MQ: Insects

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Karnataka Quiz Association

MetaQuizziks Meetings

Topic: Insects

Karnataka Quiz Association

These insects use camouflage to fool their predators, even going so far at to sway in the wind so as to maintain their disguise. The species in the picture was named Phobaeticus chani after Datuk Chan Chew Lun, the amateur naturalist who discovered it in 1989.What name are they commonly known by?


Karnataka Quiz Association

And the answer is ….

Karnataka Quiz Association

Borneo walking stick

Karnataka Quiz Association

Oh, de ___ ____,Come from Mexico, dey say,Come all de way to Texas,Jus' a-lookin' foh a place to stay,Jus' a-lookin' foh a home,Jus' a-lookin' foh a home.

De first time I seen de ____ ____,He was a-settin' on de square.De next time I seen de ____ ____,He had all of his family dere.Jus' a lookin' foh a home,Jus' a-lookia' foh a home.

Fill and connect.


Karnataka Quiz Association

And the answer is ….

Karnataka Quiz Association

Boll Weevil. On the left is the vandalized monument to the Boll Weevil in Enterprise, Alabama.

Karnataka Quiz Association

This species uses what can be called as a “two pass algorithm”. A particular hair needs to be accessed twice for the “action” to take place.

This requirement for redundancy is in order to not waste energy in “taking action” against useless objects

It is the rapid movement of the hair and lobes that allows for the “action” to take place

What species am I talking about and what is the action?


Karnataka Quiz Association

And the answer is ….

Karnataka Quiz Association

The Venus Fly Trap

Karnataka Quiz Association

This ant was discovered in Madagascar. Its bizarrely-shaped abdomen is an adaptation for hunting down obscure spider eggs. It is named after a tool which helped scientists discover it? What?


Karnataka Quiz Association

And the answer is ….

Karnataka Quiz Association

Google. They used Google Earth to discover it.

Karnataka Quiz Association

• Charles Woodworth, the founder of the Entomology department at UC Berkeley is said to have bred them in large quantities and suggested a possible use to his friend W.E. Castle.

• What precedence did Woodworth thus set?


Karnataka Quiz Association

And the answer is ….

Karnataka Quiz Association

Drosophilia or fruit fly, used in genetics

Karnataka Quiz Association

Connect 6

Karnataka Quiz Association

And the answer is ….

Karnataka Quiz Association

Lady Bird. On the right is “Lady Bird” Johnson

Karnataka Quiz Association

Connect Kaggalipura village on Kanakapura Road, with a chemical reaction involving the enzyme luciferase, magnesium ions, adenosene triphosphate and oxygen.


Karnataka Quiz Association

And the answer is ….

Karnataka Quiz Association


Karnataka Quiz Association


Karnataka Quiz Association

And the answer is ….

Karnataka Quiz Association

Predicta Moth - Darwin predicted the existence of the moth. The Star of Bethlehem Orchid boasts a nectar well that often reaches about 12” in depth, too deep for the average moth or bee to reach the nectar and therefore unlikely to attract the insect assistance the orchid needs to pollinate. Darwin suggested that some species of insect existed on Madagascar with a physical attribute--possibly a retractable proboscis--that allowed it to tap the orchid's nectar well. When the moth was discovered decades later, it was found to have a coiled proboscis that, when unfurled, measured 10 to 12 inches. Darwin also correctly predicted that the insect would be nocturnal, as the star orchid only released its fragrance at night.

Karnataka Quiz Association

What is blanked out? 9

Karnataka Quiz Association

Karnataka Quiz Association

And the answer is ….

Karnataka Quiz Association

Honey-pot ants drink nectar and hang upside down in the nest and act as mobile larders.

Karnataka Quiz Association

The obelisk posture is a handstand-like position that dragonflies and damselflies assume on certain days. What is the purpose?


Karnataka Quiz Association

And the answer is ….

Karnataka Quiz Association

To minimize exposure to the sun and avoid over-heating

Karnataka Quiz Association

A form of biotherapy. Explain. 11

Karnataka Quiz Association

And the answer is ….

Karnataka Quiz Association

A wound being cleaned by maggots

Karnataka Quiz Association

At least 109 people died of a disease in Ningbo, south of Shanghai, in 1940, after Japanese war planes dumped certain insects over the city center.

The three Chapekar brothers in 1897 shot and killed W. C. Rand, an Indian Civil Services officer who headed a special committee setup in Pune.



Karnataka Quiz Association

And the answer is ….

Karnataka Quiz Association

Bubonic plague