Moving up transition document draft march 6

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Transcript of Moving up transition document draft march 6

Moving On Up


Prepared byThe Transition Subcommittee

Of theGood Spirit School Division, Sunrise Health Region, Christ the Teacher Catholic School Division, KidsFirst

Yorkton, Families First Kamsack, Parkland Early Childhood Intervention Program

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ..............................................................................2

About Moving on Up ...............................................................................................3

Transition to Kindergarten for Young Children with Special Needs.........................5

Getting Started.........................................................................................................6

Before You Begin......................................................................................................7

Parent Pages.......................................................................................................8-11

Guidelines to Transition Planning.....................................................................12-13

Transition Checklist................................................................................................14

Countdown to Kindergarten...................................................................................15



April ..................................................................................................................20

May ..................................................................................................................21

June .............................................................................................................21-22

Planning for September ...................................................................................23

October ............................................................................................................24

Getting Involved ................................................................................................... 25

Sample Letter by a Parent to Classroom............................................................... 26

Appendices: A. Cecilia’s Kindergarten Transition PlanB. School Activities to Prepare Children for KindergartenC. Frequently asked Questions From ParentsD. Your Resource NetworkE. Check In for Parents: Tips to Make the Start of School Less StressfulF. Moving on Up Resources and Links For Parents


Christ the


ABOUT Moving On UpMoving On Up is a booklet on transition for young children with special needs. We developed this workbook to help families prepare

for life events and educational changes that happen as their young child gets older. Moving On Up focuses on the transition a child will make into kindergarten. When children enter kindergarten, families play a vital role in making sure their child is successful. This is your workbook to assist you in making the transition

from preschool to school.

“Remember you are the parent, you know your child best.”

We have included checklists, fact sheets and resources. In getting ready for the move to kindergarten, we hope parents will use this booklet as a planning tool. Use it as a guide for your child’s entry into school.

The transition checklist works both as an overview of this process and as a record of your school personnel contacts. This workbook is really the first step in your advocacy for your child. Your child’s transition into the school system will follow a definite timeline, so the rest of the workbook is divided into months, each with an appropriate question from the checklist. There is a month-by-month outline of what actions you could be taking as the school division learns about your child. Worksheets are included to help you prepare for meetings and to document their outcomes.

Note: This timeline is meant only as a guide and can be adjusted to fit the particular circumstances and timelines of your community and school division.

As you are going through this transition process remember you are a member of a larger team that could include an Early Childhood Interventionist, therapists, childcare providers, preschool teachers or other professionals. Use these other team members as a resource at any stage along the way.


Moving On Up was created by the following members:

Subcommittee for Transition to Kindergarten: Sunrise Child and Youth and Children’s Therapy Programs Parkland Early Childhood Intervention Program Good Spirit School Division Christ The Teacher Catholic School Division KidsFirst Program - Yorkton Families First Program - Kamsack

For information on ordering more copies please contact:

Good Spirit School Division63 King Street EastYorkton, Sask. S3N 0T7Phone: (306) 786-5500Fax: (306) 783-0355

Christ The Teacher Catholic School Division45A Palliser Way Yorkton, Sask. S3N 4C5Phone: (306) 783-8787Fax: (306) 783-4992




INTRODUCTIONCommon sense and experience tell us how important it is for children to feel at ease and happy on their first day of kindergarten. Entering kindergarten will be a new experience and may require adjustments on your child’s part.

Your child with special needs may also need more time to settle into the routines of school. You may also need time to adjust to your child’s move from preschool to kindergarten. You may experience a range of emotions when your child enters through the school doors for the first time. You may have questions about special education and what kindergarten services will look like.

Transition planning will help you and your child navigate the move to kindergarten more easily and successfully. Effective transition planning requires teamwork among parents, educators and others. Working together, the team will pave the way for your child to feel welcome and capable in kindergarten.

Remember, getting there is the first step. Like your child, it will take you time to learn the ins and outs of elementary school.


GETTING STARTEDYour child is entering kindergarten!

Perhaps you’ve planned your young child’s transition from daycare to pre-kindergarten or preschool. As a result, you feel like you have a good idea about what to do and who will be involved in your child’s move to kindergarten. Maybe you are new to the idea of transition planning. You have many questions and want some guidance along the way. Whether you have experience or are a newcomer to transition planning, this workbook can help you organize and prepare for your child’s next step.

Transition planning is done as part of your child’s Personal Program Plan (PPP). You and the professionals who work with your child can use the PPP to identify the supports your child needs in preparing for kindergarten and once he or she is in school. Planning can help your child adjust to school faster and have more opportunities for learning and making friends. Teachers recommend starting the process up to a year before your child enters kindergarten.

Beginning early will give your child’s team more time to work on transition activities and make changes when things do not work out as planned. Follow up is important. A mid-year meeting of the PPP team is a good idea. You can review your child’s progress and any changes that need to be taken. On the following pages are questions to help you identify information you want the team to know about your son or daughter.

It’s time to get started!


BEFORE YOU BEGIN . . .Have you reflected upon your hopes and dreams for your child?

Throughout this transition into the school system, you will be asked to tell the story of your child many, many times. Hopefully, you will be asked to describe the goals that you have for your child. Your school-based team will want to know these goals to begin working with your child in the next few months.

You are the parent, and being a parent means that you already imagine your child’s future years beyond these transition meetings and kindergarten. More than day-to-day goals, your hopes and dreams are the heart of your advocacy. Don’t lose sight of them!

Take a few moments and reflect. As with many families, it is your hopes and dreams that will help keep you going through this and many other transitions to come.

“Parents need professionals. Professionals need parents.The children need us both.”Federation of Invisible Disabilities -Parent Reference and Resource


PARENT PAGEEach member of the team may have a different picture of your child’s strengths and needs. Because you know your child better than anyone else does, the information you share helps the team get a good handle on how to support your son or daughter in kindergarten.

This activity can help you focus on the information that you feel is most important to your child’s success in school. Bring your notes to a meeting and give copies to members of the PPP team.

What are your child’s interests?

What does your child do best?

How does your child learn best?

What are your goals, hopes and dreams for your child in kindergarten?

Does your child need help with dressing, using the bathroom or other self-help skills?


How does your child express frustration or discomfort?

How does your child comfort him or herself?

What special health or medical needs does your child have?

Who will be supporting my child’s needs?

What are your child’s favorite foods and what foods won’t your child eat?

Does your child have any allergies, sensitivities, or safety concerns?

Other information you want to share with your child’s team:


PARENT PAGEThink about the information, activities, skills and individuals that will be important in planning your child’s move to school:

1. What information do I need and who should I contact about the transition planning process and kindergarten?

2. How will my child’s transition to kindergarten happen and who will be involved?

3. These are the skills I would like my child to learn in order to be successful in kindergarten academically and socially.

4. Here are some things the school could do to prepare for my child’s arrival.

5. What services and support will my child need to promote and support his or her education and placement in a regular kindergarten class?

6. Other comments


PARENT PAGEPhotos are a good way to introduce teachers and other new team members to your child.

Show your child at different ages, at play and spending time with your family.



Getting Ready to …………..….

Move on Up!Where to start and what to do are questions parents ask when confronted with the task of planning for their child’s transition to kindergarten. Your school and support team may have written procedures for transition planning which include activities and timelines for team members to follow. If your school doesn’t have a written plan, a good model to follow is the Saskatchewan Ministry document entitled “Creating Opportunities for Students with Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities”.

Good transition planning should:

1. Provide families with information, support and the opportunities to enable them to participate as equal partners in planning their child’s transition.Every opportunity should be provided to assist you in gaining the information you need to partner with educators in planning your child’s transition. Whether it is answering questions or describing kindergarten routines and services, educators play an important role in helping you feel like a welcome and respected part of the team and planning process. Meetings should be held at times and places that are convenient to you as well as the school team.

2. Be systematic, individualized, timely and occur in a collaborative way.Many individuals are invested in your child’s success in kindergarten. Through this process, you will work with preschool and kindergarten teachers, therapists, administrators, health professionals and others. The planning process should happen in an organized and timely way and activities should be carried out in a collaborative manner with everyone doing their part.


3. Provide children with opportunities to learn developmentally appropriate skills which promote their successful transition to kindergarten and regular education environments.To be successful in kindergarten, young children with special needs should learn skills that will enable them to fit in socially, communicate well, carry out tasks and take care of their needs. If your child needs extra help in any of these areas, he or she should have opportunities to gain skills before entering kindergarten. During the planning process, the team should discuss the skills your child needs to learn.

4. Prepare to successfully include and educate the child in kindergarten and elementary school.The role of the elementary school is to prepare for your child’s arrival in kindergarten. Preparation includes identifying steps to help your child with special needs be part of the regular kindergarten program, which may include adapting the classroom environment or teaching approaches. Your child may have to visit the kindergarten classroom more than once in order to feel comfortable in this new setting. The kindergarten teacher may need to observe your child in his or her preschool program.

5. Provide services to promote and support the child’s placement and education in kindergarten and elementary school.The support and services your child will need to be successful in kindergarten should become part of a Personal Program Plan or PPP. Any classroom supports or changes your child requires should be identified in the PPP as well. It will be important to keep track of how well your child is doing during the first few months of kindergarten and if necessary, to make changes to the PPP.


TRANSITION CHECKLISTTHROUGHOUT THE YEAR When your child is eligible for pre-kindergarten (age 3+) register with your

school principal.

JANUARY Sign a Release of Information Form in order to share records with the school

division. The Children’s Therapy Program Therapists will get updated consents to share

your name with the appropriate school division so that planning for Transition to Kindergarten meetings can occur.

MARCH Transition to Kindergarten meetings will start to be scheduled. Check with

your school’s principal.

APRIL Therapists currently involved with your child will be preparing to write the

reports about your child for you and the school division.

MAY to JUNE Kindergarten registration occurs. Check with your school division for the

dates. Transition to School Reports from your therapists and other information from

your team of service providers will be sent to the school divisions with your consent.

JUNE Have you and your child visited the kindergarten class?


SEPTEMBER Share information about your child to assist with the school’s PPP planning. Has your child’s PPP meeting been scheduled?




1. Have you visited the school, met the principal and the teacher? Have you observed the classroom?

When you meet the principal it is also important to:

Clearly state your child’s needs and what you feel your child may require for support in order to go to school.

This is another opportunity to outline your child’s interests, strengths and other positive attributes that you feel he/she will bring to the new school setting.

You can also ask the principal:

Ask for the name and number of the school’s contact for meetings.

What support services are available at the school? Schools offer different models of support services, including learning support and in class supports. This gives the principal a chance to share the school’s philosophy.

Will the current kindergarten teacher be the receiving teacher for September? If so, see if it is possible to meet with that teacher and observe the kindergarten classroom in the next few months.

This is a good time to ask for a tour of the school to identify any structural obstacles for your child such as stairs and washroom location.


2. This is when you sign a Release of Information form to share records with the school division.

At this time of the year the school division will receive information from the staff of the organization(s) entrusted with your child’s information, e.g., Early Intervention Program, Kids First, Families First, Children’s Therapy Program, preschool, daycare. This exchange helps school division personnel learn about the needs of the children who will be coming in September. It is through this process that they determine what resources will be required for their division, individual schools, and ultimately, specific children. These records provide the school division with documentation for your child’s needs. They will assist school personnel with meeting ministry requirements for developing education plans, also known as personal program plans (PPPs).

In order for any professional to share information with a school division, parents sign a Release of Information Form. In addition to giving your permission, this form outlines exactly what information, from verbal to written reports, is shared. A release form should be provided for any organization with staff on your child’s team.

All future reports/documents are kept in your child’s cumulative file at the school – you can have access to this file at your request (as per Freedom of Information Act).


MARCH1. Contact the school’s Student Support Teacher* for a transition meeting.

*(Student Support Teacher/Learning Support Teacher/Learning Resource Teacher = Learning for ALL!)*

2. Has your transition meeting been planned?

“School division staff and professionals are people too; let them get to know you.”

Check with your service providers if it has not occurred. You will be asked who from your team should be invited to this meeting. Having all your service providers and other supports present will help develop a well coordinated plan for transition to kindergarten.

Because you know your child best, a transition meeting should be organized so you can describe your child’s strengths and your education priorities to school team.

Current team members can then share with the receiving school’s team which learning strategies have helped your child to progress.

Teams members ask questions, voice concerns, and clarify what supports have been provided for your child. This transition meeting will be organized and/or chaired by your therapist, school division personnel, early childhood interventionist, or childcare provider. You can also share your written description of your child to help set the tone of the meeting. (Great place to share your Parent Pages from this book!)

Take the opportunity to ask the school team about the supports they will have to meet the needs of your child to ensure that the school is ready to receive your child. There is a list of sample questions for you to use on the next page.


SAMPLE QUESTIONS FOR TEAM MEETINGS:Please note: some of these questions might not be able to be answered until the fall, and not all questions are relevant for all children.

Some common questions parents have: What will the kindergarten day look like? What if my child is not toilet trained? What if my child still needs a nap? Is there extra support in the classroom (for example, student support teacher,

co-teacher, an assistant, therapist)? Who do I communicate with at the school (if child is ill, if his/her needs

change, if I have programming concerns etc.)? When will the kindergarten teacher be assigned? Will I be able to meet with the teacher before school starts? Will the teacher be able to observe my child in their childcare setting? What is the teacher’s personal philosophy around inclusion? How will the teacher prepare the rest of the class for my child’s special needs? Does the school have gradual entry in September? Who will train the school personnel to carry out procedures in my child’s

therapy care plan? (e.g. lifts and transfers) Is my child eligible for extra supports? What will that look like? Can I come into the school and be a part of my child’s classroom activities? Will my child receive therapy services through the school? How quickly will a therapist see my child? Will the therapists be welcome in the classroom to observe and consult? Where will direct therapy occur? How long? How often? When will the first Personal Program Plan (PPP) meeting be and who will

organize it? If I have a home-based team, are they involved and able to have input at the

meetings? How will home/school communication be set up? Will a communication book

be used? Will my child receive supervision at recess and lunch? Are the necessary toileting and diapering facilities available for my child?


How will my child’s progress be monitored? What experience has the school staff had with including other children who

require extra supports? Who do I talk to if I have concerns about transporting my child to school?

Besides the transition meeting there are other ways that you can share information about your child with the new team:

Take all relevant reports to the teacher and the principal.

Loan professionally produced information videotapes about your child’s disability.

Invite the teacher and the educational assistant to your home before school starts in September so your child can be seen in his/her own setting.



1. During this time, the therapists currently involved with your child will be in the process of writing reports about your child for you and the school division.

A Transition to Kindergarten Summary Report will reach the school division in May. These summary reports often describe the child’s treatment, any current assessment results, your child’s current level of functioning, and recommendations for school support.

Prior to reports being released, therapists will review the contents of the reports with you. Often in these final reports, recommendations for school support will be outlined.

The report information and recommendations will be shared with school division personnel for consideration in their planning for your child. Keep a copy for yourself.

Create a binder to keep all information on your child in one place.

Assessments Discharge summary reports Personal Program Plans Report cards Correspondence Important names and contacts This booklet!

2. Your therapists from Health will start to plan therapist to therapist meetings for school division therapist to get to know your child. These may occur over the next several months.


MAYHave you registered your child at school?Even if you are undecided it is a good idea to register your child. Registering your child opens up the possibility of discussing and asking questions of the principal. When you register:The school division has a variety of options for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten. The school offers full day kindergarten which may be organized as 2 days one week, and 3 days the next week. Most kindergarten classrooms operate on either odd or even days of the 6 day cycle. In some cases full time kindergarten may be offered.

Check with your school principal to see what options are available for your child:

If you want your child in the same classroom with peers from your neighborhood or childcare setting, share this information with the principal.

School principals start organizing class lists in May or June and will sometimes wait until the fall to finalize the lists.

JUNE1. Have you and your child visited the kindergarten class?

Most schools have organized special days for parents and children to visit the kindergarten class. This is an opportunity for you and your child to meet the teacher, the children who will be in the class, and their parents. Your child will have a chance to become more familiar with the classroom and the school.

Individual visits for your child can also be arranged with the school, if familiarity with this new setting needs to be more established.

You may have questions and concerns about the school’s plans for September. The following pages offer some questions to help guide your initial discussions. You can also refer to the resources in appendix F for relevant websites and suggested helpful publications.

2. Making a plan for September


The school will want to begin to develop an appropriate educational plan for September to address your child’s needs. Depending upon the type or severity of those needs, this may involve a school-based team meeting to determine whether an individualized program will need to be established and to identify any resources required. Resources could include special materials, student support services, or educational assistant support.

3. Orientation Arrange with the school principal to drop by the school to let your child

become familiar with the school’s layout and the playground.

You can clarify with the principal and the school district staff if equipment and the modifications are either in place, or have been ordered, if necessary. (Depending on your child’s needs, it may also be possible to arrange for a private tour or some other way for the child to become oriented to the school and classroom.)

4. Although many decisions cannot be finalized until after school entry, here is a list of questions that schools may be able to answer beforehand: What are the procedures for deciding the support services my child will


Will my child require a personal program plan (PPP)?

When and how can I share information about my child? e.g., communication log(s)

Who will be responsible for coordinating my child’s program?

If the school division determines the need for an educational assistant, how will that person be selected?

Will assistance be available on the first day of school?

Can I come into the school in September and be involved in my child’s classroom activities?

How will I be notified of team meetings?



PLANNING FOR SEPTEMBER1. Prior to school beginning

There are many things that may have been identified at the transition meeting that team members felt were important to have in place for September. School division personnel are in the office by the end of August. This is the time for you to check where everyone is in his or her preparations for September and let the school know of any changes that occurred over the summer.

2. TransportationIf new transportation concerns arise over summer, check with your principal to see what transportation options (if any) are available, and to determine pick-up times.

3. Support team and documentationIf you have not heard from your child’s school student support teacher by September, you may want to give them a call and set up a team meeting. Check whether the school has received all the reports that you are willing to share about your child. September is the time for PPP planning and you can expect to be contacted to participate. This will involve sharing new information about your child and will build on the previous transition meeting.


OCTOBERHas your child’s Personal Program Plan (PPP) meeting been scheduled?A Personal Program Plan or PPP identifies how the school program will be adapted or modified to meet the specific learning needs of your child. PPPs also outline your child’s current level of performance and relevant goals in priority areas. Putting together a PPP is done in partnership with you and your child’s team. You should be included in the process and your involvement in planning is valued and required. The PPP is a working document that your child’s team will use throughout the school year to record program plans and regularly review your child’s current progress and defines relevant goals.

Discuss with the school principal and student support teacher whether your child requires a personal program plan.

Usually the PPP meeting is scheduled once the teacher is more acquainted with your child. This may occur in late September.

You can take the PPP plan home and look it over to ensure it is appropriate for your child.

See the Ministry of Education’s Guide to Personal Program Planning at: and access further information at



Have you decided how you and your child will be involved in school?

Going to school is much more than learning and acquiring academic skills. Going to school also means developing friendships for your child. Here are some useful suggestions from other parents.

1. Join the School Community Council (SCC). Contact the principal of your child’s school about the next SCC meeting.

2. Encourage your child to participate in extracurricular activities.

3. Write a letter to the parents of the children in your child’s classroom. Tell them about your child and let them know they can call or email you with questions. Websites are also a good way to get the right information out there.

4. Talk to all the staff at the school about your child. This helps the staff who do not work with your child this year get to know your child for the future.

5. Talk to the children in your child’s class. Possibly share a Social Story with the children in your child’s classroom. Ask them if they have any questions about your child. If your child has specialized equipment, talk about it. If you can, let the classmates try it out.

These suggestions sound like a lot of effort; however this communication will support not only the development of your child but will support a circle of care and friendship for your child. Remember you are the parent and this is for your child. Being in school will open up a whole new world to you and your child.



Here is a sample letter written by a parent to describe her child to parents of the other children in the classroom.

Dear Parents:

Our name is (Parent’s name) and we are writing this letter to introduce to you to our child (Child’s name), who is in your child’s class. (Child’s name) is 10 years old. He has a rare genetic disorder called Sanfilippo Syndrome Type A. (Child’s name) was born with this syndrome. There are many things that happen to (Child’s name), he is no longer able to talk, he is starting to have problems with walking, and many other things are happening to him.

(Child’s name) is a happy child, who loves to go to school, be around his friends, he goes shopping, and loves to swim. He does use a wheelchair part of the time, and does have an educational assistant with him. As his parents we hope that he gets as much out of school as your children do, and maybe your children can learn something new from our son. (Child’s name) has a lot of great things about him, and we hope that you and your child get to know (Child’s name) for who he really is.

If you have any questions please call us at 555-5555, or write us a note and pass it to (Child’s name) in his backpack on his wheelchair. If your child has questions, please be supportive and encourage the questions.


A Parent


APPENDIX ACECILIA’S KINDERGARTEN TRANSITION PLANHere’s an example of how one family planned their daughter’s transition from pre-kindergarten education to kindergarten. Cecilia, who has Down syndrome, was six years old at the time. Your child’s transition plan should be based on his or her unique needs and strengths.

January Develop transition team made up of

parents, preschool or Pre-K teacher, PECIP interventionist, Sunrise therapies personnel, kindergarten teacher, student support teacher, school therapists and principal

• Review progress made toward reaching current PPP goals and objectives.

February• Hold meeting to begin creating a

transition plan.• Cecilia will receive an intensive speech

session for 6 weeks to help prepare her for Kindergarten. They also discuss summer services and the need for classroom support.

March• Kindergarten teacher and the school’s

speech language pathologist observe Cecilia at preschool.

April• Kindergarten teacher, speech language

pathologist and the learning support teacher attend a conference on Down Syndrome to learn teaching strategies to use in kindergarten and the childcare setting.

May• Therapy Transition to Kindergarten

Summary Report sent to school division Kindergarten registration - Cecilia is


June• Team discusses how classroom supports

will be used.• Transportation is set up. Parent arranges “classroom” visit with


August• Cecilia attends two-week summer

program at elementary school.• Parent speaks to new teachers about

down syndrome.• Cecilia’s kindergarten program is


September• Cecilia attends Kindergarten. Team feels her program is working and

she is making progress.• Team pulls loose ends together and will

meet in October for first PPP-Personal Program Plan.



School divisions carry out a variety of activities to help children get ready for kindergarten. Here is a list of some things your school may be doing. You can discuss any of these activities with your team in planning for your child’s transition.

The kindergarten teacher visits the preschool or childcare center.

The school division may hold kindergarten screening.

The teacher makes home visits to new students if required.

The school holds an open house for kindergarten families.

The kindergarten teacher makes telephone calls to all kindergarten parents.

Parents and children visit the kindergarten classroom.

The school holds a day when kindergarten children attend school for part of the day.

Kindergarten students and their parents receive welcome notes.

A special kindergarten registration day is held.

Kindergarten students have a chance to practice riding on the bus.

Families receive an information packet about kindergarten.



You may have questions about special education when your child enters kindergarten. Because every school division’s procedures may be different, ask your team members to explain how special education will work in kindergarten. In most schools, for example, the principal, student services coordinator and student support teacher may attend PPP meetings and play a decision-making role. Although schools may use different methods, every school must follow guidelines from the SK Ministry of Education. Here are some questions parents frequently ask about special education.

If my child has a PPP, how do I register for kindergarten?Registration for kindergarten usually occurs in the spring. Talk to your child’s PPP manager to find out how registration is done in your school division or contact the elementary school.

How will my child’s therapy services be provided in kindergarten?Your child may receive therapy in the kindergarten class or in a therapy room. The PPP will describe how and where your child receives therapy services and will be tailored to your child’s individual needs. As a member of the PPP team, you can share your ideas about what will work best for your child.

Who will be my child’s PPP manager?The student support teacher will lead the team that manages your child’s PPP in collaboration with the classroom teacher and the student services professional service provider team.

Will my child be able to get summer services in kindergarten?To determine if your child needs extended school year services, the PPP team will review whether your child will lose skills over the summer that he or she will have difficulty relearning in a short time. They must also look at other areas, such as whether a summer program is needed to help your child reach goals, how your child’s disability affects progress toward goals and if there are areas of your child’s program that need ongoing attention. You can request a PPP meeting if


you believe your child will need summer services. It’s usually a good idea to start the discussion in January. The team will collaborate what services are available and how they can be accessed.

How can I make sure my child gets the accommodations he needs?The PPP should list the accommodations your child will receive in kindergarten. As a member of the team, you can request specific accommodations for your child. Other team members may have other recommendations. It is important to collaborate to develop the best plan for success.

Can I observe in my child’s classroom?Many schools welcome parents in the classroom to observe their child. Parents should speak to the principal to find out how to go about visiting their child’s kindergarten class. Some parents become classroom volunteers, which gives them many opportunities to observe their child, support various classroom activities, and develop positive relationships with school personnel.

How will communication happen between my child’s teacher, the PPP team and me?Good communication between parents and teachers is an important part of a successful kindergarten experience. Talk to members of your transition planning team about a process for home-school communication. You should be able to work something out with your child’s teacher and the PPP team that is mutually agreeable. Your child’s classroom teacher should be your first line of communication.

Who will make the decision regarding my child’s kindergarten class?Each school division has procedures for kindergarten class placement. If you believe your child needs a specific teacher; discuss your concerns with the school principal and the PPP team. The final decision rests with the principal.

How will the curriculum be adapted to meet my child’s needs and who is responsible?At a PPP meeting, the team will discuss any changes to the kindergarten curriculum your child may require. Kindergarten lessons will be adapted depending on your child’s educational and developmental needs. Your child’s


classroom teacher is responsible for adapting the kindergarten curriculum in collaboration with your child’s team.

How will the kindergarten teacher include my child in the classroom?Transition planning is the time to discuss how your child will be included in the classroom and school. The focus should also be supporting your child in achieving success in kindergarten.

What can I do to make sure the teacher understands my child’s medical condition and learning needs?Use the worksheet in this booklet to share written information with the school team. You can also ask your child’s current team to attend a PPP meeting. Establishing a communication routine with the kindergarten teacher will enable you to talk about your child’s needs on a regular basis.



One part of making the transition into the school system is saying good-bye to a team of professionals that have been a resource to you and your child. Another is introducing your child to a new team that will focus on your child’s education.

During these changes, you remain the constant in every part of your child’s life. It is during this time of change that you might consider those people who are a support and that you may want to call upon. Such a resource network could include family, friends, childcare providers, your pediatrician, former team members and of course new team members in the school.

Write their numbers down in this book so you have easy access to their contact information if you should need it. There is a form for you to use on the next page.


SCHOOL PHONE LISTSchool Division No. ________

Student Services Coordinator: _________________________________________Phone No.: _________________________________

School Name: ______________________________________________________Phone No.: _________________________________

Your child’s school-based support team:

Principal: __________________________________________________________

Student Support Teacher/Learning Support Teacher: _______________________

Kindergarten Teacher: ________________________________________________Educational Assistant: ________________________________________________

Other Resource Personnel:

Name: ____________________________________________________________

Phone: ____________________________________Role: _____________________________________________________________

Name: ____________________________________________________________

Phone: ____________________________________Role: _____________________________________________________________

Name: ____________________________________________________________

Phone: ____________________________________Role: _____________________________________________________________

Name: ____________________________________________________________

Phone: ____________________________________Role: _____________________________________________________________




It is our hope with Moving On Up that your child’s move into the school system will be enjoyable and smooth. However, although the start of a new school year can be one of great excitement…. it can also be scary sending your child off to school and dealing with new people and entrusting your child to their care. We know you do an excellent job of caring for your child, but it is also an important time to take care of yourself too! If you are having difficulty with keeping up with all that is changing and feel “stressed out”, don’t forget to follow the basics of:

eating right getting enough sleep use your supports exercise!

And don’t forget about important supports such as employee assistance programs or local Mental Health Services.



Saskatchewan Ministry of Education Resources:Various Student Support Services documents can be accessed at:

Creating Opportunities for Students with Intellectual or Multiple Disabilities link:,211,107,81,1,Documents&MediaID=1381&Filename=CreatingOpportunities.pdf

Personal Program Plans and Student Outcome Rubrics – A Living Document link:,211,107,81,1,Documents&MediaID=3809&Filename=Personal+Program+Plans+%26+Student+Outcome+Rubrics+June+2008.pdf

Caring and Respectful Schools – Ensuring Student Well-Being and Educational Success link:,211,107,81,1,Documents&MediaID=1370&Filename=Caring-Respectful-Schools.pdf

Children’s Services Policy Framework link:,211,107,81,1,Documents&MediaID=1371&Filename=CS-PolicyFramework.pdf

Good Spirit School Division’s Student Services Website:

Christ the Teacher Catholic School Division Website: