Thomorothu,Asst.Construction Manager (Civil),AB-Halol-Godhra-Shamlaji RoadSingane Janardan Bhivasan,Asst. Manager (Industrial Relations),AB-Kandla Mundra RoadSudharsan R, Asst. Manager (Ehs),AB-Kakrapar Atomic Power ProjectSunirmal Kumar Giri, Asst.Construction Manager (Civil), AB-Ahmedabad-Viramgam-Maliya-RoadSuresh Kumar M, Asst.Manager(P&M), AB-Ahmedabad-Viramgam-maliya-RoadVadavalli NV Satyandra, ConstructionManager (Mech), Hy-Vizag Vessel,ProjectHari Narayan K, Manager(Administration), Hyderabad MetroAnjan Kumar Naik, Asst. Manager(Quality Control), Hyderabad MetroDominic Xavier,Construction Manager (Civil),Subansiri Hydel ProjectSumitra Nandan Das, Manager(P&M), Subansiri Hydel ProjectBidyut Sarkar,Asst. Manager (P&M),Subansiri Hydel Project

Gumpa Paraiah, Asst. ConstructionManager (Civil), Subansiri HydelProjectRam Naresh Solanki,Deputy General Manager (Civil),Delhi Intl. AirportTrailokyanat Dhal, Asst. ConstructionManager (Civil), Delhi Intl. AirportEthirajan R, Project Manager,International Gulf - InfraHari Krishna K,Deputy General Manager (Civil),International Gulf - Infra


Sivanesan K, Deputy GeneralManager-Accounts & Admin.,CN-L&T Shipyard, Kattupalli

Srinivasan S, Manager (Accounts),CN-NPCIL, Kudamkulam

Absorbed from DET

Nirmalkumar S; Ram Kumar M;Jeeva N; Sathish Kumar R;Santhosha A M; Kanaga Raj A;Balamurugan S; Prabu R; Deeban T;Vinay Kumar H S; Syed Ali M;Pradeep Kumar Mishra;Ranjithkumar P; Muthuraman P;Saravanakumar S; Mathan R;Sarvesh Kumar; Satheesh P;Saravanan D; Nitin Kumar; SafeerM; Mohammad Azharuddin; Jithin K;Sajaj E; Faizan Abdi

Absorbed from GET

Venkata Sri Harsha R; RachelMariam Oommen; Shreedhar K H;Ashwin A Shetty; Suhan Hegde;Krishnapriya Peddu; GautamSharma; Sathyanarayana Bhat V;Ashwani Thakur; Srirangapriya L;Amit Kumar Singh; Rawat AmitKeshar; Vinayak Vittal Shenoy;Subhanu Chakrabarti; ChallawalaMansur Firozbhai; AraniMukhopadhyay; Akash Mishra;Shashank Kumar Singh; BikramKumar Verma; Senthilkumar D;Sivaprakash G; Manvendra; Jegan VK; Satish Kumar J; Nandan Kumar;Bhakare Utkarsh Sudhir; MuhammedSanooj V; Mayakuntla Abhishek;Amjaz Kan; Antony JobKannampally; Harpreet Bawa;Gunturkar Ajit Arunrao; AbhijithMathew; Srivatsa S

Absorbed from PGET

Ragupathi P; Rajeshkumar A R;Rupendhiran V; Jasmine T S;Prabhakar G; Udayakumar K;Jagadeesan B

July - September 2011


Divisional Corporate


Ramakrishnan B, EVP - Finance &Accounts (Construction), CN-Head Qrs.Nishith Behari Saxena, Reg.TrainingManager (Constn. Skills), CSTI - DelhiVenkatramanan R, Deputy GeneralManager (Mech), CN-Head Qrs.Udit Kumar Shrivastava, DGM(Insurance), CN-Head Qrs.Balasubramanian G, Executive Asst. ToThe President Constn., CN-Head Qrs.Prasannaraj B, Manager (IndirectTaxes), CN-Head Qrs.Sivasankaran V, Manager (ISD), CN-Head Qrs.Dr R Manjunath, Sr.Medical Officer,CN-Head Qrs.Mayur M Chabbi, Manager (Mech),Bl-R OBhaskar Chatterjee, Economist,CN-HQ.Thiagarajan S, Manager (Systems),CN-Head Qrs.Ravikumar R, Manager-QA & QC,CN-Head Qrs.Balaji D, Manager (Systems),CN-Head Qrs.Amal Kumar Chakraborty, Manager(Accounts), DL-R ONarasimhan J, Manager-Pdd(Zone Ii), BL-R OPatil Tejrao Shyamrao, Instructor,MB-CSTI PanvelAkella V Suryaprakash, Asst.Manager(Materials), CN-Head Qrs.Padmanabhan CP, Project Leader,CN-Head Qrs.Asok Kumar K, Asst.Manager(Insurance), CN-Head Qrs.Sundaresan V, Asst.Manager(Administration), CN-Head Qrs.Suresh Babu CK, Asst. Manager(Administration), CN-Head Qrs.Balaji K, Project Leader, CN-Head Qrs.Uma Anand, Asst. Manager, CN-HQ.Esther Sandhiya D, Project Leader,CN-Head Qrs.Shyamala S, Project Leader, CN-HQ.

Deepa H, Project Leader, CN-HQ.Surendra S, Instructor, BL - CSTINithya L, Project Leader, CN-HQ.Yamini S, Asst. Manager (HR), CN-HQ.Tanmoy Saikia, Asst. Manager (HR),DL-R OAgnes Sugirtha V, Project Leader,CN-Head Qrs.Madana Gopal T K, Project Leader,CN-Head Qrs.Ragavendra R, Project Leader, CN-HQ.Venketesh R, Project Leader, CN-HQ.Syed Ibrahim T, Project Leader,CN-HQ.Boopathi L, Project Leader, CN-HQ.Sivaprasath D, Project Leader,CN-HQ.Neeraj Sharma, Asst. Manager(Indirect Taxes), DL-R ODhinaharan T, Project Leader,CN-Head Qrs.Ramesh P, Project Leader, CN-HQ.Priyanka Ghosh, Asst. Manager(Legal), Delhi Intl. AirportSeetha R Pradeep Boppudi, ProjectLeader, CN-Head Qrs.Padmakumar K, Executive(Accounts), CN-Head Qrs.Kumar Gaurav Thakur, Sr. Engineer(Mech), CN-Head Qrs.Ganesan G, Executive (Materials),CN-Head Qrs.Umang Bansal, Sr. Engineer (Mech),CN-Head Qrs.Bharathi AN, Sr. Engineer (Systems),CN-Head Qrs.Ramabathran R, Sr.System SupportEngineer, Hyderabad RegionRamkrishna, Sr. Engineer (Mech),CN-Head Qrs.Puran Singh, Executive (Administra-tion), DL-CSTI Mungeshpur, DelhiPranshu, Sr.Engineer (Civil), MumbaiRegionAnil Kumar Srivastawa, Executive(Administration), AB-ChacharwadiMain DepotSenthilkumar E, Engineer-Systems,CN-Head Qrs.

Vijayakumar V, Asst. ResearchOfficer, CN-Head Qrs.Rajesh S, Asst. Accounts Officer,CN-Head Qrs.Poonam Chaudhary Singh, Sr.Executive Secretary, DL-R OVijayalakshmi R, ExecutiveSecretary, CN-Head Qrs.Lohithakshan KR, General Foreman(Civil), MB-CSTI PanvelMurugan G, Purchase Assistant,CN-Head Qrs.Baswaraj G, Sr. Foreman (Civil),MB-CSTI PanvelBabu D, General Assistant, CN-HeadQrs.Sudhakar C, General Assistant,CN-Head Qrs.Mohammed Asif, Foreman (P&M),MB-PanvelGaddam Jayachandra, GeneralAssistant, MB-R OSridharan K, Foreman (Elec)-P&MCN-R OAbhiram Bhandari, Foreman (Mech),KK-KonaRajesh Kumar Tripathi,General Assistant, HY-R ODhamodaran M, Chargehand (P&M),CN-Maint.Workshop, KancheepuramSivasankaran Pillai S, StoresAssistant, BL-Soolivara QuarryVerghese Anthony PO, Time OfficeAssistant, MB-R ODevarajan RS, Instructor, BL - CSTIKalaimani K, Crane Operator, MainStore, KancheepuramSurendra Palai, Chargehand(Barbending), AB-CSTI, AhmedabadPrabhu Udaykumar Janardhan,Chargehand (P&M), MB- PanvelTraining CentreKarthikeyan A, Office Assistant, CN-Head Qrs.Ramesh M, Driver, CN-Head Qrs.Robert Kennedy I, Driver, CN-R OMurugesh P, Driver, CN-Head Qrs.

Prashanth HK, I.R.Assistant, BL -Devanahalli QuarryPrabakaran D, Mechanic, CN-Maint.Workshop, Kancheepuram

New Joiners

Mr. Naresh Gupta – Principal, CSTI,DL RO

Trainee Absorption

Hari Krishnan G, Finance,Accounts & Admn., CN-Head Qrs.

Karthick SP, Finance, Accounts &Admn., CN-Head Qrs.

Manikandan P, Finance, Accounts &Admn., CN-Head Qrs.

Prabu M, Finance, Accounts &Admn., Chennai Region

Periaraja S, Finance, Accounts &Admn., CN-Head Qrs.

Sree Varna P M, Legal Department,CN-Head Qrs.Pranshu, Material Dept.,Mumbai RegionRamkrishna, Spl. Projects & Constn.Methods, CN-Head Qrs.Umang Bansal, Spl. Projects &Constn. Methods, CN-Head Qrs.Kumar Gaurav Thakur, Plant &Machinery, CN-Head Qrs.Shanthaneswari S, I.S.D,CN-Head Qrs.Praveenkumar K, I.S.D,CN-Head Qrs.Chandy Joseph C J, I.S.D,CN-Head Qrs.Sujith Kumar Reddy G, I.S.D,CN-Head Qrs.


Mr. K.P. Raghavan – EVP & Head,Divisional Corporate Centre


New Joiners

Arup Kumar Debnath,Asst. Engineering Manager (Geotech),CN-EDRC, Head Qrts.Srinibas Sahoo, Asst. ConstructionManager (Mech), Mumbai RegionAmit Grover, Asst. Manager (P&M),2x700 Mw Rajpura Thermal PowerManmohan Singh, Asst. Manager(Mech), 2x700 Mw Rajpura ThermalPower

Rangesh Pandey, Asst. Manager(P&M), Civil Work, NDCT,Talwandi SaboPiyush Agarwal, Asst. Manager(Accounts), AB-HCP, BarodaNarla Siva Prasad,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil),Hy-Vemagiri Power Project

New ResponsibilitiesVellai Pandi P , Head-Materials &Supply Chain Management,CN-Head Qrs.

Manjit Singh, Head - Plant &Machinery (HCP), CN-Head Qrs.Saravanan P, Head-Productivity(HCP Operations), CN-Head Qrs.

Promotions(M1-A & above)

Bokil C S, Chief Executive - L&TAtco Saudia LLCAshok Kumar GV,

Head - Engineering (TPPC)Jeyachandran R,Segment Head - Mechanical ProjectsAshok Kumar Mishra,Joint General ManagerChittaranjan Sahoo,DGM-Operations (Pipelines)Vellai Pandi P, Head-Materials &Supply Chain ManagementPradeep Kumar CG, Project ManagerMeenakshi Sundaram M, ChiefExecutive-L&T Electromech LLC,Oman

July - September 2011


Amit Biswas, Deputy General Manager(Civil)Sivasankaran P,Deputy General Manager-QA & QCSivasubramanian B,Deputy General Manager (Mech)Jitendra Singh,Deputy General Manager (Mech)Deboja Kanto Chakrobarty,Project ManagerKrishnamoorthi R, Projects ManagerShrikant Jagdish Keole,Deputy General Manager (Civil)Balasubramanian N, RegionalOperations Head - East (TPPC)Samudraman Bandopadhyay,Deputy General Manager (Mech)Saravanan M,Deputy General Manager (Mech)Madhusudhana MG,Deputy General Manager (Civil)Vinaykumar Singh,Deputy General Manager (Mech)Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay,Manager (Mech)Saravanan M,Construction Manager (Civil)Chandra Mohan Reddy K,Engineering Manager (Civil)Kishor Kumar Jha, Manager (Mech)Vasudevan M K, AGM-personnelYamini Kanta Tripathy, Manager (Mech)Bana Krishna Sen,Construction Manager (Mech)Ramesh G,Construction Manager (Civil)Ramachandra Venkataraman Hegde,Manager (P&M)Sharma R B,Construction Manager (Mech)Gnanasekaran V,Construction Manager (Mech)Ajaykumar KC,Construction Manager (Mech)Kalyana Sundaram VN,Manager (Materials)Balmiki Maharana,Construction Manager (Mech)Saravanan P,Construction Manager (Mech)

Shah Manishkumar Ratilal,Construction Manager (Civil)Dilip Kumar Upadhyay,Construction Manager (Mech)Gyana Ranjan Rout,Construction Manager (Mech)Sankuvarna Perumal S,Construction Manager (Mech)Tapas Bhattacharya,Construction Manager (Civil)Arijit Maitra,Construction Manager (Civil)Manoj Batra,Construction Manager (Mech)Venkataramaraju L,Manager (Mech)- QA/QCAnjaneyulu Boddeti,Construction Manager (Mech)Narayanan Kutty KG,Manager (Accounts)Rajendra Sharma, Manager (P&M)Sekar S, Manager (Accounts)Thanappa Pillai M, Manager (Accounts)Karthikeyan T, Manager (Mech)Suresh Kumar SS,Construction Manager (Mech)Arnab Kumar Bhattacharya,Engineering Manager (Civil)Purushottam Purohit,Construction Manager (Mech)Dipankar Dey,Construction Manager (Mech)Krishna Kumar,Manager (Civil)-QA/QCSubhrajit Sarkar,Manager (Industrial Relations)

Debashis Bandyopadhyay,Construction Manager (Civil)Rajeev Upadhyay,Construction Manager (Mech)Ramesh Kv, Manager (Stores)Kodmalwar Vaibhao Prakashrao,Construction Manager (Mech)Nawaghare Narendra Vitthal,Construction Manager (Civil)Paravathaneni Ashok,Construction Manager (Mech)Patil Hanamantrao Abasaheb,Construction Manager (Civil)Surya Prakash Upadhyay,Construction Manager (Mech)Sreekumar S,Construction Manager (Mech)Amit Saraswat, Asst. Manager (Mech)Vasanthan S,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech)Diana Prasathini Sangeetha,Asst. Engineering Manager (Civil)Nashikkar Swapnil Rajendra,Asst. Manager (Civil)Amajit De, Asst. Manager (Mech)Narendra Utam Kumar B,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil)Balakumar S,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech)Dinesh Kumar A,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech)Gunda Shambaiah,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech)Jayant Kumar, Asst. Manager (Stores)Markanday Giri,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech)Pradip Jagdale,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech)Sardeshmukh Rahul Manoharrao,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil)Satish Kumar Reddy T,Asst. Manager (Civil)Anuj Kumar Pandey,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech)Deepak Bahl,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil)Govekar Dinesh,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech)Manoj Parashar,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil)Raut Prashant Sharad,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech)Sawale Santosh Apparao,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil)Ankappa TD,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech)

Ashoka CK, Asst. Manager (Stores)Binu George,Asst. Manager (Mech)-QA & QCDamodhar Prabhu,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech)Ilangovan K, Asst. Manager (Stores)Kevati Brundavana Rao,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech)Maganani Rajesh Thavardas,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech)Mohan SV, Asst. Construction Manager(Civil)Ravi Pandey,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech)Suresh L,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil)Veeraiyan D,Asst. Construction Manager (Civil)Abu Rehan Abbasi,Asst. Manager (Mech)Vijayan M,Asst. Manager (Administration)Antony Charli L,Asst. Construction Manager (Mech)


Ahin Ghosh, Manager (Accounts),NR-NFL PanipatPathak K M, Manager (HSE),APL - Mundra Phase 4Vittala Upadhyaya K,Manager (Mech), WRO-AGPF-ONGC, Hazira, SuratRamamurthy N, Projects Manager,IG-L&T Electromech LlC, Oman

Absorbed from GET

Ravi Teja Thota; Nirmal; BivakarPaul; Saurabh Varshney; PingaliMahesh Sai Kumar; Dilbag Singh;Anil Kumar Adepu; Singh RajatKamleshwar Prasad; Gayatri SinghKM; Fayas VA; Sweta Sri Bala K;Lohar Sonal Anand; RahulRayaprolu; Patne Niraj Ganeshrao;Santosh Kumar Prusty S; KartikayGupta; Piyush Bansal; ChaudhariJatin Mahendrabhai; Ravi Beriwala;Bhavanasi D Suryaprakash; AjaySapehia; Rajdeep Borthakur; RaviTeja Yerramsetty; Swaminathan S;Girethara Prasath R N; AhamedFaizal K; Satheeshkumar P;Kutralingam K; Dwaipayan GopalKarmakar

July - September 2011

Student Achievers

Ms. Rajlakshmi Dey D/oMr. Biswajit Dey, EHS In-Charge,Dhamra Port Project – MMH IC,studying in Standard 3 at CarmelSchool, Bhadrak, Orissa, hassecured 3rd place in the All IndiaCamel Colour Contest – 2010(national level).

Ms. K. SoundaryaD/o Mr. C. Karthick, Manager,BMH BU, HQ-Chennai, studying inNSN MHSS, Chennai, secured thefirst prize for web designing in theAvalanche Inter School CulturalCompetition.


Bisen Tekchand Yadorao,Sr. Engineer (Civil),

AB-Hew, Hazirapassed away on

July 21, 2011

Chandrasekaran N,Cluster Accounts & Admn.

Manager, Chennai Region passedaway on

August 25, 2011

Our condolences to each of the bereaved families of thefollowing staff members:

Ravindrababu M,Asst. ConstructionManager (Mech),

Hy-Bhilai-Sinter Plantpassed away on

July 6, 2011


Mr. N.R . Jayaprakash, Manager(Accounts), CN-Head Qrs, receives his25-years long-service award fromMr. K.V. Rangaswami, Advisor to Chairman

Ms. Geetha Niranjan, Project Leader, CN-Head Qrs, receives her 25-years long-serviceaward from Mr. K.V. Rangaswami

Mr. V. Sivasankaran, Manager (ISD), CN-Head Qrs, receives his 20-years long-serviceaward from Mr. K.V. Rangaswami

Mr. B. Pichaimurthy, Manager (Purchase),CN-Head Qrs, receives his 20-years long-service award from Mr. K.V. Rangaswami

Mr. R. Ravikumar, Manager (QA & QC),CN-Head Qrs, receives his 20-years long-service award from Mr. K.V. Rangaswami

Mr. C. Sidharthan, Manager (QA & QC),CN-Head Qrs, receives his 20-years long-service award from Mr. K.V. Rangaswami

Mr. N. Chandrasekaran, Manager (Civil)- QC, CN-Head Qrs, receives his 20-yearslong-service award from Mr. K.V. Rangaswami

Mr. Gunasekaran, Head-Resources (B&F),receives his 30-years long-service award fromMr. S.N.Subrahmanyan, Member of the Boardand Senior Executive Vice President(Construction) along with Mr. A.L. Sekar, VP& Head-RB&FSBG, B&F

Mr. Murugesan B, Head – Technology Centre(B&F), receives his 30-year long-service awardfrom Mr. S.N. Subrahmanyan

Mr. S. Venkatesh, Cluster Project Manager,Gurgaon Cluster & Project Head – DIAL,receives his 25-years long-service award fromMr. M.V. Satish, Vice President & Head-CB&A SBG, along with Mr. S.N.Subrahmanyan

Mr. Madhav P Deshpande, Cluster ProjectManager, Residential B&F SBG, MBCL,B&F receives his 25-years long-service awardfrom Mr. A.L. Sekar, Vice President & Head– RB&F SBG, along with Mr. S.N.Subrahmanyan

July - September 2011


Mr. Jayarajan AV, Assistant Manager -Administration, B&F receives his 20-yearslong-service award from Mr. S.N.Subrahmanyan

Mrs. Shyamala M, Assistant Manager –Administration, B&F receives her 20-yearslong-service award from Mr. S.N.Subrahmanyan along with Mr. A.L. Sekarand Mr. M.V. Satish

Mr. Narinder Kumar Puri, Segment Head– Light & Heavy Factories, B&F receives his25-years long-service award from Mr. K.Sreekumar, Head – Factories BU, B&F, alongwith Mr. S.N. Subrahmanyan, Mr. A.L. Sekarand Mr. M.V. Satish

Mr. Sukumar Hebbar, Segment Head –Health, B&F receives his 20-years long-serviceaward from Mr. S.N. Subrahmanyan alongwith Mr. M.V. Satish, Mr. G.R. Ranganath,Head – Health & Leisure BU, B&F.

Mr. P.K. Vishwambaran, Head – P&M(B&F), receives his 25-years long-serviceaward from Mr. M.V. Satish, Vice President& Head- CB&ASBG

Mr. Ramakrishnan B, Manager - Accounts(B&F), receives his 25-years long-serviceaward from Mr. Moorthy V, Cluster ProjectManager (Ellite-II, Mumbai), MBCL, B&F

Mr. Jayanna B., Tower Crane Operator –P&M (B&F), receives his 25-years long-service award from Mr. Madhav P. Deshpande,Cluster Project Manager (Ellite-I, AffordableHousing, Factories), MBCL, B&F

Mr. Mohan Achary E.A., Sr. Supervisor-Civil(B&F), receives his 25-years long-serviceaward from Mr. Niranjan Simha, ProjectDirector, MIAL, B&F

Mr. Meharban Singh Bisht, ConstructionManager – Civil (B&F), receives his 20-yearslong-service award from Mr. Niranjan Simha

Mr. Santosh Kumar Jha, Manager - Systems(B&F), receives his 20-years long-serviceaward from Mr. Niranjan Simha

Mr. P. Chandra Mohan, Head- Resources& SCM – MMH IC, Head Quartersreceives his 30-years long-service award fromMr. D.R. Ray – EVP & Head – MMH IC

Mr. Swapna Moy Banerjee, Manager(Accounts), KK-SWD-IOCL, Paradip receiveshis 30-years long-service award from Mr. T.Azhaguvel, Cluster Head (MMH IC),Kolkata

July - September 2011


Ms. Manisha Das, Asst. Manager(Administration), KK-EDRC, Kolkata(M&M) receives her 20-years long-serviceaward from Mr. Derek Michael Shah

Mr. Tapas Kumar Chatterjee, EngineeringManager (Civil), KK-EDRC, Kolkata(M&M) receives his 20-years long-serviceaward from Mr. Derek Michael Shah, VP &Head – M&M SBG

Mr. Elias Misquith, Manager (IndustrialRelations), KK-Utkal Alumina – M&M,receives his 25-years long-service award fromMr. T. Azhaguvel

Mr. Sudarsan Basu, General Foreman(Mech), KK-BSL Phase II, BOF receives his25-years long-service award fromMr. T. Azhaguvel

Mr. A.K. Sinha, General Foreman (Civil),KK-BSL-RHMS-2, receives his 25-years long-service award from Mr. T. Azhaguvel

Mr. M. Adhikary, Manager – Q.A & Q.C,KK R O, receives his 25-years long-serviceaward from Mr. T. Azhaguvel

Mr. Tapan Bhattacharya, ConstructionManager (Civil), KK-CWP Chapra receiveshis 25-years long-service award from Mr. T.Azhaguvel

Mr. Subrata Banerjee, Asst. Manager(Stores), KK-SWD-IOCL, Paradip receives his25-years long-service award from Mr. T.Azhaguvel, Cluster Head (MMH IC)

Mr. Sabyasachi Nandy, Project Manager,JM-Tata Steel, Jamshedpur receives his25-years long-service award from Mr. KumarVikram, VP & Head – BMH BU

Mr. Anupam Kumar, Head-Ferrous BU,M&M SBG, Kolkata receives his 20-yearslong-service award from Mr. D.R. Ray – EVP& Head – MMH IC

Mr. S.K. Vidyarthi, Engineering Manager,CN-EDRC, Head Quarters receives his20-years long-service award from Mr. D.R.Ray

Mr. D. Ravikumar, Manager (Mech), EWL-Kancheepuram receives his 20-years long-service award from Mr. D.R. Ray

July - September 2011


Mr. Bhanu Pratap Singh, Project Manager,JM-CAPL, Jamshedpur receives his 20-yearslong-service award from Mr. R. Chandra-sekaran, Head – Steel & Mines Segment,BMH BU

Mr. M. Padmanabhan, D’Man (Elec.), JM-TATA Steel, Jamshedpur, receives his 20-yearslong-service award from Mr. G.V. Narasimha,Head-Substation BU

Mr. K. Basappa, DGM-Quarry, M-RC-Ariyalur-Valadi 2nd Railway Line, receiveshis 25-years long-service award fromMr. S. Rajavel

Mr. M.Z. Ansari, General Foreman (Civil),M-RC-Ariyalur-Valadi 2nd Railway Line,receives his 25-years long-service award fromMr. S. Rajavel

Mr. Sasikumar Raghavan Nair, ProjectManager, CN-NPCIL, Kudamkulam, receiveshis 30-years long-service award fromMr. S. Rajavel, EVP & Head-PT&D(Domestic)

Mr. C. Selvarajan, Executive Secretary,receives his 20-years long-service award fromMr. M.R. Shanker

Mr. Sudarsan Pramanik, Asst. Manager(Accounts) receives his 20-years long-serviceaward from Mr. A. Radharaman, VicePresident & Head – HCP (Process PlantConstruction)

Mr. Ansari MM, Foreman (P&M) receiveshis 25-years long-service award fromMr. Rajeev Kumar, Regional OperationsHead-West

Mr. Kannan Kumar, Manager (Mech),receives his 20-years long-service award fromMr. M.R. Shanker

Mr. Vadi Raj Rao, Construction Manager(Mech) receives his 25-years long-service awardfrom Mr. D.V. Ramana Rao, Vice President& Head – TPPC

Mr. Sugathan K.B., Deputy GeneralManager (Civil) receives his 25-years long-service award from Mr. Rajeev Kumar,Regional Operations Head-West

Mr. Segar S, Construction Manager, receiveshis 25-years long-service award fromMr. M.R. Shanker, Executive Vice President– HCP (Domestic)

July - September 2011

“A marvellous facility that conveys the history and spirit of

L&T.” – Prof. R. Nagarajan and Mr. Suresh, Office of Alumni

Affairs, IIT Madras on July 14, 2011.

“Nice corporate office. Very good presentation of work done.”

– Mr. Gupta, Chief Engineer, Metro Railway, Kolkata on

July 2, 2011.

“It was a wonderful insight of a truly world class company.

Proud to be an Indian.” – Shri. Shibu Baby John, Hon’ble

Minister for Labour & Rehabilitation, Govt of Kerala,

Shri. K. Biju, IAS, Director of Employment & Training and

Shri G.L. Muraleedharan, Joint Labour Commissioner and

Managing Director, ODEPC on July 23, 2011.

“Lovely collection of past with rich history of the company.”

– Mr. H.P. Singh and team from M/s. Intel on July 27, 2011.

“This is the right institution that can take up projects in

South Sudan, I am impressed and excited.” – Hon. Minister

Michael Makuei Lueth, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs,

Republic of South Sudan on September 28, 2011.

“Impressed by L&T’s activities and projects done worldwide.”

– Mr. U. Ackermann, Managing Director, Foreign Trade

Division and Mr. Rajesh Nath, Managing Director,

M/s. German Engineering Federation (VDMA), Indian Office

on September 9, 2011.