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Physics Form 4

Transcript of MozacTutorial-3-3

PowerPoint Presentation

TUTORIAL 3.3GAS & ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE1.Gas pressure exits becausemoleculesmove randomly and freely move at the same velocitycollide with one another inthe gasA.B.C.elastic collisionsand with the walls of the container incollides with the wall of the containerproduces change of momentumD.D2. Which one of the following pairs ofmeasuring instruments to measure gaspressure is true?A.B.C.D.Bourdon gauge and manometerManometer andFortins barometerBourdon gauge and Fortin barometerFortins barometer Fortin and AneroidbarometerA3. The figure shows a manometer used todetermine pressure in a gas tank. Whichcomparison is correct about pressure in the gastank with the atmospheric pressure?(2004)APressure in the gas tank is equal to theatmospheric pressurePressure in the gas tank is greater thanBtheatmosphericPressure inatmosphericpressurethe gas tank is less than thepressureCB4. The figure shows a manometer is connectedto a gas supply.If the atmospheric pressureis 76 cm Hggas.determinethepressureoftheABCD304676cmcmcmHgHgHg106 cm HgD5. We do not experience the atmosphericpressure at sea level becauseA.B.the atmospheric is very lightthe density of atmospheric is less thandensity of our bodythe force exerted by the atmospheric pressure is zerothe pressure of our body equal to theatmospheric pressuretheC.D.D6. The figures show a simple mercurybarometer. Which one shows the height, h, tobe measure to find atmospheric pressure?B7. The figure shows a mercury barometer.What happen to thetube is tilted ?decreases increasesremains unchangedheightofhiftheglassABCC8. Normally mercury is usedbecause it isinabarometerAB C Dexpands uniformlyhas a higher densityhas a higher boiling point does not stick to the glasstubeB9. The figure shows a suction pump beingpressed against a smooth wall. The pumpsticks to the wall when released. The pumpsticks to the wall becausethe atmospheric pressure pressure inside the pump the atmospheric pressurepressure inside the pumpthe atmospheric pressure pressure inside the pump. (2005)Aisequal to theBisless than theCismore than theC10. A suction pump is pulled upwards toremove dirt from a blocked sink pipe.Whichdiagram shows the pressures correctly?(2008)A11. The figure shows a mercury barometerWhat is the pressure at point X?[ The]atmospheric0 cm Hg65 cm Hg75cm Hg85 cm Hg100 cm Hgpressure=75cmHgAB C DED12. The figure showsamercury barometer.If the vacuum space in the tube is filledwith gas X , what is the pressureof gas X?[ The atmospheric0 cm Hgpressure=75cmHg]AB C DE20557595cmcm cmcmHgHgHgHgC13.Diagram below shows a simple barometer.The difference in height of the two mercurylevels is h.What happensto the value ofhwhen mercury(2007)isaddedtothecontainer?A.B. C.IncreasesDecreasesNo changeC14. Which of the following situations onlyoccurs due to atmospheric pressure? (2007)A15. Diagram 10 shows a manometer connectedto a balloon.the balloon?gravitationalpressure)What is the pressure, PB, inside( = density of mercury,g =acceleration,Patm=atmosphericA.B.C.PB= hgPB =PB =PatmPatm hg+hgC(b)Name the space P.17.Thefigu reshows anarrangement of apparatusis used to determine theatmospheric pressure in alaboratory. The length ofthe glass tube is 100 cmand the atmosphericpressure in the lab is 75cm Hg.(a) Name the apparatus asshownin the figure.Fortin / Mercury Barometer(b) Name the space P.Vacuum(c)(i) What is the value of h?(ii) Give one reason why dont the mercury column drops until it reaches the level of the mercury in the dish?Support by the atmospheric pressure(d)Determine the pressureinunits cm Hg at point75 cm Hg(i)(ii)JK75cm75 + 15 = 90 cm Hg18What will happen to the value of h if(i)the tube is raised through a height10 cmNo change(ii) the tube is lowered through adepth of 5 cmNo change50(ii) the glass tube is inclined aboutfrom the vertical line.No change(iv)the surroundingtemperatureincreases.Increase(v) the apparatus is placed on thetop of amountain.decreases(vi) the space P in the tube is filleddecreasewith the little of water.(a) Why does the pressure in aplane cabinwhich fly at a high altitude must bemaintained at the atmospheric pressure atthe sea level?The pressure in the place cabin must equalto the pressure inside the passengers bodywhich is equal to atmospheric prssure at thesea level.(b)What will happen if one of the plane windscreen broke suddenly?Explain your answer.Everything inside the plane cabinwill go out.The pressure inside thecabin is higher than the pressureoutside.